Planet Coaster - Ep. 1 - Building an Empire

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what's up guys and welcome to a brand new series on the channel this is planet coaster so we have a couple of different gameplay options here we have career mode which basically dumps you into a premade pre-built Park and you have to just sort of do Park management type of stuff we have sandbox mode which is essentially a blank slate and you have zero restrictions on your finances or researched items and stuff like that and then what I think we're gonna do today is challenge mode so a complete blank slate here but we do have to worry about our finances and we also don't have a ton of things researched so we're gonna have to put in some effort to get stuff rolling there so I think I'm gonna go with tropical I'm between tropical or maybe Alpine let's go tropical park name I guess we can leave it at challenge park that's not a huge deal so for the difficulty on easy we have eight grand starting cash we have a ton of items research guest happiness drops very slowly or started just slowly breakdown rate is also slow medium four thousand bucks to start some items research guess happiness drops steadily breakdown rate is average and ride reputation declines steadily then we have hard which is two thousand in our pocket I think we're gonna stick to medium on this one easy sounds a little bit too easy I don't want a ton of items researched so let's go with medium on this one so we are going to start with how much for grant okay so we're gonna have to make every cent count here let's go ahead and start a new park okay and we have challenges up here every so often Park rating challenge achieve a ride rating of two hundred alright well we'll keep that in mind so this is our starting area play area I guess this will be the main entrance into the park this is I believe like the ticketing area we're actually going to pause it quick just so if we do get any people that want to join in the park we don't we don't let them slip away just because we don't have anything just yet what is all this say or maybe this is like beta testers I don't really know what that is but where to start things off here by continuing on this little path I don't know if we should keep this design can we can we change that we can but we can't change it very far back I would like to have it all wood but if we can't if we can't change it that far back I guess we should just continue on with the design that's already there so let's take this we're gonna make it as wide as we possibly can and we'll go straight out probably three probably three klicks there should be good okay so this is gonna be our starting area now what we need to do first is figure out a ride situation so we have the wild blue keep in mind we only have thirty nine hundred bucks to work with here we need something that's overall a good ride so preferably something that has everything in the green but I don't think we're gonna get that lucky right out of the gate here so we have insanity which is pretty expensive I wanna I want to try to keep this under at least two thousand bucks Swift Eagles is a good choice except for the fact that not very many people can ride it at once which will make the queue a lot longer let's go with wild blue here we can always move stuff later on too so I'm not super worried about that but I think we should put wild blue right there so it's out of the way we can still have like a food court area and stuff like that over here now something else that we can do is actually change the color of the right here so let's make the base of it ooh actually let's do the base of it black and then the ride color here what does that change okay that's the stripes so we'll keep that red we'll do the yellow white that looks cool oh this changes the color of the seat okay let's do blue I think blue actually looks pretty good there let's go for the ice blue right there and we can also change the operator color and since we did white in red let's just change this to white and red as well I should probably make sure that white on the ride is actually white so we have wild blue installed what we need to do now is figure out our entrance system and our exit so to open this ride you need to place an entrance we're gonna do the entrance as far away from the main path as we can so we can get a nice looking queue and then the exit I think we'll try to put right here we'll do something like that that looks pretty nice okay so let's go to paths we're gonna need a cue path for this so we'll come down here to queue and let's do let's do the cue path in wood I think that might look pretty nice the cue path doesn't need to be very big so let's see here we're gonna want rails up railing on ground queue so let's uh we could change that's cool let's change that so we have railing around the around the ride that looks pretty nice so we kind of want to twist and turn this let's see should we come out too let's come outside about here that looks good and then we'll start sort of bending it around a little bit but I still want to leave enough space in between so we can get some decorations and stuff there we go bring this around like that and then yeah I guess we will just connect it up like that that's a nice looking queue but now we have to add a little bit not terrain of decoration so let's open up our scenery tab I want to use only things that are from the tropical region being as we are in a tropical environment I feel like that's pretty fitting okay so let's start it off with getting a couple of green things here and then up in the front we could do some palms we could do a small palm maybe over here can we fit that over there we could put it right there okay I like that and then let's do a slightly bigger palm right here we do have a couple of rocks that we can use as well sort of decorate it up a little bit more now what I want to do is sort of line the front of this with I almost said pine trees palm trees rotate this around so they don't look exactly the same we'll grab one more and we'll rotate it the other way there we go put that one there okay how's that looking does that look good I like that what's the we got to check the rating on this so this is our Q scenery rating right here we want this to be at least in the yellow I think it goes red yellow green so yellow should be pretty good for us we only have 2,100 bucks left to work with so let's add a little bit more decoration in here we have some beech trees that might look pretty good add one of those right there and then we'll do beech tree number two who maybe not that one's kind of low will do beech tree number three right here and then up in the front will do beech tree number two okay and then we'll do banana palms will do one banana palm there rotate this one around so it doesn't look the same as the other side there we go all right how's that looking I could dig that it kind of looks like you're walking through some sort of a jungle or something like that what's our rating now thirty five okay perfect we just need a little bit more green in the center over here right there looks pretty good we'll get one here one here and maybe another just there all right now we can take the tropical filter off let's look for some more nature stuff that we can sort of put around the area here we got a couple of flowers that might look kind of nice get a couple of flowers around here brass vase with palm oh that actually looks really nice you know we don't have anything on this side so let's put one there let's check out our score now should be forty seven maybe we should try to let's just try to get it to like 50 or something like that we got about 50 bucks left to work with here ooh this is pretty we got a rosebush we could do maybe two rose bushes is that the plural of rose bush rose bushes or is it just rose bush if we do something like this in between them and we'll change it up on the end we'll do something like that and then let's add a couple of tulips in here do one set there and another set here and then the same thing over here on this side whoops didn't mean to place that one there that one's just floating out in space yeah that does not look very good get rid of that one okay we need this in here that looks nice we'll do the same thing over here there we go what do we think of that it looks kind of forced I think it yeah it definitely looks kind of forced but it it doesn't look bad there's a little bit of empty space there I think we're gonna leave it with that for now let's see what our queue is at 61 percent yeah dude that's perfect that is exactly what we needed right there so now that we have that done challenge available okay let's check our challenges out we have achieved ride rating of 200 that one we already knew about have 22 people visit your hotels for two months in a row well we don't even have hotels yet so we can't exactly work on that but I think we're off to a pretty solid start here so what we should do now I think is maybe start to work on our restaurant situation so we're gonna keep it custom here we have it we have a couple of different options we can do blueprints with like pre-made stuff it's gonna take a minute to spawn everything in so this is what is this one I think this is like a churro shop no these people sell signs maybe oh god I don't know what does that say in the front that really doesn't help us I think it's a bakery it kind of looks like a bakery I'm not a hundred percent on that but we have options like that otherwise we have Adobe shops I think this is a burrito shop that one's pretty cool and then they all sort of have their own little design but they do cost a lot more otherwise we could just buy that we could just buy little tiny shops like this and sort of scatter them out along the path here let's maybe try to make a food court area out of this and then on the side here this is where we can add our shops so I think we're gonna need a chief beef alright so we want to get this in a pretty good spot so everything else sort of snaps into place and we can have a nice grid system figured out we need something else here I guess that's food shops let's do a drink shop we have cosmic cow milkshakes and then we need one more let's do another food shop so we have chief beef what's the other one there's super like generic ones that everyone has I think it's pizza pen or no hotdog squad there we go all right so we'll do that there now we just have to figure out how we can get a path from here to here if I get rid of all of those there we go select grid we'll select the center one right here and we should be able to sort of make a grid around these places okay and now that we have that one will deselect the grid this will sort of allow us to connect these I think there we go yeah we just have to do something like that and now we'll change this back down to thirteen can they get to that I wonder that looks like they can there that one works and then that one works okay perfect that looks really good so these shops aren't open yet obviously they're gonna look kind of gross for now we'll build around them later once we get a little bit more money but I think we're off to a solid start now what else we're gonna need is a bathroom so let's come into here and let's find the restroom block right there I think I'm gonna put the bathrooms maybe on the back side because that would sort of get people walking through here let's try that let's do three let's do three bathrooms back here this will probably be our only bathroom block for this entire area all right and we'll take a path all the way over into here I will just expand it will expand it all the way out to the end all right we have three bathrooms a chief beef a cosmic cow milkshakes and what was this one again hot dog squad that's right so let's hit play and let's see if we can't get people to start coming into the park now we're gonna have three employees here I don't believe the employees on the rides actually count let's check what our oh we need to open that up shoot we had it closed this whole time ticket price is at $10 I feel like we're gonna be able to charge a little bit more than that let's let's try $12 for now and if enough people complain about it we'll change it and then let's adjust our prices on chief beef we're gonna do this one at 13 well just raise everything a dollar we can always come through and lower everything back down six and six and six that's not a good number there we go thirteen and nine perfect okay all of those shops are open bathrooms are ready to be used let's grab a couple of bins we're gonna need somewhere for people to throw stuff away up maybe we could get a couple of benches put some benches and stuff out here so people have somewhere to sit down oh yeah this girl running in she's excited she's ready now we have to see if they're actually gonna go through and they do perfect okay so the price shouldn't be an issue but like I said if enough people complain about it we'll have to end up changing the price that way we can at least get people through there oh we only have 24 bucks oh crap but look at the swarm of people that are about to come in dude we only have seven people in the park right now oh and the other thing we're gonna have to change too is the operation of this the minimum rider load we're gonna have full load at all times waiting time can reduce queue times over ridden when the right is fully loaded let's I don't I don't want any of that let's not have any waiting time at all just get in there get on the ride and get going all right well people are at least using the shops it looks like lady can't you walk on the path what are you a gymnast wait a second oh I thought I thought lady might have had a mustache there for a second whoops all right well we got people queuing up for the ride dude look at this queue we can go to their guest camera view as well in first person and we can walk through our queue and experience it for ourselves and it looks pretty nice we got a couple of overhanging plants but as long as people don't complain about that I think we'll be okay yeah this looks really nice I really like this and then we can even watch people on the ride itself which is super cool rides gonna lower down here it should let everyone off and then this next group of people will be able to go in there where this dude here in the green hood there we go people are starting to run in are we gonna get are we gonna get it yeah we are nice okay we're just inside of someone else's face so now we're gonna get strapped in here and we should be able to experience it just as the guests would do this is cool I would ride this I think this is super awesome it should get faster - I don't want to spend too much time looking at this but you go completely upside down yeah that's cool I really like that one Bob Posey is who we were all right well we got people lining up for cosmic cow milkshakes that's a good sign no one really cares about chief beef or the hot dog squad just yet but maybe that's because they don't have anywhere to sit and eat so let's focus on doing that quickly we can also get loans we just have to pay interest on that I'm gonna try to stay away from getting getting a loan out for as long as we can that's actually cool I kind of like that they're not gonna be perfect my OCD is just gonna have to chill especially for this first episode I don't want to take a ton of time on getting everything perfectly spaced out but that's good news people are gonna come over they're gonna sit down start to use this stuff what we should also add maybe is a couple more bins I think if we add a bin outside of the exit just in case someone's nauseous they should actually throw up inside of the bin instead of on our parks floor which would be nice so let's add one right there maybe another on the other side too just for good measure you don't have a staff building staff need to occasionally take breaks or they stopped working oh that's right I forgot about that so maybe we'll get rid of one of these bathroom blocks and let's set the lighting to 10:00 a.m. always there we go yeah let's get rid of one of these bathroom blocks hopefully those people don't go inside of it they didn't all right so we have to go into edit building here if we select this and demolish it bathrooms cost us a hundred bucks a month that's kind of nuts let's go into custom shops and then staff management here we go staff building that's what we want right there rotate it around that looks pretty good perfect let's have the Mack some capacity be three and then we'll hire another staff member to swap out with these three I think that's probably the best thing we can do for right now the perk staff will be more resilient against being overworked staff entertainments that's just for entertainers staff members will gain happiness faster learning resources security office rec room will recover energy slightly faster entertainers and vendors with this perk will make guests they interact with even happier let's do energy actually let's let's run with the rec room that's gonna cost us a hundred bucks to do but let's do it anyways our staff are worth it you know hire staff janitor drop him right here we do need a mechanic so he can fix our ride if it were to break down and then let's grab another staff member right here perfect okay so he is going to basically wait do you have rainbow hair okay yeah I'm not judging I'm not judging all right dude well we're sort of making money let's speed up speed things along here we're sort of making money our monthly profit is is decreasing a little bit I think we're gonna have to take out a loan multiple staff members have a low workload I mean yeah but why is that a problem maybe we don't need Ron Shipley actually Delphine is kind of she's probably the worst employee we have so far just based on her happiness level so in that case my job is pretty average okay so how do we get rid of her fire delete goodbye and let's go to loans right here add new loan I don't need anything crazy I need like a grand let's do a thousand bucks right there we'll leave it paused for now so we just have that money in our pocket let's do the bare minimum here let's do a hundred bucks a month okay so now we can actually finish this building which will be nice awesome okay I think we are done with building eight one six two super random number and we still have seven hundred and fifty-seven bucks left but this looks nice and I think people will want to come over here now that it's like a little bit more decorated I wish people would actually walk on the path instead of cutting that little corner there but whatever I guess but we are steady losing money still which is not ideal let's see if people have complained about the park price at all ticket sales last month we've only made 37 dollars here missed sales yeah okay so we're gonna have to make this 50 cents and I'll say zero I'll say kids are free how about that but it's 50 cents per guest help get a little bit more people through here really good value okay that means we can bump it up to 13 huh we're starting to make a little bit of money again which is nice we're still obviously losing money are any our our monthly profit is is going down but so long as we keep getting people to buy tickets into a whole wild blue over here we should be set so our challenges do in fact give us money in return so one of our new challenges that we have now is achieve a monthly profit of a thousand Buckaroo nice so that's something that we're gonna have to obtain because we should see a little bit of money from that now if we go back and check on our loan that's probably a good reason why we're losing money but we're just gonna have to let it right out so on the next episode you guys will probably see our loan paid off and hopefully the park is performing a little bit better now that we have this sort of concession stand I guess put up over here so I think that is going to do it for this episode if you guys did enjoy please leave a like leave a comment help support the dream by smashing that subscribe button and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching guys peace
Channel: Toogii
Views: 58,828
Rating: 4.911025 out of 5
Keywords: planetcoaster, roller coaster game, planet coaster game, rollercoaster tycoon, planet coaster, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, pc, console, steam, xbox, playstation, theme park
Id: 1bRkZGIrx1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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