Planet Coaster - Ep. 3 - Everyone Got High

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what's up guys and welcome back to another episode of planet coaster this episode three now on the series we are picking up exactly where we left off previously at the teacups and what I think we're gonna be doing today is adding yet another ride to our amazing theme park here and what I think we're gonna end up doing you guys will notice we are actually making money now so we have a huge line out front of cosmic cow milkshakes we have a decent line out front of chief beef obviously we don't have a vendor at the hotdog squad right now but as soon as they get off a break they'll come back and start working yet again something else that we're gonna need to do is sort of reconfigure this little sitting area I've noticed that these benches do get filled up pretty quickly so we're gonna have to add a couple more of those something that I did off-camera is tried to adjust this back section of paths here the people were kind of walking right through walls and they still sort of do but it's not near as bad if you have a group of people they won't do it but a single person will just go straight through this wall and I'm I'm not really feeling that I'd like for people to actually just walk on the paths and and not you know go through walls you know just a thought so with 30 100 bucks well now just three thousand dollars in our bank account I'm gonna hit pause here the ride that I want to be installing this one is a lot taller than the hyperjump right here but ascendance look at that monster this is always one of my favorite rides to go on in a theme park but I don't want to spend $2,200 to get there I'd rather spend 1,900 on a slightly smaller one that doesn't hold near as many people I don't think now maybe maybe it holds the same amount of people six chairs on this side and seven chairs on this side okay so this one does hold more people but it is more expensive and a little bit larger I'm gonna go with this one right here this is hyperjump and i'm gonna try to place it right in between these paths right here I think right there should probably be a good spot so I want to expand this section right here and to do that I'm sure we'll probably just add another one of these buildings maybe right here or something along those lines for this ride we're not going to be able to use the same cue that we had from wild blue or from now teacups so we're gonna have to create a brand new cue I think I'm just gonna time-lapse that process but let's add a entrance first we have to figure out where people are gonna enter into this ride and I think we're gonna do it on the back side over here and then for the exit I think right over here should probably probably be a good spot let's try to do that right there and then we'll try to connect up our path from here to here I don't know if that's gonna work though that's the problem maybe if we get a path started right here we'll be able to connect it that way there we go yeah that worked no problem we can add a little bit of scenery in there as well but the queue itself I think we're gonna take off of this path so we're gonna have to bring this out a little bit more make our path width 38 sorry 33 again we'll turn angle snap back on we have that turned off so we could finish the queue for the teacups bring the path out just a little bit more all right so let's see how do we want to do this we could have people enter over here have a little scenery right there and then immediately bring it this way oh wait we're using the wrong path what am i doing we gotta switch paths we got to get the cue path here the wooden path will do the same thing we had before bring that out like this now I think this cue is gonna have to be a little bit bigger than the other ones so maybe we'll bring it out to here and then start looping it around I think we'll be able to get away with using just a two this is this is not gonna work right here we're gonna have to back it up one but I think we'll be able to get away with using just a little bit of scenery around this one okay loop it back up this way yeah this should work out perfectly there we go so that is our cue for the hyperjump isn't that what it's called now I've completely forgotten yes hyperjump okay we have to add a little bit of scenery around here we have think zero wow that's surprising we have six from I don't even know what maybe this scenery over by the concession stand I really don't know but we have a prestige level of 449 right now with a Q scenery rating of 6% so I'm gonna go ahead and start the time lapse here and I'll see you guys when I'm finished [Music] okay well that didn't take too long I figured it'd take a little bit longer than that but I did add a little bit of scenery over in this section over here we got some little barrel Potter's that I didn't even know existed until just now we have another little plant Potter right there now moving over into the queue itself I think it looks okay we don't have a ton of dead space here I do like this midsection how it is nice and open and I didn't want to add very many trees up at the front because I want you to be able to see the ride from the path you can't also see the ride from the backside over here next to the concession stand so I think that'll work out pretty well but we are down to five hundred and fifty-five dollars so we spent quite a bit getting this thing up to a hundred percent Q scenery rating so the prestige for this is only for 49 but I almost wonder if we shouldn't try to change some of this stuff and maybe just maybe we'll be able to increase that prestige level so let's see what we got going on here I'm gonna say why don't we try one of everything we'll do freefall then bungee then shot then panorama then bounce then a high pulse sorry hi pause and I think that is the last one no a low pause and then hop so we're gonna have to test this thing out and we'll see if that helps it at all but we do have a pretty long queue so I feel like even if the ride length is you know lengthy I think the actual queue length will be sufficient enough to get people in through the front so let's go ahead and test this thing out we'll see what we're looking like everywhere else in the park doing really really well we're still profiting we're still making a profit on the park so I don't see any issues there while blues still looking good we did have to decrease the price because the the prestige level started to go down now the reputation is established so we lost a little percentage there but 879 isn't anything to cry about so I lowered it down to 25 bucks it seems like people are still paying to get in there queue length is a little shorter than it normally is but I also think that is because we now have the tea cups and let's see let's check in on the tea cups actually make sure people are loving it I'm not queueing that long to go on the teacups well the price is pretty high we could go up to eleven dollars to maybe slow up the queue length let's try eleven buckaroo knees and let's see if that might slow up the queue a little bit prestigious at 373 all right let's check in on hyperjump dude this thing would be so cool ooh you know what else we could do while we're waiting let's recolor this so ride color right here what does that change is that the that's the poles okay so the poles I'm thinking we should do maybe a bright green what's a lime-green looked like ooh that looks crazy I like that and then let's see should we do this was orange orange is like the mid beams let's try to do another green color we'll do a lighter green we'll do like a yellow greenish color maybe more yellow there we go okay like a gasoline green I think is what that's normally called what is this yellow the yellow is right there on the side I'm not sure what that is does it change anything up top yellow is the very top it's got some lights up here too that's pretty neat yeah if we make that black okay that changes a lot maybe we should do that white then since that's the top I don't know if that really goes along with green very well or we could do a dark green let's try that and then the red is the center shaft so we could do that white or black I think blacks gonna look pretty good let's go with black on the center shaft I think that looks pretty nice testing is over let's see what we got in 892 dude that's exactly what we wanted okay let's go ahead and open this sucker up change the the ticket price was nine let's try 18 let's see if people are willing to pay 18 bucks to get into this thing operator color were again gonna use the I think gasoline green probably for his hat let's zoom in on him a little bit so we can kind of see what we're doing are people paying to get in oh yeah let's see what this group of people does all I do they're all about it this is sweet okay this is gonna be a good ride let's see we need to change his shirt color to the lime green and then we'll do black pants and black belt does that work or maybe we should do maybe we should do white pants yeah let's do white pants black belt black shoes that looks pretty good to me no music on this one I'm cool with that the music honestly kind of gets annoying we'll change it to full load zero wait time and there we go all right we will let people start getting on here should we should we focus in on someone let's do it let's do this dude with the with the multicolored afro first person mode I want to see what this thing is all about this looks like it'd be a really really fun all right gate has closed arms are coming down and we are going up okay so our feet are off the ground and now we're just gonna okay it's a very slow crawl apparently can we look around here oh yeah we can he's already freaking out dude we're not even going fast look at his lip quivering I think you're on the wrong ride dude that's one hell of a moustache though okay freefall drop it's not bad I'll give it that but this dude is just wigging out for no reason it is not near as crazy as he's making it out to be we lifted up our hands that's pretty cool yeah this is awesome I like this cue starting to get pretty full things are looking good I'm happy with this I think this is a good addition to the park check in again on teacups teacups q is about the same hasn't changed much great looking Q okay that's good news people are saying great looking cute oh the wild blue has broken down boys too many guests trying to use chief before okay so since we're actually making money now the wild blue being broken down that's gonna change that here in a second but oh 13% of people are still saying it's too expensive what's the prestige now has that gone down it's not gonna show us the prestige because it's it's being worked on let's change this to 23 $23 I feel like 23 spare for that what we're gonna have to do now is hire another vendor I think because obviously we're gonna have one that's gonna have to go take a break so let's hire ourselves another vendor just to sort of relieve the other people and will change his his color up here I think they're White's white on white no no no no black hat that's right black hat white shirt white shorts and is that his pants or his hang on a second I got to get in here so I can see what I'm doing there we go okay yeah he looks about the same as everyone else now that should work out it's like this job was made for me they say Matthew Ruiz all right dude he's gonna be a good fit oh we have to change his roster as well we made a roster specifically for the vendors so let's see change this for vendors all right that'll work out good we got this vendor leaving right here Socorro $80 a month is what we're paying these people okay so now we have a vendor going back in to fill the spot that should work out perfectly where are these people getting hats I'm not selling hats yet dude's got a crown maybe he's just a king maybe we're in the the presence of royalty and we don't even know it yet Joe sucks is that how it's short sure the third there we go now he's royalty made another wish come true another dream come true here holy crap dude this is one I love a ride right here okay we have to change the color configuration for the ticket booth as well gasoline green hat shirt will be regular lime green and then white pants in black belt there we go now they're twinsies this cue is is filling up quickly I think we're gonna have to is a really good value is that right well how would you feel about $20 actually maybe we should make it a little bit higher let's try 22 what's the prestige on this thing 892 okay what's the prestige on wild blue 879 okay so this this one has to be way more expensive we kind of messed up and let a couple people go through for stupid cheap let's make this one $25.00 since we had to make the the wild blue ride 23 and I think we'll be making more money oh yeah dude monthly profit is now 3,200 bucks we are killing it now as soon as you get like started and you at least have one maybe two rides in the park the money starts to flow in so we're doing super good now we got 4,700 bucks in the bank 48 now and it's just gonna keep going up dude we ain't slowing down so what I think we should do whatever sure do I got like Mushmouth let's go to all staff so I'm gonna pay a hundred and fifty dollars now that we have all this money to upgrade our staff so I'm gonna do staff training on all of our vendors because that's stupid cheap you'd be dumb not to do that Ron Shipley math Matthew Ruiz that's our new boy right there and with that they're probably gonna expect a pay raise so let's do 85 bucks for each individual here that we just sent to training 85 there and even you Matthew you're getting eighty five buckareenies and that should help out with our total staff happiness I'm getting a little tired I could do with a rest okay well he's pretty happy but he is he is under a high workload that's our janitor right there Darrell is it Durrell DeVries or Daryll that's the real question I'm really busy right now at the moment serving customers ok that kind of makes sense and then our mechanic I don't think we'll have to upgrade for a long time not until a bunch of rides start breaking down they really don't have to do much but we have to pay them the most for whatever reason I guess they went to school so they have a degree they're like you know I'm I'm worth more okay Darrell or Darrell I'm actually going to call him Darrell cuz that sounds sick let's see what should we do at Darrell maybe we should train Darrell up a little bit more 60 bucks dude the vendors make more than this guy ok let's let's up your pay Darrell since you're the OG we're gonna do 75 bucks for you dude you mean a lot to the company to the empire that we've been building here Darrell's gonna go get some some learned up it kind of looks like a Darrell I dig that you do you Darrell keep being you bro all right well the queue for hyperjump is still insane are we making some buck on this thing dude yes we are 2 grand lifetime profit that's astounding we got 5,600 bucks now this is going way better than I thought it was but I do think that is going to do it for this episode you guys if you did enjoy please leave a like leave a comment help support the dream by smashing that subscribe button and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching guys peace
Channel: Toogii
Views: 17,850
Rating: 4.9502072 out of 5
Keywords: planetcoaster, roller coaster game, planet coaster game, rollercoaster tycoon, planet coaster, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, pc, console, steam, xbox, playstation, theme park
Id: -wykTdRxnNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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