Planet Coaster - Ep. 9 - NEW Wooden Coaster (The Tornado)

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what's up guys and welcome back to another episode of planet coaster this is episode 9 now on the series really quick I just want to say thank you to everyone who has clicked that little red button and helped support the dream tomorrow is actually my birthday and we were able to hit 300 subs here on the channel and honestly that is just so cool that is by far one of the best birthday gifts that I've gotten in a long time so today what we're gonna be doing guys is building another coaster we have this one the scoop de loop D hoop D which is awesome it's super fast people get on get off really quickly the queues nice and short pretty much all of the time but I do think it is time we build a wooden coaster but before we get into that I have a couple of updates that I want to go over with you guys starting off over here with the q4 quick draw it now has a little bit of scenery also the layout has changed slightly I ended up making it a little bit longer change the priority queue so it's more straight it's it's pretty much a straight shot now it gets you a little bit better of a head start in the line also the other one kind of put you back a little bit too far this one works out way better you guys will notice we have 2,200 people in the park now which is insane I think about half of that number is right here in the queue for quick-draw because it's definitely the longest queue that we have another change that I made I don't remember if this was in the last episode or not but I did reconfigure the queue for tea bags as well because it was just way too short and this thing holds a stupid amount of people way more than quick-draw I would think people let's see actually can I do some quick math seer so for people here in 20 cars I'm gonna say roughly 4 people per car sometimes you only get 3 like this one down here but that'd be around 80 people on the right at a time what is this one this would be 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 cups so 6 times 3 would be 18 times 4 would be 72 ok nevermind so tea cups actually doesn't fit near many people at one time as quick-draw but I think this one works a little bit more efficiently because everyone's able to get on and off at the same time rather than over here at quick-draw only four can get on and forking it off at one time so I expanded this quite a bit brought it out to this other hitmarker thing target whatever you want to call that also expanded the path quite a bit brought it over from the mall around the side of the hotel and to this side over here by the scenery from quick-draw so we're gonna be changing that today I am going to be putting a coaster right here in this corner and hopefully we can get a little bit more foot traffic over into the east side of the park the north east side of the park another addition that I made is added a little bit more advertisement to the mall it didn't really seem like we were having very many visitors come in here and a lot of the vendors too were getting stuck in a wall this wall to be exact I have no idea why still I think it's because there was a path that actually went through here into this room and for whatever reason they would walk in there and then get stuck in the wall so I kept getting a notification saying a lot of the stores and shops were empty and I was like God where are all my vendors at so I came into the mall just to look and see if anyone was in here and they were literally all just clipping through this wall and couldn't move there was a janitor a security guard just a ton of different people in there so I did fix that and the advertisements on the outside seemed to be helping get a little bit more foot traffic into the mall so that's looking good I changed the pricing for all of the rides so someone left me a comment I apologize I don't remember who it was specifically but if you click on the ride you check the prestige if you divide the prestige by 35 that is typically the best dollar amount to charge for the rides so this one's that like 21 94 I'm sure you could round it up and it'd still be fine I wanted it to be at the exact dollar amount another thing that I changed is added this took me forever to the path system in this game is a little wonky sometimes especially if you're working with a system but I was able to add a second entrance in here so hopefully that helps out with with people coming into the park kind of seems like they prefer this left side still but maybe maybe once we do some more advertisements people will start funneling in to the right side as well so for challenges guys we had we still have the restaurant challenge obviously we haven't built a restaurant yet we will be doing that I just have to figure out what sort of building I want to use for that we do have a couple of Adobe blueprints that I built this one it's a medium sized Adobe building I thought it looked cool kind of matches the same color scheme as the other buildings that we have so I feel like it'll fit in over here otherwise I have a smaller one with sort of a deck attached on the back of it I thought that looked pretty good but what we're gonna be doing today guys what the thumbnail said we were going to be doing anyways is building a new coaster so I took the framework from scoop D loop D hoop D over here and I altered it ever so slightly I made the actual station for the coaster a little bit longer we're gonna be putting this sucker over here so as you guys can see it is up in the air slightly I do want that to be down through the ground so I have this sort of configured so it's gonna be able to fit over here in this corner pretty much perfectly I suppose I can put it down there and then we can do the advanced move security camera looks like it's in a good spot let's do that let's bring this side out so it's just about through the sidewalk that looks about the same as the other side what about that does that look pretty good I think that's about where I had it when I built it so you guys may notice these beams do look kind of funny they're not exactly perfect they are a different beam it's the Brazilian beam I think I'm sorry Bavarian pillars so I used a different wood here and change the color up a little bit made it darker matched it with these sort of oriental looking walls I guess the coaster we're gonna be using guys is a wooden coaster that we research this one is called the monster I don't know if I'm going to keep that name I guess we'll have to see what the park or what the configuration of the track ends up looking like and maybe we'll name it after that so the first thing we need to do is add our exit path we're gonna use the wooden path yet again and someone did mention that if I moved the exit rather than having it over here if I moved it to more of the front closer to the operator people should be able to exit quicker I don't know if that's necessarily true but I am going to try it out here and we'll see what happens so let's bring this path off in this direction now that we have it over here we'll drop it down into a nice staircase and we should be able to connect it up here I don't know why it's making it so much smaller maybe if I turn off angle snap there we go alright so now it's straight out there let's get going on the cue path so we're gonna have to do the same thing we did on the previous coaster and actually start from up top here and we are going to drop this down right here and bring it all the way down Oh super high broke down alright we're gonna pause this for a second come over here to ascendance this one is known as super high it's the 2g colors broken down and wear and tear is kind of hurting a little bit so let's go ahead and refurb that so we'll start sneaking this through here I will come through and square up the paths as well now that the queue is finished let's go ahead and click on the ride here we have got to enable the priority pass right there I guess we could try to Center it in this little area right here where the blue is that looks about right and then we can do the same over here for the exit I don't know why this one snaps in that way yeah I think that's probably as straight as we're gonna get that so that's we'll just have to live with that my OCD is gonna have to chill for now let's try to get these paths more squared up if we delete this one and delete this one that squares those corners up that looks way better and then let's try to do the same thing over here there we go I wonder if now that we've done that if we'd be able to make it any straighter for the priority queue I wonder if we square this up and then try to square up the entrance is that a thing can this actually work because we could leave that path there whatever we'll live with it it's fine I shouldn't worry about that too much it really doesn't make a lick of difference so we just have to figure out how we want to build this coaster I did a similar design to the scoop de loop d hoop D in that we have this sort of u-shaped configuration with some friction breaks right here slow the cars down before they come back in and I made this one decently long so we have six cars here that are gonna go down in a line and let's see we have six seats per car so this is gonna be able to fit quite a bit of people at one time hopefully enough people see it and we can start getting a little bit more foot traffic over in this direction so let's get going here on the Edit track option I think I want to do the same type of thing and sort of take it this direction first but we do need a pretty decent drop so I don't know if I can turn a chain it doesn't look like I can I can go up or down with the chain so let's do some Drive tires and turn this thing 90 degrees over this way we might have to make this a little shallower too maybe something like that straighten it back out okay so I think we'll try to do the chain lift here if this doesn't work out we'll have to figure something else different configurations so we'll keep it nice and short 60 degrees up and we're gonna take this thing whoops I want this a little bit longer right there looks good take it as high up as we can until we start to run into the path over there should we take it as high as 420 blaze it that's about the same height I think if we taper this off back to zero and then shorten up the track here let's try to do something like that so this will be the initial drop let's switch back to a regular track and it'll start to go down I don't want it to like plummet at an angle so we'll have it we'll have it go down at 11.25 degrees and then maybe we can do a 45 degree turn here keep that same 11.25 degree angle and now that it's out to here let's straighten it back up and we're going to change this to a thirty three point seven five and then make it steeper as we go so now it'll be a fifty six point two five and then an eighty one so almost straight down not quite 90 but let's take this down and then we're gonna have to start tapering it back out I don't want any twists in this section so we'll do a shoot we'll do a 45 here and then try to keep bringing it up a little bit so at 22.5 and then hopefully zero right there all right what are we thinking about that does that look too insane I feel like that's pretty good like that's it that's a pretty decent drop you guys that's that's almost straight down here on a wooden coaster so now that we're down where do we go that's the question we can't invert any of these things but we could do a couple of helix or we could do a figure eight it might have enough speed for that that's huge let's try to go helix figure eight left that is as small as we can possibly go there let's start the test I wonder if that's a big enough drop to get enough momentum there I highly doubt it let's get our test dummies in here and let's just see Oh before we do that though we should probably make sure that this little section here yeah five miles an hour way too slow it's got to be 14 baby nothing but speed as fast as we can go here now we'll try to test this thing hopefully it makes it up let's actually switch to the ride camera just because we can so we're gonna carry 14 miles per hour of speed up here to the initial drop almost straight down yeah there's no way dude no way not a chance we'd have to go way higher if we were gonna get that helix to work here so we'll go back into edit track let's ditch this idea it might have worked we we might be able to just make that one ourselves but a little bit smaller I think we're gonna have to go straight for at least a section like that and then we'll do a helix up left that looks like a pretty good size I think place that there but we need it to go back down to zero so we'll try that all right I'm just gonna test it while we edit here I want to make sure that it can make it up to the top of this helix and then maybe we can fit a helix down left no that's gonna be clipping through there we might have to bring it out a little bit more so we'll place that oh yeah it's got plenty of speed to make it up there okay so we know that works that's good let's bring this out to about there and then we'll try to place down the helix left perfect okay so let's bring this up to zero I think it's the same height as the initial section or at least it should be I don't know why that would have changed and this whole section up here is gonna be at an angle I don't really want that so let's try to change let's try to taper it off here so we'll bring this one out to there this one out to here I'm gonna try to change this angle to zero it's gonna be kind of weird isn't it so maybe we'll have to maybe we'll have to take from this corner to this corner angle snaps turned on I don't know why it wasn't giving me a proper there we go so what if we flatten it is that zero that looks like zero I want it flat across the top there I feel like if it's at an angle that's gonna be kind of weird for people so we'll try that let's continue on down here I think that'll be okay up at the top so I don't want this thing to be too huge you guys know the the q4 scoop de loop D hoop D is insanely short and I think people really enjoy that that's that's about all people ever really say about that coaster but we're gonna need another drop that's for sure so let's rotate this so it's back to zero place that one there and then we'll do a 45 make the track a little bit shorter it's it shouldn't carry a ton of speed through this area make it back to zero all right now let's change the size back to about where we were right there looks pretty good actually yeah right there okay so let's do the chain lift here make sure it's at fourteen and we're gonna go up sixty degrees again we'll do that length okay is that that's not as high as our first drop I want it a little bit higher than the first drop I think right there should be okay and now we can bring it back down to zero make this a little bit shorter and then this section here will start going down again Oh tea bags broke down alright we're gonna hit pause here really quick go into maintenance let's see yep we're in tears pretty low so we'll do a refurb on that okay let's get back to bidness here let's see if we make this like that and then it will do oh that's still a chain lift we don't want that there we go shorten this up and start to turn it there we go now forty-five place that one down and then let's start doing the drop right here and now that we're going down at 45 degrees we're gonna have to expand the length a little bit more right there looks good and then let's bring this down - lets do a 67.5 first and then we'll go back to 80 alright this might work right here I don't know let's just start the test we'll see what happens hopefully it can make its way around here without any issues but we'll have to see so I'm gonna keep my eye on the mile-per-hour as well because I want this thing to be plenty fast but I don't I'm not trying to kill people on a wooden coaster I feel like that's happened too many times good little bank through here through the first Hilux flattens out down the second one's carrying a lot more speed now up the chain lift it probably had enough speed to do that on its own but this is the second drop really high g-forces through there but I think the banks might help us out and then it's carrying some decent speed still up this Bank and hits the brakes it actually slows down a pretty good amount we'll see what the test results say it might be too scary yeah it's too scary you're right exceeds g-force limits let's check the let's check the heatmap here I want to see where the g-forces are too crazy so as far as lateral g-forces go this turn is pretty high this turn right here though needs to change something about it just ain't right maybe if we do a bank there that might help slow it down but the actual speed that's one of the darker areas it's at 46 but I think that turn might be just a little too sharp so we might have to smooth that out where are people the most scared pretty much everywhere great please let the ratings be a little bit better okay your ride is still too scary you have have to look at the heat maps to see which areas are problematic for fear we'll check the heat map it's pretty much everywhere which is unfortunate over here is pretty good for the fear I don't want this area to be as scary as it is so maybe we can put a set of friction brakes over here all right let's check fear fears very light right here yeah we have to adjust that drop dude all right that's a 5.29 fear is up pretty high let's roll let's do this so we got green green red green red red green 6.67 a five point six five and a 2.25 this area needs a dip boys this area right here needs to go down and then we'll bring this out to there and around the corner and we'll smooth that maybe just yeah maybe just to there hopefully this is the last one I don't want to keep editing this thing I just want to make it as you the green as we can that's slightly better what do we got all right six point six nine five point six eight and two point three two that should be enough to put us at nine hundred yes 925 there we go we have a new coaster and I have no idea what to call it I feel like we could call it the monster it's got a couple of twists in it though we could call it like the tornado I kind of like that actually no weed jokes this time the tornado did I spell that right I don't care so this is going to be our new coaster boys it is unopened currently but we're about to change that got 420 blaze it broke down again and we can change the color let's actually adjust the color of this I want more of a red less of an of a maroon or we could do blue I don't think we have a single blue coaster yet or I know we don't have a blue coaster but I don't think we have a blue ride yet so let's go with let's go with the blue there and then the red stripe I think we'll do white I think we'll do a white stripe there on the side let's open this sucker up I think people are really gonna enjoy this there we go so at a 925 what should we charge people to get on this thing 925 divided by 35 is twenty six point four two so that is what we're gonna do for the price twenty six point four two and after people ride it I think the prestige should go up slightly that tends to happen with the other rides that we have but if you guys didn't already see check out our Q scenery rating a hundred percent and that's only because of the awesome Q that we built these plants didn't even do anything I just did that for decoration but here come the people they're all starting to come over this way that's good getting a little foot traffic over here some people are turning away and and going over towards the mall which is okay not offended all right we're starting to make some money again that's good rides in tickets that's going up I'm hoping that the coaster is gonna bring in some decent money for us because we were starting to lose money a little bit I did decrease the dollar amount that we were spending on our vendors every month so they're only making 125 instead of 150 now let's see after these people get off if the prestige changes huh I guess not okay maybe the prestige isn't gonna change people are saying I was already going to the tornado but the advert makes me more excited the tornado is the place the amber talked about let's try it okay so people are seeing the advertisements that's a good thing starting get a couple people on the staircase looking nice we got 2,600 people in the park now and now that we've added another ride we should be able to charge $7 for our priority pass instead of six because $1 per ride again somebody had told me that in the comments I do apologize I don't remember exactly who you were but thank you very much for commenting and helping progress the series push the series forward and stuff like that so now that we have a new ride I think we should probably do the ride view seeming as we haven't done that since we actually finished the thing and away we go this should be pretty cool so here we have the first drop you guys have only seen at the two helixes so this part I'm sure you'll be pretty familiar with [Applause] down the second helix around the bend this part is cool I really like how this turned out it is a little slow at the top but it does pick up speed down here the banking all looks pretty good and then we added this little dip right here gets people excited another dip here and the final little dip to help the excitement level right there I really like it guys I'm a fan I think it looks pretty good so I do think that is going to do it for this episode of planet coaster if you guys did enjoy please leave a like leave a comment to help support the dream by smashing that subscribe button and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching guys peace
Channel: Toogii
Views: 15,748
Rating: 4.9499216 out of 5
Keywords: planetcoaster, roller coaster game, planet coaster game, rollercoaster tycoon, planet coaster, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, pc, console, steam, xbox, playstation, theme park
Id: rSeYOvJRmos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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