This Roller Coaster is just Unbelievable!! (Planet Coaster Mega Park)

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hello you beautiful beautiful people and welcome back to planet coaster and welcome to the ultimate mega park in this series we make roller coasters that are absolutely ridiculous insane but with the caviar that absolutely they must be ridden by customers in our park if they can't be ridden because they're too insane they don't exist but luckily uh we've been able to make a few roller coasters that do have customers and are equally ridiculous and insane in our last episode we made this uh a hybrid coaster i'll put a link to it in the description or a connotation uh for example here so we've got some green ratings very very nice and it goes 185 miles an hour it's uh it's pretty insane and yet i'm pretty sure people will go on it but uh first thing i need to do is actually test that by opening it up and seeing someone go on it oh yeah okay so i've set up the ride to allow people to go on it and it looks like i've got our first set of customers going on this insane ride which is awesome so i want to make sure they actually go on it so come on on you go enjoy the ride guys and i thought it'd be pretty cool if there was a little area here where you could watch people go down i mean oh don't stand on the edge it's probably more dangerous than the ride actually getting to it but uh you know the people at planet coaster they're pretty good at not falling off the edge so that's pretty good anyway so what i want to work on today is a ride i've only ever built once before but it's actually a really challenging build which in the mega park i'm really excited about now i've made a little kind of test uh example here just to showcase how the ride works so this is it it's a suspended kind of weird sort of a situation and let me just show you how this goes because it's kind of ridiculous the novel thing about this is it swings from left to right so it's kind of awesome i'm kind of excited to see what we can do with this because what you'll see down here when i pause it and pause this is why this is gonna be awesome uh you can see it swings out completely to the left there which is pretty cool now you do have to be careful because if you end up swinging backwards and forwards whoa um what uh huh that's that's not how that works i've never seen planet coaster glitch like that what what is happening i have to fast forward this does this just never end now oh no okay just crashes all right so as you can see this is gonna be a challenge okay so so i feel a little something here to hopefully get things started so there's one thing i want to build which should really really test this but this is what i've built so far so this is the size of coaster we're running with pretty good and we go all the way up here and the idea of this bit is you know a little bit of a you know slow section you know nothing too stressful just to get into the corner because from the corner we're going to absolutely push this to the max so as you can see i've built a huge monolithic ramp or descent which is going to be absolutely insane where is the thing oh there it is and i haven't actually tested it yet so you are going to be seeing this test for the first time with me and as i said this first bit here is nice and slow like 30 miles an hour 40 miles an hour i think it goes a little bit faster on this bit starting to swing a little bit that's pretty cool i like that oh and then we've got a nice little uh underneath this little pushing mechanism to kind of push it along and then here we go this is where the fun truly begins so look okay i'm just gonna pause it for a second number one if you're on the back that's a scary moment number two we're already going 60 miles an hour and we haven't really left the ramp and look at the excitement it's at 11. so yeah this is looking good so far but i don't expect that to continue oh my god i'm nervous let's see this go to the ground okay 120 150 160 okay okay let's see how we get on 180 miles an hour with okay this is looking good oh my god okay okay uh now this next bit is gonna be telling because obviously we run out of space and as you can see here i've banked it to the left um so when we turn it's not too jarring uh i don't know how that's gonna go i don't know what the friction is like with this coaster so this might have to be rebuilt okay so at the moment looking at the stats everything's fine okay that's good uh everything still looks okay oh look at this this is perfect this is what i strive for in my park first of all that's absolutely awesome to see a full house there that's a screenshot taking that everyone's loving life there but also look at this right next to the other ride okay this is good so every all the ratings seem fine uh-oh so we just run out of uh speed there but that's fine i actually calculated that pretty close so we're going three miles an hour so i was about seven meters off that's i gotta give it to myself like i'm getting pretty good at these estimations here i don't know if i'll be able to keep it but if i can do what i've got in my head it will be absolutely insane so i'll see you in about two seconds thanks all right cool so oh okay that new section there is perfect and i'm just gonna pause it because i want to show you what i've built now i haven't really tested this so i i don't know if it's gonna work but what i've done is i've banked it severely uh as well as a spiral down and i'm hoping the g4s won't be too much and then we can do another descent i just really wanted to get this kind of spiral thing because it looks so cool when it's doing it when this super banked sort of effect so if i yeah look at that come on that's the whole reason why you do this okay the ratings look okay so far kind of a 4g sort of a situation okay no that's good okay this last bit might be a bit tight no we're good we're good sweet all right this next bit though oh no [Laughter] okay that might be an issue oh that's kind of cool though it kind of takes a while to correct that's awesome okay uh this is definitely not gonna be good this is a bad situation right here watch this geforce happen okay it's not terrible actually this next bit maybe i don't know how i'm doing this four g's okay it's looking all right this next section might be a bit of a problem for us it touched seven g's there all right and i'm going 100 miles an hour so i can definitely keep going up here let's stop the test and continue the build okay so i have absolutely and i mean there's absolutely no idea how this will go um but i definitely want to give it a go it's got the most awesome slow banking turn sort of a situation i don't actually think this is going to be a ride that has a phenomenal rating but if i get people to go on it i'm gonna be happy because it looks absolutely insane so with that in mind uh let's give it a test drive and see if it actually works man this is crazy we're actually looking at it backwards here but you can kind of i mean look at this it'd just be absolutely insane if it actually pulls this off this is probably a bit steep here so smooth on that out there we go okay let's just give us a go and see if it actually completes it if it like i said if it gets ridable stats like people will go on it uh we shall write it in first person view and i think that is gonna be absolutely insane okay so we've seen this right i'm gonna play at normal speed now see if i can follow it oh man the slow before the storm that is actually terrifying right there okay good luck it just makes me laugh the one at the back's always like whoa where are we going like swinging out on its own i can't even keep up with the camera oh 150 goes round this was actually kind of cool look at that oh again that's so good just makes it with 28 miles an hour left that's what you want to see not very exciting at the moment but that's okay this isn't oh my this isn't a ride built for excitement this is for extreme coaster goers okay so looking at the stats i think that should be fine oh man i forgot to smooth it now oh my bad yeah let's see there we go i feel like i should stop and start so i actually get results all right here we go let's see how we get on oh okay so oh that's much better even the fear nausea is way lower okay looking good and just checking all that looks fine this bit i was a bit worried about i can't actually see it it's like round this section here this could be the make or break section uh it hits seven g's but i think that should be okay see oh oh wow i actually got that so perfect there's 16 miles an hour left on that that's actually kind of incredible how close i got that okay i'm gonna do a little rework here all right here we go so getting up to 43 miles an hour there nice okay so now we can continue 54 yeah that's actually quite nice oh my okay nice going 120 130 now have i got this bit right that is the big question oh that looked close and no okay again oh man this is really challenging all right here we go so 30 miles an hour nice here we go getting ready for the i think third or fourth descent here which should be pretty interesting there we go nice only 130 miles an hour only he says there we go look at that oh that must be so fun i want to do that okay oh no we're coming in too hot [Laughter] yeah we're gonna have to figure out some better breaks or something at the end there all right okay so let's see if the new brakes help at all we are going 135 miles an hour oh okay we are slowing down quite a lot oh wow yeah i don't know i don't know it i like i didn't get a rating there so maybe i just got to put a little bit more brakes on all right here it is storming along 130 miles an hour okay all right let's see if that makes a difference ah that's pretty good i suppose oh my god i can't believe that i actually can't believe that so a 6.5 excitement rating a 5 fear and a 1.8 nausea maximum speed 190 miles an hour i'll take it i'll take it maximum g's well 7.43 what's that a coincidence you guys let me know uh that was insane okay with that in mind i'm absolutely riding this in first person view and if you haven't already you gotta hit the like button because that is actually insane okay uh so i just love this ride i think it's so cool i think this would be actually terrifying look at this view by the way just the web of just absolute madness i'm gonna fast forward so you guys don't have to sit through the entire 20-minute uh hill climb here i wonder how long the hill climb actually is probably a long time come on anytime today even in the fastest mode possible it takes a while okay here we go man this actually looks ridiculous oh okay wow that's actually mad oh that she looks crazy i'm taking a screenshot of that uh we want live data don't we oh that would be insane we're not even on the scary but yeah this is the nice bit oh absolutely terrifying like you're in this little car type thing oh my goodness here we go awesome 100 miles an hour 150 under 600 70 wow like how does this even work like that doesn't look like it should work and whoa that swing is crazy scary all right here we go a spiral of doom oh oh that would be so weird oh my goodness me and this is the interesting bit oh it's scary because you can't actually see the track [Music] nice it's making me actually a little seasick this swinging side to side let me know if you're the same okay whoa dude that looks cool though wow that you definitely need these quiet points because otherwise it would make me feel absolutely just like non-stop would be too crazy okay final drop this is the bit i'm actually really looking forward to because it's gonna look the most cool yeah that would be awesome and now we break still going 100 miles now though i i'm going to be honest with you that ending shouldn't work it shouldn't work and i totally agree with you guys but for some reason it does so i'm keeping it because it's the mega park and why can't it be crazy as long as people go on it which i think they will um this is a win although this is crazy uh there's no there's no actual other words to describe this other than crazy oh my goodness all right i'll see you guys in the next one you beautiful beautiful people bye-bye
Channel: Olli43
Views: 50,509
Rating: 4.9133759 out of 5
Keywords: olli43, planet coaster, planet coaster gameplay, planet coaster water ride, planet coaster hybrid, planet coaster olli43, theme park, roller coaster, gameplay, gaming, builds, epic, funny moments, insane ride, planetcoaster, pc game
Id: rBiYcCuyFhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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