Planet Coaster - Ep. 7 - Shoot 'Em Up

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what's up guys and welcome back to another episode of planet coaster this is episode seven now on the series if you guys are new here or you just haven't seen any of the previous episodes be sure to check out the link in the description you can find the link to the series playlist there and catch up on any previous episode that you may have missed so what we did in the previous episode was basically got every single ride here to have a priority queue and we did that by simply adding tiny little paths either intersecting the intertwining sort of area of the path or just by cutting the path entirely sort of like what we did over here with the tea bags that's what the tea cups are now called I was really really struggling after we added this new ride the ascendance otherwise known as super high trying to figure out where to put a priority queue because there's no good spot to put one that would necessarily make it faster but little did I know the priority queue doesn't have to be any faster than the regular queue it can be the same length it could even be longer take a look over here by the scoop D loop D hoopty it cuts off the standard ticket buyers right in front of where the priority queue would exit so even if you hit the priority queue and the line is full you'll still get to go right outside of the priority queue entrance or I'm sorry the priority queue exit making it a lot faster so what I did is finally added a priority queue over here off camera and it starts up at the front snakes all the way around the side of the path sort of going in and out weaving in and out of all of the plants here and then at the very end just before the entrance there is the priority queue exit and hopefully the people liked it I did add that while the whole queue was full the queue was all the way back to the entrance back here so after I hit play here guys wait till you see how many people are just going to flood the streets of our theme park here from doing that three two one here we go and it begins oh my god they're everywhere look at that dude that is insane they don't even know where to go so I think once you do close down a ride and people have already paid to get into said ride you still get to keep that money so all of these people right here are gonna be so pissed that they didn't even get to ride on the ride look at these two down here twinning hard AF but hopefully people are starting to buy priority passes I did see there was a couple of people here on the scoop t loop D hoop D that said they wish they had a priority passed nine percent of people that go on this say they wish they had a priority pass they probably don't even realize that they can buy them over here at the information booth we should have hopefully another vendor coming out to fill oh maybe not we might have to add another vendor to take on that task I don't see anyone moving out there oh here we go no that's the security guard he's definitely not gonna go take over the information booth what about this person no they're just gonna swap out okay is he tired okay now they're gonna swap out that's interesting I haven't seen anyone do that they're just cycling through right now that's really weird I didn't know they did that I figured once someone got tired they just go rest but no these dudes are hopping all over the place and he's pumped about it his energy levels are probably fine heading to staff building still no staff out here it looks like oh here we go this is Bob he's the one that normally runs this place anyways so now with Bob here hopefully people start funneling in trying to get a priority pass there are only five bucks you guys it's really not that bad but people don't seem to want to buy them 9% of people think that priority passes are for suckers even though every single ride in this park now has a priority queue god 420blaze its queue is just backed up dude all the way to the entrance what about teacups it's about there the priority queues definitely leave a dent in the the standard queues doesn't really allow very many people to get on or get into the queue this one's filling out nicely no one in priority but I'm sure a couple of these people have wristbands come on people go buy some wristbands it's totally worth it here we go for more people about to get some wristbands alright but anyways enough checked what we're gonna be doing today is adding yet another flat ride I know I know we'll get into more coasters later on I would really like to design another coaster cue maybe off-camera and place that in sort of help speed along the process of building a coaster but there are some interesting track rides that I think we could look at of course we have the custom track rides we have water rides we have chairlift skis once we get the park sort of a lot larger we'll get a chairlift system installed and try to figure out how we want to weave that around the park Kamikaze has broke down that's not a big deal we don't really make that much from Kamikaze this right here guys this ride this is where we make all of our money the scoop de loop T Hooft e the best coaster in the business but a couple of these tract rides could be pretty interesting we have sixty-two thousand dollars and that gives us a lot of money to play with let's sort this by price high so quick draw right here this is the most expensive pre-built blueprint track ride that we could do and it just so happens to fit almost perfectly back over here so I'm thinking we could get a queue filled out right here and bring the queue out around the back of the tea bags but this thing has to actually touch the ground so we got to lower this down until everything is intersecting the ground okay right there looks pretty good it seems like a good height for it so I want to put it right back here I just have to get it in the right spot so we want it fairly close to the tea bags and fairly close to the path I think right there is going to be perfect that is 12,000 buckaroo knees right there okay so now that it's actually installed we just have to figure out how we're gonna snake a path back here it should be fairly easy we're gonna start with the exit path let's use the red one that we normally do and we can bring this out just like that try to get it up close to the tea bags as close as we can we'll turn off angle snap here that might help us out with that and there we go we have our exit that actually looks really nice I'm pretty happy with that let's get the queue going here we have it be 10 foot or 13 I feel like 13 is gonna look a little bit better whoops didn't mean to do it there okay and this thing is gonna go all over the place I feel like a lot of people are gonna want to line up for this so we're gonna bring it out to here and then loop it back in on itself just a little bit bring it out to there loop it back this direction and then I think we'll let's see we could go straight this way let's do that it's fairly long already so I think if we just head it back in towards the main path just bring it right out here connect it up to the main path that looks fine to me it's not straight really at all is it ah what the heck it doesn't matter we don't have to be that picky so there we go we got it set up here let's go ahead and take a look at quick-draw superhigh has broken down that's actually not good let's let's make sure that we have a mechanic in route looks like we do we'll do a refurbishment on it to hopefully prevent that from happening again it was 15 minutes over do you guys know what that means we might need another mechanic here to help us out so let's go into staff hire staff mechanic drop him down right there pause it too so we can get his colors situated here helmet obviously has to be white his little jumpsuit is gonna be bright orange his harness will be black and what is this his gloves let's do that black let's do that black I think that looks nice his name is Hans Downes he does it all he's free-roaming that's perfect all right and we will leave his pay at the base pay that every other mechanic would make okay let's take a look at the quick draw over here we'll pause it again so we don't lose out on any money any potential clients here ticket price is only 5 bucks unopened prestige cue scenery ratings at 61% I think we'll leave that there for now all I'll do some decorating off-camera so you guys don't have to see any of that number of trains oh my god we can do 20 of these things dude holy crap it just keeps going let's see is the ride still continuing here yes it is okay so let's take it to just after this door in case it's completely backed up with 13 of them that way you can at least complete the actual shooting game and then once you're out that's that I guess there's some more here isn't there how many would that be one two three five I want more than five let's do ten let's do ten of them I feel like that's gonna be a good number standard operation can't change any of that train speed ten miles an hour is that crazy full load zero time intervals men departure interval let's do ten seconds enable priority pass duh but I got to figure out where we're gonna put that we could we could put it down here place priority pass entrance I could put that right there and then the exit will put right up here on the corner just like that there we go now let's connect up our priority queue there we go all right that looks pretty good to me got a nice little priority queue there skips a good chunk of the line not too much I guess but it'll be okay I feel like people will appreciate that all right let's see what else we can do to this ride this one's gonna be high priority as well just like all the others we could ooh we got different gun sounds let's just leave it with arcade seems to fit the theme here could we do custom we could probably make custom sounds for that that would be hilarious all right operator color track color all of that we're gonna keep the same since it's a blueprint five dollars though alright let's test this sucker out hit play here I hope 10 miles an hour isn't anything too crazy but I really want to see if when the cars get back if they have to wait a long time we're gonna have to fix that maybe a just oh no that's not bad at all I don't know it could be better I guess all right and now these people are gonna get out okay here we go we got test results it does make people a little nauseous but not terribly holy crap dude prestige is 1100 that is the best ride that we have here for sure wait Trish what try the shooting ride without being able to submit a score what we can do this this is sick dude I'm gonna suck so bad at this though okay okay okay Oh God combo broken oh god this is hard dude people actually play this stuff to combo broken all right we got these back here I am not good at keyboard and mouse shooter games I'm just not good at shooter games in general you guys this is a little embarrassing oh the lighting got dark - that's pretty cool all right these are gonna light up I think you can only shoot them one time oh wow oh I didn't get it we got a big old sign right there and then we got these tiny ones here Wow so we got a score of 880 I don't know if that's a good score not but that's really cool that is really really cool free camera shooting that might help a little bit shots ignore scenery scenery won't block shots from hitting targets no that'd be way to cheat ski doodlee that's really cool dude I like that a lot let's go ahead and open this thing up alright so five bucks stupid cheap we're gonna need oh god I don't know thirty dollars should we try thirty bucks oh my god people would pay $30 to get into this thing you got to be kidding what about 40 oh my god dude that's a real moneymaker right there 40 bucks I gotta see if people are complaining about that quick-draw is so expensive okay let's do $35 then how about that it's a new thing all right you guys want to experience it you're gonna pay full price whoo these guys are all nauseous that's gross all right we're gonna need two barrels let's grab two barrels and put them at the exit over here there we go put one there put one here hopefully that helps clear up the traffic we'll grab ourselves two benches as well put those up next to the barrels there we go alright we may need another janitor - I didn't even think about that but the park is getting pretty big and it looks good dude I'm trying to keep everything sort of contained I don't want to expand too much this looks awesome are people still saying it's stupid expensive 35 bucks yeah quick draw is so expensive okay let's just do 30 bucks then I feel like that's probably fair but dude a prestige of 1100 that is nuts that is absolutely nuts and people love it people are really enjoying it I don't have enough money to go on quick draw hmm in that case I wonder if we should put an ATM out here we got a little bit of space over here we could drop an ATM that way people can get some more money out here we go ATM right here let's rotate this sucker around and we'll drop it right there obstructed by what do you need a full square to be able to place this thing I'm confused why can't we put an ATM there can we put it over here oh yeah that works okay we'll drop two ATMs over here one there and one there there we go now people can actually use the ATMs should we charge anything for use normally it's like 250 right yeah I think that's typical for ATM 250 whoops two dollars fifty cents there we go so if someone does want to use the ATM of course we're gonna charge them you can't use an ATM for free 420blaze it broke down we're gonna have to fix that do a little refurbishment help prevent that these are all looking good how is the roller-coaster looking okay that's about due for a refurb it's got average reliability so everything that has average reliability I have set to 30 minutes if it has high reliability then I have it set to 60 let's check to this one what does this one at that one's average so it should be 30 as well what is quick-draw it probably we probably haven't owned it enough oh yeah 60 minutes there we go all right so we have our new ride in the theme park that is looking so good dude let's see what everyone's thinking about it I didn't even look last time six percent of people say quick-draw is still expensive yeah but I mean it's starting to go down okay that is so good dude so so good and that's gonna bring more people out of the of the interior of the park more towards the outside you can see this queues starting to fill up once again no one in priority are we selling more priority passes or what what's the deal here we got Bob back here I was already going to information three but that advert makes me more excited okay so people actually really this circle I guess 11 percent of people say that priority passes are for suckers god I hate how this is doing that I wish I could change that scoop D hoopty loop D broke down Oh No let's get where is maintenance let's get a full refurb on this thing everybody get out of here we got work to do too many guests are trying to use go P soda is that so oh wow yeah people really love gulpy which one of these is still doing terrible is it all of them Wow Pizza pens actually making money again just ribbon is perfect hotdog squads good chief beef is good cosmic cow milkshake is bringing in the dough and so is Gopi soda things are looking really good over here in the food court area alright I want to watch some other people play this see if anyone's any better than I am I'm sure they will be we're strapped in we got our pistol wait this one's not even fully loaded what the heck did we not set it for full load I thought we did operations it's full load maybe it's not giving people enough time since the minimum departure time is 10 seconds to jump in does it only fit four people at a time yeah I guess it does all right well well we'll stick it out I suppose the cue for this thing is really getting backed up now look at all these people with priority passes getting to go right along that's good news that's really good news for us even more people starting to get in priority the queue is getting long I mean the long long long we should have put this thing in a long time ago dude we got 1400 people in the park now and we're looking at about $10,000 of profit for the month which is insane I can't believe that so we're up to sixty six thousand dollars again I think we had sixty some thousand dollars to start and then we put in this shooter game and it's just doing phenomenal I almost wonder if we should add more cars to this we only have ten going around here if we add more cars that's gonna allow more people to get on look at that it's already backed up to the entrance we're gonna have to create coaster chain nah all right here we go we're gonna go to test mode actually we're gonna go to close mode first Tristan Kane has the shooting high score dang did we beat him we have 880 okay let's see you what am I looking for here full load number of cars where's number of cars at there it is number of trains 20 max in this sucker out we're testing it we'll fast forward until it's done but my thought process here is the more people we have on the ride the less people there will be waiting in the queue since more people will be on the ride itself waiting to get off so we'll see if that works I don't know if that's the case necessarily or not the first train car is just now making it out of the barn so it's definitely gonna take a little bit longer here we go there should be our test results it is where's our prestige it's still about the same on the prestige so I think we're ready to open her back up let people hop back in get some more double money from people paying twice to ride this sucker let's see what else we got going on yeah we made 10,000 bucks last month Park rating is is decreasing slowly but our guest happiness gives us a 21 percent bonus and a marketing bonus we don't have yet no challenges I said that we were gonna try to tackle these we did research the restaurant we just don't own one yet and we do have hotels researched as well so we could add a hotel but I think maybe we should wait on the hotel until the next episode now I do have a blueprint pre-made for that so that would be something that's fairly quick and we could add a couple more things in the next one along with the hotel but I do think that is going to do it for this episode you guys if you did enjoy please leave a like leave a comment help support the dream by smashing that subscribe button and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching guys peace
Channel: Toogii
Views: 13,582
Rating: 4.9103642 out of 5
Keywords: planetcoaster, roller coaster game, planet coaster game, rollercoaster tycoon, planet coaster, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, pc, console, steam, xbox, playstation, theme park
Id: UKjNgqpsGS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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