Pizzanada!!! New Trending Pangnegosyo Recipe Hawaiian & New York's Finest Complete with Costing

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Good day to all of you. Since I like to eat pizza today, and I also like to eat empanada, I thought of combining those two today. So what we will be cooking today is a delicious pizzanada. We will be making two flavors. One is Hawaiian pizzanada. And the second one is New York's Finest pizzanada. If you will be selling this for business, you have a cheaper variant and you also have a more expensive variant. But the taste is worth it. You can serve this for snacks. It can also be served during gatherings. And most of all, you can sell this for business and we will surely earn a profit. So if you are interested in this video, watch until the end because your possible questions will be mentioned here in this video as well. So come on and let us not waste our time. Let us start making pizzanada. Tipid Tips Atbp. Pizzanada Ingredients for the Pizzanada Dough We will be using 1 kilogram of all-purpose flour. You can also use bread flour. ½ cup of white sugar. 2 teaspoons of baking powder. The brand I used is Calumet. ½ teaspoon of salt. This is for enhancing the sweetness of our empanada. 200 grams of butter. Margarine will do as well and you can also use vegetable shortening or what we call lard. 1 can of 390 mL evaporated milk. You can use any brand. We will add 90 mL of cold water because our evaporated milk is 390 mL. So the total quantity should be 2 cups. We should use cold water. Ingredients for Hawaiian Pizzanada Filings. We will be using 115 grams of pizza sauce. We will not cook our own pizza sauce anymore so we won't be hassled or we won't have a hard time. The size of this is 115 grams. 1 can of 227 grams pineapple tidbits. The size of this is 227 grams. ¼ kilogram (or 250 grams) of ham. Any brand will do. And we will be using cheese. You can use any kind of cheese. But I used a melt cheese. And we will be using bell pepper and white onion. For the ingredients of our New York's Finest Pizzanada Fillings, we will be using ¼ kilograms of ground beef. I cooked this already. I didn't show it to you anymore since we just have to sauté this in garlic and onion, then add some salt and pepper, so that our video will be shorter. 1 piece of sausage. ¼ kilogram (or 250 grams) of ham. Any brand will do. 200 grams of bacon. 425 grams of mushroom. Bellpepper. 200 grams of mozzarella. White onion. Black olives. And of course, we will use 115 grams of pizza sauce. So now, let us start making our pizzanada dough. Let us now put 1 kilogram of flour. Let us also put in the salt. White sugar. And the baking powder. Let us also add in the butter. Let us just knead this. You can use lard instead. That is cheaper compared to the butter or margarine. But if you will be using this, your dough will become tastier and more delicious. The butter, margarine, or lard is important in our empanada dough because this will make it crispy. When you know that it is well mixed already, you can now add the evaporated milk or water. But in putting the liquid, it should be gradual because it might be too much and it will make it soft. Flours have different kinds as well. It is like rice. There are kinds that absorb too much water. And there are other kinds which don't absorb too much water. So if you will be making a dough or a batter, you should add the liquid last so that you won't be adding too much. Then mix it at the same time and let us mix it well. Now, we are done putting our ingredients. But of course, if you have a mixer, that is easier. So that you won't have a hard time mixing this. But today, I won't be using a mixer. We will just knead this by hand. I have a rolling pin here. We will also use that in kneading. So we will just knead this until our dough becomes smooth, until it forms. If you are just starting and you don't have a mixer yet, you can knead it manually by hand. But if you are already earning your money, it is better to invest for a mixer so that if we will be making, we will not have a hard time kneading it by hand anymore. Since if you will be using a mixer, our dough will be so easy to make. Your arms won't ache anymore from kneading it by hand. But if you are just starting, of course, we should be patient. Let us just knead this until it becomes smooth and we will be back later. Okay. Now, our dough is done. After 20 minutes, we were able to make our dough already. One sign to know if the dough is okay already, is when it is forming into a ball already. When you poke that, it will return to its original form. That is one of the signs our dough is well-knead already. The nest thing that we will do is rest this for at least 30 minutes. Let us first put it in a bowl. And let us cover it with cling wrap. Let's get back to this after 30 minutes. Okay. Now, while we are letting our dough rest, we will be chopping our fillings. So I won't be showing you everything so that our video will be quite shorter because I know that you can do that already. Just like for our bacon, ham, the sausage, we will just chop that into squares. And when we will be filling it later, when we are making our pizzanada already, you will see how I sliced these. Our containers are here already. We will slice this one by one. And we will be back later. But I will be filming a short video on how I will do it. Just like bacon. Since this is 200 grams, we will just get 100 grams for this since we will just make half kilogram. So if you will be making this your business, so that you won't be wasting money, store this again in the freezer so that we can avoid spoilage. So that you can save money from the ingredients or you won't find it so expensive. We will just slice this into squares. For the ham, the slices are squares as well. You can opt in using all of this or not. There are 9 pieces of this ham. We will also slice this into squares. I will prepare these fillings first and we will be back later. Okay. Now, after 30 minutes, we got this already. But before we start, the next thing that we will do is to weigh the dough so we can divide it properly. Our 1 kilogram of flour became 1,700 grams. Now, we will be dividing this into two because we will be making two kinds of fillings. When we divide it, the weight will become 857 grams. For this other half, let us let it rest first. Let us store it back in our refrigerator first. There, let us just knead this a bit to get rid of the air inside. When we let our dough rest, it became smooth on its own. A while ago, it is not that smooth. We will now be cutting this by 40 grams. But if you will be making this, it depends on you already on what weight or size you want your empanada to be. But I will be making it 40 grams only. We will be back later when I am done cutting all of this by 40 grams. We are done cutting it by 40 grams. And we have 15 grams excess. Later, we will just combine our excess from this and the excess from the other half of the dough. We were able to make 21 pieces of 40-gram dough. And for those who will be asking, "Sister Tipid Tips, for example, we don't have a weighing scale, what will be the measurement in tablespoons or cups?" So the measurement of this 40-gram dough is more or less 3 tablespoons. Now, the next thing that we will do since we are done cutting the dough, we will round all of this so that we won't have a hard time flattening it later. Let us just round it, just like this. There. Just round and round. You can directly flatten this already then put the fillings. But what I do is I round all of the dough first so that we will be quick in flattening the dough later. Okay. Now, we are done shaping the dough into a round shape already. And the next thing that we will do is to put the fillings already. So in putting the fillings, there are a lot of fillings which you can put. Let me just give you an idea. Just imitate the flavors of the pizza we buy just like the one we will be making today, New York's Finest Pizzanada. That is a best seller from Yellow Cab. You can imitate the best seller from Pizza Hut, or Domino's Pizza. It depends on you already on what fillings you want to put here. You can put anything. So now, let us start filling the dough and we will be making the Hawaiian pizzanada first. First, we need our rolling pin and a fork. We will be using this for the design. The Hawaiian pizza doesn't have bell pepper and onion. But I will be adding some because based on my preference, we can really say that it is a pizza if it has bell pepper and onion. So it is up to you if you will be adding or not. So now, let us start putting the fillings. First, expand the dough. Be careful in flattening it. It is easier to round the dough first before you flatten it. Just like this. Coat half of the dough with sauce. In adding the pizza sauce, it depends on you already on how much you want to put. To coat it with some amount is okay already. What is important is we can spread it. We will only coat the middle part since we will be folding this later. When we are done coating it with sauce, let us then put onions. Bell pepper. For the amount of this, it depends on you already as well on how much you want to put in here. Then, the ham. Pineapples. I placed two pieces of tidbits. We will add the quickmelt cheese. Then, we will fold it already. When you folded it already, press and flatten the sides, just like this. When we are done flattening it, we will fold the edge in a circular manner. There. You will press the edge so that the dough will lock. Then fold it is a circular manner at the same time until we reach the other end. If you've watched our egg pie video, this is how I folded the edges as well. When you are at the end already, just press it to lock the dough. We will flatten the sides using a fork so that it will have a design. And another reason for this is so that our empanada will lock. You will poke that using a fork so that when we fry our pizzanada, our dough won't open. We will be poking it using a fork on both sides. Just like that. It is important to rest the dough because it will be easier to flatten it. When you have flattened it, coat it with sauce. Onions. Bell pepper. Ham. Pineapple and cheese. Fold. Compress the fillings. Then, fold the sides. When you reach the end, press it to lock the dough. And let us put a design using a fork. Then poke holes in it. That is how easy our pizzanada is. Let us just finish all of these and we will just pit fillings on all of these and we will be back later. For the onions, we chopped it into squares or cubes. There, just like that. And for the bell pepper, we sliced it into thin long pieces. For the ham, we sliced it into squares. And for the cheese, we cut it into long pieces and we will use half a box of cheese. Okay. We are now done with the Hawaiian pizzanada. We are done putting the fillings for the 21 pieces of dough. And we still have excess ingredients. Since we will still be making New York's Finest pizzanada, we can still use this ham there, bell peppers, onions, and the excess pizza sauce. And if you will be making this your business, we will just put these leftovers in the refrigerator so that it won't be wasted or it won't be spoiled. So that our expenses for the ingredients are not that big. I will set this aside first. You can just put it on one side for the meantime, or, it is better if we will put this in the refrigerator so that the butter won't melt. Now, we will be making New York's Finest pizzanada. We will just cut this by 40 grams just like earlier. Okay. I won't be explaining this anymore since I already explained it earlier. We were able to make 21 pieces of 40-gram dough as well since they have the same weight. We have an excess of 30 grams. But we will count it here. So these are 22 pieces. Let us now round these doughs. We will now put the fillings for our New York's Finest pizzanada. I will show you the ingredients we will use for the filling. This is our pizza sauce, the leftover onions, and this is our sausage. We sliced that into circles. And for those who will be asking what is the brand of this, what it looks like, this is how it looks like and this is the brand. The brand name is Fantastic! I bought this in SM. This costs 160 pesos. For the mozzarella cheese, this is how it looks like. We divided this into three parts. For the black olives, I just got half of this. We were able to buy sliced already. I bought this at SM Supermarket as well. Leftover bell pepper from earlier. The leftover ham from earlier. This was ¼ kilogram and this is how much our excess is since we are just using half a kilogram of flour. And this is one can of mushroom. We can't finish all of this as well. Half of the bacon. And this ground beef. In all of the ingredients for the fillings, this is just the one which we cooked. Let us again start making our pizzanada. This is just like the one we made earlier. There. When we flatten this, we should be careful so that our dough won't break. We always have to put the pizza sauce. For the fillings, it depends on you on what you want to put first. Onions. Sausage. A little bacon. Mushrooms. Ham. Black olives. I will be putting three pieces. Bell pepper. And the mozzarella cheese. I didn't remove it from the plastic yet because it is sticky. And the ground beef. Then let us fold it already. Compress the fillings inside. The filling of our New York's Finest pizzanada is so big. Then let us fold the sides already. Of course, the bigger the empanada you make, the more fillings you need. But this 40 grams I made, the size is exact already. Let us flatten it with a fork again on the sides. Poke holes. We are able to make one already. We will just put fillings in all of these and we will be back later. There. Okay, we are now done with our New York's Finest pizzanada. This is all of it. Since the fillings are a lot, our New York's Finest pizzanada is bigger compared to our Hawaiian pizzanada. We still have excess ingredients for our fillings. This ground beef. We also still have excess ham. And mushrooms. And we still have some pizza sauce. Okay. Now, our pizzanadas are done. And the next thing that we will do is one way of how we can sell it. This is what we call "repacking." And we will be repacking first the first batch of empanadas we made earlier. And the plastic bag that we will be using is this 5 inches by 10 inches. This is thick. And the brand name is Dura Plus. This is the plastic that we are using in our previous videos. There. For those who are asking, it is this on. But this one, you can fry this already even if you will not store it in the refrigerator anymore if you will be selling it in front of your house or if you will serve it as a snack. But today, we will be repacking these, and I will be putting 4 pieces per plastic. So we were able to make 21 pieces of this. We can make 5 packs from this. And the for the one excess, we will be frying that later so we can taste our pizzanada. But if you will be making this your business, it depends on you on how many pieces will you be packing. We are done with one pack and we will just pack all of this first. We were able to make 5 packs and we have one piece of excess. Let us set this aside first. And we will now repack our New York's Finest pizzanada so that we will just repack it all at once. We will be putting three pieces of these in one plastic since these are quite big. Let us finish repacking this first and we will be back later. Okay, we are now done repacking. And the next thing that we will do is to seal these. We will just point the camera down so that we can see it properly. Let us set this aside first. I will be using this ordinary sealer for sealing. But if you already have a vacuum sealer, you can use that. But if you don't have this or a vacuum sealer, don't worry because you can use a candle as an alternative if you are just starting. For example, you already have money, or you already earned, you can just buy this by then. Of course, for our product to look more beautiful, we can put a label. Just like our previous videos, you will just put the name of your business, our product, and we have our cellphone number here so that if someone wants to be a reseller, or if someone wants to order, they can contact you immediately. I didn't print this in a sticker paper today. This is just printed in a typewriting paper. Let us just put it here on top. Then, we will seal it again. We are done with one already. Let us seal all of these first. Okay. We are now done repacking our pizzanada. You can definitely sell this already. We can put this in our freezer already. Have it ordered online to our colleagues. You can definitely do that. Or you can put a sign in front of your house that says that we have ready to cook snacks just like this. You can also cook it already then sell it in front of your house. And we also have packs stored in the freezer. We already have ready to cook ones or we have packs ready to be ordered. And the next thing that we will do is we will be cooking the excess pieces of each kind so we can taste and know if our pizzanada tastes okay. So, we will be doing the costing later. We will just quickly cook these. Let us heat our pan already. When you know that it is hot already, let us put in the oil. When you know that it is hot already, we can now put the pizzanadas in the pot. Let us just wait for these to cool down and we will be back. Okay now, while we are waiting for our pizzanadas to cool down, for those who will be asking, "Sister Tipid Tips, can we cook it in the oven?" That can be. And I will be showing that to you now. We will only be cooking two pieces in the oven. But before we place it in the oven, brush it with egg first. Then, let us just coat the top with egg. The egg will add color to our empanada. Let us now put this in our oven. We preheated it already. The temperature is set at 200 degrees Celcius. And the function is set on up and down. And we will cook this in the oven for 25 minutes. Okay, there. Let us get back to that later. These pizzanadas are quite cold already and we will just taste these quickly. This is still quite hot but we will taste it already so that we can also proceed with the costing as well. The smaller one is the Hawaiian pizzanada and the bigger one is New York's Finest pizzanada. Since our fillings for this is a lot, it made it bigger. It smells delicious. The smell of the empanada there because of the dough. Let us first taste this Hawaiian pizzanada. There. Wow! There is our pizza. If you are here, then you smell it, our Hawaiian pizzanada really smells like pizza. You will surely like this. Now, let us taste this even though this is still quite hot. Delicious. I can't say anything because this is really so delicious. You can really taste the pizza fillings. And the dough is crispy. And for its taste, you will be wowed with its deliciousness. Now, let us taste this New York's Finest pizzanada. Wow! The cheese in it also melted. There. Our New York's Finest pizzanada has a lot of fillings so it looks nice. There. But I smelled it first. This smells so good. This has a different smell from our Hawaiian pizzanada which really smells like pizza. For this one, when you smell it, this New York's Finest pizzanada smells so meaty. That smells delicious and it smells delicious like this because of the sausage. You can really smell it here. And the smell of this is really comparable to Yellow Cab's New York's Finest pizza. This is how it smells like. Let us now taste it. Delicious. Okay. The taste of this is good. It is soo good. Okay. We are now done tasting the one we fried in oil. And let us now taste the one we cooked in the oven. But this just has the same taste as the previous ones. The only difference is we cooked the other ones in oil while this one is in the oven. It's delicious. But if you will be asking me which one is more delicious, the one we fried in oil is more delicious compared to the one we cooked in the oven. But of course, we have different tastes preferences. What is important here is if you don't want it to have so much oil, then you can cook it in the oven. And if you don't have an oven yet, you can cook it by frying it in oil. You can do any of those methods. You can use both of those methods. Okay? Okay, we are now done tasting our pizzanadas. So let us start with the Hawaiian pizzanada first. Let us start with this Hawaiian pizzanada first. What I can say about this is it is really delicious. When you open it, when you break it open, you can really smell pizza in it. The bell pepper and onion we put are important here. The taste of this is just balanced. It is just right. And for this New York's Finest pizzanada, this is also very delicious maybe because of the many fillings we put. If you will be making this, you will follow this New York's Finest pizzanada recipe, the sausage is important here. And I hope you can try this. just like what I mentioned earlier, for the fillings of our pizzanada, any fillings you want to put will do. Imitate the best sellers from Pizza Hut, Domino's Pizza, Yellow Cab, or Greenwich. It depends on you already on what fillings you want to put. For the fillings we used here, the taste is such a win. And you will surely like this. And if you will be making this for snacks, or as a gift, or you will be making this for your business, this will surely be a popular one in your area and in your family. So now, I am excited to do the costing so we can determine how much we can sell this and how much was our capital. So before I start, as I always say, the costing that we do is based on our location here. You will be setting your own prices for your products since we have different locations. What is important there is I am giving you an idea of how to do the costing for our products. Now, we will first calculate the costing for our empanada dough. Let us start with our all-purpose flour, 1 kilogram, 44 pesos. For the evaporated milk, 22 pesos. For the baking powder and salt, let us combine them already since we only put small amounts, 2 pesos. For the ½ cup of white sugar, 5 pesos. For the butter, 46 pesos. So our total capital for the ingredients of our dough is 119 pesos. But we will still add the other expenses. 10 pesos for the labor since we only made 1 kilogram. And let us also add the consumption cost for the electricity if we will be repacking these and store it in the freezer. Let us just estimate that for 20 pesos. So our total capital for the dough is 149 pesos. Now, let us divide that by 43 pieces. If you can remember, we made 21 pieces for the Hawaiian pizzanadas and 22 pieces for New York's Finest pizzanadas. So the total of that is 43 pieces. Let us divide that in our capital. So the result of that is our capital for one dough is 3.46 pesos. Let us just round that to 4 pesos so that we won't have a hard time computing. Now that we know our capital for each dough, the next one we will be computing is the Hawaiian pizzanada fillings. The one we put as fillings here. Let us start with the pizza sauce, 19.75 pesos. Let us just estimate that for 20 pesos so that it is not difficult to compute. Ham, 25 pesos since we only used half of it. The other half of that is what we used in our New York's Finest pizzanada. For the pineapple tidbits, we didn't use all of it, 22 pesos. For the quick-melt cheese, 41 pesos. We only used half of it. Bell pepper, 6 pesos. We only used half of it as well. And the white onion, 10 pesos since we only used half of it as well. So our total capital for the ingredients is 122 pesos. We will still add our other expenses. Just 10 pesos for the labor cost since we just put a small amount. So our total capital for our Hawaiian pizzanada fillings is 132 pesos. Let us divide that by 21 pieces we were able to make. So the result of that is our capital for the Hawaiian pizzanada fillings is 6.28 pesos. Let us just round it at 7 pesos so that it is not difficult to compute. Now let us add the capital for the dough which is 4 pesos and the capital for this Hawaiian pizzanada filligns, 7 pesos. So our capital for each Hawaiian pizzanada is 11 pesos. Now, let us compute the costing for one pack of this. This has 4 pieces. So we will be multiplying our capital of 11 pesos by 4 pieces. The result of that is 44 pesos. But we will still add the cost for the plastic, label, and the cost of sealing it for a short while. Let us just estimate that to be 5 pesos. That estimation is still a lot. And let us also add 5 pesos for the labor cost since we only made a few pieces of this. These are just 21 pieces. So let us just estimate the cost to be 5 pesos. So our total capital per pack is 54 pesos. Now, I am saying this again. In setting the price of this, it depends on our location, how much we can sell this or how much is the possible price in our location. What is important there is we know how much is our capital for each pack so that if we will be setting the price for this at a lower price so that our capital will immediately return to us, we will still be earning a profit. Okay? Now, you can sell this for 70 to 90 pesos. But here in our place, I will price this for 80 pesos. If you can remember earlier since I already placed the other packs in the refrigerator, we were able to make 5 packs. So we will be earning 400 pesos by selling these. But we will still deduct our capital for the fillings which costs 132 pesos. And we will still deduct the capital of our dough. If you can remember, our capital for the dough is 149 pesos. We will divide that amount since we made two kinds of fillings. Let us just estimate the price at 75 pesos so that there is no remainder and it will not be difficult to compute. So our possible profit from this is 193 pesos. For example, we are doing this every day, we are really striving to sell, let us just say that we are able to sell five packs each day and we are selling it every day. Let us multiply our profit worth 193 pesos by 30 days so that we can have an idea of how much profit we can earn. So that will result in a possible profit of 5,790 pesos. Just imagine that that is just with half a kilogram of flour only. Then that is just 5 packs. You will not be so tired since that is just half a kilogram of flour only. That is just easy for you as long as, what is important there is we like what we are doing. Now, let us calculate the costing for our New York's Finest Pizzanada. Let us start with the ¼ ground beef, let us just estimate that for 40 pesos since we were able to use only half of that. For the pizza sauce, 20 pesos. For the mozzarella cheese, 90 pesos since we were only able to use 7 pieces from that one. Black olives, 40 pesos. We only used half of it. For the mushroom which we only used half of it, 22 pesos. Sausage, 32 pesos. We only used 1 piece. Ham, 25 pesos. That is half as well. Bacon, 42 pesos. We only used half of it as well which was 100 grams. For the bell pepper, 6 pesos. And for the white onion, 10 pesos. We used only one large onion and we only divide it in half as well for the Hawaiian pizzanada and the New York's Finest pizzanada. So our total capital for the ingredients is 327 pesos. But we will still add other expenses such as the labor cost. Let us just price that for 10 pesos Since we only made a few. So the total capital is 337 pesos. Now, let us divide that by the number of pieces we were able to make. We were able to make 22 pieces. We have an excess dough. We just combined it that is why it became 22 pieces. So our capital for each New York's Finest fillings is 15.31 pesos. Let us just round it to 16 pesos so that it won't be difficult to compute. Now, let us add the capital for our dough, 4 pesos, and 16 pesos for the fillings. So that will result in a capital of 20 pesos for each New York's Finest pizzanada. Now, let us calculate the costing for one pack of this. Since this has three pieces in it, the capital is 60 pesos already. Then the cost for the plastic, label, and for sealing, let us estimate the price of those for 5 pesos. And let us add 5 more pesos for the labor costs when we repacked these. So our capital for each pack is 70 pesos. Now, as I always say, setting the price for these is up to us. What is important there is we know how much will be our capital to lessen the possibility of not earning a profit. And the suggested price for this, you can sell this for 100 to 120 pesos. But for me, here in our place, I will price this for 110 pesos. Since we were able to make 7 packs, we will multiply 110 pesos by 7 packs. That will result in an earning of 770 pesos. But we will still deduct our capital of 327 pesos for the fillings and 75 pesos again for the dough. So we will still earn a profit of 358 pesos and just imagine that that is just from 7 packs only and that is just with half a kilogram of flour only. What if you will be concentrating on selling this pizzanada, you really mastered doing it, you didn't neglect it, you really made this pizzanada your business already, and you are already popular in your area, it is not impossible for you to double your profit of 358 pesos. Let us just say that you are able to double that already because of how hardworking you are. The seven packs with a profit of 358 pesos, we are able to double that already since we are very hardworking and we really did not neglect it, we can earn a possible profit of 716 pesos every day if we are selling consistently. Let us multiply that by 30 days so we can have an idea of how much we can possibly earn. That will result in a possible profit of 21,480 pesos. If you will really be serious in selling this, you can possibly earn more than that amount because I already tried this. Our pizzanada is so delicious. Especially if you will be taking care of this and you won't be selling old stocks, and you will always be selling new products, it is not impossible for you to be known in your place as someone who sells delicious snacks. Just remember what I always say, don't forget that, as long as you will include hard work, perseverance and strategy, it is not impossible for us to earn even if we are just at home. Especially now, it's 'BER' months already. It feels good to start a business. And it also feels good to earn money even if we are just at home and we are with our family, or our kids. And for those who will be asking, "Sister Tipid Tips, if we will be selling this when it is cooked already, how much can we sell it?" If you can remember, in our Hawaiian pizzanada, our capital is 11 pesos for each piece. You can sell it for 15 to 20 pesos since we will still use gas and cooking oil. And of course, for your products to look more presentable, you should use a paper bag. Don't put it in a plastic because it doesn't look good. It is better if you will be using this. This is just cheap since one bundle contains 100 pieces. And for our New York's Finest pizzanada, our capital for that is 20 pesos. You can sell it for 25 to 30 pesos because the fillings are really worth it. The taste is really guaranteed. That is why their money is really worth it. With just one piece, they are full already since our pizzanada is big and has a lot of fillings. Okay? Let me just remind you again quickly, for the leftover ingredients, you should store it immediately in the refrigerator so that you won't be spending more or find the ingredients pricey. If you plan on starting a business, whatever business that is, you should take care of all your ingredients so that we will not be wasting our money. Okay. And for those who will be asking for the shelf life of this, for the ones stored in the freezer, this can last for up to 3 months as long as our pizzanadas are in the freezer. And of course, if we cooked this already, this will stay crispy the whole day. The next day, it won't be crispy anymore. But our pizzanada is still okay. So now, before this video ends, I will just give quick shoutouts. Shoutout to the.swaganons. They said that they really like our videos and that they already have a business in Las Vegas of chicken tocino, pork tocino, pork longganisa, skinless longganisa, and our chili garlic sauce, classic beef tapa, and our empanada using our recipes. Hello to you, ma'am. We have a new recipe, this pizzanada. And I hope you can make it and it will surely be popular there in your place. And you will surely earn. And she said that she is having a lot of patrons already because of how delicious our recipes are. Shoutout to her husband, Panda Aganon, and to their children, Aiden and Aria. There. Shoutout to all of you from Las Vegas. Thank you very much to you as well and for the recipes that you are requesting, we will be making those soon. And shoutout to Jezreel Estrera too. She is thanking us for our tips about saving money (Tipid Tips). God bless you as well. Shoutout to you as well, ma'am Jezreel Estrera. Shoutout to Thelma Mitchell as well. She said that it was her first time watching our vlog. She said that she was so inspired by the details from the start until the finish. Shoutout to Byran Justice from the USA. Shoutout to you. And thank you very much to you as well, ma'am Thelma. And shoutout to ma'am Cecile Arbizo as well. She is thanking us for sharing our recipes. She said that she is always watching and she is also sharing it to her children so that they can imitate it and they will learn it as well. Shoutout to you, ma'am Cecile Arbizo from Bahrain. There, thank you very much to you. And shoutout to all of you. I hope that before this video ends, I was able to share another idea with you. So if you are new to this channel, I am inviting you to visit my Youtube channel, Tipid Tips Atbp., and you can see more videos there, and you will have an idea that it is possible to earn money even if we are just at home or even if we have a source of income already. We can have a sideline business. And if you are interested in these kinds of videos, if you haven't subscribed yet, I am inviting you to subscribe. And don't forget the bell button as well so that you are updated whenever we have new uploads. And I am also inviting you to like and follow our FB page, Tipid Tips atbp., so that even though you are in FB, you are still updated whenever we have new uploads. And don't forget to like and share as well so that our colleagues, our fellow mommies, our friends, they can also have an idea that it is possible to earn money even if we are just at home. Since we are under MECQ already, let us still be more careful and let us still always follow the rules set by the government. See you in my next videos. Thank you very much. Bye-bye! [applause] [music]
Channel: Tipid Tips atbp.
Views: 135,408
Rating: 4.8623605 out of 5
Keywords: tipid tips atbp Pizzanada PangNegosyo Recipe With Costing, Sideline/Homebased Business Pizzanada, madaling paraan ng paggawa ng masarap na Pizzanada, sikreto ng masarap na Pizzanada, Panlasang Pinoy Pizzanada, Negosyo Idea sa maliit na puhunan Pizzanada, Yummy Kitchen Pizzanada, Ingredients for Pizzanada, How to cook Pizzanada, Special Pizzanada, Hawaiian Pizzanada Complete with Costing, New York's Finest Pizzanada Complete with costing, Pizzanada Brand New Negosyo Idea
Id: EfRcKD_fLmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 14sec (2594 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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