Homemade Spam PangNegosyo Recepi, Swak Sa Sarap, Swak Sa Kita Complete With Costing

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Hello! Good day to all. In this video, we will hack the recipe of Spam, everyone's favorite. We know how expensive Spam is so in this video, I will teach you how we can make it. This is very easy. Everyone can make it. This can be made for the household and you will surely save a lot of money. And of course, you can sell this for business. And we will also do the costing so we can have an idea how much will be our capital how much we can sell it, and how much profit can we possibly earn. So just stay tuned and we will start. Tipid Tips Atbp Homemade Spam Ingredients for Homemade Spam We will use 2 kilograms of ground pork. I used pork shoulder so that the meat is tender and it has some pork fats. And we had the skin removed as well. Of course, we already washed that as well and we placed it in a strainer. 2 tablespoons of fish sauce. 2 tablespoons of rock salt. 2 teaspoons of pink salt. ΒΌ cup of cornstarch. You can also use potato starch. 4 tablespoons of white sugar. 1 teaspoon of white pepper. And we will use 1 cup of cold water. Let us start making homemade spam. Before we start, we will refine the ground pork even more. We will use our food processor. And for those who will be asking, for those who do not have a food processor, "can we used blender?" That will work as well but it is much better if you will use a food processor. We will just put this by small amounts until we finish the ground pork. We are doing this so that our spam is more tender or softer. We have refined it and we will just put all of this in our bowl. And we will refine all of these ground pork as well. Let us refine all of this first and we will be back later. Okay, we are done grinding all of this and we will now cure our homemade spam. There. That's how fine the ground pork is. Before we start curing the Spam, we will first combine all the dry ingredients. Let us start with the sugar. Salt. White pepper. Let us also add in the pink salt. We are adding pink salt so that the meat looks nice and pinkish. And it also prolongs the shelf life of the meat. And now, we will put in the cornstarch. We are adding cornstarch because it serves as a binder for the meat and so that it won't separate. Now, let's mix this. The next thing that we will do is to mix it here in the meat. It should be well mixed so that the result of the spam is good. Let us gradually add it and we will mix it at the same time. For those who will be asking where I bought pink salt, it is also available in the groceries and supermarkets. But for example, you are having a hard time finding it especially now that it is "BER" months already, pink salt runs out of stocks, you can order online instead. And if you are from Calamba, so that you won't have a hard time, we have a video there, the store where I buy here in Calamba, sells pink salt, there in that store. Now, let us also put in the fish sauce. I also added this to add flavor. Let us also add cold water. We are adding this so that the meat is juicier. We have placed all the ingredients. You should mix it well so that the result of our homemade spam is good. We have mixed this well already. For molding the spam, we will use medium-sized molding pans. And we will put 300 grams here. Now, we will put it in the molding pans. We will fill all the molding pans first so that our production is continuous. That is already 300 grams. The next thing that we will do is to compress the meat in this molding pan. It should be compressed well so that our spam won't have holes in it. You can use a different molding pan or a bigger molding pan. We are done compressing this and we will do that again in all of the remaining ones. This is okay already. We have flattened all of these. And I forgot to mention earlier since I got excited to flatten these out, we were able to make 8 medium-sized molding pans and all of these weighs 300 grams each. When you weigh these, there is no excess and it is not too little. They are exactly 300 grams each. The 2 kilograms of meat we made, when we added the ingredients already, we were able to weigh this at 2.4 kilograms or 2,400 grams. Now, the next thing that we will do is to cover these with foil. I already cut those. It should be covered well and the water should not go inside. Okay, now, we are done. The next thing that we will do is to cure. We will now put this in our refrigerator. On the bottom part of the refrigerator only and not on the freezer. If you are in a rush, you can cure this for 2 hours or 6 hours, but I will do it overnight. So we will be back tomorrow. The longer you cure this, the nicer the color of the spam will be and the more delicious our homemade spam will be. So we will get back to this tomorrow. Let us now bring this in our refrigerator. We got this from our refrigerator already and we cured this for one and a half days. Now, the next thing that we will do is to steam this. Since we used medium-sized molding pans, we will just steam this for 20 minutes because the longer you steam this, the spam will harden. And we already started boiling water there. When we place this, the water in the steamer should be boiling already. Let me just quickly show you. That is our meat before we steam it. Okay, since it does not fit, we will place it above it already. We will now start cooking this. And the fire should be medium-heat. 20 minutes have passed and let us now check the spam. Wow! Our spam is pink. Okay, let us just put it a little closer. Okay now, our spam is cooked already. The above is pink already. You won't see raw meat on top anymore. And if your steamer is big, you will not cook that for just 20 minutes. Your cooking time will be longer. So now, we will remove these from the steamer one by one and we will wait for it to cool down. Let us first remove all of this from the steamer. We have removed these from the steamer already. Let us just wait for this to cool down and we will be back. Our span is quite cold already. This is okay already. The next thing that we will do is we will repack already. This is what I will be using, the plastic bag which we often use. The brand name is Dura Plus and this is thick plastic. There. For those who are asking, I repeated it again. If you already have a vacuum bag, you can use this as well. But for now, I will use this. But before we start, let us first remove the covers. The thunder was so loud. Did you hear it? The next thing that we will do is to place it in this plastic bag already. Let us do it one by one and we will first put all of these so that our production is continuous. We will just repack 7 pieces since we will cook the other one later to know if our homemade spam is really delicious. Wow! Our spam looks delicious. There. Let us just put it up close. We will also include a little amount of broth so that our homemade spam will become more delicious and when we fry it already- so that our spam so don't throw out the liquid of this, it is still included. Let us put all of these first in plastic bags and we will be back later. We are done placing all of it the plastic bags. And the next thing that we will do is to seal these. But what I will be using is our vacuum sealer. But don't worry. Just like in our previous videos where we repack tocinos, etc., you can use this ordinary plastic sealer and- But if you still don't have this, you can use a candle instead if you are just starting your business. And then, when you already earned, then that's the time that you will buy. Let us first set aside this spam which we will cook later. For those who will be asking, if you will use a vacuum sealer, if they can use an ordinary plastic, yes, you can. So this is what we will be doing today. But if you will do this, There is a technique. You just have to place this unevenly in the vacuum sealer. You have to crumple the ends first so that there is a passageway for the air. Just like this. There. It's uneven. Let us just straighten it out. Okay, now we are done with one. We will seal all of these first and we will be back later. Okay, now, we are done vacuum sealing these. This is okay already. You can sell these already. You can store it in the refrigerator already. For it to look nicer, we can store it in this tub so that our spam looks more presentable since- For example, someone buys from you, so that even if they put it inside their bag, they put it with their other bought goods in a plastic bag, so that even if it is crushed inside the bag or plastic bag, our homemade spam will not be mashed. It still looks good when it reaches their house. So but for this one, it still depends on you. You can opt to put it in here or not anymore. I am just giving you an idea so that our product is more presentable and looks good. For those who will be asking, for example, "Sister Tipid Tips, why did you still seal it in plastic? You could just directly put it in the tub?" So we still wrapped this because we want the extract of this to taste more in the spam, for it to be juicier, so that it won't become dry. So we put it in the plastic first then we placed it in the tub. Let us first put all of these. The size of this tub that we are using is 500 mL. Out medium-sized molding pan fits exactly in here. Now, the next thing that we will do is to put our label so that our product looks nicer. Just like this, "Tipid Tips Atbp. Homemade Spam" and it has a contact number so that those who want to order from you or become a reseller can contact you immediately. Let us put this already. I have a transparent tape here. We will use this to seal the sides of the tub. It is so that our products look more presentable. Let us start putting the labels first. We are done putting the labels and let us now put transparent tape on the sides. I used a transparent tape with this width. This exactly covers the lid and the tub. Our spam is okay already. There, it is ready to be sold. It looks nice already. Before we proceed with the costing, we will cook the one we set aside. We will slice this first. Wow! It's beautiful. See? Our spam looks good, with its color, its appearance. You can really compare it to the Spam bought in the market. I can't wait anymore. We will cook this so that we know how it tastes like. We will fry half of this and the other half, before we fry it, we will dip it in an egg since this is what I usually do. When I am frying spam, we dip it in an egg first. Then let's add a little amount of salt, a little pepper, and a little fish sauce. Now, let's mix it. And now, let us start cooking. Let us heat the pan first. And when you know that it is hot already, add some cooking oil. Let us first cook the one without an egg. Okay. This is just quick to cook. When you see it brown already, then flip it. Let us remove it from the pan already. Let us now cook the ones dipped in an egg. Dip it in an egg first. It is also cooked already and let us now remove it from the pan. I will quickly taste this first then we will proceed with the costing already. Let us start tasting this one with no egg. Let us now taste this one with egg. Delicious. What I can say about this, to my fellow mommies, try this already because you will surely like this and your children will like it as well since this is not far from the spam we buy at the groceries. And I can say that our homemade spam is more delicious. The meat is tender and soft. It's juicy. The taste is just natural. It is not salty. You can taste a little saltiness but that is just a very little amount. That is perfect for this. We added a little sugar but it didn't taste. And it just balanced the taste of our homemade spam that is why you will surely like this. So this homemade spam can really help us a lot especially to my fellow mothers since this is another recipe for us. Now, we will do the costing on how much can we really sell this and how much will be our possible profit. But before I start, as I always say, this costing is the costing applicable in our location here based on the price of what I bought. You will also do your own costing since we have different locations and the prices of the ingredients differ from time to time. What is important is I am giving you an idea of how we will do the costing for our products. For example, someone will ask you, "Sister Tipid TIps, what if I will only be making half a kilogram? or 1 kilogram? or more than 2 kilograms?" You will just double the amount of the ingredients or we will lessen it, if we will be doing it for half a kilogram or 1 kilogram. Okay? Now, let us start with the ground pork. We used 2 kilograms. 1 kilogram costs 240 pesos. So our capital for that is 480 pesos. Now for the 2 tablespoons of salt, and the 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, let us just estimate these at 3 pesos. For the 2 teaspoons of pink salt and 1 teaspoon of white pepper, let us just estimate it at 3 pesos as well since it is just cheap. For the cornstarch, let us just estimate it at 5 pesos. But that estimate is more than enough already. So the total capital for the ingredients is 491 pesos. Now, let us add 5 pesos for the cost of gas since we just steamed it for a short while only. Let us also add 20 pesos of labor cost since it is just quick to make. So our total capital is 516 pesos. If you can remember, we were able to make a total of 2.4 kilograms. Let us divide our capital of 516 pesos by 24. So our capital for every 100 grams is 21.50 pesos. Now, let us calculate this one molding pan with 300 grams. Let us multiply 21.50 pesos by 3. So our capital for each molding pan with 300 grams is 64.50 pesos. Now, we will still add the cost of the packaging. I bought this for 5.50 pesos each last time. We will also add the cost of the tape we used on the sides and our sticker. Let us just estimate it at 6.50 pesos. So our total capital for this is 71 pesos. 71 pesos is our capital for this one tub. You can sell this for 130 to 150 pesos since this contains 300 grams. But that still depends on our locations on how much we can sell this. What is important there is we know how much is our capital so that we will not lose money. Because maybe we are selling and selling, but we are not earning any profit at all. That is why doing the costing is important if we are going to sell. So now, here in our area, I can sell this for 140 pesos. We were able to make 8 tubs so we will earn 1,120 pesos. That is the possible profit we can earn from 8 tubs. But we will still deduct our expenses from there which costs 516 pesos. And we will still deduct 54 pesos from that for the 8 plastic tubs, tape and the label. So we will still earn 550 pesos. That is our possible profit. Wow! And that is just by selling 8 tubs. The profit is big already. What more if you will be able to sell more of these. Since you are very hardworking, you are strategic, you can double your earnings already. For example, we will multiply our 550 pesos profit by 2. That results in 1,100 pesos is the possible profit we can earn if we can double these 8 tubs. Then you are making this every day, and you are able to sell it every day. Let us multiply that by 30 days. We can possibly earn 33,00 pesos. There. It really makes me glad because this is really our favorite, my children, and my husband. We can really save a lot of money from this. And one important thing there is we are sure of the meat that we used. That is why it is not scary to eat. I know, there are some there, from my fellow mommies, they are thinking of what meat was used in this, or where is this made? A lot of our fellow mommies think of that when they are in the groceries, especially nowadays. That is why this can be served at home, for business, especially now that it is already the "BER" months, this is a sure business that we can do. You can post this online, in your Facebook accounts. Offer it to your neighbors. Take orders from your colleagues. Or you can put a sign outside your house that you are selling ready to cook products. Just write there, "Homemade Spam." Include our last videos as well, the boneless crispy pata (pork trotter), lechon kawali (carajay), embutido (Filipino pork meat loaf), tocinos, there, and our tapas. I am sure that we can earn from those even if we are just at home. Just take care of our products because as we always say, when someone buys from you and are satisfied with your products, your homemade dishes, he or she will be the one who will advertise that in that store or in that house, there are delicious dishes. And one more thing that I always say, as long as we will include hard work, perseverance, and strategy, it is not impossible to earn even if we are just at home. So now, before this video ends, I will just give quick shoutouts. Shoutout to ma'am Rosemarie Llorente. She thanks us for our videos and she is very glad about our choco hazelnut video because of her children. There. She wants to shoutout to her children, James, Shiela, and Dior. There. Thank you very much as well for watching. Shoutout to you ma'am Rosemarie. Shoutout to ma'am Iah Cuasay from Montreal, Canada. She thanks us for our videos. There. Thank you very much to you, ma'am Iah. Shoutout to ma'am Leticia Magsucang as well. She said that she always watch our videos and shoutout to Magsucang family as well. Shoutout to you, ma'am Leticia. Shoutout to all of you and thank you very much. And before this video ends, I was able to share another idea with you. And again, I am inviting you to visit my Youtube channel, Tipid Tips Atbp, you can see more videos there and you will have an idea that you can earn even if you are just at home. And if you haven't subscribed yet, and you like these kinds of videos, you can subscribe. And don't forget to click the bell button so that you are updated whenever we have new uploads. I am also inviting you to like and follow our FB page, Tipid Tips atbp., so that even if you are on FB, you are still updated whenever we have new uploads. And don't forget to like and share so that with this way, we can also help give ideas to our fellow mommies, friends, colleagues, that it is still possible to earn even if we are just at home or we have a source of income already. Even if we are under MECQ already, let us still be more careful and always follow the rules set by the government. So see you in my next videos. Thank you very much. Bye-bye! [applause] [music]
Channel: Tipid Tips atbp.
Views: 1,058,327
Rating: 4.8814583 out of 5
Keywords: tipid tips atbp Homemade Spam PangNegosyo Recipe With Costing, Sideline/Homebased Business Homemade Spam, madaling paraan ng paggawa ng masarap na Homemade Spam, sikreto ng masarap na Homemade Spam, Panlasang Pinoy Homemade Spam, Negosyo Idea sa maliit na puhunan Homemade Spam, Yummy Kitchen Homemade Spam, Ingredients for Homemade Spam, How to cook Homemade Spam, Homemade Spam, Special Homemade Spam, Homemade Spam Complete with Costing
Id: b-OJH61eD6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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