Homemade Pizza From Scratch - Pinoy Style - Budget Friendly Pizza At Home

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to my goodness so today Mangla new tournament I am home bay pizza so I think my English is snapping now this is just for the dough first human toppings later on he became a senior now we need all purpose flour or bread flour then water just plain water instant yeast oil canola the ball or just a regular cooking oil will do we need iodized salt and then sugar now you can use light brown sugar or white sugar go do it let me mix nothing your mind read inspire setting dough and then mamasan attention stay with me guys okay so first thing that we're going to do is we need to warm our water so you heat me anxious and microwave for me it's gonna be 30 seconds now if you're going to eat it start stop Messimer a lemon are small bubbles now luma bus then that's it train yo one on each check back on yet and Alicia stove so you just have to dip your finger and check on warm nasha now in the patent disha hot warm blonde now totally tolerable senior okay so have to like read this I'll get back to you alright guys so our water is already warm soap until EPA finger yoga young tolerable shot many gum them okay and then what we're going to do is we'll just mix everything 30 nothing star I'll mix the yeast desatting warm water and the sugar then how do in the matter so we're using instant that is so we can just put this all together a floor then an additional anything but bloom so the day finishes the floor and it will mix our oil in combination and one thing before I put the salt yeah then from the mixed non-contingent Canyon I'll distribute their soul let's mix luck nap pain at this moment I will be using my hands by reverse my beliefs so if you wanted to know how to use the active dry yeast you can refer to my other blogs now from a government in a Python in explained in detail kappa chewbacca mecanim active dry yeast but you have the option to choose corn in my building a sapling or it's a grocery but what I'm using is the instant yeast alright so next ich mache I will be putting this up in kneading map come on a clapping um wasn't gonna believe anything that this is available on baking store all about baking and then Meredith's among online seller sharpie then I'll have to dust this with floor para long hindi mugdha cation I think though but the smell of a long kneading map you can use your chopping board but my mother came chopping board is a fountain unified element ok that's for nothing so you born your set-aside Yolanda committee validation so Papa speaking shall I just that's it with floor and we have to knit this for around 10 minutes so that will be 150 fold like that 150 full now whenever the dough is sticking into your hands that's a good flower I'm gonna sign the inertia box sticks and ends now all right so I'll get back to you about koneko Nichelle for ten minutes family penury knew each other well need not oh it's on Amazon and not in your endo for ten minutes actually deducted and compassion in our home 15 minutes get a pad a mugging machinist so here's hurt though now I'll forget about senior Jimmy's knee and then just do the simple test okay the patootie boom a prediction of the bounce-back mystical Anya laughing though Perry you don't happen and it's very forgiving but the lesion Amasa or in need cuz I'm Donna mannan pizza he Nisha Machado insensitive so but sam mckeane is Liang yung Dona a second in a majority toe you Mary Kate emotion valentina and rough rough feel marina in texture so but no Massa Massa Massimo Mickey nice finish and puffiness mohini's - an apparent ganito just like this one yeah no Kane Asha and finding the dimple test kaboom oblique national abounds Batna so stretchable the unit endo so I suppose waist again Abajo to need this is inevitable synth engine swish mullah parameter stretch Londo guess it's a pizza parlor a turn stretch net stretch by um donut away Oh minimus and what we're going to do next is a pop rock nothing at all we'll put this in a bowl - Baloo giggling naughty man and get your volume dynamic open inna you need some oil just a little bit just to coat the oh happy bones Scotty Lamkin Canyon can I offer him a cortisone para Hindi too big a pseudo Nevada cassava he can get some to cover again a teeny bopper parama Kalinin well Perrin DJ Mag develop non-skin case a pakka ito in hanging on at in the Manila Ghana oil Tiger Sahib a bonito Impala in America as a young Domo cocina Karen Shannon skin alright so pleasure Jeganathan am cover our I will be putting is a lingua policy good I do Envy Monica Paso came here alright with me if you prove lung nothing Ipanema one hour so all eyes on you guys when I want that back okay tiny children anyone not know militia know nothing though I'd up at my door burning sighs all right so we'll get back to you I'll just store this in a warm place you can just leave it in the counter because I'm gonna need to man up and go and eat a certain but then if your temperature is lower then you have to keep this in a warm place like I love them on microwave saladna all bananas in there yeah so to keep it warm permeability my pal sighs all right I'll get back to you cousin a palace of inertia gentleman in England Hakuna Matata is nothing setting it sir so at a human a type is not a nice a saying a senior so we have to meet the sauce you can also use young Filipino style but a mess sweet or you can use pizza sauce Mariana mention this one is just a regular tomato sauce so it's on Puckle on the menu Mohammed no in a medium-sized pack no tomato sauce then we will be using also Italian seasoning for our sauce and this is oregano leaves it's a shop cushioning Pinot the persimmon mix couldn't say tomato sauce cusamano Italian seasoning I'd let again - Shannon contain sugar Cassie tomato sauce toss a major magazine so to make it more than the penis style major sweet non-contact continue on women but renditions much I don't have a my and then for our toppings they have here sliced bacon ham then for our vegetables will be using mushroom so this is the pieces and stems Eun bi Billy Coe para cheaper and then we have onions notch in a pusher non-parent ring like I'm not get the mitten so I'll be using also bell pepper and red and green bell pepper so depending on your conclusion mladina bell pepper off a second ago so good I now young family gonna be hitting submit so I have to combine net parama Hyneman pizza are you wanna put on meat and then you can also put pineapple chunks so that's also good and I will be using also quickmail cheese you can mix quick melt with a regular cheese cheddar or you eat then rather than what we're gonna be doing first is I'll show you how I mix my sauce Sato Cosette attention because I'll be doing to pizza soak until another Gandhinagar make the tomato sauce a pizza send in a magical armor on me and then I will mix the sugar Italian seasoning this is our on one teaspoon of Italian seasoning separa mesoamerica it's only annuity Pizza mr. Otto then I will chop my oregano [Applause] nominally drunk but I need a Machado on my patent or Melissa Han oregano is good whenever I'm using tomato sauce now this is just optional you oregano chopped Italian seasoning from gusta you're fighting with a little animal trap lemon I don't know whom you minami bad that I see in a harvest cotton - knocking man upon anemia Morrigan oh so I always have that history me too okay so that's enough reading at all right back here okay so analogically young oregano Castlevania all right let's mix perineum ababa do oregano dancer tomato sauce but I'm observing a young lad sir miss M'Lynn parmitano young sugar and then let's taste it hmm the mass of hydrogen for dinner okay so let's just set this aside you I think my lamb toppings check nap in your thing do all right guys after an hour except on one hour talking it on a shuttle affair young do not them no more bush I did to save some side that's ok sorry I bar soap a pendulum 19 Yin then transfer if the society leading math so I have my floor here ready para just in case the flurry the best move you know grab a small moving mass per and it'll make it transfer more okay so before anything else happy in Kinshasa dalawa so cocconi : young wait yeah 6:57 okay Gustavo meeting they assured us a Paris act on exactly on donor data me because about this and 3p okay so today's national no wait so tobacco the Mona Lisa company male is apparently to me gasps settling the committee nothing though the Joey nerdiness Papa depart in addition we talkin are you adding baking tray it's all India and elegant along Titan home cover Cinderella or parchment paper Cassie we need the pizza name again crispy performed an oven service by Denis Jean Bennett Bennett a Negrito the drag mashup of opera hat rectangle an attention sheep thinking you know from Captain Ahab so I need okay you pimp ugly or something today a new lighting hibernating your Python it Kappa Gamma Mahayana Buddhist convenient just get some peace do samejima couple got a pendulum we did occasionally missile system a horizontal gene transfer mama papa neatly and so the addendum open America begin Miguel spent by two guys but minuto select it was a point connect the major maha pile spoken in me and better but Papa notice a moment of the Buddha's you don't know indicator a mature democracy without opinion so okay madam Aramis tres onion in the pan Thai coconut oil Japan the nutria and in any level carpenter make sure learner well my butas cha Chi pop another pot Penta Penta young young couple Nando epic Machado monopoly sankarea na bakke one from my local Granito a measure to Panetta Pamela but no surname available and pizza dough my beliefs in Ohio some desalinization join me tomorrow maha pal and you can put the toppings nervously a PB k okay I think her daughter's already said so young Donita guys must master a package at the semana be Billina off-the-shelf namaha ready-made pizza dough cut Mahalo now para Duryodhana ingredients me Tonopah BC yes our dough is already finding an aluminum atom commercial domestic uranium Salmonella Elsa / we're going to be putting our toppings first is you are adding mimics na tomato sauce he tangy and green and daddy back soul again you mama edge but that Maranatha I can I know we got to Laguna people in attendance they're even put our toppings when I'm on I am I mean something like bacon ham [Music] okay nothing and bacon my god I'm gonna wanna pizza passamani line up now but I said am I glad again to my puppies user token is a beacon again am I not in our hand so option universe composed a new handler or bacon da for any minute now personally a guy by the liniment vegetable yummy then the you got metonym into one point long - pero Mira minimum Nevada Juanito even pizza melody Navin unleash doubles today mushroom depend a sign of an impersonal meal a day so maja appear in Amman Cairo by the word Allah gave us a description bastard a neon size meat on pizza train economical baking ship para media so I think it's - in loaded and automatically - I agree in bell pepper then our onions chop mill aluminum apiece anything good enough I'll be putting some cheese so it may mix photo do you then she is a check for equipment well yeah per 100 inches okay enough Leanne and then I begin upon dimensional quick now so focus on your pick Mel plan of a London I choose John on a beginner you can use the cheddar cheese now if I'm pissed off I said I cannot go up all people of this visual affordable demand setting so on just be used in quick now so abusing half of this the same color hat a weather geek ornament answer is a poem pizza siddhappa distribute Michelle my booty and then make sure in a deep freeze Newton very pretentious no opera English Milan but again it's awesome ahead o Shah Mardan may love us away we demand you leave castle but all our unit up on a side-table enlasa if your children or your family your mahir except she's Anthony onion inches unity parade I see more than Avenue mowing regionally yeah so this is our pizza I have already preheated my oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes but this will have to be baked middle rocked then I'll let you know how many minutes question Billy all right guys look you to know you're not in pizza sobre he Nick Benito calibers : an oven so then a nature Anya it looks delicious so how Papa senior ensure crispy on Dona now this was big for a total of 30 minutes halfway through dinner and around Collin dimension and when added 80 degrees parama given young cooking Kazan it oxide not on Nathalie code etinosa hair observable act Iranian after 15 minutes and a total baking time is 30 minutes yeah look so good it is really good mr. Upshaw for a homemade pizza yeah nepeta Hamid numbers are Ellen Yin so home Merapi mozzarella they'll be the best use when you're on a budget this is better but in yen okay it has got gonna shine into square cut the Dyckman attention later okay almost numbers please people you can have it for 25 minutes like that then you have modified minutes back [Applause] all right so here's our peeps and I check napping in NASA hmm this would we don't be sending in artists I worked my unit ghetto mess it up then show some pizza home and you know Nevada Lovato I bake that for 35 minutes Fatima's to speed it up for 30 minutes para major param and Athena ie Palin Pizza Hut you crashed training guys to ballet Novosel nap AHA sulit lung impression yeah mechana magazine donut in Mashhad own moral an arena Lanyon has a Billiken already made now you know I need you to suck in it Malcolm see here that mallet um shot where you get now very very thin them and then you know each other in yo the well okay thank you so much guys for watching I mean you know the seminar behind you and let me know if you have questions just leave your comments and I'll get back to you please don't forget to subscribe have a good day bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mai Goodness
Views: 413,590
Rating: 4.7848701 out of 5
Keywords: Homemade pizza, Pizza from scratch, Homemade Pizza crust, Pizza crust, Easy pizza making, Pizza dough, How to make pizza dough, Pizza recipe, Thin crust pizza recipe, Ham and cheese pizza, Fully loaded pizza, Thin crust, Thin crust pizza procedure and recipe, Pizza ingredients, How to make a homemade pizza, Pizza making, Budget friendly pizza, pizza sauce, pizza dough recipe, easy pizza dough making, pizza sauce recipe, thin crust pizza recipe
Id: ajDeYnD45KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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