Empanada, SIMPOL!

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it's simple time and this is chef tattoo and today got a nissan recipe now putting pancho let's start cooking this recipe is part of the simple cookbook series where we try to make cooking as simple as abc and gagui nothing young i empanadas very nice recipe so we have here flour one and a half cups of flour 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar confectionary sugar and salt so one and a half teaspoons of salt so what i have here i have two kinds of fat not made of butter i'm using four tablespoons of butter and that's around 1 4 cup of butter yeah and i will also add 1 4 cup of ufc golden fiesta canola oil yeah so mixture number two a combined coin i will just use my fork to mash so the butter will give it a very nice tasty tasty flavor and the canola oil will help us get a very crisp finish no when we fry it and that's ready look at that and and i will add one egg lightly beaten and yeah add it here and my secret ingredient maniwallah you know empanada crust and you combine two tablespoons of ice cold water with our vinegar of course we are using that dhatuputi vinegar sukkah will actually strengthen the gluten in my flour so sukkah sucking i'm using it to be able to achieve a result which is a tougher crust so that when i try to shape it later on india so be sure your hands are clean and you just knead it together again you know shape it so i thought sure this is hallows half a recipe so this one will make around 12 pieces of our empanadas measure medium sized empanadas and look at that now our flour has come together our dough has come together and what we will do here is that i will just cover this up with a piece of damp cloth yeah and i will leave it in the chiller for at least 30 minutes or one hour now i will let that rest and then side ingredients because you see simulator nothing new i think feeling so if you look at the book if you're watching this based on the book makita muna just a base recipe you can become flexible in terms of ana yung gu sumo ingredients now so it's very basic mahita muy recipe nothing very basic very simple so taylor nothing nothing onions and garlic just to start off building flavors i remember my party my fiesta now go order empanada and all the empanada always kasama fresh lumpia yang yunang partner my onions and garlic until it's tender i will just season this with a little salt for almost flavor and i will add my guinea of course i'm using pork ground pork from fresh options yeah my counting fat gus my counting fat you know kneeling but uh it's tastier now and i will just add my carrots because see the carrots also take some time to cook and my raisins for my infusion sweetness contain tomatillo empanada do you like that some people don't like the raisins in their empanada or their kneeling we'll just let that sit and now what we will do is we will just season with of course soy sauce so i'm using four tablespoons of soy sauce gives it a nice color as well and i will add my potatoes next and [Music] and of course my red bell peppers [Music] very simple very straight forward very basic soy sauce nothing let that cook dried oregano and my contingent if you don't want to cook you don't have to let that simmer we just have to wait for our you know potatoes to cook you master up you can shape it into samosas and you just make like a curry no you add curry to our recipe and orange curry puffs yeah you can use chicken you can use beef you can use all vegetables yeah and i think my potatoes are almost done and i will add now my green peas yeah so junkrasko can make around 12 pieces of empanadas and my meat here can make 24 soda double recipe add pepper towards the end liquid nothing because we don't want our you know empanada to be soggy so just let that cook until joe manuel i think hard-boiled eggs empanada and i'm just going to add it to my chopped eggs and of course toss here so we let that cool that's very important we let that cool before we start working on our empanada crust [Music] and what i'm going to do here is of course i'm going to heat up my pan with oil and i'm using golden fiesta canola oil yeah why canola oil because canola oil has a higher burning temperature so nagging mass crisp empanadas i'll just fill it around one third deep not one third of the pan deep and i'll begin to heat up my pan and just chill then dough very nice very relaxed and it's easy to handle so i'll just knead it and you'll need hiru yeah and i'll just flower my board para hindisha to make it don't keep on adding more flour and more flour so we're going to roll it out to let's say 12 inches estimated nothing 12 inches and with a knife divide that line so the up at six on each side each side so we look for the yan yan even and the upper three and yeah so depending the size on gusto and so we have 12 we form it into balls as i told you also for this uh recipe nathan angie kneeling you will be able to make around 24 to 36 pieces i'm a 12 diba yeah and so doughnut then of course flour our board again and i will roll out a piece now flatten it with my palm of my hands and roll it out this is stamina gentle lung move it press down the sides of course and we get our empanada feeling i think kneeling add it to the center [Music] what did i add earlier i added the chopped egg so your egg yolk thickening so just the tip of my finger i'm just going to wet the edges not too wet of course no i have nothing shadow wet yeah and we fold [Music] and press down and with the fork we just use our fork and we just you know press it down and my para event in your edges of course okay and we fry our empanadas and of course you have to drop it when you drop your empanadas tap it away from you know hindi you just drop it drop empanada you don't splatter the oil to your face yeah sha no because you get to dehydrate the crust nice look at that and we have more to make but at least and this crust is really very crispy [Music] of course are you international very nice pieces of our empanada and very simple to do okay try this at home of course [Music] where they wouldn't and to serve it refried mumbai super crispy sake try this at home imaguso magnego should try a recipe of course and enjoy it with your family [Music] here it is our version of empanada you can change the feelings depending on your feelings try new and enjoy it with your family [Music] loving foreign sharing and sharing this video and liking the video bye
Channel: Simpol
Views: 378,877
Rating: 4.894146 out of 5
Id: PxLwZ948P-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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