Pinterest Ads Full Tutorial (2020)

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if you're looking for an alternative to Google ads or Facebook ads then Pinterest ads are going to be the one for you especially if you're running a drop shipping or e-commerce store because the price of Facebook ads and Google ads are just going up so rapidly that they're becoming so expensive that it's not even worth running them anymore depending on the product they're selling of course but Pinterest ads are still quite relatively cheap and you can get a good amount of traffic so in this tutorial I'm gonna be giving you a full length to talk of how you can set up your Pinterest business account from scratch how you can connect it to your shop fry or WooCommerce store so that you can start tracking conversions and how you can actually go and create video ads for Pinterest and then read the data from your Pinterest ads to go and see how you can actually optimize it so we'll be giving you everything step-by-step in this full length tutorial so I hope you do enjoy the video and make sure to subscribe to the channel and give it a thumbs up if you do enjoy the video and without further ado let's get cracking and start looking at how we can start running pinterest ads for our drop shipping and ecommerce stores the first thing that we need to do in order to get started with Pinterest ads is create a business Pinterest account so ahead of a to business Pinterest com I will leave a link in the description to this and from here we can just go and click on sign up once we click on sign up we will be asked to enter in an email address and password in order to create our account now I recommend using an email address that is dedicated specifically for your store so you can just track everything in one place so let me just go in into that in once you have entered in your email address and selected a password just click on create account once you click on create account you will be prompted to go through the setup so the first part is going to ask you what your language and your country is so you can see for me I've just gone and picked English US and United Kingdom so then just go and click on next then you will be asked to name your business account so just go and name this the same name as your store so I'm just gonna go and name this go baby sleep after my store and then it's gonna say tell us about your business so this is basically saying what type of business do you run so I'm just going to go for online retail or marketplace so let's just go and pick that and click on next once you click on net it will ask you what type of e-commerce platform you are using so that you can go and add products if you want to now we won't be actually adding any products from our store to our Pinterest account because we're going to go and create the ads from scratch but you can't just go and select your e-commerce platform that you're using so if using Shopify just go and select Shopify if you're using WooCommerce go and select web commerce I'm using WooCommerce but I will be going through in this to toe how you can set the ads up using Shopify as well so I'm just gonna go and select WooCommerce and then I'm just gonna go and click on next next up it will ask you for the link to your store so just go and paste your link from your store in there and then we can just go and click on next finally you can go and connect up an Instagram Etsy or YouTube account now I'm not gonna go through this for now but if you want to do that what you need to do is click on claim and then after that it will just ask you to go and login to any of those accounts so I'm just gonna skip this for now and click on it next next up it will say would you ever be interested in running ads on Pinterest now of course we are but because I'm gonna be showing you how to do this in this entire tutorial for now we will just go and click on I'm not shown it and click on next finally it will ask you if you want to install the Pinterest chrome extension now I wouldn't worry about this for now so we're just going to go and click on skip so now that we have done that our Pinterest business account is set up so it's going to be looking pretty bare at the moment so the first thing that we are going to do is go and actually set up our profile so that it looks a bit better and a bit more professional before we actually start running the ads so from here just go up to where it says the name of your accounts and click on the drop down and we are going to go to profile over here so just go ahead and click on profile now firstly let's go and actually create a profile picture so this is really easy what we're going to do we are going to go over to a website called canva comm this is a free online tool that allows you to create graphics so from here you can just go and click on sign up with email and just follow up the signup process it's really simple so for me I'm gonna go ahead and click on login and then I will just go ahead and click on login again so once you are logged into camera we are going to go and create our profile picture for Pinterest so over here it says custom dimensions just click on this and we are going to go and go for 600 pixels by 600 pixels and click on create new design so once you have done this we can just go and create our print test profile picture so for me I'm just a girl and create something really simple so I'm going to go to elements over here and I'm just going to go and pick a square so I'm going to go and pick that and I'm just gonna go and drag this to the sides so that it fills out all of the area and then after that I can just go and change the color so I'm sure if I go and change it to this orange color here because this is the one that's prominent on my store so this is my branding color so I'm gonna go and choose that and I'll just paste that in there so let's just go and choose that color and then for my logo mine's just a G so I'm just gonna go and get a G over here so what you can do is if you've already created a logo or yeah if you haven't you can go and create your logo in canva and then you're going to want to put your logo in the center of your profile picture for Pinterest so I'm going to go and add a heading in here and I'm just going to go and put my G in here and then I'm just gonna go and change it to the front of my logo so let's just go and change this to the front of my logo so let's see it should be montserrat let's see if it comes up what's the rats here we go so I'm trying to go and choose semi-bald and then we can just go and make this so that's you know we're just gonna put in bold to keep the consistency so that's better so I'm gonna go and change this to something like even bigger than that let's try 144 let's try 180 let's try 250 so it's just a bit of trial now so now we've got that we're just gonna go and drag this into the center like that and I'm gonna change the color to white and that's just going to be my profile picture so it's very similar to the logo on my actual store so if we just go and have a look at my store I just got and open this up so we can have a look at it so we can see over here here is my store so it's good baby sleep and I've just got that G with the orange color for my Pinterest profile picture so I'm going to go ahead and close this now and head back over to camera so once we've done this I'm going to go and change this to Pinterest profile picture and once we have done that we can't just go ahead and click on the download button and then we can just go and click on download again so now that I have downloaded that I can just go ahead and close this so let's just close this and then I can go and head back to Pinterest and from here we can go and upload our profile photo so in order to actually upload the profile photo we just have to go and click on edit info over here so just go ahead and click on this and then you will see photo so let's go and click on change and then we can go and click on choose photo so from here I can just go and upload that Pinterest profile picture that I created so just going click on open and now we can see we have that G and it's right in the center so it's looking really good so that's just bringing our brand up a level straight from the beginning so next up we can actually go and add a profile so in the about your profile we're gonna go and want to put something obviously about our brand so over here what you can do is you can just go and get some information from your store of course or you can just write a little synopsis and overview of what your store is actually about so for me I just sell on this store is a one product store just selling a white noise machine for infants so I'm gonna go and write something about this so I'm just going to go ahead and put is go baby sleep is the ultimate light machine white noise machine to help your newborn and infant children get a great night's sleep so I'm going to go and copy this and paste that into there so that's perfectly fine so next up we have the email address over here so this is the one that your actual people will see from Pinterest so I'm gonna go and put in here contact go baby sleep calm so this is my professional email address that I would want customers to contact me on now if you're interested in how to actually go and create one of these go and look at my other video on how I set up this store and I will show you step by step how you can actually go and create a professional email address along with the store next up we have the address now personally I would just leave the address blank it's not really that important and after that that's all done next up in account settings if you do ever want to change anything you can actually change it in here so if we just go and click on account settings you can see we have the region the lang if we're male or female the type of business that we are on all of those types of things so you can't go and change that in there if you want to next time we have the claim area so as I mentioned earlier you can go and claim your Instagram Etsy or YouTube accounts if you want to by just clicking on claim and it will prompt you to go and login now what we are going to want to do is actually claim our website because by claiming our website we can actually go and track the analytics so we can go and have a look that's how many people come from Pinterest over to our site so we're going to definitely want to go and claim this so let's just go out and click on claim and then over here we'll say pick a claim option so what we're gonna do is add HTML tag so this is just a piece of code that we're gonna paste into our site that will allow us to track the analytics from Pinterest so just go ahead and click on this and then you will see over here this piece of code and it's gonna say paste this tank into the head section for your sites index.html now firstly I'm going to show you how you can actually go and do this with Shopify and then I will show you how you can go and do this with WooCommerce so anybody using Shopify you'll still be able to follow along and anybody through using e-commerce you'll also be able to follow along as well so we're gonna want to do is let's just go and copy this so we'll just right click and copy this and then firstly like I said I'll just head over to a Shopify store and show you how you can install this on your Shopify store so from your Shopify dashboard we're just gonna go and click on online store and then once you click on online store you will see this actions drop down so click on this I'm gonna go and click on edit code once you click on edit code you're going to want to go and find this file over here theme drop liquid so just go ahead and click on this and then over here you will see a head and it should end let's see where it ends we should see the end of head somewhere here let's have a look ok so let's just do a ctrl F just so we can find hit so we can see probably a little bit further down so we can see it ends over here so there's a lot of code within here so what I would recommend doing when you are going to go and paste that code that we just copied from Pinterest I would just go and paste it under this link one over here so we're just going to go underneath here and we're gonna go and paste cody's who will see meta name P name verify content and blah blah blah so that is the one that we copied from over here so once you do that all you're going to want to do is go and click on save so that is how you can go and claim your site using Shopify so now let me go and show you how you can do this with WooCommerce as well for the WooCommerce users so what you will do if you're a WooCommerce user you will go over to here where it says appearance and then you are going to go and click on theme editor once you do click on theme editor over here you will see a load of files so you're going to want to look for one that says header dot PHP so click on header dot PHP file and then from here we can just scroll down so where we see head so where it starts and then we should be able to see where it ends if we scroll down again we can see it ends just over here so we're going to go and want to paste that code within those two head sections so I'm just gonna go over here once again under link I'm just going to go underneath here and I'm just gonna go and paste that in and then once again you're just going to go and click on update file over here so once you have gone and done that either in your Shopify store or your WooCommerce store we can go back over here so now that we've done that we can just go and click on next so now after that it will say all set we'll check your site for the meta tank and email you in the next 24 hours so let's just go and click on submit so now after that we are going to go and have a look at our emails shortly just to see if that has actually registered and we have claimed our website so now that we've claimed our site what we can do next we can go and have a look at our profile so let's go back over here and we can just go and click on profile over here so now you will see that this hasn't come up yet so my profile picture that I just uploaded so just go ahead and click on edit info info if you can't see it and we can just go and click on change once again choose photo and now I'm gonna go and choose that photo again so let's just go and choose that again and then this time just gonna click done because I didn't save it the last time so if you do that and you don't click done then it shouldn't save so just remember to go and click that so now that that's done let's go ahead and click on profile again so now we can see that our profile coming together ever slow ever so slightly so we haven't done much but we have gone and claimed our site and we have gone and created our profile picture so what we are going to do next before we actually start running ads we do want to go and add some pins to our Pinterest account just to make it look a bit more full and to make it look like we're actually active on Pinterest so instead of just running ads and people come over to our Pinterest profile and it's completely empty and no pins except for the one we're running ads for we are going to go and create some pins first just so it looks a little bit better and a little bit more professional so it is really easy to go and create these pins whether you're running a niche store or a one product store or even a general store so in order to create these pins once again we will go and use canva so go and back to canvas or go back to your canvas dashboard and from here we're going to go and click on custom dimensions again and this time gonna go for 1,000 width so 1000 width I'm gonna go for 1,500 in height and then just go and click on create new design now I'll just show you one that I have created for this store so for this go baby sleep store over here so here's one that I have created and you can see I've just got my logo in the corner a picture of a baby sleeping and then over here I've just got some information about my actual products so actually it's not actually about my product it's just something that's related to my products you can see white noise is soothing for babies and infants as it masks external sounds and reminds them of their time in the womb so that's just a bit of information for when people are scrolling on Pinterest they might see this so a lot of mums use Pinterest so they might see this and it just kind of piques their interest then they're going to click onto my account and see that we sell white noise machines and it's going to be beautifully branded and that's what's going to make them more likely to make the purchase now this is just through organic search and obviously when we start running ads then we can actually just use these pins to back up our stores trustworthiness and reputation because like I said if we're just running ads then they go and click on our account just to check us out before they actually think about purchasing something and we don't have any pins it's going to look a bit weird but if they see lots of pins like this helpful informative pins then there are going to be more likely to trust you and actually make a purchase from you so what we've done is we've gone on create our custom dimensions 1000 by 1500 now what you can do is you can go and use some of these templates down the side here so for this one all I've done is gone and used a template so I think I've used this template over here so I just went and clicked on this and what you can do is you can go and replace this image over here so if we go to photos and all I did was type in baby so I just typed in baby now you could go and type in something that's related to your product and go and see if there are any images that you can use then you can see I've got this baby sleeping over here if you just drag it on so if we just drag so let's just do that game so if you just drag it and then it just will replace the image so now you can see we've got that over here now over here I just deleted all of this stuff I just got rid of all of it because I didn't think that I needed it because I was just gonna go and write my own text so you can't just go and delete some stuff off of your template so let's just go and delete this and we'll delete this one and we will delete this one over here and then all I've done is gone and added an element so go to elements over here we have a circle so I'm just gonna add it a circle in like this changed it to the color of my store so which is this violent orange color so I'll just go and paste that in there and choose that and then you can just go and add some text so we can just go what I've done is copied this text from my store just go baby sleep text actually it was this text down here white noise helps baby sleep so I just copied that and I just went and pasted it in and then I've just gone and changed the font so they're matches the rest of my branding of my store so I just wanted changed it so we can just go and change it to this and then you can always go and just drag it how you want so now I can just go ahead and change this to white and then could we just grab this we can move it down here like this so that's all I've done and I've just gone and added my logo in the top corner so you can see over there I've got I added my logo in and that's basically it so you're going to want to go and create what I would say is probably around it maybe a big ask but at least sort of 30 pins so I'm gonna want to go and create 30 pins like this so that literally took me what one minute so it's gonna take you half an hour maybe 45 minutes maybe an hour to go and create these 30 pins so it's really easy now you don't have to use the templates so you can just go and create your own one from scratch and also you can go and upload images as well so if you're looking for more images of something related to your product you can go over to a site called unsplash so let's go over to unsplash and you can actually go and find more images that you can go and put onto your pins that might be related to your product so let's say it's a gym product you can't just go in here and type in Fitness and then we should be able to see loads of different Fitness product Fitness images that we could go and use for our pins so you can go and just create loads of pins using these free images these are copyright free images so you can feel free to use them and you won't get sued or anything like that or if I just go and type in sleeping baby again let's say for my product I might be able to find some more images of a baby sleeping so we've got these ones are a bit random but this one over here looks pretty cool if we scroll down we can see there's loads on here that I could potentially use for my pins so what I'm gonna go and do now is I'm gonna go and create 30 pins for this actual store and then we can go and actually start uploading those pins to our Pinterest business account so I have gone and created a few pins now now I haven't gotten created 30 pins but like I said I recommend you to create 30 pins so that we can go and complete the next step in the tutorial I've only gone and created a few just to show you an example of what we're gonna do but like I said I recommend to go and complete 30 so once you have gone and created 30 pins you're gonna go and head back over to your Pinterest ads account so your business Pinterest account and then from here the first thing that we are going to do is actually go and upload those pins so what we can do is if we scroll down over here we are going to go and click on create pin once you click on create pin it will just go through a few steps that you can use to create pins so we'll just go through these so we're just gonna go and click Next and then we're not going to take the tour because I'm going to go and show you the steps to actually uploading your pins so just go and close this and over here what we are going to see is the way that we can actually go and upload our pin so we have a title we're going to have the actual picture or video that we're gonna upload and a description as well so what we can do is I'm gonna go and just upload an image over here so I'm just gonna go and click on upload and then I'm just gonna go and upload one of those pins that I created on camera so let's just go and upload this so here is one of the pins I have created so now what we can do is go and add our title now we want our title to be full of keywords that somebody might search in so I'm just go and type in white noise for infants so you can go and type in something related to your product and like I said you want to go and include some keywords in there and now it over here where it says tell everyone what your pin is about once again you can go and add in 50 characters in here so you can make this a little bit more in-depth so I'm going to go over to my site and I'm just going to go and copy some information that I can go and paste in there so I'm let me just go and copy something from here so if I just scroll up on my sites over here I'm just gonna go and copy this white noise has a soothing effect so I'm just going to go and copy that and I can just go and paste that in there and then after that where it says destination link I can actually just go and put the link to my store in there so just go and paste that in and then you can just go and publish immediately immediately so you can't publish it at a later date if you're not ready to actually start advertising your store yet but I recommend just having your store ready and then clicking publish immediately so let's just go ahead and do that so now we're going to go and just click publish over here so she's going to hit publish and now when you click on publish over here it's going to say create board so click on quick board and then over here we are just going to go and type in the name of our brand so this board is just going to be dedicated for pins that are solely surrounding our brand so we're just gonna go and type in the name of your brand in there go baby sleep and then we can just go and click on create so now that we've done that once again now we can just go and hit publish so now we have actually gone and created our first pin now over here it's going to say do you want to create an ad for this pin now not yet because we're actually going to go and run through this later on so let's just leave this for now so it's going to go and click on X on this and what we are going to do next we are going to go and create another pin so let's just go and upload another pin so we're just gonna go Plus over here and create pin or product pin let's go out and click on this and now we can actually go and upload another one now like I said you're going to want to do this for the 30 pins that you've created so I'm trying to do this for all five just so I can show you how it's going to look once we have them all uploaded so let's just go and upload the next one so now we can see this one over here a great night's sleep for you and your baby so in the title I'm gonna put in something like I said that's keyword which may be something that will that somebody might search for so I'm gonna put in how to get a baby to sleep so I'm gonna go and put that in there and then once again I can go and copy some information in here so I'm gonna put something like this white noise is soothing for babies and infants so we can't just go and copy that head back over here and I'm just going to go ahead and paste that in the description and then once again I can go and paste this in the destination link so let's just go ahead and do that and then this time we're just gonna go and select our board so we've already created our board now go baby sleep so it's going to let that and then hit publish so now we have published our second pin so let's go and create another one and like I said we're gonna do going to want to do this for at least 30 pins but I'm just going to do it for five just to show you different things that you can do when you are going and typing in those titles and things like that so let's just go and add one more and then I will just go and add the other two behind the scenes so that we can continue with the next step of the tutorial so just go and add one more so let's just go and add this next one no more sleepless nights and then I'm just going to say white noise I'm just gonna put does white noise help babies sleep question mark and then once again I can go and just probably from some information from here so let's just go and have a look at what we could possibly copy from over here so how can go baby sleep babies feel safer and surroundings rather right amount of white noise so let's just go and copy this and then we're just going to paste this in here and then once again we will copy our link and we will paste this in here so like I said you're going to want to go and put some informative information surrounding your product the benefits and the features of the product and then also something searchable with keywords in the actual title so now I'm going to go and choose that and hit publish so I'm just going to go and do this with a couple more pins and then what we will do is we will go and head over to our boards so if I go over here and I go to profile and now we can see that I've got your pins over here so I'm just gonna go and click not now because I don't want to promote any of these pins and now over here what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to boards so go and click on boards and you will see the board that you just created so I'm just going to go and upload a couple more pins to this board just to show you what we are going to do next after that so you can see now I've got five pins within this board now like I said you what you're going to want to have around 30 pins so these are going to be 30 pins just surrounding your product and your store and giving information about your product to the customers so they can see all in one board so that's what you're going to want to do and that makes you look more active on Pinterest and also you can see that by default your board will come across across this banner over here just further increasing the branding of your business Pinterest account now what you're going to want to do next is create a few other boards so these boards are just going to be surrounding your niche of your actual product don't you have a go and create a board and I'm just going to call this one over here baby's sleeping so I'm just going to call it that and just go and click on create and then over here we can just go and add some of these pins so we can just go and save some of these so let's say this one over here we're going to save this we can go and let's have a look at this not that one so we're just going to go and look at some habits and things like that and this just actually builds trust with our customers because it shows we're actually interested in this niche we're not just trying to promote our product we're also giving our customers some useful tips so I'm just going to go and save some of these so I will recommend saving about 20 for each board that we're going to go and create so let's just go and save some of these we'll save this we'll save this let's do this one as well let's go and save some more safe tips for babies sleeping this one baby why schedule sleeping hat so you're going to want to go and do this and like I said save about 20 pins to these boards that you create so let's go and do this and then I'm just going to do a few more just to give you a idea so let's go and do that and 1 2 3 & 4 so that should be done so it's going to go and click on done so now we can see this has got 19 pins in so if we go back over here and we go to our profile and now we can see we've got two boards if I go and click on boards over here we can see I've got two boards so I've got baby sleeping and also go to sleep so what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna go and change this from baby sleeping I'm going to change this to tips to help baby sleep because that's a little bit more searchable and then in the description I can say get the best tips and tricks for helping your baby have a better night's sleep so now somebody might go and find this board so let's just go and save this click Save and when they find this board and they see lots of tips they might come and actually check out our page and when they check out our page they're going to see that we actually provide a product that helps their baby sleep then they go through to our store research the product and that's what's going to actually make them make a purchase now this is just free organic traffic obviously we are going to go and run ads that's the whole point of this tutorial but you can actually go and get some organic traffic and then you can actually get people coming over to your Pinterest account and that way we can actually start running ads later on and when they see it they will be more aware of our brand and more likely to make a purchase so let's go ahead and create another one over here what we can do is let's just go and type in soothing sounds let's so now let's say white noise benefits let's call this one so that's to do with my product white noise benefits and we're going and click on create again and then we're going to see some pins so we've got white noise for babies over here once again white noise baby white noise for better sleep white noise benefits for kids with ADHD so there's loads of different things on here you can see what about white noise so we're going to go and save some of these so once again let's just go and do this so this is a pretty neat product so there's not going to be a massive amount of boards that I can create but just go into depth and do some research surrounding your product and think about the different types of boards that you can create so let's just go and see this one says white noise on it let's have a look at this one over here does it say anything about white noise 5 benefits of using white noise so let's go ahead and save that that's another good one and let's see what else we have here let's see if we've got any more 10 ways to get a better night's sleep not really this one over here white noise calm babies so like I said you want to kind of go into want to go and do around 20 so let's see what else we have if there's any other ones surrounding white noise for babies this one here that seems pretty cool and let's see if we've got any more he's white noise right for your kids so we can go and save this one let's save that and let's just go for one more benefits of white noise and let's just go for this one all right so now we're just gonna go and click on done now like I said you want to you're going to want to do around 20 I've only done 16 for this board but just to speed up the tutorial a little bit so now that we've done that if we go back over here and we go to our profile we can see it's starting to look a little bit more full and we're already starting to look a little bit more active we have three boards we have a few pins in each board we have some pins strictly dedicated to our product but also getting information useful information to our customers as well and what I would recommend doing is not just creating 30 pins out that was just to start off with but I would recommend actually going and creating pins consider instantly - you've got hundreds if not you know multiples of hundreds 500 600 700 pins in here so if you go and create a few a week let's say 1020 a week you can actually eventually as the week's go by you will start to snowball and you'll have so many pins for me swimming around on Pinterest you'll start to get loads of organic traffic before you even start running ads and then over here you can always go into these boards over here and you can just go and if you scroll down you'll get more ideas over here so find out some ideas for this board you can go and click on this and you can easily go and save more pins to your boards so over here let's scroll down how to safely soothe babies with a white noise machine with a sound machine sorry so I can just go and save some more pins to this board so let's go and save this and that's an easy way to go and add more pins to those boards you just created now I recommend going and creating I would say at least sort of five boards maybe with 20 pins in each because that's going to help you get more organic traffic and that's like I said just going to make you look more legitimate as a brand and like you're actually active on the platform of Pinterest so now that we have done this and we've made our profile look active look full and make it look like a proper trustworthy brand we can actually have a look at running the ads now now before we actually start running ads we are going to want to install a tag on our site and basically what this does is it actually tracks conversions with our ads so if somebody goes through from one of our Pinterest ads to our store and makes a purchase we want to actually track that conversion so what we're gonna do is if you just go and click on ads over here sorry analytics over here I'm gonna right click and click on audience insights and just click on open in a new tab so now we can go over to audience insights now at the moment you're gonna see we've got our go baby sleep audience so this is anyone that has engaged with any of our pins in the last 30 days and obviously we've just gone and created our account so nobody has engaged with our pins at the moment so our audience size is just saying 0 but what we are going to do is we can actually go and click on create campaign so we can go and install that tag and then we can actually start running some ads so we do also have all Pinterest users over here so this is going to allow to run ads to people in particular categories and with particular interests different ages different genders and things like that so we can go and target that and then once we actually build up some traction and people coming over and viewing our pins and coming over to our site then we can go and use our own total audience so our brands actual audience or people that have like I said visits are pins within the last 30 days or visited our site so in order to go and install that tag so we can go and track conversions firstly just go and click on create campaign so once we click on create campaign you will see conversions over here then they're both grayed out and that is because we haven't actually installed that tag so it's going to go and say it looks like you don't have the Pinterest tag installed a verified Pinterest tag is required for conversion campaigns so in order to do that we're going to go and click on get the tag so once you click on that it will say manage manage your Pinterest tags with the help of our conversions page so we're going to scroll down and we're gonna go and click on create Pinterest tag so now we have gone and done that so you will have a unique tag ID over here and you can go and name your tag so I'm just gonna named it go baby sleep tag you can go and just name it the name of your brand and put tag at the end just to keep it nice and simple so over here there are a few different methods that we can actually use to go and install that tag on our site so we are actually going to go and use the manly egg add tag code to the website so we're going to go and do this ourselves and I'm going to show you how to do this for WooCommerce and also for Shopify so go and click on install manually now the first thing that we are going to do is install this Pinterest tag help our Chrome extension because this is going to show us whether once we actually install and once we actually add the code to our site and install the tag if it is running properly to go and track conversions such as checkout add to cart and things like that so let's just go and click on chrome webstore over here and we are going to go and install this so once you go and click on that you will come over here and we're just going to go and click on add to Chrome and then we can just go ahead and click on add extension so once you go and do that you will see the Pinterest tag helper over here so that has been installed so we can actually go and close this now so next up what we are going to do is install this base code so this initial base code just means that every time someone comes over from interest so one of them from one of our Pinterest adds to our site whenever our page loads this will just go and recognize that so let's just go and click copy code here and we are we all we are going to do is go and add this to the head of our site again like we did before so if we go over to Shopify over here and we can actually go and add this to our site so once again we're just going to go and click on online store and from here we can go to actions click on this drop down click on edit code and then from here we are going to go ahead and click on 'theme liquid and then once that is open we can scroll to the bottom so until we just see where it says head so just over here where it says head we're just going to go underneath that and we're just going to go and paste that code in there so we've got Pinterest tag over here so let's just go and make a space and then you are just going to go and click on save so once you've done that that's perfectly fine now if you're in WooCommerce all you are going to do is go to appearance so I'll just show you appearance over here click on theme editor and once you click on theme editor we can go to header dot PHP and then from here we can actually just go and paste that so let's go and find where the head ends so let's go and we can see over here it just ends here so I'm just gonna go and paste that code in here where it says Pinterest tag and then we can just go and click on update file so now we have actually gone and installed that base code so that's the initial code that we've installed the base code over here and like I said that just recognizes when our website actually loads when somebody comes over from Pinterest so now that we have installed that base code the next thing we're gonna do is install the event code and basically what the event code is it will trigger when an event actually happens on your site so the event that we will be tracking is going to be the check out of it so basically when somebody goes to the check out and makes a purchase we're gonna be tracking that so that we can track how many check outs we get from our Pinterest ads so once again we will do this for Shopify and then we will do this for commerce now in order to do this for Shopify I will leave a link in the description to this page over here manually add the Pinterest tank to Shopify so I leave a link in the description to that so just go over here and then we're going to well past basecode because we've already done that I'm gonna go to checkout code and once we got to checkout code you will see this big piece of code over here so we're going to go and copy this so let's just go and grab this and we can scroll up and we can just go and copy all of this so just go and copy that then head over to your supervisor store and click on settings down here once you click on settings just go ahead and click on checkout now once you go to the checkout we're going to scroll down until we see additional scripts so go to additional scripts and just go and paste that piece of code in there so now that we've done that within the code when you are looking down you will see this pin track over here and within there you will see your tag ID so we're going to go and put our tag ID in here so we're gonna go and replace that so head back over to Pinterest over to this page we can just close this and then if we scroll up we will see your unique tag ID so let's go and copy that then we'll head back over here and we can just go and paste in our unique tag ID and then once again over here it will say source HTT Pinterest calm and then we'll say your tag ID again and once again we're just going to replace that with our actual tag ID and then we need to do is hit save and that will be it so now once we've done that we have our checkout code installed into our Shopify store so anytime somebody goes to the checkout through our Pinterest ads we can actually go and track that conversion so it's really easy to go and do this with Shopify and like I said I will leave a link in the description to this page over here so you can go and do that now for the WooCommerce users it's a little bit more extra work but nothing too major so let's just go and go through that now we're just going to have to install a plug-in in order to actually go and enter in that script into WooCommerce so in order to add our Pinterest tag to the checkout of our WooCommerce store we are going to have to install a plugin to actually go and enter that script in so we're going to go over to this site called pixel your site and I will leave a link in the description to this once again and it will just say how to add your Pinterest tag with pixel your site so you'll come over to this page over here and we are just going to go and scroll down and firstly it's going to say install the pics through your site plug-in and we're obviously gonna go for the free version so just go and click on picture your site free from here just go and click on that and then we are going to come over to this page that will allow us to go and download it so from here with youngest go and click on download over here and once you click on download you will see pics who your sites that the plug-in has been downloaded so I'm just gonna go ahead and close that and now we can also close this and head back to this page so we've gone and downloaded that next step is to get the Pinterest tag free add-on so you will see download the free add-on from here so just go ahead and click on this once again once you click on that you will see existing customer login below which we are not and if we're a new client we're going to continue without logging so let's just go ahead and click on this and then it's gonna bring us over to here now you can see it's totally free all we need to do is go and set up an account so let's just go and enter in some of our information over here so we're gonna go and enter in our email address so I'm just gonna go go and put my email address in and then I'm just going to go and enter in all of that information that we need so I'm just gonna go and enter that in now so once you enter in your email address and first name and last name we can just go down an entry in our billing address now we're not actually going to be charged for this so that's totally fine because it's a free download but they just want us to go and enter in our billing details so I'm just gonna go and enter those in now as well and then we can just scroll down and click on free download so now that we have entered that I'm just going to go ahead and click on free download so once you click on free download it will say thanks for your purchase means a lot you'll receive an email containing the download link for your products your license and your invoice you can also download them from the bottom of this page so if we just scroll to the bottom the page we can see over here picture your site Pinterest add-on so let's just go and click on that to actually go and download it so now we can see that that has actually been downloaded so now we are just going to go and upload those to our WooCommerce store so now let's just head over to our WooCommerce store over here and we can just go to plugins and click on add new and then from here we're just going to go and click on upload plug-in then we can go and click on choose file and then from here we will choose this first one so the pixel your site plug in so I'm not gonna install the pig pixel your site Pinterest plug-in just yet so go and install this one and click on open and then just click on install now once we click on that it will say plug-in installed successfully so let's go click on activate plugin so now that we have gone and installed that plug-in we will go and install the Pinterest extra plugin so once again let's just go and click on add new and then from here we are just going to go and click on upload plug-in again and then from here we can just go and scroll down click on choose file and then this time we're going to go and add in the pics through your site Pinterest 2.0 plug-in so just click on that and click on open once we've done that we can just go and click on install now once you click on install now you will see plug-in installed successfully so now just go and click on activate plug-in once you click on that you will see over here activate your Pinterest add-on license so just go ahead and click here from here it will allow us to go and enter in our license key now when we went and entered in our email address to actually download the plug-in we will actually go and get the license key sent to our email address so let's go over to our emails over here and then we should be able to find one that has the license key so let's just go and have a look at these so it should be crystal sorry Christian it picks all your site so if we scroll down over here we will see this one Christian picks through your site and then you will see your picks through your site Pinterest add-on so the license key so I'm just gonna go and copy this so I'll just go and copy this then we're gonna head back over to commerce and let's just go over to the Commerce and then enter in that license key over here and click on activate license key so now that we have activated our pixel your site Pinterest add-on license key we can actually go and enter in that checkout code so that it can start tracking the checkout conversions so what we're gonna do is we're just going to go over to plugins over here and click on installed plugins and then from here if we scroll down we can actually go and see we've got pics of your site over here and we should have picture your site over here so over pics or your site on the side we're going to go and click on dashboard and then from here if we scroll down now we can see the Pinterest pixel ID so all we're gonna have to do is head back over to Pinterest get our unique tag ID once again so I'm gonna copy this head back over here so head back over to where it says Pinterest pixel ID just paste that in there and then we can't scroll down so just go ahead and click on save settings so now that we have done that it has actually saved our Pinterest pixel ID so now we have actually gone and installed our tracking conversions for our WooCommerce store so we have installed tracking conversions on Shopify and we have also installed tracking conversions on WooCommerce so now they are both ready to go so the next steps are actually to go and have a look at creating audiences and also setting up the ads themselves and also creating video ads for our Pinterest ads so now that we have installed the Pinterest tag onto our website we can actually go and test this so what you can actually do is go to ads over here and then just go and click on create ads and when you do click on that it should say over here now so if we hover over conversions it will say you need more Pinterest attributed conversions so that basically means the tag has been installed but it's saying that we need to go for traffic first so we need to run a traffic ad before we can actually go and start running conversions because we need to actually go and have a look at people that are coming over to our site but for whatever reason if it says your Pinterest tag isn't firing and then it says check tag then just go and click on check tag and go and have a look at what events are firing so if we go over here and we just go to conversions we can go and have a look at what this looks like so like I said if for whatever reason the tag hasn't installed correctly so over here if we go to see history we can see for me the pet base code is firing the page visit is firing and for me Add to Cart checkout is in progress so that means they're having a look if it's going to be working so that should be working and Add to Cart should be working as well so it can take up to 48 hours for Pinterest to actually go and verify that the checkout code but and the base code are working now once again like I said if yours isn't working what I would firstly suggest is going and having a look over here where you have installed this script within the checkout area in Shopify and just make sure that where it says your tag ID over here and over here and also over here just make sure that you have put your in there because if you miss one of those then the event won't fire correctly pinterest won't pick it up and you won't be out to run any conversion ads now also another thing that you can do is if we just go over here what you can do you can actually just go and contact Pinterest directly so if we just go and click on this you can go and click on get help over here so just go and click on this now once you click on this you will be brought over to the Help Center now if you just scroll all the way down over here and it will say need more help send us a note so just go and click on this and then from here you can actually go and contact the Pinterest business help center so over here what we can do is we can go and look for business and advertising so just go ahead and click on this and then from here we can go and just click on advertising and then we can just go ahead and click on continue once you click on that you can just go and pick a topic so just just go and pick Pinterest tank and click on continue and then after that you can just go and put your name in so if I just go and put my name and then we will just go and say that our Pinterest tag isn't installing quickly so you have your advertiser ID so that's the ID that we use so the Pinterest tag ID so then over that we can just go and click on continue and then from here in this subject you can just go and say Pinterest tag and then in the description you can just say hi there my Pinterest I've installed the Pinterest tag and it isn't fine quickly so you get the idea so you can just go and contact them and they should be able to go and figure it out for you if you are having trouble but like I said generally you just want to go ahead and check this if it isn't working and then if it's not that then you probably should go and contact them but generally they should be able to get to the bottom of it now if we go over to my store over here after I've installed it the Pinterest tag we can go over to my home page and using the Chrome extension the Pinterest tag helper once my home page loads I can go and click on this Chrome extension so go and do this as well this is another way to verify that your Pinterest tag is firing correctly so if I go and click on this now we should be able to see which of my Pinterest tags are firing on which event to find so we got the base code over here says it's loading successfully we've got page visit over here which is loading successfully so that's really great so go on your store and just go and check that that's working as well so now like I said now that we have verified that we can actually go and have a look at running a campaign my Mac I said once your Pinterest tag has been verified it will say this you'll need more Pinterest attributed conversions to use this objective select traffic so firstly we are going to go and run a traffic ad campaign so firstly let's go and actually name so we're going to pick traffic you can go for brand awareness video views app install but I would just recommend just going straight for traffic we're going to try and target people and get them over to our site so then we have their campaign details so this is the campaign name so you can go and name it something a bit more specific than this I'm gonna go and name this go baby sleep video and then I'm just gonna call this traffic so I know that this is a traffic campaign because the reason I put video in there so I'm just gonna actually call this video 1 just in case I make another video and that can be video too and also if you want to just go and run a normal Pinterest ad that's not a video one you could just go and say add one so I'm gonna put video because if I run another ad that's not video I know that video 1 is the first video that I created so what I can do is now I can just go over here where it says campaign spending its and status so we can go and put a daily spend limit so that just means that they won't spend more than a certain amount now if you're on a budget I recommend just trying out with maybe a 10 pound daily budget and then you can go and put a lifetime limit as well so after so many days it will just stop so let's say you've got a hundred pound budget or a hundred dollars budget you can say my max is a hundred dollars so that's my last time spend and I don't want to spend more than ten a day so that should last you 10 days so once you do that we can just go and click on continue so now we've done that we will have the ad group name so this basically means that you can split your campaign into different groups now you might want to do this if you are targeting people with different interests or if you're targeting different geographical locations then you can split your campaign into different groups so for example you could split your campaign into two groups one for targeting the UK and one for targeting just the US and then you could have another group that's targeting the UK and the u.s. together so you could go and do something like that so if you are gonna go and do that you can go and name your first ad group so for example you could I could go and call this one go baby sleep UK so I could go and call it that now you can also do it for different interests so let's say this one over here this is more to just surrounding parents so the interests are not too broad but let's say you had a sporty type of product you could do one for outdoors so let's say that was an outdoors interest and then you could also do one for let's say gym and fitness so it's a product that could be targeted to people that like the outdoors and also people like that like gym and fitness so then you could spit spit your campaign into two different ad groups and see which one performs better now I'm just gonna start off with a one ad group today so I'm just gonna go ahead and call this guru sleep audience one just to make it simple today so let's just go and call it that next up we have targeting over here now you will see this audience now at the moment you can't actually go and use an audience basically you will be out to create an audience once you get more people looking at your pins so if I just go ahead and click on create new audience over here you will see that we don't have any way to actually create an audience so you can see reach specific groups of people by creating your own audiences then if I click on create audience over here it's gonna say target a group of people based on visitors who went to your site so because I've just started this account fresh we don't actually have people going a large volume of people going over to my site from my Pinterest account so we can't really use this a list of customers that you upload to unless you have a list of customers already maybe from a previous store or something like that then you're not going to be able to use this one an engagement audience that engage with your pins now like I said because we've just started this Pinterest account we're not gonna have a large enough audience to actually go and create an audience off of this or we're not gonna have a large enough amount of people that have engaged with our pins to actually go and create an audience and then we have an actor an audience that behaves similarly to the one you've already have so you can't actually go and use this just yet once you start running traffic campaigns and conversion campaigns and people actually start purchasing from your store then you can go and create an audience as well so this is something we will go later on in the tutorial so you can see over here it looks like you don't have any existing audiences and like I said this is because I don't have a large enough volume of people that have viewed my pins or have gone over to my site from my Pinterest account so for now we'll just go and close this and go back over here so where it says create audience just leave this for now and we can actually go and have a look at this later on so let's scroll down next up we have interests now let me just go and close this so let's just scroll to the top because I've already had a look at some of the interests that I might be targeting for this campaign so bear in mind that mine is a baby product that helps them sleep a white noise machine now over here you have loads and loads of different interests that you could go and use to actually target so if I just go and untick the ones that I was using so let's just go ahead on tick this and this and this so now if we go and uncheck that and we just close this you will initially see that the potential audience is 8 million plus so this is basically means that we're targeting every single person that is on Pinterest so there's a massive audience and that's so broad that it's just quite stupid to go and actually target in that map so what you want to do is you want to go and drill down into the interests so that you can go and target the right type of people show your pins to the right type of people and then that way they're more likely to make a purchase so we have loads of different audiences over it so it loads of different interests over here and when you open them up they are actually divided into subcategories so for example if we go to beauty we have bath and body we have fragrance hair makeup so then let's just say we wants to go into makeup we could go and do this and now we have loads of different other categories where our body makeup celebrity makeup cruelty free then we have I'm I makeup so we can drill down once again so you can go and really get really specific with your interests now for me I'm just gonna go a little bit more broad with my interest because like I said it is really just for all parents that have a young child or a baby so if I just scroll down I'm gonna go to parenting over here and then if we open up baby we can see we have a baby announcement baby care baby gear Baby known as baby registry so why I'm gonna go for is I'm gonna go for baby care and baby gear now if we just open this up we've got baby Barling baby feeding baby massage diaper change and then we was to have baby technology I see now although some of these things are not actually related to my product people that are interested in these products would be probably interested in a white noise machine that will help their baby sleep so somebody that's interested in baby massage they might see a white noise machine that's going to help their baby sleep and they could potentially be interested in that as well so think about the interests that might be related to your product doesn't have to just be directly about your product so now I've done that I can just close this one and then I'm also going to go for parenting advice over here and what I'm going to do is I'm actually just going to go for parenting advice overall so this will just go and choose all of the categories and that's because generally people who are looking into co parenting parenting preteens maybe I'm not gonna go for preteens and teens actually I'm just gonna go for single parenting and co-parenting because once again they might actually be interested in how they can help their baby get a better night's sleep so next up we also have toddlers and preschoolers so we've got potty training twaddle activity toddler the lemon and turn of Discipline now once again all of these interests over here could be something that somebody who wants their child to get a better night's sleep might also be interested in as well so I can go and choose that now once again maybe let's just have a look at toys because we could go and go for this as well so we could go for let's have a look we could just go for toys by age and go for baby toys and toddler toys so now you can see it's a fairly narrow audience is not massive 619 one thousand two similar twenty four thousand and I could maybe go and have a look if there's any other ones I could use and it's gonna have a good childcare so we have daycare for us to care nanny none of those are really looking like they might be interests that somebody who also wants their baby to get about their nights sleep would be interested in so we're just going to go for that for now so like I said go and have a look and you can go and create different ad groups with different interests so you don't have to use all of the interests at once so now we've done that we can go and scroll down so now over here we have our keywords so it says choose relevant keywords to increase ad impressions in search results and related pins so I'm gonna go and choose white noise so what I can do is I can go and do that now if we just go over here we can go and just type it in we can go and get a rough idea of the amounts of monthly searches it has so white noise for baby I'm definitely gonna choose that's so let's go and get rid of this one and you can see over there that's getting two to three million searches a month so that's really high then let's see we could go for white noise machine but then again white noise machine is probably anybody might search that so people that are actually just looking to get a better night's sleep for themself so we're gonna leave that for now then we're going to go for let's try baby sleep so let's go and have a look at that ways to sleep baby sleep is five million plus so we're good for baby sleep let's also have a look post sleeping with baby what should baby sleeping sleep for babies that could be a good one let's see what else sleeping tips for babies let's see sleeping with baby could be one baby sleeping in parents room could go for that sleeping with baby in the bed we could go for that so you can you get the idea so you want to go and search some keywords now just bear in mind that you do have to use minimum twenty five keywords so it says for best results use a minimum of twenty five keywords now obviously you might be struggling to go and try and actually find twenty five keywords but just go and put some in that are related to your product so I'm just gonna go now and enter in some other keywords and just make sure that that's up to twenty five so I've just gone and added twenty five keywords and you can see most of them are to do with baby products mum must have toddler tips toddler stuff so some of them are quite broad and some of them are more specific for example white noise for babies so you just go and like I said keep adding keywords that are related to your product or somehow related to your product until you have twenty five keywords so now that we can see that my potential audience has gone up to seven hundred and ten to some one hundred forty four thousand so it's not massively big again once again but this is quite a niche product and it's not something that's going to be massively popular a white noise machine so now that we've done that let's just scroll down once again so now after that we have genders now we can't pick specific genders now for me I'm just gonna go and pick female because I'm know generally Pinterest is a more female-oriented site anyway and of mums are gonna be more likely to be female whereas without generalizing dads that are on Pinterest are probably not looking at ways that their baby can get a better sleep well whereas mums probably might be so that's I'm just gonna pick females then we can go for specific ages so I'm just gonna go for the ages of 35 to 44 because that's generally so I'm actually I'm gonna vote 18 to 24 and then 35 to 44 as well and also 25 to 34 so you can see that has it down quite a bit and I'm actually let me just see what the audience looks like without this because generally I would think that a mum that's probably between the ages of 25 to 34 and maybe a little bit older people with toddler and infant children are more likely to look at this product whereas a young mom that's 18 to 24 probably you might not be thinking about these that type of thing because it doesn't seem like something that they would put on their priority list so I'm gonna go for 25 to 34 and 35 to 44 then you can go and pick specific liket locations so I'm just gonna go for United Kingdom for now you can go and pick specific regions you can go for Australia you can go for any country that you want to but financial goggle United Kingdom then all languages I'm just gonna go and pick specific languages so I'm just gonna go and pick English so let's just go and choose English so that has brought down once again a little bit but not too much and obviously if your site is written in English and your product and your ad is written in English then obviously you're gonna want it to go and pick English so now that we've done that now we can go and pick specific devices so we could just go and pick Android mobiles and iPads or iPhones now for me I'm just gonna go and use everything I'm going to get rid of mobile web because that's basically those old-fashioned Mobile's like a blackberry and things like that that nobody really uses so there's no point of actually going using this and I know for a fact that my site probably isn't very user friendly for a device like a blackberry anyway so even if somebody was to see my head they're not going to actually go over to it so we have web we have iPhone iPad Android mobile and Android tablets that's perfectly fine as a matter of fact I'm thinking - let me just see how much the audience is affected if I just get rid of whip because generally most of these people will be shopping on mobile and tablet and on their phones especially if they're on Pinterest because they'll be using the Pinterest app so generally you might want to just go for these four and then you could go and test that web as well but as I said if I'm targeting mums it's mostly going to be mums who are gonna be on their iPad on their phone scrolling through Pinterest they're not really gonna be on a laptop generally looking on Pinterest so now after that we have ad group placement so you can go for all or you can go for browse so if we just go and click on this you can see your ads will appear as people browse their home feeds and related pins so that just basically means they're going to be scrolling through Pinterest and your ad will show up within their actual pins and then we also have search over here your ads will appear in search results so I recommend just going for both really because it's a really good way to get exposure if somebody searches something that's related to your product then it's going to come up and then if they're browsing the interests that are related to your product then it's going to come up as well so now that we have this we also have the ad group tracking URLs and this just allows you to use third-party apps to actually track certain URLs I don't really think that this is that important to go into at the moment this is for really advanced advertising and generally you probably won't really need to use this if you're having a look at where your traffic is coming from so if you have Google Analytics installed on your store or let's say for example on my store I have over here so we just go and click on this I have a plugin so this is a WooCommerce store and I have a plug-in that is just going and tracking where my traffic is coming from so if you have something like that on Shopify you can do that as well you can go and put Google Analytics or something like that so I have this jetpack if you have that you can basically go and track if the traffic is coming from Pinterest so you know don't really need to have a look at ad group tracking URLs for now so you can just go and leave this next up you have use your pin to expand your targeting and this basically just means that Pinterest will go and use your pin and it will try and target things that are related to the interest and to the keywords that you've put so it's kind of just trying to use the Pinterest algorithm to expand your PIN to other people as well so personally I would just leave this on for now it's not going to cost you too much extra in add cost and it's just a good way to go and try and expand your audience so we can't just go and do that and then after that once again we have the budget so we can't just say this group ad will run continuously so you could just go and put a daily budget or you can go and do a lifetime budget so I'm just gonna go and do a lifetime budget and I'm just gonna go and put the end date so you can say you can see it's starting today so let's just go and put today's date in and then we can go and pick it in time so I'm just gonna go and put ten days from now so I'm just gonna go and put these seventeenth and then after that it's gonna say this bad group will run through until this date so we can go and put a daily budget I'm just gonna put ten pounds and then you will spend no more than 110 pounds you can see so it's running for those 11 days so let's just go and change that to the six needs so we can just say a hundred pounds so now after that we have optimization and delivery and this is basically how you will actually go and use your budget so you can see automatic here Pinterest aims to get the most clicks for your budget so whether your budget is so if you can see for me I put 100 pounds it's gonna try and get the most amount of traffic it can using that 100 pounds so you can go and do that you can also go for custom if you want to what I recommend if you're just starting out just go for automatic so you can get used to actually just running ads and then you can go for custom now custom over here I will just show you what this basically does it will you can go and put in a maximum cost-per-click so this way you can actually go and try and work out if it's worth it so let's just say for every hundred clicks you get a sale and you're every cell is twenty pounds you're gonna see here one pound per click that's not going to be worth it because if I spend a hundred pounds on clicks and I make one sale and make twenty pounds then I'm 80 pounds loss so what you can do is you can go and put a maximum cost-per-click so you could go and put let's say I don't want to spend more than 20 P per click now you're not going to get very many clicks for that price so that's why I say it's best to just go for an automatic to start off with and then once you start having a look at how much traffic you are getting how many sales you're making if your ad is even doing very well you might want to go and change the creative then you could go and have a look at going and putting a custom cost per click and like I said the way you would want to work this out you just want to go and have a look at your conversion rate so let's say it's 3% so if you spend a hundred pounds and your conversion rate is through it so if you get a hundred clicks one pound per click let's say and then your conversion rate is 3% so you make three sales and you make twenty pounds profit each sell that means you've made sixty pounds and you've still made a 40 pounds loss so in that instance you would want to go and try and break even so you might want to go and say I can afford to spend seventy pence per click so that way if you get a hundred clicks well actually you would go and say probably 55 pence per click because that way if you get a hundred clicks you've spent 55 pounds and if you get a three percent conversion rate then you've gone and made and you make twenty pounds per sale then you've made sixty pounds so you're five pounds profit now obviously this goes in to where you actually price your product as well so generally if you think that your cost per click per click is gonna be quite high for your audience then you want to go and maybe put your product higher the price Oh actually selling it for and go and make maybe 30 pounds or 40 pounds profit per sale and that way you could say even if I get a hundred clicks at seventy pence per sale so I spent seventy pounds you would have like make two cells if I'm making forty pounds per cell I've made eighty pounds so I'm ten pounds in profit so like I said can be a little bit more complicated than you need to work out how much you're making the per sale and how much it's going to cost you per click to see if it's gonna work out so that's why I say just go for automatic when you're first tying up now over here finally you can go and choose your pin now you can go and upload a pin so a new one that you've created you can go and choose one from one of the pins that we uploaded earlier so if I scroll the way down you can see at the bottom here here's some of the pins so I could go for this one over here now what we are going to do in the next part of the tutorial I'm gonna show you how to actually create a video ad so I've got this one over here so I'll just go and choose this and we can actually go and have a look at how I created this and then once we've had a look at how I have created this we will come back here and actually upload that pin so before we actually start running any ads campaigns we want to actually go and create an ad creative and the best thing that I can recommend is to go and create a video creative because these are going to convert a lot better if you actually have a video of somebody using your product or demonstrating the product this is going to convert a lot better so I'm going to show you how you can go and create these now here's the one I'm going to show you how to create so let me just play this for you [Music] so you can see there I've got the product being demonstrated so a baby just sleeping with the actual white noise machine all over the product that I'm selling and then I've got some information at the top and the bottom over here so white noise is soothing for babies so some information and also down here a bit a night's sleep for your for you and your baby so a kind of slogan or tagline now you can see this is the perfect fit over here for Pinterest and what you want to do is like I said you want to get one of these videos created now I'm not going to show you how to do that I have created a video so check out my previous video on how you can get these product videos for really cheap so once you go and get one of those product videos made on 500 or you can go and just create one yourself with your phone or if you have a digital camera and just using friends and family demonstrating the product or even yourself then what you're going to want to do is actually go and get Adobe Premiere Pro so this is what we're going to use to actually go and create the ad creative now you can get a free trial of Adobe Premiere Pro so you can get a 7-day free trial so if you just go over to Google and just type in Adobe Premiere Pro free trial and I will leave a link in the description to this as well and all you have to do is click on start your free trial seven days is more than enough days to go and create your ad creative so here we go like I said this is the video I'm going to be showing you how to create because we want it in the Pinterest format so that we can use it for our Pinterest ads and like I said you definitely want to go and have a product video so you can go and do something like this so this is why I've done in Photoshop so you could go and do this but this isn't gonna convert as well just it's just a picture of the baby sleeping with the item or the product and you can go like I said and do something like this but if you have a product video like this it's going to convert a lot better because we've got the information and then this is also actually going to capture the customer's attention because we have the person using the product in this case it's a baby using the product so once you download your free trial of Adobe Premiere Pro so just click on start your free trial and download it you will come over here so what you're going to do is it might look a little bit different to this but basically you're going to go over to file over here so far and you're going to go to new and you're going to go to project so you're gonna start a new project now you can just call this whatever you want so I can just go and call this let's just say Pinterest ad and then I can just say go baby sleeper so the name of my brand so just go and click OK on that so we can start our new project so now we've got our new project and we just give that quick moment to actually open so once you do that down here you will see project Pinterest ad go baby sleep so that's your new project open so what you're going to do is let me just expand this so if you just click on this arrow we can expand this so you can see I've got a few different projects over here so now what we can do is over here you're going to see this sort of little page and when you hover over it it will say new item so go and click on this I'm gonna go and click on new sequence now just go and name your sequence so once again we can just name it the same Pinterest ad go baby sleep and just click on ok so this is going to be our new sequence so this will go and create a new timeline so this is the timeline over here where we can actually go and drag things in to the timeline so now we've gone and created our new timeline the first thing that we're gonna add to that timeline is going to be our video ad so like I said go and check out my other video to look at how you can go and get video ads created with your products in them or if you just go and create one with your phone just demonstrating it movie with yourself or friends and family then you can actually go and drag that in here so it doesn't matter what size the video is that's fine because we can resize it to actually fit the Pinterest dimension so I'll show you how to do that so I'm just gonna go and open up my file explorer and have a look for that now so here it is this one over here so I'm just gonna go and drag that in here so I'm just going to drag that into my timeline and then it's just going to say change sequence settings so we can't just go and click on change sequence settings because this is a 1080p video so now we can see this is how my sequence is 1080p so that's something that you probably would find on YouTube maybe even Facebook so that's not going to be quite applicable for Pinterest so we're gonna have to go and resize this so what we can do is we can go to sequence over here and click on sequence settings and then over here you will see frame size so we're going to want to change the frame size to the Pinterest dimensions so firstly over here we're going to go and change this to 1000 and then we're going to go and change this to 15 100 and then you should see it go to 2 3 and down here will be seven twenty by ten eighty so that's perfectly fine so once we've done that we can just drag this up and click OK and then just click OK again so now you can see that our video is right in the middle of our frame and if I just drag this down over here we can see our frame size so we can see it's quite vertical just like the Pinterest dimensions should be so what we can do is now let's go ahead and click on our video over here and we are actually just going to go and change the scale of this so over here it will say scale so let's just go ahead and change that to 50 so now you can see it's just coming around the edges so let's try 55 let's see what 54 looks like 53 52 so it's a bit of trial and error 51 so let's go with 52 and see if there's any black part around the edges so that's why now you can see it fits directly in the center so that's perfect so now we've got that directly in the center now we'll want to add those pictures around it so if I go back over to this one over here we can see I've gone and added these pictures around it so that's really easy to do as well so you can just go and create these pictures in canva if you want to but I prefer to actually go and create them in Photoshop so once again what you can do is you can go and download a free trial 7-day free trial of Photoshop as well so just go and download that and then you will have photoshop over here and what you're gonna do is you're gonna go to file and new and like I said if you're going to do this in canva you mean you know how to use canva now from the previous part of the tutorial so you're going to go for the custom dimensions in canva that I'm going to show you now so for custom dimensions we're gonna go for 1000 width and height is 500 so like I said if you're using canva you're going to do the same thing 1000 width height 500 and then just click on create so now we have our board over here so I'm going to do is I'm just going to show you how I created this one over here so what we can do is we can get a picture of a baby sleeping so for you make it obviously something relevant to the product that you are selling so over here I've got a picture of a baby sleeping so just this one over here and I just got that from unsplash on special calm which is a website where you can get copyright free images so I'll just go and drag that on here and now I'm just gonna go and resize this image so that is the same size as my pallet so let's just resize this so something like this and then I'm just gonna drag it sort of into the center a bit so just like that so that's perfectly fine so then we'll just hit OK and click place so now we have a picture of our baby sleeping and like I said make sure it's obviously relevant to the product that you're selling and then what you're going to want to do is add some information over this part because the main thing for these Pinterest ads is the video in the middle is going to be demonstrating the product and the top and the bottom of the ad is going to be giving the customer some information about the product so some copy some written copy work along with some images that are supporting the product so over here we've got the baby sleeping so I'm going to do this I'm just going to click on this square and I'm just going to drag and draw a square over this so there we go just drawn a square so now we're going to go and change the color so go to the properties part over here if you don't have this properties you can go to window and then just click on properties ok so now you have the properties part over here we're gonna click on color and then we're just going to choose a color so choose the colors that are the same as the brand of your store so you can see I've chosen this blue so if we go over to my store so let's just go over to go baby sleep we can see I'm using this blue and this orange those are the two main colors of my store along with just black and white so we can see I'm going to go and choose this blue over here the same one that I'm using on my store and then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go to color over here so once again if you don't have the color window you can just go to window and choose color so now we've gone and shoot chosen the color and over here you will say opacity so click on opacity I'm just going to change this to 50 so now we can see that we can still see the image in the background but it also has our branded colors over it so now what we're going to do we can just go and add some text so go choose the tee and then we're just going to go and type something in so I typed in let's have a look at the other one I typed in a better night's sleep for you and your baby so let's go back over here and then we're quick let me just delete this layer and do it again so let's just go to choose this layer delete it so let's just right-click and delete layer and now we can just do it again so we'll just put our typing text in and say a better night's sleep and then for you and your baby so that's that and then we can just go and drag this into the center so now you can see it's lined up so when you get those lines dragged into the center just let go so now what we're gonna do is next over here where we have this layer this text layer we can double click this so just go to the edge and double click it and this will come up then click on drop shadow and then you're just going to tick drop shadow and then just go and make it black so this part over here make your drop shadow black so if you can't find black just type in 6 zeroes and then over here where it says opacity you're going to choose 100 noise zero and this copy everything here so distance is 3 size is 7 and then just hit OK so now you can see we've got this nice sort of shadow around our text and if we zoom out you can see that's pretty readable now if you want to go one step extra you can hold ctrl and click on the T so hold ctrl and click on the T and now you see these little lines coming around then we can go to select we can go to modify expand and then just choose 5 pixels so expand by 5 pixels and click OK so now you can see we've got this outline around our text next what you're going to want to do is go over here to the top square so the color that has that is on the top click on this and change this to black so once again just type in 6 zeroes hit OK then we're going to go and hit new layer so this little button over here so go and click on this and it will come up with layer 1 and then we're going to drag layer 1 underneath our text layer so now it's underneath there and I'm gonna hold ctrl and hit backspace so now we can see over here I've got this text around it so actually I've it's going to be the color underneath so not the top one so actually you want to change to whatever color is underneath this background color is what's going to come out in the background so you can see for me it's this blue color so now if I just go and let's just drag something on here so we get rid of that outline so we just drag this on here and hit place and now I can just delete this now you can see I've got this blue outline around the ticks just to make it a bit more readable so if I actually go and delete this layer let's delete this and let's change this one to black zero zero zero zero zero so now let's try that again so we're going to click on our text hold ctrl and click it again so we get the outline select modify expand ok create a new layer drag it underneath then hit ctrl backspace and now you can see we've got this black around it so that looks a bit better and then to get rid of those dashes we can just track something else in here and then just delete it so now we can see a bit and I sleep for you in your baby and if you zoom out it makes it really readable because it has that black outline around it so even if it looks small on a mobile you can still see a better night's sleep for you and your baby it's still really easily readable for the customer then all you're going to want to do once you have created an image like this go and create two of them so here's another one I've created white noise is soothing for babies and infants as it reminds them of their time in the womb and you can see very faintly in the background there was a picture of a baby sleeping and once again I've used my branded colors so I have used this Orange over here and I've just made it 50% opacity or so for this one I've made it 60 and just so you can see it but I've also also kept the branding of my store so once you do that you've got your picture over here you're going to go and click file export and quick export as PNG then you can just save it as what if you want so let's just save this as baby sleeping and hit save once you've done that crate two of these like I said exact same way so go and do the exact same method I just showed you and create another one ideally you want to have two branding colors one for the top on one for the bottom so you can see I've got orange at the top and blue at the balm so we go back to Premiere Pro and we have a look at this we can see I've got orange at the top blue at the bottom if it's both orange or both blue it can look a little bit overbearing so you're going to want to go and break it up with you video in the middle over here like this so now that I've done that why I can do is I can come over here and I can just go and grab my two images that I just created so let's just go and grab both of these so hold ctrl and grab both of them or you can do it one at a time let's just do it one at a time to make it easy so we'll drag our first one in so let's drag that in there and just bring it to the front of your timeline so now you can see it's right in the middle so that's not looking very good now also another thing that I can just show you you can see my video doesn't start until here so ideally I want it starting straight away so you can see on the timeline where this blue line is that's where we can cut things so go to your blue line and you can see this little red arrow come up and I can just cut my video bring the blue line back to the beginning of the video and now we can see our video will start straight away from there so now I'm going to drag this back over here like this now we can see it's in the middle so we want to actually move that so what we can do is if you want to move it to the bottom you'll see position this 7:51 means we can move it down so if I change this to let's say 1260 we can see it's gone do it down to the bottom now so let's try one 250 so maybe even more when I move it down 1 2 30 let's try so let's go the other way 1 to 70 or 1 to 80 so we could go something like that so that's perfectly fine and then we're gonna just drag this picture all the way to the end of the video so it lines up with the end of the video so now I've dragged our first picture in let's go and add another picture so let's go and add this orange one in so I'm going to drag this on our timeline drag it to the front of the video now we can see it's in the middle once again so this time if this one was on one to a toe we're gonna have to put this one a bit higher so let's change this 750 to something like 220 so now we can do a bit of trial and error again so 220 seems about perfect so let's go for 220 and now we're just going to drag this to the end and that is it there's our video you can see I've just gone and replicated it really easily so here's the original one I created and here's the same one I've just created a game didn't take me long at all so you can go and do that now you can see it goes black at the end again so I'm just gonna go and cut it and let it stop about there so I can just drag all of these select all of these and just cut it like that so now we can see we've got video and the baby sleeping with the product and then it just ends and that's that so now that is how you can go and create your Pinterest ad creatives before you actually start running ads now like I said you can do this with images as well so you can see here's one I created with an image all I've basically done is file new and I've just gone and created the same thing that I've done with the video so if you click on file new and then what you can do is you can just go and make your custom dimensions 1000 by 1500 so 1000 with 1500 and height and you can do this in canva once again if you want to click on create and then once you have this you can just go and drag these things in so what I can do is I could just go copy all of this well let me just come back over here I've already gone and created all of these different images so I can just drag this one in and bring it to the bottom and then I could just drag this one in that I've already created bring it to the top and then I can just go and pick a picture of a baby sleeping once again so that's how I just created it so this one I just dragged in here where you sized it so it's just a resize that again so it doesn't get distorted something like that hit this one over here hit place and then we can drag it below and we can sort of just Center it up something like that so you can see like I said that's not a bad image but ideally you want these product videos because these are gonna look a hundred times better when we actually go to advertise our store and our product just because it makes it look more legitimate as well the fact that we have for me especially with this product an actual real life baby with the product is going to make it look like a hundred times more legitimate then it's just an image of the product once you have done this in Premiere Pro all you have to do is go to file export media and then once you click on that you will get this screen come up just leave everything as default and click on export just make sure that you are saving it to somewhere where you can find it so you can see over here I've got mine over here export video to here so that's perfectly fine so just make sure that you know where you're saving it to now also one thing to mention when you are creating these ads don't make them much longer than 20 seconds because on Pinterest people have a very short attention span so you can see this kind of sums the product up well if your product video ads is going on for 20 30 50 up to a minute people are not going to watch it they're just gonna scroll right past it ideally want to allow 15 seconds so I could probably cut someone in this beginning part out and just start from around here just to make this even shorter to make it about 15 seconds but like I said don't make it any longer than around 20 seconds because people won't watch it they'll lose interest and you won't actually get any customers now once you have done that we can go over to Pinterest and I'll just show you the one that I uploaded so let me just go and see if I can find it so let's just go over here and I've already uploaded this now it's really easy you just do it the same way as you would with your other pins so you would just go and click on this plus button once your video has been exported click on create pin or product and then once you click on this you will see dragon drag and drop or click to upload images or video so if we click on this we can just go and upload the video that we exported so you can see here's the video over here so I just click on open and now we can see it should just upload the same as you would upload any other pin so now we can see is just uploading and once you have uploaded it you should see that your video starts playing so that's really cool now the only thing about this is when you upload a view like this it will go into review just to make sure that the video isn't of anything dodgy or inappropriate before Pinterest so now that we've done that we can just go and put in our description so let me just go over and have a look at what I have actually done for the one I've already uploaded so you can see over here I've just and put in does your newborn baby or young child struggle to get to sleep and once they go down do they seem to wake up at regular intervals so I'm asking the customer questions and then that may be because they haven't fully truly fallen asleep into a deep sleep white noise has been proven to help babies and infant children sleep so you want to go and put some good information and I've just gone and got this from my actual website so when I was creating my site obviously I put in a lot of information about the product so I've gone and just got that and compiled it together to go and create my description so let me just go and put that in there so you just want to go and paste that in there and then over here we can see just as the title just put this on pause you can say why I've just put white noise is soothing for babies and infants so that I'm just giving them information instead of just going and putting the name of my product just like go baby sleep because nobody knows or has heard of my brand so I want to go and put something that's going to catch the customers attention so I'm just going to go and let's close this and we can just see if we can copy this so I'm just going to go anti there and white noise is soothing for babies and infants so like I said you want to go and put a headline that's going to actually give your customer some information about your product then after that you have the destination link now for me because I'm running a one page store I am actually just sending them to my home page so they can get the information about the product and then as soon as they hit by now over here it will just bring them straight to the checkout so I just click on buy now I can actually just go and show you that it brings them directly to the checkout now if you're not wanting running a one product store like this you can just go and send them to your product page so like I said I'm just going to go and get this link over here and I can just go and paste that in the destination link and then after you do that all you have to do is click on publish to go and select the relevant board so I'm going to go and put it in the go baby sleep board and hit publish and like I said it will go in into review generally it is reviewed within a few hours and if your video is perfectly fine like my one then it will be accepted if it isn't obviously think dodgy or anything like that so like I said just wait a few and then come back to it and you should see that it has been reviewed and now it is life so once it is live we can go back over to our campaign and over here where you have the pins so you could just go and upload it from your campaign so instead of going to the plus button over here we'll throw out your campaign you can just go and hit plus and go and repeat the same process but if I just go back now because I've already uploaded it you can just go and come back to the campaign over here and we can now go and see that I have just gone and picked this one so once you go and pick that we can just scroll down and then what we can do is now we can just go and hit launch so once you hit launch you will see one traffic campaign no activity for your applied filters so basically that just means because we've just started it nothing has actually happened so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come back to this in a few days time so we can go and have a look at the data and the different type of traffic and then we can also go and have a look at how we can create audiences as well so I have actually left the ads running for a few days and now we can go and have a look at some of the results so you can see here I spent almost 29 pounds on ads and I've got three hundred and forty-nine clicks so these are actually link click so you can see here total number of link clicks on your ads so these are people that are actually going through to my site and based off of that I have actually made one sale of fifty six pounds and if we just go and have a look let's go over to my site stats so we can see over here we have my jetpack site stats and I will just refresh this now just so we can actually go and have a look at this and I did make this sale yesterday so today is the tenth and I made this sale you can see on the 9th of March and we just go and have a look over here so we can see over here in my site stats today I have got 69 clicks and nine people have gone to the checkout page I haven't actually made any sales today just yet if we go over to yesterday you can see I've got 78 clicks and yesterday 11 people went to the checkout and I made that one sale and I know the reason why I probably have only made one sell so if we go and have a look 349 clicks and only one sale that's a quite very quite a low conversion rate and the reason behind that is probably because I am actually selling the product for probably slightly too high so I'm gonna go and actually go and change that price probably down to $29.99 or maybe 20 or maybe sorry $35.99 or something like that so I'm gonna go and test out the pricing but we're gonna actually have a look I'm still in profit so I have spent 29 pounds I am getting the product over here for 20 dollars so it's sixteen fifty nine and then plus three dollars shipping so just roughly twenty dollars so that's around fifteen pounds and I did actually managed to sell it for 56 pounds so if we go and add all of that up I've made roughly 56 pounds so we've got 29 plus the 15 it cost me so that's around 44 pounds so I'm actually 11 pounds in profit now like I said what I am going to go and do I'm actually go and change the pricing of the product down to around 30 pounds because that way I will be able to go and probably get more conversions because you can see people are going to the checkout but once they probably see the 56 pounds price they're not actually going to purchase so I'm gonna go and drop the price a bit and hopefully that will help bump up the sells but anyway the main point I want to make is that you can see I'm getting a large amount of clicks and it's hardly costing me anything so with in comparison to something like Google ads and Facebook ads Pinterest is really good because you can get a lot of traffic for very cheap and if you have a very well optimized store so my store is pretty good so if we're going to have a look at it and I'd have made a photo tool on how to actually build this store if we go and have a look it's just a one page product store and it is just outlines if we think and we can see we've got the reviews we've got the FAQ s we have a video of the product and everything like that but like I said when you go over to so you can just go and click on buy now and I have just gone and actually changed the price a minute ago so now we can go and have a look I've changed it to $29.99 but like I said when I was selling it trying to sell it for 56 pounds that's obviously putting people off when they come over to the checkout and that's why I've had quite a lot of people coming over to the checkout but they see the price and they get put off so I'm gonna go and test this new price out and see how I get on but like I said the store is a pretty well built so it is optimised to actually make sales so once I change the price we should hopefully see that this starts to optimize a bit bitter and then I can't actually just go and put my daily budget up and that is how I can go and scale this Pinterest pad because like I said I'm getting some good amount of clicks and good people going over to the checkout so this is a really powerful way to actually go and get cheap traffic to your drop shipping stores so now we've gone and had a look at this and obviously if you're getting a lot of clicks or you're not getting any clicks or if you're getting a lot of clicks and it's costing you a lot of money then you can go and stop the ads if you're not getting many clicks then what you can do is you can always go and try a new creative now you can see over here I've got a lot of impressions and not many clicks now the only thing with that is with Pinterest you will always get a very high amount of impressions so don't think that because you have a high amount of impressions and not many clicks that your ad isn't good because generally we are paying for cost per click anyway so that's perfectly fine and also like I said you will get a lot of impressions because it's very different to the way Facebook was as soon as they go onto Pinterest their feed comes up with sometimes 20 30 pins at once so even if they just see your pin just whilst they're scrolling through that still counts as an impression but because there's so many things going on on Pinterest at once where it's not like Facebook where you scroll through one thing at a time you scroll through 30 through 40 pins at once you will go get a very high amount of impressions but you might not get a massive amount of clicks but like I said the cost per click is fairly cheap and I'm still 11 pounds in profit so now if I go and change the price I can actually go and see if that's gonna make a difference now one other thing that we can look at is the cost per click so if we go over to ads here and we go to reporting and once you click on this you can actually scroll down and over here you will see results and cost per result so you can see 20 pounds spent and you can see 220 clicks and I am paying 9 pence per click now that is super cheap 9 pence per click compared to something like Facebook or Google Ads you can actually go up to one pound two pounds three pounds per click and I receive Veon dollars a similar sort of price so this is why Pinterest is really powerful because you can get really cheap link clicks for your products so now we have had a look at how we can go and read our data you can obviously go and play around with it so you can go and try different creatives you can go and try different interest you can go and try different keywords you can go and change the price like I have done of your product and different things like that and see what works for you but generally you should be able to go and actually make a profit or break-even using Pinterest ads because the cost per click is so cheap so now we have had a look at that let's go and have a look at how we can actually go and create audiences once we've started to generate some traffic on our Pinterest account now in order for me to show you how you can create custom audiences based off of people that have interacted with your pins or based off of traffic you've generated I have gone into one of my other Pinterest accounts to show you how to do this because this one has had a little bit more interaction and has been running a little bit longer so what we can do is we can go over here where it says ads and we can go to audiences and once you click on this you can then go and click on create audience so now you can go and pick one so visitors who went to your site a list of customers that you want to upload an engagement audience that engage with your pin so you can go and pick any of these so for this one I'm just gonna go and pick an engagement audience that engaged with your pins so we're gonna go and click Next now and then we can just go and name our audience so I'm just gonna go and name this engaged audience and then you can go and put in the description so I'm gonna go and put in a description to describe this audience I'm gonna say people who have engaged with my pins organically because for this account I haven't run ads for it and everything has been organic interaction so this is going to be an audience for people who have just interacted with my pins or engage with my pins organically so now that we've done that you can say people that have engaged with the pins in the last how many days so I'm just gonna go for in ninety days anybody that's engaged with my pins in the last 90 days and also include past traffic so people that have actually clicked over to my website as well and then we can just go ahead and click on create so now that I've gone and actually clicked on that and you can see that the audience size is really small so only a hundred so what I can do is I can actually just go and change that let's go and change this to anybody that's interact with my pins the last 450 days so in the last year and a half for just go ahead and click on save on this and then it will say over here initializing so this is actually just means it's just gathering the data surrounding this now like I said this audience size is fairly small so because this account I have only used with organic pins and because I haven't run any traffic I haven't actually amassed a massive amount of people who have engaged with my pins so generally you might want to use this type of audience when you are actually just running retargeting type of ads but if you have been running a big traffic campaign and you have managed to get a lot of clicks and a lot of impressions then this way you can go and create another custom audience and it's gonna be a lot bigger size than this so this is how you can create audiences and then actually go and use them within your ads as well so that is it for this Pinterest ads full tutorial and like I said this is a really powerful way to go and start generating cheap traffic to your drop shipping and ecommerce stores I hope you have enjoyed the tutorial if you have make sure to give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel and hopefully I will see you in one of my other videos
Channel: Elliott Prendy
Views: 96,674
Rating: 4.9513636 out of 5
Keywords: Pinterest Ads Full Tutorial, Pinterest Ads 2020, Pinterest Ads for Dropshipping, Pinterest Ads for E-Commerce, Pinterest Ads Complete Tutorial, Pinterest Ads Complete Set Up, How To Start Pinterest Ads, How to Set Up Pinterest Ads, Pinterest Ads Set Up, Pinterest Ads for Shopify, Pinterest Ads Shopify Dropshipping, Pinterest and Shopify, How to Run Pinterest Ads, Pinterest Ads and WooCommerce, Pinterest Dropshipping, Pinterest Ads, Dropshipping on Pinterest
Id: hRmBGhyESV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 12sec (6072 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.