Pinterest Ads Masterclass: Launch Your First Campaign for BFCM

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all right we are back with another growth lab training session and today we have something very special for you because it's the very first pinterest ads master class and who better to host than our dream team jen malka and jack paxton welcome back to the growth lab guys thanks hans appreciate it as always so pinterest ads what can we expect to learn today uh so yeah pinterest is a really interesting platform they've been growing in leaps and bounds so today we're kind of going to go through how to get started um they've made a lot easier with the shopify app so i'm going to show you how to use that how to launch something super quickly from shopify or if you really want to get into the weeds how you would go about that in the actual pinterest ad account um we'll probably skip over a little bit of the creation but i'll give you some links where you can go and create it but i will dive through all that and i'll tell you sort of what to create what best pins to use what audiences to create all the tracking stuff that you need to know um so yeah it's kind of like a beginner class to getting started running pinterest ads sounds awesome sounds like there might be an advanced class coming up at some point um but you know this is great to everyone out there we will be sharing a full replay of today's session we will also be sharing all the pro tips and tools that jen and jack might be sharing and if you haven't already check out our growth lab community on facebook i'll drop a link to that in the chat as well but otherwise take it away guys great i'm just going to share my screen hope everybody is having a great tuesday um let me know by giving a thumbs up or a hi if you can see this in the um screen there i'll present it so it's full screen so you can all see it um all right so getting started uh today i'm going to teach you a bunch about pinterest so very interesting platform especially if you are in specific niches we do find that some niches work a lot better with pinterest than others and starting off a little bit of background on me just so that you know that you're not taking advice from someone who hasn't executed anything i've been running ads since 2010 uh spent a huge amount of money 200 million plus on facebook and google uh and other platforms like pinterest reddit all that sort of stuff i really specialize in e-commerce brands so shopify is a really good fit and today we're going to be covering a bunch of stuff i sort of went over it briefly but we're going to start with the fundamentals of you know understanding your customer and the buyer journey the buyer journey is really important with pinterest probably more important than any other platform just because it is a uh specific kind of discovery platform and i'll go into this a little bit later how to create your your pinterest account with shopify so that you can easily sync up everything everything works smoothly creating audiences and conversions because that is the number one thing that we see beginners getting stuck on um it's setting up the right audiences and having the correct conversion tracking and then we'll go into a few things about what sort of pins you should be using for ads how to set up a campaign i'll let you look over my shoulder as i set one up and uh we can ask questions along the way if there's anything else that uh you want me to go over drop in the comments uh what you'd want me to cover if it's questions if it's certain things about pinterest that you want me to show you let me know in the comments and jen will hit me up saying that uh adds a question or something else that we want to go more in depth on so we've been doing marketing for a while and when you uh really break it down to some core fundamentals these three things uh what we really focus on improving week after week so if you're ever wondering like why my sales aren't growing or how can i improve my sales how can i make my store more profitable i think of these three letters that you can pull so the first one is your your copy and your creative now it's not specifically just your ad copy and creative this could be copy on your emails your home page your product pages your product titles all of the things that you do online to sell your product is going to somehow relate back to copy and creative now i'm sure you're well aware that some brands that spend a huge amount of money on copying creative nail it so you look at nike and all these other brands that are spending you know millions of dollars a year they have nailed their copy in the creative so that is a really high converting factor that you can adjust so improving the copy or improving the creative to move in the right direction so that would be you know changing different titles on your products it might be changing the call to actions on your home page changing up the offer that you have uh there's a bunch of different ways you can adjust copy to try and improve your conversion rates uh when you're looking at ads for example with pinterest editing some of your copy and creative you might look at metrics like click-through rate um and engagement rate because the higher the engagement you have and the higher the click through rate generally speaking that means that people are more engaged and more interested so the next level you can look at is uh targeting and traffic so this is where you're getting your traffic from so uh you know one big differentiator is organic and paid so you can get organic traffic uh from google search and that sort of thing uh or social organic so that's when you're posting to pinterest but you're not necessarily running ads and that's another strategy you can definitely use and then there's paid traffic so that's things like facebook google pinterest all those platforms where you pay to get traffic now you can continually adjust this because when you're paying for traffic you have a lot of control over who you show your ads to so continually testing keywords continually testing interests and continually testing different audiences that you can create so that's another lever that you can pull and the last lever that you can pull is the website experience so when someone clicks through your ad clicks through your email or find you via google when your page loads how fast does it load what's the first thing that they think your product does within the first three seconds is your product really clear above the fold is the call to action really clear are you giving someone an easy buy option um so the website experience is another lever that you can pull to drastically improve your conversion rates and your row as so think about those three things anytime you get stuck anytime you're wondering how can i improve something look at these three areas and you'll probably find an area that you can improve on to help you get better click-through rates get better uh cpas um cost for acquisition or browse return on ad spend and how to get a higher website conversion rate now because we're talking about pinterest i want to really go over the uh the funnel a little bit so you usually have top of the funnel traffic and bottom of the funnel traffic now the difference between these two is usually the intent of that traffic so the top of the funnel traffic are usually people who don't know about you they don't know what you sell they don't know your product they don't know who you are and they are top of the funnel because they are very cold and i'm going to show you a slide next that's going to really demonstrate this a little bit uh better i just want to give you some examples of top and bottom of the funnel and then the bottom of the funnel are people who have already visited your site maybe they're on your email list maybe they are engaging with you on social media maybe they've already been to your website a few times these are the bottom of the funnel traffic group and they are super engaged and ready to buy so your goal is to fill up this funnel as much as you can from the top and keep pushing people all the way down to the bottom and so some examples of top of the funnel stuff is educational pins or pinterest because it's really a platform for idea generation and styling people use pinterest a lot to envision what they want to buy and do the research and then as they move down that funnel you find that they usually convert by maybe more specific product catalog pins or maybe they convert by your email or maybe they find you on facebook or instagram as they move down that funnel your job is to attract them and then nurture them now this is a good example of what that nurturing process looks like and the type of messaging now you want to remember all of this because we're going to when you go to create your pins and your ads you want to think about am i targeting the prospecting traffic which is cold or am i targeting the remarketing traffic which is hot and that's going to change the type of content that you have in your pin so prospecting you want to tell you know industry secrets doctor you want to make it so that uh you're engaging someone you're capturing their attention you're not just asking them to buy something because if you just go straight up and say hey buy my product it's the best chances are people aren't going to believe you and they probably won't buy from you within if anything and they need that product they'll probably go to one of your competitors um because you would have given the idea like hey i need this product but this guy's obviously not the right one for me because you haven't provided any value first and so as you move down you can start changing your messaging a little bit you can then start talking about the benefits as it gets warmer then you can start showing testimonials proof claims proof meaning like how does a product work does it work do you have before and after shots do you have something that shows your product improving someone's life and then you can start looking at the discounts um different offers different deals you can offer as they get into that hot range now the hot range is going to be when you're running things like remarketing ads so you know the prospecting would be when you're targeting people with a specific interest or they've got a specific search term remember those two things because that's going to be two types targeting we can use in pinterest and then the remarketing is going to be audiences that have been generated from us and that are bucketing everybody who visits our website or bucketing everybody who engages with our pins bucketing people who are on our email list that sort of thing so just keep in mind that process and think about what campaign you're running does it fit into prospecting or remarketing and then think about the pins in that campaign does that pin attract and capture engagement are you offering value or is that pin direct response and you're just asking them to make that purchase all right so a few things to make pinterest really really easy so they have released a pinterest app in the shopify store that makes everything super easy to set up so once you install the app what you want to do is you want to connect it to your store and it'll ask you to log in and what this is going to do is it's going to add all your tracking for you if you're a shopify ecommerce store it's going to create your product catalog so it's going to pretty much make the feed that sends all of your product information from shopify to pinterest so you don't do anything and will also allow you to create audiences based off what they do on your website so this is by far the easiest way to connect pinterest up to your shopify store and get started with pinterest ads adding the tracking individually in the catalog and all that sort of stuff gets way too complicated just use the app and all you have to do is search for the app and you'll be able to find it in google and then add it straight to your store now uh the next step uh i'll show you actually how to just create an ad what it looks like so once you have it installed uh you're gonna have down here you're gonna have your pinterest uh as a sales channel now if you want a super quick way to launch a pinterest ad you're not really looking to get two in the weeds because this screen scares you um for example if this screen scares you and you don't want to even deal with this um what you can do is you can actually run ads from uh shopify so if you don't want to dive in here and create campaigns and all that sort of stuff you don't want to do keyword targeting you don't do different interests or audiences that sort of stuff what you can do is you can go into shopify and just go to your marketing thread now throw your marketing section here and you click on your overview and up here you can create a campaign and what you can do here is you can choose any of the channels that you've already connected so for example you can see that we have facebook connected here we have pinterest we have our microsoft snapchat so these are all the different sales channels that we have apps connected to jen you asking questions can you hear me sorry so um they wanted to know um how do you get onto these apps um if uh how do you get onto these apps if you don't have a shopify uh you can't actually use on the us one so how do you get the pinterest app onto your store if you don't have a the shopify app on it hold on [Music] hold on jack turn on audio okay can you hear me now sorry um you can mute yours um all right great so circling back on that yeah pinterest is only available in uh the pinterest app is only available in the us right now definitely contact that support ask when it's going to roll out in your country because it is by far way easier using the app than it is to manually install so one thing to note is that you can install it with google tags manager but there is a bunch of documentation and i think i've got this open here you can just easily contact them here contact us and you can go through the process of setting up with google tags manager or something like that but even when you talk to the pinterest support they're going to say they're going to recommend that you install an app because it's just so much easier to do so ask support when it's going to be available in your country if it's not available in your country you want to do it right now google tags manager is probably the best way to do it and they will send you a bunch of documentation on how to do that you're more than likely going to need a developer um pinterest is definitely a lot harder to install manually than it is to use the app so encourage you to use the app um okay so going back to creating the ad from shopify so this becomes really easy because as you can see uh there's not many fields here that you have to fill out so you could say you know this is a bread company so we could do you know bread guide um you could choose the product that you would do so we have a bunch of products in here let's just choose like this one for example and it will pull in the products you can set your budget you can set your start date your end date and now the downside of this is you have very little control so here you can see you can target like you know male or females let's say females and let's say the location is united states um i might have to do california i don't know why that's not populating but i don't know that should populate to your country um or to your state actually and then you can also choose your targeting ages so this is a basic way uh we don't usually use this process just because we we would like to have much more control over our targeting but um this will essentially just populate all the information from your product it will post the ad to your pinterest ad account and it will kind of just automate the targeting for you based off pixel data and pretty much your remarketing audience so it is a very easy way to get it set up and it usually does perform okay because it's mostly remarketing audiences which is in that hot traffic zone um so coming back to the uh deck here that we have let's just open this up to maximum size now going into the actual ads that they're offered within the pinterest ad account so you have three types of targeting you have audiences interests and keywords now it does get a little bit confusing here because it's not as straightforward as facebook or google in the types of ads that you can run because they do have a bunch of different ad placements now this is a great little chart that will allow you to see where your ads are going to show depending on what targeting you use so the way that i usually suggest brands set this up is that they have separate campaigns for audiences separate campaigns for interest and several campaigns for keywords that gives you much better insight into what is working what's not and it can allow you to control your spend a lot easily a lot easier when you're trying to kind of optimize now obviously the home feed is the most popular it runs on everything this is where most of the engagement happens because it's most native and then you kind of work down the relevance of the search intent of the people on pinterest now one thing i do really like is the keywords in search um so if you've ever run google ads yep jen you have a question sorry i just wanted to kind of go in um i know you're talking about interest in audiences and a lot of people are actually saying that they are in fashion apparel and jewelry accessories so i thought that was really interesting in um the polls because it's like 60 percent or in fashion can you when you talk about these ad types can you reference in fashion and jewelry and accessories yeah sure so with uh jewelry and fashion um you're really going to want to look at mostly doing your remarketing audiences so people who look at your products and then maybe they don't purchase because they're shopping around for different styles different brands that sort of stuff so audiences is going to be the first place you start so this is people who view a product on your on your website and then there may be browsing through pinterest for other styles or other other products to purchase and then your ads are showing up there um you can use product ads so that's just literally the product image from your store and the product descriptions and then you can also use um actual lifestyle shots lifestyle shots perform a lot better on uh on pinterest but obviously you can't make the lifestyle short dynamic so i highly suggest running both and when it comes to keywords and interests um if you have some sort of specific type of fashion or specific type of interest that's going to be or a specific type of jewelry that's going to be listed in the directory of pinterest definitely go for that um because they have about 85 million people in the pinterest network and so there probably are a bunch of interest that you can find and target related to your niche or product uh we'll go through them in a second when i show you how to set up an ad and then in terms of keywords this is really a numbers game you so you've got to do your keyword research i actually use the the google keyword tool um because people searching stuff on google are kind of similar to people searching stuff on pinterest and they do a really good job at recommending suggested key phrases a key phrase is like what something type what someone types in when they're searching for something so if you were to sell like do black dresses uh you might want to say black dresses small black dresses large black dresses whatever and you want to create all of those search terms under one campaign and then bucket them it does get a little bit more complex as you start getting down to the keyword level uh but if you've ever run google ads it's uh it's it's closer to google than it is facebook the interest in the audiences is closer to facebook so now i'm going to go through and i'm going to actually show you how to set one of these up and all of that that i just said is going to make a lot more sense so if you just type in you'll then go to your dashboard if you don't already have a dashboard it will ask you to create one and you'll just uh you just pretty much link up your store by the app again if you don't have the app you will just pretty much create your ad account first um because the app i'm pretty sure automatically creates your ad account for you if you don't already have one we've only installed it afterwards so it just requires a login but either way just go to and then the first thing you're going to want to do is set up or double check your conversions so on in the ad account because the reason you want to set up your conversions first is because you can't improve what you don't track so you really want to actually be targeting or making sure that your pixels are all working so what you can do here is you go to tag health and you make sure that these are all green and you can see here that the app is tracking the page view the add to cart and the checkout for me so i'm good to go i can start running ads and if anyone clicks on my ad or engages my ad and then goes to my website i'll know about it so that's step number one uh step number two is creating your audiences now the reason i really suggest to create your audiences is because this is going to be your highest converting uh traffic so remember when we looked at that chart and it was prospecting and remarketing so hot and cold traffic the hot traffic is always got the highest row as return on ad spend or roi and so what you want to do is you want to create all these different audiences so you can target those people first because you want to take the low hanging fruit so first up what we usually do is we create audiences for different time periods so we create maybe someone who's checked out within the last 30 days someone who checked out the last 180 days uh same with page view and cart because those are the conversion events it's really easy to make audiences in here and you have a list here to also upload so if you have an email list oh jen yep sorry um a lot of people are asking how do you set up the pinterest conversion pixel on the website so i think you may have touched on that but a few people are asking questions that it went a little fast so the app will install it for you um you don't have to do um if you can't use the app then same as before you're going to have to set it up with google tags manager and just contact the pinterest support and they'll give you the documentation to set that up but again i highly suggest you use the app um so when you're creating your audiences uh you have a bunch of options so i really suggest maximizing your remarketing first because this is where you're going to get the best return on your ad spend so target everybody who's visited your website upsell products to everybody who's just purchased um upload your email list or your customer list and target those people and not only that but you can also create look-alikes but well they call them actor likes but this is essentially the same thing as a look-alike so a look-alike audience means that you have a seed audience of let's say a thousand people maybe who have purchased from your um purchase from your store and you're like pinterest i want you to go and find one percent of america that most looks like this thousand people and they'll go out and they'll create a lookalike based off that so remember when you set up your account you're going to install your pinterest app you're going to check that your conversion tracking is working because the app is going to install that for you and then you're going to create your audiences now i highly suggest creating these ones first page view cart checkout those are the basic ones and then also if you have an email list or a customer list you want to upload that as well so that's going to be your highest converting traffic all right now we've done those two things we can actually go and create our ads so what you're going to see is the dashboard to pinterest here and there's a few things you need to note in here so i'm going to talk about this next but the attribution and conversion window is really really important with pinterest i'm going to talk about this a little bit later and i'm going to explain exactly what it means and how to understand it but what you want to do is you want to think about your attribution window and make sure that you're checking this up here to make sure it is i usually suggest thirty one one um so first off do that so this means that i'm going to attribute a conversion to this ad if they convert within a 30-day click a one-day view or a one-day engagement that's what 31.1 means um so just make sure you've got that maybe just write that down and remember that that's the conversion settings you should use and then down here you're going to see similar to the other platforms you're going to see a kind of hierarchy of campaigns ad groups and ads and they have a few extra things in here based off if you're running product catalog campaigns or keyword campaigns we'll go into that in a little bit but to get started uh we're going to start you off with the basic catalog campaigns because remember we're going for the lowest hanging fruit and the easiest things to get an roi so when you're creating a campaign i highly suggest you use conversions or catalog sales now i just always choose these just because these are conversion focused um and they're optimized to attracting customers whereas if you're looking for brand awareness or video views that is attracting people who like to engage with content if you're attracting traffic you're um if you're using a traffic campaign you're attracting people who like to click on ads but you really want to focus on people who are actually going to convert so the catalog sales one is the easiest um because what this will do is it will show ads of your products that people visited your site and saw so you're pretty much just reminding them to go and check out um okay so let's just say test here and you don't have to put in spend limits you can if you want if you're starting on a smaller budget and you not want to make sure you don't overspend definitely put in some limitations here it's very easy to overspend on pinterest um so i highly suggest if you're starting out um setting those limits in there so the next thing that you're gonna do is uh you're gonna name your ad group and then you're gonna do dynamic retargeting so here i'm gonna say okay people within the last 30 days let's say zero end people who visit our site or added something to their basket so this essentially means if anybody has uh visited the website looked at a product or added that product to their cart they are going to see an ad in that pinterest feed showing off our product catalog now you can restrict these but i highly suggest that you don't unless you have a ton of traffic um i also uh suggest that you if you have a lot of products maybe separating these out on different campaigns can help control budget a little bit but if you don't have you know if you have less than 50 products just put them all into one campaign just to keep it super easy um you have it in all group placements uh you don't necessarily want to limit this one because remember this is that hot traffic this is the stuff that's going to convert the best out of anything and this is the basic campaign you should start with and you should be able to get a positive roi on that with almost no skill um okay and we're optimizing to conversions remember so we want to optimize to the checkout because we want people to check out um sorry jack one question is uh well two questions um when do you optimize two purchases and two what is an effective budget to start with um and what effect what's an effective budget as to a percentage of the total sales yeah sure so with your budget it's really going to determine how much traffic you have for the remarketing campaign so we usually suggest brands start with 100 a day if they're doing remarketing and prospecting if you are just starting with the remarketing you want to think about okay how much traffic am i getting because the amount of people that you can target are only as big as the amount of people that are visiting your site so if you only have 50 people visiting a day to your website you're probably only going to be able to spend a few dollars a day before you max out that audience so really think about how much traffic you have and tailor your uh budget towards that but i would suggest just start with five dollars if uh if you're finding that the frequency is pretty low increase it more and more and more and more until you find that sweet spot you can also do it the other way around if you have a higher budget and you're more aggressive you can start with 50 a day and then decrease it based off how high your frequency is but just to for the argument's sake let's say start remarketing at ten dollars start prospecting at fifty dollars and you should be fine there um i'll run you through setting up a prospecting campaign after this um and the second campaign uh second question was uh when should you optimize to checkout so i highly suggest always optimizing to check out if you are a direct response product if you are a service or a high high cost item you might want to again think about that funnel between hot and cold traffic and you might want to have some campaigns that are focused on top of the funnel so if you're selling jewelry that might be a free sizing guide calculator it might be a guide on how to spot fake diamonds you know these types of ads aren't necessarily going to drive conversions but what they are going to do is they're going to educate and provide value and once that person visits your website that's when you might then go and target the checkout so that's an example of the first campaign type being you know traffic and engagement and just getting as lower cost perfect as possible on the diamond guides or sizing guides and then those people go to your website or they engage with your pin and then you have remarketing campaigns set up that is optimized to the conversion because those follow-up ads are going to be about the benefits of your products the reason your products are better pricing offers and all those different types of conversion factors that you can use to get the better roi all right so the average cost per action so this is kind of something that you're going to have to play around with but you've really got to think about what your average order value is so shopify will show your average order value and so you've got to think okay if my average audit value is let's say 30 let's maybe start the uh the cost per action that i'm willing to pay at ten dollars so you know that would mean a three row as because 10 plus 10 plus 10 equals 30. uh breakeven row as means if i spend 10 dollars uh and i sell a ten dollar item that's a one row as um i know that gets a little bit complicated but um but yeah start at a third of your average order value and then you can adjust this up or down based off how much rich you're getting and what the row as is so if you have a really high row as but a low reach you might want to increase what you're willing to pay to acquire that customer if you've got a lot of reach but a really low roi or rowers you might want to restrict this a little bit and be like okay i'm actually only willing to pay five dollars to acquire this customer so you can play around with that uh leave this to standard remember change the conversion window to i can't do 30 31 but 30 uh sorry i can't do 31.1 but do 3031. uh ideally you do this because you want to make sure that you know there's so many touch points that go into a conversion you want to make sure that uh one channel doesn't monopolize on your conversions so most channels will go on a 30-day click and a one-day view so what that means is someone sees an ad they click on it they purchase within days that ad will get attributed that conversion same with the view through so if someone sees an ad and they convert within one day that means that ad will get attributed that conversion because it's within that one day view through period now you can see down here the way that pinterest does it's a little bit different because they have what they call an engagement so they have a 30-day click um so 30-day is standard across most platforms and then engagement i would usually want to keep this at one but you can like the minimum you can do on the ad is 30 and then the view through is one day so you want to try and keep your attribution windows consistent across all of your ad channels some brands will do really long attribution windows and that's fine just as long as you keep consistency um so we like to try and keep everything at 30 day 30 day click and one debut and so when you filled out all of that that's when you would launch this and that's going to launch your product catalog campaign now this is the easiest one to set up as you saw i didn't really have to change too much all right so let's go to setting up a different campaign now does everybody understand that product catalog campaign and that that's the first campaign you should set up so a few people asked is this the same conversion as before the same conversion windows before for the 31 one um i think it switched at one point yep so this is on the ads you can only select 3031. ideally you want to look at your data at a 31 one um and you can see you know it goes all the way up to 60 60 60. so there's a lot of different ways to do it but that's just my recommendation and and what we like to do um and one more question oh two really um how do you integrate the keywords and what's a good frequency weight free yep so now we're going to go into the different types of campaigns that's going to involve audiences and keywords that first campaign was just setting up your dynamic product ads all right so does everybody know where dynamic product ad is now yes thumbs up thumbs down i think there's one in here actually i don't know so you can explain that to me if you want okay so i'll show you what it looks like so if you've run ads before on facebook or shopping google shopping or anything like that there's some ad types that will just pull in the actual product so it pulls in the product image it pulls in the product description and the product price and so from that uh it's kind of the ads already written for you you don't really have too much you have to do because just pulling it in from your shopify store now let me show you what this looks like or it might not actually give me a preview yeah it doesn't give me a preview actually in shopify uh spotify oh not spotify god pinterest but um but yeah essentially what it looks like is it's just your product image your product description um that's the ads ad campaign type that you have the least uh sort of input on as you create other campaigns that are actually using pins you are going to have a lot more involvement and i'm going to show you how to do that now so if you want to use audiences or keywords you're going to want to optimize the conversions and let's just put in test here again same setup if you want to set some limits you can definitely do that um now here on the ad set level this is where we or add group level i suppose this is where we set the types of targeting that we want to do so for example say i want to target everybody who added to my cart but i don't necessarily want to show them my uh product images i want to show them a lifestyle shot so you can select that um oh man my computer's running so slow right now um so you can select that audience and this is going to say okay include everybody who adds the car let's do adds to cart and let's exclude anybody who makes a purchase this is taking forever to add so let's exclude people who converted check out let's even just do page view just so it's a little bit of a bigger audience so here you can see i'm including everybody who visited and looked at a page on my website and i'm excluding anybody you ever purchased now this is how you would set up your audience campaign and you'll notice one slightly different thing in this setup than the product catalog and this setup i'm actually going to choose the ads choose so we already have the product shot so these are the images that are going to be used for our product catalog because they're getting pulled straight from shopify but if you've pinned much nicer looking uh pins to your pinterest account uh these will also be down here now i highly suggest creating a board on your pinterest account that's just called promos or something like that or promotions or offers sales whatever it may be and upload all the pins you want to use for your ads there that'll make it much easier to find because you can look at your boards you can look at all your pins but you can see that this type of content is probably going to be a lot better at capturing someone's attention in pinterest because pinterest is very visual it's very lifestyle focused if you just see like you know this product shot it's probably not really that attractive for you to click on and purchase so that's why i highly suggest that you run your catalog ads as well as your audience ads in separate campaigns so okay so we've added a few of those and we'll just go through all the settings and explain them all again um because i know uh i kind of jump straight to the pinterest section where you can uh real quick i'm not sure if you mentioned this but the shopify ad store app store has free credit did you mention it i didn't mention it but you can get free pinterest credit saving the good news for last or well in the middle i interrupted but i think that's still good news um but yes it um you get free credit when you get the app on the shopify store so okay even more incentive to get the app yeah buy more free um okay and so we're just doing an audience campaign so we're just targeting uh you know as i mentioned people who visit the site and excluding people who checked out so we're going to jump over the interests and we're going to jump over the keywords because that would be the next campaign you set up now as we set up all these different campaigns they go from hottest traffic to coalesce traffic so this is the order that i want you to set these campaigns up in now you can also restrict these audiences but we've only got 10 000 people in here so i possibly wouldn't restrict this any further if there's specific locations that you ship to maybe only include those uh but ideally you know if you're fulfilling to all of the us i would highly suggest having all the us locations selected um all right uh if you want to get super granular into like breaking down your placements which i don't necessarily recommend you can choose browse or search now remember that chart that i showed you this is essentially doing this for you depending on what you're targeting anyway because we're only targeting an audience we're only going to show up in these two if we're doing keywords um we're only going to show up in search let me go back to where i was okay so i just generally suggest just using recommended and it's going to automatically place them in the right place for you this is another reason to split up your different types of campaigns by audience keyword and interest because you know exactly where those are going to be showing all right moving down same thing we want to optimize the checkout and we want to put on auto bid auto bid will start us off if for example you finding that your roads is not so good or your frequency is not so good you can then start changing this to custom and saying hey i only want to pay x amount of dollars um let me hold on and then yeah you do your cost per action which is essentially a cpa so how much are you willing to pay to acquire a customer um but starting out use autobid because pinterest is going to look at the ad quality it's going to look at the competitiveness of your audiences and it's going to find the best possible price to place your media as an ad now we've selected the pins and then once you've done that all you have to do is launch so pretty straightforward now we should have two campaigns under our belt we have the product catalog campaign and we have the audience remarketing campaigns um i'm just going to get out of this and we're going to go and create our next campaign which is going to be interests so let's create an ad all right again if you're going to do interest or keywords i highly suggest you targeting again uh sorry conversions not targeting all of them are targeting um so you're going to want to do conversions again you can set your ad limits if you want now this one i usually suggest excluding all of your remarketing traffic so remember how we suggested going to have prospecting campaigns and remarketing campaigns you don't want to have overlap between those two because you want to know okay this is new traffic these people have never heard of me before this is traffic that has already engaged with me they're warm they're really close to converting and this also helps you control the types of messaging that you show to people who have never heard about your brand and the messaging that you show to people who are already know about your brand and shopping your products and haven't yet purchased so what you want to do is you want to go to your all pages and you're going to exclude that and then you're going to go to your checkout and exclude that so this way it's only going to show ads to new people who don't know about your brand okay now this is where the interest of the jewelry and fashion and all that sort of stuff comes in so if you can find something that is very specific to your brand so maybe you do um let's say nail jewelry or something you could maybe target nails or maybe you do something in skincare there's a bunch of stuff in here the other thing you can do is also like search but it's usually pretty hard to find stuff using the search i highly suggest like going through the categories individually and finding some interest we usually only find like you know five to ten uh interest to target it's just not a huge library yet um pinterest is still working on you know building this out and this is only the us um they've only got the ad network in the u.s so they've only got 85 million people on that ad network right now so this will improve over time uh and i'm sure they will add more and more interest as the platform gets bigger and bigger and they find different uh different platforms to go different users to bundle into these groups but as you can see there is a relatively big fashion segment because fashion food homeware home decor you know all of those products and brands and niches that require kind of like a storyboard or a lookbook or something that's going to be an inspiration to make your purchase all of those types of brands are the types of things that people are planning out for on pinterest so if you're designing a new home you're designing a new outfit you're designing a new kitchen you're finding recipes all of those things take a bit of planning and that's what pinterest is really good at it's really good at discovering and planning so you can definitely try pinterest if you are kind of in that category where people need that visual inspiration before they make that purchase and you'll see from the actual interest you'll see what pinterest really specializes in so a lot of diy stuff a lot of fashion a lot of wedding stuff a lot of food and drink so you'll see there's not much tech there's not much b2b um you know so really really think about who your target customer is and are they on pinterest or not the keywords we'll come back to after because i'm going to show you a built out campaign of that so that um you'll see like the types of keywords we'll use and so now we're really coming down to let's um let's choose an interest so let's say okay we're doing a fashion brand let's say we sell dresses uh i'm probably gonna test all of these um under dresses if this ever responds um but essentially you just have to tick the box there and you're gonna select all these dresses come on come on all right uh so yeah i would just select all of these if i'm selling dresses on my site because i'm interested in people who also want dresses um hold on a sec let's select this one come on yes we got it computer it's only tuesday what are you doing okay so we've got about 24 to 27 million that's still a pretty big audience so what we can do now is we can start narrowing down a little bit so you know we're probably going to narrow this down to females a lot of people are not specified uh haven't specified their gender so i would just remove that if you're just doing female ages you might want to tailor it to who your target customer is so if you know that your apparel is kind of like favored towards the older demographic you know maybe get rid of some of those ages and we're starting to like break this down a little bit i usually suggest having between two and five million in your um your audience size and then if you have some really good pins um you can start going up because your pin becomes more effective uh if it's working really really well in larger audiences um we got one question are the interest was prioritized upon the views or is it just listed the way it is uh this is how pinterest indexes their interests based off a number of things it's an algorithm that's put together based off you know engagement boards they like things they engage with um all that type of stuff uh also the same thing is they'll ask you questions like what you're interested in and they're also factored on on that but ideally pinterest is trying to profile you and figure out what interests you like so that they can put you in those advertising buckets and so here another trick to improve your roads is to really look at your top states so for example you might find that california works really well actually let's just look at all us okay so where you can get this from why is this so bad okay so what you want to do is you want to look at your google analytics so annoying um what you want to do is you want to look at your google analytics and you want to put in all of your states that have the highest conversion rate or it has the highest number of purchases so if you find that for example maybe california the big ones are usually texas california new york nevada um and a few other uh states but you really want to find the states that have the highest conversion rate and have the most customers in them so you want to start there and you can always expand out past that so you know i highly suggest checking your google analytics or your shopify store for that those metrics don't try and guess use the data if you don't have any data yet try and maybe take a look at a fewer competitors um and uh and kind of like understand who which which markets they're going after um you can usually tell that by the types of content they're producing uh the types of ads that they're producing that sort of thing so let's say that we're targeting a few of these um different states and we're at three million languages will leave device will leave if you want to look for uh usually people with a higher income um we sometimes only do iphones it's a higher net worth uh of people who have iphones rather than android which can scale from like you know fifty dollars for a phone all the way up to you know three thousand dollars a phone so it's a much larger spectrum whereas iphones usually start at a minimum of 500 and up so if you want to really look at people who have possibly more disposable income you can also narrow that to iphone uh leave all of that as is now budget as we mentioned um you know this is interest so maybe start at like 30 a day something like that um that should be pretty easy to um set based off you know one how much budget you have available how much traffic you have and also i highly suggest that you run uh you know at least one to two hundred dollars before you assess whether or not it's a it's a good campaign or not and we can go into what a good campaign looks like in a second jen do you have a question yes i do um so we got asked a few questions here um is it better to pin a blog post or to a product page and do you have any data or say against that um i'll let you answer this question then i'll keep asking you questions so come back to me when you're done sure so it really depends on if you're targeting hot or cold traffic so hot traffic you want to send them to product pages you want to send them to your home page either of those two if it is cold traffic and you're trying to provide value or you're trying to just get get that click through to then remarket them at a later date you might want to send them to a blog post or a guide or training material um anything like that um but really if you're just getting started just go straight for the conversions don't worry about creating your top and bottom of the funnel yet create the bottom of the funnel first and then start working on the top of the funnel thank you yeah um we also have um another question um if you have a really good pin that you've created is it best to start advertising now and should you just boost it or should you actually get a business account i highly suggest you get a business account um it just becomes a lot easier to manage uh the stats are a lot better the control over targeting is a lot better so what you can do is you can see here all of jack you cut out checking speaking are you speaking jack uh oh nope am i gonna have to do this this is the webinar now because i'm the chapman master i can't no one wants to hear me you're so new to jack let's see what happens nope hold on all right jack can you see ready speed nope uh hold on everyone hopefully we'll get jack started soon uh back is still there okay hold on well for a while we wait for jack um do you guys want to ask a couple questions inside the chat and i'll see if i can answer them um oh shopify looking outside in the room um jackie speaking nope we can't hear you sounds like his headphones died oh i think i hear sam no it's just me going crazy guys don't worry um looks like jack's uh audio has has uh taken a break so it's okay i'm here i'll see what i can do um the best thing to run a campaign carol um i personally think it's best to have at least four to six days so you can get proper data um are you planning on running this evergreen or are you running it for a sale um if it's a sale you know you try not to do two to three days you want to kind of have it for at least a week but um best thing to test if a campaign works especially if it's evergreen you'll get a good enough data like after six days all right so i got um let's see oh guys it's just me in here hold on um so use okay sabrina you sell food foodie shirts and art honestly it depends food is really big on pinterest um but people do eat with their eyes so um pinterest and instagram could be going really good hand in hand um if you're going to do top of the funnel that's definitely on pinterest and instagram can definitely help with the retargeting so that's that's where i stand there it's also a good price point that people are more likely to buy on two or three two or three clicks um so that's definitely something to consider can you guys still hear me yes okay and i just connected with jack he's hopping off and and reconnecting so hopefully that will solve everything uh fingers crossed so no one wanted to hear me speak is that what it was oh no just kidding you're amazing and you know your work in the chat is epic so uh you know thank you so much but anyway yeah so hopefully you know he should reconnect in a minute i'll keep asking questions because my fingers are getting tired so i'll just keep asking answering questions um anyways alex uh can you provide examples of brands that market through pinch as well one company i actually think does a really good job is my intent they have these bracelets that do um intentional bracelets and um now you stick on amy yeah we can hear you oh he's so glad to all right so don't use pinterest yeah break your computer um now here jack hold on let me just finish one second i'll help popping i'll show you this question and then i'll let you go um so the brand that it does what it does it has like a really great way of breaking down what the product is and how it uses it so um that's something i put in the chat is a step-by-step does really well because it's really a visual experience and does a really good job at explaining everything that is that is there so now that you guys have had me for the last five minutes i'll be back in chat thank you alright guys sorry about that um yeah so i got to explaining uh about the pins so if you have a really good pin uh it pulls it in here anyway i highly suggest that you do that um tactic that i talked about earlier where you have a board of just promotions and um and offers and then when you choose boards you can just easily go and find those pins so you have to squeeze a bunch of them i think that's what's causing a lot of issues right now with uh with the webinar as well as trying to load all of these images so uh yeah use the board and use that um next step uh i'm going to take you through a keyword campaign so we've done the product catalog campaign we've done the audience campaigns done the interest campaigns and your last campaign type is going to be your keywords now keywords are really high intent because you can really focus on people who are actually searching for your product solution or maybe they're searching for the problem that your product solves um so i'm going to take you through one that is set up so you can kind of see an example of all of the keywords being used so cultures for health they do like microbrewing stuff so it's like sourdough bread is one of their top it's one of their top products and so you can see in here um we have a few different ads here so we've chosen all their top posts and you can see we're really trying to use lifestyle um and a lot of these uh were their top posts uh organically and so what we did was we pulled those in and uh we uh used multiple of these so you can pause the ones that aren't working so let's just take a look at um this year so we're pulling in all the data on this one so when you're setting up your columns you can see a few things so you want to you're going to want to look at your cpa and your row as so your row is here which is your cost of um uh acquiring someone when a ten dollar spend selling a ten dollar product equals a one row as so usually the break even is like 1.5 if you have a if you have a 50 profit margin for example now here you can see the advantage to using pinterest is that the cost of traffic is really really cheap so as you can see here our click-through rates uh on average two four five whereas on facebook it's usually a lot lower your cpms on this is it like a dollar your cpm's on facebook and google are usually way higher so this is where pinterest has the advantage um you can look at your save rates and this is your frequency so what i've been talking about all the time about frequency uh you're going to want to make sure that your frequency doesn't go over a three or four for prospecting but for remarketing you can really keep your frequency in the let's say like four to six range and this is over a 30 day period um and and that's very conservative and so when you're setting up your dashboard here you're going to want to create your own conversion setup so you can look at all of the specific things that you want to look at for the for the row as focused ad campaigns and remember we want to try and drive people who are going to convert so we want to look at the row as and the spend cost per click click-through rate all those indicators that show intent now on the keywords you have all of your keywords you're targeting here now how we created this campaign and put in all these keywords was that we actually used the google keyword planner to look up sourdough starter sourdough maker how to make sourdough all that sort of thing and they suggested all of these extra keywords so what you're going to want to do is you're going to think about your store and then you're going to think about the products in your store and the benefits or features of those products and then you're going to break down your campaigns into i suggest by product and then under that product you want to list out all of the questions someone would have about that product all the benefits about that product or all the features about that product that's an easy way to think about what keywords you should be targeting and so you can see here we have you know sourdough bread online sourdough tin loaf honey sourdough bread there's all of these things that we would never be able to guess and so that's why it's a good idea to go and use the uh the keyword planner now you're gonna find with keywords is it's really a numbers game so what i mean by that is that you're going to have let's say i think we've got like 250 keywords in here of those 250 we might find that only 50 of them actually get any spend because this campaign i think only ran for a week or something um and so from that uh you're going to see that um your cost per your cpas are going to be really low on individual keywords because it's going to be really high intent and really focused on um and really focused the one conversion goal really as opposed to interest targeting which is a bit more broad and your row as is going to be more on the interest level which is much more broad whereas the keyword level is very very granular so you're going to make have to make sure that you are excluding and cutting keywords that are not performing so the way you do that is you look at your averages so what's my average cost per click what's my average cpa and should i get rid of these um if yes or no so for example if i have a spend of let's say five dollars with zero conversions like no cpa i want to get rid of that um so yeah you wanna wanna go through your keywords much more granularly and you're going to want to put more effort into finding all the keywords you want to target so this is why i suggest doing the keyword campaigns last just because they are the most complex and they are the hardest to master so recapping on how you want to set it up you want to do the connect your app make sure the tracking works create your audiences and create your catalog campaign create your remarketing audience campaigns create your interest campaigns and then your keyword campaigns and once you have all of that built out that's going to be a pretty a pretty large number of campaigns you're going to be running and you'll be managing that sort of day in day out but if you you don't have to do all of those what you can do is you can just maybe start with the remarketing i would say 50 of stores just need remarketing and that's it um you don't even need to start looking at the interests and the uh the keyword campaigns and all that sort of stuff it's just uh kind of complex and you might find that you're getting way better rowers or return on ad spend with your remarketing um so that's kind of like an overview of creating all those different ad campaigns and you can see here that we've broken these out by kind of like different types of keyword searches and but most of them are based off product um and i suggest doing uh conversion campaigns over traffic we try some of these traffic campaigns but they didn't work too well definitely go with conversion focused um the conversion can also change so the conversion can be a purchase the conversion can be an ad to cart or a page view so you can kind of gauge which one of those conversion goals you want to achieve top of the funnel you would be optimizing to a page view conversion bottom of the funnel you're optimizing to a checkout conversion with any other questions there jen we froze with it so let me see if everyone's having issues did anyone have any questions um while he froze no um one person did ask what does remarketing i said in the chat remarketing is low hanging fruit so if you want to kind of expand on that um close pinterest i think that's what's messing up the uh audio and visual so um as in what does low hanging fruit mean yes okay so low low-hanging fruit is definitely just the terminology used for something that's easy to do um so instead of reaching for the high fruit you reach for the low fruit it's not an actual like marketing or media buying term might actually be an australian um could be but low hanging food i like to say it's kind of just the easiest ones to grab so you already have that audience you already know that they're kind of interested just the easiest ones to kind of guarantee some kind of interaction some kind of purchase some kind of anything from person to prospect you have no idea if they'll click on your ad the higher hanging footage jack said i don't think that's a real term but that's fine um a couple of questions just came through um let's see where to go um how would you research competitors in your field on pinterest uh on pinterest you're literally just going to their boards and just looking at all that content uh i would say you want to look at their website you want to look at all their facebook ads which you can do with the um view library feature then you want to look at all of their pins um look at the pins with a lot of engagement look at the pins that they're frequently pinning on other boards um usually if they're pinning one pin or two pins in a lot of places means that that pin is working um so that's kind of like how you're going to do the research on that you could also start looking at tools like sem rush ahrefs and all that sort of stuff so you can do a little bit of a deeper dive on your competitors to see you know websites that are linking to them how much traffic they're getting possibly how much money they're spending on search ads that sort of thing but yeah a lot of it on pinterest is just very visual one more thing is um you cut out during the recap so if you can summarize the recap real quick got it okay so when you are going to start with pinterest first thing connect your shopify app and then what you want to do is you want to check that your tracking is working and then you're going to create your audiences and then you're going to create your campaigns now your first campaign that you're going to create is the product catalog campaign and then you're going to create your audience campaign which is all your remarketing um and then your interest campaign which is your prospecting and then your keyword campaigns which is your prospecting as well so that's the order of things i would do if i was going to get started with pinterest and remember you don't have to do all of those you can maybe stop at interest or you could stop a remarketing you can just add on to these as you need um the next thing we're going to go through is a few things about how to create you know good ads or how to get the best results from your creative so a few things here uh to note about pinterest is it's very very visual so you really want to focus on making something that's going to naturally appear in the pinterest feed and people are actually going to engage with it without thinking it's like too salesy or too self-promotional you know and if it's cold traffic that's even more important if it's hot traffic you can be a little bit more sales driven so one little trick here is to create your pins and then um attach your product to them so that's a that's an easy way to add a little uh call to action to go and purchase from more organic looking content so that's an example of that here uh definitely uh speak to the benefits uh of your product not necessarily the features uh so talk about you know how you know sourdough bread why sourdough bread is so good show off why people like it all of that sort of stuff so talk about the benefits not necessarily your features make sure that you understand your target market and customer so what are they interested in what questions they ask what content are they like looking at um you know all of those different things will go into making a really good pin because if you can tailor and understand what your target market likes and dislikes you can create content they're gonna like and engage with and that's going to improve you get more click-throughs it's going to help you get more conversions so really it revolves around the customer and then the benefits of your product don't just list off all your features and don't just list off a price because people are usually not necessarily on pinterest to just like go shopping they're more looking for inspiration mood boards discovery boards and that sort of thing so they're kind of definitely in the research stage uh the other thing is i really suggest using a video so not many brands use video on pinterest and it stands out so much when everything else is static so definitely if you want to create some really engaging compelling ads um use video and make sure that you are always using the portrait size uh sorry the um yeah the portrait size it's kind of like this you know taller than wider aspect ratio um two to three ratio 1000 by 1500 is the ideal size um and then you want to have uh you know maximum 15 minutes i don't even think that's right i got that from the pinterest website but i don't think it can be 15 minutes and uh but yeah the main thing is really focus on capturing someone's attention really quickly like you can see that this ad here is only maybe like six seconds that shows the value shows the benefit of the product and it's very quick so you want to focus on getting over the benefit as quickly as possible and that can be done way easier when you are using video rather than a static image so once you've got all your campaigns uh remember that's controlling your traffic so remember that triangle i talked about at the very start so your campaigns that's controlling your traffic um and then your ad creative and copy is your actual pins so you want to be continually improving both of these so you want to keep testing different pins you want to keep testing different audiences and you'll find that over time you'll find better and better ones to target and better and better pins to use um so a few things that you can note down on what works with pinterest you know use call to actions use icons and emojis that sort of stuff um portrait is best but you can do kind of like square images that sort of stuff but i highly suggest looking at the using the portrait ones because as you can see here this is way more engaging content than this um this is the only looking at earlier this one even though these guys did a really good job at designing this just the fact that this is video and it's bigger is the reason you're looking at this one not this one right now um be super upfront with the value proposition um this would be a more bottom of the funnel uh sort of hot traffic because they're talking about their pricing they're talking about an offer or a discount so that's usually when someone's already engaged with the brand um and then this one is more discovery so you can see that this is really focusing on the benefit um you know a simple two-step regime for clearer skin so this is really focusing on the benefit of it not necessarily pushing a sales offer again first three seconds you need to grab that attention you need to make sure that people understand what the value is super quickly so using icons steps um you know bolded fonts and that sort of thing can work really well i highly suggest that you just use canva so canva is a design tool and they have a ton of presets or templates in there for pinterest and that will take away a lot of the design issues that you might come across trying to design this from scratch just use something like that if i can throw in here um i actually really like to go onto a desktop on pinterest and just kind of scroll around and the ones that stand out the most are the ones that take note of what caught your eye what made you stop as we caught that scroll um thumb stopping creative so when you're you know you're using your thumbs to go through but um on the desktop you can kind of see full layout of what really stands out and it's not your competitor necessarily but it definitely will show you what they're doing and how you can stand out of it amongst them okay nice um great tip and then this is the last section we're going to go through and this is a little bit more complex it goes into attribution so attribution is really important with pinterest because pinterest is typically top of the funnel meaning that it's the first touch point that people have with your brand and people will usually convert through organic search pinterest sorry facebook instagram or google so usually pinterest is the top now you can't write off pinterest is not working because the problem is that most platforms will look at last click attribution so as you see here as these are all the different touch points you see someone views someone clicks view view view view purchase now a lot of the uh a lot of the ad platforms and a lot of the analytics tracking is only going to track the click because they usually look at last click attribution so understanding this is really important there's a few free tools that you can use um facebook has a tool called the attribution tool google has an attribution tool and you can also use dedicated tools like wicked reports or mixpanel all that sort of stuff now you don't have to do this to start with uh this is something that's way more advanced but when you do check all your stats and you are running pinterest if you're noticing that you're not getting a good roi or you don't see conversions coming from pinterest it may be because shopify or your analytics tracking is only looking at the click-through attribution so whereas people are engaging with your pins and then going to your website and then maybe not purchasing for another 20 or 30 days because as i mentioned before pinterest is very much a planning platform people are going there for inspiration they're going there for their lookbooks they're going there to create a vision so you're not going to get a direct click conversion in a lot of the cases so think about your attribution and uh and this is a quick snapshot of all different types of attribution this is going to become more and more important as you scale your brands so as you add you know your facebook ads your google ads your pinterest ads your seo your email marketing attribution is going to be a lot more important because you want to know where and which channel that conversion came from so the different types of attribution are last click which is the default in most platforms and then you have first click which is probably going to be the most common for pinterest now looking at the first click that's usually when someone first engages with your brand so that's the entry point of the funnel last click is usually where someone converts so that's the exit of the funnel and these ones in the middle uh good kind of like middle grounds and so definitely keep this in mind when you're running your pinterest ads just note that you know maybe if you're not seeing conversions it's because there's a lot of first-click conversion attributions happening but a lot of your platforms are looking at the last click so they're not attributing the conversion to pinterest this is a quick example of a campaign that we ran and this is what we saw in the last click so you know barely had a 0.9 row as uh a 1.2 rows and a one row as but then looking at the positional 40 which is 40 percent of the attribution given to the first click 40 to the last click we saw that this row as was actually a lot better um so keep that in mind when you're running pinterest because that is one of the main factors that we come across when brands are running pinterest ads they say oh pinterest isn't working and it's usually just because the attribution isn't being looked at now a few things to remember um think about that funnel that i was showing you uh from hot to cold think about those three triangles uh so the ad copy and creative optimization the traffic app optimization and the website experience optimization start with your remarketing do that first um set up all your audiences set up your remarketing ads first uh use your data to optimize so if there is an ad that isn't got a it doesn't have as good a click-through rate or it doesn't have as good a row as turn that one off so that you can allocate your budget to the ads that are performing well same with your audiences and your keywords and always be testing creative creative has the biggest impact on your roads than anything else that you'll do um you can have the best product in the world but if you cannot demonstrate that in your creative it's very hard to get people to click over and discover more about your product um so quickly i want to give you a to-do list uh so by next week you should try and install a pinterest app uh talk to your top customers understand what content they like um so that you can use that in your pins segment your traffic into prospecting and remarketing remember excluding all your remarketing traffic from your prospecting campaigns uh use video it's gonna stand out a lot more uh when you're on pinterest a lot of people are on mobile so optimize your website to mobile usage as well uh most of e-commerce is shifting to mobile so whether it's coming from facebook instagram pinterest uh all of these platforms are mainly mobile users so you can probably see in your google analytics that there are there is a very large percentage of people coming to your website on mobile but the conversion rate is probably higher on desktop you want to try and focus on improving your conversion rate on mobile um respond to all your comments uh so engage with your audience talk to the people in the comments uh who are engaging with your brand and your ads you'll learn a lot about your customer there you'll learn a lot about what people think about your brand and that will help you create better content it will help you possibly make changes to your product changes to your marketing messaging all that sort of stuff um and these ones are pretty basic uh double down on remarketing focus on shares and tags and getting all of the engagement going because you want to get earned impressions um there can be another discussion so i know we're running pretty late on this because i had that drop out but let me know if you have any questions now we can go through those um it doesn't have to be pinterest related can be anything to do with ecommerce so um is there a benchmark of what e-commerce conversions come from when swiping with a swipe up attribution versus a view attribution uh well a swipe up is just a click-through attribution um they'll count that as a click when they're looking at how that person came to that website the swipe up will just register as a click okay is that the question i think so we'll see um what's the difference between running pinterest ads through shopify versus promoting pin ads on pinterest so i highly suggest always using the the ad platform um if you run it from shopify you don't have the option to include exclude audiences you don't have the option to choose those interests you don't have option to use keywords so using the actual platform it gives you a lot more control and as you saw in pinterest uh you had the option to choose any of your pins where shopify you're just choosing a product and that's going to pull in the product image which may not necessarily be uh you know that enticing for a pinterest feed because it's just maybe a product shot with a white background remember lifestyle shots do a lot better cool and when creating a promotions board should we make that public or keep it hidden uh i use this just keeping it hidden um but uh but yeah it's completely up to you if you don't mind people seeing you know the promotions you're running then that's fine uh if you want to hide that then yeah just keep it hidden cool and what are the most common fails on pinterest and how should you best avoid them is just don't do it so yeah product shots um you know boring boring creative uh like for example image with with no um with just like a white background stuff like that that stands out from a mile away so you only want to do that when the traffic is really really hot and they're considering buying your product and you just need to put their product back in front of them and say you know you left this in your cart or we're waiting for you to check out something like that and the other thing is people not using uh the right image sizes so if you use landscape um you know you're just not really using any of the sort of advantages that pinterest offers you pinterest has by far the biggest image ratio that you can put for an ad they also have they also don't really have restrictions on text or anything so when you are doing something on facebook or google you have a lot more restrictions than you do on pinterest pinterest is very lenient with the creative that you can use and the text and the things you can put in your ad so make sure that when you're creating ads that you're adding in you know overlays you're adding in titles you're adding in icons or arrows pointing to things and adding a call to action to the image um all those types of things you can't necessarily do on some of those other platforms so that's what makes pinterest a really good platform for that so if you can combine lifestyle with kind of those overlays you'll have a really good uh balance between um getting someone to convert but also not be too salesy yeah and to add also with the creative um i read somewhere that pinterest has the largest ad creative real estate which means when you actually look at the grid they have it really they do it really well with the vertical just because of the way it works versus like a youtube size so you're better off creating a very nice vertical pin um to take up a lot of that real estate on that page it's gonna it's gonna be visually appealing and it's gonna be right there for you um but that's what i that's what i wanted yeah so the other question uh going back on the conversion rate uh i was just thinking about it so a good conversion rate for an e-commerce store is roughly between three and five percent um if you're in that range you're in a really good spot if you're below that uh and you're selling expensive products that's fine if you're below that and you're selling you know something for less than a hundred dollars you want to try and improve that conversion rate before you sort of start running ads the other thing to think of is where are you getting your traffic if you're getting really low quality traffic that could be one of the reasons why your conversion rate is not so good um so aim for three to five percent for your website conversion rate if you have that and then you go to pinterest you'll be much more successful all right let me just check in the chat um what settings should you use for a photo i know you mentioned video yeah so if you can use videos or gifs um that sort of thing if you can't use images built in canva i'm pretty sure canva also has like a video feature now so you can also create uh videos in in canva as well so i would definitely kind of start with some sort of design template because it just makes it a lot easier uh and you know just take inspiration from what else is out there in your industry and what catches your eyes like jen was saying yeah and i think last one um this one's a little more specific but what's a good ctr for a meal delivery service i don't know if you know about meal delivery services but what would be a good ctr um so click through rate on pinterest is usually a bit higher but as you saw the click-through rate varies hugely whether you're running um keyword campaigns whether you're running interest campaigns ideally you want to be kind of like above two percent um but in the keyword campaigns you can have keywords that are you know got a 30 click-through rate just because the keyword is so specific to what you're doing um so the best way to gauge that is to look at your averages so what is the average click-through rate across your entire account what is the average click-through rate across that campaign and then you'll be able to get rid of pins that are underperforming uh or get rid of interests that are underperforming or keywords that's the best way to do it and in terms of like an industry standard it's really hard to give an industry standard just because they change so much depending on what that person's doing but yeah generally above two percent is is good and um uh if you have low conversion rates where should you put your efforts before we activate pinterest ads yeah so if you have low conversion rate um really think about when someone comes to your website what's the experience like above the fold do they understand what your product is straight away are you showing your product in image oh greg you're cutting out can you hear me now yep um to talk about the benefits uh the other thing is uh show validation so show your product reviews share product testimonials places you've been featured um adding all of those things to your website will really help the other thing is to make sure that your buy buttons are above the fold so many brands have their product shots above the fold and then you've got to scroll halfway down the page before you can actually buy it now if you use a scroll tracking app you'll know that 80 of people don't even scroll past halfway so you want to make sure that you have your add to cart or buy now button as high up the page as possible so you know thinking about those sorts of things will help you improve that conversion rate another big thing is the speed of your website if your speed the speed of your website is slow then that's going to definitely slow down your conversion rate on mobile and how many customers can be in an uploaded email list to have an actor-like audience yeah i usually suggest about like 500 to 1000 um ideally the more you have the better because you have more information to give uh pinterest but uh yeah 500 to 1000 is good and ideally you want to bucket these people that are more similar so for example some that we would do is we would export customers with the highest lifetime value or customers who have purchased three plus times or maybe uh customers with uh you know specific product purchases so if you're creating a look-alike and you want to target people who just buy dresses export everybody who bought dresses don't focus on the people who are buying pants and beanies and t-shirts so try and if you have enough data try and bucket them but if you don't have enough data um yeah just you know 500 to 1000 is a good good amount to start with oh i can't hear you now that's because i turned off my mic so don't worry that's why you can hear me um what do you recommend to increase conversion rate someone has an online boutique on shopify and the conversion rate is 2.9 if i may say 2.9 is actually really great um to start with but if you have any tips go jeff yeah sure so what i was mentioning before about you know showing a product showing benefits showing lifestyle shots making sure the buy button is above the fold uh you know showing off reviews use cases that sort of thing is really good if you have video testimonials they can also really help so people talking about how much they love your products or how much their product changed their life that sort of content is really compelling because it's very organic and it's uh it's very emotional and emotions really help sell products so thinking about some of those things um in terms of your website you know just make sure that you're prioritizing your top selling products so when you have a home page put your most popular products up as high of the page as possible um you know ensure that people are spending um their money wisely so having money back guarantees free returns free ship uh free shipping or shipping times uh or you know free shipping over fifty dollars uh that sort of stuff can help increase average order value and conversion rates and uh you know a few other things i can think of um on top of that for a boutique is that like a clothing boutique it just says boutique but if she's in here okay if it's clothing um yeah if it's clothing uh sizing guides that sort of stuff free returns is really important uh on apparel uh you know doing doing big drops so uh product drops so uh we do a lot of these a lot of brands uh building up the suspense building up anticipation for dropping a new product line uh that will generate a much higher conversion rate on the days you do those drops and it gets people to open your emails it gets people to take notice um because people like you look at brands like supreme they've done this extremely well where they've created a lot of anticipation about new product releases and that's what creates a huge demand cool and uh one other question or two other questions i think um oh actually a few more other things on that conversion rate sorry just before we move on um your checkout options so maybe installing after pay maybe having checkout with amazon check out with a shopify's uh checkout system and then obviously to check out with credit card that can also help with conversion rates yep um thank you and then uh if someone's connected the pinterest me manually would the pinterest app still be needed or useful um no you probably won't need the pinterest app because if your pixel tracking is already there um you already have that you'll probably have to manually upload your products i would say or use a different product feed option which you'd have to talk to pinterest about the best way to do that um but yeah you probably wouldn't need the app because at that point you're probably running the ads through the ad account as well you're probably not running it through shopify and then one other question which i think i can help answer because i would like to say some specialty but uh how do you do copywriting for the ads um yeah thank you um my moment um there's a few things to do here i like to say use your elevator pitch it's short it's a sink it's really what gets you to the point it's you know you want to give them a quick punch of why they should buy your product and then also sorry um you also like you said when you have the surveys from everyone use that as your copy too your customers are here to write your copy um i love this because i get to xyz i wore it because my kids love xyz they're writing that copy for you um absolutely leverage it and also with the surveys you can see what they don't like so you can avoid using that and copy if they don't like the color they don't like the something weird about it don't mention it so always use benefits always use your elevator pitch always use your customers and you'll have pretty much a golden a golden rule um i also like to i mean in case you haven't seen it in the chat i like to use emojis for a lot of things and i do think it does get the point across very fast yeah emojis break up text very well um i also read somewhere in case anyone was interested that emojis are the way of it's not a gif but it's a way of communicating feelings without having to text it um with words so if anyone was wondering emojis are helpful thanks thank you um i think that's all the questions i've seen all right guys last chance for questions three two one okay no questions nice well if you have follow-up questions um you want the slides or any of that sort of stuff definitely shoot us an email if you have any follow-up questions about your ecommerce store or anything like that let us know and we're more than happy to answer those um work with a lot of power brands that sort of stuff so usually we can answer most of those questions in terms of this recording i'm pretty sure han said he was going to record it and send that out so you should be okay and uh yeah thank you very much for listening guys uh hopefully you got some value from this and uh let us know if you enjoyed it in the facebook group so head over there hans would really appreciate that and enjoy the rest of your day see you guys
Channel: Shopify Growth Lab
Views: 4,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shopify, Ecommerce, Growth Lab, Digital Marketing, Social Ads, Top Growth Marketing, Pinterest Ads
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 17sec (5837 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.