FREE Facebook Ads Course | Dropshipping & Ecommerce 2020

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Facebook Ads have changed a lot in 2020 and if you don't keep up with those changes it's very easy to get left behind so in today's full-length tutorial I'm gonna be showing you how you can go and set up your Facebook Ads from scratch I'm going to be showing you everything from how to set up your facebook business page all of the information you need to include on it and how to make it look professional how you can go and create ad creatives for your campaigns including video ads how to go and set up your Facebook pixel on your Shopify store and your WooCommerce stores so that you can track conversions how you can go and set up your very first campaigns including looking at audience targeting and then also how we can go and set up look-alike audiences and loads of other things so I hope you do enjoy this full length tutorial and without further ado let's get started the first thing that we need to do before we start running any Facebook Ads is create a Facebook page for our business or our store so just go and click on this plus button over here and click on page it will bring you over to this where it says create page so now we're going to go for business or band or community or public figure so you're gonna go and pick business or brand and click on get started then you're gonna go and pick the name for your page so this is going to be the name for your e-commerce or dropshipping store so just go and pick a name once you've done this then you're gonna go and pick a category now this is gonna be the category that is most closely related to what you're selling in your store so I'm selling a baby's sleep item so I could just go and type in let's try a baby in here and see what comes up so we can say baby's goods / kids goods so I'm gonna go and pick that and click on continue so when you click on continue if there's anything wrong with the name you've picked you will get this error message so you can see here it's just because I've put a capital B and a capital S so we're just going to go and change that to this so they may suggest that the names already taken or something like that so then like I said just click on continue once you click on continue it will then ask you to add a profile picture to your page now don't worry about this because we are going to go and create a profile picture later on so just go ahead and click skip for now and then it's going to ask us to add a cover photo once again we'll go and do this later on so let's just go ahead and click on skip so once you click on skip it will bring you over to your page now from here we can adding in some things to actually fill out our Facebook page and make it look legitimate make sure all of the information is included before we actually start running ads so the first thing that we are going to do for our Facebook page is go and create a profile picture so in order to create a profile picture we are going to be using a tool called canva which is an online graphic editing tool so just go over to Canada comm and click on sign up what we have to do is enter in your email and put in a password and then you can't go and sign up so I'm just gonna go and log into Campbell now and once you are logged into camera we can go to custom dimension so this is your camera dashboard and from here we can go and create the Facebook profile picture so go and click on custom dimensions over here and we're gonna go and choose 360 by 360 and click on create new design once your canva canvas loads it should look a little something like this and from here you can go and create your Facebook page profile photo so what I recommend is just going and putting your logo on here so if you already have your store credit just go and upload your logo so you can just go to uploads and just go and upload your logo so just make sure that you keep it something simple when you are going and creating your Facebook page profile photo so I'm just gonna go and create one for my store over here so I'm just gonna go and put this all in G so what I can do is I can go to elements and I can go and choose this square over here so let's just go and choose this and then let's just go change the color to this and then you can see I'm using the monster at font over here so I can just go to text then add some text in change this to my text that I'm using so monsterettes let's go and pick that so let's just go and pick one so at bold and then I can just go and put the letter G in there and let's just scale it up to 144 even higher than that let's go for 200 250 even it said let's go there 250 that would do right so now we can just sense or align that and I'm just going to change the color to white so now that we've done that one we need to go and do it I'm just gonna go and change the name go baby sweet Facebook profile and we can just go and hit download once you click on that thing you can go and click on download again and now we can see that it has downloaded so let's just go ahead and close this and keep camera open for the meantime because we will be creating some other stuff for our Facebook page within this so go back to your Facebook page and then from here we're gonna go and click on this little camera icon and then we're gonna go and click on edit to profile picture so just go ahead and click on that and we will click on upload photo and then navigate to your downloads and we can go and upload that photo that we just downloaded from canvas so just go and upload that now so now we've got that and then it's going to say drag to reposition so we're just gonna slide this down so it's directly in the center like that and then just go and click on safe so now we have our Facebook profile photo so now that we've done that next what we want to do is go and upload a cover photo so once again we can go back to canvas it's just going to close this we can go back to camera and this time we're going to go and create custom dimensions once again so this time go and pick 8 20 by 360 and click on create new design once you do that your canva canvas will load once again and now we can go and add an element again now this time we're going to go and add an element because basically with the cover page we want one part to be available for desktop and another part to be available for mobile and an iPad so we can go and click on this or sorry mobile and tablet so it doesn't necessarily have to be an iPad any tablet so you're gonna go and just pick a square again and this time we're gonna do is we're gonna drag it and you will see it's got the little width so it's got the little W so we're gonna drag it until we see 640 so keep dragging so we're gonna go for 640 they were good let's try and get it as precise as we can 640 and then we're gonna drag it upwards until we get to 312 so this one's gonna be 312 they would go at 3:12 so now that's six forty by three twelve and now we just need to drag it to the center like that so it aligns up now what we can do is you can go and just keep this any color you want to so all the elements now we're going to keep inside this square then we're going to change the color of it afterwards so let's go and put our elements in here now what I've done is I've just uploaded an image of my product so I've got one over here so I'm just going to go and put that in there to the side like this and now I'm going to go and get a picture of a baby and just upload that as well so you can get images to upload to your facebook cover photo from a website called unsplash so this is a website full of copyright free images so if you've got something that's maybe related to the product or the niche that you're selling then for example I can just go and type in baby in here and I can go and download any of these images over here so once you download them you can also go over to a site called remove BG and you can go and remove any backgrounds as well if you want to so if I just go to upload image here and then so let's just cancel it because we can already see I've uploaded this image of a baby and we can see it just crops at the background out quite nicely so once you go and do that now let's just go back to timber and we can go and upload an image and now I can just go and upload that image of a baby like this and then once it has finished uploading I can just drag that on there and just Center it up again like this so now that we've done that we can just go and add in our logo so I'm just going to go and add in a logo here I think I already have it so let me go and just create a logo so I'm just going to go to text and add a heading and I'm just gonna go and type in go baby sleep and just go and change it to the front that I'm using let's just go and change that's like--that's and then we can just go and drag this once again into the center so there we go perfectly in the center and then you can also just go and add in anything extra to do with your website so I'm just gonna go and put in no more sleepless nights like this and then add a subheading just paste that in there once again let's just change the text so this time I'm gonna go for once so rats and I'm just gonna go for one sweat classic like that and then you could just move this up and then you can always go and put something extra in as well if you want to just to give some information about your product so let's just see if we can actually fit this in here so we're just going to go and change the font once again so let's go and just change that to monster words as well we can just bring that down here and into the center so let's try and get that Center aligned and we can just leave that there so now I'm just going to go and change all of the colors so I'm going to go and change the color of this to this background color here and then it's going to go and change the text to white just go and change all of this like that's and now I can also just go and duplicate this so let's just go hit duplicate and then we'll go to a position center back and then what we can do is we can just make it over the entire thing so now it's just like that so now that's how our facebook page will look on a desktop as well so I'm just going to go and add in one extra thing so I'm just going to go and add an overlay on here just because I think it makes it just look a little bit nicer there's gonna go and add this overlay in so we'll just drag this just to make it the full size and now you can see it just makes the Facebook Cover Flow to look a little bit nicer and also it keeps it consistent with my branding of my store because we can see I have that overlay over here and that's what you really want to do when you are creating a store you want to make sure that everything is consistent so it looks like a proper legitimate brand so now that we've done that you can also just as a heads up you can get these overlays fairly cheaply so you can see here you can get them for nine dollars off of creative market there's a lot of cheaper ones as that you can go and buy from creative market now you don't have to go and invest this but like I said I think if you really want to take your store seriously then you want everything to be consistent and to be looking like a proper legitimate brand so now once you've done that we can just go and save this as Facebook car photo and then just go and hit download and click on download once again once it has downloaded from Canberra we can just go and close this and I'm going to go over to Facebook and click on edits click on upload photo and then we can just go and pick our cover photo and upload this once you click on that you can go and reposition it but everything should be where it needs to be in the centre so just go and click on Save Changes so now we can see that our cover photo is looking really good with those overlays on as well so now that we have gone and created our Facebook profile picture and our Facebook page cover photo next thing I'm going to do is go and fill out all of the information for our Facebook page so let's go and fill out all of the information for our Facebook page now the first thing we are going to do is go to photos over here and we're going to go and delete our first profile photo little things like this make a big difference to making you look professional and making you look amateur so gonna go and just click on this and just click over here and we're gonna go and click on delete photo and hit delete so now there's no trace of our old rubbish Facebook profile photo and we just got our new profile photo and then also our cover page photo so now that we've done that next thing we can do is add a button so we're going to go on to ideally add a shot now button so just go and click on Add button now this is just for people who are coming over to us we're not running ads yet but it's good just you have all of this information filled out prior so we're gonna go to shop now and then we're gonna go and put our website address in there so I'm gonna go and copy my website address and I'm just gonna go and paste it in there and click on save so now we will have a shop now button over here so that looks pretty cool so next we're gonna do we're gonna go to more I'm gonna go to shop and then from here we can go and upload some products so first you just going to go click I agree to the sellers Terms and policies and click on continue so when you click on that next thing you're going to ask us about the checkout method you're going to go and click checkout on another website so it's going to be our website and click on continue and then you can go and pick your currency so I'm just gonna go and let's see if we can find great British pound in here I've gone way past G so let's see ABC it might not be in here maybe it's under British Pound Sterling let's have a look it's British Pound Sterling and click on safe once you click on save you will see ad product so we can go and add a product in here now like I said we won't be selling through here but it is good just to have all of this information just so it looks like you are a professional brand because if anyone does go and check you out there they're interested in buying your product and they go and check you out and they see anything that seems untrustworthy then that's going to put them off making a purchase so we can go and add in a photo of our product so when you click on that then we can go and just select a file so I'm just gonna go and upload this picture over here and then I can just select it and if we just scroll down I can click on use photo so now we've got the photo over here now you can go and add in more photos if you like so if I go to select once again I can go and choose some other ones over here so we can go and choose a few of these other images if I want to so a few different ones let's see if there's any other ones I would want to use so that would do maybe this as well so we can go and choose as many as we like and then once they have all finished uploading we can just go and click use photo so now we can see we've got all of those photo images of my product next up we've got the name so we can just go and call it go baby sleep the Optimates white noise machine to help sorry to help babies sleep so just go down there then we've got the price so you're gonna want to put the same price that you go and have on your website but what I would recommend is in the price put it higher than you're going to advertise it for so that way if anybody comes over and they do look on your actual Facebook page then they'll see that they're getting a good deal so for example if you're going to advertise your product too late one we actually start running ads if I advertise this for $39.99 then in here I'm gonna go and put $59.99 and that way like I said it's gonna look like they're getting a big discount when we actually run the ads and then just click don't click this product is on sale so that's the normal price then we've got the description so the description I'm just going to go and copy from here again go baby sleep is the ultimate night white noise machine so we're just go and copy that and we're going to go and paste that in there and I can also go and add in any extra stuff that I want so I've got some other stuff over here it's got rechargeable batteries so I can go and paste that in here as well let's just paste that in and anything else so what noise is comforting for babies that can go and paste that in so let's just go and push that in here and I'll just put in one last thing let's just copy that so there's a lot of other information that I could put in here but you get the picture so we're gonna go and put that in there then we've got the checkout URL now for me I'm running this one product store so when I click buy now it just brings me straight over to the checkout so I'm just going to go and copy this checkout page and I'm just gonna go and paste it in here and then you've got to share this product on your page I recommend ya just share it why not and then we also have the condition selector so is it new yes so we can just go ahead and click on add product and now we can see this just says processing so that product has been added now also it will say describe what go be sleep cells so we have described what your still ourselves over here so we're just gonna go and put that in now for me I can just say go baby sleep is the ultimate white noise machine to help babies and infants sleep now if you're running a niche store or something like that then just go and put it in there it's basically like your about page basically a summary of what you sell and those types of things so then we're just going to go and click on Save Changes so now that we've done that we've got our shop now' button and we also have our products next up we're gonna go and do our page information so let's go to page settings over here and then we're to go to page info now it really helps to actually fill this out as much as you can and this is what makes you look legitimate again and actually this helps you from stopping your page from getting banned and from stopping your ad account from getting banned when you actually fill this out there Facebook really likes it and it gives you a bit of a case if you ever do actually get banned so what you can do is firstly you can go and add in a short description now once again for me I can just go ahead and add in my short description around my page so let me just go back to the front end over here and all I'm going to do is just once again just put in go to sleep that Ultimates white noise machine to your help babies and infants sleep and then I'm just going to put some other stuff into the description as well so once again I'm just going to put this in here white noise has a soothing effect on babies and helps them sleep better by masking other sounds babies associate white noise with one's comfort and security now this description has a limited word count so I'm not too sure how far you can type so it's just something like that so you can see that's the maximum so once you've done that just go and click on Save Changes now you can also go and change your category in here so if you picked one earlier that you're working 106 sure about you can always go and change that as well you can add a phone number in here now like I said this really helps from stopping your account getting banned so you can always go in and your phone number in there but just remember that this is what the customers will see so if you don't want your customers to be calling you up then don't put a phone number in there then you've got a website so you're gonna want to go and put your website in here so just put that in there and click Save Changes and then you've got an email address now I recommend going and creating a professional email address and then going and put that in there and Facebook really likes that so I've got contacts that go baby sleep calm and once again I can just go and click Save then you also have your address now once again you probably don't want to put your address in there so you can just go and leave that blank and you also have service area now this is only for if you're running a service based business so if you're running an online store don't worry about that now we also have the opening hours so if you're running an online store always open and just click the Save Changes and then we have temporary service changes so don't worry about this we can just leave this for now we can just pick one of those changes and click on safe so let's just click cancel on that so now we also have the impressive now impressive is basically the same as description it can also go into a little bit of depth about the history of the company and things like that now you don't really need to go and throw that out it's not 100% mandatory but I do recommend putting your privacy policy in so I'm just gonna go and grab my privacy policy let's just go down to the bottom and click on privacy policy over here and I'm just gonna go and copy this and I'm just gonna go and paste that in there so now I hit save so that's all you basically need to do for the page info now you can also go and to try it and get your username they probably won't let you have a username straight away until they have authorized everything but let's just go and try it anyway so I've tried adding a username quite a few times and refreshing it but it's not working but like I said until you actually start running ads and getting the page likes and getting interactions generally they won't give you a username so firstly I would suggest running your first campaign and then afterwards you can come back in here and try and claim your username for your store so now that we've done that we can just go back and click on general over here and as a matter of fact we can just go back to the home so let's just go home and then we'll just go click back down over here so we can go back to our page so now we can see our page is pretty much filled out now the next thing that we're gonna do before we actually start running ads and sing up ads is actually just make our page look a little bit more full and like we actually are interacting on the page now this is really easy to do what we're gonna do is gather some articles that are surrounding our niche or surrounding our product and we'll go and post those every day for about a week so let's just go and have a look at the types of articles that we could post so let's just go and have a look at some articles that we can share on our Facebook page before we start running ads just so it looks like we are actively engaging with our audience so for me I'm selling a white noise machine that helps babies sleep so I've just gone and had a look at a few different articles that I could go and share on my Facebook page so this one over here is white noise bad for babies hearing so this one is goes through entirely where the white noise is good or bad for babies and of course the conclusion is white noise is good for babies which it is so I can go and share this on my Facebook page then the next day I could go and share this one the best sleeping positions for your baby so this one has got loads of different sleeping positions so it's still related to my niche related to my product and anybody that finds this that I share then they might go and check a page out and if they find this interesting then they may go and actually just purchase the product before we even start running ads next we have is it safe for babies to sleep with the blankets so these are just a few things that I thought off of the top of my head about my product about my niche and these are things I can go and share on my Facebook page and then finally over hit over here newborn baby sleep patterns so I could go and share this as well so let's just go and grab this one so we're just going to go and copy this and we'll go over to our page and we are going to go and share this so we're going to go over here and just click on create post and then in here we're just going to go and put paste this link in and then we'll just tap the link down and we're going to go and say something in like check out the blog post by happiest baby they share thoughts about the benefits of white noise for newborns so we can just go and say something like that and then you will see that it comes up with a picture of the post so that's really good and then we can just go and hit post so once you have posted that you will see your post to come up here so what I recommend doing is for a week every day just keep posting different blog posts so it's not any extra legwork for you having to actually write these posts all you need to do is just go and find some that related to your niche and you're just going in creating a post around that like I said it's just a way of showing to your audience any potential buyers that go and check out your page that you are actively engaging with your audience and you are actively engaged on the page because sometimes it can look a little bit suspect when a page is running ads and then somebody goes to check out the page to see before they actually purchase anything and they've never ever shared anything it's just a brand new page that's been set up and it's just running out straight away from a customer's perspective that can look a little bit dodgy so you're not going to want to go and just do this just so it looks like that you are real page and you are sharing content and all those types of things so once you go and do that over a period of 7 days then you will go and build up some posts on your page that make it look more trustworthy so after about a week of sharing content on your Facebook page then you will be ready to diet any running ads now what we're gonna move on to next is actually creating the creatives for our ads so before we start running any ads we want to be able to go and create a few different creatives so we're gonna go and look at creating some video ads and then also creating some image ads as well so let's look at how we can create video ads for our Facebook ads now firstly I will leave a link in the description to this video here and basically in this video I go through how you can pay people on Fiverr to create video ads for you and I've done this quite a few times and most of the time it comes out with good quality and you just pay them something around sort of fifty dollars and they'll be able to create a really good video for the product that you're trying to sell so I do recommend just going and check in that video out as well but we will now have a look at how we can create them from scratch so we are just going to be using this product over here as an example so this product is something for neck relief so you basically put it on your neck and it's supposed to relieve pain for any neck pain that you have so you can see the first thing if you want to create a video add a lot of the products on an expression will have videos with them now these videos are not very good but you can always find a few snippets from them that you might be able to use so if I just go and play this so you can see this one here is mostly just someone putting the product together so like I said not really very useful product video but if we just scroll to the end we can see here we've got somebody putting on so that could be a helpful clip to have over here just somebody actually wearing it so if you do want to go and download these videos from Aliexpress because you can see that there isn't a way to download it I just go and use this Chrome extension over here so this Chrome extension if we just click on it it's called flash video downloader so when you actually just click so go and install this Chrome extension and when you click on that you can go and download any videos from a web page like that next up what I would recommend so you've gone and had a look if there's no video over here or the videos pretty rubbish then what you can go and do is go and look on YouTube so this is a really easy trick so you can just go I've gone and just typed in electric pulse back and neck massage your review so I just want to type that in and I found this video over here of this guy doing review on the actual product so you can see here so usually just go and type in Aliexpress review or something like that so if you go and type in neck massager Alex review generally we'll find a video surrounding the products and a lot of the time let's say this video is not very good once again it's just him opening the package if you go and look down over here you will go and find some videos as well so you can see nothing's coming up over here but I did actually find one earlier so keep looking through of this one from a Russian channel and this one is a lot better so this is a Russian review and I just found that down the side on the suggestions so you go and type in Aliexpress review for your product on YouTube and then sometimes you will go and find another review that's a lot better so you can see this one over here is a lot better she's unboxing it and it's her actually wearing the product so we can see like this so these shots are a lot better to use so now once you've found a video on YouTube you just go and take the URL and you can just go and use a website called YouTube video downloader and you can just go ahead and download the video so you can see here I've just gone and downloaded the video so now we can go and use that and chop all these things together now just one extra thing that you might want to think about using I have a subscription to invert of elements and in vital elements has loads and loads of stock videos so I think it's $14.99 a month they have loads of other stuff other than just videos so you can see they've got images and graphics and all this type of stuff but they also have stock videos so I use this a lot as well so you can see I've just gotten typed in neck pain so I'm just going to use this video here as the beginning of my video ad this guy just with neck pain so then I can identify the pain point and then after that I can go and introduce the product with this video so that's like why I said just go and have a look on Aliexpress first if you can't find a video go and look on YouTube and then also you can go and supplement it with these now if you can't find a review on YouTube what you can do is you can just go and use some videos like this some stock footage and then you can go and just use images as part of your videos so what you can do is you can go and just download the images of the product so I just use another Chrome extension called Ally save and it allows you to go and download all of the images of the product at once and then you can just go and remove the backgrounds so you can see here I've just gone and removed the backgrounds using this website called remove BG so you just remove the background and then later on we can go and add that to our video ad so what you're gonna do next you are gonna go and download the free trial of Premiere Pro so just go and type in free trial Premiere Pro now a lot of people will say is there any other free tool that we can use is only a free video editor now personally I always use Premiere Pro because I find it the best and it's the easiest to use so I can't really recommend another video editing software that I don't really use regularly but the free trial is seven days that's more than enough time to go and create your video ad and I think if you're a student you can go and get this for something like fourteen or sixteen ninety-nine a month or something like that so it's not too expensive as video software goes so just go and download the free trial of Adobe Premiere Pro and once you have got all of your resources together so your images with the backgrounds removed any videos from YouTube any stock footage you want to use any videos from aliexpress once you've got all of your resources together you are going to go and open Premiere Pro so you can see here I've already created a sequence but we are going to go and recreate this now what you're going to do is you're going to go over to file so when you open up Premiere Pro if I go to file and new and new project as soon as you open up Premiere Pro you should see a screen that lets you go and create a new project and it's just going to ask you to name it so let's just go and call this Nick Facebook Ads and then we're just going to go and hit OK once you click OK you should have an empty sequence over here so I'm just gonna go and create a t sequence so what you're going to want to do is you'll have your project down the side so I have a project down here and then you will have this little icon over here that says new item so go and click on new icon item and click on sequence and then it's going to go and name your sequence the same thing so Nick Facebook and and I'm just gonna go and click OK and then we have our empty sequence so now that we've got this what we can do is we can go and start by dragging a first video onto here so let's just go and open up this because I've got all of my resources in here so I'm just gonna go and drag this Nick Payne guy in here first he's gonna be my opening part of the video now the opening part of the video should always identify your pain point so for me it's going to be having neck problems whilst on the computer or something like that so you've identified the pain point then you introduce the product is going to help with that problem or the customs issue so I'm gonna go and drag him in there let's just go and drag him in then it's gonna go and say change sequence things so just go and click on change sequence things because it doesn't really matter so what we're gonna do is now we are gonna go and change the sequence settings again now you can go and do this however you want so currently we're 1920 by 1080 which is 1080p so that's going to give us a rectangular video that we can use on Facebook and you can use those videos but if you want to make a square video you can always go and change the sequence as well so if you go to sequence over here and click on sequence settings and you can go and change it so you can see my frame size is quite big at the moment so if you want to make it square you can go and change this to 1080 by 1080 so we can make that turn 8 by 1080 then down here we should see that this changes to 1080 by 1080 as well so we'll just drag this up a little bit and go ahead and click on OK and then just go and click on OK again so now we can see we have our square and we can see this video here is just way too big for our square image so what we can do is when you click on to a video you will see effect controls over here now if you can't find this just go to a fix over here but also if you can't find it you can go to window and you will see a fit control so just make sure that that's ticked so once that windows ticked it you will see a fit controls now when you click on off' it controls what you can do is you can change the scale so you can go and make this a bit smaller so 80 let's try a little bit smaller let's try of 40 so 40 is not bad let's try 30 so 30 seems pretty decent can we go any smaller so go try and get it as small as you can get without there being black around the edges so I can see a little bit of black around the edge so I'm gonna go 29 and 29 it seems okay but now we've got these black bars at the top and the bottom now we don't want that so what he can do is within your sequence down here we can drag this up and now we can go and put something behind this video over here so we can go ahead and just drag this video on once again so down inside in your project you will see all of your clips that you've dragged in so we can go and drag this underneath now and what we can do is now we can see that it's completely covering the canvas so what we can do is now this bottom one over here in effects so once again go to window and go two effects now in effect you're gonna go and type in fast so type in fast and then in video effects under obsolete you will see fast blur so you go and drag fast blur onto here and now if we scroll down so we've got our clip selected and we scroll down under blurriness we can go and make this 100 so now we can see that that's all blurred behind now what we want to do is we're going to go and just bring this so go and select all of your your both of your Clips so you can go and select them and just drag them kind of partway down the timeline because we actually want to go and trim this down a little bit so we're gonna go and trim this to the point where it starts with him actually with his neck hurting so we're gonna start this so I'm gonna use my arrow keys now so I've just clicked where I wanted to go and I'm just gonna use my arrow keys so we're gonna see him he starts to get in pain around you can see him wincing there so let's go back a bit we want to start off around here so he's normal and then he starts to go into pain so let's like I said I'm just using my arrow keys here to kind of slow the process down because when you use your mouse can make it a bit more difficult so I'm going to go from here so now I'm going to slip these two and you can just use this so when you get close you'll see this red arrow come up and you can just trim it down to the blue line where you want it to so I'm just gonna click controls it there because I accidentally trim that too much so we could just trim it and it will line up where we want it to go so now we can grab this now we can bring it back to the beginning of our sequence so now I'm gonna go and I'll see where I want it to stop so we can see him holding his neck I want it to stop around here three seconds in so let's go and stop it there so once again we can grab this and we can just drag it like that and it will stop there so now we've got the first three seconds of our video this guy in complete pain at his computer so now we've done that what we're gonna do next is we're going to drag in our next video clip so we're gonna go and drag this girl in over here so we're going to drag her in now if you ever do want to get rid of audio so you can see I've dragged it in but the audio hasn't come with it but usually when I drag in you will see that the audio clip comes in as well if you want to get rid of the audio you can just go and hold alt and just choose the audio and delete it and now the audio is gone so what I'm gonna do is now we're gonna go and I want to just introduce the actual product so I want it to start let's have a look where does she introduce the product I want it to start around here so I want it to be around two seconds of this so not too much so let's keep going I'm just gonna break the clip down so where can we start this so that it ends so I'm just gonna go and move this with my mouse let's start it around just go around here so I'm just going to go and move this now so let me just speed this up a little bit and so you get the idea so we want to start here I'm going to go for and I'm gonna go how many seconds in I'm gonna go and stop it around there so now what you can do is you can see I can't really see the click very well now so I'm gonna go and zoom in so click Z and then keep zooming all the way in and then hit V to get rid of the zoom so now we can go and we're going to go all the way to the end of the clip and we're going to just drag this so now you can see I'm dragging it all the way back to where I want to drag it to so let's just keep dragging this until we get to the point of the click where we want to so just here so now we can see let's see how long that part of the clip is it's not very long so wanna go ahead maybe just make it a little bit longer so we're gonna go and bring this back to the beginning of our clip of our sequence sorry so let's bring this all the way back to the beginning of our sequence so now we can just zoom out so if you want to zoom out you just hit the key next to Zed so it should be backslash so now let's zoom back in and [Music] let's go oh it's the beginning of the sequence we zoom out and now let's just go and bring this over here so now we've got him in pain and the product being introduced like this so I want that to be a little bit longer just cuz I think it's way too quick so let's see about yeah two seconds that's just about perfect so there we go so now we've got him in pain and then I'll product being introduced like this and now what we can do is we can control see this clip so I'm going to copy it and we're going to paste it so I'm gonna paste it in and next up I want to have this clip here of her doing this so from there I'm gonna go and just have her going like that so let's make it one second long so it starts 11:18 so we're gonna finish it 12:18 so that's one second and then once again I can copy the clip put it here and let's just drag it now now I want it to be her with her putting it on her back so here we go we can go so you get the idea so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to go back over to my sequence here and we're basically just chopping these clips down until we kind of see a nice flow of a sequence so I'm just going to go and click back over here so I could just go and copy that sequence so now you can see my full sequence which is 20 seconds long now like I said you just want to keep chopping so I'll just go and show you once I actually finished it so you can see here we've got that and we've got that and we've got her like this and her putting it on and then you chopped it to her sitting down with it and then right at the very end I'll show you how to do this so I've chopped her like this now I'm going to go back over here because I want to show you how to put the blurred lines on again so it's really easy once again what we can do is if I just go and drag this over here all you do is you bring your video sequence up again you can just copy it paste it to the side and then you just drag it underneath and the one underneath is the one you put the fast blur one to put fast drag fast blur on to that and then under the effects panel again you can just scroll to the bottom and then we can go and change this blown is to 100 and if I just go and click on a sequence we can see we should be able to see so that's because I've not made it big enough so we're gonna have to do is within the sequence as well then you can change the scale so we can change your scale 250 and now we can see that this video gets bigger and it's blurred like that so that's all there is to it now I want to go and show you how I create this n bit here so this M bit and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna add some captions on of course as well so we've chopped our video up we can see like I said it's her all the way through and it's this guy with pain at the beginning and then at the end I've got this now with this I'm gonna go and list some benefits over here now to create this all we have to do so I'll just go ahead and delete these so let's go and delete this one and we will delete this one as well and let me just go and delete this bit so what you can do is you can go and create something called a legacy title and that's basically just something that we can go and put text on and things like that so you're going to go over here which is file and then under file we'll go new I'm going to go to the legacy title then we can just go and name the title something so let's just call it Nick that doesn't really matter about the name and then down here we should see our legacy title come up so when you actually click OK you will have this window carp and like I said down here our legacy title will come up so we can see our legacy title is here and this is basically just allows us to design it so what we can do is we can go and just draw a square let's say like this so we can go and draw a square for the background and then once you to a square you can go and change the color so you see color over here I can just go and change this to a sort of blue color let's say whatever color you want to and now we can see that that's basically going to be our background so we can just go and close this like this and then like I said down here within your project so I'm just going to go and drag this up so we can go and see the project in more detail you should so I've got the one project open it's going to put us on we should be able to see that we've got on Nick at legacy title there now so we can go and drag this over here and now you can see so let's not muck about with this let's leave that way it was so I'm just going to drag this put it back down here and we've got outfit controls so now we can see that we've got this blue background at the end so we've got her and then we've got this blue background so now if I go over here I can go and drag this PNG on so this is going to be the one that I got from remove BG so I can go and drag this on as well so I can just drag that in there like that and we're just going to swap these two over because we want this to be on the bottom and this to be on the top so let's grab this and we're gonna bring this down to the bottom so let's just move that over there and we'll move this over here so now we can see we've got it like this now we want to move this to the side so you just go and select this over here and where you've got this position you can just go and drag it like that so you can go and move it to the side like that so now we can go and actually add some captions and some text to this now in order to add some captions it's the same thing so we're going to go and create a legacy title so new and we're gonna go to legacy title and this one we're going to call it caption one so let's call it that's caption one and then we can just go and to draw a square again so let's just go not a square sort of rectangle let's say sort of like that so just at the bottom and we can just go and make it just sort of around here so now we can make all of our captions around this sort of area so they're all in the same place so now that we've done that we can go and change the color once again I'm going to go and change it to this blue color and then we can go and put some text in there so we're going to go and pick text and I'm just going to go and type struggling with so I'm gonna go let's change the font first before we actually type this so we can go over to the font family over here and we can go and change the font so let's go and change the font so I'm just gonna go and choose Montserrat and then like I said I'm just going to go and put in struggling with neck pain question mark and let's just go and highlight all of this and we're gonna go and change the color so you see color here I'm gonna go and change this to white and then I'm just going to go and change the thickness because it's looking a little bit thin it's looking a little bit hard to read so just go and click on this and I can just go and change it to medium let's say so that looks pretty good so now I'm just going to go and bring this down here so now we can see it's it's a little bit too big so what we can do is we can go and change the font size so about font size over here I would have going to change it to 80 let's try it 75 so now we can see we've got it like that so I'm just going to go and put that there so that's going to be our first caption struggling with neck pain so what we can do is we can go and close this and we can go and drag this caption onto here and you can basically see that now now we don't want it to start there we want it to come in and then come back out so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go and start it off and we're basically going to go and add this thing called a keyframe so keyframe basically means it will come in and then it will go back out so make sure that you select it and basically what we want it to do we want it to start off outside of the picture so we can go to position over here and we can just go and drag the position until it's completely gone so let's keep dragging it and we're going to drag it out of the position so we're gonna drag it so let's try starting out on zero but you see zero it's still there so it's gonna have to be minus 100 let's say and finally I'm just gonna go for minus five forty so let's just say it's completely out of the picture so now we can see - five four we so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go and add a keyframe now so where it says position go click on this little toggle over here and now we're gonna go and I'm gonna scroll all the way along with my arrow keys so we can see this is a three second long clip let's see how long it is because we want it to be roughly halfway for it to come in so I'm gonna say I want it to come in by one second and it's gonna stay for one second and it's going to leave so I'm gonna go and say I'm gonna go and click on this little button here now so this is add keyframes we're gonna add another keyframe and then on this keyframe it's going to be five forty so it's going to be completely in so now we can see if we play that we can see that it wipes in like this so we can see it comes in and then it's going to stay for one second so I had it in here and then I'm gonna keep it for a second so let's keep it for one second and then at two seconds I'm gonna get it to wipe out so let's just see how long is the total clip the total clip is 308 so I'm gonna go and let it wipe out at 202 oh eight so here I'm gonna go and add another keyframe and and then finally I'll scroll all the way long to 308 where he kind of stops so let's see where he stops he stops here at 3:14 so at 314 I'm gonna add one more keyframe and I'm gonna say - 540 so now we can see let's have a look it wipes in so it comes in it stays for a second and then it works back out so there we go so there's our first caption and that's it basically so we can see first one is struggling with neck pain like this struggling neck pains in and then struggling neck pain wipes out then we can create another one so what we can do is we can just go and we've got this neck ad that we created so we've got this caption one that we've created so we can just go and ctrl-c and ctrl-v so we can just go and copy and paste our caption one and then we can just rename this caption two and now if we just go and double click on this and then we can see that this caption comes up so now we can go and change the text so we can make this our second caption we can say we should say why not so you can see I've taken caps off by accident why not try Nick bro so we could just go and say something like that so now we're just go and click this and we can just drag the text a little bit more into the center like that so why not try it Nick Pro that's our second caption and then we can just go and close this and now once again we just can do the same thing so we can go and drag our caption on and then we can have it for where we want it and then we can see why not try a Nick Pro so what we're going to do is we can click on our second caption we're going to go and add keyframes to it again so it's going to start off we're going to go and add a keyframe so it's going to be minus 540 we're going to add a keyframe then we can go it's to here so on four seconds let's say here we can add another keyframe and we're gonna say the position is going to be 540 and now you can see it slides in again so now we've got the first caption which is struggling with Nick Payne and the guy is struggling with his neck pain and it slides out and then we've got the next one slides in why not try Nick Pro and then we can say so it stays here let's say it stays and it starts to wipeout how long is this bit now you can say let's say we want it to wipe out around here here so we could drag it a little bit longer just so it stays for a second so from here we can see that's four so we're gonna have it to wipe out of five so let's say we want it to wipe out now so let's bring it along a bit and now we can just get it to wipe out so we're going to go bang and then we can say so it stays for a second and then it takes another second to wipe out so add another keyframe and we're going to say minus five forty so now we can see here we go why not try Nick Pro and then it works back out and then we can just go and add what other captions we want so your other captions as you go through so I've shown you how to do the captions basically now you're just going to go and add the captions as you go through so this caption could be soothes the neck so we're gonna go and have a look at the aliexpress listing so I'll just go and click on this over and we can always go and have a look at the LA Express listing for things to add to captions so for example drives Nick muscles to move together or something like that or effectively relief next step in it Nick stiffness so we can go and always add those to our captions now the last bit I just wanted to show you over here so we've got this legacy title so just go and add in some text in there so for example if we just go and click on our legacy title so just double click it and then we can just go and add in some text so you can go and do this and it would do it live so if we're gonna add some text in let's just go and put it in here and we're gonna go and change it so let's change it to monsterettes again and we'll change it to something like semi bold and I'll just go and change the text color so let's make sure that the text color is white let's go and change this to white and we can always go and put in so for example Sue's Nick my source and if we just go and click over here we can go and you can see how it's going to come out on your video so I can just go and drag that like this or I can go and do it like this instead so we can say Susan it mussels so let's go and just align this so if we just bring this over here you should be able to go and align it to the centre like that and make sure that you spell everything right so let's put you in there Susan it mussels and then we can go and say something like relieves pain you know all of those types of things so this is at the end of our video so you're gonna go and list a few different things like that and then what we can do is once you've listed with your things we can just go and close this and now we can actually just go if we click on our image over here and we can go and if you click position you can actually just go and move things around so I'm gonna go and make this a bit bigger like that and that can be the end of the video and we can go and have a few different benefits of the actual product in there like that so we can see how we've got it here we've got the guy it's wipes in he's having neck pain then we've got someone actually using the product and then finally at the end we've just got the product like that so that is a really easy way to go and do it within Premiere Pro and like I said you've got a one week free trial so that's plenty of time to muck about and actually create a good video ad but and just to keep in mind don't really make it longer than 20 seconds and that's enough time to get your point across make the video capturing and if it's anything longer than that generally people don't really watch it anyway so once you have done that we need to do is go to file and then from here just gonna go to exports export media and then just leave this as default and all you need to do is click export and it will go and export that video for you now another alternative to creating facebook video ads instead of going on Fiverr or instead of gathering a load of footage and chopping it together is to just go and order the product yourself and then just go and order one of these so a little tripod for your phone and you can just go and make your own video ads so you can just order the product in and then you can just go and film yourself with your phone using the product with a tripod and it's really simple and easy to do so that is another alternative that you can do to create facebook video ads as well now one last thing that you can do to create facebook video ads is to actually go and use canva so if you go back into canva over here and you can just go and type in Facebook ad like this and it's going to come up with loads of different Facebook ad templates now you can go and use some image ones if you want if you want to just create an image Facebook ad so they've got loads of templates on here but they also have a few video ones so you can see we've got one here that's a video one and if we keep scrolling we see this one over here which is a video one so let's just say for example we wanted to use this we can go and click on this and then once it loads you will see the template over here now what we can do is you can just go and upload a video so you can see I've just uploaded this video over here so we can just go and drag this on and now this video would be part of this template so we can do is you could do one clip over here and they could do one clip over here and then that way you can go and change the captions so if I just go over here and I just change this to does your baby this we click this does your baby struggle so like I said we're starting with the pain point to sleep question mark and let's just get rid of this free shipping and then you can go and change it to your branding colors as well so you can see my site over here I can go and change this to my colors of my site so I've just got my colors of my site over here so let's just go and grab them so I could go and change this to this orange over here so let's go and just paste this in here let's copy it first so yeah like I said you can go and use these templates and they're really cool to be able to just go and drag your video on so let's just go and do that and let's go and grab the other color that I've used so where is it let's just say I think it's this one over here it's dark blue so then I can go and change this bit as well so you can see I can just go and paste that in there and choose that and now you can see is the same colors as my site so they've got a really good template to use and I can just go and do the same for here I could go and add another caption over here just saying then why not try go baby sleep the perfect white noise machine or something like that you know explaining the benefits of the actual product and you can always go and actually duplicate these so over here where is it you can go and click copy page and then you can do three over here so it would go from this so you could do one clip there then another clip here then another clip here or you can go and delete this one let's delete this and we can duplicate this one and then you can actually just go and move them down so it will go it will go from left to right and back to left again so that is how you can go and use canva and once again all you need to do is go over here and hit download and then you can go and download that video so this is another really great way of using canvas templates to go and create your facebook video ads now once again you are gonna have to have your clips but then once you have your Clips ready you can just drag them in like this instead of growing and using Premiere Pro to do it so this is another really great way of creating facebook video ads so now that we've had a look at how to create our creatives for our Facebook ads what we are going to do next we are going to go and have a look at setting up our facebook business manager so we'll leave a link in the description to this but we to do is go to business dot and then we're to go and click on create accounts so when you click on create account it will say your business and account name so just go and put your business name in here then once you have put the name of your store in you have put in your own name and also your email address just go and click on next once you click on next it will ask you to add your business details so you need to just go and fill in your address you can just go and put your home address if you're running your store from your house or just go and put your home address in so once you have entered all of that information in just go and click on submit once you click on submit it will just ask you to confirm your email address so just go over to your emails and click on the confirm button so I'm just gonna go and click on done now and then when you click on that it will just say loading business manager so just give it a few moments so from here you will see that it says no add accounts so the first thing that we are going to do is go and add an add account so go to where it says go to business sayings just click on this and then once your business settings loads you will see your name of your store doesn't have any add accounts so just go and click add and click on create a new add accounts then from here we can go and name our add account so just go and put the name of your store again then you can go and pick your timezone and then you can go and pick your currency so the currency doesn't matter too much so just go and pick whatever one that you're going to be using so whether country or based in so for me I'm just gonna go and pick great British pounds so let me just go and have a look for GBP over here and I'm just gonna go and click on Next then it's gonna say what the account will be used for so just go and click my business and click on create then on the side here you will see your Facebook profile so you're gonna want to go and select your Facebook profile and then it's going to say add people and set permissions so you basically want to set all of the permissions to yourself so you want to be our to manage campaigns and also admin access as well so you're going to view at performance that just comes by default with manage campaigns and also manage Add Account and just click on assign then once you've done that it will just say that your ad account has been created so now just go ahead and click on close so now that our ad account has actually been created the next thing we're gonna do is assign a page so we're gonna go to pages over here and we're to go and click on add page and I'm gonna go in click on add page again and then from here we are just going to go and add in the name or you are of our page so I'm gonna go and type in go baby sleep again so now we can see that my page is coming up over here so I'm going to go and click on this and add it and click on add page once you click on this it will just say because you are the page admin it's been automatically approved so just go ahead and click on close so now we have our add page added in there as well so now that we've done that we can actually go and have a look at the different things within Facebook ads business manager so the first thing that we are going to do within our facebook business manager is go and install our Facebook pixel onto our store now for those of you that don't know you probably do but the Facebook pixel is what collects all of the data on your website so all of the people that come over to your site the Facebook pixel collects all of that data and then we can actually go and use that data to go and target people and actually use that data to better optimize our ads so it's really crucial that you have the Facebook pixel installed onto your website now firstly I'm gonna show you how to do this on your Shopify store so all of the people using Shopify it just continue on watching and then secondly I'm going to show you how to do this on a WordPress and WooCommerce store so if you're a WordPress WooCommerce person just skip to the next part of the tutorial I have left the time stamps down below so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go and click on data sources over here and we devotin and click on pixels and then over here you will see that we don't have any pixels yet so we're just gonna go ahead and click on add now with a goaltend name our pixels so you can just go and name your pixel the same as your store so the same name that you've been using throughout then we just gonna go and grab our website URL and I'm gonna go and paste that over here so we're gonna go ahead and paste that in and then just go ahead and click on continue now from here it will give you a few different options for you to go and add your Facebook pixel so we're going to go and click on add code using a partner integration so like I said we've got the first partner integration which is gonna be Shopify so we go ahead and click on this over here and then if we scroll down we will see Shopify over here so just go ahead and click on Shopify and it's going to ask you if you want to turn off automatic advanced matching now definitely leave this on basically what this means is anybody that shared that used puts data in on your website for example emails phone numbers and things like that Facebook can go and use that data and then you can use that within your ads so just leave this ticked on and then just click on continue now from here it's just gonna tell you where you need to go but I'm just gonna show you anyway so just pick continue for the next parts click on continue and now from here it's going to say that we need to paste our pixel ID so over here you will see your pixel ID so you're going to just go and copy this but when you copy it make sure that you don't put the full stop at the end so just copying the number on its own so we're just gonna right-click and copy this I'm gonna head over to our Shopify store so you can see we've got our Shopify store here within Shopify you're going to go and click on online store and they're going to go and click on preferences and then from preferences we can scroll down and we will see Facebook pixel we're just gonna go and paste the pixel ID in here and click on safe so now that we've done that we can just go back over here and now we're gonna go ahead and click on continue so now it's gonna go and ask us for our URL so I earlier used my WooCommerce URL but if you are with Shopify obviously go and use your Shopify URL so for this for this I'm gonna go and just use this Shopify URL here just so we can go and have a look at the test traffic so you're going to go and put your Shopify website name in here and then just go and click on send the test traffic so when you click on send test traffic it should bring you over to your Shopify store so now we can just go and close this and now we can just go and confirm so now we can see there is active so is working and our pixel is installed so then you can just go and click on continue so for all of the Shopify people that have just gone and installed their pixel you can now go and skip to the next part of the tutorial and like I said I've left the time stamps down below because your pixel is installed now so now I'm going to go through how you can go and install your pixel if you are running a WooCommerce store so if you are running a WooCommerce store once again you're gonna come over to data sources and click on pixels now in here you should say you don't have any pixels and there should be an add button now because I already have one it's not there for me so I'm just going to go and click on add and then it should come up like this so then you're gonna go and put in the name of your store like this and then you are doing to go and put in your website address so I'm just going to go and grab my website address and put that in there and click on continue now it's going to ask us how we want to go and connect our pixel so we're just going to go and click on add code using a partner program and then we're going to go and choose WooCommerce over here so go and choose WooCommerce then it's going to ask us if we want to turn off advanced matching just leave this on for now so basically this just means Facebook the Facebook pixel is gonna collect other data such as emails phone numbers and those types of things so we want to collect as much data as we can so now just go and click on continue now it's going to ask us to download the Facebook pixel plugin so just click on download then you will see the Facebook pixel plug-in download over here so just close this next up we're going to go and click on continue and then over here we can see that it's asking us to go and install the plugin so just keep clicking continue over here until we go to activate plug-in over here because we're gonna go and do this part so actually we can click on continue one more time just to verify connection so what we're going to do is we're going to go over to our WooCommerce store I'm gonna go back to our WordPress dashboard and then from our WordPress dashboard we're gonna go to plugins and click on add new now from here we're gonna go and click on upload plug-in we're gonna click on choose file and then we're gonna go and navigate to that plug-in that we just downloaded the Facebook for WooCommerce pixel then just click on open and click on install now once the plug-in installs just go and click on activate plug-in so now we can see that the plug-in has been activated so now we're going to go back to our facebook business manager and I'm going to go and click on verify now when you click on verify if it still just says inactive then I recommend just leaving it for about 20 minutes so you can see I've actually left this for a little while just because when I click verify it wasn't becoming active straightaway but don't worry because sometimes it will just say that but if we just close this now I can go to the pixel and I can see that it's green over here so it is active so if you click verify you keep clicking verify like I've just done there and nothing's happening then don't worry I'll just show you again so we'll just go to install pixel and we'll go to commerce again click continue so I'll just go to the exact step that we were at and if you just keep hitting verify like I said don't worry just leave it click the X button over here so just click X and then it you will be brought to this page and when you click on to your pixel over here it will be green like this so if it's green that means it's worked fine even though it couldn't actually verify it so like I said if it's green then don't worry now one quick thing that I do want to show you is that if you want to go and rename your pixel so you can see I've created two pixels here created one for the WooCommerce version and one for my version if you want to go and rename your pixel you need to go and click on your pixel and then when you've clicked on it you can go click open in events manager I thought would just show you this because when I first was ever using Facebook Ads it would always kind of confuse me little things like that that I wanted to change and they would always take me time to go and look them up so when you go into the events manager this is like more in-depth view of your pixel and you can go and click on this little pencil so I'm gonna go and call this one with Commerce and then it will just save like that and now I'm gonna go and rename this one as Shopify so I'm gonna click on open in events manager and then I'm gonna go and call this Shopify like that so also another thing that I want to mention about pixels is you can go and create multiple pixels so let's just go and refresh this now so that we can see that we've got two different pixels here and now that I've refreshed that we can see we've got two different pixels here now you can go and create multiple pixels and the reason you might want to do that is because you might want to collect different data for different stores so let's say you're running two stores then you can go and create one pixel for one store and you can create one pixel for that store so you don't have to create multiple business accounts for different stores you can go and run loads of different ads just from one account so I've just gone and called my business account after my one web site but you could just go and say this is gonna you're just gonna call this drop shipping so your account is just called your drop shipping account and then in here you have loads of different pixels and then you're running ads on loads of different stores and then each of those individual stores has its own individual pixel so it's just collecting data for that store so you might have one in the pet snitch and you might have one in the baby snitch so then you've got one pixel that's installed on your pet store so it's just collecting data for people that are interested in pets and then you've got your other pixel that's just collecting data that interesting babies so that is the point of why you want to go and add multiple pixels so now that I've shown you how to install your pixel and rename them and how you can create multiple pixels what we want to do next is actually go and test some events so basically what this means is want to go and test Add to Cart or on a go and test checkout and all of these different events because this is how actually going track conversions in our Facebook ads when we actually start running Facebook ads later on so you're gonna go and just click on your pics all still within data sources pixel you're gonna click on your pixel and you're gonna and click on open in events manager again now when your events manager opens it might just say no recent activity cell pixel now don't worry your pixel has already been set because if it's active over here that means it has been set up so don't worry about this but what we are going to do is we are like I said gonna test some events now so over here where it says test events we're gonna go and click on this so when we click on this is gonna say test your events trigger events on your website so what we are going to do is we are going to go and we can go and copy our website URL and I'm just going to do this for Shopify first and then once again we will go and test it for WooCommerce as well so if your would Commerce you can just skip to the next part again so let's go back over here and we're just gonna go and paste that in here I'm gonna go and click on open website so now that this website is open what we can do is I'm just so this is just a practice store but what we're gonna do is we can go and click on Add to Cart so it's gonna go and test these events our we're gonna go ahead and click on checkout over here and we're just gonna go and see what happens now because I haven't signed up for a plan on Shopify it's not allowing me to check out but we have just gone and triggered the Add to Cart event so what we can do is we can go back here now and now you can see Add to Cart has been triggered so now we know that the events are firing properly so that's really good so now that we have verified that that's working we know that when we run our ads we can actually track conversions now like I said if you actually have a properly running store with Shopify then it should be fine for you to go and trigger those events like the checkout event should show in here as well so like I said now you can confirm that when you start running ads you're actually able to track conversions so what we're gonna do is I'm just gonna go back over to my pixels now so in order to do that we can just go and click on all data sources over here and I'm just going to go and test the events for my WooCommerce store so for you we'll commerce people you can see it working in action as well so we're gonna go and click on the WooCommerce pixel over here as well and now we can go to test events again and we are gonna go and test some events so I'm just gonna go and grab my URL over here so we're just gonna go and copy this and then we'll just go back over here we're going to and paste this in here and then when I go and click on open website now when your website opens you might get a message like this now I'm probably getting the message like this because I'm using this Facebook pixel help or Chrome extension now I really recommend actually installing this Facebook pixel helper extension especially if you're having issues with your Facebook clicks from not connecting you will be able to see here that it is connecting so you can see for me I've got page view lead and it can see that the Facebook pixel ID I have set up so if you get this one over here then you can just go and click Next and click Next and click on get started so you can see on my by now button it's recognizing and events over there so I'm going to click on get started so what I'm going to do is yes I've got the Add to Cart one over here events on this page so because I am using a custom check out it's recognizing these Buy Now buttons as my Add to Cart buttons which is really good so now over here we also have all of the different events so I've got initiate checkout I've got Add to Cart I've got purchase so one will do is I'm going to go and click on Buy Now and we should be able to see that we're tracking our checkout as well so now that my custom checkout page has loaded what I can actually do is I can go and track a button on this page so this is my custom checkout page and like I said I just want to show you this because I have created a full length tutorial on how you can go and create a store like this where people just click Buy Now and it brings them straight to the checkout so what we can go is we can go and track this checkout button over here so we go out and click on track new button and I'll go go and choose the continue to payment button then I can select an event so I'm actually gonna go and click on initiate checkout for this event then I can go and choose the value of the event so how much the events actually worth and what I can actually do is I can go and choose this value here so I can go and choose the total over here which is really great so now it goes and recognizes that and then you can go and do the currency so you can see for me I'm in pounds so once again if we just go we should be able to look in here if we can go and see great British pounds let's have a look so we've got great British pounds there don't can click on understand and click on confirm so now on this page over here we are actually going and tracking this initiate checkout event through this button and through this value over here so what we are going to do next is well I'm also going to go and an event to the next page so I'm going to go and click apply for this coupon over here so let me just go and hit apply on that again because I'd change the usage so now we can see that I've actually gone and put this as a free coupon code so what I actually want to do now I want actually track a purchase so I'm gonna go and hit place order over here and now next up I've got a thank-you page so on my thank-you page I'm gonna go and track that page as a purchase so on this page I can go and copy my URL over here which is the Thank You page and if they come to the Thank You page that basically means that they have definitely purchased so what I can do is I can go and do track URL and basically because I am still logged in to my WordPress website it is coming up with this URL URL here so why I actually want to do is I want to go and change this to URL contains and then I can go and just paste in the Thank You page like that so if the URL contains this then we're gonna track the purchase event so then we can go and do that then we also have use value from initiate checkout so that's from the previous event so I'm gonna go and use that as my value and then once again I can go and choose my currency over here so let's go and choose this whereas great British pounds GBP so from the previous page it's gonna go and choose that value so which was $39.99 and then we just go and hit confirm and that's basically it now we have gone and we're tracking our purchase we're tracking our Add to Cart and we're also check it tracking our initiate check out for our WooCommerce store now if you're running a WooCommerce store that is not using a custom checkout it's still the same thing you can still go and do this and then we're going to do is hit finish setup and then we can see we've got an initiate checkout we've got purchase now what I actually want to do is I actually do before I do this I want to go back to my home page so let me go back to my home page because I do want to go and set up the Add to Cart one so let me just go and go back to my home page because I didn't set up the Add to Cart one so over here what I'm going to do is I'm gonna go and track those buttons again so we're just going to come back over here and we're just going to go and set up those Add to Cart ones so I'm just going to go and click on track new button and then it will actually just pick up all of the Buy Now buttons so if I click on the Buy Now buttons you can see it picks up all of them at once it picks up this one is picking up this one is picking up this one so it's picking up all of my Buy Now buttons I should be one of the bottoms as well let's just have a look if it's picking up he's picking up that one as well so it's picking up all of my Buy Now buttons so now I'm just gonna go and change choose Add to Cart click I understand you know seat for events so that's the four different buttons on the page and then we can just go ahead and click on confirm and now that I have gone and settled my events so if we go and see all of our events I've got them all set up so I've got Add to Cart set up on here I've got initiate checkout and I've got to purchase now I can just go and click on finish setup so we can see we've got Add to Cart which is the Buy Now buttons we've got URL contains the Thank You page and also we've got continue to payment foot initiate checkout then we can just go and click on finish now was the event setup tool helpful yes it was very helpful it's really good and then we can just go and click Submit over here then it's gonna say thanks for helping us to improve so just go and click on done so now we have gone into our events for WooCommerce so now over here is gonna say test events so we can go into contest events and we should see all of our events come up now I did actually make a mistake in here and I've got the two different pixel was messed up so we can see over here that it's coming up with this one still so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to go and refresh this and it should just come up with those events for that WooCommerce store that I just set up so now that I've refreshed it I can just go and test this out one more time for my WooCommerce store so let's just go and copy this and we're just going to go and paste it in there and click on open website and now we're just going to go and test those events so let's just go and try and test them I'm going to go and click on buy now and we should go and see that our events are being tested so now we can see page view has been tested and it's just in real time so we can go and see that those events are all working so we've got Add to Cart we've got initiate checkout for global asleep so one big thing to remember then and the good takeaway from this is don't get your pixels confused and a good way to not get your pixels confused if you are using multiple pixels is to actually use the pixel helper here so the Facebook Chrome sorry the Google Facebook pics will help out when you click on this it will tell you the pixel ID of the site so you can see on here the pixel ID of this site is this one now if I go over here and I go and view the store for the Shopify one and I go to the Facebook pixel helper we should see that it's the other Facebook one so let's just wait for this to load and if I just go and click on this now we can see that this is the the pixel ID for the other pixel that I've created so I've got two pixels we can see over here we've got the Shopify one so I've they're both cool Shopify at the moment but I should need to go and change this one because it's my WooCommerce one now so I'm just gonna go and change this to commerce so if you've got two different stores like I said just don't get them confused and you're gonna want to go and download the Chrome extension that's the best way to go and tell because like I said it tells you exactly which pixel ID you have installed and then within here you can go and have a look which one you've got on stool so I've got my shopper I want and then if I come back over to here I can go and click on this and I can see this pixel ID here match this up with my blue commerce pixel ID and now we can see all of the events are firing so that is how you can go and set up the events for your store and they're really important like I said because this is how we can actually go and see if our facebook ads are running well if we're getting conversions if we're getting add to cars if we're getting checkouts if we're getting purchases main is the main thing because that way we can go and see if we are getting a good return on investment for our ads so now that we've ensured that our pixel is set up and it is testing events correctly now we can actually go and start running our first ads campaign so in order to do that we're gonna go and click over here and what we are going to do is we're going to go and click on ads manager once you click on ads manager it will bring you over to this page so from here we're gonna go and click on create ads once you click on that you will be brought over to this page and from here you can go and select your campaign objective now let let me very quickly go over what the difference is between the campaign the ad sit and the ad so the campaign is basically what you want to get out of the ads so if you're running an e-commerce or dropshipping store then you'll most likely want to go into want to get conversions so purchase conversions you want people to make a purchase we're not really we looking for traffic or engagement or app installs or anything like that we just want to get purchase conversions we want people to come to our site and make a purchase so like I said your campaign is basically the objective of your ads then the ad set is basically who you're targeting and where you're targeting them and how much you're going to spend on a particular group of ads so an ad set is basically like I said who you're targeting so you can have multiple different ad sets so you could be targeting different interests people from different categories and you can also go and target different placements so you could say I only want to do one ad set just for Instagram placements and see how that tests and then your ad is the actual creative itself so the different videos so within the ads within the campaign so you can have mortal ad sets something you can target multiple different interests and then within these ad sets themselves you have multiple different ads so you could have one ad set targeting one audience and then within that audience you've got multiple different creatives for different videos and different images that you're targeting towards that audience they can have another ad set with another audience and then you're targeting different creatives towards them so that's basically how it works the campaign is what you want to get the ad set is who and where you're targeting them and then the ad is the actual creative itself so if you're running a drop shipping or e-commerce store like I said we're going to want to go for conversions now I recommend just to go for conversions from the offset I used to go and try and get some engagement to build up social proof but now Facebook has become so advanced that it can just go and find people who are more likely to make a purchase straightaway so we're gonna actually have to waste any of our budget on trying to get engagement and things like that when we can just go and try and find people straightaway that want to go and purchase our products so you're going to go and pick conversions and then we can go and name our campaign so I just go and type in the name of my store so go baby sleep and I just call this purchase so this is my purchase conversion campaign for this store over here now we can do a/b testing but don't worry because now that you can have multiple inserts and multiple ads you can go and test so many different things I wouldn't really worry too much about this now campaign budget optimization basically means that Facebook will spend your budget where they think it's best so there all of the ads in the beginning and spend an equal amount and then whenever they see one of the ads or one of the ad sets is actually performing really well they'll start to spend more on that budget for you so they actually go and work out the budgeting for you so I recommend just turning this on because it makes things a lot easier and like I said because Facebook is so advanced now it kind of saves you a lot of time going in looking at ads deciding which one is best performing and then going put and putting more money on to that one whereas you can just go and turn the campaign budget optimization on and Facebook will actually go and do all of the hard work for you so from here you can go and set your campaign budget so if you've got a budget let's say or 500 pounds then I would recommend you're gonna run that for around ten days so I recommend just going and setting your daily budget let's just say 250 pounds so 50 pounds a day you're gonna run it for ten days and then that's your 500 pounds now you can see for here because I've set this account up from scratch it's telling me that the budget exceeds my spending limit so you may have a spending limit when you first set up your first campaign so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go and change this to 20 pounds just so we can start off so now I've gone and set that to 20 pounds per day we can go and click on show more options now over here you'll see different options now with campaign budget optimization it won't let you change these two options here but you can go and change the bid strategy now the bid strategy basically just means how we're actually going and bidding for ads so you can go and put a cost cap which basically just means that you don't want to spend more than a certain amount on your ads by recommend just going for lowest cost when you are first starting out so just go and choose lowest cost and basically what that means is Facebook will try and spend the least amount of money on the things that you're targeting so just go for lowest cost then we've got run ads all the time so that basically just means you're gonna be running them all day now like I said with campaign budget optimization they will work out the best times for you so they're not gonna run that ads at 3 a.m. in the morning when no one's looking at them because they don't see the point of that so like I said when you actually turn this on Facebook does the hard work and works out the best times for you to actually run those ads and then we've got the delivery type this basically just means will it try and spend all of your budget really quickly so once again with campaign but optimization it has it as standard which basically just means it will spend your budget as and when it needs to whereas if you go and turn this off you can go and change this to accelerated which basically means let's say there's a promotion Black Friday you can put your delivery type to accelerate it and that basically just means it's gonna try and spend your budget as quickly as it can and try and get as many conversions as it can now like I said I don't recommend doing that straight away because you don't have any data firstly to start with and secondly you burn through your budget pretty quickly if you change it to accelerate so we just with campaign budget optimization we can just leave this with standard and run ads all the time and like I said just leave this as lowest cost so now I'm gonna go and click on setup ad account now from here you can go and choose your account country so I'm just gonna go and choose the United Kingdom you can pick your currency and you can pick your timezone and then you've got the Advanced Options where you can just go and name your ad account so just go and leave that because we've already done that earlier so then we can just go ahead and click on continue so now we are within the ad set and like I said this is where we're actually going and targeting who we want to target so we're gonna go and set up multiple different ad sets so that we can target different interests and people of different ages and all of those types of things so go and we will choose the ad set name in a moment once we've actually decided who we are going to go and target so firstly we're gonna go and choose website because we want a website conversion so that's either your Shopify or your WooCommerce site so just leave that as it is now over here we've got what we want optimization for and delivery we want conversions over here it's gonna say create a Facebook pixel now don't worry we've already created a pixel and installed it on our store so don't worry about this this is fine we can just go and leave this now we have cross control and as you can see with cost control because we've set it to lowest cost bid strategy because we're using campaign budget optimization it's just going to go and try and get the lowest cost then if we click on show more options we have the conversion window so this basically just means how long are we tracking conversions for so somebody clicks on our ad and then seven days later they actually purchase then we're still gonna cross that as a conversion from the Facebook ad now I recommend you can just go and leave it at seven days if if all you're doing is running Facebook Ads and you're not running ads from anywhere else so if you're not running ads from Pinterest or Google anything like that then your converge and you're tracking I'm not going to get too mixed up because within seven days if they've clicked on your ads and that's the only way they've discovered your store then regardless that's probably going to be the most likely way that they made a purchase so you can go and count it after seven days whereas if you're running ads from different places you might want to go and put this to one day after clicking because they might come and find you through another medium if that's the case so you can just go and do that and then you have when you are charged so you're just going to get charged on your impressions so that basically means how many times people see your ads so now that we've done that next up we have the dynamic creative now I wouldn't worry about this for now because we're going to go and set up our creatives with that within our actual ads so just leave this off for now and the same with an offer so you can go and put an offer on but generally if you're running a drop shipping on ecommerce store you can actually just go and put your offer within your title of your ad so when you're writing your copy for your ad you can go and put your offer in there so once again we can just go and leave that so next up we have the audience over here so this is really important this is who we're actually going to be targeting and this determines what we're going to go and name our ad sit so like I said we're gonna have multiple ad sets I'm going to be targeting different people so why would do is we're not going to use a custom audience because we don't have any data yet so we'll go over custom and look-alike audiences later on in the tutorial so for now what we can do is we can go and have a look at this stuff over here which is detailed targeting the location the age and the gender so this is really important now basically when it boils down to with this is you need to think about who's actually going to be interested in your product or what you're trying to drop ship or if it's a service then your service but because we're looking at drop shipping ecommerce who's gonna be interested in your products so first you need to go and look at the locations now of course we're doing drop shipping an e-commerce generally we're gonna go and pick what they call the big five so Australia we're gonna pick New Zealand we're gonna go for United Kingdom so let's find a we can go for United States of course United Kingdom so let's go for United Kingdom and finally Canada so the english-speaking countries now obviously if you have a store in a different country if you're in Germany or if you in Denmark or wherever you are you can go and pick that country as well of course and you can also go and do location targeting with actual cities as well so let's say you have that you're touching a product that you think people from London would really like so you can just go and pick London so you can go for detail targeting or you think you've got a product that people from New York would really like so you can just go and pick New York so let's say you're running a print-on-demand store and you're doing something to do with New York or London then you can always go and target cities as well so you can go and pick your locations it's really simple now what you can do is I don't want to confuse things too much but let's say there's so many different ways of setting up your ad sets so you can do it by a country so you could just say um I'm just going to go and test this audience in this country so I could just say I'm just gonna go and test one audience within the United Kingdom so I'm gonna go and get rid of all of these countries the United States New Zealand and Australia and I'm just going to go and test one particular interest from the United Kingdom and then I can duplicate that Adsit and I can test the same interest from the United States but with different ages or something like that so that way you can determine which country is the best for targeting so you can go and set up like that now like I said it's up to you and determines down to you what you think is going to be best for your particular product that you're trying to sell so go and have a think about the product that you're selling and who you think would be interested in it now for me I'm just gonna start off with the United Kingdom for my store over here my good baby sleep store so I'm just gonna go for United Kingdom and then we've got age over here now age you generally once again want to think about who's gonna be interested in the product now you can actually if you want to leave this completely open and with campaign budget optimisation Facebook will try and find the best age for you but generally I like to go and pick a age that I think of people who will be interested in my product so for me because it's a white noise machine for babies that's generally gonna be parents so I'm gonna vote for parenting age I'm gonna go for something around 24 all the way up to I'm gonna go I'm gonna go up to 50 just for grandparents and things like that and then for genders I'm just gonna go for women just because I really don't think that men would be interested in that type of product so when you are thinking about this like I said you want to think about who's gonna be interested in your product so now what we can do is we can go on to detail targeting so let's go and click on edit on this and from here we can go and pick interests and behaviors and I recommend just picking one interest and then we gonna go and duplicate that so one way to go is I'm gonna go and think about the type of interests that somebody who might purchase my product would be interested in so the first one I'm going to start off with is gonna be Mamas and Papas so anybody that's interested in Mamas and Papas they might be interested in my type of product as well so I'm going for United Kingdom ages 20 to 50 they're women and they're interested in Mamas and Papas now down here you will see some other stuff which says exclude people and also to narrow audience now exclude people I found a really cool trick from verum econ if anyone's watched any of his videos which said to go and put drop shipping in here and actually this works really well and also Aliexpress as well and basically what this does is anybody that is interested in Aliexpress and in drop shipping it doesn't show your ads to them because if somebody knows about Aliexpress then that means that they're probably not going to purchase your product and if people that are into drop shipping then they're gonna go and try and copy at your store so like I said I found that from vilom 'commander and I've been running ads and this actually works really well with it so now you can see we've got our potential audience is still quite large twelve million but because with campaign budget optimization they do try to find the best people for you now also you've got you can have this ticked which basically means reach beyond your detailed targeting so what it means is if facebook finds people that are not completely in this category but they're likely to purchase then it will show your ad to them so I recommend just having that ticked on then if we go and click on show more options we will see the languages so I'm gonna go and change my language to English I'm just gonna click link English all and you can go and put whatever languages you want in there so like I said if you're in Denmark or if you're in Germany you could think about putting because I know in those types of countries people speak very good levels of English and they also speak their native language so in Germany you could go and put in German and English or if in Denmark you could go and put Danish and English in there whereas in the United Kingdom most people will just speak English so I'm just gonna go and pick English and then we have connections now this is basically people who've liked your page and things like that so I wouldn't really worry too much about this now you can go and save this as an audience so you can go and have saved audiences so that you don't have to go and put this in over and over and over again and you can go and do that if you want to but it's not really 100% necessary so you can go I could go and save this audience as my Mamas and Papas audience so next time if I want to test a different product within the baby niche I can just go and pick that audience again so now that we've done that we can go and change your ad set name so I'm gonna go and change this ad set name and I'm gonna go and change it to mothers and I will go say twenty four to fifty and then I'm gonna say Mamas and Papas so that way I know for this ad set these this is the people that I'm targeting basically and then I can go and change and choose my ads creatives later on for this particular ad set then when I go and create another ad set I could go and change the age range and say mothers or grandmothers whether it is age 18 to 60 and a different targeting or it could be the same age because I'm going to say mothers same age but different interests so that's how you're gonna go and that's how I name my ad sets so I know what I'm actually targeting with them so now if we scroll down we have placements so I recommend to go and choose manual placements like this and I actually don't like to use Instagram I don't like to use messenger and I don't like to use the audience Network now that's just my personal preference because I noticed the audience network is like websites that are linked with Facebook in sometimes they just don't work very well Instagram is a different type of person to Facebook so people didn't Instagram they're interested in different type of products so if you have something you know that's beauty niche or something where young people might be interested in it a little bit more than I think that yeah you can leave Instagram on but for my product here which is a white noise machine for babies yeah there are a lot of moms on Instagram but personally I like to just choose a facebook and then Messenger I just don't find it very useful so I just leave that then we also have where you want to actually place it so you can go put it in the newsfeed I've also obviously I've turned off Instagram so Instagram feed is off we've got the marketplace video feeds the right column I recommend just leaving all of these on to be honest with you because you can go and just test the man like I said with campaign budget optimization Facebook will try and find which one is the best one for you so you're just kind of keeping your options open with that and you can also leave Facebook stories on as well and then we've got quick stream video so once again I reckon just leaving this on it just means when people are watching videos your ad will come up within that video and then we also have Facebook search as well so like I said I recommend just leaving all of those on so we can go and click show more options over here and basically from here we can go and change things so we can go and choose specific mobile devices so if you only want to show it to Android or iOS now personally I would just leave it all mobile devices and you can also do only when connected to Wi-Fi now I used to go and try and test this out but with everybody having superfast data and all of those types of things and when people are out and about and traveling they're always looking at their phone so I recommend just leaving this off because everybody mostly has internet connection anyway and if they don't have an internet connection then they're probably not going to see your ad regardless so you can't just go and leave that off so now we have optimization and spending controls so like I said at the beginning of this I picked twenty pounds a day so if I've got a budget let's say of four hundred pounds then I can go and run that for twenty days so I can say I want to start tomorrow so let's go and start it tomorrow and we're just going to start it at midnight tomorrow so let's just say zero zero zero zero and I can go and run it for twenty days so from tomorrow is that tomorrow yes that and all the way up until let's say twenty days so the 24th finishing it midnight and that we'll go and spend my complete budget so you're looking at your daily budget and then obviously you're just timesing that by the amount of days that equals to your budget so now after that we have the ad spin limits so because we're going to be creating multiple ad sets you want to go and put in an ad spend limit so you need to go and think about how much your budget is and then how much you can spend on each ad set depending on how many ad sets you have so I recommend you're probably gonna want to start with at least five ad sets so for example if you have five ad sets and you can afford to spend fifty pounds a day for 10 days so that's 500 pounds then if you've got five at sets then one ad set maximum you're gonna spend is ten pounds so we've got five ad sets they're all spending ten pounds each that's fifty pounds a day and then in here we can put ten days and that adds up to 500 pounds so you can go and set your ad spending over here so click on add spin limits to this ad set and then we can say the maximum that I want to spend in a day is going to be ten pounds so I can just go and do that now for me because it's only letting me run to a maximum of twenty pounds on this particular account I can go and just change this to five pounds so that way I'll spend a maximum of say twenty five pounds a day if I have five ad sets so once you've gone and chosen that and also you can go do do a minimum as well so you can say I want to at least spend 250 on this as well so at least spend some money on here but a maximum of this and then when we duplicate our ad sets then after that it's going to go and run all of our different ad sets so like I said if we have five ad sets they're all running at five pounds a day that's 25 pounds a day they're running for you can set it in here for 10 days then that's going to go and be 250 pounds so now we can just go and click on continue from our ad set so when you click on continue you will come into the actual ad now now this is where we create the creative for the ad so your ad name is going to be your creative so if you've got a few different ones a few different videos you can go and name one each one so let's say we've got one video of the baby holding the item so I can just go and call this baby hole I took video or something like that so something that describes what your ad creative is your particular and creative that you're gonna use now for me I'm just gonna go and pick canva add creative one and I have gone and created a video so if I just go over to my downloads over here this is the one so I'm gonna go and rename this so this is gonna be called canva add creative one so now I know exactly what video I'm going to be using for this particular ad and you can't just go and cool it conversions doesn't really matter we can just go and get rid of this so canva add creative one is gonna be the video that I use for this particular ad then if I've got another video I can call that canva add creative too so when I go and add another ad to this ad set and go and test different creatives I can just call it canva ad creative too can be a canva at creative three and so on or you can just go and make it easy for yourself so if it's for a particular product you could say let's say it was a neck massaging product you could say neck neck massager video one neck massager video two neck massager video three and so on so you can just go and do that and then you can go and name your videos the same thing so you know exactly which ad is for what video so now we can go and choose our page so we're going to choose obviously the page that we created earlier you can go and add an Instagram account if you want to go and add Instagram placements so you can go and do that and then we've got the ad creatives so you can go for carousel so these are going to be different images going across so if you've got a lot of products on your store you could go and pick carousel then we've got single image of video and then we've got collection so I always recommend to go for a single image or video if you really want your product to stand out so we're just gonna go and select this so now we can go and scroll down and over here it's going to ask us to add media so I'm gonna go and click on add media and I'm gonna go and add a video and then for from here I'm gonna go and click upload and then from here I'm gonna go and choose that canva add creative one and click on open so now I'm just going to go and upload that video and now we can see that my video has uploaded so this is just a simple video of the baby using the product and the baby sleeping and some information about the product so I will just show you how the video looks [Music] and as you can see from the video it's less than 15 seconds so over here like they recommend it so now that we've done that if we scroll down we can see over here this is what it's looking like now you're going to want to go and choose some options now in here so this is where we can actually go and customize our total ad so from here we're gonna go and fill all of this out now so the first thing that we are going to do is go and create a from now for our video you can see the thumbnail here doesn't look that great so in order to go and create a thumbnail you can go up up to here where it says edit video so go and click on edit video and then over here you're going to see thumbnail so I'm gonna go click on thumbnail and then we can click on custom and it's going to let us upload a video a thumbnail so in order to create a thumbnail you're gonna want to create something that's going to catch the attention so something about your product that captures people's attention now you're not about really allowed to put a lot of text on your thumbnail so this one here where it says does your baby struggle to sleep that's probably too much text Facebook doesn't allow and like text on the thumbnails for the videos so why I recommend is like I said you're gonna want to go and pick a picture of something that's going to capture someone's attention now for me I want to go and capture mothers attention that are struggling to sleep so I like I said earlier I have got a subscription within water elements and I often use pictures from here so I've just gone and typed in tired parent over here and I'm actually found this really good picture over here and I really like this one and I think I'm gonna use this as my thumbnail so you can see over here we can just see it's a baby crying look like they're not sleeping very well and the mum here's just looked knackered and it just says five minutes more please so this kind of really just sums up what my product is all about a white noise machine that helps baby sleep and by helping the baby sleep the mother is gonna get a better night's sleep as well so I'm just gonna go and download this now and now that I have downloaded this I can go and create the thumbnail in canva now for anybody who's looking for images you can also use a free site called unsplash so there is loads of different images on here that you could potentially go and find uses your thumbnail or if you're just drop shipping a product from Aliexpress you could just go and use some Aliexpress product images or you can always go and take a picture with the product yourself if you order it in just go and take a call a couple of cool different pictures that you can use for your thumbnail and you're just going to want going to want to make them eye catching or something that stands out or something that really resonates with the customer so for my product it's not really a very standout product but this is something that really resonates with the customer feeling naked and their baby just up and not being being able to sleep and keeping them up all night I'm going to come over to Canberra now and like I said if you have a square video so 1080 by 1080 you can go to custom dimensions and just do 1080 by 1080 now because I have a rectangular video and we're just gonna go and choose Facebook ad over here and it's gonna go and create the template for me so now that's my canvas has loaded I'm gonna go to uploads and I'm just gonna go and upload that image that I just downloaded so we can see this one over here baby crying so I'm gonna go and upload that's so now that image has uploaded I'm just gonna go and drag this on here like this and I'm just gonna make it the full size like this and we're just gonna go and drag it into the center like that let's just see if we can maybe make it a little bit smaller so we don't waste too much of the image so something like that will do so now that I've done that it's the right size for Facebook and like I said if you've got a 1080 by 1080 one you can just do the exact same thing so I'm just gonna go and put in here now I'm just gonna call this add one thumbnail and then I can just go and download this and hit download so now that I have downloaded that I'm just gonna go ahead and close this and close this can close canva and I can just go and hit back to my ads manager and I'm just gonna go and upload that thumbnail so I'm just gonna go and click on upload and then we can just go and click on upload again and then from here I can go and choose that thumbnail and click on open and once that has uploaded I can just go and click on continue over here and now we can see that I've got my thumbnail and like I said you're not going to really put much text on it so now I can just go ahead and click on save and now that it has saved a can go and scroll back down over here so what were going to do next is we're going to go and do the primary text and the head so we're gonna start off with the primary text over here and this is basically what's going to show above the ad over here so you don't want to make this too long they say recommend 125 characters you can make it long if you want to include some information in there but not too long and the first line of your primary text needs to be something that's going to grab people's attention so I've just gone and created some primary text in here that I'm just going to go and paste in so baby can't sleep and I've just put some emojis in try a white noise and I've just put white noises soothing for babies as it reminds them of their time the room fit to be sent off so you can just go and put something in snappy like that short and sweet and like I said the first line over here you're just capturing the purses that person's attention so I've just put in baby can't sleep try white noise so that instantly captures the person's attention now for some reason it's not inviting me to preview it but I can go and see if we just get rid of this and let's just put it back in again it should just preview it just for a second so let's just try and see so it's not letting me preview but that's fine so then the next up we have a headline so that's what's going to show down here so I'm actually going to go and put the headline again as 50% off so let's just go and put that in limited time only so I'm going to go and put that in there and that is just going to reinforce that they need to go over to the store now and purchase so let's just go and change this to 50% off like that and also I'm gonna go and make sure that I've spelt this correct as well so obviously make sure all of your spelling is correct before you do any of this so that's going to be your primary text and your headline as well and then also we have the description now description only shows on limited things personally I don't really use it very often so I'm just going to go and leave that blank for now you can also go and check how it's going to look on different areas so different placements so example if we go to in stream video we can go and have a look at how it looks on in-stream video as well so now I'm just going to go and switch back to the mobile feed because that's going to be the one that people are going to see most so next up we're gonna go and put in our URL so I'm gonna just go and choose my home page because I'm running this one product store and it's loads of by now buttons but on the homepage is where they've got the reviews and the FAQ s this is what's going to convince people to actually make the purchase but if you're running a multi product store then you're just going to go and send them to the product page because on your product page is gonna have all of your information about the product not your home page like I do over here so I'm just gonna go and choose my home page and I'm going to go and paste that in there and now I've chosen my home page I am just gonna go and change the call-to-action I'm just gonna go and change this to shop now now you can obviously change this too if you're running a different type of website you can go and change it to sign up subscribe where you want but obviously for drops you in the e-commerce then shot now is gonna be the best bit so now you can see this is how it's looking so we've got 50% off limited time only and we also have the shot Now button over here and then we also have baby can't sleep try white noise now if you're looking for emojis to go and put in to your text you can go and use this website over here emoji PD org I'll leave a link in the description to this and this has all of the different emojis and all you have to do is just click on copy and you just go and paste it in and also I am just using another website called letter count so that I can just go and count the characters and make sure that there's not too many characters that I'm using now another thing to mention is if you don't have a product that has a lot of information about it's just a flashy product then you don't want to put too much information in here like I've done where they have to click on see more you just want to have it something like the first catchy headline and then it's just gonna be 50% off limited time only so you want to have it something like that now obviously for me my products a little bit more informational because white noise there's a little bit more to it you can't just capture people's attention straight away with it because people might not know what it actually is so that's why I'm putting this extra bit of text in there so when they click on see more then they can go and find out what white noise actually does for babies so now that we've done that we can go and scroll down and we can go and add any languages we want to so we've already set our language earlier on to English so we can just go and leave that part as it is and then we can go and set the tracking so here we're gonna go and pick our Facebook pixel now just remember guys why this is saying setup is because we haven't actually connected account to our Facebook pixel now this is really easy we can just go back to our business manager so go and just click over here and click on business settings so you can just open it in a new tab so now you can still leave the ads manager open and then we're going to go to data sources pixels then click on your pixel and then where it says connecting assets we're gonna go and add an asset and then we're going to go and add an ad account which is our ad account that we're using to create ads so just go and add that and click done and I'm gonna go and just add this one as well over here so we're just go to connected assets and click add add my ad account and click add and click done so now if we just go back over here we can just refresh this don't worry if in ads manager you can always refresh it and it will let you continue where you left off so let's just go and refresh this and click reload and once it reloads it will say here is where you left off so we can just scroll down and click on continue and once you click on continue you can just continue where you left off so I'm just going to go and close this so now if we scroll all the way down to where we were where we're going to go and pick our pixel now we can go and see we've got our Facebook pixel here so I've just gone and added my Facebook pixels and is just going for this one because it's recognizing my website so that's the way that you can go and make sure that your fixed Facebook pixel tracking is on so now that we've gone and chose our Facebook pixel all we need to do now is click on confirm so let's just go and click on confirm once you click on confirm it will just ask you to add your currency so I'm going to go and change my country to United Kingdom and then I'm just gonna go and click on save and I'm just going to ask me to put in my Cardinal but now you can go and choose PayPal as an option if you want to sort of put PayPal over here or you can do online banking so I'm just gonna go and add my card details in here and once you add your payment method just click on continue now as you can see is just saying here that I need to go and fix an error now I know what the error is and like I said it's because of the Facebook pixel here because I didn't add it to my ads manager so I'm just going to go and pick that pixel again and just pick this one and basically if you get this error as well what you need to do is just go back to conversion over here so we're just going to go and click on conversion on the ad set and then I'm just going to go and under conversions I'm going to go and choose the pixel that I wanna use and it's going to say choose event and item to go and pick my purchase event so I'm just gonna go and choose my purchase event so that's already been set up and we just go and close this and now that we've done that we can go back to tracking over here within the ad and now that we have set up the tracking again I can just go and close this now and click on confirm so now that we've confirmed the ad will actually start running but what we want to do is now I want to go and duplicate our ad sets so that we can go and target different audiences and we also want to go and duplicate ads as well and also add extra ad creatives so we're going to do is we're going to go and click on edit over here and then from here we're going to go and click on add set and now that we are within the ad sets we can go and duplicate this so over here you will see that ad set under the campaign so the go baby sleep purchase campaign we've got the ad set over here and we can go to the Action menu and we can go and click on duplicate over here so now we can go and duplicate this and we can go and pick the existing campaign over here so it's going to be under the existing campaign and then we can say the number of copies we want now this depends on how many different things that you want to target so like I said I recommend just starting out with 5 so we're just going to go and duplicate this four more times so now it is going to say show existing reactions I don't worry we've just started running so that doesn't really matter so now we're just going to go and click on duplicate so now that we will see that we have duplicated all of these ad sets what we can do is we can actually go and edit these so that we're targeting different people so let's just go and pick this top one over here so we're just go ahead and click on the top one and we'll see that we've got this first duplicate now what we can do is we can leave all of the conversion stuff the exact same but we are going to want to go and change the audience so I'm still going to go and target the United Kingdom but what I'm actually going to do is I'm just going to go and change the interests so over here I'm just going to go and go for an interest new parents so I'm just going to go and type that in so let's see new parents 0 to 12 months so that seems like a good one so then I'm just gonna go and save that and let's just see what audience is so we can see my audience is 11 million it's quite a massive audience but like I said with CBO we're just going to see how that works out so I'm gonna go and do that then I'm gonna go into the top over here and I'm just gonna go and change this to new parents so that one's going to be new parents and then we can just go and close this and hit publish so now we've gone and changed that first one so one would do is I'm going to go and change all of the rest of these over here as well so let's go and hit click on the second one and I'm going to go and pick a different one over here so I'm gonna go and scroll down so let me just scroll down over here and once again we can go and change this so I'm gonna get rid of momma's and Papas and I'm gonna go and put in parents with toddlers because my product can still be applicable to toddlers as well so we can go and pick parents with toddlers and once again I can go and change this add set to parents with toddlers up here so lets go and change the Adsit now you can go and change whatever you want so I'm going for parents with toddlers in here and I can just go and get rid of that but what you couldn't do is you can go and change the age so I'm keeping all of the ages the same as you may notice mother's 24 to 50 but I may just go and try a different range so a smaller range or a bigger range and you can pretty much try anything that you want within your add sets so you can see that one's published so let me just go and change the last two so as you can see I have just gone and changed all of my add sets now so because they've got Mamas and Papas I've got new parents I've got parents with toddlers I've got Mothercare and I've got baby food so these are all of the different interests that I'm targeting and I'm just targeting the females the same age for all of them so like I said you can go and duplicate more add sets if you want so you can go and change the ages you can go and change the genders you can turn go and change the countries there are so many different things that you can do so you want to go and test out loads of different things for your creatives now also within these you can go and duplicate the creatives and change them so let's say you've got two videos and you want to test two videos so I could save from momma's and Papas under this unset so for this interest I want to go and add another creative so I can go over here and once again I can just go and duplicate this creative so I can just go and click on duplicates and then once again I can choose the existing campaign so I can choose the existing campaign and then it's gonna be underneath this pad set so I only want it to be within this pad set now if you want to add it to multiple assets you can just go and add it to multiple ad sets so I can go and pick another ad set so if I want to go and add another one to parents with toddlers I can go and pick another ad set like this and then you can say how many times you want to copy it now I just want to copy it once for each ad set so I'm just going to go and choose once and click on duplicate so now we can see for this ad set over here parents with toddlers I've got the copy and also Mamas and Papas I've got the copy so now I can do is I can come in here and I can go and change the ad so I can go and choose my single image or video once again and then I can scroll down and this time I can go and change the video if I want to so I can go and upload a different video so I could just go click change video and like I said if you've got multiple videos I can go and pick a different video and upload it and then also I can go and change the thumbnail if I want to so I can come in here and change the thumbnail and change it to something completely different as well just in thumbnail as what could be done and then once we've done that we can go and change the copy again just exactly like we've done it and then everything else is pretty much the same so then we need to do is go and hit publish so but before you actually hit publish sorry you're just gonna scroll to the top and then you're just going to change your ad creative name so you can say and creative - and then just get rid of this and hit publish so you can always go and click on add previews over here as well and it will just show you once you've changed it so you can see here I've changed the thumbnail to this baby crying like this so now I can go and test to see if that thumbnail which one works better if the first thumbnail works better or if the second thumbnail works better so if you go and do this you can always name this accordingly as well so instead of saying canva add creative - and I can just say something like thumbnail - so that way I know that for this ad I've just changed the thumbnail and then if you've changed the video you could say video - or if you've changed the text you could say add copy - so you can go in there and say which one you've actually changed so that way you know actly what you're testing so I'm just going to go and hit publish now on that so that is the easiest way that you can go and test multiple creatives so now that I've gone and done that we can see within this same campaign I've got two different ad creatives over here with different thumbnails and I also have all of these different multiple ad sets as well so now that I've done that I'm just going to leave this to run for a few days and then we can go and have a look at the results and then we're going to go in the next part of the tool tool and look at reading data and then creating look-alike audiences and custom audiences based off of the data that we collect so I have left these ads running for a few days now and as you can see if I just scroll along here you can see I've spent 20 pounds so not a massive amount out of my budget but as we can see over here this top one over here I've spent five pounds and it's only got me to link clicks and the rest of them over here out of the twenty three link clicks I've got I've spent a lot less and I'm getting a similar amount of link licks so if you're running ads and you see something like this you can just go and turn ad off so I'm just going to go and turn this one off now so that it's not running any longer just because it's not really worth the money that I'm putting in for the amount of link clicks that I am getting before that one now also another thing I just want to show you I've scrolled across here so you can see out of those 23 link clicks I've got nine total initiate chip checkouts initiated and also 18 Add to Cart so that means a lot of the people that have clicked on it they are very interested in purchasing the product but I haven't actually got any purchases yet now the main reason behind this I think could either be the price or the fact that I didn't emphasize the deal enough so I have just gone and added this area here just to emphasize the deal there 50% off a limited time only and the usual price here and then when they click on get deal it brings them down to the checkout area whereas I'll just show you what it looked like before and you can see before that this area was missing so like I said I've just added this to emphasize that this is a half-price deal now if that doesn't work if I still get people coming over to the checkout and not purchasing it maybe to do with the price point maybe the price point is too high so then I'm gonna go and experiment with the price point maybe put this a little bit lower so I also have gone and created another video because as you can see the video it's only about an average of 24 percent that they're watching the entire video so they're only watching about 3 to 4 seconds of the video so what I have done is if we scroll down over here I've created another video so not this camera video of creating another video in Premiere Pro which I'll just show you now [Music] and as you can see from that video the first three seconds is a lot more attention-grabbing than the original video so I've tried to cut it down from 5 seconds to 3 seconds for the first clip just to grab the attention a little bit quicker and also I'm experimenting with another thumbnail over here so these two are just in review so if we just go back over here we can see that they're in review so they should start running tomorrow hopefully so once again I'm just gonna go and leave these ads for another few days now and we will come back and have a look at the results ok so I have left this for a few more days and now we're just going to go and have a look at the data and how you can go and analyze the data of your ads so let's just go and have a look at this I've got 9 ads here and it's showing me the results for all now unfortunately no purchases yet so if we scroll along we can see I've got my reach in my impressions and then if we keep scrolling we could see no purchases so I spent 40 pounds and if we scroll along again we can go and have a look at some of the data now if you want to go and change your columns you can go to customize columns over here so columns sorry and then click on customized columns now for me personally I always like to of course have some of the default columns so amount spent impressions reach results and then also standard events as well so I always like to have add to carts checkouts initiated and of course purchases as well so and also you can go and have a look at the video views as well so we've got viewer average time play and video average percentage watched and also a three second video views so I like to go and just have all of those so you can always go and add any columns that you want extra and you can also go and get rid of any columns that you don't really look at so for example I don't really generally look at the conversion rate ranking and the engagement rate ranking so you can go and get rid of some of those columns but like I said I'm just gonna leave it like this for now just so we can go and have a look at it so you can see I've spent 40 pounds in total and if we scroll down I've just gone when you click at the top it puts it in order so you can see this is the one I've spent the most on and this one has actually got me most of my clicks so it's got 16 clicks and then if we scroll along out of those 16 clicks seven people initiated the check out and 14 added to the car as well so most of those people were quite interested in the actual product and then you can see the rest of my clicks were added up by all of the different ads added together so this one actually got almost half of my 15 clicks that went to the checkouts so what I would generally do now is I would actually go and start turning off some of these ads so you can see this one here I've almost spent as much as this one and it's got me a quarter of the clicks oh this one's not doing very well so generally I would just go in to turn this one off and then I'd think about maybe testing some different creatives within here before I completely forget about it so I would just go and turn that one off and then this one at the top here I've I have actually gone and added other creatives already to it so you can see this one's got three active ads but the other two have only just been running very recently so if we scroll across we can only see that I've barely spent on these two so I would carry on running with these two because we can see this top one here is performing the best out of all of them so then I can just go and add extra ads to that ad set now also we can go and have a look at some of the other ones so let's see how some of the other ones performs some of these lower ones so we can see here these two are not doing too bad I've barely spent that much on them and I've got a few link clicks but these link clicks over here let's see if they are going through to the checker so you can see those ones are not going through to the checkout or ads to carts so this top one here these people are more engaged and more interested in the product so like I said I probably would go and just turn all of these ads off now that aren't doing very well and just keep this top one and go and test more creatives within here and then also then I would go and look at testing some completely different alternative audiences to these ones so some other interests and maybe some other countries and things like that so I'm just gonna go and turn all of these off now so I've turned these ones off now now like I said if you do spend this much like I have and you don't get any sales don't worry because this is all part of the testing process you don't want to spend too much so you have to know when to turn your ads off and like I said I can have a look at this one compared to this one this one we've nearly spent the exact same amount and I've got a lot more link clicks and out of those link clicks the people are initiating the checkout they're adding to cart compared to this one where it's only got a few link clicks and the people that have quickly only half of them weren't ashamed to check out so that's why I would say to go and turn these off with before you go and just spend too much on them and now you can go and quit some more ad sets targeting some different interests and some different countries like I mentioned and the one that is performing not too bad you can continue so you can see I've added some extra ones to it and as I mentioned don't be too disheartened if you spend a bit of money and you don't get any sales because this is all part of testing different products and just the process of building data because now we can actually go and retarget these people and we probably will probably end up making some cells out of these seven people that initiated the checkout and also you do spend money to collect data now another thing that I might want to do is switch up my video because you can see the average what time is around 3 seconds out 15 so I want to go and try and make it a little bit more catchy so you can see the other one I added recently has gone to four seconds this Premiere Pro one so it's kind of bumped up a little bit so I also maybe want to think about changing up my creative so there's so many different things that you can change you need to think about changing your creatives testing out different audiences and different interests and before you completely kill your store now the other thing to mention is price points as well and things to do with your website so for example me I have people coming over and initiating checkout but not making a purchase now you can see like I said before I added this to test it out but one thing might just be the price point maybe the price point is just too high so now I would want to try and get those people who abandoned their checkout using email sequences and offering them a 10% discount and then if that doesn't work then when I continue to run ads so if I continue to run this top one over here that's still getting clicks I might want to think about just lowering the price in general maybe the price is just too high and I could go and put this down to something like 20 399 and still make a decent profit from people that are coming over to my store so there's lots of things to test now you need to go and test out your site as well because if you are getting people coming over to your website and initiating the checkout but not making a purchase then like I said it might be something to do with the way your site looks maybe it doesn't look trustworthy or it might be to do with the price point so there are lots of things to go and have a look at and test out so for example with this here I wouldn't say that this is completely dead I've turned off these ones that are not performing very well and in this one I could continue running maybe put the budget up for it a little bit and try it and put some more money into this one just to test it out a little bit further and see if I then go and make any sales so that's basically how it works is a lot of trial and error when it comes to this type of thing and eventually if I do put a fair amount of money into it and I just literally start getting those sales and then you know okay I need to go back to the drawing board and maybe this product isn't a good one after you've tested different creatives more audiences and those types of things so you probably would want to spend I would say me personally if I don't make any sales up to a hundred pounds and then I know that the product just isn't going to work if I've tested all of the different creatives all of the different audiences and I've tested the price point and the website and all of those things if I've gone and done that then I know and I haven't made any sales or maybe just made one or two sales then I would say okay this this isn't working and if I haven't managed to actually capture any sales from people that have abandoned the cart then like I said eventually you would just say okay let's go back to the drawing board now I'm not gonna go and run these ads any longer to actually just collect they are because there isn't really any point for me to collect data because with this store I've already shown on my youtube channel how to build it and I get a lot of traffic coming over to this store of people looking at it so when they're going through that tutorial so it messes up my pixel data a lot so I won't be able to do any sort of custom audiences or look-alike audiences I can do I could do custom audiences for people who've seen these ads here but like I said with the look-alike audiences it messes up your data when I have people coming over from so many different places to actually look at this store because I revealed it within the tutorial where I show you how to build it so now that we've had a look at how we can go and look at the data and like I said it's mostly down to just sort of trial and error you're just looking at which ones are performing the best then you're gonna go and turn off the ones that are not doing very well let the ones that haven't spent too much maybe run for a bit longer so these two here I might maybe probably would let them run for a bit longer because I haven't spent too much and the link fix might start to build up and like I said because you are going to be building up data this is gonna be able to let you run more ads to target those people again so all of these 15 people that have initiated my check out I could maybe try it and get some of them to convert and actually make purchases by running some more ads towards them so like I said you're gonna have to spend a little bit to build up that data so now that we've done that let's next up we'll go and have a look at how we can create custom and look-alike audiences so what we need to do is we're just going to come over to here over ads manager I'm just going to go and click on this now and then you're gonna go to audiences I'm just going to go and open this in a new tab so let's just go over here now so once you click on audiences you will be brought over to this page so over here you will see custom audiences and you will say see look-alike audiences so basically custom audiences are anybody that's interacted with your site all your ads so people that have viewed your video people that have clicked on your ads people that have initiated checkout or at the two-car and basically you can go and retarget all of these people using a custom audience based off of things that they've interacted with then we have look-alike audiences as well so when people come up to your site your pixel saves all of that data and then you can go and create an audience based off of that data and Facebook will go and look for people that are very similar that to the people that have come over to your site so Facebook has all of this data and you have all this data and they're basically trying to match the data up so trying to find people that are similar to the data that you've collected so first let's go and have a look at how we can create custom audiences so we can go and we target people so we can do is you can go and click on create a custom audience and then you will be boots over to here so then you can go and use your sources so we're gonna go and use our website as a source so just go and click on websites and then when you click on this it will be boots over to this so now you can go and choose your pixel so choose the pixel that is installed on your site so for me it was this one over here so I can go and choose this obviously we've just got one pixel then it's only gonna be one pixel here and then after that you can go and choose what you want as your custom audience so you can go and choose all website visitors within the last 30 days so that's gonna be anybody that's coming to your site regardless of if they've come through your ad or not so that's just gonna be people that are interested in your actual products you're selling now this one is a little bit vague so you might not want to necessarily use this if you've only been running Facebook ads then anybody that's come over to your site is going to be from your Facebook ads so you can just go and choose this but you can also go and choose other things so you can go and choose from your events so I could go and use anybody that's come over to my satin last 30 days so that ad that has initiated checkout now obviously if you've been running your ads for a longer time you can always go and put this up to 60 days and you can cook it and run it like that so you can always go and like I said choose your events you can't go and say anyway that's added to cart so booth I've added to cart I still have a level of interest so you can just go and choose Add to Cart or you could just go straight for page view any whether it's just even just clicked on your site so you can go and choose from your events now what I recommend is you can go and target these people separately so I would go and say choose Add to Cart and then go and use that as an audience and for any of you ones that are performing well you can go and duplicate that and then use this audience Add to Cart and then you can go and do initiate checkout now if you're releasing new products so people have purchased some products from your store and you're releasing new products and you can go and do a purchase so this way anyone that's purchased from your store in the last 30 days they're gonna go and see them new ads for new products and because you've already built that relationship and built that trust of them they're gonna recognize your store's name and then they're more likely to go and make further purchases if they were happy with the product they received and with the service that they received so let's say you were selling one product on your store and you made a load of sales and then you can go and start running ads on a new product and you can choose purchase and you can go and add that as your audience in the new ads and anybody that originally purchased it will go and see those ads so there's a lot of cool and powerful things that you can go and do with custom audiences now if we just go back let's just close this and it will go click on quick custom audience again we can actually go and do some other stuff so we can go from video over here and then we can go and choose anybody that engaged with our video in the past however many days so if I go to engagement over here and then I can go and choose people who have watched at least 75% of my videos and then I can go and choose the video so people that have watched 75% of this video or this video or this video so anybody that's watched 75% is more likely to be interested because they've watched the video almost near to the end and then you can just go ahead and choose anybody that's watched it in the last weather 60 days depends how long you've been running ads and how long you've been collecting data but I would say at least be collecting data for a month so that you can go and put 30 days worth in there so that's a really good one as well because if somebody's watched 75 I sent the video they've kind of piqued their interest a little bit and then you can go and run ads towards them again so that is another way that you can create a custom audience now I recommend just going and creating a few different custom audiences so four people have added the car for people that have initiated checkout and also for people that have viewed 75% of your video and then just go and duplicate your ads that are doing well and then you can go and add these as audiences to those so that you can go and we target them again and they're more likely to make a purchase because they're familiar with your product they've already looked at it they've shown some sort of interest level in it so like I said they're more likely to make a purchase and you can go and duplicate your ad and then as part of that ad you can run it as an offer so you can say last time chance another 10% off so all of these people that have viewed it and who have gone over to initiate the checkout I've gone over to at the car you're offering them another 10% off so this time they're gonna be like yeah maybe I should go for this offer so that is how you can you can just go and name your audience as well of course and just click on create audience and then it's just the same when you are going and creating your ads you can just go and choose that as an audience now look-alike audience if we just go and click click on create look-alike audience and then from here we can go and create our look like audience so firstly we can go and select our data source so this is just going to be our pixel once again so I'm just going to go and choose this pixel once again and then it's gonna say select an event with a value so you're most likely going to want to select your purchase event because that is going to be the one that's worth the most so when they create a look-alike audience they're gonna look for people that are similar to who made a purchase on your site so that's really valuable so you can see here for me I don't have any values because I haven't made any actual sales on this one yet but when you actually start making some sales once you make around 20 30 40 50 sales you can come in here and have a look at creating a look-alike audience so then you can go and select the audience location once again so you can just go and type in whatever you want United Kingdom you could go and the United States so you can go and add in multiple different locations and then you can go and switch audience size so basically what this means is as you can see here what it says is the 1% so if you choose 1% this is going to be the people that are most likely or that most similar to the people that have made a purchase already so the broader you go so if you go up to let's say 5% you see that the estimated reach goes up and that just means that these people are not as similar to the people that have already gone and made a purchase so they're still likely to you know be kind of similar but the closer you go so if you go to 1% then you're you see your reach goes down but these people are more likely to be very similar to the people that have already made a purchase so why recommend is just make a few of these look-alike audiences just maybe up to about 4% so you don't want to make your weeks go too large and then what you can do is you can go and test out all of those different audiences again with your ads that seem to be running well so the ones that people are clicking on in a shain checkouts and making purchases then you can go and duplicate those and then use a look-alike audience and you're just gonna use the 1% 2% 3% 4% look-alike lunes and once again you gonna test them out and see which one is best and any dead ones or any ones that are not performing well then you can just go and kill those ads and that's basically it how you can go and create a look like goodness it's very easy and like I said you can go and test out different countries you can go and test out the different size of the audiences and you could even if you wanted to you could go and test out the check out event as well within here but I don't recommend it because you're looking for people to make purchases so just go and leave that as purchase and that is basically in a nutshell all you're then going to do is go in to your ancestors going to duplicate the ones that are doing well and then within those ads you can go and just change the audience to your custom audiences go and test out your custom audiences like I said and you're also going to go and test out your look-alike audiences and then once again you just let it run for a few days see which ones are doing well and any ones that aren't doing well you can't just go and kill them so that is it for this full-length Facebook Ads tutorial for dropshipping and e-commerce hopefully by now you feel a little bit more comfortable with running ads and you understand how everything works because it can be quite complex and they have updated a lot of things within the facebook business ads manager since last year so it can be a little bit confusing but hopefully with this tutorial you have a really good understanding of it all now and you can start running your own ads and hopefully they can start to be profitable so if you have enjoyed the video make sure to give it a big thumbs up make sure to subscribe to the channel because I've got lots more long-form tutorials coming soon and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Elliott Prendy
Views: 35,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Facebook Ads Course, Facebook Ads Course 2020, Facebook Ads Walkthrough 2020, Facebook Ads Tutorial 2020, Facebook Ads Full Tutorial, Facebook Ads Step By Step, Facebook Ads for Dropshipping, Facebook Ads for Ecommerce, Facebook Ads 2020, How to Run Facebook Ads, How to Set Up Facebook Ads, Facebook Ads Set Up Guide, How to Set Up Facebook Pixel 2020, How to Setup Facebook Pixel WooCommerce, How to Setup Facebook Pixel Shopify, Facebook Ads Shopify Dropshipping
Id: jTbD6db1P1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 33sec (8553 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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