Complete Pinterest Ads Tutorial - From $100 to $3,000 Per Day Pin Ads

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what is going on guys Ross Minchin speaking and this is going to be the ultimate tutorial on how to create Pinterest ads and not only Pinterest ads but highly profitable step-by-step guide on how to create Pinterest ads we're going to cover why Pinterest probably if you're watching this video you're already looking for alternatives of Facebook Ads as we all know Facebook ads are getting blurry blurry expensive in holidays and not to say when not not only expensive but not to talk about when they disable or reject your ads or disable the entire ad account for no reason recently I had like two weeks ago I had my personal facebook ad account that I have have had for seven years disabled and this account I've spent at some point I was spending fifteen thousand even sometimes sixteen thousand dollars a day from this ad account and they just boom suspended it no reason and I couldn't even appeal that like alright guys this is how you treat your clients right so Pinterest is a very very good place it's a growing network and they actually assigned a project not project but Pinterest manager to work one-on-one with you and you have I personally with my manager we have weekly calls with them so they help me out with my campaigns they see my landing pages they see my ads and we actually work together so basically Pinterest is working one-on-one with you to help you get maximum results from your campaigns now we're also going to cover what kind of products and services to promote on Pinterest I'm going to show you my products and my services that I promote on the platform that have higher margins and you can get more profits from these certain products and promotions we're also going to I'm going to show you how to create a high converting Pinterest ads we are going to this is actually one of the most important things I think my opinion I'm gonna show you how I scale my campaigns from one hundred dollars a day to three even four thousand dollars a day on the platform so I think this is gonna be very very valuable for the you want to scale their campaigns and who want to make more money more profits with your product or service and the next thing we're going to go over is how to actually this is actually again important so all the things I'm going to share with you are important this is again very important I'm going to show you how to get organic traffic from your Pinterest ads even though you stopped your Pinterest ads you're going to continue continually continue getting organic traffic throughout the year even month months and even years so I'm going to show you how to do that and one of the last things we're going to cover is how to set up your conversion pixel on your websites or landing pages so let me go ahead and share my screen and we can start so we're right into my pinterest dashboard this is your advertising dashboard is what you're going to see when you first log in so I have here a bunch of pin ads I mean a bunch I have like six hundred fifty five so I have a lot of pin ads as you can see some of them have spent just $60 some have spent six thousand dollars so yeah we're gonna go over that later now the first thing you need to do is to sign up for a business account in Pinterest and you can do that by going to business dot and this is what you're going to see and you have to click sign up or join Pinterest you can also switch or actually you can now turn your personal account into business account reverse or not reverse but just turn your personal account into business account from Pinterest I just follow the steps inside your profile it's I think I believe it was here on your right side this is my profile on the right side it would say turn into business account somewhere I don't have it here because this is already a business account so once you sign up for a business account in Pinterest this is what you're going to see this is basically how Pinterest look like this your profile picture and you see a bunch of pins and some of them are promoted you can see below them it would say promoted pin if it's a promote so what is your job as an advertiser your job as an advertiser is to outrank everybody else here how you do that by creating very high converting pin or pins that are actually standing out of the crowd so you gotta be creative here I'm going to show you how to be creative without being creative I know it sounds counterintuitive but it's easy I'm going to show you how of first thing before you start running ads here what I would recommend is in the search box you type the product or the service you want to promote just to see what other people are promoting or what other people are having here so in this case I usually promote the gadgets and products here most of my promotions go to gadgets so I'm going to type cool products super generic keyword cool product and let's see what's gonna pop up a bunch of stuff funny part here is that this is actually my pin and I'm getting a ton of organic traffic and here on the first row on Pinterest I'm gonna show how to get this organic traffic okay but that's the first step you just look what other people are promoting or what other people have so you can outsmart them as you can see some products products products products products blah blah blah blah okay just get an idea of what is promoted the next step once you see I think these guys are copying me yeah they are okay let me move my microphone anyways so after you get an idea of what other people are promoting and you know that you have to outsmart everybody else next step is go to your actual ad account as account Pinterest ads account and while saying it right I hope so so click here on the left side where it says ads and go to you don't have to go to over build but you can click up reporting so click reporting I actually have opened this into reporting so this is what you're going to see so this is my first class so you here on the right side you have a bunch of ad accounts Facebook has the same you have a business manager and each business manager in Pinterest you can create unlimited I don't know if it's unlimited but you can create a lot of different ad account now before you start promoting or before you start creating your first ad you first have to have a website or a landing page where you're going to send the traffic to and in this case I'm going to show you one of my best converting landing pages so usually I don't show anybody but because I love you guys I like you some of you not all I'm kidding I'm gonna show you the landing page so each of these pins redirects to a landing page and in this case I'm going to use this one zoom so I redirect traffic from Pinterest to the landing page now this is my landing page and this is actually probably you haven't seen such a landing page but this is one of our invention this is called we call this listicle landing page and basically what we have we have many products listed on one landing page and the feet is like Facebook feed slash BuzzFeed feed okay so you see the scroll and different products are popping up with the description and they can click the button and I have messed up some coding and calling here I have to fix that that when they click the buttons they redirected to a checkout page where they can purchase these products ok so the first thing we need to do again is have a landing page with our website or landing page your website where we're gonna host our product where we're going to collect leads or a bridge page to an affiliate offer the next very important thing is to install the Pinterest stack / pixel in other places it's called pixel in Pinterest is called TAC so how you do that you have to navigate here to add and go to conversions click conversions of a new tab there we go so now I have a bunch of them installed already so what you have to do probably there is gonna be a button where it's going to ask you to click to create your tag click create tag then when you when it's created click here the title of the tag and you are given a bunch of options so you can check the partner so if you're using a Shopify store or like WordPress or WooCommerce you can install it with the integration so click that so Google tag manager the Shopify WordPress etc Magento I check this out the next thing is I'm going to show how to install the tag manually so click install manually now for this purpose I have my website so let me show you I have my landing page don't freak out it's gonna be easy this is just an HTML landing page and let me see what it is so basically this is my listicle that i showed you so let me open that so this is my landing page HTML that index that I host on a server right so if I open this in Google Chrome okay this is the same listicle maybe slightly different because I split test a lot so this is the original listicle right here with this image this kind of a warble and I have split tested with just yellow logo different I have an auto here Monaco and I have different image but it's basically the same listicle so you promote I promote the same products I'm just split testing ok it's the same website zoom fox etc now what we need to do is we have to place the Pinterest pixel on this website so Pinterest can keep track on all on what kind of people are landing on this page or landing on this website so it can optimize to bring you the most valuable customers actually the people who act or have a bigger potential or higher potential to purchase something from you so let's go back to Pinterest click install a basedgod okay and just hover over all it doesn't work just click copy the code here now the code is copied go back to your landing page I have so this is my landing page with the CSS J's JavaScript etc so again I'm gonna open this with brackets you can use sublime if you're on a Mac or if you're on a Windows machine I recommend you use notepad plus plus again it's not mandatory if you have like Shopify or different landing page you can do it with the integrations or WordPress here I'm doing it on HTML so open with brackets and this is what we see so let me actually increase the size of that bad boy right babo and let me zoom in a little bit so I already have my Pinterest tag installed so I'm going to delete it and I'm actually not going to delete it because I need this one I'm just gonna give it like a space so where do you store your pin tag its I usually store it right after the last meta tag so this is my last meta tag and I'm going to click paste the code boom now I have it this is here pin track load this is my Pinterest ID of my ad account this is the pixel and now everything is going to be tracked save this page and upload it to your server the next step is you need to track also sales and now you have to track sales or events basically when somebody or someone purchase something from your website you need to track that so how you do that in Pinterest you go to install the event code let me click that so here we have checkout I recommend you check them all see all of them lead search whatever they're pretty useful I use a bunch of them not all of them I use the lid and I use also the search and the view via category but here in this case we're going to use the checkout so I'm going to copy this code and pay attention to this one because I personally I've messed this messed this up in the beginning so by watching in by watching it right now probably hopefully you're not going to mess it up so I already copied this code this is for checkout let me zoom in so this is the code copy that I'm gonna go back to brackets and below this code let's imagine this is now your checkout page so you need two different separate landing pages the first one is your landing page index.html and the second one is going to be checkout that HTML where people it's actually is going to be the page where your visitors are landing after they purchase the product so let's say you have you have I know you're promoting toothbrush when somebody pushes the toothbrush the redirected to a page called thank-you page where it says thank you for your order blah blah blah your toothbrush is going to arrive in five days so you need to place this event checkout code on the Thank You page okay and so this is let's say this is the Thank You page again is going to be HTML you need this tag this is the main tag this is the main Pinterest ak+ the event to tell Pinterest that there was a purchase secured so paste the event like that now don't leave it like that what you need to do is copy everything from the script here until the closing script without them so from these brackets and it's actually column column right copy this right to pin truck copy that here come back to the main pixel click next to the column here where it says spin track page hit enter and command or control V and paste this code and I recommend you just put it like that and come back here and delete this the one so now my friends you already have a tracking in place now you track page visits and you also track checkout so when somebody checks out on your website we're going to track you can check the you can change the value so I use currencies or let's say your toothbrush is just ten bucks here I'm gonna change the value to ten bucks did I say ten or five ten oh my gosh I'm getting old I forget so value ten you can you know it depends of what is the price point or the price tag of your product I can say even $200 this is to better optimize the algorithm to for your particular store or product okay and this is how you set up the conversion pixel okay let's come back folks now we're going to close that and we're going in the next step is now that you have tracking in place what I recommend is install the Pinterest tag checker to make sure that you have installed this pixel properly Pinterest has a Chrome extension that can tell you if your if it's okay so go to here and type Pinterest tag helper there we go and this is the Pinterest ah helper for Google Chrome so chrome dog Google click here Pinterest AK helper and remove oh I mean I already have it but for you is going to be down both so let me show you how it works now that we have the pixel installed here I'm going to move this and we're going to see if it works adhere in google chrome this little grace pin kind of a thing yeah it's actually pin it's a tag anyways now it doesn't show anything because this page is still hosted on my machine on my computer here but when you host your page on your server on your website zone this little icon is going to become red and when you click it is going to tell you okay this is your tag the tag ID no issues have been found or there are some issues and it's going to tell you what kind of issues they are and it's going to tell you how to fix them right so enough with the pixel make sure it's installed make sure your website is loading nice and smooth and now we're going to jump to the next part where we are going to start creating our pins so we can create we can start running ads to these pins so now I'm going to show you some of my ads and I'm going to show you where I create them so if I go back to my account here let's say this is my account and if I go to zoom folks let's see the business hub or maybe the profile so let's go to the profile and I have pins so we need to create pins like I said that are very very unique and that people kind of make them stop so we can outsmart our competitors and they can you know bring us some sales so I use a tool called canva to create these pins and you can find it by going to and here this is how looks like and i have some designs already I'm going to show you some designs so this is one of my pins but usually in canva what you can do is once you are on the home page you can click create a design and then type Pinterest and click that and it's going to open any complete new tab with a pre-designed I mean the same the correct size for Pinterest because you have to keep a certain size and certain pixels and dimensions to fit in the platform where is the platform so these pins they all have a specific mentions resolution so this comes pre-designed on the left side you're going to see a lot of pre-made designs for you I have here one that I've made myself canva basically is a drag-and-drop builder for design so basically as you can see I can drag this move move this around but I'm not going to devote much time on the creation of the spin itself because this is a whole another chapter it's going to take me a lot of time if you want to see though how I create these high converting pins I'm going to link I have another video in youtube so I'm going to I'm going to put a link in the description to the video I create these beautiful looking pins for the sake of this video we're going to go with just a generic design let's say let's say this one it's not bad or maybe this one eat whatever so you need to create a design you can now you can choose from these designs and then you can change the text or I can say you can change the image just double click that or I can pick another design let's say this one oh I like this one here oh there we go this is similar to mine 10 gift ideas for the classy dad damn I like that alright so I'm I might say for a classy mom oops kind of anyways right so and we can change the colors here let me see I can say I want this to be a different color I don't like this grayish thing I'm going to make it black boom I like black look at this this is black looks way better way better this is gonna make this black and it's black boom what do you think I think it's way much better much better anyways so this is how you create your pins again I'm gonna link dedicated video to high converting pin add in the description now after you create your PIN click download so you can download it to your computer next step we're moving fast here if you need I'm pretty sure you gotta pause watch it again but you know I try to fit everything in just like a short tutorial video so you know I have full width I'd like stuff that I can show you but I'm we're only limited like I can talk for like hours but I'm trying to fit everything in just a short video so I don't make it too long and I don't get you bored with what you see now next thing we're going to actually we're going to click add and click reporting and you're going to go to your dashboard now from here so here I have this is my these are my ads and I have all my pin ads on the left side here is as you can see the spent I spent one hundred and twenty two thousand dollars on the platform with a pretty pretty good ROI and pretty good margins we made a lot of money with Pinterest and I'm going to show you I told you that I'm going to show you how to start small now I started back in 2018 so I'm just showing before reference and after I show you this we're going to jump to actually creating the the ad itself and setting up some targeting so I started back in December of 2018 so let me show you something I think fourth of December now okay sixth okay fourth let's see how much I've spent so zero spend on the fourth I believe it was let's say 10th how much we've spent on the tenth 99 bucks okay on an iron on on the September 10 2008 in we spend $99 and then the next few days I've been spending just a hundred hundred to two hundred bucks hundred fifty again 98 on this day the next day the twelve we spend again ninety I know it's more come on man 143 so we gradually with the days because I saw it converts ice increasing my budget 143 now 247 the next day the 15th of December let's see this is actually two days after but now we're at 1751 because I saw the potential and I saw it converts like crazy so I'm like I'm all into it like let's make this happen and you know on December 25th on the Christmas mmm so how much we spend thousand dollars 28 how much we spent 114 hundred bucks and on December 30th I think we spent a lot of 31st on the New Year's let's see yeah four thousand three thousand come on how much loading it's calculating calculating okay three thousand and six hundred on the New Year's and then on the next year January the 1st and keep in mind these are very competitive dates to run ads right this is January 1st and December 31st and we're spending a lot of money come on come on man Oh on the 1st we spent 7,000 okay I have forgotten about that we spent 7,000 first but anyways throughout January we've been spending again around like a thousand two thousand dollars a day let's see January which one is this the 10th yeah 1800 so anyways you saw that I started with just a hundred bucks and we are not gradually but we aggressively scaled the campaigns because I saw a lot of potential and I'm like men Owen Owen now now that you know that you can start with a small budget let's go ahead and create your first ads so click add and click reporting and from here you're going to click create a campaign now I don't want to resume work now cancel now here is very important thing to keep in mind always always with Pinterest go with the converter I've lost a bunch of money with the traffic campaign in the beginning actually I started like in November during traffic and I lost a couple of hundred bucks I think I lost a thousand dollars and I gave I was like now forget about that but then in December I start again with a hundred bucks budget but this time with a conversion event and this is what made the difference this is what so right now I'm telling you you need the conversions that's why I showed you how to install your pixel so you can run conversions right this is what makes the magic so click conversions name your campaign in here this is the campaign details and name it name it I'm going to promote cool products all right Cooper Isles depends maybe it cool toothbrush tool brush to brush come on man ah Ross come on dude daily spending it out put a hundred bucks I don't use the lifetime spend limit because once it hit the limit is going to stop your campaigns next thing don't hit once here on the right corner right bottom corner hit continue so you can go to the targeting now you have to do your targeting and here is something already have a sip of my drink come on Ross I've been I've been talking for a lot I don't know for how long I've been talking let me take dude alright so now we have the target in here and you can pee you can pick a lot of interests a depends of what is your product about I usually don't do the the audience the selected the the ones that comes with the pixel I usually do as you can see I have look-alike ordinances here here as they basically have something like Facebook you can create look-alike audiences they they call them actor like audiences which is kind of funny but yeah this is how they call them act alike audiences so I don't use them they didn't convert for me at all like zero so I don't use them if you want you can try them up to you by the way let me know send me an email if they convert for you you know I'll be interested to know some Intel to share some Intel brainstorming with you folks I usually use the interest and sometimes I would use the keywords but not that much I must go with interests so what we're gonna do is depends on your product so my cool products that I'm going to promote there they can be for children's fashion so really select what is more appealing to you to your products here or to your services depends of what you're promoting maybe design maybe DIY crafts if you're promoting some I don't know maybe some hobby stuff in the DIY niche jewelry maybe right woodworking they have a woodworking here as well I know a lot of folks are promoting this woodworking affiliate offers from Clickbank I've actually personally have been promoting the woodworking offer from Clickbank back in 2014-15 I believe on Bing ads so that was good and again pick your there is no like a science like Facebook or Google it's not that complicated just interests select your interests and scroll down I'm not going to go into the keyword here cause it's going to take me a lot of time basically read that sentence sentence the keyword they will hear like in Google into Google AdWords you have a broad match which is just the keyword let's say products then you have a phrase match which is in quotation products and then you have the specific exact match which is in brackets product product product products there you go so the first one is super broad when people type cool product stupid products or whatever products they type your ad is going to pop up in the quotation usually you have to put products men let's say for men for men so only when people type products for men your ad is going to pop up it's not going to pop up when people just type product and when it's quotation it's your ad is going to pop up exactly people should type the keyword exactly like we have it so if I type product now go bye bye bye bye bye like that so people have to exactly type this sentence in order to my ad to pop up all right next thing genders I usually leave this like all genders or ages all locations depends of you know if you're in the US market or you can pick up pick a specific location like now they open the Czech Republic Denmark Finland just check your country the one you want to promote to and that's it I'm gonna leave it to us now languages I use usually all languages and all devices now I know some of you advanced marketers will be like Ross what the hell man you're not split testing desktop versus mobile yeah I'm not for your surprise and check this out I actually because I have weekly calls with Pinterest right I told you in the beginning that Pinterest assigned a project manager to work with you one on one so actually the guy from Pinterest recommended me to not split test the devices and ever since it was working very very good so I never I believe I split tested in the beginning mobile devices versus desktop web is actually the desktop here so I you know split tested mobile versus web versus desktop it did not perform very well so from from that point I leave all the devices all the time Advanced Options I use all all now you can you know this is where you choose where your ads to appear in the search box here so if I want to the search if I choose search my ads going to appear only when somebody types here in the search so let's say toothbrush to brush this is the only time when my ad is going to appear there you go a bunch of toothbrushes the next thing is in the Browse so your ad is going to appear in the Browse results this means when somebody types toothbrush your ad is not going to appear but when they click let's say this one to look at here down below are similar results and your ad is going to appear here down below usually what I do I leave this to all oh oh oh budget again you can start with just a hundred bucks to get your feet wet and then optimization in and delivery this is where the magic happens so this is very important that this that this is the targeted CPA so what you need to do here this is the field where you tell Pinterest how much you're willing to pay for a conversion and my Roo here is I bid 65% less than what my product then how much I earn for my product so what this is so let's say my product is 50 bucks so I'm going to bid 65% less which is 35% of the product which is from 50 bucks around $20 right so i want i'm telling or $15 i'm telling pinterest hey i want you to find these people and i want to pay 15 bucks per conversion that means when somebody purchased my product for $50 I pay Pinterest 15 and I'm left with a profit of $35 right so that's my route if percent 35% of the price let's say if your product is is valued at hundred dollars to you so let's say you're getting paid a hundred bucks to acquire when you do a sell when you make a sale so I'm going to bid here thirty five dollars right so this is going to leave me with a profit of sixty five right so this is my soy coach don't ever do accelerate it I did it once and it spent all the money in one hour so I believe it's been fifteen fifteen hundred bucks in just an hour and I didn't make I'll have conversion and I tell you that I lost actually kind of some money here now so yeah now check out this is the pixel that you're going to use I told you that you need to create your checkout event here okay check out so basically here you're going to tell the algorithm to assign a conversion when the pixel checkout is filed I have laid I have checkout so if I want to collect list I'm going to switch to leads but then I have to come back to my landing page here and change this checkout with lead so I'm going to type double type and type lead so this is going to tell the algorithm that this is a lead if I leave it to check out check out this is this tells the algorithm that this is a sale okay just be very careful of what kind of data you're feeding the algorithm with now now now now okay let me have a sip let me have a drink folks let me have a drink here I'm still drinking my coffee by the way it's like 6:00 p.m. I'm drinking coffee not not bad not bad alright so here is very kind of a controversial I think the conversion window I've always always been told from Pinterest by the way from my rep to is the 30 30 30 conversion window but I've always been using the 7 7 1 so basically you see is going to oh no no use the territory basically the 30 30 30 is going to make you spend more money that tells the algorithm to not it's kind of complicated so maybe we cannot know I can do another view of how the algorithm works but in in in short 30 30 is one month so you're telling the algorithm you know what I don't care about conversions for the whole month I might lose money in the first week I might make money in the next week just count the conversions in 30 days don't stress to find me customers every day but if you want to tell the algorithm to find your customers every day you can say 1 1 1 and here I'm saying you know what I'm paying you money I want to find me customers today right now usually what I do is 7 7 1 basically what this this is I think this is the best one I'm telling the algorithm I want conversions today this is the one day I want converges today but I'm willing to optimize for the whole week this is 7 days this is the the days of the week so I'm telling the algorithm you know what man or man or a girl I don't know you're at you know brother I want to optimize for the whole week I might break even at some days I'm I want to see conversions in one day optimize for one day convergence but optimize also for the entire week so basically on the end of the week in Sunday the algorithm will try let's say Monday you lose money Tuesday you break even and Thursday you're making a lot of money then Friday you're making a lot of money this is where the algorithm will optimize and by saying Sunday the algorithm will be all right so the first two days you broke even or the first day you lost a little bit of money but the next four or five days you made money and you actually paid for your losses and now you're making a lot of money you're profitable I think hopefully that's explains everything and the last part of running ads on Pinterest is select your PIN now you've created your pin with canva already so now you need to click create pin and upload it to Pinterest so here you up for it and you just drag and drop it or let's say so it's going to pop up this one my ugly face anyways so you can click that and let me just do it okay let let's do say from your site let me just save this let's say I'm going to save it I'm like that that's like like just download so let's see where it's going to pop up I'm saving this algorithm gonna go to desktop and save this on my desktop so we're gonna go back to pinterest where was that there you go and we're going to drag and drop the pin that we download from canva here boom super easy super simple now next step I mean I lost the counts of the steps so many steps I hope you keep counting them but again there are so many steps now I told you in the beginning that I'm going to show you how to get not only a lot of sales through your paid ads but a lot of sales through organic traffic and I also showed you so here is very important pay attention to this one I showed you that in Pinterest I my products my ads are ranking very high in the algorithm so if I type cool products again this is my pin pops up because it ranks organically and when you click the pin you're going to be redirected to where to zoom website now after I stopped this campaigns I still may be for like even today I'm still receiving traffic from this very pin and I want to show I'm going to show my google analytics analytics wearily analytics Oh analytics man so let me show you my Google Analytics and we're going to see looking clothes that come on Ross which side okay this is Dom Fox website okay zoom Fox now what we have is and probably have to mask this so but so today what is that today is it today let's see overview let's see okay this is March I mean it's March 2020 this campaign so I stopped my ads like a year ago to this day I'm still getting traffic and sales so check this out let's see today today is March 14th 2020 I'm recording this video up can you hear me so today I have 42 users already 10 a.m. I mean this is in Pacific time I'm in Central Europe time anyways so yeah but if we go back so 42 users today if we go back to 2019 where we started check this out February 2018 actually December we started on December I don't know don't remember but let's say it's like this let's see so check this out two million and 500,000 users have visited my website and ever since I stopped the campaigns the users continued so I mean here obviously because I was wearing a lot of ads every day I have like hundreds of thousands of people as you can see like me and a half I have three million pageviews so what ever since I stopped the campaign so if we go past these days I still can I still receive a lot of organic traffic so let me move my microphone so you can hear me November how do like where was that July man it's so freakin on and now I can see okay is that the right one man I'm losing no this is two minutes I want to see after I stop the campaigns well when I stop them I stop them may 8th March okay let's say from March of 2018 March let's see all right okay so round March April so from April until now we're getting organic traffic I mean it's not that much but every day we have like a hundred two hundred people on the website like this is pretty good right I don't know why I am let's try from July come on man I want to see like a nice graph oh there we go so I mean I have some spikes here but every day 200 200 200 200 hundred 70 80 every day we're having people visiting my website and this is throughout the entire year so I'm gonna show you I'm getting tired sorry if I'm boring you out but now I'm gonna show how you can achieve the same organic results whoo man that was intense so let's go back folks yeah I'm having here I don't know a breakdown mental breakdown for us so here is how you get the organic traffic when you start running ads the most important thing when you have in you have two options in Pinterest to optimize your title and your text now this is the description of what this pin is about and here you have to describe your product and here I see a problem I see a lot of pins cuz I'm browsing through the Pinterest algorithm to the pin response from I see a lot of people here trying to come up with a special strategy of fancy keywords specific keywords different paragraphs they use the whole freaking 500 words they'd be like people be like products coup for coup people for nice people women products man products kids products you know they're gonna slam all these keywords keywords keywords keywords look at that blah blah blah blah I can copy that this is not how it works no this is Nicola my pins let me show you my pins the keywords here this is what my pin says that's it 21 insanely cool gifts your family will love that's it simple keep it simple I have a tutorial on how to do SEO I'm not unless you're guy but because I see what other people are doing and I'm like man it's not that complicated these gurus on YouTube like myself when I say these girls on YouTube and oops I'm on YouTube oopsie well I mean other people I see a lot of guys on YouTube videos that they they try to believe you need some complicated system to make it work no you need just one sentence right this this is it it's like it's like a bakery let's say you open a bakery sell pretzels and bagels and you want to reach more customers so you create a beggar with I don't know with jammed and a beggar with Salman then the next day you want even more customers let's create a beggar with salmon with fish let's create a beggar with USB let's create a beggar with touchscreen display like no man you forgot why you're in business you're not in business to create crazy fancy beggars during business because people were hungry they just want the bagel come on so that's why I don't come up with some fancy stuff just very specific one sentence a couple of words that's it as you can see that have gave me a great advantage not being not being pushy I don't even have a title on this pin look at that all these people they have title title title my mmm no title see I don't recommend you don't use title always use titles but again keep it simple so here in this pin what is that keep your title is going to be summer or best summer summer planets there you go super simple and I'm going to say here here is a list with the Most Wanted is that once it or wanted wanted summer products in 2020 I usually won't type the year because when you type your ear here people who see it's kind of outdated but I mean they still here is list of the most wanted similar products in 2020 I still you know I have the the date in my pin so ah kind of a counterintuitive I don't know but I don't know what advice to give you I sometimes I used the date sometimes I don't up to you and here for the destination link you put your website so go to your website copy or URL come back paste it there we go then you hit publish okay I'm gonna hit publish then it's going to ask you to select a board I have created a board called cool products you can click create a board from this plus sign here I'm going to publish it in my board then gift ideas for the classy mom that's pretty good oh I messed up the okay I had to say thank if that is for the classy mom here anyways just purpose of the video now I hit done and where it is okay there we go it has to be populated come on populate anyways if it's not populated just click on it so it's highlighted with this red border and the last thing to be in game hit on top bottom right corner hit lunch and my friends my brothers and sisters you are officially have created your first pin at and now it's going to be pending approval so it's going to say in 24 hours your ad is going to be be life if it's approved I don't see it here but it should be somewhere here around I don't know where it is oke there you go cool toothbrush this one is active ok so it's going to be pending and there you go this is my ad group and let's see no data we have to see pending I want to see pending yes it's pending approval there we go this is our pin this is our website race gentlemen folks thanks so much I hope that was an intense let me see if I'm not hope I hope I don't forget anything if you like this video that was a long tutorial I told you I'm going to show you a lot of cool stuff if you like this tutorial give it a thumbs up I'm trying to grow this YouTube baby so I can show the world that I really have some cool stuff let me know what do you think let me know if you're doing any kinds of other advertising's what kind of products you promote anything I'll be happy to chat with you so yeah now let me I'm looking forward to talking to you that being said I hope you enjoyed this training and I will meet you in the next video thank you so much folks appreciate it bye bye Ross min chef
Channel: Ross Minchev
Views: 86,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pinterest ads, pin ads, pinterest advertising, profitable ads, 3000 per day, $100 per day, pinterest ads tutorial, pinterest ads 2020, pinterest ads manager, how to make money on pinterest, how to make money on pinterest in 2020
Id: mwIqau98AQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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