Pinterest Ads Tutorial 2020 - How to Create Pinterest Conversion Campaigns

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what's up everyone welcome to the Surfside PPC YouTube channel today I'm going to be going over a Pinterest advertising so it's gonna be my Pinterest ad tutorial for 2020 I'm gonna show you how to create campaigns that are going to drive traffic and conversions for your website so in order to get started you need a Pinterest business account so I have my Pinterest business account for farm house goals calm open here right now if you don't have a business account you're not gonna have these analytics and ads tabs at the top of the screen so you can easily create a new business account by going to business Pinterest comm and from there you can sign up for an account or what you can do is if you have an existing personal account just go over and click on settings and you're gonna have an option in the settings to actually just convert your existing personal account into a business account so that's where you want to get started once you have your business account set up then you need to set up billing so if you come to ads here you go to billing I just imported my credit card so you just want to make sure you have your credit card there for billing set up your billing address it's really that simple it's just like adding your credit card to any of your accounts and that credit card is gonna be charged for your advertisements so that's where you want to get started is a business account and billing once you have those two things set up I would recommend going to conversions so you can set up conversion tracking so if we come over to conversions here I've already set up conversion tracking for farm house goals so what you need to do is you're gonna come to the conversion screen and you're gonna see something that looks like this so if you haven't set up conversion tracking it I'm looking at my Surfside PPC Pinterest advertising account I do have not run any Pinterest ads for Surfside PPC so I haven't set up conversion tracking at all so what you can do is scroll down the conversions page and you want to install the tag so if you click on install the tag I would highly recommend just using the partner integration so if you click on shoes here it's gonna give you some different partners that Pinterest will easily allow you to install your tag with so Google tag manager Shopify WooCommerce WordPress maybe you're running a Weebly website or Squarespace so these are all different partners and if you click through them they're gonna easily help you install your tag now if you want to do it manually what you can do is click on install the tag and manually add the tag code to your website so with that what you want to do is click on choose and you want to first start by installing the base code so if you install the base it's gonna look like this so you're gonna take this tag you could copy the code and you're gonna put it directly in between your opening and closing head tags so that's where you want to get started as adding this base code to your header tag and then what you want to do is install the event code so here with the event code you can track check outs Add to Cart page visits signups watch video lead search view category so these are all the different ones that you can track and you can also set up custom events as well now for example what I can do with Surfside PPC is let's just say I want to track a thank-you page so what I can do is keep track of conversions I'm gonna install the tag let's say I want to use a partner integration so we're gonna choose here I can just use this directly with Google tag manager so I'll click on Google tag manager here so it's gonna say open Google tag manager so I click on open it's gonna open up tag manager so now I can sign into my account ok so I signed into my Google tag manager account for Surfside PPC so now all I need to do is click on continue and it's gonna say install the base code so go to Google tag manager click to add a new tag click on continue you're gonna see there's six steps at the bottom here so it's gonna be new tag and one of the options here under tag configuration is gonna be Pinterest so just come up here on the top and just search Pinterest you're gonna see Pinterest tag right here you want to name your tag so you can know which tags they are so we'll do Pinterest so now we want to click on tag configuration here it's gonna say enter our tag ID so coming back over here to the instructions you can see tag configuration click on continue search for the Pinterest tag just like I did click on continue enter your unique tag ID so this is my tag ID right here so we're gonna do is copy it and we're gonna paste it right in this tag ID portion so right here in tag ID we're gonna paste it and then we want to do is click here and click on continue and then we want to click on trigger and select the trigger where that tag will fire so we want to come over here and we want to scroll down right now it's gonna say event to fire is gonna be base code only I can also use this for lead but for right now it's gonna be base code only so you want to install your base code first so we wouldn't come down to trigger and I won't install this tag on every single page on my website so I'm gonna choose a trigger for every single page on my website I want the Pinterest tag that means it's gonna track every single person that visits my website this is gonna help me also build remarketing audiences through Pinterest so I can also target people who have visited my website who also use Pinterest as well so it's really that simple to set it up you can set up enhance the match tracking as well that's going to be a little bit more advanced so with that you can actually get people's email addresses as they give you information and you can send that email address back to Pinterest so you're able to target people based on email addresses as well so right now we have our Pinterest tag set up here we're firing on on all of our pages so we can click on save okay so you can see we have our Pinterest tag added so now the next thing I need to do is add a new tag again and what we're gonna do is we're gonna do Pinterest lead okay so now we're gonna track Pinterest leads on our website so we're gonna click on tag configuration again and again we're gonna do the same thing we're going to search Pinterest here and we're gonna take our Pinterest tag we're gonna paste our tag ID here in this portion right here and the event that we want to fire so what we want to do is we want to fire an event and I'm just gonna say I'm gonna fire lead and you can see here they have lead type so you can enter a lead type here if you want it separate it by different types of leads that you're driving maybe have a lead for your newsletter maybe you have a lead for a free trial so you can set up a lead type this is optional here you don't have to do this I'm trying to fire a lead here and then what I can do under triggering is I can do the confirmation page so anytime someone reaches my page URL that contains confirm so this would be surf side PPC comm slash confirm so that's the page that people get sent to so they confirm their email address after they sign up for my newsletter so let's just say the confirmation page so now the Pinterest tag is gonna fire a lead event every single time that someone reaches this confirmation page so we're gonna click on save and you can see now we have two of these tags added so all we need to do is publish so we're gonna click on submit and we're gonna publish this version so we can add a name here okay so we added our Pinterest base code and lead event code we have Pinterest conversion tracking here so I can click on publish and now this should track conversions on Pinterest for us as we set up our campaigns and every time someone reaches that confirm page we can actually tie it back to our Pinterest advertising campaigns so I would highly recommend getting started with Pinterest conversion tracking first it's a pretty easy process you're gonna see here they have these step-by-step process for setting it up so you can see here I had trigger for all pages that was setting up the base code so there's a base code and there's the event code so with the base code that's the code you want to fire on every single page that's gonna track every single thing that someone does on your website the event code is used to track specific events like someone purchasing something from your website someone adding a product to the cart or in this case someone filling out a form on my website going to a page and being counted as a lead so now we can click on continue it's gonna tell me to do submit and publish so you want to publish your changes click on continue and now we can see if it was installed correctly ok we'll click on verify ok so the installation was successful it says we can it we recommend you add events like add to cart and checkout so you can track conversions and much more I can tell you ecommerce website should all be tracking all of those events I don't have an e-commerce website so I'm not tracking any of those events for right now so that's how to set up your Pinterest tag I would highly recommend using one of the partners so if you're running a Shopify website just go through the process for the partners with Shopify that's gonna allow you to easily set up events like a checkout or like an Add to Cart so you can actually optimize for those events for your campaign so now what I'm gonna do is go back to my farm house Kohl's account you can see I have my farm house goals tag one here so I created my tag I added the base code to every single page on my website and if you come over here to event handler II my type here is a lead so this lead tracks outbound clicks at my website so over the last 24 hours this is showing I've had 203 outbound clicks that's actually not the exact number compared to the data that I have in Google Analytics but it's close enough to the number so I know that I can use this as a conversion on my website so that's gonna allow me to create conversion campaigns so if you go to Pinterest you set up your conversion tracking at this point you should have a business account you should have your billing setup you should have your conversion tracking setup so what we can do now is create an ad what you might want to do first though is come to audiences here and under audiences you can see I have some remarketing audiences here I have active like audiences so this is an like people who are similar to my website visitors 30-day audience so if you're familiar with similar audiences in Google ads or look-alike audiences in Facebook ads it's the same exact concept Pinterest ads is taking my existing audiences and finding people with similar interests and behaviors you can also see an engagement audience so if you come over here to create you can see some of the different options you have visitors who enter your site a list of customers that you upload an engagement audience that's engage with pins from your confirmed domain and an actor like audience that behaves similarly to one you already have so you have all those different options to create audiences it's very simple click on visitors here click on next since we have the tag on our website I can say I want to reach everybody with this farmhouse goals tag add a filter and I can say the event equals and I can do specific URLs that people have been to I can say anybody who has completed my lead event I can target them with my advertisements or exclude them for my campaigns but what I can do right here is say URL contains and I can say any URL that contains sinks and then I can target people who have visited sinks pages on my website so I could say anyone who has been here for sinks in the past 60 days so I can just name my audience will say farmhouse sinks 60 days will just skip the description for now we're using our farmhouse coals tag including past traffic in the past 60 days anybody who's been to a URL that contains sinks at anywhere in the URL they're going to be added to this audience I can click on create and now I can start targeting people in this audience still building at this time once it's ready I can start targeting it within my campaign so you probably want to create audiences because you should always use some form of remarketing with your advertising especially if your main focus is on conversions but what I'm going to show you is how to build an Pinterest advertising campaign and I'm going to be focused on traffic first and then conversions so one of the issues you might run into if you're first starting with Pinterest advertising if we come over here to create ad so it's gonna say what's your campaign objective so right now it's saying you're ready to start running conversion campaigns so you might not have the option to run conversion campaigns because what you need to do is first run a traffic campaign and actually drive conversions for your business so if I come back over to Surfside PPC and let's just say I come to ads and I go to create ad so the automatic thing that's gonna give me for what's my business goal is traffic so you can see some of the different options you have for business goals brand awareness video views app install traffic conversion and catalog sales so the ideal thing is to be over here with conversions for driving conversions to your website or driving catalog sales using your product inventory so I'm trying to go over some of this stuff in the future going over ecommerce catalog sales for Pinterest Google Ads all these different platforms but for right now what I want to do is focus on driving traffic and driving conversions directly to my website not focus on e-commerce specifically so for Surfside PPC if I click on conversions its gonna say install the Pinterest tag it looks like you don't have the Pinterest tag installed yet so it's probably still verifying my Pinterest tag even though it showed that it was properly installed earlier so once you do have it installed it's not gonna allow me to drive conversion campaigns until you actually drive some conversions from a traffic campaign so what I would recommend doing is if you can run conversion campaigns then click on conversions here so what I can do is just try it and it's gonna come over here to conversions drive actions on your website if you can't run conversion campaigns then what you want to do is just start with traffic campaign and once you start running conversions then switch to a conversion campaign so that's what I'm gonna do now so we're gonna come down here to campaign details so we'll name our campaign so I'll do farmhouse goals conversions campaign daily spend limit so how much I want my campaign to spend per day so you can do anywhere from $1 $100 so it really depends on what type of budget you want to spend I would say keep it low as you begin usually I'll keep my daily spend limit very low when I start a new campaign and then I'll expand it as I go cuz my goal was ultimately to drive as many clicks as possible at the lowest cost because that's the best thing for my business in particular so let's just say my daily stun limit for right now is 5 dollars per day so that means over the course of a month I'm probably gonna spend around $150 now lifetime spend limit this is good just to make sure you don't overspend so let's say I don't want to spend over fifty dollars for this campaign you can always increase your lifetime spend limit and your daily spend limit so don't worry too much about setting these in stone but right now I'll just do one hundred fifty dollars campaign status you can start it as active or paused I'll keep it as active and we'll click on continue okay so now similar to a Google Ads campaign what you do with a Pinterest advertising campaign is you set up different ad groups so we're gonna start with our different ad groups and for me personally what I'm gonna be doing is driving traffic to this page right here farmhouse comforters I'm gonna be driving traffic to this page farmhouse bedding and I'm going to be driving traffic to this page farmhouse coffee table so that's what I'm gonna use for this example so I'm gonna have pin specifically for each of these different categories and then drive people to these pages and what I'm gonna be targeting our keywords so first we're gonna name our first ad group and what I'll do is farmhouse comforters okay so you could target an audience here so I could target a remarketing audience so website visitors 500 days you're gonna see at my farmhouse sinks audience down here this should get larger as it goes it's just still building that audience I can also come over here and target this act alike audience so that's another one I can include you can also exclude audiences so if you have a group of people that I've already converted you can exclude audiences here so I'm not gonna be targeting audiences in this ad group so I'm not gonna have anything listed here I'm gonna be really focused on keywords the next option is our interests so if you look at interests they have a ton of different interest options here so even if you just come up here to the search bar and I just search farmhouse you're gonna see home decor home decor style farmhouse decor so I would target this interest with my advertisements if I was focused on interests you're gonna see my potential audience is six point one six million to six point five six million monthly active users and it's about right in the middle of narrow and broad so this would be good if I'm running a promotion I want to reach a wide audience that's one option that I have is to target an interest I would say I really focus more on keywords it's probably because my main background is in Google Ads so when I create a campaign if I can target what people are typing in that's really what I want to focus on but if I was trying to target people for a farmhouse wedding ideas or I'm trying to sell something related to farmhouse weddings then I can click on this I'm reading a potential audience reaching a potential audience of two ninety two two three 12k so I would say that's a pretty good audience size and it would be great for me to target people with wedding specific advertisements and wedding specific landing pages but for now I'm not gonna be targeting any interests here so right now it's showing my potential audience size is 60 million plus monthly active users very broad so now we keep coming down the next thing is keywords it's saying for best results use a minimum of 25 keywords you don't necessarily need to do that but what we can do is come down here to the bottom and see they have match types in Pinterest adds the same exact way they have match types for Google Ads so some of the different keywords broad match phrase match and exact match you can also add negative keywords by just putting a minus sign in front of the same exact type of keyword so a phrase match keyword would look like this so when you're entering it here and you're targeting it that's a phrase match keyword that means anytime someone types in a phrase so this is a phrase match because this phrase shows right here and then a different example would be this phrase does not match because this is not a phrase match right here does not appears in the middle so that's the way phrase match keywords work I tend to use phrase match keywords on Pinterest now if you want to add a negative keyword what you would do is just negative and then the same exact thing so phrase match here so anytime you put a minus sign in front of the keyword that's gonna be a negative keyword so what I'm gonna do is search keywords here so since I'm targeting for farmhouse comforters we're just gonna enter that exact keyword in here we'll see what they come up with so we just have farmhouse comforter here so we're gonna enter that here so what I'll do is farmhouse comforter I'll do farmhouse comforter sets farmhouse themed comforter farmhouse style comforter and we'll do farm comforter and then what I can also do is something like rustic comforters so if I want to expand a little bit I can do rustic comforters I'm not gonna do that for now I always think I keep it as narrow as possible and I'm creating a campaign you can always expand later so these are going to be the keywords I'm gonna target it I'm gonna put quotes around all of them so they're phrase match keywords so I'm gonna do that now okay so this is good to get started for this individual ad group I have all these different keywords that I'm targeting phrase match keywords so now we're gonna do is continue to scroll down you're gonna see my potential audience size right now is less than ten thousand so for me that's perfect because I can always add more pages and more ad groups for all the different types of pages I have my website so whether it's farmhouse area rugs farmhouse lighting I can always expand this campaign so the amount of keywords you target really depends on if you want your campaign to be narrow or a little bit more broad this I like my my campaigns to be as narrow as possible so we're gonna keep scrolling down here and this is where you can narrow down your campaign a little bit so you can see genders all genders ages all ages so what I can do is pick specific genders and I can just choose female since that's the majority of my audience I'm just gonna keep it open to all genders ages I'm just gonna keep it open to all ages the one thing I'll do is do 21 plus so I just want to make sure that I'm reaching an adult audience I could just do 18 and up but others to 21 plus so I think anybody who's looking for farmhouse comforters is gonna be at least 18 and up so what I'm gonna do is we're just keep it like this locations right now it's all us locations I can do pick specific locations so you can find all these different locations here just make sure you're targeting where your customers are located I'll just do all United States locations languages you want to select the languages that your customers speak so we'll pick specific languages and I'm gonna get rid of select all here and just to English for this keep scrolling down you can do devices so you can do all or pick specific devices pretty self-explanatory I usually just leave this wide open now add replacement you have all which is recommended you have browse and you have search so I'm gonna go over some examples right now so with browse as an ad group placement if we come over here you can see I'm just at Pinterest comm slash home feed so this means my ads are gonna show up right in the home beat when people are browsing now since I'm doing keyword targeting I generally assume that for the most part my ads are gonna show up in the search portion but I'd still just keep this as all because maybe it's people do type in these keywords and go to browse later it'll still target them with my advertisements so we'll come over here we'll find a promoted pin so here's a promoted pin right here by signature hardware so it's a vanity so you can see it's pretty relevant for me here's another promoted by squarespace so trying to get me to create a Squarespace website some different examples of pins in the Browse feed now the other option is search so if I come over here and I just search farm house coffee table so that's the search I type in and we come down you're gonna see this is an advertisement the one that I found is if we come down so a coffee table that I would say has a farmhouse theme so this is a good advertise and right here if I click on it and open it it's probably gonna bring me right to this product page so if I like this coffee table I'm likely to click this advertisement so that's how the ad group placement works so I just keep this as all now add group tracking URLs you can add a tracking URL to the end of your pin generally what I do is when I'm creating my pins and I'll show you this later on in the process when I'm creating my pins I just used the tracking URL directly in the pin that I upload because even if I have a promoted pin and it leads to additional organic clicks I just want to count that all as part of my campaign so that's kind of just a personal preference you can add tracking here and track for clicks for impressions so some different options you have with tracking URLs I'll go over tracking URLs in a little bit as I'm uploading my Pinterest pins so for this I'm not gonna add any a group tracking URLs if you want to learn more you can click on the question mark so you can add third-party click tracking it allows you to track your campaigns into different analytics software so we'll scroll down use your pin to expand your targeting so essentially they're gonna take your pin descriptions and expand your targeting to reach new people I'm not gonna check this box so I really just want to focus on people who are typing in my keywords now daily budgets and schedules so daily budget so this is the daily budget for this individual ad group so for this individual ad group let's just say I don't want to spend more than $2 per day so I'm gonna create 3 total ad groups I don't want to spend more than $2 per day for any of the ad groups and my campaign daily budget is 5 dollars so again you can multiply all these numbers if my campaign daily budget was $50 I can set my daily budget at $20 here I'm really just showing you how to create a small campaign you can always increase these budgets later so daily budget what I'm gonna do is just two dollars per day for this individual ad group you can set ad group dates if you wants you didn't set start and end dates I'm not gonna do that here optimization and delivery so my conversion event is gonna be using my Pinterest tag and I'm gonna be going for leads so that's the main conversion event for me again that's outbound clicks that happen to my website target average cost per action so essentially how much do I want to pay for each individual lead on my website okay so next in me target average cost per action so I want to set this as low as possible the average cost per action I would like to pay is under $1 so let's just say I have a $2 daily budget in this ad group which is very low so the average cost per action I want to spend is $0.50 so that's how much I want to pay for each individual lead so I want to get my cost per action as low as possible and try to drive as many conversions as possible so with a $5 daily budget that would mean I drive 10 conversions per day pacing standard verse accelerated I usually just leave this as standard so we're gonna scroll down conversion window so 30 30 30 that means 30 days after people click on my ad 30 days after they engage with my ad 30 days after they view my ad any of those are gonna count as conversions so now we need to select our advertisements so the ad the pins that I usually use for advertisements look something like this so you can see 100 Plus farmhouse bedding sets I create my pins using so if you're familiar with canva com it's a free way to upload your own images you can put some text around it it's a really easy way to make graphics I use the premium version it's about twelve dollars a month I'll go through that in a little bit so what I'm gonna do is come over here to boards and I'm gonna just find the farmhouse comforters board okay so I have farmhouse comforters here so this is the board that I'm going to select and I'm gonna want protes promote some of these different pins that I've uploaded recently so if I click on the edit button here I just want to make sure I have tracking at the end of my url so now this is the first time I'm gonna go over tracking so I uploaded this pin already I'm gonna go through the process of uploading a pin in a little bit but what I have is a tracking URL so if we come over here what I want to show you is the campaign URL builder that is used for Google Analytics so this is how you track individual URLs for campaigns if you're building a Pinterest advertising campaign or really any advertising campaign outside of Google Ads so what we're gonna do is we're gonna scroll down here what you do is you enter a website URL where you want to send traffic to campaign source campaign medium so for me it's Pinterest and CPC so this is who's refering it and what type of marketing medium it is so CPC cost per click campaign name so farmhouse goals Pinterest campaign so for this one I do farmhouse goals conversions campaign okay so we're gonna have to create a new campaign here so new campaign tracking the campaign terms so what I'm targeting I'm just gonna do keywords here so I'm gonna do keywords across this entire campaign so the only reason that I really use the campaign term is to use keywords interests or I'll do something like remarketing so depending on what I'm targeting that's where I'll use the campaign term for so for this we're just gonna set it as keywords campaign content I'm gonna do comforters so now I need to update my website URL so we're gonna come back over here click on farmhouse comforters here so we're gonna take this URL come back over to the campaign URL builder and enter this as our website URL now at the bottom you're gonna see we have our tracking URL here so we're sending people to our farmhouse comforters page sources Pinterest medium is cost per click campaign so you're gonna see it doesn't look right but if we copy this URL what we can do is come back over to campaign creation and we can enter that as our website URL here for this pin so I just prefer to make the entire pin with the tracking URL because then any click that happens on this pin I can just track back to that campaign even if it's an organic click I don't have a problem with Pinterest ads lumping in my organic information with my paid advertising campaigns so that's gonna be my website here and we can just click on save okay so that now we have this pin setup so we'll choose a couple of these pins here we'll just make sure we set our tracking URL click on save choose this pin over here set our tracking URL click on save so now we have these ones selected so we'll just select a couple more here there's really no downside to uploading multiple pins and testing pins against each other the more pins you have the better your campaigns gonna perform because the top-performing pins are going to continue to show more and more over time so you want to make sure you're creating pins I use some different fonts sometimes I'll use different images here some of them have background colors some of them are just white backgrounds so just really test all these different factors now one thing I like to do is make sure my logo in my Pinterest pin because I just think it helps build brand recognition so we'll come over here we'll do one more and we'll copy and paste our website URL here click on save okay so we'll select this one and now once we click on launch it's gonna launch our campaign so it's really that simple to create Pinterest advertising campaigns we have our conversion campaign here so one thing I want to show you is right now it's just showing my conversions campaign so if we come over here to objectives let's select all so this is gonna bring up all the campaigns I've ever ran and one of the active campaigns I have right here is a traffic campaign this is gonna be very similar to the conversions campaign but I want to go through this traffic campaign a little bit so what we can do is under status here if you go over a campaign status and just click on only next to active it'll just show the campaigns that are active so I have my traffic campaign my conversions campaign if I click on my traffic campaign you're gonna see I have three total ad groups in here I'll go over building an ad group in the conversions campaign but for right now what I want to show you is you can see the result for some of these different ad groups now I set up this campaign first with the farmers coffee tables ad groups that's why it's getting the majority of spend majority of clicks will also come up here just looking at the last seven days we'll look at the last 14 days okay so this will give us a little bit more data at launch his campaign on May 4th you can see I'm not spending a ton for this campaign but if we come over to see 111 clicks for coffee tables I'm paying about 10 cents per click almost 10,000 impressions I'll and if we keep coming over you can see my bid is just 11 cents here so for traffic campaigns you're gonna have to set your bids manually so I have 11 cent and 10 cent bids so since my budgets so low I just want a bid as low as possible now if we come over to table here one thing we can do is look at custom tables and if we click on the custom table and we scroll down here we can actually look at conversions and see how many conversions are being driven by this campaign okay so we'll save changes at the bottom you can see there's a ton of different options here so we'll save changes go back to reporting so when you come into ads and you go to reporting that's how you see this screen right here so we come down and we're going to click again on our traffic campaign I don't love Pinterest advertising reporting it always seems like you have to keep adjusting things even after you make some of these changes so if we scroll over here and we look for conversions okay so you can see here this individual ad group has driven three conversions on my website so you can see it is performing well once you start driving some of these conversions you just want to create conversions campaigns because then your campaign is going to be optimized for conversions rather than just clicks at the lowest cost so that's why I created my farmhouse goals conversions campaign so we'll come back over here to the campaign level we click on this little X here to get rid of the campaign we are in and we'll come back to our conversions campaign so now the next thing you want to do is create a new ad group so I have my existing ad group with farmhouse comforters I'm targeting farmhouse comfort or keywords I'm sending traffic to this page and I'm tracking my campaign into Google Analytics using the Google URL builder so to show you what it looks like when I'm tracking my campaign into Google Analytics what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come over here to Google Analytics and you can see I'm in my analytics account for farmhouse goals and if you go to acquisition campaigns and all campaigns you can see right here so my farmhouse goals Pinterest campaign that's the campaign that I was just showing you where the majority of traffic is coming in through the coffee tables ad group this one is showing I've driven six total conversions so slightly higher it's showing less clicks overall so it's only showing 76 total sessions the other one was showing over a hundred clicks so if you see some data discrepancies with Pinterest I wouldn't be too alarmed usually Pinterest over reports clicks in my experience but you could see bounce rate almost eighty percent it's a little bit high pages per session 1.43 average session duration forty-three seconds so you can compare this data to my farmhouse goals conversions search campaign so this is a Google Ads campaign right here driven a lot more users but overall the conversion rate is pretty solid for Pinterest so it's really not performing too bad now if we click on the farmhouse goals Pinterest campaign it's gonna bring up the source and the medium so Pinterest and CPC coming back over to the campaign URL builder source Pinterest medium CPC you can see the campaign name was farmhouse goals the other one was Pinterest campaign so our new one is gonna come in as a brand new campaign farmhouse goals conversions can Payne now term and content so in order to find both of those what you want to do is click on the secondary dimension and for term you want to type in keyword so keyword represents terms so if we click on keyword under the advertising here it's gonna show keywords okay so keywords so that's what we're targeting so our term is keywords so I know I'm targeting keywords and then the other thing we can do to look at the individual ad groups is content so we're gonna come over here and just type in content and it's gonna be under advertising ad content so we're gonna click on add content and now you can see under ad content so I didn't set it for coffee tables but I did set it for comforter and bedding so for this one you're gonna see I have comforter set so I can know what my ad content is so hopefully that makes sense with tracking essentially what you want to do is build URLs using the google campaign URL builder and i'll put this link in the video description you can also just search campaign URL builder google analytics directly into google and this is gonna be the top result so all you need to do when you're sending traffic to a different page is update the URL i need to update the content so for example as i move on to my next ad group so we'll come back over here and what I'll do is I'll do one for coffee tables so we'll take this URL come back over to the campaign URL go there first update the URL and then campaign content what I'll do is coffee and I could just do table so I'll do a hyphen in between the words so this will be my new URL for this campaign so I can copy that URL and what we're gonna do is we're gonna come back over to Pinterest and we have our conversions campaign here so our farmhouse goals conversions campaign being cut off a little bit here but we have our comforters ad group so we'll create a new ad group so our ad group is gonna run completely independent to the other ad group but it's still gonna be part of our overall campaign so you have your campaign budget which I set at just five dollars a day and then you have your ad group budget so it's really easy to kind of manage different ad groups and how much you're spending in each individual ad group so for this one what I'll do is farm house coffee tables I'm gonna do the same thing down here we're gonna skip interests and audiences and we're just gonna come right down to keywords so I can search for keywords here and what I'll do this time is farmhouse coffee tables we'll click on enter see some of their suggestions so they have a few different options here but for mine I'm just gonna enter the keywords here manually so I'll enter my targeted keywords okay so for this I'm just gonna choose these three different keywords so again I'm using phrase match keywords here keep scrolling down I'm not gonna narrow down by genders we'll do the same thing 21 plus for ages all Us locations I'll do the English language again so we'll just select English here keep scrolling down not gonna adjust devices a group placement will be all I'm not gonna set up ad group tracking URLs I'm just gonna add that to the individual pins use my pin to expand my targeting no daily budget so I'll do two dollars here okay so I have my daily budget as two dollars keep scrolling down so it's using my tag conversion event it's a lead my target average cost per action we're gonna set as 50 cents again so now we can keep scrolling down set as standard ad group status will be active and we'll come over to boards and look for farmhouse coffee tables okay be a farmhouse coffee tables here will open and now what I want to do is find some pins that I can promote okay so I could try some of these pins here as well so there's really no downside so what I can do is take this pin will update the URL so we're just gonna send people to this page set our tracking here so you can see our UTM content is coffee tables and if we come over to our URL far mouse slash best farmhouse coffee tables okay so it's gonna be the same exact campaign we just updated the URL and we updated the UTM content portion so we could actually track each individual ad group separately so we'll click on save and then we'll select this individual pin so we'll do it for a couple more pins here so we'll take this one update the URL click on save and we'll use this pin here so again same thing take this pin here copy and paste save and select it so we'll do this one and then we'll be good to go to launch this campaign so we'll paste save select and launch so we have four total ads here a new ad group so you can see if we click on our conversions campaign we have our comforters out Europe we have our coffee tables ad group so once we start getting some data in here in terms of spend and actions the more ad groups we create the more ads we run the better our campaign is going to perform so that's pretty much creating a Pinterest advertising campaign now I'm gonna do is run this campaign but I'm gonna create a lot more ad groups with all the different pages on my website so I have a lot of different products I'll pages on my website so I can send people to different landing pages I can target different keywords and we can see what's gonna end up performing the best for this campaign so what I want to do next is we want to come directly over to Pinterest I don't want to show you what I do when I'm creating a new pin that I want to add to a an existing campaign or for a new campaign so all you need to do when you're uploading a pin is just click on create pin here and you can save it directly from your website or you can upload an image here or a video so I'm using image specific advertisements for my Pinterest campaign so we're gonna do is upload an image here now the way I create my images I went over this before is I use canva so with canva what I have are pins that look like this so you can see farmhouse bedding sets so let's just say I want to use this individual pin right here farmhouse bedding sets but I'll just change this to farmhouse comforters so we'll come over farmhouse comforters so all gonna do is download this page so page two it's this specific Pinterest pin now if you want to just use a template on canva you can select the Pinterest template and if we just click here and resize the size for a Pinterest template is 1000 by 1500 pixels and then they have all these different templates here so you can just if you're you creating a food Pinterest pin you can click on this right here and then just edit anything you want to so come here and edit the color so you can change the background color you can change the font so maybe you want to change the font and increase the size so you have all these different options you can change the background image you can change this text down here so you have all these different options and they have all these built in templates here so I can click on this one right here maybe I want to change this for a boy so I can click on it and change the color to blue and change the colors around here and then download this Pinterest pin and use it that easily for one of my promoted pins so canva com if you're not familiar with it I would recommend just using a free account they have a lot of features with a free account you can download these Pinterest pins use these templates so what I'm gonna do is download this page too right here so we're gonna create come here and click on download I also just publish directly to Pinterest but usually I download it to my computer okay so I downloaded my pin I came over here and I uploaded it now some different options you can create carousel so all you need to do is right here create a carousel and then you just upload a different image here so let's just say I want to upload a different image okay so I can upload a different image right here and what I can do is take this URL so you can see I have the product page right here the same image is right here so I can take this URL just copy it come right over to my campaign URL builder upload this one right here so we'll paste this new URL we'll copy the URL and then we're gonna use that so as we come over to our Pinterest destination link will enter that one first so come over to our other pin and what we can do is uncheck this it's gonna say use the same text in URL for each image so now what I can actually do is send people to different pages got to make sure I update coffee tables here as well so we'll come back over and we have comforters okay so we have this URL updated for this page and now what I can do is create the other one for farmhouse comforters come back over so I'm making sure that I'm sending people to the right landing pages I have the right UTM campaign content here so we'll copy this URL and for our main image here so we'll come over to our main image and we'll change the URL here so now we have the right final URLs for both of these pins we have a carousel pin you can also tag individual products on your pins so there's a lot of different things that you can do as you're creating your Pinterest pins but for this I'm just gonna keep it like this you can create a carousel will add our title okay so we have our main image here 100 plus farmhouse comforters I have my ad copy here so usually I just try to include some different keywords but I do it naturally discover the best farmhouse comforters and farm style comforter sets for your rustic home improve your farmhouse bedding decor it all starts with the right farmhouse bedding set farmhouse style comforters so I've been to some different keywords in there that people tend to type into Pinterest and then for my second one I did the actual product so harbor house anslee 3-piece cotton yard dyed comforter set and then I have a little bit more information down here and the perfect farmhouse comforter for your home so now all I need to do is select my board so we'll come down here to farmhouse comforters okay so we'll publish it right here okay so we saved it to farmhouse comforters we can click on see it now when you come in here to see it now you can actually just promote your PIN directly from a lot of pages on Pinterest but what I'm gonna do is we're gonna come back over to our ads portion and if you click on overview here it's going to give you a basic overview of your ad performance so you can see my spend 1350 total impressions about 11,000 here 123 link clicks 12 saves so I'd like to get more saves and I'd like to actually drive more conversions as well but when you want to adjust your campaign you want to come to ads and reporting you can also use the bulk editor in Pinterest but I'm not gonna go through that at this time so we're gonna take our conversions campaign and we're gonna go to our existing farmhouse comforters ad group and what we're gonna do is create an ad so it's gonna fast forward through everything and now we have the pin that we just uploaded here so when you create a brand new pin it's usually gonna be the first one that shows up so we can just select this pin save on edits and now we've added this new individual advertisement to our campaign so it's that simple to upload Pinterest ads and what I generally do is I'll upload a bunch of Pinterest images at once when I'm creating a new ad group and then I'll just select them like I showed you as I'm building the campaign so now all we need to do is come to ads and reporting and we can look at our existing campaigns just come to status we'll look at active so if we come down you can see we have our conversions campaign here so I pause my other campaign so now we're just running this campaign and we can see how this is gonna perform I have my budget set very low but I can always come over here and increase my budget over time and increase my individual ad group budgets I do want to create more address for this campaign but we'll see how this performs and I'll do a follow-up video about optimizations and creating even better campaigns with more ad groups so if you have any questions about this particular video about Pinterest advertising please leave them in the comment section I'm hoping to create more Pinterest advertising tutorials as I go this year and into next year so again hopefully I can cover everything you want to know about Pinterest ads thanks for watching my video today and make sure you subscribe to the Surfside PPC youtube channel
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 28,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pinterest ads, pinterest ads tutorial, pinterest ads tutorial 2020, pinterest ads tutorial 2021, pinterest advertising, pinterest ads campaign, pinterest advertising campaign, pinterest advertising tutorial, pinterest ads 2020, pinterest ads tutorial 2019, pinterest advertising 2020, pinterest advertising 2021, pinterest advertising 2019, pinterest ad, pinterest ads conversions, pinterest ads results, pinterest ads cost, pinterest ads strategy, pinterest conversion tracking
Id: lSCu3Hx9Qzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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