Pinterest Affiliate Marketing 2021 - How to use Pinterest for Affiliate Marketing Without a Blog?

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are you interested in using affiliate marketing on pinterest are you even allowed to use affiliate links on pinterest do you need a blog or website to make this work and what are the best practices you should follow to make sure you're not breaking any laws or risk your account to be shut down because you did something that goes against pinterest terms of use i'll cover these questions and a lot more in today's video so stay tuned hi there i'm katie of what's katie and i'm a swiss blogger and pinterest expert and today we're talking how you can make money on pinterest with affiliate marketing because yes you are allowed to use affiliate links on pinterest they're just important things to understand before you get started so you don't get into trouble while making the big box on pinterest first of all i'm going to walk you through two ways how you can use affiliate marketing on pinterest first using direct affiliate links so you don't even need a website and second how you can use indirect affiliate marketing so you lead people to your website or your blog and to articles that include affiliate links i'll also cover different affiliate networks because it's important to understand that you're not allowed to use every single affiliate product on pinterest i'll talk specifically about share sale amazon and etsy and i'll give you my best tips on best practices you should follow to be successful with affiliate links on pinterest so you don't just slap affiliate links all over pinterest which you'll soon realize does not work but i'll show you what actually works so you can make consistent affiliate income on pinterest and this video is sponsored by my own pinterest affiliate checklist it's a free pdf checklist that will help you get organized and make sure you're thinking of everything when you're posting affiliate links on pinterest you can download it and a lot more free downloads on my blog inside my resource library for free you can grab the link to it in the description box below and if you're new to this channel please make sure you hit that subscribe and bell button below so you don't miss any of my videos i post a new video about pinterest every tuesday okay let's dig in alright so let's jump into affiliate marketing on pinterest and the first thing i want to talk about are the two ways to link to affiliate links on pinterest so we're going to talk about direct affiliate links so pins that directly lead to an affiliate product or indirect affiliate links that first lead to a blog post or a landing page where you include a link to that product as well so these are basically the two ways you can link to affiliate products on pinterest and i'm gonna show you how you can set both of them up here on pinterest so let's do this let's start with direct affiliate pins so for direct affiliate pins you don't really need a website you can just create a pin something like this and then add your affiliate link here and that pin will track your affiliate link and if someone purchases the product at the back end you will receive a commission on that sale so you can see there's no website in between you directly link to your affiliate product so i'm going to show you how you can do this so first of all you have to join an affiliate network or you have to join an individual affiliate program to get an affiliate link now i'm going to talk about different networks and programs later on in this video right now i just want to show you how you can create an affiliate pin on pinterest so i'm just here in my rewards style account and the reward style is one of the affiliate networks that includes a lot of brands and products in one single place so you can link to all of those products that you see that are part of the reward style network and you need to apply to this but i'm going to talk about this in a second and you can see that here for example it already gives you a ton of inspiration about products that you could create pins about and create direct affiliate pins on pinterest so if we open up for example this product so this is a versed point moisturizer gel cream um and you could go ahead and create a pin here so here is your affiliate link that will track that when someone buys this product after they clicked this link the sale is commissioned to you and you will get almost a dollar in commission if someone buys this product so the first way of creating a direct pin inside of here reward style is you could open up this product that you found and then click here on the pin it button so when you do this you will see that it will automatically create this pin image that will already include the link that we saw so i could go ahead and save that to a board let's say this one head over and see it now and you can see that i've now created an easy pen image from the image that rewards style gave me here and you can see that it says restyle me so you can see it worked it used this link so whenever someone would find this pin and purchase the product i would get this 80 cent commission now this is the easiest way to create affiliate pins for pinterest now what i personally prefer to do is create my own pin images then rather than using the images that reward style for example here uses because this image is simply an image of the product and affiliate marketing works better if you show the people how they can use the product in their everyday life i talk about this a lot um in my pinterest videos but you want to inspire people to take something that they saw on pinterest and use it in their everyday life so you want to show them how they can use this product so if you have personally purchased this um gel cream for example i would take an image of me using this product and then create a pin around me using it instead of just linking to the product image as i did here but still this is valid and it's possible so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna show you how you could create a pin image like this so i'm just gonna save this image here from the website i'm gonna save it to my desktop and then head over to canva i'm going to make this a little bigger for you so i've already prepared this pen image here and i have another video where i go into how you can create pen images so um if you're struggling with that go ahead and check that out and now i'm gonna upload this image that i saved to my computer just gonna drag it here and as you can see um i could already use this image and then maybe if that would be me this woman in the picture i would make sure that the product image is on this image which would exactly do that what i mentioned before so show the product in action as i don't own this product and it's just an example i'm just gonna grab this image and then add it here to my pen i wanna make sure that people can read the text on this maybe like that and then i'm just gonna change the color so it matches the image so this would be the finished pin i prefer this pin image to the pin image that we saw here just with the product itself because you can add context to this pen so you can see i added the title or best moisturizer gel cream from wurst i um i used a subtle branding um i used a call to action so people on pinterest know exactly okay i can get this product here um and then here i just added let's make that another color as well so you can see it says non-toxic vegan cruelty free pregnancy safe so you can see it addresses a certain um customer group now what i would do now is again download this image and i have another video about how you can upload pins and create pins on pinterest if you're interested i'm going to run through this quickly but if you have questions about uploading pins go and check that out so i'm just going to upload this pin here i'm going to grab that pin that i downloaded from canva and just drag and drop it here so you can see that i can add a title here so uh or i'm gonna do a different title best selling moisturizer 2021 something like that and then here i would go ahead and maybe copy some of that text as a description i would um highly recommend that you customize this text here include keywords i have another video on how to create those descriptions that they really engage people and also um that your pins rank high on the algorithm you want to add your affiliate disclosure and i'm going to talk about this in a second and then you want to go back to reward style and grab your affiliate link here go back to pinterest and then add your affiliate link here so then you wanna go ahead and again choose your board so i'm gonna publish it to this one again and then you can just simply press publish i'm gonna go and see this pen and you can see it here first our best moisturizer gel cream our pen is now uploaded to this board and whenever someone clicks on that pin they're redirected to the product so let's do this you can see it tracks my individual code here and we are redirected to the target page where people can directly purchase this product so these are two ways how you can create direct affiliate links and i call these direct because there's no in-between website where you talk about the product people are redirected directly to the sales page for this product all right let's now talk about indirect affiliate links and i like to call them indirect because you lead people to a website or you lead people to a landing page instead of directly to a product this is how i usually make my affiliate sales on pinterest because i want to give my audience more context about the product and also the affiliate products that i tend to promote are higher priced and if you think about it i wouldn't purchase a hundred dollar product just not knowing anything about it i would want to make sure that i know that this is the right product to get and i would need more context so i usually have a blog post where i write a review post or a best of post or a list post where i recommend using this product and i'm going to show you one example here of a pin that i created that leads to a blog post that includes affiliate links so you can see here that i talk about how to use quizzes to grow my blog so for example this pen and in this blog post i talk about the quiz platform the software that i use to create those online quizzes and within that blog post i use affiliate links to promote that so let's head into that blog post and you can see that this is my six steps how to grow blog subscribers with quizzes post and um i go into a lot of that so how to grow blog subscribers with quizzes how i added 10 plus new subscribers to my email list every day with a quiz i tell my story of how i discovered quizzes and how it helped me grow over 2 000 subscribers in just a couple of weeks using a quiz my own quiz strategy and then you can see that i also have a tutorial how to set up these online quizzes um i think i have an example here so you can see these online quizzes now i think it's in the beginning you can see it here so these online quizzes that are super fun so i talk about how to set this up in a step-by-step guide and you can see i just go into a lot of detail about this product and i'm gonna feel it for this product so this is interact and you can see that i link to interact using my affiliate links link inside of this blog post so this is usually how i make affiliate income from pinterest through indirect links so whenever someone clicks on that you can see that they're redirected to this interact sales page but they first have to go and read my website they're not directly redirected from pinterest to this interact site they first have to go through my blog post and learn about the product now there's a couple of advantages why i believe this is the way to go and it's because i think that especially for higher priced products blog posts like this and video content create a lot of trust and you need trust to make any sales because i'm not here one-on-one with you talking about this product and why i love it um you are here on my social account or on my blog and you maybe see my website for the first time and you don't trust me at all so why would you buy a hundred dollar product not knowing me not knowing the brand you probably wouldn't so usually these blog posts and videos um and brands create a lot of trust then also you're not always allowed to use these direct links that i showed you before so here and i'm gonna talk about different programs and which one you are allowed to use direct affiliate links on pinterest and which ones you're not allowed to you're usually allowed to use those links on your website now also if you have higher priced products you can get over some of the objections people have against the product you can address them in your blog posts and say this is an objection i hear all the time but because of this and that i don't think that's true or you can also say yes i get it but i just haven't found another or better solution and you can just explain why you think the product is right for them now some advantages for direct links i would say are that they're very fast and easy to create so if you are if you get accepted to reward style you saw how quickly i was able to create an affiliate pin so you simply just press this pin button here and you've created an affiliate pin so it's super fast and easy and i think it works really well for like products that people already know um and that are lower price so for example the ordinary skin care brand it's very well known it's a decent price there's less trust for people to build to purchase this product because a they know the brand the price is low and they've probably heard about it so direct affiliate links for those kind of products can definitely work and another advantage like if you're an influencer if people see you wear this brand or this type of product direct affiliate links can work because you've already built that trust with this person because you're an influencer they know you from social media and they want to purchase what you're wearing for example and then it may not be necessary to have an additional blog post where you show yourself wearing for example that dress that you're promoting and it could make sense to just directly link to that dress you're wearing through a direct affiliate link all right now that we've got that part over and you're clear on how you can create your affiliate links i want to talk about something super important but not so fun so let's talk about affiliate guidelines and ftc guidelines okay so this might not be the sexiest topic but we do have to talk about this because we are business owners and we want to make money on pinterest which is totally okay and it can work really great but we have to consider some of the things that i'm gonna talk about and first of all we have to look at pinterest's policy um to make sure that we follow those guidelines so our account doesn't get shut down um so that we don't get sued by a company because we haven't followed these rules um so i'm gonna link to this policy on pinterest about the community guidelines and the affiliate guidelines in the description below so go and check it out and there's just a couple of things that i want to point out here first so it basically says you are allowed to use affiliate marketing on pinterest with some of these restrictions and one really important one i want to mention here is you're not allowed to use um shorteners or redirectors so what does that mean let's let's quickly look into this so it says don't use shorteners or redirectors that make the destination domain of a link unclear or that redirect for the purpose of hiding an affiliate parameter so if you look at the link that we get when we link to a product like this you can see that it says or restyle me so you could go ahead and use like for example a bitly link to cloak this link so that people don't realize this is in fact an affiliate link and this isn't allowed you always have to use this long and ugly kind of affiliate link because pinterest wants to make sure that people know this they're clicking on an affiliate link so um things like bitly links or pretty links are not allowed so you always have to use the affiliate link directly from your affiliate network or affiliate program now here are a couple of important things as well you cannot use like fake accounts to create or save your affiliate links don't ask other people to save your affiliate links in a quid pro quo it's also not allowed to ask other users to create pins with links that include your affiliate links or and this is another one that's super important to create affiliate pins repetitively or in large volumes because this will trigger pinterest spam policy and your account could be shut down it doesn't mean that you're not allowed to use affiliate pins just make sure that you don't just pin the same pin over and over again on pinterest so i will link to that guideline in the description below now the second thing that you really have to look out for especially if you live in the united states if you don't live in the united states make sure to have a look at your own country's laws and regulations but for the ftc and the united states there's something i want to point out and this is disclosing your affiliate link and your affiliate pin as such so you want to add something like ad or hashtag sponsored or hashtag promotion to make sure that people reading your pin understand that they are clicking on an affiliate link so the ftc is recommending words like sponsored promotion paid at or ad which is really short um so i don't think that's a problem at all you just add it in the beginning or at the end of your pin description just make sure you can actually see it and it's not just like hidden in the middle of the pin description just make sure people actually see it and because the ftc recommends sponsored promotion paid ad or ad i would refrain from using hashtags like affiliate or hashtag a f f or something like that because people may not know what an affiliate is or what that means but people know what ad means so i would just be on the safe side and just add hashtag ad for example to your pinterest description as you can see i did here at the end of this pin that we created before all right so these are the two most important guidelines i would have a look at i will also link to this one there are others and i would just make sure that you follow these rules so your business doesn't get into trouble all right now that we've covered how to create affiliate pins for pinterest and how to make sure that you comply with guidelines and regulations let's talk about some of the most important affiliate networks and affiliate programs that you can join as a business as an influencer that makes sense for your business and there's an important distinction that you need to know when you first start using affiliate marketing so first of all there are two ways you can either promote a product that has its own affiliate program or and this is what most people do you can join an affiliate network and a network includes a lot of brands that have joined this network together and you can join the network and then use the network um to get your links to join these brands and promote those links so i'm gonna show you and talk about a couple of them but first i want to talk about an ophelia product that isn't part of a network but that's just an affiliate brand so ultimate bundles are a company that combines a lot of products such as ebooks and courses into a bundle and then runs a flash sale so once a year i promote the ultimate bloggers toolkit which includes hundreds of e-courses and e-books about blogging where you can learn social media and how to grow a business online and these this company i'm an affiliate for but they are not part of an affiliate network they have their own affiliate program so if you're thinking about promoting a product online i would recommend you first go to their website and check out if they have their own affiliate program or if they are part of an affiliate network or maybe they don't have an affiliate program at all but i would first start by looking at their website ultimate bundles has their affiliate program it looks something like this and i would log into the back end and then i would grab my link here um so this is my affiliate tracking link for this genius bloggers toolkit 2020 and this is how this looks at the back end usually when you have a brand that has its own affiliate program this will look completely different i've seen so many different programs that look complicated you have to get used to it and i would highly recommend you to start a spreadsheet where you have your brands that you want to promote if they have um their own affiliate program or if they're part of an affiliate network and which one so that you really stay organized so this is just an example of a brand that has its own program and then i'm gonna talk about reward style amazon etsy and share a sale which are all affiliate networks okay let's first start talking about reward style so reward style is a great affiliate networks that has a ton of advertisers that are included so if we head over to advertisers you can see that all of these brands so rituals um barkbox so many brands it's crazy these are all included in um this network so reward style is an invitation only affiliate network so you will have to apply once you're approved you can start promoting these brands on pinterest now for each of those networks you have to check individually if you are allowed to use these affiliate links on pinterest because that's what i said in the beginning of this video if you use direct affiliate links you're not allowed to do that with every single network so let's have a look at each of them so for example for reward style and i will link to that article in the description below pinterest says here very clearly pinterest recommends using reward style the first and largest invitation the end-to-end content monetization platform for top-tier digital style influencers and brand around the world to generate affiliate links so you are allowed to use direct and indirect affiliate links from reward style on pinterest so this is super important and you do have to check this for every single network and program that you join so the next network i want to talk about is amazon and i do get a lot of questions about amazon and i cannot give you a clear answer i'm afraid so are you allowed to use amazon direct affiliate links on pinterest it depends so if you live in the eu i have found this post and i will link to it in the description below and it says you are allowed to use affiliate links on pinterest and um the amazon affiliate network is called amazon associates this is an official post that i found so it states that you are allowed to use amazon affiliate links in the eu and i think specifically in the uk now let's talk about amazon associates in the us i have read through the amazon associates terms of use and i have not found a clear answer so my guess is you cannot use direct amazon affiliate links on pinterest amazon associates us has a list of places where you are allowed to use direct affiliate links but pinterest is not on that list so it's not clear if you are allowed to use amazon associate direct links on pinterest so i would not use direct links i would create a landing page or i would create a blog post and then in those blog posts link indirectly to my affiliate links for amazon now it's pretty easy to become a member of amazon associates so you just go to amazon affiliate and then you can join this network as well so another platform that i get a lot of questions about is etsy now for etsy i found this affiliate policy that i will link in the description below again etsy is part of the avin affiliate network that you can join as well or i believe that etsy us is also part of reward style and i will link to the avin and all of the other affiliate networks in the description below so you can join so what you do is you join the avin affiliate network and inside of avin you would go ahead and join the etsy affiliate program to get your links for your etsy products that you want to promote on pinterest but i found this ophelia policy that i want to point out and this is a really good example of why you cannot just look at the pinterest policy you also have to look at the individual policy and affiliate policies of these individual sellers and brands and if we scroll down and you go into point three program restrictions social media and sharing they clearly say affiliate links are prohibited on some social sharing sites such as pinterest so you are not allowed to directly link to affiliate links from etsy so you would again have to create a landing page or a blog where you can link to those affiliate links but you're not allowed to use direct links such as we did here with reward style so just make sure that you keep this in mind and then i want to talk about one of my favorite affiliate networks which is called share a sale you can also apply to become a member of share sale which includes thousands if not tens of thousands of brands that you can join um inside of this affiliate network to promote and i just wanted to share one example so for example i really like masterclass and i've just discovered that they're now part of share sales so if i promote that to my audience i could get 25 per sale which is incredible so i'm just here inside of my share a sale account as you can see and if you scroll down again you would have to look at the share a sale terms of use and i know this isn't a lot of fun but then you also have to look at the individual terms and conditions for every single individual program that you join inside of these networks and see if you are allowed to use direct affiliate links on pinterest i just headed into terms and conditions for master class for example and what i found is that they say here you are allowed to promote offers to your own list more specifically you're welcome to use your affiliate links on your own facebook twitter etc so i would understand that you are allowed to link direct affiliate links to this masterclass brand on pinterest but again you would have to check for every single brand and product that you want to promote i know it's not a lot of fun but it is part of making money on pinterest it's part of this whole making money with affiliate marketing thing i hope that this was a nice overview of um the affiliate networks that they are i will also link to a blog post where you can find an overview of my favorite affiliate programs don't forget also that you can grab your affiliate marketing checklist that's super helpful because i know this video was a lot okay this was it these were my most important tips to help you succeed with affiliate marketing on pinterest and make more money in your online business i hope you found it helpful if you have any questions comment below i'm here for you and remember this video is sponsored by my own pinterest affiliate checklist it's a free pdf checklist that will help you get organized and make sure you're thinking of everything when you're posting affiliate links on pinterest you can download the free checklist and a lot more free downloads on my blog inside my resource library you can grab the link to it in the description box below that was it from me for today don't forget to hit that subscribe and bell button below i post a new video about pinterest every tuesday i love you lots and wish you a great week talk to you soon cheers
Channel: Katie Grazer
Views: 66,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pinterest affiliate marketing, make money on pinterest, how to make money on pinterest, pinterest affiliate marketing without a blog, affiliate marketing on pinterest, pinterest affiliate marketing 2020, pinterest affiliate marketing without a website, affiliate marketing for beginners, make money with pinterest, affiliate marketing pinterest, how to do affiliate marketing on pinterest, make money online, affiliate marketing without a website, pinterest tips, pinterest marketing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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