How To Start A Digital Agency 2020

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one of the best businesses that you can start from home is a digital agency business there are lots of small businesses that have had to close down with everything going on in the world at the moment and one of the main reasons for this is because they aren't online so you can start a digital agency that helps small businesses to get online offering services such as Web Design mobile app development software setup such as zoom social media setup and ecommerce among loads of other things in today's full-length tutorial I'm gonna show you how you can set up your very own digital agency from home including templates that will allow you to create your own website for your digital agency what type of services you can offer how you can find clients and get them to book consultation calls with you as well as email marketing for your digital agency and then also how you can actually build your clients to make sure that you get paid and the best thing about starting a digital agency business from home is that you can actually set this whole business up for under $100 so without further ado let's go and have a look at how we can actually start our very own digital agency business from home the first thing that we need to do in order to get our digital agency up and running is actually go and build a website for our agency so that clients can go and book free consultation calls with us go and have a look at the different services we offer and also just helps to build trust with your clients when we are sending out cold emails which we will go over later on in the tutorial it's good to actually have a website so that the clients can go and have a look and verify that we are a proper digital agency with a website they can go and have a look at the services we offer the prices and things like that and then like I said they can go and actually book consultation calls through that website in order to actually build that website we are going to have to go and purchase some hosting for the site so it actually can be online now the most reliable hosting company that I always used for all of my websites is site grant and there will be a link in the description below to psych land so once you come over to Sacre and you should see a page like this now you will have a few different packages over here so we've got start up grow big and go geek now I recommend if you are just dying out you can just go with the startup it only allows you to create one website but that's all you're going to need to start your - agency and then maybe if you want to think about building more sites in the future you can always upgrade to grow big so we're going to do is we're just going to go here and click on get plan on the startup plan now from here we are going to have to register a domain name now this is going to be the name of your digital agency to be honest with you the name isn't going to be that important there are loads of different random digital agency names out there that have managed to be successful and that the name hasn't actually been that great as long as you're offering good services and you're going to reach a lot of clients through cold emails and calls and things like that it doesn't really matter about the name but if you are looking to actually go and pick a domain name you can use a website called lean domain search I recommend and this is the best website for coming up with name ideas because what you can actually do is you can't just go and enter in a word so let's just go and say let's say chimp for example so we've got MailChimp but let's just say we want to call our agency something chimp like that so we can go and put that in and then you can go and sort it by length so you can go and find the shortest domain names with the word chimp in and then you can go and do ends with so we could go and have a look so we could go and do something like Fox chimp marketing something like that so like I said you can't just go and use this site to come up with a name and like I said the name isn't really that important so just go and find something that's catchy and maybe that you like and find interesting yourself so we'll go back over to the site ground here and I'm just going to go and register a domain name so you can go and choose what you want I recommend choosing a com domain name so I'm just gonna go and type in my domain name now once you have typed in your domain name just go ahead and click on proceed once you click on proceed you will be asked to enter in some account information so first we're gonna go and enter in your email and password once you enter in your email and password you can just scroll down and then you are going to go and enter in some information about yourself so your country your city your last name and your first name once you have entered that information in you can just scroll down and then you're just going to go and enter in your payment information so your card number so that you can actually go and pay for the hosting so once you've done that just scroll down over here and you will see purchase information so you will actually see you're going to go and purchase hosting for twelve months and you can see that we've got the startup plan over here now if we scroll down we are going and adding some extra services so adding our dome registration I wouldn't worry about domain privacy for now basically what domain privacy means is no one can actually look up who purchased the domain but like I said I wouldn't really worry about that too much for now because it's not an actual big problem and then you've got psych ground science Grenier so this just goes and monitors and checks at your site is always working and that nothing malicious has been done to the site or that you haven't been hacked or anything like that now for now like I said you probably won't really need this ear so what you can do is you can just go and scroll down you can just go and confirm and then you can just go and click on pay now once you click on pay now you will see your account was successfully created so what we can do now is click on proceed to customer area once you click on this you will see create or migrate your website and then we'll say start using your hosting by creating or migrating your first site in just a few easy steps so go ahead and click on over here where it says setup site you will then see a page like this that says start a new web site or migrate web site so we're going to go and click on start new web site so just click on select over here and then we're going to scroll down and we're going to go and select WordPress so just go and select WordPress and once you click on this it will say setup login so we're going to have to go and enter in an email address and password now this email address is going to be the one that we use for our WordPress site so for example if we forget the password to our WordPress site log in then we're going to use this email address to reset it so make sure it's an email address that you use regularly and I recommend using the same email address that you signed up for site ground with just to not confusing confuse things so I'm just going to go and enter in an email address and once you have entered in an email address you are going to want to go and pick a password now I recommend randomly generating a password because this is going to be the password that you use to log into your site so if this gets hacked it means people can go onto your site they can change things and they can go and do weird things to your site so you're going to want to make this really secure so I recommend randomly generating so SiteGround will randomly generate a password for you and these ones are usually a lot stronger than anything that you could think of yourself so just go and click on the generate button over here and once you click on the generate button just go and click on copy now once you have copied that password make sure you go and save it somewhere so I always go and save in a word file so make sure you just go and save that password somewhere so just going to go and copy this and go and paste it into a Word file and save it so that you have the password so this is going to be the password that you use to log in to your WordPress website so you can actually go and update it and do things like that so make sure that you save this password somewhere so once you have saved the password just go ahead and click on continue once you click on continue Zach round will ask you if you want to install SG sight scanner or domain privacy onto your website now like I said we don't really need this at the moment so just go ahead and click on finish it will then say creating your site so just wait a few moments whilst WordPress installs onto your website so once wordpress has finished installing you will see you're all set so we're gonna do is we'll scroll down and click on manage sites over here once you click on manage site it will be brought over to this dashboard over here now the first thing that we are going to do is actually install an SSL certificate onto our site now what this does it gives this little padlock in the URL over here and that basically tells our visitors that our site is safe if you don't have an SSL certificate people visiting our site will be told that the site is not safe and obviously that's going to put people off and make them think that we're some sort of shady company so you're going to want to install an SSL so in order to do this we're gonna go and click on security over here and I'm gonna go and click on SSL manager once the SSL manager loads we will go over here where it says select SSL and we're gonna go and click on let's encrypt a wild card so gonna go and click on that and click on get it will then say your request is being processed so just leave it for a few minutes it will then say let's encrypt is installed for your domain so you will see your domain down here and we're gonna do is over here it says actions you're gonna go and click on this and then you're gonna go and click on enforce HTTPS so just go and click on this and then after that just go and click on that and you will see HTTPS enforce first for your domain so now that we have done that HTTPS means that our SSL certificate has been installed and we will get this little padlock come up in the URL which means that visitors will know that our website is safe so now we that we have done this we can actually go over to our WordPress dashboard and have a look at actually creating our site within WordPress so just go and click on WordPress over here and just go and click on install and manage and then when we scroll down over here we will see our site over here because we've already installed WordPress so from here we are going to go and click on this little arrow that says login to admin panel so just go and click on this and once you click on this it will bring you over to your WordPress dashboard and like I said over here we've got the little padlock so that our visitors know that our website is safe now from here we are going to go and create our site now I have a conch on and created a fully built theme for you so that you just have to go and install it and your site is completely set up for you so you don't have to go and build it from scratch so what we are going to do now is we're gonna go and download that template and actually upload it to our WordPress website so that is completely built for you so in order to get the free digital agency template that I have built just go over to founder goko slash download the template and I will leave a link in the description to this page as well and then all you have to do over here is just go and enter in your name and then go and enter in your email address and once you have entered that in just click on yes I want my free copy so just go and click on that and once you go and click on that you will be brought over to the Thank You page and over here you will see the free digital agency template so just go and click on download template once you click on download template you will see the template downloading so just give it a few moments to download once the template has downloaded we can just go and close this and head back to our wordpress dashboard and now we're going to do we are going to go and upload that template so that your site is completely built for you and you get a head start with actually creating your digital agency you don't have to spend weeks and days trying to build the site because it's already gonna be done for you so in order to install that template we're gonna go to plugins over here and click on add new once you click on this you're gonna go over here where it says search plugins and type in all in one you will then see all in one WP migration so just go ahead and click on install now once you click on this just go ahead and click on activate once the all-in-one WP migration plug-in has been activated you will see over here and you will see also see it down here so just go on this and click on import now over here you will see the maximum file size is 128 MB well the template that we're uploading is bigger than this so we're gonna have to install another plugin so that we can go and upload files that are bigger than that so what we're gonna do is we'll just click on over here where it says how to increase maximum upload size so just go and click on this and then once you click on this we're gonna scroll down so scroll all the way down and it will say use plugins so number 4 so go and click on this and then over here we will see the basic free all-in-one WP migration import that allows us to import a template that's 512 up to 512 MB which is the one that I have created so just go and click on download on this and then you will see it download over here then we can just go ahead and close this then let's go back to our WordPress dashboard we will now go to plugins and add new again and then from here we're gonna go and click on upload plug-in so click on this click on choose file and then you will see the plug-in that we just downloaded over here so just choose this and click on open and click on install now once you click on install now click on activate plugin and now you will see all in one WP migration file extension so once again now we can go back to all-in-one WP migration and click on import and now you will see maximum upload file size 512 MB so now that we have done that we can go import from and we can go and click on file so we will be importing a site from a file so let's just go and click on file now from here we are going to look for our digital agency template that we downloaded from found ago and we are going to go and right-click this because this is a zip file currently and we are going to go and click on extract here so just wait for that to extract and once it does extract you will see setting logic ROM dot W press so this is going to be the file that we upload so go ahead and click on this and then just go and click on open so now it will be importing that site to your WordPress website so just give it a few moments to actually go and upload that pre-built theme once the import process has finished you will see this message over here just saying the import process will overwrite your website so just go and click on proceed you will then see this so just give it a few moments to actually complete the import process once the import process has finally finished you will see this message saying your site has been imported successfully so just go and click on finish so now that we have gone and clicked finish we can actually just go and refresh our site so let's just go and hit refresh over here once you hit refresh you will be brought over to your WordPress admin dashboard again like this and it will prompt you to login back into your website so what we are going to do is we're just going to go and type in admin because that is going to be our new username and we are just going to go and reset our passwords so go back over to your sacrum site tools go to WordPress go to install and manage and then over here you will see your domain so click on these three dots and click on update admin password and then the one that we copied earlier and saved into a Word document we are just I'm going to go and paste that into here so just go and paste that password in that we saved earlier like I said the one that you saved into a Word document and just go and hit confirm so now we have updated our WordPress password so we can go back to the wordpress dashboard where we need to log in and like I said our username will now be admin and we can just go and paste our password in and click on login so now that we have logged in you will see over here it says digital agency so if you go and click on this over here and once we click on this we will see that the home page loads and this is how your digital agency site is going to look and you can see I've put in a lot of effort to make sure that the branding looks really good and it looks really professional now I'm gonna go over this site and we will go and have a look at the different services that we offer and how people can go and booking consultation calls with you and all of different things like that and also how you can amend anything so obviously if you want to change the logo if you want to change any of the branding colors and things like that just to make it a little bit more personal personally I think you should just keep it the same so you can get your digital agency up and running as soon as possible you don't have to faff around with changing things but obviously you're gonna want to change some things like the get in touch details the numbers here and things like that so I'm going to show you how you can actually do that now also I'm just gonna go and quickly show you something if you go and click on one of the other pages so for example if we go and click on the about page it should load or if we go and click on the packages page it should also load as well but if for whatever reason you are getting a 404 error from SiteGround so you click on it and it says 404 error page not found if you do get that go back to your wordpress admin dashboard over here and then what we are going to do is if you go down to settings over here and click on permalinks and then just make sure that your permalinks are set to post name over here so just go and click on that and then go and scroll all the way down to the bottom and click Save Changes and then once you do that when we go back to the front-end of the website we should be able to go and click on any of the pages and they should show up now it should work first time but like I said if you do receive that error message then that is the reason why so now that we have actually installed our theme our digital agency is halfway there and ready to go now I'm gonna go and show you all of the different things with the site so like I said how you can go and change the branding colors how you can go and change all of the info down here and a few other small things that you might want to change and then once we have done that we will have a look at the booking consultation process so if people want to actually book in for a free consultation with you where you discuss through the services with them on what you can do for their business then I will go and discuss that process and show you how you can actually go and start getting clients and how they can book in with you so the first thing that you are going to do with your digital agency website is actually assign it to your email address because when you install the template it will be assigned to the email address that came with the template so in order to do this just go back to your WordPress dashboard and then from here we are going to scroll down to settings and over here you will see general so just go and click on this and then from here you will see administration email address and you'll see digital agency approval so just go in here and put in your email address so just going to go and type in your email address Outlook comma wherever it is and then all you're going to do from here is just go and create Save Changes now when you go and click Save Changes you do have to go over to your emails in so go over to your emails and you will see this over here how the admin your recently requested to have the administration email address on your site changed just go and click on the link and then you will be brought back over to this page and then where it says administration email address it will actually be your email address in there so that means that the website has now been assigned to your email address and you are the owner of the WordPress website so now that we have done that the next thing that we can do is go over to users over here and go to all users and then from here you will see this over here so once again you're gonna see this admin so just go and click on edits over here and then from here if we scroll down once again where it says email you're going to go and put in your email address in there you can also go and change your nickname so that's the one that you login with but I recommend just leaving it as admin that's totally fine and then you can just scroll all the way to the bottom and just go and click on update profile and that just means that your profile now is linked to your email address as well so that means that your WordPress profile on your WordPress website are both now linked to your email address so there won't be any problems in the future if you do forget your password or something like that at least you can't access it through your email address so now that we have done that let's go back to the front end of our website and let's start having a look at how we can actually go and change things on the site so we're going to start with looking at how we can actually go and change the logo because that's probably going to be one of the first things that you want to change so that it matches with your domain name so in order to change your logo you can actually go and create a logo about a website called canva comm and this is a free online tool that allows you to create graphics so if I just go and log into my camera account and because I already have an account I can just go and login but all you need to do is click sign up if you don't have a camera account it's pretty straightforward you just put in your email and pick a password so I'm just gonna go and click on login and once you are logged in you'll see a page like this so from here we are going to go and create a design so just click on custom dimensions over here I'm gonna go for 265 by 90 pixels and just click on create new design so you click on that you will see that you have your canvas over here and you can't just go and create create a simple logo so just go to text over here we can go and click on add heading and then we can just go and type in something can make it easy let's just go and change the front let's just go and change it to let's say montserrat so we can go and change it to once right like this and then you can just go and create a simple logo so I could just go and change this to let's just call it agency let's just say for example and then we can go and change the font size so we can make it a bit bigger so maybe that's a little bit too big let's go for 60 let's try 36 42 so let's go for maybe a little bit more than that let's go for 45 so let's just go for that and we can just drag this so that it's like that and then all I need to do is just drag it so that it's in the center so let's just do that so now we have our logo over here and because it's got a white background that's perfectly fine because our header is white as well for our actual menu on our site I'm just going to change this to 44 just make it a little bit smaller so now we can once again if we go to bottom over here let's just go and delete this and it can be a little bit fiddly canva at times but because it's an easy way to create a quick logo so let's just move this into the center again so that's there and they would go perfectly in the center so now you're gonna do is just click on the download button over here so let's just go and download that and click on download once it has downloaded we can just go and close this now so let's just go and close camera because we don't need this anymore and we can just go back over here so now we're gonna do is we're gonna go and click on customize over here once the customize area loads you will see header over here so just click on header and then you will go and click on site identity and then you will see change logo so we can just go and click on change logo and then we can go and click on select files over here and then in my downloads we've got this agency that we just downloaded from canva so just go and click on open and then we can just go click on select and then we can just go and click on skip cropping and now we should be able to see so we're going to change this one as so this is the written a logo so let's just go and change this as well and just choose this choose image and now we can see we have our agency logo over here so that's perfectly fine and you can go and change the logo width so if you want to make it a little bit smaller you can go and change it so let's just go and make it like a nice round 120 like that so now we have gone and changed our logo so you can see that's really easy to do if you want to go and change your logo nice and quickly now might want to spend a little bit more time when you're over because you can see that looks pretty plain so you might want to create something that looks a little bit better within can well maybe spend a little bit more time on it or you can always go and pay somebody on fire to actually create a little bit for you but as things go that doesn't look completely out of place it looks perfectly fine if it just matches with your domain as well and I'm just going to go and change my logo back because I like the original one so I'm just going to go and change it back to this and let's just skip the cropping and I'm just going to go and change this one back as well just because like I said I prefer this one so let's just go and change that back to that and now I'm just going to go and change the size back to let's say 150 okay so now we can just go and hit publish so now we can just go and close this and that is an easy way for you to go and change your logo so now that we've done that the next thing I want to show you is how you can go and change things on the actual page so you can go and move things around you can go and change the colors and things like that so if you want to go and do this once again if we just scroll all the way to the top if you want to go and change the base colors of our site so like this kind of bluey purpley color over here if you want to go and change that once again we will go into customize now once the customized area loads once again you can go into global over here and over here you'll see all of these different areas we've got typography colors container and buttons so first let's have a look at typography so basically this is going to be the font that's on your site so the default font for your headings so the headings are going to be all of the larger kind of text and then you've got the body which is the smaller kind of text so if we go to base typography over here you can go and change it now like I said I have actually designed this to me look good and professional so I wouldn't really worry too much about changing it but if for whatever reason you do want to change it then you can go and do that within here and also you can go and change all of the headings as well like I mentioned now if we go back we do have the colors over here so we go to base colors you will see that we've got the base colors so we've got the text color which is going to be all of this we've got the theme color so the theme color is going to be basically this kind of purply blue so you can see all the buttons have that on them and a lot of the different other areas have that on them so you can go and change that then we have the link color so the link color is when I hover over this you can see it changes to that so you can go and change the link color and then you also have the heading color and all of those different types of things so you can go and change these colors if you want to like I said I still think it looks perfectly good the way is but if you do want to change it just make sure you keep it consistent that you're not losing loads of different colors because that's going to make your site look unprofessional so let's just go back over here and we'll go back again and then finally we have we do have container over here so that just means how this actually looks I would leave this exactly how it is because it's just going to make it look a bit strange if you change anything with this and then you've got buttons over here so you can go and change the buttons as well so you can see you can change the typography of the buttons you can go and change the padding so they're not round like this you want to make it a square button or something like that you can go and change all of the things within here so now I've shown you that we can actually go and close this customise area over here so that is how you can use the customize area to change some of the main things on your site now you can also change each individual thing on your site as well so I have used something called elemental which is a page builder that allows you to go and change things so let's say we wanted to change some of the text on our home page we can go and click on edit with elemental so when you click on edit with elemental you will see this load over here so this is the elemental page builder and like I said this is where you can use loads of different elements who've got headings videos images so you can't always just go and drag things on if you want to so if I just go and drag an image on here so let's just do that again so we should just see it go in there now just give it a moment once again it can be a little bit fiddly at times so let's just try and drag it in there again so now you can see the images in there and we can actually go and upload which I like I choose image over here I can go and upload an image from here so I'm just gonna go and delete that because that's gonna look a little bit weird just a random image there but that is how you can use elements or you can just go and drag the elements to anywhere on the page like I said if you want to go and change the text so let's say you didn't like this phrase your gateway to digital growth you can go and change this and go and use your own slogan so you can go and just change it within here you just click on it and that's it so you can go and change anything on the site you will see that there's loads of different things like this so basically all of these grayed out things are for mobile and for tablet so this site is fully optimized for mobile and for tablet and the reason why you see some of these great at once is because they can only be seen on a tablet or on a mobile so if we just go and change over here you will see responsive mode for going changes to mobile view you will see now that some of the other areas grayed out so if you click this button over here hide a panel this will show you what it's actually going to look like so you can see on a mobile it looks really good as well and like I said there are some grayed out areas because some of them are only applicable to desktop and I've grade them out so that they only show on a desktop so that it looks good on both our mobile and on a desktop so that is how you can go and change things on a mobile as well and you can also go into tablet mode and do the same thing if you want to so let's just go back into desktop mode and like I said you can go and change pretty much anything you want so let's say you wanted to change this picture here to some app that you might have created you can just go ahead and click on this and click Choose image and you can just go and upload your image once again you can go and change all of the text over here you can change the buttons where they link to and all those types of things now like I said I have created this so that you can get your digital agency off the ground as quickly as possible so you don't really want to go filling around with things but let's say over here where it says meet the team that's have a thing you're gonna want to change to yourself so over here we've got to meet the team we can't just go and click on this once again you can go and choose image and then you can go and change your name you can go and change your title now with this maybe you're just working alone so you can just go and delete this whole entire section if you wanted to if you don't want to have this on your site you will see this X over here and that will just delete to the section so you can see when I hover on it it says delete section and that we'll just get rid of all of this so maybe just don't want to have that on your site at all you can just go and delete it completely so you can do this with any single page you want to so you just have to go and click the Update button now I'm not going to update this because I like the site how it is so once you've done that if you go over here to these three dots these three line story and you can just go in click on View page so once you hit update it should just bring you to it this one is just saying are you sure because I haven't clicked update to save the changes so I'm just gonna go and click leave and now it brings me back to this page so let's just go and have a look at a few other pages how you can do that so for example if you go to the packages page once again we can go and change anything on here so we go to the packages page and we can just go and hit edit with Elementor again and then when I elemental loads we can go and change things so let's say you wanted to change some of your package pricing you think it's priced too low or you think it's priced too high maybe you can just go ahead and click on this and then when you click on this you will see header over here and you will see this is a pricing table so you can go and click Edit to pricing table and over here you will see price tag so you can go and change this let's say I wanted to go and put my prices up I could go and change this to $7.99 instead so booking website someone under $99 instead of 399 now we'll go over pricing later on in the tutorial but like I said this is just a quick and easy way for you to actually go and change things now also you can duplicate things so let's say you want you to add another package and add a different service you can just click on any of these so you see this little gray thing here this is one of the columns so these are sections these big ones over here these big blue ones and then within the sections you have different columns so you can see this one is split into three columns so if you wanted to duplicate something you can right click on a column and you can go and click duplicate and once you duplicate it now you can go and change everything within this pricing table to create a new package so let's say I wanted to create a new package I could go and call this one let's just say comprehensive package where we just offer everything as a one big package deal so I could go and change the price tag and I could go and say we will do everything for you for one three nine nine so that's the booking website the membership website and the zoom setup for all in one big package now obviously when you add up these prices it works out cheaper to just do them individually but I'm just giving you an example of what you can actually do and then you can just go into features and you can go and change all of the text and all of those types of things within here and you can go and change the button as well and all of those types of things so that's a really easy way that you can use element or to actually go and change your site and you want to delete anything once again you can just right click and you just hit delete and now you can see it just gets rid of it and go brings it back to three columns that's a really easy way that you can go and update to your site and you can always go and add columns so you've got over here you can go click plus you're gonna go and add two columns so like this one over here is a two column section and then you've got a three column section which is this one over here or you can just do a one column section so if you just wanted to add a big picture a big image that would just be a one column section similar to this one which is just a one column section and then within there I've just put a heading and some text and a button so I'll just drag those in so I'll just show you how you can do that so let's just go and click on a one column section let's just say and then I can click on this grid icon over here and I could go and drag a heading in there and you can go and change it to Center and then I could go and drag a button in there so you can go and change it to Center as well and that is how you can use the sections to go and add things to your site so let's just go and delete that and I'm just going to go and click view page again and I'm not going to save it because I just want to keep it how it is so that's how you can go and change all of your pages now at the bottom here we have this footer you might want to change this number within the footer so to do that when you click on edit with them Elementor you will see flutter over here so just click on footer and once we click on that we will see our foot to come up and then over here we can go and click on this little pencil icon to edit the button and we can go and change the text so we can go and change this number so you might want to think about offering a mobile number that somebody can bring for you to go and do consultations or you can just go and delete this if you want to you don't have to have your number there so I could just right click and just delete this button and that's it now it's gone so it just has would you like to start your project with us so you can go and do that and then within the footer over here I would leave all of these pages the same as they are because they're all linked up to the pages on the site the Terms of Service the privacy policy but you can go and change the get in touch now you don't have to go and put your addressing if you don't feel comfortable putting your address so you'll see this over here and you can't just go and delete it so we just click X it's gone so now we can just leave the number and we have the email just now once again you can just go and delete those as well so you could just delete those and leave it with an email address now I will show you how to set up a professional email address so I'll show you that in a moment within the tutorial something you can go and change this to a professional email just but I just want to show you how you can actually go and just edit the footer as well this is a really easy way and then over here you've got copyright at digital agency so you could go and change this to the name of your domain so copyright at blah blah blah whatever the name of your digital agency is so then you can just go and hit update the game and it will save so now we'll just go back and click on View page I'm going to click and leave just because I haven't saved it once again so now once we've done that when you actually come out of the foot I will just show the foot on its own so you'll think Oh where's my page gone but don't worry about that we can just go and click back to our WordPress dashboard and then we'll just click back to our home page so now that I have shown you how you can go and edit all of the pages on your site what we are going to do next is set up a professional email address and the reason we need a professional email address is because we want our clients to be able to contact us on this email address and we want it to look professional so we don't look like some dodgy company so what we're gonna do is we're going to head back over to site tools over here so let's just go and click on this and then from here we're going to go and click on email so go and click on email and we're gonna go and click on accounts so from accounts what we are going to do is over here it will say account name and then it will have your domain name so you can go and call this wherever you want I like to usually just call them contact so contact at and then your domain name and then you're going to go and generate a password so just click on generate and then I'm just going to go and copy this and go and save this like we've done before so go and save this in a word file or a notepad file along with your other passwords so once you go and save the password just click on create so now you will see email account contact at your domain is created so now that it has been created down here you will see contact at your domain and then over here you will say you've used 0 megabytes of 512 megabytes so what we can do is we can click on these three dots over here and we can go and clicking click on login to webmail once you click on that you will be boots over here so now this is going to be the email inbox for your professional email address so now we have created our professional email address we can just go and copy this and we can go and add that to our site so let's firstly just go and add it down here so we can go and add it to our footer so once again like I said we can just go ahead and click on edit with Elementor click on footer and once elemental loads you can just go to the email bit over here so just click on this and where it has email you can just go and paste that in so just go and put in your professional email address in there now like I said I'm not gonna put there doing it for this one just because unlined she's gonna be using this site so let me just go and then click view page and then just click leave so now we've gone and added it to the front in the wrost all we want to actually go and add it to some of the back-end areas of our website so let's just go back to our WordPress dashboard and within your WordPress dashboard over here we're gonna go to WooCommerce I'm gonna go to settings now what we commerce is that is the plug-in that we're using to allow cut clients to go and book free consultation calls with us so we're going to want to send them an email confirming that they have booked onto a free consultation call so when you go to WooCommerce and settings first you can go and put in the address of your website so this is just going to be your home address so you can see here I've just put in 1 2 3 your address your city then you can put your post or zip code in what country you're in and that's it and then when you scroll down you will see currency now don't really really worry too much about the country so let's say you in the United States you could go and change this to US dollar but because we are only offering free consultation cause we never actually gonna be charging anyone through our site so it doesn't really matter about what the currency is so that's perfectly fine so now that we've done that now we're gonna go over to emails over here so just click on emails and when you click on emails you will see this over here so you've got new order cancelled order filled order now when somebody books a free consultation call it will go to this email address here so it's going to come through it as a new order which is just going to be a free order of a free consultation call so whatever the address is here is where it's gonna come through so if I was you I would go and just manage every think through your free professional email rest so all emails regarding your digital agency website will come to your free professional email address that you created with SiteGround so what you can do is you can go and change these if you want to and then also when you scroll down over here this is going to be what the client receives when they book their free consultation call so where it says from name you're going to want to go and put in the name of your digital agency so for example let's just say it was called something like London agency so or London marketing so you'd go and put that in there so when they book their free consultation call they will receive an email and it's going to say from London marketing this is to confirm your free consultation call and then the from email address you're going to go and put in your free professional email address that you just created as well so then it comes through from that email address so that's going to look like you are completely professional and you are actually a legitimate marketing agency so now that you've done that we have to do is click on Save Changes now you can go and do this within settings as well so when we go to general over here once again like I said earlier you can go and change your administration email to the professional email address as well if you want to so then you are just literally everything to do with your WordPress site we'll just go directly to this email address it's totally up to you or you can leave it as an Outlook one just in case so you've got two different email addresses that you're directing things to just in case you get locked out of one out one of your email accounts or something like that so you can go and change that if you want to and then the last one is WP forms over here so if we go to WP forms and all forms and then after that you will see contact form so you can go and click on edit and then when you click on this you can go and click on settings over here and then within settings you've got notifications over here and then you will see that you've got sent to the admin email so that's the one that I just showed you but you can go and change this to your professional email address so basically what this means is whenever somebody actually contacts you through the contact form it will go to this email address over here and then also you've got the from one as well so you can go and change that I'm just going to go and close this and I'm just going to exit because I'm not going to save that but I'll just show you where the contact form is as well so you can go and change that within here and then if we go to the front-end or website and then from here if we go to the contact page so because we changed that to our professional email address whenever somebody contacts us through this form over here it will come through to our professional email address now like I said you probably want to just go and change all of those that I just showed you to your professional email address and then that way everything will be directed to this one email account and then you can completely run your digital agency through this email account so now that we've gone and set that up and I've shown you how you can actually go and make sure all emails are directed to that account what we are going to go and do next is just have a look at the site everything we're offering on the site and basically how our digital agency site works and then after that we'll go and have a look at the different services that we're offering and then at ways that you can go and add services if you want to so let's go and have a look at the web site and the different things that we are offering on the site and the different pages that we have but just bear in mind that most of our clients we're going to be trying to get them to go directly from the emails that we send out right over to booking a free consultation cool so they never they may never actually interact too much with our website but it is good to have one because they might go and check us out just to go and see the things that we're offering and if we are a legitimate agency so initially you will just see this taking your business online we specialize in helping businesses to get online now that's the whole point of setting this digital agency up so that you can help businesses that were offline and don't have any online presence and you can get them online and up and running again so they can start making some money so once you go and see this you can just go into come more info and it will bring them down to web design and development so I'm just gonna go through the home page first so you can see we're offering web design and development they can click learn more to go to that specific page so we'll go and have a look at that in a moment but you can just see I've just put some information in here that we designed beautiful websites that are engaging for your customers etc just a little bit of information and when they click on learn more they can go and find out a bit more about what type of websites that we actually create then we also have mobile development services so we can go and create mobile apps for our clients so that they can go and get their business online again and once again their can click learn more to go over to that page and then we also have a zoom set up so we're going to mostly look for clients who like I said were previously offline and now they're trying to get online and one of the main things that they're going to have to use is gonna be zoom so let's say they were a dance instructor and originally they were just running a dance class in person well now they can go and run a dance class online and they can use zoom and a booking app or a booking websites to a combination of these things to get their business back online and actually start getting customers and that can be for many different types of businesses or let's say that they were a restaurant and they don't offer delivery services so they can go and be sell with a mobile app service that gives them the chance for their customers to actually go an order through their app and instead of going and paying fees with uber and with delivery they can have their own built in mobile app so a restaurant where they can go and have customers booking sorry not booking go and order something from their menu through their delivery app and then they can go and deliver that to their customer so these are the different services that we could be offering and like I said zooms gonna be a really important one because there are so many different people that you could target you could target fitness coaches and things like that but we'll go through that later on in the to talk and then I've just put in this bit here other services so you can go and offer your clients things like social media you can set them on ecommerce if they're just a small shop who doesn't have an online store so you could go and set them up with that we've got help and support so like I said we've just got we provide one-to-one sessions so when you actually set them up with an app or with a website or with zoom then you're gonna have to give them a one-to-one session to actually show them how to use the tools that you've set them up with and then down here I've just put design development marketing so these are pretty basic they come with will different packages but they're just some extra things to fill it out and then we also have the portfolio now for the portfolio I have just used some demo sites so that we can go and show clients some types of sites that we can create so for example this personal trainer one over here if they click on view site they will just go and see this personal trainer demo site now obviously if you're somebody who's a customer and it doesn't have an online presence they don't really know too much about going online so when they see this site they're just going to think it looks really good and these sites are really pretty easy to build so we'll go through that in a bit more detail in the tutorial about how you can actually go and create things for your clients but when your clients see this they're going to be really impressed with it and then they're going to kind of that might sway them to wanting to actually use your services so like I said within the portfolio we have got a few different ones over here so we've got this one which is an accountant I think so if we just open this up so you could go and target accountants who maybe aren't online or maybe they are online but their site is just not very good and people can't actually go and book through their site and things like that so here's a few of the things that I've just added so we'll just go and close these from the portfolio and then we've got what clients say so I've just put in here and you might want to go and change it so where it says digital agency anywhere where it says that so just go and have a look on the site you're going to want to go and change that to the name of your digital agency so like I say you might change it to London agency or whatever it is so digital agency helped me to get my business up and running and online I run a dance class and a digital agency set me up with a booking site to allow my customers to book in for classes they set me up with zoom so I can run my dance classes from home and also a membership site so this is one thing we're going to be covering as well membership sites so that my students can pay a monthly fee to watch the dance lessons back so we can set people up where they can actually record their lessons and then go and add that to a membership site so their customers can pay them to have a look at then we've got meet the team like I said you can get rid of this if you want to because you can't just go and delete that and then finally would you like to start a project and then they can just call you now you can go and change this if you want to so that's the homepage and like I said these are all the different services we're offering now when you do click on the services it will bring them over to the dedicated page so you can see services over here we've got web development mobile app development and the Zoom setup so what they can do is if they go to web design and development and click on learn more and then when they click on that they will be brought over to do web design and development page and then you will see over here I've put some information about the different types of sites that we actually offer so we've got booking websites so one of the biggest advantages to online platforms is that they were always open for business so we're kind of giving our clients the reason as to why they need a booking website booking systems help you do more with less once you have the business set up in the platform you won't have to call your customers for reminders send follow-up emails or mainly update your diary so we're telling them how easy is to go and run their business by having a booking website and like I said well when we actually look at get clients we will look at the types of clients and this is applicable to but this is mostly gonna be applicable to anybody that does any type of consultations any type of coaching any classes anything like that so like I said fitness coaches people that do guitar lessons dance lessons anyone that does consultations so somebody like a psychiatrist or anything like that we'll need a booking website and then we also have membership websites now this is gonna be more likely towards people like I said fitness coaches they can go and do a membership website and the reason why their customers would want to go and actually pay a monthly fee for their membership website is because if you've been working with a fitness coach in the actual gym for the last few months and you've got used to their star people lack familiarity so they're not going to go and just find a random online coach when they could go and carry on with the coach that they've been working with but just carry on with them online so you could go and find a client who is a gym instructor or a fitness coach and they usually work with their clients face to face in the actual gym but then you can say to them look we can get you set up with a membership site you can go and record different exercise routines and then you can say to your current client base look I've started this membership site with loads of different exercise routines that we have worked through together and then you can just pay me a subsidized fee so let's say they usually pay them $40 an hour they could just say look you pay me $30 a month and you can go on my membership site and look at all of it and their customers are going to want to do that because like I said they've been working with this fitness coach so they're going to want to continue to work with the fitness coach that they know because if they're more familiar with them than working with some random other online fitness coach now on this page you can see over here that I've got view demo site and also view demo site again so I've just gone and linked to two demo sites so one booking website so when you click on a new demo site it will bring the clients over to this page so they can go and have a look at how a booking and website works so this one is a yoga booking website so if there are yoga instructor even better because it's going to be really relevant to them but like I said doesn't really matter they can just go and have a look at how the booking website actually works so let's say they were a guitar teacher guitar lesson teacher or sorry they teach guitar lessons a guitar instructor they can go and have a look how would this work for my guitar business somebody wants to book an appointment and then down here it would say guitar lesson 1 or guitar lesson for beginners they can go and pick the trainer so maybe there's a multiple different people within their business who teach guitar so then they could go and pick the one that they usually work with click on continue so let's go and click training so it could be different types guitar engine meat intermedia guitar beginner guitar expert whatever is location is obviously going to be online so over here when we actually go and look at building the site we would put this just a zoom so they can go and pick the zoom and then you can actually when you have consultation calls with your clients you can run through with this with them like how I'm doing it with you now you can say look I've seen your guitar business I think I can get it online this is the demo site and this is the things that we can offer you so then you can't just go and click continue and then they pick the day that they want to have their guitar listen so the 10th of April the time so let's just go and pick a time click continue and like I said I've just put this demo site in here so that clients can go and have a look at the different things that we actually offer as an agency and then you've got the cost so they can go and pay for their guitar lesson or for the yoga lesson or whatever it is you just click confirm once they put in their name and their email address in everything so that is the demo site for the booking website that you can offer your clients and the main aim of our website is to try and get clients booked on to a free consultation call so that we can try and convince them to use our services and why they need a booking website or a membership site or zoom set up so you can see once they've looked at the demo site they can go to consultation cool and then once they click on that the potential client will be brought over to this page that says book your free consultation call fill in the form below and we will be in contact to discuss your project and then all the client has to do is just go and fill in their name their company name the country which is most likely going to be the country that you're in because those are the clients that are going to be contacting their address of their business their phone number and their email address so this is gonna be the most important one their phone number because then you're going to call them up and say look we're gonna get you on to a consultation call you can even do Skype calls with them so you can go and share the screen with them and things like that now I will go into that in a bit more detail later on and then all they have to do is click on place order because it's free they will just go and be booked on to a free consultation call now we'll go and show you how you can have a look at all of the calls that have been booked in so they don't actually book a timeslot with you they just go and book them in and then you go and contact them so that's why I've just put in here we'll be in contact to discuss your product because you're going to contact them so once they go and click on that there will be like I said pull over to this page and then they can book their free consultation call so let's just go back now also on this web design and development page we have a membership websites and once again I have put a demo site in there for clients to go and look at and for you to go and look at as well at the type of sites that you can build for your client in terms of the membership sites so let's just go and click on view demo site and from here you will see this type of membership site where it has different courses so like I said if you're a fitness coach you might have a few different classes that you want to offer or show him like membership courses that you want to offer so you might have something like hit class morning hit class yoga class or spin class or something like that all of which can be done from home or online so then their clients can go and actually just pay for those courses and pay or pay monthly to get access to all of the videos from their fitness coach so this is just going to be a demo site so you can just go and go through this and like I said I will be showing you some resources of how you can actually go and abilities they're really not that difficult so if you're getting a little bit overwhelmed they're thinking I don't know if I can start this digital agency because I've got no clue how I can set up a booking website or a membership site I'm going to show you some things how you can set them up really easily and then we have to do is just practice building them once once you've built them once then you will have the confidence to actually go and build them before your clients as well so this is the web design and development page and like I said I've built all of these pages with the aim of trying to get clients to go and book that consultation cool once you've got them booked on then it's down to you to try and convince them that your services are actually worth paying for and but like I said you once you get people booked in eventually you will start to go and actually get clients who will be willing to pay and work with you so let's just go back to the home page now so now from the home page again we've got web design and development which we now we have mobile app services so a client might come over to your website and they can just go and click on learn more for mobile app development services and then over here we will see the wet restaurant delivery apps now like I said this is gonna be a big one for a lot of clients that you might work with because a lot of restaurants have had to close down and they're just not doing any business at the moment so they're not making any money so if they can find a way to actually go and start delivering takeaway then they can start making some money and this is how you're gonna convince clients who are restaurants to actually go and work with you because you're gonna say to them we can set you want with a delivery app and then you can actually start making cash again and then I've just put here why use third-party delivery apps like uber and daily route and pay huge fees because a lot of restaurants they're using uber they're using the delivery but or they're using other ones I don't know what they're called post mates or something like that and they're actually having to pay massive fees to these apps to be on there to work with them and actually be able to deliver takeaways whereas if they have their own delivery takeaway then they can keep all of that cash for themselves so this is a really good prospect for restaurants and like I said you just come over to here and then as a client they can go and read through this and they can think themselves actually yeah why am I paying huge fees to uber and delivery and then once again you've got booked your free consultation cool and then there will be brought over to that same page so you can see once again if I'm a restaurant / owner I brought over to this page to book my free consultation call so that's me showing my interest in the services of the digital agency so now that we've had a look at that let's just go back and then if we scroll down we also have booking apps now these are basically the same as booking websites but the only difference between a booking app and a booking site a booking app is a little bit quicker so this might be more relevant to people like hair stylists and barbers and things like that so if you're a barber you can actually think about becoming a mobile bar bar so you could go as a juice agency go and contact loads of barbers and say right your barber shops are closed right now we can come and set you up as a mobile bar bar which sit you want with the booking app and then all people do they just book in on the app they put their address in and then the barber goes to the house and cuts their hair and that's a really good way for them to go and get their business online again and actually start making some money now those types of businesses obviously can't be 100 online because they have to actually see the client to cut their hair and that's why they are probably better just having a booking app they don't need everything else all they need is just a booking app so this might be more relevant like I said to hair stylists and those types of things but you could also go and think about maybe offering this to fitness coaches and things like that maybe if they don't want a booking website they can go through a booking app instead maybe they think that mobile is better and one of their clients are more likely to use mobile and book on a mobile than booked on an actual website so you can go and think about offering those different types of things to your clients and then finally if we just go back to the homepage and then if we scroll down let's just go and have a look at the zoom setup which is pretty obvious it's not nothing it's nothing too strenuous or in-depth you're just saying up soom for them so if we just go and click on learn more and then on this page it will just say run your business we assumed so zoom allows you to conduct one-to-one and group video tests online for free so I've just put free in bold so that the client thinks wow I can actually go and set my business up online for free and I only just have to pay for this app and that's it so if you're running a class a consulting business coaching business so these are all the types of businesses that you could go and target as clients from your agency or any type of business where you're required to communicate with your customers readily then zoom is a must so this is a really easy service you can go and set up for them and it won't take you too long you just set them up a zoom now the reason that we're offering this as a service is because a lot of businesses small businesses that are not online most of the people running those businesses are actually quite scared of technology and that's why they haven't brought to their business online sooner so even setting up something like zoom will seem like a daunting task for them so they'd be happy to pay $150 just to have it set up for them and for you to go and do some training with them on it instead of them having to try and figure it out for themselves and spending weeks and weeks and wasting time whilst their business isn't online whereas if they can just pay you $150 you set up for them and then give them a one-to-one call and they can have their business self with the zoom in a couple of days so once again down here we've got booked the free consultation call to try and get them to book that call and then like I said it's down to you to convince them of those services so those are all the different services that we are offering and like I said I'm going to go through how you can actually go and do all of these things so if you feel it's a bit of a daunting task right now to actually go and offer these services to clients don't worry because building booking sites and membership sites are really simple and building apps like delivery apps and booking apps are really simple as well so I'm gonna actually show you how to do that and setting up soom for your clients as well is really simple so don't worry even if you have a tiniest little bit of knowledge of using technology then you'll be fine so then also we have this packages page over here so this is just so that our clients can see how much our actual prices are for each of these things now you can go and change these prices and offer whatever you want so I've just gone on here and I've just put some pricing that I think will help you get your business your digital HD business to close clients as soon as possible because we're not charging too much but we're not kind of undercutting ourselves as well and then also from the clients point of view if they think wow I can actually just get my business up and running again I'll only have to pay $400 seems like a good deal and like I said for 150 just to get Zoom set up seems like a good deal to them they can go and get their business up and running they don't have to pay a massive amount of money but like I said you can go and charge whatever you like if you want to so over here we've got booking size 399 because they're a little bit easier to set up then a membership site membership site five not $4.99 and then zoom set up 150 because this is a really quite a simple task and then in terms of apps they're both gonna be $500 because apps are a little bit more difficult to create but I'm gonna show you how you can do them so you don't have to worry about doing any coding or anything like that you can actually just use a drag-and-drop piece of software to go and build these apps for your clients and they will never know any different and then all of these ones over here we've just got this start project button and once again I'm probably sure you've guessed by now as soon as they click on that it big brings them over to book a free consultation cool so we're not actually trying to sell anything to our clients right away we just want to get them on to that consultation cool and then like I said once they're on that call they've shown their interest and then we can actually once we actually speak to them it's a better way of trying to convince them that our services are worth it for their business so we'll just go back once again then you will see on this site there's no way that where they can actually go and pay and just buy our services and like I said the main reason for that is because we're not trying to sell to these clients right away because it's generally they're gonna get put off with that type of thing so the main aim is to get them booked onto a call then we can bring them up we can say these are the services that we're offering this is how we can get your business back up online and running and helping you make some more cash and then this is how much we're charging and then I guess it's down to them whether they want to actually pay for it but generally a lot of them are gonna think well this is actually a good idea to get my business even with everything going on with the pandemic and lockdown once everything is done and where they come out of that it's still gonna be a good idea for them to still be online so you can also go and discuss that with them so let's just go back to our homepage now just so we can go and have a look a few other things so Ike I said all of these package buns they're just there and they just bring the client over to book a free consultation cool and finally we've got this request quote button so when they click on that it brings them over to book a free consultation cool so you can see once again it brings them over to the forum where they fill in their details and just place their order for their free consultation call so let's just go back now to our home page so now that we have had a look at all of the services that we're offering and just how the site works in general and what the aim of the site is which is to get people booked on to those consultation calls let's have a look at next at all of the different services that we are offering in more detail and how you can actually go and do those so like I said don't be too overwhelmed thinking that creating booking websites and membership websites is really difficult creating the restaurant delivery apps is really difficult setting up soon I'm gonna give you lots of resources and I'm actually gonna show you in terms of the apps how to actually go and do this and set this up for your clients so let's go and have a look at that next so in terms of the web design side of things this is actually a fairly simple service that you can offer to your clients so like I said don't be overwhelmed because it's fairly easy to make these booking websites and these membership sites for your clients all you have to do is set up in a similar manner that you have set this website up you have to purchase them some hosting and like I said I recommend using SiteGround for your clients as well because they're really reliable and when you are purchasing them hosting you can just use your clients email address to actually go and register the account and you can just let your client know you're going to receive some emails from a company called SiteGround that I'm using to set your website up and if they ask you to confirm anything you can just call up your client and say can you just click on the confirmation email now in terms of creating booking websites these are really easy to actually create and I will leave a link in the description to this tutorial from a youtuber called Darrell Wilson who makes a lot of youtube videos on word press and I've learned a massive amount things from him in terms of actually crane websites with WordPress and he has created this full tutorial how to make a booking website with WordPress you can see it's one hour long so you can just go and actually create one just to practice and just to give you confidence that you know how to create these sites when you are actually going to go and create them for your clients and like I said it's an hour long so it's not a massive tutorial and that's because creating these booking websites isn't really difficult so you can probably go and do it in a couple of hours so what's just one hour tutorial show you that you can get to grips with how to actually do it and you are going to be using an external plug-in so you're gonna be using this plug-in let me just go over to it it's called Amelia so let's just go over here and this amelia is the booking plug-in that you will use to create the booking sites so if i go in click on by amelia and over here you will see that it is $59 for one site so like I said you're gonna have to purchase some hosting for your clients and you're gonna have to purchase this if they want a book inside so you're going to take that out of the fee that you charge so let's say you're charging five hundred dollars they're gonna take this $59 out now eventually once you start building up your digital agency you can go and buy a lifetime license for unlimited sites and that way you can just create unlimited amounts unlimited amounts of booking sites for all of your clients and you don't have to keep buying the plug-in over and over again but like I said when you're starting out you probably want to just go and purchase it individually for each individual client now don't worry if you don't have money to start because you can actually go and say to your clients why we want you to pay half upfront so let's say you're charging five hundred dollars for a booking site you can say we want 250 upfront and then that will cover the costs of the hosting of the booking plugging and things like that so like I said I will leave a link in the description below to this tutorial from Darrell Wilson on how to make a booking website and I have massive amount of confidence in this tutorial and in Darren Wilson's teaching style very similar to mine he goes to everything step by step and like I said I use him to learn a lot of different things about WordPress so if I didn't have confidence in his tutorials I wouldn't recommend it to you I'd go and create my own tutorial on it but like I said because he's covered everything pretty comprehensively this will give you confidence to be out actually create these sites for your own clients now the next part is creating the membership sites which are a little bit more difficult because there's a little bit more that goes into it in terms of setting up and talking to your clients about how they can actually go and put their content on there so if it's gonna be video content so if their and fitness instructor or something like that and they want to go and put fitness videos on their membership site then you're going to have to go and talk them through that process and it's a little bit more legwork to actually set up but once again the our Wilson has created a tutorial on how to make a membership website with WordPress so once again this is a really good comprehensive tutorial just over an hour and this will teach you everything you need to know about creating a membership site for your client so you might want to go through this tutorial again like I said just to gain confidence just so you know that you have the confidence to actually create these sites for your clients before you start reaching out to people saying that you want to build a membership site for them when you've never actually done before or even how they look at the tutorial and once again for this one you would just be using a plugin so I'll just go and click on this and you can see that this plug-in is $29 so similar to the booking plug-in you will just go and take this out of the fee that you've charged your customers or your clients so let's say you charge your client six hundred dollars you're going to take that twenty nine dollar fee out of the six hundred so it's not gonna be full profit so you're gonna have to account for some of those expenses like I said I'll leave a link in the description to this one again or like I said I have full confidence that this will teach you everything you need to know about creating a membership website otherwise I would have gone and just create the two trolls myself but these are really good really in-depth now the final one I'm gonna show you is going to be zoom so zoom is fairly easy you could probably figure out how to set this up just from trial and error and a bit of practice but once again there's another tutorial from another popular youtuber called ferdy korpershoek and he makes a lot of tutorials on WordPress and digital media and things like that and digital marketing sorry and I watch a lot of his videos videos and have learnt a lot of things from him as well so I can definitely recommend his tutorials and he has created this zoom tutorial so how to set up soom from scratch for beginners and you can just go and follow this along and do it for your clients so like I said when he's showing you how to set up the zoom and putting in the email address you can just go and put in your clients email address and then just let your cry know you're going to receive an email from the zoom if you need them to confirm your thing then you just cool off so you've got an email from zoom can you just click on the confirmation email for us and then the rest of it is pretty straightforward in terms of saying up and this is just a 20 minute tutorial so you might want to look through this go on it make some notes maybe go and practice doing it yourself with your own email address and just setting up do and like I said it's fairly easy you're not gonna be charging a massive amount of money to go and sell do like I said probably about a hundred and fifty dollars it seems fairly reasonable for people that have never used it on aren't very comfortable with technology then that's a fair fee to go and set up but lacks it Ferdie makes a lot of good comprehensive tutorials the same as Darrell Wilson so I will leave a link in the description to this so that leaves us with the final part of the different services that I'm showing you that you can offer to small businesses to get them online which is the mobile app development this is probably the most difficult part but it's not difficult it's just the most difficult service that you can offer but like I said it's not going to be really hard it's something that we're gonna use is a drag and drop piece of software to go and create these apps so I am gonna go and show you how you can go and create the restaurant delivery apps and the booking apps now as well for your clients and then you might want to go and practice that like I said just so you have confidence that you can offer this service to your clients so the tool that you will be using to build the mobile apps for your clients is called app Institute and this is a really great piece of software because it allows you to actually just drag and drop apps based off of templates so you don't have to do any coding and then you can just go and change things like the colors and the logos so it's really simple to go and create apps for your clients so you can see here we've got the restaurant takeaway app so you can go and use this template here and then you can just go and change it like I said to change the logo change the colors and change the menu and I will be showing you how to do that within the tutorial now in terms of pricing if we just go over to the pricing here you can see in u.s. dollars it's $95 a month for the actual client now we'll be going through how you can go and make the client pay for this without you having to pay for it and then get them to go and pay you so you just get them to sign up for it once you've actually built the app so that they pay directly you don't have to worry about the recurring payments coming out of your account and then trying to get the money off of the client and you can see if they just pay for one year upfront is $66 a month so you can say to them you can either pay monthly and see how it goes and then you can cancel your app if it's not working well for you or you can just go and pay one year upfront and I've worked out 95 u.s. dollars that's about 1140 US dollars for the entire app for the year and then if we go for $66 if they just pay for the whole year upfront that's going to be 792 dollars so within the packages here you might want to go and change this because I just created this kind of on the fly but in terms of the actual packages here they're gonna be a little little bit more pricey so both of the apps are gonna be from 792 dollars a year if they pay upfront or up and - let's have a look again up until 1140 if they pay monthly so you can go and put that in your packages and then you can just go and charge a setup fee so let's say they go for the monthly one it's gonna be one thousand one hundred and forty dollars for the year and then you can charge two hundred or three hundred dollars for the selfie so that'd be one thousand four hundred and forty or you can just round it up 1449 or something like that now you might think well that's quite expensive with the restaurant want to actually pay almost one and a half thousand dollars for a food delivery app well in terms of what they're using at the moment so if we just go and have a look over here they do have on Institute this actual calculator and this is based off of just e which is another one that's similar to delivery in the briefs and all of those ones I don't know if they have this in the US but they definitely have this in the UK so you can go and have a look at this calculator and you can use this to go and talk to your customers because you can see here if they make one thousand pounds a month in revenue they are losing 165 pounds by using these types of apps so if we do 165 pounds times 12 so I've just converted that into US dollars which is about two hundred five US dollars sorry actually let's just do that again 165 great British pounds to u.s. dollars yeah 205 so you can see here that's around two thousand four hundred dollars that they're gonna be losing out on and that's only if they're turning over one thousand pounds a month in revenue so they're gonna be losing out on two and a half grand a year and that apps gonna cross them one and a half grand a year so they end up actually making more profit by investing in their own app and also a lot of restaurants are gonna be making more than this so let's just say on average they probably make two grand something like that so gonna be losing out on 330 pounds a year so that's probably around four hundred and fifty dollars every single month so for them it is a good investment and then like I said when you actually get them on the free consultation calls you can go through this with them and as well another thing is in terms of charging them the setup fee which like I said would be around two to three hundred dollars well if they hire an expert from Institute themselves so you can see here it's got a hire a pro who will actually go and make that for them it says down here starts from three hundred and forty nine pounds so once again if we just convert this into dollars great British pounds two dollars that's gonna be four hundred thirty four dollars just and that's just the starting price so Jimin is gonna be a bit higher than that depending on what they want so you could just go and charge them let's say three hundred dollars to actually set up their app for them and then that way they don't have to pay an expensive or more expensive dealer developers should I say from app Institute themselves they can actually just go and pay us as a digital agency to do it and also one last thing that I just want to mention over here I've found this article I don't know how accurate is but I think it's fairly accurate it says ubereats charges restaurants at one time free but fee between $350 and $500 to actually just go and be on their platform and then 30% for every order so like I said when you are going to go and sell this to them and you say for a whole year even if they pay monthly it's gonna cost you almost one and a half thousand dollars then you can go and explain to them that why this is a good investment for them in terms of it's costing them more to be on the platform such as uber eats just eat delivery it's costing them a lot more than losing out on fees and selfies and things like that and also you can say to them if you do hire a developer it's gonna cost you a lot more money than if we to do it through our digital agency to actually set out for you so like I said you wanna you're going to want to go and change the packaging so I'll just show you what you can do is if we're going click on edit with Elementor and then once Elementor loads if we just scroll down now let's just go to the app area so we've got the delivery mobile app and the booking app they're going to be the same price because Institute charge the same price for all of their apps so we can't just go over here and just click on this let's just click on this and then we've got price tag and you changes birthing changes so like I said if it's 66 US dollars per month it can be 792 so you can say starting at 792 so what we can do is we can just say I don't know if it will last put starting but we can't just say 792 let's just put that in there 792 and then it's going to say duration per year and then you can just put in here plus $2.99 setup so we can just go and put something like that in so now they can see the full price and then once again you can go and do that on here as well so let's just go and change the price over here so we can just say 782 and then here we can say duration for a year plus $2.99 setup so now they can see that the full price is going to cross them you know 792 plus that so just over 1100 let's say yeah so roughly around $1,100 so then you can just go and hit update so that your packages page is actually reflective of how much the apps will actually cost somebody now obviously when you discuss with them you can say summer 92 is if you pay for the whole year upfront otherwise it's gonna cost you 1140 which is the $95 times 12 so I just wanted to show you that just so you can get a rough idea of how app institute works and also your pricing as well your pricing structure for actually building these apps so now that we've gone on how to look and like I said they've got loads of really great templates that you can use I'm gonna go and show you how you can actually go and create one for a restaurant delivery app and then how we can actually go and have a look at getting the client to pay for it so towards the end of the tutorial we're gonna have a look at creating contracts and how clients can pay us but I will just talk very briefly for the apps because like I said you don't want to be paying every month for the app coming out of your account and then you are trying to have to get the money from the client because that means you're gonna have to keep a long-term relationship with your client which you really don't want you want them to be paying for things with their card so that way then once you hand over the project to them it's done and then the rest of the payments just continue from their own side so now let's just go and have a look at how we can actually create apps using App Institute okay so from here let's scroll down all the way down and over here we're going to go for the restaurant takeaway app so it says create an app for your restaurant or takeaway we're going to go and click on create your app now so once you click on create your app now it will say let's give your app a name so I'm gonna be building it based off of this Italian restaurant from my area called Elvina so what I'm gonna do is we're just going to go and cool this little vino restaurant okay so now that we've done that we can just go and click on so I want to just check yeah that's fine it'll be in a restaurant so just go and click on continue so now over here it's gonna say browse through our categories to find the template best suit for you so just go and click on all over here and then we are going to go and find the restaurant delivery app so let's go and scroll down and we've got a restaurant over here so just click on restaurant and then actually we're going to go for a takeaway let's choose to take away because we actually want people to just go in order so choose takeaway and click on continue now this is a really great feature of app Institute is that you can enter in the website of the restaurant all of the client and it will go and take the colors from that website so let's just go and try that we're just going to go to the homepage of el vino restaurant and then let's just go and copy their URL and we'll just paste it into here and then we just going to go and click on go the next step will say that you can preview the app from your smartphone so you can go and have a look at what it actually looks like on a phone now you don't really need to go and do this because they have an emulator so we'll show you exactly what it's going to look back on the phone anyway so I'm just going to go ahead and click skip now from here it's going to say save and preview your app and it's gonna ask you to actually go and sign up now in this part of this step obviously when you're first practicing just use your own email address but going forward we naturally get clients you're going to want to go and put your clients name email address and password in here so I'm just gonna go and do that now so like I said you're going to want to go and put your clients name email address and then pick a password for your client so you can just go and pick something simple that they can go and change later on so you could just go and put it as password at 1:00 or something like that so once you've done that just go ahead and click on continue it will then say preparing a template so just give it a few moments you will then be brought to this screen that says launch your app in three easy steps so you'll see appearance content and then publish so oh is it going to go and start with appearance so let's just go and click on get started you will then be brought over to the emulator where we can actually start building the app so you will see this over here so we can just go and close this and now from here we can actually start editing our app so firstly you can see they've got this color palette over here which is really good because it does actually match the colors on their sites over here so that they're keeping with the branding of their app and their site together which makes it easier for you to design the apps for the restaurants and for all of your different clients so next up if we go and click on images over here and then when we click on images it will say click on the image to open the editor and upload your own so we can just go and click Next and then this one's going to say we can go and upload a splash screen so that's the first screen that the people see when they actually come into the app so we can go and do that and then after that it's gonna say we can go and save our progress so I'm just going to click on OK got it so in terms of the app icon you can see it's 1024 by 1024 so we can go and create these really easily in actual Campbell again so we're gonna go over to camera and then from camera I can go to custom dimensions over here and I can put 1 0 to 4 by 1 0 to 4 and just click on create new design now from here I can actually just go and create that app icon so if we just go and have a look we've got their logo over here which is just some pretty standard text that says Alvino restaurant now ideally you would want your client to actually go and send you their logo so something like this if they do actually have a proper logo or just go and send you a file even a PNG image that you can go and add so to go and create something like this though is really simple so you can see they've got wine in the background so I could go and create and icon that's actually similar to that so if we just go to photos over here and I can just go and search wine so let's just go and look for a photo of some wine so we could just go and drag this onto here and let's just go and make it like this so we can go and do that and then next up we can actually just go and get the color so if we just go over to here and we go to theme so let's just go click on yes save and continue' so we're going to go to back to theme so we can go and get the color so I should go and click on this and we can just go and click Next so it's just telling us about our different color schemes so just go and click Next and finish let's just go and close this so now we've got the tabs icon so I'm gonna go for this one so I'm just gonna go and actually copy this so let's go ahead and copy that's hit back to canva and now we can go and draw a square so let's just go and grab a square so we just want a normal square so let's just go and grab this and we can just go and put this over here and then we can go and change the color of this square so let's go over here and I can go and paste the one in that I just copied and now we can go and change the transparency of this so we can make it just a little bit transparent so something like that and now finally I can just go and add some text so if I just go and add that on there and I can just call this or vino like this and then I can go and change the text to something that's similar to one they're using now like I said ideally you'd want your client to actually send you their logo so that you could go and add this over here but if you can't you can just go and change it to something that's similar to the front that they're using on their website so let's just go and have a look if we can find one because at the end of the day this is just going to be the app icon it's not going to be very big people I'm gonna be paying much attention to it so if we just go and click on this let's go and have a look at how that looks does that look similar to this one over here fairly similar especially when it's gonna be on a phone on an app screen you probably won't be able to tell the difference so now we can just go and drag this into the center so let's just make it a bit bigger now if you want to you can go and add delivery at the bottom as well so if I just go and duplicate this and then I'll just drag that and I'll just put delivery in here delivery so now let's just go and change this to something a bit smaller so I can go and change it to something like that and then we can go and just move it like that so now I've got it will be no delivery so that's gonna be their app icon I'm just gonna make this a tiny little bit smaller to ten I think to ten and then just move this to the side and then we can just drag it into the center so there we go so now we have their app icon we can just go and download this and we can just go and click on download and now this has been downloaded let's just go ahead and close this we can go back over here to the app builder let's go back to images and then over here we've got app icon we can just go and click on this and then we can just go and click on upload image and now you can see I've got that Elvina image over here let's just go and click on open and now we can see we've got ill Vino delivery so that's how it's gonna look on a phone so that looks really cool so next up we have the splash screen which is 180 by 1 by 1920 let's just go and quit flat screen as well so we can't just go back to camera and we can go and change these custom dimensions again so it was 1080 by 1920 and just click on create new design and then once again I'm just got a get go and create the similar thing but for a splash screen now so this is the screen when they first open the app so we can't just go and type in wine again and let's just go to photos and type in wine so why and let's just find a different picture of some wine this time so let's go and see if there's a better one let's just go for this one over here this one looks pretty cool and let's just see I don't know it might not be big enough so if we just go and drag that that might look a little bit weird so let's just delete that let's see if we can find a better one so let's just see if there's any bitter wine ones that one looks pretty nice there that one looks good so and that one's a little bit more applicable in terms of size so now we can just go and do that and then once again we can go to elements and we can go and just drag a square over that again just like we've done so let's just go and grab this square and you can just make it like that's and just drag it like that and then let me just go and get that color so let's just close this and we're just going to go and copy this color over here so let's just go new color and copy this and then we can just go and change this color to this once a game let's change the transparency to 80 and now we can just go and put vino delivery again so what front was this our gray up medium so let's just go back over here and then we can just go let's go and have a look at what they've currently got on their special bean authentic street food so we can just say best Italian food or something like that now like I said ideally we'd want to put their logo on here as well but because we don't have it I'm just gonna go and put vino and then I can just go and find that front again so let's just scroll down see if we can find it let's just go for this one I like the medium and then we can go and change this so let's go and change this to let's say 150 there we go perfect and then let's just drag this to there and then we can just go and if you want to go and add something on there for your client to go and say the best Italian mm where where were your areas let's just say London and then we can go and change this font size to let's say it see all of it change that to 80 the best Italian in London maybe even a little bit smaller than that let's say 60 and there we go so now we can just go and do that and now we've got our splash screen for their app as well so once again let's just change this to splash and just download this so we just click on download and then just click on download again so now that we have downloaded that let me just close this go back over here and we can go and upload our specially so let's just go over here click upload image and then from here I'll just pick your vino splash click open and now we can see when they first open an app they're gonna see Elvina the best Italian in London and that looks pretty cool and that only took a couple of minutes to actually just go and create so that was really easy so now that you've done that we can just go and click on save and once you do that you will move on to content and lay up so just go ahead and click on content so this is of course where it gets a little bit more tricky because we're going to have to go and add items to their menu and things like that so let's just go and have a look we can actually go and close this if you want to go and delete anything so for example this home you can just click remove from my app account we can remove from app and more as well you can just go and manage the more tab as well so you can go and add anything you want so we'll say drag tabs into the tab bar below which means that you can go and drag any of these so you've got book a table you could drag that in there you've got little tea coupons you can drag that in there as well so you can go and discuss these things with your clients you can say we can set you up with a naughty coupon so if people make five deliveries they get five pounds off or if you want to you can go and add booking tables on there as well so people can go and book a table so you don't have to keep taking calls when your restaurant actually opens back up again you can add directions in there so we can go and add maps on so people can go and find it now this one I think is a little bit redundant because we've got Google Maps everybody just uses that and if somebody wants to find a restaurant they'll just go and type in the postcode for it but things like loyalty tabs so coupon codes and things like that when people couldn't in the order that's how restaurants can actually go and build up a client base that keeps coming back so this is a good thing to discuss with your clients we can say like I said every time is to make five orders then they can actually go and get a discount on this six order or something like that so we'll have a look at adding this one in a moment now firstly you're gonna go into once I have a look at the menu so let's just go and click on the menu and when you click on it you will see this come up so this is go and click on edit content now when you first click onto the menu if we actually scroll down over here we will actually see the current menu so I've got starters house specials noodles sides and rice dishes so this is just the default menu that they generate for you so you can actually just go and edit this to go and create the menu for your client so if we go and have a look at here let's go and have a look at what they've got for starters so for starters I'm assuming these are their stars so it's gonna be Boosh at our calamari Gambari nepa kenty so all of these are telling things that are comprar nuts but we can actually just go and add these to our menu so let's say we want to add blue shutter to the menu we can go and just copy this push it up let's head back to the app builder and under starters you can go in click on this plus button over here and then over here we've got all of these different things so over here what we can do is we've got crispy spring rolls so we can go and click on edit on this and then it will come up over here crispy spring rolls and instead for Christine rose I can go and change the name to blue and then over here we've got the price of bruschetta 595 so I can just go and copy this and then let's just backspace this and then in the price I can go and put 595 and then we've got the description so we've got their description over here from their menu so you're going to want to just yup to get your client to send them your menu or you can go and look at it online like I'm doing here and then in the description I can just go and paste their description in there so that's done so now that we've done that we can just go and click on save item so see I'm getting an error invalid price and that's just because I've got that so now I can just go and click on 'save item again so now I've saved that item if we scroll down over here we will see on the starters we've got bruschetta now if you want to you can go and change it as well you can see I've put it all in caps so I can go and change it to bruschetta like that and just click on save item so now that I've done that you can also add an image if you really want to I don't think it's that important personally so now we can go and do that for all of the different starters so let's go and do it for chicken skewers say we can go click Edit again then we can come over here we can go and do calamari fritti so we can go and add that in calamari fritti and then we can go have a look at the price so that's 695 so then in here I can go and put 695 and then over here we've got fried calamari with spicy mayonnaise so let's just go copy that and we can just go and put that in the description over here and just click on save item so now if you want to actually add an item you can just go and add an item so you can go and pick your menu that you want to add it to so let's say you had more than one of these Assuan and changed all of these and they still had more items to add to their menu you can go and just click on the category that you want to add it to so you want to add it to starters you can go and add the name the price the description and just click on add item and then that will just add the item to the status now we've got house specials over here you can go and change this so we could go and click on edit over here and then over here you can see it's come up with house specials so we can go and change this let's just say we could go and change this to main mains or the main menu something like that so let's go and have a look at their site and see what they've called it so over here we could go and do pizza so the good ones say we're going to do a pizza menu so over here I can go and change this to pizza and just click on save and now we've got pizza over there and then once again we've got chicken special sweet and sour so I can go and edit these so if I click on edit over here I could change this to a pizza so I could go to change this to Pizza Romana it so Pizza Romana and then I've been going at the pricing 995 and then once again I can just go ahead add in the description so we just take that and paste that in there now like I said your client they could potentially go and do this themselves but many people aren't very confident using technology and also it's generally as a business easier to just go and pay and have it set up for you so that you can start running because they don't want to sit there spending hours doing this type of thing when they can just pay you to do this service before them so now that we've done that we can just go and click on save item now you see you've got the image here we can just go and click clear and get rid of the image if you want to you can say is there any images of your food that you want to send us and we can include that in your app so now we can just go and click on save item so all you're going to do is basically just go and do this until your menu is completely done so you can see all I would have to do is add all my starters add all of the pizzas add all of the pastors and the calzones and then the kids menu as well if we want to and then once that's done we can go and add the wine menu as well maybe if they're doing wine delivery so we can go and do all of that and once you've done all of that like I said it's really easy to go and edit this and add items and you can just go and choose the category that you want to add it to and you can also go and put our stock if you want to so once you've done all that you just click Save so now I've shown you how to go and do the menu let's go and have a look at the cart the account and also setting up the loyalty tabs as well so let's just go and click on ok got it so let's go and have a look at the cart over here so we're gonna go and click on this and click click Edit content so over here we've got to take away information so we can go and fill all of this information out based on what our client tells us so the restaurant owner actually tells us so we've got reject orders placed outside of opening times of course we're going to want to most likely take that then collection only well some restaurants might say collection only so for example here I think this one is collection only I'm assuming so you would want to go and click tick for that one but if not then we've got delivery so you can't do delivery only as well so you can't say delivery time how long is roughly going to take in minutes so we could say on average each delivery takes 45 minutes then you can go and put in your delivery postcode areas and these are the same as zip code if you're in the US so let's say they only want to deliver within a certain area so where this restaurant is which is based in a place called Hartford shear in the UK they might want to just go and deliver only in that area so we can go and just put in all of the different post codes for that area so at SG 13 XG 12 and so on so you just go and do that and it just says separate the postcode with the comma so you can go and do that for zip codes as well so we can just go and delete this now and then we've got sent order confirmation to customers so you're going to want to go and tick that as well of course because we want our customers to get order confirmation as well then we also have collection time so we can say average collection time you can collect it once again in 45 minutes we also have a collection discount so these are things that you can go and discuss with your clients do you so go and have a look at this and make some notes when you create a practice app and think about the types of things that you want to pave to your clients you can say do you want to offer collection discounts so if somebody comes and collects they get 10% off so once again in here you can go and change that to 10% do you want to add a delivery cost or do you want to have free delivery so if you go for a delivery cost you can say let's say $2.99 and then you can say free delivery for orders over $15.99 so you can go and add those things so you can go and talk about these things with your clients so go in here and have a look at all of the different things that they offer and then you're going to want to go and discuss this with your clients minimum order value so you can say we only do delivery for orders over let's say 10 pounds so something like that and then we've got sales tax and PayPal payment fee so I know that sales tax in the UK is 20% so you'd want to go and put that in there and you in the US I'm not 100% sure let's have a look sales tax in the US it's saying between two point nine and seven point two five percent so you'd have to go and ask your client I guess if you're in the US what their sales tax is because I'm not 100% sure about that but in the UK is 20% and then we've got the PayPal payment fee so this is a fee that will be charged to the customers paying through PayPal so we can just go and say let's say 1% so then we've got postcode overrides as well so this basically just means a certain postcode you can't actually go and charge them extra if it's extra far away now I doubt a lot of your clients are going to want to deliver to really far areas anyway but you can't go and add this as well so you can say for a certain postcode if it's something far then we can go and make the delivery cost $4.99 instead so you can go and do something like that now you can just click remove if you want to next up we have payments so if we just go and click on this you can go and add a credit card payment gateways so if your client wants to be able to accept credit card payments then I recommend setting them up with a stripe account now once again this is going to be have to be something that you discuss with them and say do you want to accept payments we're going to use a payment gateway called strap and you're going to explain what stripe is to them and for those who that don't know what stripe is it's basically like PayPal but for card payments so if you go over to stripe over here you're going to go and create them a stripe account which is really simple so you're going to go and set them up with a strap account using their email and everything like that and then all you have to do is connect your strap their strap account that you create for them to their app so you go and put in a live secret key so basically this is a key from a person stripe account so if you go and create them as graph account and set them up with it which is really simple you just have to fill in all of their details for them so their address and their name and their email address and things like that and then when you actually log into their stripe account there will be a secret key something called a secret key so you can just go and copy that and paste that into here and then you can go and accept what card types that you want transaction free and then require billing address so if they want to purchase with the cards do they have to go and put in a billing address so you can say yes and then once again accept paypal or card payments via PayPal so you want to go and click accept and then if they don't have a PayPal account then you're going to go and set their business up with a PayPal account once again it's really simple just go over to PayPal and sign up using their email address and then all you have to do is go and add these things into the PayPal API username the signature and the password and you can just go and click on this so this will go through the setup guide with you but it's fairly simple it's nothing too strenuous you're just going to have to go and do that with your clients PayPal and then you also have allow cash-on-delivery so you can say to your client do you want customers to be able to pay with cash and if not you can just go ahead and take this so let's just untick that so now after that we've got order accept and reject so let's just open this up so what this basically means is that the client the restaurant owner can actually go and accept orders before they are fully confirmed to the customer now personally I don't think that this is that important generally when someone orders you should just have it accepted and then if it is rejected then they can just go and cool up their customers say sorry we're out of stock on this item or something like that or we're closing early today so you can go and discuss this with them but basically what this just means is when an order comes through to the restaurant they have the decision where they want to accept it but then that's just gonna make them have a little bit of little extra work having to accept all of their orders so I wouldn't really worry too much about this next up we have loyalty over here so this basically just allows them to earn a percentage off as a customer so you could say you're gonna get 10% off if you spend 100 pounds something like that so that is a weight for the restaurant owner to actually get more pain loyal customers to actually build up their client base so you can go and discuss this with your restaurant clients as well then we have special offers as well so these would be things like the special offers on the menu so you can go and change this but you can just go and go no discount and then you can say first order discount so this is a first way for when a restaurant actually launches its app you can say it and when you first leave launcher app you can go and offer a 20% discount on all of your first orders and that's going to get more customers in using your app from the beginning so you could go and say or even something really high like 30% so loads of people start using the app from the beginning so you can go and discuss this with them and say when you actually launch your app you can offer a first order discount so you can get some customers in straightaway then we have additional menus over here so this is basically for people that offer different menus but to be honest with you you've already set up the menu so this is not really going to be that important anyway so I wouldn't worry too much about this tab then we have response messages so we can just go in here and this is basically what the customer receives when they make a order on their delivery app so I would just go and leave this as default to be honest with you so you've got will stop and we'll deliver to you within time and then the time gets taken from the time that's put in here so that's really good as well so now I've got the response messages like I said you can go and discuss this with your client as well are you happy for these response messages to be fine they might say no we want to change it to something I'm an Italian restaurant and I want to say you will be ready to Pilate italiano in fully five minutes or something you know some catchy or gimmicky slogan that they want to put in there but like I said personally I would just leave it as it is and then finally we've got the notification information so we've got over here hide subcategory in email confirmation to business so this basically just means if they have a subcategory for their menu when the order comes through it's going to be hidden from the email confirmation so you can't just go and do that and because generally the restaurant is gonna know what they're making when the order comes to me so once again don't worry too much about this and then we can just go and click on safe so now that I've clicked on save you will see it's just telling me that I'm required to go and enter this in so I'm just gonna go and say disabled and let's just try click Save again it might just ask me to go and put the paypal no it hasn't so that's perfectly fine so we've had a look at how the cart works so let's just go and now try dragging the multi tab in there so just grab this and we can just go and drag this into here let's try that again so there we go so now that I've dragged that in there that just means when somebody clicks on more they will see the wrist so we can see I've got coupon chat feedback special offers coupon and earn a free ticket way so I'm actually just gonna go and delete this one remove from my app because we don't need two coupons so now we've got everything else in here so we can go and change some of these so we've got coupons so if we go over here we can click on edit content and once again you can go and add in some coupons in here so over here we've got buy one get one free value is one start our description is buy one starter and get another one for free so we can go and add in coupons for our clients so we could go and say something like this if we're going to con add coupon we could say let's call this one two for Tuesday's so we can discuss this with our client as well we can say we can set you up with some coupons so that way we can go and build up your customer base because they'll keep coming back every Tuesday for two for Tuesday's so I've got type over here so this is going to be buy one get one free so they're gonna buy any pizza and any pizza free so then you can put in the description something like buy one large pizza on Tuesdays and get another free and then you've got this claim I you got your start date expiration date so we can say the start date is whenever expiration date is you could just say you could do it for a year's time whenever you want and then the pass code is just going to be we can just go and put in two for two something like that and then you can just go and click on save so this is a really easy way for you to go and sell these discounts for your clients within their app so let's just going to con save so we've done coupons we also have chat over here so people can actually go and chat to the restaurants and say hi can I get an update on my order so we can't just go and click on this and click on edit content so you can go and actually change this and say let's say the restaurant didn't want users to be able to contact them they only want to be able to contact their customers we can't go and say admin to users only in this way the restaurant can only contact the user through the app so they can say sorry there's a been a bit of a delay and your pizzas going to be an extra 15 minutes but the user cannot write back and say hi where is my pizza I've been waiting for 45 minutes and it hasn't arrived and you can go and turn on email notifications now some people might not see the value in having this some restaurants might just think I can't bother to go on to the app and start answering my customers concerns and things like that so you can always just go over here let's just click on it and then we can just go and click on remove from app so once again this is something that you can go and discuss with your clients now you might want to when I go through pricing later on we might want to go and actually discuss how we can actually price these so we could make each of these a different price so we could say to add in a chatbot is an extra $49 or $29 to adding coupons is another $29 to add in special offers is another 29 because that way you can go and do upsells to your clients you can say right we'll just say it with a basic delivery app all it performs is for your cousin's to be out to make purchases through the app and then you deliver to them now if you want all of this extra functionality like coupons chats special offers and things like that then we're going to go and add those on as extra services it's totally up to you how you want to run your digital agency now most of these things are pretty just straightforward so what I think you should do is just comment app Institute and just have a play around pretty much but most of the stuff is fairly easy and just going to be setting up for your client so for example let's just go and have a look at feedback one last one just to have a look at and then in here people can actually customers can actually go and give the restaurant feedback within that app so you can say quality between five and one and then we've got delivery time between five and one service between five and one and so on so you can just go and change these as well you can go and edit any of them if you want to so you can go and speak about your client what do you most value about feedback from your customers what do you want them to value so do you want to receive feedback from your customers regarding price or regarding delivery time or regarding the taste of the food and things like that and that's where they can actually gain some valuable feedback from their customers as well to improve their restaurant so you can go and add this in as well and this is really easy like I said you can just change it from one to five you can go and change what they're actually giving feedback on and things like that so all of these things within an app Institute like I said they're pretty intuitive they're fairly easy to figure out and they're fairly simple to go and edit so now what we can do is if we just scroll up here we can't just go in and preview the app so let's just go and have a look at how the apps actually going to look from a customer's point of view so we can see here this is how the apps going to look when they actually open it so they can just go and click on menu they can say well I'm gonna go for some stars today but let me add one bruschetta so you can see because I've actually put the closing times in it's not allowing me so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back to the editor and I'm gonna go to cart so let's just go and click edit content on cart and I'm just gonna allow I'm not gonna reject orders placed outside of the times for now so I'm just gonna go and click Save on that now and now let's just go and preview the app again so now let's just go back to the menu and let's go and try it and add let's go and add some pizzas in so let's go ahead and add it to order so then I can go to the cart and all they have to do is click on checkout so let me just wait for this so now they can actually go and click login and put in their account details and then they've got loyalty over here so they can go and redeem their loyalty vouchers as well and their special offers and then they've got history as well over here so you can see that the customer can look at their past orders as well so that's really cool and if they go to more they can go to free back and say the quality I think the quality was a 1 it was really poor I'm not gonna order from you guys again and then if they go to more again let's click on back they can go to coupons so they can go and redeem this coupon over here and then they can just go and put in that passcode so I think it was 2 - 4 - was it and we deem so let me just try that again I don't know if I've spur right to 4 to redeem the coupon has been redeemed so then they can get a two-for-one pizza and then if we go back over here we've got earn a free takeaway so over here it will say free takeaway worth 15 pounds so you can see it will say all the six takeaways and if we just scroll down let's get rid of this all the sick stick ways and then we'll pay for the sympathy so once again this is a really good thing that you can offer to your restaurant clients so you can Satan this is a great way of building up naughty with your customers so now we've gone and done this let's go back to the editor and now that's basically how you can go and change everything within the app so it's really simple really easy way to go and setup apps for your clients so now we can just go and click on navigation so the navigation is basically how the menu is gonna look within the app so let's just go and click on next and click ok got it so we can just go and pick the menu that we want so it's gonna do the I like the one that we currently have this one at the bottom like this well you can't say tab bar with without labels so you could go and do it like this or tab bar I actually like the tab bar one like this not the transparent one so I'm just gonna go and pick that and now all you have to do is go and click on submit' app now once you get to this screen just click on next and then they are going to tell you about the different plans so we can just go and click on this and now from here what we can do is if we scroll down we can go and select a plan so you're going to want to go and select this one here this is the main one that your clients are going to need for them to have iPhone and Android so then we can just go and click on the select plan and then it is going to tell you the price over here so this is the price that the client is going to pay and then they're also going to pay you the setup fee as well so like I said that you can go and decide on that by I recommend something like $2.99 kind of selfie something like that so I'm just going to click on it ok so when you click on that it's gonna come up with the billing details now what I recommend you doing here you just keep this tab open and then you're gonna call up your client I'm gonna say we need you to enter in your billing details so that we can finalize the app for you so before you do any of this if we just close this and then we just go back to navigation here and then we go to the preview with your client you're gonna go through the app with them you're going to show them the preview of the app so what you can do is you can call them up you can get them onto a Skype call and then you can share your screen with them it's very simple to easily to subscribe and share a screen so then you can go and share the screen with them and you can show them the app and how it all works so you can show them that this is the menu we've done for you everything is here this is how the car works this is how the coupon codes work the feedback works and you can talk them through everything and then once they're finally happy you can say to them on the Skype call okay so are you happy with how the app is is there anything you want us to change is there anything you want us to add any features and if they're happy with everything and they're ready to sign it off you can then just say all right we're ready to submit the app so then all you would have to do is click on publish and launch whilst you're still on the Skype call showing the screen with them and then you're gonna say so we are going to go and select that plan for you now that we discussed earlier and then you're going to select the plan click OK and then all you have to do is let them take control of your screen and then they can just go and enter in their payment details so if your client wants to pay your card you can let them take control of the screen they can go and enter in their payment details and then they can just go and click on save and apply package and there we published or if your client wants to go and pay with PayPal and you can just say okay you can pay with PayPal can you just take control of the screen and now you're just going to go and enter in your PayPal details and that is basically it guys it's as simple as that you just have to have some good communication with your clients now I'm gonna show you how you can send your clients contracts as well because after they've done this they haven't actually paid you for saying up so at the end of the tutorial I'm gonna show you how you can go and send them contracts so you make sure you get paid for sitting up websites apps zoom and all of those types of things but in terms of the app this is how you can actually get them to pay for it like I said because you don't want to pay for this out of your own PayPal account or out of your own card because that means you've got a long term relationship with the client then you need to keep renewing it and you need to keep contacting them every year saying do you still want to renew your app and have it running and then you need them to transfer you the money and things like that so it's going to get really complicated so you just call them up you get them on a Skype call you share the screen with them you show them the app and if they're happy with it then you just come through to here let them take control of your screen and then that way they can just go and enter in their payment details and that's it it's done so that is how you can use app Institute it's a really great piece of software to go and create apps and like I said as I've shown you it's fairly simple it's completely drag-and-drop and lots of good features that you can go and add and the same with the booking one so I'm not gonna go through all of it for the booking apps because you can see how easy it is to actually use this but I recommend before you actually go and start looking for clients just go on here and have a play around just to make sure that you're comfortable with it but I think you can see from why I've shown you so far how easy is to use and how easy is to go and add things to your apps and things like that so now that we've done that the next thing that we are going to do for this tutorial is go and have a look at how we can actually go and start finding the clients who are gonna pay us for our services so let's now have a look at how we can start to get some clients for our digital agency and when it comes to finding clients for your digital agency you're going to want to go super local so you're going to want to find small businesses within your local area that you can contact and offer your services to so for example me I live in an area called Hartford cheer and within that area is a smaller area called Harford so I'm gonna go and look the different businesses that I could target within Hartford and offer my digital agency services to now what we can do is over here over in Google I've just typed in service based businesses and I've just found this article 145 new service business ideas now this has got loads of different service based businesses and from here we can go and take some of these to go and find some local businesses that we can contact so I've just been having a look through here and taking some of these service based businesses app out so let's just go and firstly have a look at a meditation instructor so all I've done is I've gone over to Google and I've tapped in meditation instructor Hartford so like I said we're going super local so if I were to type in something like meditation instructor London we're gonna get lots of big brands and big businesses coming up and there's no point really contacting those types of big businesses because they're probably already are online so the services that we're offering them they're probably not going to need or respond to so we're looking for smaller businesses within local areas so over here you can see there's a few that have come up so we're just gonna go and have a look at a few of these so firstly we've got yoga with Sunil over here so I have to go and click on this you can see firstly he's offering online yoga classes so he's still trying to keep his business running but the way his site is we can see it's not very well done and he's saying email me to join so that's going to cost him a lot of extra time having to go through the emails and sending things out and if I scroll down to the bottom here I noticed that his website is created with WordPress so I can say to him I can go to contact him offer him a service and say look we can offer you to redesign your site and actually create it so people can just go and book your online look yoga classes with ease without having without you having to go and get them to email you we can also say you're gonna be missing out on clients because people might come over to your site they see that you do online yoga classes but because of the process of having to email you and then you're emailing them back and forth they don't eventually actually come on to the online classes whereas if you have a more sleek booking system where people can just pay directly through the site you're gonna get more clients who are actually gonna come on to your online classes so that is firstly how we can go and find some really easy clients like I said so next up I've just got had to look at a few the other ones so we're just gonna open this one up next which is the Hartford Buddhists group so I'm just gonna click on this and on their site we can see that they are offering online yoga classes as well so you can see they're doing zoom over here with the zoom means but you can see it's not the greatest way of doing things they could probably do with a booking system and once again their website is powered by WordPress which is the same as this site over here so you can just say look we'll offer you some website redesign services and we can go and redesign your site so that people can just go and book those online yoga classes with you and you don't have to have it outline like this because if I'm a customer of theirs and I come onto this site and I want to do an online yoga class it doesn't make it immediately obvious to me how I can actually go and book that online yoga class whereas if we'd go and redesign their site for them and create it like this they can just come on booked on an appointment and get straight on to those online yoga classes so once again I've found another potential client so when you are going through these what you're going to want to do is actually go and take some of their details down and just put it into a spreadsheet so you can see here I've got booking system membership area zoom setup and restaurant delivery so we'll go over restaurant delivery later on so for now booking system first one I could say is soon oh sorry yoga with Sunnah he's a potential client and I could potentially offer him a booking system so now let's just go back over here and we can see if we can find his contact details so we're just gonna have a look in here so if we go to contact and then from here if I scroll down I should be able to go and get his contact details let's see if he's got an email over here or if he has a phone number so that's mainly what we're looking for we're looking for an email or a phone number so let's keep scrolling so maybe let's try it and click on this and see what happens so we can see he doesn't actually have an email address or a number on his site so let's go back over to Google and let's see if we can find one from here so we can see he's got a number over here so if I just click on this and I can just go and copy his number down so now I can go and contact him and say I'm gonna offer you some services to redesign your site make it and that's gonna be a bit of way for you to go and get clients so now we're just go and paste that in there and I'm just gonna go and put his website address down as well so we can just go and copy this from here and we're just gonna go and put that in our spreadsheet just so we know which company is that we're going to contact so before you go and contact all of them then that way you can just go and have a little look again just so you can make sure that you are aware of what services you're going to offer before you contact them via email or via phone so that's the first one we found next one we can go and have a look at is the hartford buddhist group so we can go and have a look for them see if they've got any contact details so let's go to contact us and over here we can see that see they've just got a form so they don't actually have any contact details so once again we'll go back to Google we'll go to Hartford Buddhist group over here let's see they have got a phone number so we can't just go and grab their phone number and then we're just gonna say hartford buddhist group and then we're just going to put their phone number in and like I said you just want to go and put in their web address as well so let's just go and do that so so there you can see it's really easy to go and I've already found two potential clients now we will obviously go through later on how we can go and contact them and what we can say to them but for now you just want to go and gather as many potential clients as you can so next one over here we have Melanie Pittman so if I just go over 2,000,000 pittin we can see over here she's doing courses and workshops so let's see if she's got any online stuff that we can do so let's go to contacts and bookings so over here we have contacts and she does have a booking system so let's go click on online booking system and see if she's already offering so you can see she's already offering meditation via zoom so really we don't really have any services that we could potentially offer her we could potentially offer her to create a membership area maybe where she goes and actually records her lessons and then people couldn't actually pay to rewatch them so we could go and offer her something like that so we could just go and email address again and then we're gonna go to the membership area instead so this is gonna be was it meditation with Melanie and then in here I can just go and put in her email address and I could go and grab her number if it's on here let's have a look she has a number one here so she doesn't have a number on here but that's fine so now we also have a potential client that we could offer our membership websites to as well so we could say to her so you do offer online yoga classes via zoom but you could go and actually record those yoga classes put them in a membership area and then you could get people to pay you ten pounds a month so they can watch all the classes in one go so you could go and create different classes so we could offer her a service like that and you can see that's how easy is so you just want to go and find some service based businesses like I said go and have a look through this and see all of the different service based businesses that there are and you probably think of some that are in your area as well and when you have a look on here you might think of something you've never even heard of and then you're just going to go and type that into Google in your area in your local area like I said super local and then just go and check out the different businesses that are offering this service and see how you can help them so let's just go and have a look at another one so let's go to Fitness Instructor now so you can see I've just typed in Fitness Instructor in the Hartford and once again I've just gone and started to have a look at some of their websites and what they're offering so I clicked on this first song which is reborn fitness and as you can see they're already offering online coaching that their website looks pretty good so they're really not going to want to use our services so it's real off the bat I can just go and say no they're not going to be a client that we could potentially close next up was equilibrium so you can see over here equilibrium training so I've just gotten clicked on this now their site is a little bit different it's not very good it's it seems a little bit old-fashioned and you can't see any inclination over here that they're offering online coaching or any coaching with resume or a membership area for their workouts or anything like that so these could be another potential client that I could go and contact and say we can offer you a booking system people can book online and you can start doing zoom classes to get your business up and running again so once again we could just go and copy their number and we can just go and put this in here so we could go and offer them the booking system services so we're just going to put their number in there and then once again we could see if they've got an email address let's go and have a look we've got their email address just there so we can just go and take that and paste that in there and then we can just say equal room not sure how you spell it let's have a look let's just copy this so that's another potential client right there that we can contact so you can see how easy it is and how quick you can start finding potential clients and then later on obviously you will go and contact them and offer them your services so this is going have a look at another one so over here as I was scrolling down I think quite a few of these ones already had online coaching siliceous go and have a look at this one for example scope let's just go and have a look at it scoped a personal trainer and we could see online real time Co video personal training pitch so you can see that they're doing really well so they've already got their video one-to-one PT sessions so once again we're not really going to be able to offer them any services we could go on offer them a membership area maybe if they wanted to level up a bit but that's gonna be more unlikely for somebody that's already found a way to go online themselves so as I was scrolling down I found evolution health and fitness so that was another one so just gonna close equilibrium so evolution was over here so we go to their home they don't have once again they don't really see say that they're offering online coaching or anything like that so we can see over here they don't offer any online coaching so then I went to services and prices just to see if they were offering online coaching again and I couldn't see anything that they were offering so it's just go and click on book now and see if they are offering any booking for zoom or anything like that so when you go and book now it just brings you to the contact page so once again that's another potential client now you can see over here we don't know if we were to redesign the website if it's made with WordPress now don't worry if the site isn't made with WordPress you're not going to have to go and learn some other piece of technology so that you can redo their site all you have to do is find out where their domain is from so if it's from GoDaddy or some Namecheap or something like that and when you purchase them hosting with background you just have to redirect their domain name from GoDaddy or Namecheap or wherever is over to psych lab so over here I've just found a video that says how to set up a GoDaddy domain on the sak LAN service so it's pretty easy doesn't matter for most companies for example if it was one on one which is a popular domain Sur company or like I said GoDaddy or Namecheap or whether it is generally it's fairly easy to go and then add that domain to their site ground hosting is not very hard once you figure out how to do it once it's fairly easy and then all you have to do is go and install WordPress on the domain fruit through cycloned like I showed you in the beginning of the video and then you can just go and just just redesign their site from scratch so for example this evolution website not hunter isn't sure if it's a WordPress site if it is a wordpress site as easy we can just go in login like how we would with our actual digital agency site and then we can go and make the changes and we can go and add any booking systems that we want to membership systems and things like that but like I said if it's not they say it was a Weebly site or a Wix site then all we have to do is go and transfer the domain from Wix Weebly GoDaddy over to their new cycle and hosting then just install WordPress on to that domain name and you can just redesign it for them so it's not rocket science it's not really hard and maybe that's something you want to practice again before we actually start offering the services or you can just go and get clients and then just learn as you go it's still fine to go and do that long as you just don't let them know that you've never done it before then I'm sure you will find a way to actually figure it out like I said it's not rocket science and then you can just go and redesign their website for them so let's just go and have a look at a few others so evolution we could potentially get in contact with them so let's just go once again I'm not going to copy all of them I'll just do this for the last one we could just it's not letting me copy it so like I said you get the idea you'd want to copy that and put that into the booking system spreadsheet area so we've done that now next up was one over here which was Alex Pinto so that was the next one under evolution so I just opened him up and you can see he's doing online live sessions and he has a members area so once again probably not the best person to contact offer services so we could just close that then we had down here which was Kate Marshall personal training and I've just opened this up now for her it wasn't a hundred sure if she's offering online services or not so if I went to make an appointment and then it did bring me over to this online scheduling but we can see it still doesn't say there's no indication of if she's offering online tutoring oh sorry online PT sessions or not survived to click on this then pick her and then I pick an available day and then it's asking me to create a profile but once again there's no indication as to whether she's offering online so we could go and say - we can go and set you up with zoom so you can go and sell or once again she could be someone we can offer a membership area to so her clients that she currently has she can go and film some workouts for them and they just pay a membership to go and watch her videos so that's another potential client and then finally over here and which one was this b-body co dot uk' so let's just go and see where I found them somewhere down here so let's just go and open this up you can see it's a wordpress site and let's just go and have a look if we've got home over here and then from there home once again no indication that they're offering online services but I think if we go to their timetable we can see they are doing this watch which I'm assuming means that they're doing online position so they're using Google Hangouts they're using Facebook live so we could go and say we'll say oh it's zoom it's a lot easier to use in Google Hangouts and Facebook live and we could also go and let's see when we click on book what happens it brings them to this booking system here so maybe we could go and say we'll redesign it and make your booking system a little bit more seamless instead of having your client your customers having to click on loads of different things so we could go and offer a web web redesign for them again potentially so you can see there's loads of different clients so you can go in contact and these I've only just been doing this for the last five minutes I've only already looked at just meet meditation and fitness instructor and I've only looked in one area so if I have to go and type in let's go and type in somewhere else meditation instructor in this area let's say and we could once again this is another local area near where I live and we can go and see there are loads of other different clients now that we could go and see if we could contact so let's go and have a look at food meditation let's go and have a look at this and see what they are offering so fishing meditation over here so we can see their site looks pretty nice pretty well done I think this might be a kind of franchise type of brand so not really the type of business that we'd be looking to target let's go and have a look if there's any other ones how about live bright let's have a look at these look so it's going to open their sight and we can see this is probably more likely to be a small local business so let's go and click on class timetable for them so you can see actually if we just go back I think they said they're offering send me a message to book online yoga so once again they're doing that method where people need to go and send them on my message book online yoga so they're having to go through extra hassle and this actually puts customers off when people come on and they see this I think I'll have a bother to go back and forth those messages whereas if they have a site like this where they can just go and book on and pay straight away then it's a lot easier and it's a lot easier for the business owner to actually go and collect the money from the customers if they actually just pay through their site so once again this could be another potential client that we could create a booking system for sitting along with zoom and all those types of things so like I said you're not only there are so many different services and businesses that you can target there are so many different small local areas that you can put on target as well just by changing this area here I found more different businesses that I could potentially contact so let's go and have a look at a few more so we've done Fitness Instructor next one over here was a doula coaching I don't know what do love coaching news but I think it's something to do with babies I found it on this site here do learn birth coaching services so I thought I'd just type it in and see if there is any any in the local area so firstly I found this one over here so if we just go home and let's just see which one was the first one which was this azita nielsen so we just go and open this up and we can see like I said it's some sort of antenatal classes I think or birth coaching classes but she isn't offering any online actual classes she hasn't online over here which is if you click on online courses we can see it's an online baby massage course so if I just go and click on buy on this let's see where it brings us so I believe it's probably just some video so you can see down here as well this site is created by Weebly so once again like I said it doesn't mean you're gonna have to go and learn how to use Weebly you can actually just go and say we're gonna redesign your site using something called WordPress it's gonna look a lot better and then once again you would just redirect her domain name to her sacrum hosting insta WordPress and then we design her site so that's another potential client maybe although she is offering an online course so she probably has a better understanding of how she can put her classes online so she might already be doing that so let's go and have a look at another one the next one was this one over here bursting calmly I believe so let's go and have a look at that one that's going look blessing economy over here so we can see doula services baby massage upcoming classes so we can see she's not offering any classes until June so the reason she may have done that let's just have a look Ovid online tuning is also available privately or with friends if none of these options work for you can also accept the online program so she is saying she offers online tutoring over here but there's no way for people to actually go and book it so and once again she's using a GoDaddy website builder I'm sure GoDaddy probably has a booking system that you could go and just find out how to put that onto her site but once again you could go and redesign the site for her this site doesn't look like it needs to be completely read redesigned but you could go and say we'll set you up with zoom and we can go and set you up with a booking system so you could go and contact her and say will create a booking site for you so people can just book your online tutoring as well so there's another potential client then we also have this one over here Duda Julia once again no indication that she's offering online services for her doula company and let's have a look here no type of way to actually go and book on here once again this is a Weebly site as well so there are loads of potential clients here once again that I could go in contact and say we can create a booking site for you we can create a membership site for you so that you could go and create your courses on doula and your members just pay you every month to go and watch your classes so loads of different services that you could offer these potential clients once again over here the birth doula let's see if we've got two services let's see what she's offering see if there's any so she's got loads of different classes birth doula package person they will do the package overnight support so let's firstly just just have a look at this one the birth preparation classes let's just go and click on this and if we scroll down we can see one day workshop half a day or an evening a two hour session so she's just got here please email me for price list and availability so once again that's a potential client that we could go and set with the booking system instead of having her being emailed and having to email her customers back we could create a booking system where people can just go and book her birth preparation class online and paste rate online once again like I said similar to this one over here so this could be doula class we can pick it the location would be zoom online then it can pick her as a trainer and we can click on continue and then they could pick their date of their Duda class and the time as well so they put the date they pick the time and then they just click on continue and then all I have to do is go and fill in their payment details so you can go and show this once again and say we can make your life a lot easier we can help you get more clients and more people onto your birth preparation class just by having a simple booking system and it's gonna be a good investment for you so next up I just put in math tutor in Harford so there's loads of different tutor people that you could go and have a look at contacting as potential clients as well so I just found this first one over here which was explore learning now this one looks pretty well done they look like they're basically completely online already so these type of people once again not probably the ideal client so we just go and close this then the next one I found so I clicked on let's just have a look I believe it was this dr. Rogers Collins dr. Roger Collins which is math tuition tried to open his site and it just brought me over to this empty page so here obviously it could be someone that I could go and contact so he's got his phone number there I could go ring him up and say I've been having a look when I go to click on your website for math tuition nothing happens how about we set you up with zoom so you can do online sessions with your students we set you're either booking a website so your students can go and book in one-to-one sessions with you we can say well the membership area so you can go and and in your lessons on different topics so that people can go and pay and for him that could be really lucrative loads of kids off off of school at the moment so he could go and get loads of maths tuition clients and customers especially if he's got a booking system if he's using the zoom but right now when we click on his website nothing happens so that's a perfect potential client so if I just click on him we can just go and take his number down and once again add that to our spreadsheet and wait for him something like him we could add him to booking system a membership area and zoom because he could do with having all three of those services so that's a really good crime those ones are the ones that you probably would be pretty happy to find because they need all of your services so the next one this was the one I just clicked on the next one was this VAX so once again they look pretty good well-designed and I think they've got a booking system and everything so probably not the ideal client so we just go and close those over here next up we had if I just scroll down I found this Hitchin maths tutor so just clicked on his site you can see this is a website that looks like it's out of the 1990s really you know not very well designed and pretty plain and if I go to prices over here we could see 25 pounds an hour then there's also no indication that he's offering online tutoring once again we could just completely redesign his whole site and just say we're gonna offer you a booking system we can say it what zoom so he can do one-to-one sessions with your students and all of those types of things so once again another really good client here that we could definitely go and sell our services to so next up was the Knebworth math tutor so let's just have a look I think he was a few more down so I've gone really far down on this one so let's see where the net worth math tutor is I think maybe I was this one here Michael Steele math tutor so I clicked on his sites and we can see over here Michael Steele math Chua once again pretty plain sites with WordPress so we can easily go and redesign his whole site adding an online booking system like I said once again set him up with zoom maybe say him up with the membership area loads of different things that we could offer because he is saying here I encourage use of online technology but he's not really utilizing it himself very well so he does want to offer online services but he'd probably like I said we could go and offer some really good services to him and help him to get his business online in a better way and then we had this one over here so the next one I just typed in was guitar lessons in Harford and I just went for this guitar studio over here so like I said there's so many different businesses that you could contact to go and offer services and once again if you just go and change the area you'll find even more businesses so we just look at this one as a last example for the booking systems and the membership and the zoom setup so we can see here the guitar studio if we just go home over here and on their home page there's no indication that they are offering online lessons for guitar so if we just scroll down over here we can see let's see if they offering online services anywhere so it's saying they're open but of course they would be closed at the moment and then they've got their contact details but nothing where it says that they offer online so if we go to lessons over here and then we can see they've got a few different classes so they've got guitar lessons drum lessons and piano lessons now we could easily go and set them up with a booking system and set them up with zoom so they can go and offer their guitar lessons online so that way they can get their business running and start making some money again and once again they could easily be set up with a membership site where people can go and pay and have a look at all of the different guitar lessons and like I said the way that you can sell this to your clients and justify this to your client because why wouldn't they just go and pay because your client might just say why would they just go and pay one of the big sites and become a member to that and like I said in the beginning of the video it's because people that are already their current customers they like to learn with the people they know they like familiarity so if they can actually go and pay to look at lessons from their current guitar tutor then they're probably more likely to pay for that and then pay for a random web sigh that's already offering online guitar lessons so that's how you can go and justify it the reason for them to need it to your actual clients so that is basically how you can go and find clients and then what I would recommend is just going looking at all of the different areas and trying to come up I would say with one to two as many as you can but at least probably 2 to 300 different businesses that you could potentially contact and that way you contact all of them you will eventually get some clients that are actually willing to pay you for their services so let's now go and have a look at how we can do this also with restaurants so in terms of finding clients that are restaurants this is going to be a lot easier task than finding other small businesses because all you have to do is type in restaurant and then in your local area and it will come up with a list of restaurants that you could go and potentially target as clients to go and create a delivery app for them so we have a look the first one mr. Tanaka's here because I know this one has closed down now so the first one I clicked on is mr. Tanaka's and when I clicked on their website it just came up with their Facebook page so they don't have their own website so the chances of them having a delivery app is going to be very slim so they could potentially be a good client to say we can offer you to create you an app where you can offer your customers takeaway and delivery so we would have to just go and look so let's just click not now and let's just see if we can go and find some contact so we've got a number for them so we can go and always call them up when they are open and just tell them about our services and see if they are interested so the next one I had the look at was let's scroll down I think it was this old seom let's have a look yes I would see them Hartford so you can see they do have a takeaway menu over here so let's just go and click on this and it just brings you to a PDF document so they might be offering takeaway they were definitely offering takeaway but right now people are having to just call up and do it that way so they might be once again interested in having their own delivery app because it's gonna make their life easier and they might be delivering through uber reach or something like that so like I said earlier on in the tutorial we can go and say to them that you're gonna be missing out on a lot of cash because you're giving a lot of fees to uber to deliver to just eat and things like that whereas if you had your own dedicate dedicated takeaway app you could be making a lot more profit so this once again would potentially be a good client so what you're gonna do is once again you just have your spreadsheet and start putting in your delivery at people as well so let's go and have a look the next one I've clicked on is Turkish kitchen over here so we just clicked on them now their website looks pretty nice and they do have a reservation part over here so if we click on this let's see it does allow people to actually reserve a table when they've got different branches and things like that so this is the type of client actually would be really good to go and contact because they seem like they want to keep their brand really professional they've got more than one restaurant in different areas so they might be thinking about offering takeaway we could go and say have you ever thought about offering takeaway we can set you up with an app which would make it a lot easier for you to offer takeaways as well and that way you can make more profit so once again could be another potential client and then the last one I just clicked on I was just scrolling through and I just clicked on this deal was Indian and we can see if we go over here they actually have their own thing where you can go and order online on their website so they're allowing that on the website so we could potentially say to them you're doing on your website but it's actually easier and it's a bit our customer service for your own customers it's a bit experience for them to be able to order it through a mobile app so maybe you could think about having a mobile app so that could be another potential client and you can also see here that when we click on deals Indian they are offering takeaway through food hub and also through the live loop so we could say you could just cut these two out and have your own delivery app and start keeping 100% of the profits so like I said what we're going to do is that and then once you've gone through all of the restaurants in your area you can just go and type in another area so another area near me is called where so once again a bunch of different restaurants now and I could just go and scope these out and see if any of them seem like potential clients that I could go in contact and offer the delivery app services to so this could be a really lucrative service that you can offer because there's so many restaurants and hardly any of them have their own dedicated delivery app so like I said this could be a really great way to go and start your first clients whilst you're also contacting those small businesses so now that I've shown you how you can go and find potential clients like I said you're going to want to go and think up two to three hundred if you can because you're going to want to contact quite a lot of them and eventually will start to get maybe five ten clients and if they're paying you upwards of five hundred four hundred dollars that way you're going to make a fair amount of cash and you can start getting some clients through the door and then you never know they might refer people to other people that have businesses as well so now that we've gone through that having a look at how we can go and find clients through Google next let's go and have a look at how we can actually contact the clients through email and also through phone the first thing that we are going to be using to go and start contacting clients is going to be MailChimp and MailChimp is a piece of software that allows you to send out a large amount of emails and you can design emails based off of their templates so we will be going and creating some email templates around booking systems and restaurant delivery apps and then we can go and send those templates out to the clients emails that we found in the last part of the tutorial so you're going to go over to MailChimp calm over here and you're gonna go and click on sign up for free once you click on this you are just going to go and put in your email choose a username and put in your password so once you have in Tibetan just to scroll down and click on get started you will then be brought to this screen that says check your email so then head over to your emails over here and you should see an email from MailChimp so we're gonna go and click on this email over here and then over here we are just going to go and scroll down and click on activate account so just go and click on this once you click on that it will say confirm you're a human so just click on I'm not a robot once you click on that you will be boots over to this screen that will ask you to pick a plan so we're just gonna start with the free plan it allows you to have 2,000 contacts and send out 10,000 emails so that's more than enough to get started with your digital agency so just go ahead and click on complete they will then say welcome to MailChimp and ask you to enter in your first name and last name so once you enter that in just click on continue it will then ask you to enter the name of your business so just go and put in name of your digital agency in here and then it will ask you for your website so you can just say just put in your URL in here to your website so once you've done that just click on continue once again it will then ask you to add your address so just go and put in your home address and once you have entered this in once again just click on continue it will then ask you if you have any contacts just go and click on no for now and click on continue they will then ask you to find your marketing path now don't worry about this because I'm gonna go through this setup with you and show you how you can create the email templates so let's just go ahead and click on not right now we will then just ask you if you want to subscribe to any of these things I wouldn't worry too much about this from now so let's just go and click on let's go so once you click on that you will be brought over to your MailChimp dashboard and from here you should see a page that looks like this now don't worry too much about this creating your first email adding your contacts or anything like that we are going to go and create our email template from scratch so we're gonna do is we're gonna go and click on campaigns over here once you click on campaigns you will see create campaign over here so let's go and click on create campaign you will then see this screen over here so we're gonna go and click on email campaign so let's go ahead and click on this and then we're gonna name our campaign so we're gonna go and do two different campaigns so we're gonna do one for the booking sites membership sites and zoom setup and then one for the restaurant delivery apps so we can't just go and call this one booking and memberships so let's just go and call it that and then we can go and click on begin now when you click on that you will go and be brought over to this page over here so you can firstly see add recipients so we're gonna go and add these later on so these are going to be the potential clients that we actually send this email to then we've got from so that's gonna be us so we can go and add that in later on as well and we also can go and add in the subject so for now what we're gonna do is we're gonna actually go and design the email so go and click on design email once you click on this it will say select a template so I'm just gonna go and select this first one over here sell products now I know we're not selling products but don't worry we're gonna go and design the template how we want it to be so just go and select this so once you select your template you will be brought over to this page which is the email builder so from here we can actually start going and building our email and it's fairly simple to go and do this so firstly let's just and add in our logo and let's add in a background image over here and then we're gonna go and add some text so for the background image you can actually go and get this from the site so if we go back to our site go back to your WordPress dashboard click on media over here and then under media we're gonna go and choose this one over here so just go and choose this image over here so you'll see it so we're going to go and choose this then we can go and copy the link over here so just go and copy the link open the link up in a new tab and then we can just right click this and click on save image so just go and save this image so I'm just going to go ahead and save this image as email header let's just go ahead and save that and then we'll just close this we can go back over here and then if we hover over here where it says image let's go ahead and click on this and now we can click on upload and then from here I can go and choose this email header let's go and choose this and click on open so now that that has uploaded I can go ahead and choose this and then just click on insert so now we can see that that has been added over there so now I've got the logo over here so we can go and add our logo if we want to so let's just go and click on edit block and then over here you will have your image we can go and click on replace and once again we can go on uploads and I've just got my logo over here so let's just go and upload this and just see how it looks this one is completely transparent so I don't know if it's going to look great but we will try anyway let's just go in have a look so that doesn't look amazing I don't know if there's a white version of this let me just go and have a look over here just because I'm a bit of a perfectionist let's see there isn't a white version of this so for now I'm just gonna leave my logo so I'm just gonna go and actually just delete that so let's go and close this and I'm just gonna go and delete the logo so we're just going to eat that so next up we have is our text over here so we're gonna go and change what this says over here so it's go go and click on this and now we want to go and actually edit this heading over here now in order to do this let's just click on save and close for a second and then from blocks go and click on styles and then if we go to page we can't go and see we've got heading 1 over here so let's just go and change this to white he's gonna go and change that to whites over there we can also go and change the font so let's go and change something that's similar to the front on our actual site so let's go and have a look if any of these look particularly nice so let's try let's try the latter let's see what that looks like lot oh it looks kind of similar I guess let's just go and have a look at our site so we're gonna go and try and find a font that looks the most similar just so we can keep the branding fairly consistent just go and have a look so I've got this one over here which looks not too similar let's try a different one let's see what else we have so let's see Tahoma maybe we could try the Donna so let's just try a few of these until we find one that looks kind of close to this one over here so let's try and let's see what else we have Korie a new aerial about lucida so let's try this so I'm just gonna try all of them out so let's see what else we have letter me with our May with the sands and then Roboto so let's see I think I'm gonna go for the Merriweather sense so let's just go for this that looks fairly similar like I said it doesn't have to be exactly perfect I'm sure no one is gonna notice massively so now that we've gone and done that let's just go and change heading twos as well let's go and change heading twos to this as well and it was Merriweather so let's go ahead and choose that so now that we've done that we can go and click on this block again and now we can go and change this so we are going to go and firstly make this into the center like this and what we're going to say is has your business being hit by Corona voice we are here to help so let's go and make that a little bit smaller so let's go and change that to a heading 2 so let's go heading 2 and then once again let's just click on save and close go back to page and let's just see our heading to is not white still so there we go that looks a lot better so now we've gone and changed that we can go and click on this again we might want to even make it a little bit smaller so let's just go and make this a little bit smaller so let's just go and make this let's see 30 pixels there we go that looks a bit better so because we are gonna go and type a little bit more in there so let's go and click on this again and your business being hit by kroehner wise we're here to help so then we can just say we are digital experts that can help get your business make sure you spell it right as well business online and up and running again and up we're gonna go for this and up and running again so we're just going to put that in the center as well like this and it's just going to see if we can break it up a little bit there we go that looks a lot nicer now let's just see if we can change the style of this as well to white there we go so that looks a lot nicer and then let's just go one down two down three down so let's go and do that and let's just see if we can change the size from here so let's go and change it to 20 let's try 24 22 so that's perfect and then let's just see if we've got the font we want to use Merriweather sans again so there we go so this initial one we are just going to send out to like I said bookings and membership potential clients so as soon as I open it it's gonna say has your business been hit by a chronal house we are here to help then we've got we're digital efforts that can help get your business online and up and running again so we're basically just saying to them we can offer services to get your business online and get it running again and help them make profit so we're kind of going with an attention-grabbing heading over here so as soon as the potential client opens the email it might give them something to think about work actually actually yes my business has been hit by owner Mouse I wonder how this digital agency can help me so we're going to do it next is we are going to go and add in some buttons so let's click on save and close and then we'll go to blocks and we've got button over here so let's go and add a button in there now with this bond what we are going to do is we are going to say book your free consultation cool so we want them to book a free consultation cool with us and then that way once they're booked on we're gonna go and ring them up and we can go and discuss our services with them and this is a little bit better than just strictly cold calling them straight I know earlier we were collecting numbers and we could have just called them straight but if they have actually booked a consultation call with us that means they've kind of registered their interest in our services and it kind of cuts out a lot of time wasted trying to wing people up who are just gonna slam the phone ass whereas what if they see this we kind of capture their interest a little bit then they book a consultation call with us and then that way when we ring them up we have more justified reason to actually go and offer our services to them so then we're gonna put a link to our web address so what we're gonna do is let's go over here and then we're just gonna click on request quotes and once we click on that we're just going to go and get the URL that goes to our consultation core part over here so we're just going to go and paste that into the web address like this now we are also going to go and make sure that the branding colors are spot-on as well so I'm just going to go and get the branding colors for this site as well so we'll leave the hex codes to the branding colors in the description below so I'm just gonna go over here and then if we go to style we can go and change this to this color over here and you can see that's the same purple as the one over here so that's the one we're gonna be using and then we can go for rounded corners just to make sure that it looks the same as our site like this as well so now we've got that and then we can go and change the font so let's go and find the fonts we can once again change this to Merryweather sans so now we've got booked your free consultation call so now like I said that if they go and book in their free consultation call they have definitely registered interest with us now if people don't book you still can go and bring them up and offer your services to them like I said this is a good way to pique your clients interest so now that we've done that next up we are going to go and create some more areas down here just explaining a few of their services so when they actually go and look through the email they can and have a just a rough overview of the booking websites that we create the membership sites that we create and once again we're going to be trying to prompt them to go and book that free consultation call so let's just go now and add in some extra areas in here so let's go and add a photo in here so we're gonna go back to the media area within our website so just go back to your WordPress dashboard over here and then from here we will just go to media and go to the library again and then from here we can go and grab one of these images so what we're gonna go and grab is gonna be this one over here this one looks pretty cool so let's just go and copy the link to this once again we can go and paste it here so let me just try that again let's copy the link and we're gonna paste it some reason it's not letting me copy it okay I'll just copy it manually so let's just go and grab that and we can't paste it in here and then we're just going to go and save this image so it's going to right click save image and then I'm just gonna go ahead and click on save so now that I have saved that image let's go and upload it over here so we're gonna go and click on this and then we're gonna go and click on replace and then we're just going to go to upload and then we are gonna go for that at the booking sites over here so just click on open and once it has uploaded we can just go ahead and click on this let's close this and click on insert so now we have got that over here so that's looking pretty cool so let's just go and see I'm going to preview let's just go and click on into preview mode one we just want to go and see what it looks like so far so we've got it like that that looks pretty cool and if you go to a mobile which want to make sure that it looks good on mobile as well okay that's perfect so it's looking cool on a mobile so that is perfect so it's looking good on a mobile so let's just go and close this now I just want to make sure that this image was okay for mobile so that's perfectly fine so what we're gonna do next we're gonna go and change this text over here so let's just go ahead and click on this so it says it featured the start the feature at the start of your collection first so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go and put in beautiful booking websites so we've gone and put that in there and once again I'm just going to go and Center that up because I think it looks nicer like that and now we're going to go to the booking site area on our website so let's just go to the front end and then we'll go to services and we'll go to web development and then from here we're just going to go and copy some of this text not all of it but it's gonna copy the main points out of here so we're gonna say one of the biggest on one of the biggest advantages to online booking flat ones is that it's always over business you're gonna set bookings 24/7 so your customers don't have to wait until the next presentation the until the next day to make a reservation so let's Chris go and copy this firstly trying to read that too fast there and we're gonna go and paste that in there so let's try that again right click and copy it's just paste there now and we're gonna Center this up and then we can just delete this and then we can't also go and put in we create beautiful booking websites that will allow your customers to book appointments lessons means consultations and more so let's just go and paste that in there and then finally we'll just say the perfect way to get your business online ASAP so we can go and put that in there let's just make sure that's a full stop so now we've got that once again we're gonna go for book your free consultation call so what we can do is we can just go and duplicate this button so I think if we just hit this plus button over here now we can grab this and let's drop it there and then if we scroll we can grab it again and we can drop it there and then we can just delete this button and that just saves us the hassle of having to go and create the whole button over again from scratch so now we've got book your free consultation core game let's just go and see if we can I think it looks alright the size that it is so let's just leave it at that size okay so that's perfect so now we've done our booking website bit beautiful booking websites and we've got a little bit of information in there and once again we're prompting them next up we can go and add in some different bits down the bottom here as well so let's just go ahead and change this so when we go ahead and click on this we will see the column one and column two so let's firstly go and do column one so current one we are going to go and do membership sites so for the membership sites let's just go and click on here and we'll go back to our WordPress dashboard and then from here we can go to media again let's go to library and then from the library we can go and pick a membership site once so let's go for this image over here let's see how that one's looking there's a little bit over here that I don't like too much so let's get rid of that I'm just gonna have a look at this one is this one okay yes this one should be fine so let's just go and copy the link again I'll go over here and we're just gonna paste that link and then let's see if we can save the image and click Save so don't worry too much about you can see there's some strange little bits over here from the cropping so don't worry too much about that because I think when we upload it it should be okay because there's a white background so let's just go ahead and click on replace and we'll go and click on uploads and then we're gonna go and choose this image over here and you click on upload and it's just close this we can choose this click on insert yeah and you can see you can't notice so that looks perfectly fine so now we can go and let's scroll down where it says related products we can say let's just go in here and we're just going to put in and membership websites so let's go and change the style so let's go and change let's see if we can change the font style if I can change in here so let's go to fonts and I'm gonna go and choose the Merriweather sans again so let's see we've chosen that let's see if it's gonna let us to in here so we'll scroll down to marry with a sense they would go perfect and then over here instead of having next use this spot blah blah blah we're going to go and mention something about our membership sites so let's go back to our membership site area so now let's go to services and web development again and then from here we can go and copy some of the information about membership sets so we can go and say let's see what we could go and take from here running a membership site allows you to generate recurring revenue members pay a monthly or yearly fee in exchange for access so we can go and copy this and let's just go up to here let's just go and copy that and paste that in there so running a membership site allows you to generate recurring revenue members pay a monthly or yearly fee in exchange which means that you can constantly build up your living it every time you get more signups we can create a beautiful membership site for you to share your content with your customers and that's that and then after here we've got view similar products so we go and click on this instead of having view similar products we're just going to go and say look your free consultation nuts get rid of that book your free consultation go so then we're gonna go and put a link over here so let's just grab this again we're gonna click on link over here and we are gonna go and choose our booking page so let's go and click on request poker game request a quote again copy this go back over here and we're gonna paste that in there and click on insert so now they've got booked your free consultation call just like that so that's perfectly fine and then we can also go let's go and change let's go to start over here let's go and change this so we can change it to black maybe I'll just go back to content let's see if we can change the color I think we may have to change it within stars in here so let's go to page again and let's go and have a look if it's in here if we're going to change the color heading 3 and heading 4 so it may be this one it's gonna change it to black yeah there we go that looks a lot better and let's get rid of italics I don't like that so that's perfectly fine it's going click on safe and now we can go and edit this bit over here as well so we can go and add in apps as well but I think what I'm gonna go and do it I'm gonna go and add in the zoom setup as well so let's go and add in the zoom setup over here so we're gonna go to column 2 I'm gonna go to replace and now we're gonna go and get the zoom logo so let's go back to our wordpress dashboard and then from here we can go to media let's go to the media library again and then from here let's go and see if we can find should be this one the zoom logo so we're just gonna copy this and we'll paste that over here and then right click save image and then we've got the zoom bloop just save that and let's just close this we can close this as well let's go back over here and we're going to upload the zoom logo so let's just go and choose zoom glue and once it uploads we can just close this choose the zoom logo and click on insert and now we've got that there as well so that's looking pretty cool so now what we're gonna do is let's just see if we can't actually go and add anything around that so let's just go and see if we're gonna add a border around that so let's see border let's go ahead and see if we can that's for all of it so let's just go and see let's try line-height let's just leave this for now that's okay so it would be better to go and make this image a bit bigger but that's perfectly fine so what we'll do is we just go back to content as well again and let's just see if we can bring this down to here so that looks a lot better and now we can go and change the style so that's got two fonts I'm going to change up to Merriweather sounds again and now we're just going to change this to zoom setup so we've gone and done that and once again we'll go back over here close this go to our home page and then from here we can go to services and we can go to zoom setup and then we can just go and copy something here so zoom allows you to conduct one-to-one in group video chats online for free if you're running a class called sewing business blah blah blah so let's go and just copy that's there and then we can just go and paste that over here so that's perfect and then what we will do is once again if we just go back to column 1 we can just go and copy this so let's just copy that go back to column two and instead of having shot the sale we can just cut and paste in book your free consultation cool now let's just go and have a look at the link and make sure that it's yep consultation cool so we can just close that and that's it we can see we've got that all set up so that's looking good to have got zoom and we've got our membership sites as well now if you want to you can also go and add in one about booking apps as well so we could just go and duplicate some of these sections over here we can just go and add them in as we want to so let's just go and duplicate these so let's go and duplicate this and then we can go and move this all the way down to the bottom so let's drop it there scroll down and scroll up a bit keep going let's drop it down there now and now we've got that so we can go and change this so let's just make sure we've copied everything first so let's go and duplicate this section as well and we can drop that down there and then we can drop it here and finally we want our book your free consultation cool so let's just go and duplicate that and drop it down there and then we can drop it here and finally we can drop it down there so now we've got that and we're gonna want to change the image so let's go back over here go back to the media area so let's just go and click on the media library and now we can go and get an image of the booking app over here so go and click on this we'll copy this and just paste it in here right click save image and we'll save the image and then from here we can let's just close this go and change this image so we're going to click on this replace and then upload and then let's just go and choose the app and then from here we can just go and close this and insert the booking app now this one is a very large image so let's go and make this a little bit smaller let's just go and make it something like that and then we can also go and just change this so we can't say looking apps and then let's go over to our home page again and then from here we'll go to services and we'll go to mobile developments and then we can go down to over here so let's just go and copy this and we can close this and then we can just go and paste this in here so booking systems help you do more with less once you have your business set up on the platform you don't have to call your customers for reminders sign up for lot of nails or mainly update your diary so we can go and add that in there now also down here we have the social links if you want to go and set up social pages for your digital agency you can go and do that and then you can go and link them so over here if we click on this you can see you can go and add in a Facebook page URL Twitter any of those things Instagram I haven't gone and set up any social pages with the digital agency template so you're gonna have to do that for your own digital agency so for now I'm just gonna go and delete this get rid of it then also down here we just have this as well so we can go and where we've got copyright current year and then we've got list companies so that's going to be the name that we signed up for and then over here we also have our mailing address is and that's going to be our mailing address that we enter in and then this is just if they want to unsubscribe to us basically so I would just recommend leaving that in because that's good to have that in there so now you can see our email has come together that's looking pretty good now let's just go and see if we can go let's just click Save and just go to blocks over here and we are just going to go and add in some dividers so let's just go if we scroll down let's just go and add a divider in there so that's one just breaks up a little bit and let's just change the padding to 25 at the top and 25 at the bottom just like I said it breaks up a little bit and then we can go and add another one divider over here with 25 at the top and 25 at the bottom so now we can see we click Save and close it just breaks out like it just makes the email look a little bit cleaner with those dividers in there so that's looking really good now like I said we've got our main headline over here has your business been hit by a chronal virus we are here to help we are digital experts that can help get your business online and up run it again and then we are prompting them to book a free consultation tool if they're not run Huntress ensure they can scroll down and see the office it offers the site the services that we offer and they can go and have a look at the different things that we're offering them and once again we are always prompting them to book a free consultation cool and then once they get into the consultation call then we can go and call them up and tell them about what services we think would be best at fitting for them so now let's just go and preview the templates so let's just go into preview mode one and now let's just go and click on desktop just to make sure so on desktop everything is looking fine but more likely they're gonna be looking it on their mobile so let's go and have a look what it looks like on the mobile as well so that's looking good membership looking good zoom is looking good and booking apps looking good so that's perfect so now we can just go and close this and let's go and click on continue so now that we have actually created the email template that we can go and send out to our potential clients let's go and have a look at how we can go and finish off the rest of the campaign that we can send that to the potential clients that we found earlier in the tutorial so once you have created your email template you can go and then add the recipients so these are going to be the potential clients that we actually send this email to so let's go and click on add recipients and then from here we can go and click on import contacts and then from here we can go and copy a copy and paste from file so click go and click on this and then go and click on continue and then from here we can go and copy and paste the email address so if we go over so this over here you can see I've just gone and put some example emails in but like I said that spreadsheet we were creating earlier when we're going and looking for potential clients we're gonna have all of their emails in here we can just go ahead and copy them like this and then we can just go over to here and we can just go and paste them in so once you have done that you can go and click on I understand and then go click continue to match once you click on this it will bring you over to this page so you can go and add a tag so you could go and add a prospect tag to all of these so you can go and add that if you want to personally it doesn't really matter because there were going to be prospects and then once they actually become clients then you'll be contacting them on a regular basis so it won't really matter too much about going and categorizing them so then we can just go and click on continue to review and then it will say you're all set to import now my one over here is just saying we only have one column so I've only got the email column I haven't put the first name the last name only those types of things but that's perfectly fine in the mechanics going click on import so now that we've done that we can see that we are going to send this email to five recipients that's only because I just went and copy and pasted five emails in but that's perfectly fine because you're obviously going to want to go and copy and paste all of those emails that you've collected when you were going and looking for clients as I showed you earlier on in the tutorial next up we have the from so let's go and click on add from and from here it's going to say the name so what we're gonna put in the name we're actually just gonna put the name of our agency so just go and put in digital agency in here and you've got the from email address now I personally recommend going and putting in your professional email address in there the one we created earlier so contact at digital agency comm so can go and put that in there and just go and click on safe now once you click on this it will say that you need to verify your domain so if I go and just put in my domain in there and click on save and now if I go in click on verify domain now once you click on this it will say that you need to verify your domain so if I go and just put in my domain in there and click on save and now if I click on verify domain and then we are going to go and just go and put in the email address that we created so let's go and click on send verification email and then it's going to ask us to put in the verification code so let's go over to our site ground site tools and then from here we can go to the email account and kraid so let's go and click on the three dots and click on login to webmail and when we click on log in to web now link will bring us over to our inbox and we can go and click on the email from MailChimp over here and then we can go and copy the code and then we will go back over to MailChimp and then we can enter that code in there and hit verify so they will say domain successfully verified and we can go and click on done so now that we have done that let's go ahead and click on save again and then finally we're going to add the subject so let's go and click on add subject so the subject is going to be over here we're going to go and add in it your business online and then we can just go ahead and put in corona virus alternatives so that's going to make the business owners want to actually look at the email because everything oh my god coronavirus is here I need to get my business online and then when they open up the email they can go and reach through and like I said hopefully book a consultation call and then preview text we'll just make it the same so just put that and just go ahead and click on save so now that we have done all of that the last thing that you have to do is go and click on send and this will go and send that email out to all of those potential clients and then you just have to wait to see how many of them actually go and book in the free consultation call with you so next one were to show you is how you can go and see who has actually booked a consultation call with you so let me just show you how the booking system works for when your clients go and actually all your potential clients go and book a free consultation call with you so I've just got an opened up the site in Microsoft edge over here just so I can go and book it in and then we can look at the backend of the WordPress dashboard to see how everything comes through so I've just gone and filled everything in so you can go and see I've put in the first name last name the any name of the clients so this is when they're booking their free consultation call then I've gone and they have ended in their address of their business their phone number their email and then they can also go and put in some additional notes so I've just put in here I'm interested in the booking website service now many of your clients they probably won't put that in so but I just wanted to show you what it looks like on the backend so once they do that all they then have to do is click on place order and then once they click on place order you will see thank you your order has been received and then we'll be in contact to discuss your project surely so that's what your potential client will see when they book their free consultation cool so now if we just go back over here and we go back to the backend of our site so let's go and click on our WordPress dashboard and then from here we can go to WooCommerce and we can go to orders and now we can see that Tony Montana order is over here so we've got that so we can go and click on that now and now we can go and see all of the information that they just put in so you can see we've got Tony yoga over here so we've got the business now this is really good because if you've forgotten which clients that you were looking to potentially work with when they've put their business name in here you can just go and look on your spreadsheet and then you can go and have a quick look over what it was that you were thinking to offer them and then before you actually go and call them up and offer them a service then they've got their email address over here as well and then the phone number this is obviously going to be really important because going to work to cool them up and give them that free consultation call and then you've got the notes over here I'm interested in the booking site so you can see that comes through as well so like I said when you get this foo you're going to want to go and have a look at the site again and think about the services that you can offer them before you actually go and call them because you want to have a rough idea of what you're going to say to them what type of services you're going to try to sell to them and those types of things so like to show you how it comes through and then we have to do is get their phone number and you're going to call them up now I will just go through very briefly with you what you can actually sir say when you call up your potential clients as well so before you call your clients up for their consultation call obviously you've got their number ready you firstly need to go and have a look at their business and just do an audit of the type of services that you can offer them so you would have done this anyway when you're doing research but you're going to want to refresh your memory before you actually go and contact them and then once you've so for example if we have a look at the yoga company from earlier I think it was a sooner yoga company then I had to look and I thought to myself wow I could offer him a better booking service I could redesign his site so there's a lot more seamless and he can take online payments I can also perhaps up sell him an offer him a membership site so that he can record his lessons and get his students to pay a membership fee to watch some of his yoga lessons back and I called also set him up with zoom even though he probably has been set with that but I could mention that to him as well so then I've written this all down prior to actually be calling this potential client so I've got all of the kind of rough ideas of the services that I wanted to try and sell to him and then when you call them up you just say oh hi there is that sanur from Sonu yoga this is Elliot from digital agency I noticed that you booked a consultation come with me about getting your business online I've been having a look at your website and I was thinking that we could offer you a few services that are going to actually increase customer sales so to get more people booked into your yoga classes and generally is just gonna make your life easier as a business so you're gonna go and just talk to them normally and like I said once you've done your prior research it will be easier obviously have a practice and the more cos you do you will get more comfortable with talking to these clients so like I said you can just go and speak to them and then you can just go and offer those services so you can say so I've been looking at your site I think at the moment I can see that you're only offering bookings through email so they have to email you and then you email them back to confirm what I think it would actually be a really good idea if you had a booking system on your site so people could book in for your life yoga sessions and then you can say to them if you want to just jump on a quick Skype call with me I can actually go and show you a demonstration of a booking site to show you how easy is to go and use them and how easy it will be for your customers and then what you want to do is just try it and get them onto a Skype call and then that way you can go and share you scream with them and you can show them exactly how the site works so just the one I showed you and you can go and show them all of the different features of the site and how easy it is to use so then when you finally start seeing that they are showing some interest they start asking you questions and those types of things then you can actually try and sell them you can say so this is a service that we offer we offer booking sites there $399 but I think overall for the investment you're going to keep this site for the entirety of your company so it's gonna be a one-time investment and you just have to pay for the hosting every year to keep it running so you don't have to pay any subscription or anything like that and we can get you set up pretty much in a couple of weeks so that way you can start using your new site straight away and like I said it's going to help you to retain your customers that you already have but it's going to be a much easier and seamless booking system for them so it's gonna be a lot better service for them when they actually are booking it in and it's gonna be a lot better experience for them when they book classes and then also for new customers coming in they're gonna find it a bear experience as well which means that you'll be asked to build up your customer base and then just to conclude the call you can say we are gonna send you an invoice over we work on a basis where you pay 50 percent upfront to actually start the project and then 50 percent upon completion of the project so we will send you an invoice over if you could just make that payment and then we will get started right away and we can have your project completed in one to two weeks that's kind of down to you you need to practice and decide how long it takes you to actually make these sites and these apps if you think you can create a site within a week you can say to them that we've got a one-week turnaround and you can put that within your invoice and then like I said you can just say we're going to send an invoice over now once you make the payment we will get started on your project right away and then you paid the final 50% upon completion of the project and we'll be in touch if there's anything else we need you to do so now we've had a look very briefly at the types of things that you can say to your clients now let's go and have a look at how we can go and create an email template to send out to potential restaurant delivery app clients okay so now let's go and have a look at how we can create an email campaign to send out to restaurant delivery prospects so once again we can go over to campaigns over here and then from here we are going to go and click on create campaign then we are going to go and choose email and then we are going to go and call this rest or delivery campaign and then let's just go and click on begin now from here we will scroll down and we can go to content once again and click on design email from here we can go and pick the sell products one again so let's just go and choose this and then from here we can go and edit our template once again so firstly let's just go and delete the logo again because I'm just gonna get rid of that so we're going to leave that and now from here we can go and add in an image so I just gonna go and add that same image in again so let's just go ahead and choose that and click on insert and then now we can go to let's go to star over here we'll go to page and we just go and change our fonts once again so just just go ahead and change this and we'll scroll down and pick Merriweather sounds again and I'm just going to go ahead and change all of them this time so let's change that with this go and do all of them just to save a little bit of time so we'll change this one as well and do that and finally we'll just leave that one so let's just make sure is a with a sense and turn off italic and now we can just go and click on save and that's all done for us so now that we've done that we can go and edit this so let's just go and click on edit over here and we can just say the same as we done before has your restaurant being hit by coronavirus and then we are here to help so we can just go and put that in and it's just sent it up and maybe let's just make it a little bit smaller so font size is try 32 so we've done that and now we can just say we can help get your restaurant online so you can start making profit again let us set you up with a dedicated delivery app so you can start doing business and get back on your feet so we can just go and say something like that now I'm just gonna go and Center this up again and I'm just going to go and change the font size as well let's just make this a little bit bigger it's 22 like that and let's just go like that and let's just see if we can go and change the color just make it for white there we go perfect so let's see maybe just a little bit gray up like that so that looks good so let's just click on save and close so now that we've done that next up we can just go and add in an image of our booking delivery app over here so let's just go and add an image so we go back over to our site and we go back to our WordPress dashboard and then from here we can just go to media and click on the library and then from here we can just scroll down and we can go and choose one of these delivery at once so let's just go and have a look so this one is three thousand by two thousand what sizes this one 800 by 800 so this is go for this one because it's a little bit smaller so I'm just gonna go and copy this and we can just go and paste this in here and now I'm just gonna go and right click save image and then I can just go out and click on save so now let's go back over here we'll just close this and we're gonna go and add that image over here so let's just go and click on this click on tree place and then we're gonna go and click on uploads and then from here we can go and choose the restaurant and just wait for that to upload once it has uploaded we can just go and choose it click on insert and now we have our delivery app over here so that's looking good so let's just go out and make it just a little bit smaller so that's just about the right size okay that's perfect and basically all we need to do is just that so we're gonna go and just delete this bit over here so let's just delete that and we can go and delete this as well and all we need to do is just change the button now and change the text in here so let's go back over to our site we'll close this and let's go to the home page and then from the home page we'll go to services and go to mobile app development and then from here we can go and just copy some of this over here so let's just go and copy this consumers want convenience in all aspects of their lives the take away market has grown significantly over the last decade so we can just go and copy that as a matter of fact we probably don't really need that bit we can just go and copy this over here so let's just go ahead and copy that and then we can go and paste that in there and let's just center align all of it and then we can just go and put in a heading over here so let's go choose a heading to your own beautiful delivery app so we can just go and add that in there and click on Save and close so let's just go see if we can change this let's go to style and we change it to black it's not gonna let me change that bit to black so let's see if I can go and let's just click Save and close we'll go back to page over here and we'll go to heading 2 and we'll just change that to black there we go and now we can just go let's make this a little bit smaller 25 there we go and let's just save and close again just make sure that the font is all correct maybe with a sans yet so now that we've done that we just need to go and change the button once again so let's just go and change the bond we can't just say book your free consultation and then we go to style gonna make the rounded corners and we're gonna go and pace that color in here so let me just go ahead and click on this and I'll just paste this in here and now we've got booked your free consultation call and then finally we just need to go and get this link over here so let's just go and copy this and we are just going to go and go to contents and paste that in there and click Save and close and that is basically it that's a really easy template to go and create so now that we've done that we've just seen here studies show restaurants offer online ordering kentuc between 6% and 20% of their business this way and see a 60% increase in sales and then we've just put in a little bit about why use third-party apps like Google I did agree I'm not happy wasn't sure if delivery is in the US so you can always go and change that to an app that is more frequently used within your state or something like that so now we've done that we can go and click on continue and now the other parts have actually already sound for us so we've got the front already set up over here so you can't go and edit that if you want to once again so you can go and change this and make it your professional email just like I showed you already so let's say contact that's setting maje calm and just click on save so because I've already set it up it lets me go and set that up and then we've got the subject over here we can't just go and put the subject at as as your restaurant being hit by coronavirus so you can just go and put that in there and then the preview text can be we can help your business get back on its feet and then it's just going to click on save so now we've done that now the last bit is to just go and change the to because we've already put in our recipients so we can go to edit recipients and then this time we can actually go and instead of picking all subscribers in audience we can just go and click on group or new segment and we can go and click on paste emails and then you can go and paste those client emails so any restaurants in the local area when you've actually done your research for who which client you're going to contact you can just go and grab all of those emails and just paste them in there like that and then what you can do is click on exclude these emails from my segments so just click on that and then click on build segment now you can see here for me it's saying four recipients you pasted were not valid email addresses and that's just because I went and entered in some random email addresses so once you've done that you can just go ahead and click on save and you will over here have those recipients now and then all you have to do then is click on send once again and then that will go out to your prospects and your potential clients and then hopefully they book a free consultation call then you can just go back over to your sites go back to the wordpress dashboard and then from here you can go to WooCommerce go to orders and then over here you would be able to see all of the different people that have booked a free consultation call with you and then like I said when you actually click on it you can go and get their number over here and then you can just go and call them and discuss the option of setting up a restaurant delivery app with them so now that we've had a look at how to actually contact the clients through email and by phone the last bit of the too-tall is actually to have a look at how we can charge our customers to make sure that we get paid on time and in full so for the final part of the tutorial I'm going to be showing you how you can actually build your customers to ensure that they pay you on time and they do pay you for your full service and in order to do this we are going to be using a piece of software called panda docks and this is going this is basically a billing software that allows us to go and send the clients an invoice and then they can pay like that so let's just scroll down because we're not gonna click on their ads we'll just be kind and we'll scroll down and we'll click on panda dock over here once you click on this you will come over to the Panda Docs homepage now Pat dock is actually a free piece of software and of course you can always upgrade but if we just go over to the pricing I will just show you what you get with the free version so you can go and have unlimited signatures so basically means that your you can send out unlimited documents to your clients and they can sign them also have unlimited document uploads so we're going to go be creating our own invoices and uploading and then we have payments and unlimited users so you can see that they offer a pretty good service considering free then obviously as you get more clients you might want to think about upgrading they do have professional templates that you can use time tracking so you can go and track when your clients have signed things and stuff like that so you can go and do things like that but for now we're just going to go for the free account so just go and click on create free account and once you click on this you can't just go and enter in your email address so like I said you probably want to think about just having everything from one email address so you might just want to use your professional email address that we created earlier so once you enter in your email address just go ahead and click on sign up once you click on sign up it will just ask you to go and enter in some extra information so I'm just going to go and enter this in now so once you have entered in your name your job title and in company name you can just put the name of your agency then company size I've just put so low because it's just going to be us running the digital agency CRM just put I don't have a CRM it doesn't really matter too much about this and then what brought you here I've just picked proposals and then you can just put your phone number in pick a password and click on start using pandadoc you will then be brought over to this screen that just says whole time - it can't be ready in a few minutes so just wait for this to load once it loads you will be brought to this screen that says drag and drop a file here so this is going to be the file that we can actually go and send out to our clients so this is gonna be our invoice now in terms of payments what you are going to do is when you discuss with your client you're gonna say you pay half up front and then you pay the final half when we actually complete the project and that way at least you know you've got some money and you don't spend a lot of time working on the project and then they never pay you so if they pay you half they're more likely to see it through and then end up paying you the whole thing but then if for whatever reason they do end up just going cold on you then at least they have paid you half for your time that you've spent on your clients project so like I said we're going to go and create an invoice for the first half of the payment of the project and then for the second half of the payment of the project so to create invoices so before we actually go and upload a file onto panda docks we are actually going to go and create the invoice so once again head back over to canva over here the one that we used earlier and in here we are going to go and type in invoice so just go and type that in let me just make sure I spell it correctly and just go and hit enter once you hit enter you will be shown loads of different invoice template that you can use and you can pretty much use any one you want so just go and have a look through them and just pick one but for now I'm just gonna go and pick this one over here I like the look it looks pretty clean so I'm gonna go and just click on this and now from here we can actually go and edit this template to create that invoice so once your template loads let's just go and zoom in so let's just go to 75% make it a little bit bigger so basically what we're gonna do in here now is you've got your clients and now you can just go and like I said we're gonna create our first 50% that they pay you and the second 50% so what we can do is we can just go and make it look nice if we want to so I'll just go to uploads and you can go and upload one of those images from this site so if I just go to upload image over here and you can see I've uploaded this email header 1 so I've just gone we can just go and drag that onto there so you can see just keeping the branding and everything the same and then you can go and put your logo in here if you want to as well I'm just not going to bother with that for now so I'm just going to go and delete this and then what we can do is we can say let's say this is our new client the first one is gonna be first invoice so we can say first invoice now you might want to keep a log of your invoice numbers they don't really matter too much but if you ever do want to look something up then you can go and keep a log of your invoice number so you can go and create a spreadsheet and you just have the clients name their first invoice number and then their second invoice number so that way if there is ever a issue with anything then you can always go and look up the invoice number on your spreadsheet and just see if it's been paid so you can go and create spreadsheet so I thought I'd just show you so let me just go and show you so you can go and create a spreadsheet like this so I've got the client name so let's say it was Kenya Limbo we could say Kenya limbo and we could go and put their business in so something like in boyo guy let's say it was and let's just make that like this then you've got the invoice number so we can go put the invoice number in there three thousand and zero one zero three thousand and zero one zero one and then the amount so you could say let's say it was 250 pounds let's just say for example then paid so you can say yes or no whether they've paid yes or no and then you can also say is it invoice one or is it invoice two so invoice one would mean that they still need to pay us the other 50 percent as well so you can just go and create a spreadsheet like this if you want to just to make sure every think is organized and you are keeping on top of which of your clients have paid and their invoice numbers and things like that so like I said you might want to just keep track so you could just start it you could go and create a system where you do your invoices so for example you've got three thousand here so we've got one zero one and then when you may create a new invoice you can just say that's one zero two one zero three one zero four and just keep incrementing it by one so you could start off with this is your first invoice 3001 zero one when you get your first client and then when you get your second client or if your second clients paying their second invoice you can go and just do that so you can just go and add your invoice numbers in like that then you've got who it is actually for so this is going to be your clients name and then you can just go and put their business address in here and then finally you've got the description over here so in the description we can say let's say they just want one booking website so booking websites just one that's your first client and then you can just go and delete the rest so you can just go and do this just like that or let's say they want more we can just go and add zoom setup onto here so we can go and do that and then we can delete this so let's say they wanted to booking websites then you can go and change the quantity to two so in most of your clients it's gonna be one but it's good just to have that on there just in case and then we've got the price so because this is the first invoice let's say our booking websites are $399 so if we just do 399 divided by 2 we can see first invoice is going to be one hundred ninety nine fifty so we just go over here and we would say first invoiced they're gonna pay 19950 and then let's say 149 for zoom setup 7450 so we can go and just put in here 7450 and then we can just delete this now in terms of rate you don't really need this column this is only if you're charging hourly so if you're shut if you decide to charge hourly you can go and put this in here but you can't always just go and let's just delete elements and will delete this top bit as well just like that and then we can just go and spread these out a little bit so we can go and do this there we go so now we've just got description quantity and price and then we just got the total so one 951 952 know this but anyway plus 74 50 is to 74 so then the total to pay is 274 dollars and then at the bottom here we're going to want to add a signature just to make sure that they sign it so they can do an e-signature so we can just burn put client signature and we can also just go and put digital let's actually you would have want to put these the other way around so you've got your signature at the top so client signature and then just delete this like that and then we can duplicate this and we're gonna put agency signature here so then both parties have signed it let's just make sure they're lined up they'll go and just make sure there's a bit of space so they actually have space to put their digital signature in let's just make sure some lined up never got a perfect and then down at the bottom here you can just put your address so that's just gonna be your home address if you're running your digital agency from home so now that we've done that obviously I'm going to change the banding colors so you can go and change the banding colors so like I said I will leave the branding colors the hex code of the banding colors down below in the description so now we can see we've just changed that so let's just go and change these to our brand colors and that one and this one and then we can go and change let's see if we can change that style there to this you can't really see that so I'm just going to change that to just the white make it easy so then we've got first invoice and then basically what we can do now is just go and download this so you want to go and change this over here so we could go and just call this Kenya limbo first invoice okay so we've got our first invoice and then we just go and hit download and then we're going to hit download once again so once it has downloaded we can just go and let's just close this and we can close this and I'm just gonna go and close this spreadsheet because I don't need it now so I'm just gonna go ahead and close that and now we can go back over to Panda Docs and now we can go and click choose a local file so we've just gotten created our invoice for our clients and now we want to go and upload it to pandadoc so let's go and click on choose a local file and now I can go and pick that Kenya limbo first invoice let's just go in here on click open and once you click on that it will be uploaded here and now we can actually go and drag some things in here so we can go and drag signatures in so let's just go and drag a signature over here so we've got one signature and then you can go and assign the recipients so once you've done this we can just close this and now we can go back to content and we can go ahead and drag another signature in here so now we've got our signature and the client signature so now we can actually go and assign these so if we go to agency signature we can go and click a sign and we want to go and if we go to a sign recipient it will come up over here and then we want to go and assign this I can go and assign it to ourselves so assigned to me and then we just got placeholder signature we can go and change your text if you want to and then you've got required so we can go and see if we just scroll down let's just click back on this we can see we've made it required and then after here we've got the client signature so we can just go and add in our clients so this say for example the crime was a different email let me go and put another email in here contact that sets in Lodge comm so let's just go and click add and then this is gonna be our clients name Kenya limbo and then that's that so we just click on this so let's just put that in the game can your limbo and then down here we should be able to just save it so it's just you can add person ok yeah so now I've got Kenya limbo so a Kenyan limbo needs to sign this and we need to sign this one over here so we can actually just go and click on accept and sign because we've just signed our own one like that so now we've done that all you have to then do is click on send document but before we actually click on send document we can actually just save this because what we want to do is we want to go and set up payments so if we go to dashboard over here and from our dashboard we can actually set up the payments so if we go to settings over here and now we've got payment gateways so let's go and click on payment gateways over here and from here you can actually go and set up payment gateways so you can go and set up stripe so if I click on stripe over here I can actually go and click on connect so all you would need to do so they've got an actual video here of how it works but we can go and click on connect over here and then when you click on connect it brings you over to stripe over here so it's gonna go and say so what you need to do is you need to go and setup a stripe account which is really easy we have to do is if we just go over to Stratcom over here and you just need to go and setup a stripe account which is really simple all we have to do is just go filling your details and you have to actually upload your ID so either a passport driving licence that type of thing so stripe can verify you and then once you have your strap account setup like I said it's really easy to go and sit one up then you can just go back into Panda Docs so let's just go and close this you can go back into paradox and just click on connect and then it's gonna go and try and connect your strap account over here and once you do that that's it it's really easy so you can see over here they're asking me to sign up but because I already have an account it's fine I can just go and connect it and click authorize access to this account so you're just gonna go and enter in your details once you actually set up your stripe account once you do that your clients can actually go and pay you directly like that you can also go and start PayPal as well so we click on PayPal over here and once again you can go and click on connect and then you all we have to do is connect your PayPal account to panda docks so just enter in your email address select your region and just go through the setup process it's really easy to go and connect so then once what we can do once we've done connecting PayPal and stripe we can go back to documents over here and then we can go to our first invoice let's just go and click on this and then once the document reopens what you can actually do is you can go and drag card details onto here and then so right now it's saying enable a gateway to start collecting credit card details so because I haven't actually enabled it it won't let me do it but you can just go and drag this on to here and then when you send the document out to your client they can actually just go and pay directly through PayPal or with stripe so they can go and pay the $274 so it's really easy to go and collect these payments from your clients then all you have to do is click on send document send via email and then you'll see over here the document name can you remember a first invoice you could say you could say booking website project and then you can just click on save & continue' and then you've got over here who it's gonna send to and you can just go and click on send document now you can see for me it's saying my document hasn't been sent because I haven't verified my email so let's just go over here and let's just verify our email so let's just go and refresh our Inbox it might be you know junk email let's go and have a look and we can see we've got this one from Panda Docs over here so we can just go ahead and click on this and click verify your email address and now that I've clicked on verify email address it has brought me back over here so now if I just click on fill and sign we can see that it brings up the document and I've already put my signature in so that's fine so I can just go and click on finish now let's go and have a look at how it actually arrives to the customer as well so let's just go over to professional email address that I created just to see how it sends to let me just go over here and go back to site ground and then from sack round we are gonna go to websites over here and then we are going to go to site tools again and then let's just go to email email accounts and then if we scroll down we click on those three dots again click on login to webmail and then I can see I've got that email over here from panda Docs and it's if we just look on allow over here and then what it's going to say is Francis Jeffers so that's going to be us and once the client speaks to us and they're going to know what our name is has sent you and then this is going to be the document over here that they need to sign so then they just go and click on open the documents and when they open the document we can go and see that they can go and just sign it so we can click on client signature it will come up with their name so they can just go and sign it like that or they can go and draw it themselves like this so they've got a really complicated seen each other they can go and click accept and sign and then they can just go and click on finish now like I said once you actually stop the payment gateways they will be able to go and actually pay within there as well and then they can also go and download the PDF as well so that they have a copy of the invoice as well so now if we go back over to panda Docs now and we go into documents and now we can see that the status of this one is completed because it has been signed so you will go and see in there that it would say sent before or you might say expired and then you also have waiting for payment paid as well so when you go and enter in those payment details like I said so when you set up stripe and PayPal you all actually have these as well so waiting for mate payment and paid as well so that way you can go and have a look if your client has actually paid you and then basically you can go and start their project and then once you've finished their product what you're gonna do is go for a second invoice you can just go and change this to second and then it will be the same price because they're paying 50% and then you just go and send them over their second invoice and they just do their second payment and that's it once they're happy to sign off the project and there we go that's it's easy as that to go and ensure that your clients are paying you and you don't have to do it in an amateurish way where you're trying to send them bank details to transfer your money or trying to get them to pay so we put it through pal by sending them your paypal email address eventually doing it in a professional way by sending them an invoice and then they have to sign it and they pay like that so that is the final part of the tutorial guys I hope you have enjoyed this full length tutorial on setting up your own digital agency from home there was a lot to cover and I tried to cram in as much as I could in this tutorial without making it too long but also covering everything so that you can actually get started so I hope you have enjoyed the tutorial if you have enjoyed it make sure to get it give it a big thumbs up and I wish you all the best of luck with starting your very own digital agency make sure to share this with anyone that's interested in starting their own digital agency as well and I hope to all see you in the next video
Channel: Elliott Prendy
Views: 138,756
Rating: 4.9339933 out of 5
Keywords: How To Start a Digital Agency 2020, How To Start a Digital Agency from Home, Digital Agency Full Tutorial 2020, Digital Agency Complete Tutorial 2020, Starting a Digital Agency from scratch, Digital Agency Complete Set Up 2020, Starting a Digital Agency from Home, Starting a Digital Agency with No Money, How To Start a Digital Agency, How To Run a Digital Agency, Running a Digital Agency from Home, Starting a Web Design Agency, How to get Digital Agency Clients
Id: Jk7Kh0IbkRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 32sec (12992 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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