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in today's video i'll be going over a complete pinterest ass tutorial literally from beginning to end now keep in mind the beginning of this video i'll be focusing on the setup process so if you already have everything set up you can go ahead and skip forward to follow along and yes i'll be leaving all the time stamps down below this video so you can skip to whatever part that you want and a common question that i always get is well cynthia i'm already running facebook ads is it also necessary for me to learn pinterest ads and my answer to that is it's very important that you learn how to diversify your traffic sources once in a blue moon facebook suffers from a site-wide outage and literally no one can log into facebook and for most businesses that focus solely on facebook traffic will get the majority of their visitors cut for the day and that would never be the case for my students because even without facebook they learn to double down on pinterest they learn to double down on twitter and other traffic sources in the event that facebook is down or when the competition is just too high and in my opinion dan kennedy said it best that ultimately the business that can spend the most to acquire a customer wins so in today's video i'll be showing you how to start running ads on pinterest to help you acquire new customers or clients for your business so before i get inside the training i actually have a few housekeeping announcements to make so if you don't care about that just go ahead and skip forward but if you are a member inside of my bootcamp or a member inside my pinterest mastery program i actually gone ahead and i updated a few of the videos including how to claim your website and install the pinterest tag i know pinterest changes all the time they change their buttons and pages and everything looks different so i just gone ahead and i updated those videos i also uploaded two brand new videos that you're going to want to watch because i know you guys will get tons of value from them and i'll make sure to mark it with an asterisk so you know which ones are the brand new videos but other than that if you're new to my channel hey what's up my name is cynthia and i teach everything related to marketing on pinterest so if you're interested in watching more videos just like this don't forget to smash the like button subscribe to my channel and tap that bell notification so you'll be notified every time i drop a video just like this now let's jump right inside the video so welcome to my most complete pinterest ads training now be warned this video will be super long because i'm going to try to cover as much as i can in this one video so before we get started you want to go ahead and pull up another screen on your computer so you can follow along or pull out a paper and pen and take some good notes because i'm going to be dropping a ton of value in today's video so let's get started so before we run our pinterest as there are kind of a few things that we kind of need to set up before we can actually get started so in today's video i'll be walking you step by step on the entire setup process and how you guys can get started so the first thing we're going to actually do is actually show you how to create a pinterest business account obviously if you have a regular pinterest account you cannot run ads you have to switch on over to business that is going to be super easy also the next thing i'm going to show you is how to claim your website this is very important whenever you're running any kind of ads you need to clean your website and also install the pinterest tag the pinterest tag is very similar if you're familiar with advertising on facebook facebook actually have something called the facebook pixel which helps you track conversions track sales that anyone click on your ad etc so we're going to be going over all of that and i'm going to actually show you a demo on how to do this on both shopify or click funnels because i know different people use different platforms i'll be showing you on both also another thing i'm going to go over is market research and i'll be using pinterest trends which is actually a fairly new tool that pinterest actually added on their platform which is amazing it's super helpful it allows you to see you know what people are actually searching for is it a popular search keyword so we'll be going over that as well and also i'll be showing you how to create your ad creative this is usually a very common question a lot of people are saying you know cynthia i want to run pinterest ads but i don't actually know how to create these you know professional ad creative so in today's video i'll be showing you step by step on how i actually create these ads for my ecommerce business also with pinterest it's very much the same as facebook you get to upload either an image or a video so i'll be showing you both how to create a pin image so you can go on places like canva photoshop or place it again tons of places you can go to so canva is going to be free if that's the route you want to go with you can also go on photoshop or place it these are paid however you're going to get extremely professional pin images if you use either one of these now if you want to create a pin video for your ads you can actually use software's like wevideo or place it they're both great places to create those professional videos so that's pretty much the outline before we actually hop into me you know showing you how to run a pinterest ass there's really no point in me just you know showing you you know click this button click that button when you don't actually understand how to properly set it up how to install a pinterest tag do your research and also create the ad before you get started so right now let's hop on over the first thing you want to do is head on over to and then click sign up and you're going to create your very first pinterest business account the next step will be to actually set up your profile so if you don't already have a profile i'm going to show you exactly how to set it up if you already do great you can go ahead and skip this part but this is under the impression that you already have a business um either in e-commerce you want to do affiliate marketing or you have your own product or you are a digital marketer you're a blogger whatever it is you want to go ahead and you know enter in your business name also include your website uh where you're located in your language so i'm going to pull up one of my test shopify store which is this website over here so i'm going to use this as an example so i'm going to come back over here and say um you know the name my business is cats lovers tech and then it says do i have a website i'm just going to go ahead and copy my website come on back here and then paste it in and then i'm located in the us and my language is english and i'm going to go ahead and click next and then it says what's the focus of your brand obviously just choose one i'm just going to click fashion and then click next and then they're going to ask you to describe your brand i'm just going to say online retail and then click next tell us more what do you use to sell so i'm going to click shopify obviously you want to go ahead and select the one that you are using but in this case i'm going to select shopify and click next would you ever be interested in running ads on pinterest yes because this is what we're going to be doing in this video and then over here you're going to set up your full name enter in your email phone number and then do you work for an advertising agency so i'm going to go ahead and fill this out and i'm going to click done now for the next step we want to go ahead and actually enter in some information inside our profile so you want to go and click on this drop down menu and then click on settings and then under edit profile you want to go ahead and upload a photo for your business so it could be an image of you know whatever your niche is or it could be your own logo you want to go ahead and enter in your display name your username this will be the whatever your username is definitely have a unique one for your business also you want to enter in a short description about what you actually sell what your business is about enter in your website url so after you have finished editing your profile as you can see i already uploaded my logo my display name username and a description on what my business is about the next thing that we want to do is actually claim our website so in order to do that you want to come on over to a claim right over here now once you get on this website they're they're going to give you several options you can uh go and claim it on any kind of website that will allow you to input some sort of code you can do it on instagram etsy youtube or shopify so i'm actually going to show you both shopify and click funnels so the first thing we're going to go over is how to integrate it with shopify so the first thing you want to do is click install app you want to go ahead and click add app and paste in your my shopify url so i'm going to go ahead and paste that in right over here and then click login you want to scroll all the way down and then click add sales channel you'll be brought to this page where there's a button that says connect pinterest account go ahead and click on it the next step pinterest will ask you to authorize this app to be integrated with your shopify store so just click this button down here that says give access that is it's super easy and simple it took us literally a few seconds to do so to double check that you have correctly integrated pinterest with your shopify store is if you look under accounts you're going to see your pinterest account right over here and this will say disconnect all which means if you no longer want shopify to be integrated with pinterest you can go ahead and disconnect it but this just let us know that we have set it up correctly now for those of you who are using click funnels i'm going to show you very quickly how you can also claim your website so the first thing you want to do is look under a website and you want to go ahead and click this button over here that says claim now they're going to give you some directions on how to claim it so the first thing you want to do is actually go ahead and add the html tags all you have to do is click on uh this code that they have here and then just click to copy we're going to hop on over to our click funnels account again if you don't have click funnels or you have no desire to use it you can go ahead and skip this part so the first thing you want to do is head on over to one of your funnels and then go ahead and click on the settings and then you'll be bought to this page so immediately once you see that you'll be seeing this one over here this is head tracking code you don't want to put it under body code you want to put it under the head tracking code so then i'm going to go ahead and paste in the code that we just copied from pinterest and then i'm gonna scroll all the way down and make sure you click this button that says save and update settings a lot of times people forget to hit this button so once you click on it boom that is it you're all set you have already claimed your website so what we're going to do is we're going to hop on back to pinterest and then you want to click on this button that says continue next step we're going to need to go ahead and verify our website url so i'm going to come back on over to click funnels and you want to go ahead and copy the url that you see over here this will be the landing page for your funnel so i'm going to go ahead and copy it come back here and i'm going to go ahead and paste it in and then click verify so once you have successfully verified your website url you will get this message on pinterest with the green check mark and that says connected that way you know you have done it correctly and that you can move on to the next step now keep in mind this is not just for click funnels you can actually integrate this with almost any website that you have access to the backend all you have to do is really copy the code and paste it into the head tags and then you are good to go so it's actually a very very simple and easy process so once you are done go ahead and click done so for the next step you want to head on over to business and then click on business hub to get to this page now notice over here that it says complete for claim your domain this is just another way to help you verify that you've successfully and correctly claim your website now the next thing we want to do is actually install the pinterest tag this is actually one of the most important steps because if you're going to be running any kind of paid advertisement on pinterest you definitely want to have this tag installed this is very similar to a facebook pixel if you've ever ran an ad on facebook because this will help you track all of your conversions sales any kind of traffic that you bring to your website so make sure that you do have this installed correctly so i'm going to show you step by step on how to do this so the first thing you want to do is go ahead and click on install tag you're going to click on ads and then go down to conversions so then you want to scroll all the way down here till you see install your pinterest tag now you're going to see several options the first one is actually to use an integration partner if i click get started you'll see a bunch of different partners that are currently verified and a partner of pinterest so there's shopify wordpress woocommerce bigcommerce here now the beauty of the pinterest app with shopify is that once you have the pinterest app installed with shopify your pinterest tag should automatically be installed and there should be no extra work once you have successfully claimed your domain you can really skip this part because it's automatically done now in order to install the pinterest tag for click funnels simply go under add code to website and go ahead and click on it and then what you want to do is you want to scroll down over here where it says copy code i'm going to go ahead and copy this code and we're going to paste this in the head tags now this should be only appearing on a single page so therefore we're going to do this a little bit differently than what we did to claim our domain so let's hop on over to click funnels to install your pinterest tag on click funnels it's going to be very different than how we actually claim our website so in order to claim our website we went under settings and then we pasted it into the head code section but for this part we want to head on over to the first step which is right over here this will be the our front landing page and what you want to do is go under settings and then click on tracking code and then under the one that says header code you want to go ahead and paste it in boom and then once you have that done simply click out and then click save and that is it super easy and simple this is how you're going to track when someone lands on your page once you're done go ahead and click continue now for the next step is that we actually need to install an event code this lets us know um what type of actions our visitors has completed on our website so whether they've actually successfully checked out meaning they actually purchased a product they've added a our product to cart they've only visited our page they have sign up to maybe get a free ebook watch a video etc etc so make sure that whatever you want to track you want to go ahead and also enter this in since this is the landing page for your product funnel we want to make sure that we enter in the correct uh tracking so over here i'm going to find the one that says page visit so whenever people visit that first page we want to track a visit so i'm going to go ahead and go ahead and copy this one over here this is the landing page for our product funnel and this is the first page that our visitors will see once they get on our website we want to track a page visit so in order to find that i'm going to go under page visit and i'm going to go ahead and copy this code over here so i'm gonna click copy code going back to click funnels go under settings tracking code and then right under the pinterest tag that we just entered in i'm just gonna go hit a few spaces and then i'm going to enter this down here which says page visit this lets me know that someone has visited our page coming back on over to our funnel so the first one that we just entered in this was our landing page so i'm going to write lp now for the next page is our order form this is the part where people get to enter in their payment information shipping address things like that so that will be equivalent to an add to cart action and then the last part is order confirmation that is if someone has successfully purchased our product so i'm just going to say you know say thank you page in this case i'm just going to say a purchase so a successful purchase so we can go ahead and make sure that you match each of the event code to the proper funnel page first what i'm going to do is the order form so i'm going to go ahead and pull up this page right over here so once again we want to pull up the tracking code and under the header code we want to go ahead and paste in the pinterest tag place it in our pinterest tag now i'm gonna go ahead and hit a few spaces now for this part we're gonna need to add in the add to cart event so i'm gonna go back over to pinterest and find the add to cart event which is right over here so i'm going to go ahead and click copy code come on back to click funnels and then paste it right over here so you have the option to put in the value and order quantity this just helps when you go ahead and track in your pinterest analytics how much money you've actually made so this would depend on how much you're actually charging for your product so say for example you're charging i don't know 20 dollars for your sweater so you want to go ahead and enter in that value and then go ahead and x out and then click save and for the last step is our thank you page this lets us know that someone has successfully purchased something from us so we want to definitely track that specific conversion so once again we want to go on to settings and then go to tracking code and then paste in our pinterest tag again put a few spaces and i'm going to come back over to pinterest i'm going to find the check out the one that says track who completes a transaction i'm going to go ahead and copy this code come on back and then paste it in we can actually change the value on how much the amount is to purchase your item so i'm gonna go ahead and change it to 20 because that's what we set before again you want to go ahead and set your price right over here i'm going to click out and then click save come back on over to pinterest conversions over here there's an option here to verify the tag this just lets pinterest know that you have successfully installed the tag correctly and that they can actually track all your conversions all your page visits things like that so simply click on verify tag and they want us to go ahead and paste in our url so i'm going to go ahead and paste in my url and then click verify you'll see this message that says installation successful make sure that you get this green check mark this lets you know that you have done it correctly and that you can actually go ahead and run your pinterest ads before i move on to the next step if you want another way to verify that you actually install your pinterest tag correctly simply go to google and type in pinterest tag helper chrome extension and you want to have this activated on your browser which looks something like this right over here and then what you want to do is you want to go on over to your website and then click on this icon over here and then you'll see certain events begin to fire so if you see these check marks over here this is no tag issues and as you can see they're actually tracking our page visits over here so this lets us know that we actually installed it correctly you can also do this on click funnels wordpress woocommerce any website that you want just make sure that to install this to just verify that you have that installed correctly now the next thing you want to make sure that you do is enter in all of your billing information you cannot run any of your pinterest ads if you don't enter this in this just helps pinterest know how to bill you based on your preferred method of payment now for the purpose of this tutorial i will not be walking you through this because it involves me in putting a lot of my personal information but if you just follow the prompts here it's actually pretty simple just enter in your business name you know address and then uh put in your preferred method of payment now in order to get to this billing part simply go under ads and then you'll find this part that says billing um so again super easy and simple to set up so the next thing that i actually want to talk about is actually how to do your research before you run your pinterest as not a lot of people talk about this part but it's actually one of the most important part now a tool that i'm actually going to recommend is actually called pinterest trends in order to get here just go on over to now i like this tool because it's actually a tool created by pinterest so they're actually pulling um data from pinterest for you to see you know the number of search volume and what people are actually searching for so over here you can actually enter in any kind of keyword you can enter in your niche keyword the product you're selling and we're basically going to see are people actively searching for it because there's no point in running ads if people aren't looking for it at the time of running the ad so the timing of your ads is also very important so let me show you an example so let's just say that i'm in the yoga niche i can just type in yoga and then i'm going to click on this keyword so as you can see based on the data that pinterest provides us with they're going to show you the searches over time 100 being the highest and 0 being the lowest so over here as you can see it's pretty steady until you know after may it seems to decline um people seem to just do it during the end or in the beginning of the year so if you're going to be running any kind of ads related to yoga i would actually run it towards the beginning of the year you know maybe has to do with people's new year's resolution they want to get into maybe yoga or whatever um you know i'm going to do a another search keyword just to give you another example so you know i know this is pretty obvious but let's just say we're searching halloween obviously we get no search volume because obviously no one is searching for halloween we're gonna start seeing some sort of volume once we get near september and october um people are actively looking for you know halloween decorations you know halloween candy or whatever so this is such a great tool to see what kind of keywords are trending so that when you create your ad you know people are actively searching for so that you could put your product or your service in front of the right people so very quickly i'm going to show you let's just say you are selling i don't know coffee mugs and go ahead and enter this in or i can search under funny coffee mugs i like that pinterest trends actually show you different suggestions of things that people are actually searching for someone click funny coffee mugs and i think this is very interesting so for funny coffee mugs it actually spikes around december um let me just hover over here and then it actually flat lines um throughout the year so my guess is for funny coffee mugs it's really the time where people are actually actively looking for christmas gifts so they want to find you know a funny mug to give to their husband their wives their um daughters or son or whatever so you know if you know you are wanting to you know advertise your own coffee mugs maybe it's a funny expression you probably want to start doing it during the christmas season where people are actively searching for it so you probably won't want to do it during the other times of the year i'm going to do like two more i think i'm going to type in christmas sweater um and i'm specifically typing this one in obviously i'm this is expected obviously christmas sweaters is only searchable during the december month because people are looking for gifts or they're looking for an outfit they can wear to a christmas party so since this is the product for an example that i want to promote it's just a christmas sweater um this will be the perfect time to start advertising it around let's say november 17th and then it goes up to december 15. so this is a good time to start running your pinterest ad so sometimes for advertising if you're doing it for a specific holiday this is such a great tool to see when people are actively searching for this specific keyword now keep in mind this is not just any tool this is a tool that's provided directly from pinterest utilizing their data another thing is you can type in other niches i can type in i don't know cat so again it's pretty steady this one is pretty popular term and if you scroll all the way down here they actually give you some popular pins that are actually trending now i'm actually going to type in yoga just to show you um if you look down here they're going to give you some popular pins so you can take these as inspiration as well so really great tool to use again go to so for the next step i'm going to be showing you exactly how you can create a pin image whether you want to use it for regular content on your pinterest profile or you can use it as an ad creative when you go run your pinterest ads so website that i actually use is called you can head on over to if you want to get 15 off their subscriptions so again if you go through my link you'll get 15 off as opposed to paying full price that's only if you want to save some money but what i like about this website is that they have already pre-designed different templates that you can use for your pinterest account so over here it says pinterest pins if you click on this under designs they're going to give you tons of different pre-made templates that's already done and all you have to do is really just swap out the pictures and then change out a few words and you can go ahead and download them now keep in mind all of these are very professional um you don't need any kind of design skills it's really all just drag and drop again this is for people like me who have zero you know editing skills i don't know actually how to make great pins i love using playset because they already have tons and tons of amazing templates that you can actually choose from very quickly i'm going to show you one of the pins that i just found and how to go about editing it so it's very simple so the first thing that i want to do is i'm going to customize this pen obviously i'm in the catnish so i'm going to go ahead and customize this now this is strictly if you want to create just regular content on your pinterest profile you know before you run any kind of ads i do recommend actually posting a few pins maybe re-pinning other people's content to kind of fill up your profile so it looks like it's active we don't want to seem like we're only trying to promote our product so you definitely want to have a few good content in there as well so i'm going to show you how to create a regular pin content and then for the second pin i'm going to be showing you how to create an actual ad so the first thing i want to do is actually change out the background picture so if you look under the background you can actually search through many royalty free pictures that you can actually use so instead of a desk i'm going to type in a cat and see um which one that i want to use for my ad so i'm going to keep scrolling here and find one that i like i'm going to pick this one over here i'm just going to go ahead and select it and automatically we see that the background has already changed again i didn't do any extra work all i did was just type in my niche and found a photo that i wanted to use so the next step is we should customize the text over here so you know here i'm just going to type in how to care for your cat at home so this is specifically if you have maybe a blog on how to care for your cat for new cat owners things like that you can also add that in here um so on the bottom i can just add in you know w dot just type in your website here so just type in whatever your website here you can go ahead and type that in and then another option is they give you the ability to also upload your logo and i love doing this because not only does it give your pin authority saying hey we're actual brand we put our logo here but it actually prevents other people from actually stealing your content so i'm going to go ahead and upload my logo just uploaded my logo you can go ahead and adjust the size but i'm going to go ahead and click crop because i can actually adjust it right on the screen over here so i can actually drag it i'm going to drag it right at the bottom again if you want to make it smaller you can so i can just drag it and just make it smaller so it fits right at the bottom and then boom we're done you know it did not take me way too long it only took me literally a couple of minutes to create this and then once you are done simply come up over here and then click download for my next example i actually want to show you how to create a pinterest ad now this is just going to be an example you can use this to create content or to create an advertisement if you want to promote your products or services so the first thing that i want to do is actually swap out both of these pictures to replace what i want to sell so i'm gonna go ahead and find photo number one and photo number two and i'm gonna go ahead and actually upload my sweater so for my first sweater i'm just going to upload the black one over here and i'm going to click crop and then automatically it will replace this picture that we saw over here and then i'm going to go ahead and replace this second photo over here and then boom just like that super easy and simple i just uploaded the two variants of the product that i want to promote and then what i like about this is i can actually make it bigger or smaller and i can actually turn it just to make it you know look a lot better on the pin i can make it i can also drag this one as well make the red one a little bit bigger and then i'm going to turn it just a bit and then pull it down just like that okay so obviously you can customize it however you want and i can go ahead and actually customize the text over here i can also add in my url down here so instead of saying yoga blog i can enter in you know perf effect gift and then i can change out the font if i don't like this font so i can change it to this one and then if the words are too small i can actually drag it to make it bigger so it fills up the pin and then i'm going to [Music] change the bottom here and i can just say and then again i don't i can change out the font if i want to and then i can drag it down here just like that again you can also upload your own logo things like that um and then i like that they also added these accents to my pen it just makes the pin look a lot more professional and that it i took a lot of time to create it again you can pick other overlays over here but i actually like the one that they already provide us with so once you are done i'm going to go ahead and download this so right now i'm going to show you how i actually create all of my pinterest ads now for ads you can actually choose a pin image or a pin video it just really depends which one you want to go with but i do highly recommend that you create a video over a pin because it's a lot more interactive and it actually converts a little bit better than images so right now i'm going to show you how you can go out to create a video pin using place it so what i like to do is come on over to the sidebar over here and if you look at the different tags you can actually sort them by different categories but in this case i'm actually going to sort it by the 9 by 16 vertical because with pinterest pins they actually prefer vertical pins and videos over horizontal so we're going to sort everything by vertical so we'll be able to see all the different types of templates that you can actually use again you can replace the images the text the colors whatever you want these just all professionally made again you don't have to be a professional again like i said if i hover over these i can see how it actually looks like and i really like something like this one over here this is especially amazing if you have a physical product that you want to sell and if i hover over this as you can see you can showcase multiple different products so you see product number one and then product number two so it's perfect again if you want to do physical products um there's other ones here there's like the one that just says a sale and then there's the image behind it so again tons of amazing templates that you can actually choose from so for the purpose of this training i actually already selected one so i like how this one looks like i'm actually gonna play it for you guys so you guys can see how it looks like so we're gonna go ahead and customize this specific template so the first thing that i want to do is actually to upload a photo of what i want to promote so in this case i want to promote my christmas sweater so the first thing i can do is go under image and then i'm going to go and upload my sweater over here i just uploaded my sweater and then i'm going to click crop so now that we actually have our product image up here on the template but as you can see since the color of my sweater is black it actually blends into the background so you can actually go and change the background of this if you want to all you have to do is come on over to image and i'm actually going to select a gray color as my background so it doesn't blend too much and it stands out a little bit better in my template another thing that i want to customize is since this is a christmas sweater i also want to change um the blue background to something a little bit more christmassy maybe a green and red so i can go ahead and actually change out the gradient so i'm going to go over to gradient number one and i'm going to change it over to red and then for gradient number two i'll probably change it to green you guys can see automatically i get this amazing background that is green and red again you can actually cater it to whatever occasion that you may be selling for maybe you're selling a product that has to do with halloween then you may want to add in black and orange or if it's something for valentine's day you might want to add in i don't know pink in the back so again super easy to customize with place it um also for the text holders i probably also want to change the color so i probably want to change it over to red so once you are satisfied with the color schemes and the look and feel now we're going to actually customize the text what actually appears over here so over here i'm instead of shop now i'm going to say you know visit us now and then for the second part i want to say see getting ready for christmas question mark so that was super easy and simple all we have to do was really to replace the text now the last thing before we finish this video off is you can actually choose an audio track that's provided by place it so i can actually add in a christmassy kind of soundtrack so i'm going to type in christmas just to see what comes up and you can actually play different soundtracks to see which one you like and keep in mind these are all royalty free so you can use them without any kind of concern so i'm gonna actually go and play a few of these so i actually like how this one sounds over here so all you have to do is after you pick the one that you want simply come over here and then click on select once your pin looks great you have all the right colors the right text image audio you then want to come over here and then click on this button that says play all and what it does is place it we'll go ahead and prepare a preview on how your video looks like before you download it all right so very quickly i'm going to show you the preview on how our ad actually looks like so again this looks super professional it looks like we took a lot of time to create this ad but really it only took us a few minutes on places so i highly recommend that you guys check it out again if you guys want to use the software you can go ahead and click on the link down below the description for 15 percent off their once subscription are satisfied with how the preview looks like just come up over here and then click on the download button now let's hop on back to our pinterest profile which is over here as you can see it's very blank because we haven't add anything to it yet so the first thing i'm going to do is quickly add in a cover photo uploaded a picture of three of these cats and i'm going to click save again if you want um to find you know these royalty free pictures you can go on places like pixabay or unsplash so i'm just going to add in this cover so it makes it look a lot more complete so the next thing that you want to do is actually to create a board because every pin goes into different boards so in order to do that you want to come on over here and click on this plus sign button um pinterest changes their platform all the time so sometimes it's up here sometimes it's down here you just have to find where it actually is so i'm going gonna go ahead and click on it and then it says create pin or board so again if you do not have a pinterest account and this is brand new you need to create a board before you can create a pin so i'm gonna go ahead and create a board and then for this board i'm just going to name it you know christmas for cat lovers and then i'm going to click create once you have created your board you can go ahead and upload your pin so i'm going to go ahead and upload the pin that we just created on over from playset you have to do is come down here and click on this plus sign to create your first pin it'll look something like this so you can go ahead and drag and drop either your images or your videos here is the first pin that we just created so i can just add in a title and just say you know how to care for your cat at home read all about the proper care for your cats in this blog article and then you want to go ahead and add in a link the sake of this tutorial i'm just going to add in my store link down here and then i'm going to click publish but make sure that you have selected the correct boredom over here and then click publish we've created our first pin so before we move on i actually created a few more pins because i actually recommend if you are completely brand new to pinterest and you don't have any content is to actually create some content to post on your pinterest profile before you actually go run your ads a lot of times you're gonna have a lot of people um coming to your profile and you definitely want them to start following your page to build up your brand authority in your niche so what i do recommend is to actually take some time post some content and also repin other people's content which we will get to later so for the purpose of this tutorial i actually went over to place it and i created four new pins so as you can see i have one over here you know five best healthy food for cats i have another one here this one just says you know top 10 facts all cast owners must know and then another one here it says you know check out our amazing apparel store and then i have another one here that says easy ways to train your cat um things like that so you can go ahead and add all of these pins to your board i just uploaded all of the content that i created on over from place it again you want to definitely fill up your profile with a lot more content before you start advertising so when people check out your profile they're going to be more apt to follow you now another recommendation in which i highly recommend that you do this is to not only create your own content but to go out and re-pin other people's content now i know i'm going to be getting questions with cynthia why do i actually want to re-pin other people's content and send traffic to someone else's website now the reason behind that is with pinterest marketing or marketing on any social media platform we want to appear as organic as possible if you think about people looking at their friends uh profile or their friend's instagram or friends you know facebook page they share other people's content so we don't actually want to appear as if we only want to sell people our products we definitely want to appear as if we are you know super enthusiastic about cats or about whatever niche you are in and so when people see that you have such diverse content not only do they want to follow you for more um information or more you know links to different blog articles but they're more apt to see you as the authority in your niche so that you know they're going to be saying hey actually you know appreciate this business or this brand so i'm going to purchase their products so it's very important that to not only create your own content but to go out and re-pin other people's content so i'm going to pull up this page over here and i just literally typed in cats christmas and i can go ahead and find you know different pins that i actually want to repin onto my board so there's one here that actually caught my eye which says you know 10 ways to cap proof your christmas tree i think this is an extremely you know valuable article for anyone who's a cat owner that wants to protect their christmas tree so i can go ahead and click save and then i can click save to my board you want to go ahead and maybe re-pin five or ten of other people's pins again you know how to keep cat out of tray this is a good one it seems like it's a very popular pin you can also just pin other just random cat pins as well so this one with a christmas kind of scarf so i think this was very cute i'm going to go ahead and save that so you're just going to keep on finding different you know cat related pins that are related to christmas or whatever your niches whatever you're trying to sell i really like this cat over here wearing the santa hat so i'm going to go ahead and save it so again you guys get the point just go out and you want to re-pin other people's content so coming back on over to my boards i just want to show you how our board is looking like so again these are all of our content over here and then these are the three that we actually re-pinned from someone else so um make sure that you do a little bit of both so it doesn't seem like you're only promoting your own products or your own services now right now i'm going to actually create the video pin that we created from places so i'm going to go ahead and click create pin and then right now i'm going to actually upload my video so i just uploaded the video and then now i'm gonna go ahead and add in the title description and i'm going to add in my link so i just added in the title and all i just wrote was christmas sweater for cat lovers and i added in a description and then for my link i'm just going to go back here to my product page i'm going to grab the link and then under destination link i'm going to go ahead and paste it in so then once that looks good i'm going to go ahead and click publish once you guys have uploaded the ad creative that you want to run your pinterest ad to now we can actually go ahead and create the ad so the first thing you want to do is go up here that says ads and then click on this drop down menu and then click on create ad so the first thing that we want to do is actually to select a campaign objective so if you ever run a facebook ad campaign this is going to be very very similar the first thing we always do is select an objective so again a lot of these options are very similar to facebook so you guys are going to see a lot of similarities but if you are brand new to running advertisements in general then you're going to want to pay attention so the first thing that we have is actually brand awareness and video views um these are great but i recommend that if you are looking to direct traffic to your website which is majority of people watching this then i recommend that you actually go to do a traffic before doing brand awareness um this is great if you actually just want people to you know know about your brand and get the word out there but for most people we just want to drive traffic to our website you can obviously test the other objectives as well but for the purpose of this training i'm just going to go through the traffic objective which works perfectly if you're selling any kind of physical product so first thing we need to do is actually name our campaign so i'm just going to name it you know christmas cat sweater just name it whatever you know you are comfortable with and how you can recognize um what type of ad you are running now keep in mind your customers will not see any of this information this is purely for your information when you go to analyze your ads data on the backend so once you are done just go ahead and click continue so the first thing that you actually have to input is the targeting because keep in mind pinterest doesn't know what type of niche you are in or what type of product you're promoting so therefore you have to tell pinterest you know what interest groups that you want to target what type of keywords people are actually searching for now another option they give you is to actually create a new audience now this is strictly for people that already have an established business so say for example you have an email list of 10 000 subscribers you can actually download you know that email list onto a csv file and then upload it on to pinterest to create a new audience and then from there you can tell pinterest hey go out and find me similar people who are most similar to the people on my email list another option is you can actually create an audience of the people that visited your website to use this function you have to make sure you have integrated the pinterest tag that i talked about in the beginning of this video so this is for people that already have people coming into their website this is for people that have a big email list that they actually want to upload now if you are brand new and you actually want to start getting traffic getting traction to your website then i recommend coming on down here and then adding in an interest or keyword so i'm going to actually go through both of these individually so it's very straightforward obviously pick the interest that is most related to your product most related to your niche so they have things like you know animals are beauty let's come down here arts and crafts education so you definitely want to go find the category that best fits whatever you're trying to sell so obviously i'm in the catnish i'm gonna look under animals and then i'm gonna see if i can actually find cats and then i'm gonna look under mammals they have dogs rodents feline i'm actually gonna type right here it says cats so just find the one that is most similar to whatever interest group you're in now keep in mind um not everyone's niche you can find under interest but just find the one that is most similar next part let's come down over to keywords now for the keyword section it's going to be a little bit different because we actually have to manually search each of the keyword and what pinterest recommend is to actually use a minimum of 25 keywords so make sure that you find a total of 25 keywords you can find more than that but the minimum is 25. so what i recommend is actually typing in your niche into the search keyword so i'm going to type in cats and then what it does is pinterest will automatically suggest similar keywords to the one that you just entered in so they have um you know other keywords here so cat makeup kitties cats cat mugs diy ped cast things like that so you definitely want to select different ones that you think people although it's not directly related to your product but it could be a keyword that people may also be interested in checking out your products out so over here i can just say you know find me people that like um cat makeup see pet cats you know diy cat mugs so very quickly i selected all 25 keywords that's related either to my niche or my product i did not want to board you guys um while i search for them so again these are all 25 keywords that i have found again all you have to do is to type in your main keyword here and then pinterest automatically suggests um the ones here so you can just simply click on this plus button and then you can add it to the size so make sure you have a minimum of 25 keywords next part of our targeting we definitely want to tell pinterest a specific gender group that we want to target maybe different ages locations languages devices you can go ahead and customize it all here so there's a specific gender that you know are the majority of who people will be purchasing your product you can go ahead and customize here i can just select women if that's what i know the majority of my audience is ages i can say just all ages um obviously if you are advertising something that is age restricted like you know alcoholic products or whatever then you might want to go ahead and select 21 and above the next thing you want to pick is the locations so i usually start off with just us locations obviously you can go ahead and add in you know more locations here usually if i'm looking to scale a winning product that is proven to be profitable on pinterest and i usually go with the top five countries which are usually australia canada uk new zealand and the us so you can go ahead and select them here i have selected the countries that you actually want to target let's look over to languages now the languages i always customize this part very similar to facebook so i'm actually going to um actually not select all and only select in english because our ad will be in english so we want to make sure that we aren't wasting our ad budget targeting people that can't read english so the next thing that we want to do is actually customize the devices there should be really no reason that you need to customize this maybe if you're selling a phone case or if you're promoting an app then maybe you want to select you know different phone devices another thing that i noticed is you know mobile web this one's usually if people are surfing on safari via their phones not a lot of people will be purchasing um when they're actually browsing through the mobile so you can actually uncheck this if you want to also the web you know you can save this one as well but mostly your traffic will actually come from mobile so you can actually just keep these two on i usually uncheck both of these but again if you don't want to assume where your traffic is coming from then i recommend just keeping it all devices and then let the pinterest data tell you you know where your traffic is coming from the next step we need to select where we want pinterest to place our ads so for pinterest they actually give you the option to select browse or search now for the browse placement if i come over here this is where your ads will be placed so when people are actually scrolling through their news feed they will find an ad within the browse feature so as they're scrolling your ads will appear now if i come on back here for this search feature this is when people are actually typing in certain keywords up here on the search bar so if you are typing in cat christmas or yoga pants or whatever the keyword is you want your ads to come up so this is when you would select the search feature now i recommend if you are a total beginner to just stick with the all recommended and then once you get some data when pinterest start running your ads then figuring out where the majority of your traffic is coming from either from browse or search now another thing i want to talk about is whether or not to keep this box checked or unchecked because pinterest wants to know whether or not you you want them to expand your targeting and what this means is pinterest will go out and find you similar audience to the interest and the keywords that you actually put in so for me i always leave this unchecked unless i know i'm scaling and that i know i have a winning audience and i can tell pinterest to go expand my targeting but when you are testing a new product or you're testing you know a new campaign i always leave it on check because i don't want pinterest to expand my targeting i want them to target the keywords that i put in and the exact interest that i put in that way i get a clear picture on whether or not i have a winning product or whether or not my campaign can be profitable so when you're testing i recommend you just leave it on check you can check it once you start to scale next thing we need to set is the budget and schedule so you can actually set in the daily budget or you can do a lifetime budget it really just depends on your preference if you know how long you want to run it for or if you have a set budget that you can only spend every single month that you maybe want to go with lifetime budget but for me i'm the type of person i like to go with daily budgets because i'm actually monitoring from day to day and then i myself want to go in and then cut certain ads or scale certain ads based on the performance of each day so i'm actually going to start off with you know five dollars it just says you know spend no more than 35 weekly so if that sounds good to you we're going to move on to optimizations and delivery so i recommend if you are brand new to stick with automatic this just lets pinterest do the heavy lifting for you the only reason that i would recommend doing custom is if you have been running pinterest for a few months or a year and you actually know what your cost per click is you can actually go ahead and enter this one here saying you know i've been running pinterest ads for a whole year you know my cost per click is usually hovering around a dollar so if you know that specific information you can run your future ads and then you can come back here and say hey you know i won't only want my maximum cpc to be at a dollar and i want to pay no more than a dollar for my cost per click now again if you don't have this information because you are brand new to advertising on pinterest then just stick with automatic last step we need to actually select the pin image or the video that we actually run our ads to so here are all of the pins that we just created so pinterest will pull them up here for you obviously we are going to run it to the video that we have created and then once you select it just simply click on this red button down here that says launch pinterest will go ahead and review your ad and then once they approve your ad they will start spending your budget now before i end this video i actually want to talk a little bit more about the audience section here now i did mention that if you are brand new and you don't have any traffic or you don't have an email list to just use the interest and keywords now this is for people that already have an established business or you already have tons of visitors going to your website then actually go ahead and utilize the audience feature with pinterest ads so for this section i'm actually going to pull up this new window and i'm going to go under audience and i'm going to show you each one so in order to get to this page just simply go under ads and then click on audience and you can actually create your audience over here and then so when you run your ads it would actually appear over here so in order to create an audience simply click on this red button over here that says create an audience and you're going to get several options so with the audience the first thing that you need to do is i'm going to focus on the first three over here because we actually need to create an audience before you create a act like audience so if you're familiar with facebook ads acta like audiences are very similar to lookalike audiences um and so it will go out and find people that are most similar to the ones that you see here visitors that went to your website list of customers that you upload or anyone to actually engage with your pins so for the first one if you want to target people that have already visited your website in order to create your first lookalike audience for people that visit your website you just want to give it a name and description so i'm going to go ahead and paste in website visitors and i can just type in you know any one that visited my website and then you want to select the pinterest tag that corresponds to this specific audience so obviously this is the shopify conversion tag and then you can set in the past days that you want to target on pinterest so you can say in the last 30 days and then you know you want to leave this check include past traffic and then click on create so once you have created an audience group you'll be able to see all of them here so if you actually have more than one you'll you can see all the lists here up to 10 um so we can go ahead and create another audience so for this one is a list of customers that you upload so again like i said if you have a large email list you know that is such a great asset for your business so just go ahead and click next quickly we're just going to go ahead and give it a name so i just type in you know 10 000 email subscribers and then i'm just going to type in all my subscribers to for my shopify store and then just go ahead and choose a file and then upload your email list um if you need to download your email list simply go on over to your email provider whether it's mailchimp um claudia or aweber just go ahead and download it there should be a download button and when you download it select that you want to download as a csv file and then just go ahead and upload it over here the third type of audience is anyone that actually engaged with any of your content from your confirmed domain so say for example you don't have a list of customers and you don't really have that many visitors to your website you can actually go and create an audience for people that actually engage with your content so i'm gonna go ahead and click that and then click next go ahead and give it a name so i'm just going to put in engage audience i can just say anyone that engaged with my content in the past month and then make sure that this is the correct domain i'm just going to go ahead and type in 30 and then create and all of the audiences that you are going to create will be listed down here now the next thing that i want to show you is actually how to create an act like audience like i said you have to have one of these three scene up here you have to create one of these before you can create an active light audience because you actually need to pull the audience for one of these three to create this last part so let me show you what i mean if i click on it and i click next you actually need to select your source audience now these are the two that we just created over here so you can see we created one for engage and the website visitors again you'll have to have a source audience already created before you can create an acta like audience so i'm gonna go ahead and give it a name type in acteliteaudience and then the description i'm just going to type in people who are most similar to my website visitors and then obviously for this one i'm going to select website visitors so i recommend keeping the source audience separate so you can actually figure out you know which source audience performs the best now over here they're going to ask you the target size so people who are living inside the us who are the most similar um and they're gonna give you one percent two percent three percent now the higher that you go up the less target the audiences so what you want to do is you want to make sure that you uh first select the one percent so this is going to be the most similar and the most targeted to your actual source audience over here so they're going to be most similar to your website visitors it's going to get more diluted as you go up to two three four and up to ten so what i recommend is start off with one if you get good results meaning you are profitable then i recommend you know creating a second ad and then creating the two percent and if you're profitable then then keep moving up i don't recommend you know starting at 10 because this is very diluted it will be not as similar to all of your website visitors so start at one um if you get like i said good results then keep moving up okay so for this part in order to make sure that you keep everything organized i'm just gonna type in one percent just so i know that i am running an ad to the one percent audience who are um most similar to my website visitors again if you are selecting two then you want to go ahead and put in two so i hope this makes sense um let me know if you guys have any questions just sound off below in the comments you are done again i just changed it back to the one percent because i recommend this is how you're going to start off and then go ahead and click create over to a pinterest ad i want to show you how it actually looks like once you have created your audience group so i'm just going to go ahead and click continue so right over here under the targeting so as you can see under the audience we have the audience list that we just created so again if you've done it right it will appear just like this so from the targeting once you have enough visitors you can go ahead and select it here so you're basically telling pinterest hey go out and find me people who have you know visited my website or go out and find me people that actually engage with my content or go out and find me the top one percent act like audience who are most similar to people that visited my website so again you can go ahead and select it here again if you uh are selecting a specific audience then i don't recommend adding in any interest or keywords we just strictly want to test certain audience to make sure that you know a certain group is working in terms of how the campaign will perform so again like i said if you're using audience just use audience if you want to use the interest or keywords just use the interest or keywords so that's it for today's video thank you guys so much for being here i really do appreciate it pinterest still have so much room for growth so don't miss out on opportunities like this to get your business or your products discover when it's still super cheap also if you're interested in learning how to better automate your pinterest business account i actually use a software called tailwind to help me schedule all of my content so if you're interested in that i actually have a full tutorial on my channel just go back and watch this video over here and also if you have any questions in terms of marketing on pinterest go ahead and leave those questions down in the comment section below and until next time i will see you guys in my next video live free you
Channel: Ecom Dominators
Views: 6,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pinterest Ads Full Tutorial, Pinterest Ads 2020, Pinterest Ads for Dropshipping, Pinterest Ads for E-Commerce, Pinterest Ads Complete Tutorial, Pinterest Ads Complete Set Up, How To Start Pinterest Ads, How to Set Up Pinterest Ads, Pinterest Ads Set Up, Pinterest Ads for Shopify, Pinterest and Shopify, How to Run Pinterest Ads, Pinterest Ads clickfunnels, Pinterest Ads, Dropshipping on Pinterest, pinterest print on demand, pinterest ads training, pinterest marketing
Id: vOTi7lOneLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 42sec (3942 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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