Piers Morgan's Most Fiery Moments | Good Morning Britain

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I mean there's this stink delicious they're delicious actually cuz they've got the same seasoning yeah I like them they've got nice creamy Street yeah the vegetarian sausage is nicely flavored cuz it's really tasty yeah did everyone goes to Gregg's to be healthy right seriously and by the way while we're at it we got vegan happy meals and the doors to everyone goes to McDonald's to be healthy don't they right rather than go they have a Big Mac and stuff your face with large fries and now we've got all good old pizzas right there over Pizza Huts gone vegan too then we all gonna get a pizza to lose weight and be healthy what's on this is complete gastronomic appropriation right in France they've now banned all vegetarian and vegan products from using meat phraseology Marxist Pence's have a very popular sweet one always popular sweets they do right call Percy Pig yes all right Percy big [ __ ] in case you you don't realize Percy is Percy now here's a shock for people pigs are made of meat right meat are they a pig is made of meat so Percy represents a pig that's made of meat okay but oh no oh no the vegans have come the vegans have come for Percy they haven't tried to get Percy the pig banned doesn't eat meat ingredient because we're eating pigs all day right it's all about eating the pig that's not the problem oh no no no it's the fact that they have tiny little bits of gelatine in right not tiny little bits I think they're made up yeah right which is her League and what's Josie made of thanks right it's made from pig for fat right so guess what some of you just got a pig face on it that should have been a bigger name Wow maybe vegetarians and the vegan now M&S of sweet shop snakes eminences I've got rid of all the dirty there's so there's no trace of pink in the pigs weeds right and now they taste as fans have said like washing up liquid so they've completely destroyed Percy Pig right just to cater for a few vegans who don't realize it's a pig it's don't be obtuse they are your own sweets fight seriously go and get sweets that are called Percy pig right don't get once called Cael nice ease my C's right which tastes disgusting me it'll feel a because they're made of tail right leave our pig sweets alone you people and some part of that interview you as the editor should have indicated this is not a healthy body weight to be she might be happy with it she's making millions of dollars like you who giving her all this exposure of publicity but should you not as a responsibility at somewhere somewhere in your piece have just at least suggested this is not a healthy body way but that would have been a responsible thing to do because there's not a shred of anything does it say it's a healthy body weight higher I am a journalist I put the information out there I'm not here to pass judgment on anyone and I never haven't read a magazine or this magazine a very banquise years have you read been reading this one regularly i really dont for the male model and the nerd you're passing judgment on the nerd I think who's slightly overweight we're talking about somebody who is morbidly and clinically and dangerously obese with two young children shouldn't she really don't think up sometime you're not in any doubt about her weight I'll be positive about being 300 pounds it means you're likely to die quite early she's young children exactly yes children is she gonna die OD we don't know you keep going that's the same thing have I seen indication that is that that she is healthy have I seen her working 16-hour days running around the same question again why why are you trying to something joy out of life and taking an innocent sweet song from an innocent sweet lovely film that we all enjoy Christmas and just ruining it Christmas it's a very dangerous time for women it's dark early everybody's drinking it's really difficult this song that reflects the experience that so many women have had and a dark experience you've watched that movie and heard that song and you think it's a dark experience really this is a song about trying to get away from a man and being a see and that's aa man that this is a song about a woman trying to express themselves and say this is what's happening this is what I want to do please listen to me and a man saying no we're gonna do what I want to over them which is exactly what I mean out there absolute rubbish not the point of these song it's not the point of the movie if you've been advising mega Markel before this and she said I got a great idea I'm gonna give a load of sex workers who are really struggling at the moment signed bananas would you said may be not the bananas I think I would have said do you have to make that you're fascinating beautiful gesture my thank quiet please mommy's talking don't you think though that it's just meaningless coming from someone you don't know so Patra know you was wrong how'd you know I think we're speaking from a massive position of privilege in which we don't need to be told but really mega mark no but compromise with a brief Navy sex well again more privileged but these sex workers are not in the same position of privilege we're all sitting here on telly getting paid for it these are people who do not have that level of privilege and some may be being told yours run Daily Mail comment section both when you remember the royal family we can both on TV no one can tell me mega mark is any worse pressed anyone it's anyone no one needs to take a deep dive into the trace things though and unacceptable don't single out the Daily Mail they have the most enthusiastic just reading because you read the mail you will see them or because you're always on the daily below the story never seen a top female company like Gillette aimed at women for personal hygiene or whatever starting a commercial with a basic premise that women are bad or I would love to do that I would write the treatment for that advert you could teach women not to make false rape allegations not to commit paternity fraud not to deny fathers their rights to their children rape allegations in this country and in confinement they're poor but there no because I can't love because actually the premise of the Gillett sad about men is that all men are predators right until proven otherwise angry look how you erupted with rage a pizza suggestion that he make a commercial which focuses on bad women and how you can be better you are angry very angry I am angry that Peter is saying this advert which shows men at their best you determine the generations by the way they handle the challenge into your prom have you ever had a dodgy chicken because you wouldn't be sitting at that desk today there is no difference between handling a really into your mouth when it comes to the formula 1 grid girls when it comes to the boxing ring girls the snooker girls and so on who are all doing their job because they like actually showing off their beauty and they like being paid because no one's forced them to do that job and we've had them on here also they enjoyed their work they enjoyed actually being do you not see that there's a difference absolutely look my hope at the column that you were talking about was about the fact that we should be able to express gratitude and and and and enjoyment right the glory of the human body but you've also got to look at the culture in which I mean if if your daughter grows up to only be judged on the basis of what her physical attributes are surely you will be very upset will live in a world my day to grow up and be the next Cindy Crawford I'd be thrilled well Cindy Crawford is a different matters a businesswoman and she's new do we know about it is amino get rid of models no but I mean I'm not I'm not advocating I'm actually advocating for the fact that we should be able to appreciate people's beauty but we have to put it in context and we should look at the wider culture and what we really need is men like the cutter anyways you're not saying things like almond or the conversation that's happened this week about women on boards and you know it's just a violent they want to and you know we've used up all the good women already why do we need onions yeah I agree with that but I don't think that you can have women on the one hand saying we find objectification so offensive has to all be abandoned but on the other hand we're prepared to objectify men like most of the British people 67% in fact think he's doing a terrible job as president actually do you know how many illegal immigrants Barack Obama deported in eight years and lots of people I know both in the States and really non protested it was a huge amount of know do you like to tell me things I'm asking you know every stat about Trump but you know actually how many illegal immigrants Iraq Obama deported in his eight years as president it was a huge it was a like detention removal under Obama I guess I don't know the number piers would you like to tell me give me a number I don't know it any number piers I don't know it 110 give me a number I told you it was probably in it's like thousands it was how many how many thousands do you think I'm serious this is serious question I know but she's already said you choose ask you have a guess I don't know I what's the value of me there's a reason reason you're comfortable with a a I'm but you go on all about job but here's my points relationship to the true you are running a stop Trump campaign but you have absolutely no idea how many illegal immigrants which is very sensitive area with Trump as well how many legal immigrants Barack Obama deported in eight years because what we do here I'm not here or Clinton or any demos a reason yeah as a critic of there's a reason I'm not I get it can you give me any number for the number of illegal immigrants that Obama deported do you have any idea at all what we do know is that less than half of the under Obama did not do will be reasoned 20,000 what do you think I've listened I told you I don't know what more do you want music is thousands what do you think here is why somebody so politically test of Obama a chief you know what it is not coming to White's a test in a moment you know I'm sure you're gonna tell me she said no she doesn't know the answer do you think is thousands at this is about I was talking it taking a rounded view of history I'm a snowflake about Winston Churchill I know he was a flawed character I also know that he almost single-handedly dragged this country from the abyss in World War two mildly a historical know wildly historical degree what you mean is correct because history is history when you say I'm wildly historical you mean I'm right your while to a historical you said historical no that's no you want to start role fishing your house but you won't pick up a chicken without plastic which will kill you are destroying the planet if you're weak will involve a guy glitter anymore you're comparing no that's my own Gary Glitter can stop playing that song we can I'm not sayin a take lifelong ban of baby its call that side I'd like you want about if I want justice wait to hear this song until the world has changed until world is safer for women play this again until the world has changed and when will the world think about the meaning change the world it's a way to make I get it just to explore your your position now when will the world change in your view enough to be allowed to play babies cold outside yeah I'd like a real drop in sexual assault statistics I would like consent taught at schools I would like boys and girls when will it be safe to play baby it's cold outside again Daisy Buchanan's rule the more you do to eradicate sexism and make the world better for women the sooner we can play that song no Daisy this isn't sexism it's his flirtation harmless flirtation from a beautiful harmless scene in a movie it's a wonderful song that everyone's enjoyed and should continue to enjoy what radical feminists like you just want to suck the joy 14 T's talk about consent and to acknowledge that you know how women are vulnerable and how maybe men dates she gave consent she stayed she not read the lyrics herself because he wasn't letting her leave he was staying there enough okay fine just another drink then that took a lot of convincing she's flirting with him now we would be completely ignoring it because if you listen to the lyrics of most the songs they're currently in the charts these days particularly artists like Rihanna and I don't know 50 cent and everybody else but 10 times worse he's invading her how can you as men tell me what you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 2,635,519
Rating: 4.7100096 out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, good morning britain debate, gmb debate, piers morgan debate, piers morgan rant, piers morgan rage, piers morgan rant meghan, farrah storr, farrah storr piers morgan, farrah storr cosmopolitan, percy pigs, percy pigs piers morgan, ash sarkar, ash sarkar piers morgan, gillette ad, greggs vegan sausage roll, vegans piers morgan
Id: tW64X8zbIhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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