Non-Binary People Confront Piers Over Gender-Neutral Controversy | Good Morning Britain

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you want to be non gender non-binary no no in gender but what's the difference well you keep talking about gender neutrality and yes not like I go around telling people that I'm gender neutral this there's no lack of of anything I just define it's non-binary so I refuse to be identify myself as male or female you know it's it's been a big subject on our program gets a huge response whenever we talk about it I know this interview will generate a lot of comments I'll remind you coming on to debate know we do you know is a really important debate to have I just wonder how many people it affects I just think that non-binary issues aren't gonna go away so it's either you get on board or you know we end up with how many how many people are we in terms of you know a lot of people you know what does non-binary look like that's we're here to kind of show you that actually gender expression or gender identity or two different things and non-binary people don't just yesterday we interviewed a guy from a police force in North Hampton they've gone gender-neutral made a point of saying that I said okay what about criminals decide to be gender neutral and so when they're convicted they do not want to be put in a male or female prison do we now have to build prisons for non-binary criminals it's a very interesting question what's the answer I don't know if I have the answer to that you would presumably encourage them to have because they can't be put in a male or female prison right well if I went to prison or I went to prison what would happen well where would you where would you be put we would I would be put in a female prison because of my gender marker and my passport would you be happy about that more than going to a male prison for sure right so actually you don't mind being gender fine if it's convenient we exist in a very binary world you know so we have to if it was up to us obviously you see the point the worry I have about this it's more based on confusion to be honest with you I'm just trying to get my head round cool I'm happy to be persuaded if it makes logical sense right my problem with everyone just being free to identify themselves in any way they choose is where does that end where do they wear are any boundaries for kids for instance at school if you can basically come in and say I'm not a boy or girl anymore what else can you say you're not you know if I identify now as anything is he is anything fine I mean you might be anything over can I be an elephant now little E's literally say I'm now an elephant and why is it that 48% of trans youth are attempting suicide and I think we'd to look into that how many this is a real how many trans use in Britain last year committed suicide I can't tell you that it's like I can find out for you I heard is like two or three people which you or three people see credit right is that true or not well I'd say that that's definitely not true well that's just a red I don't know that's true or not my point about it is this however terrible for those people anyone who commits suicide it's awful right we all accept that but the idea that the entire gender of the planet has to be changed because a very tiny percentage of peaceful phenomenon as well it's important to look at other coaches and coaches sorry it's not about erasing gender nobody's saying that people cannot be men or women except we're saying that people can also be non-binary and James Fox are now well okay so for me Fox was my drag king name so before I transitioned I would dress up and and perform and that was a way to to kind of realize it was about myself oh it's a translation as my Icelandic name which is Ziggler and it means out but do you know what I admire you for coming in I think it is really important are these discussions ongoing conversation it's a real thing I think it's happening now all over Britain the schools are very very fast-moving with a lot of kids now wanting to be non-binary please - please stop feeling I think my problem is that actually it's a massive new fad and we're going to end up with us it's not a fad a lot of people that is that you know telling me that eight kids in one year at one girl's dumbest country suddenly woke up and said we feel my thighs being number I think it's cool it's not about being cool about an inner sense of self and an identity Thank You girls in one year at a girls school non-binary in one moment suddenly decided we want we want to be non whatever why can't their what is it change your life and what they do you do you buy by the laws of the land I try to you abide by but you recognize there are laws and boundaries in society where are you going with this page yeah why is it isn't gender a societal thing that we should just respect and acknowledge and that's the way it is isn't everything to change and what maybe you might be right that's exactly what we're trying to say you need to respect people's standard their identity and we can have two hugely change this program unless I bring this to an end but folks are now thank you very MUC is for three-year-olds and plus Sochi you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 2,322,935
Rating: 4.2184243 out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, morning breakfast show, itv morning, morning show, piers morgan, susanna reid, transgender, trans, trans rights, transphobia, gender-neutral, genderless, agender, non-binary, sexism, feminism, piers morgan sexism, piers morgan gender-neutral, piers morgan non-binary, fox fisher, owl, gender-neutrality controversy, non-binary controversy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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