Piers Morgan's Most Fiery Vegan Debates Ever! | Good Morning Britain

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[Music] Marxist Pence's have a very popular sweet one always popular sweets they do right call Percy Pig yes all right Percy P in case you you don't realize Percy is Percy now here's a shock for people pigs are made of meats right meat are they a pig is made of meat so Percy represents a piece that's made of meat okay oh no oh no the vegans have come the vegans have come for Percy they haven't tried to get Percy the pig band doesn't eat meat ingredient because we're eating pigs all day right it's all about eating the pig that's not the problem oh no no no it's the fact that they have tiny little bits of gelatine in right it's not tiny little bit so I think they're made up yeah right which is holy and what's Jersey made of thanks it's made from pig for fat right so guess what some of you just got a pig face on it that to be a bigger name Wow amazing sweet shop of snakes eminences I've got rid of all the terra team there so there's no trace of peek in the pigs weeds right and now they taste as as fans have said like washing up liquid so they've completely destroyed Percy pig right just to cater for a few vegans who who don't realize that it's a pig it's a cool person oh don't be obtuse it's pointless a big they are shaped like pigs well get your own damn sweet seriously they're being in vegetarians go and get your own sweets fine seriously go and get sweets that are called Percy pig right don't get once called kale nice ease right get your nice ease right which tastes disgusting we get all filler because they're made of kale right leave our pig sweets alone you people have you ever eaten a specific no all the time the old-fashioned gelatine ones right those are actually the veggie ones yes veggie but you're cooling something this pig-faced veggie percy you think there are scarves are made of no meat the world the world's gone nuts okay and now you know the old joke about coloured is no joke about you know what ice cream vans will be next guess what my scream vans are next ice cream vans are going to be banned from many streets in the country in a crackdown by health and safety killjoys right it's terrible apparently some of them are powered by diesel which have to power the fridges and machinery and you can't have diesel so ice cream vans mr. whippy they have to go two dozen the tip a bit honestly Greg's lady is apparently turned up there are the Greg's sausage rolls even though they're not made of sausage gastronomic appropriation vegan sausage rolls have hit Morgan's meet one of these things right these I mean they look these one of these the sausages all the vegan ones but all they're bigger well I mean there's this stink delicious they're delicious actually they've got the same seasoning yeah I like them they've got nice Christmas tree yeah the vegetarian sausage is nicely flavored [Laughter] cuz it's really tasty yeah did everyone goes to Gregg's to be healthy right seriously and by the way while we're at it we got vegan happy meals and a does everyone goes to McDonald's to be healthy they write rather than go they have a Big Mac and stuff your face with large fries and now we've got all good old pizzas right there over Pizza Huts gone vegan - then we all gonna get a pizza to lose weight and be healthy what's on this is complete gastronomic appropriation we don't believe in harming other human beings I don't believe in harming other human beings or animals now so in September 2011 you arrested when police found a loaded sawn-off pump action Oh actor attack no got anything to do with the topic well you okay a character attack it's called on that part it's called a fight okay well you found with a pump action rifle during each round would this be relevant if I was speaking up against dog abuse or child I'm asking you a question is that true it's true I was iterated for something I did in my lose bout twenty nine bullets right as well and a fake knife there's no way to have a debate with the bullets and the rifle and the flick knife to cause harm to human being let me answer that I just assumed animal products three times a day as well so I was harming animals and humans okay but I changed my life around and now I'm vegan now just because I did something wrong in the past doesn't mean I can't do something right now how does that justify your abuse of dairy cow so you can have milk in your coffee seems to me you were a pretty violent guy I used to be yeah you can't turn your back around and do something good for everyone what about I realize that vegan is it's not my thing but it's a growing thetas let's not your thing my problem is this kind of video may not be terrorism that goes on he's against enemies anyone the drinks milk according to you is a murderer known is not consciously they don't know but now you know what happens to animals in slaughterhouses so you can have milk in your coffee and were you gonna deliver cows they get milk don't go to slaughter houses yes they - you don't know nothing about the industry membrane do your parents eat me I don't know people if your parents also live on dirt sorry for you know I'm assuming they are your parents all here's a question do your parents all eat meat I think it's not in this alone I think that what we need your focusing on is you say yes fine do your parents all eat meat my mother doesn't their changes are half your parents eat more more people are waking up do any of your parents eat me it's certainly what when your parents eat me is that there's a point to the point there's a point to the question none of your family eats meat at all members eat me why are you not stampeding into their rooms when they're eating their Christmas turkey and protesting at your own family's lunch you will be standing there with your plaque yards in your own back homes with you with their families and with their friends every single day vegans is talking about what's happened to these animals is a total injustice we're doing these are nonviolent they're doing the truth and this is a jungle animals eat other animals do in a jungle we are eating every single when you say you submit bodies yes I get it but your morality doesn't you'll know what we can I get it reduced I get it and I admire the passion but my point to you is your your fury about all this does not extend morally to the little animals that get killed in the production of the bread you love to eat so my argument is you're hypocrites you don't drink milk you don't eat bread you don't eat any meat presumably right no I don't right so I mean I am left with the obvious question what what do you digest what do you take in I mean are we gonna remove all baby Fred milk he can't eat anything no dairy no bread pulsing you're left with nice lumps there are there are plenty of very tasty alternatives that I'm beginning to discover me this is a new process for me without quality all right Chris let's take the let's take the tasty alternative of the year so far the Greg's vegan sausage roll palm oil which is of course stashed all over loads of vegan products so again I come back to the hypocrisy which is if you're gonna eat loads of stuff like that and claim the moral ground it's nonsense isn't it well palm oil is something that gives us grave concern and you're absolutely right many of the things that I have switched to I've looked on the back of that packet when I can struggle to understand the food labeling that's there and I've seen a lot of oil and this is a process of change that we're going through but the one thing we have to be absolutely clear about piers is that you know we have to cut down on our meat-eating not you know through any personal choice but through the enormous cost and pressure that this is putting on the environment that our population cannot eat the volume of meat that is doing now we've got expanding populations in India and China who are equally eating a lot more meat than they have done in the past we're losing vast areas of the world's forests which are you know repositories of our biodiversity all of those little things or the like that you know simply to produce a vegetable protein to feed to animals in an inefficient way if you're going to invest in a future business appears would you invest in McDonald's or Gregg's at this point because Gregg's are thinking about the future McDonald's probably are not actually vegan McDonald's are doing vegan Happy Meals so they're all at the same game and they're doing it to make money even if the products they're producing under the vegan label as in the vegan sausage roll are actually less healthy for you than a donald's cheese well you were a committed vegan weren't you from a young age and then 15 years why do you you put a whole list of problems down to veganism gall stones pancreatitis you went hypoglycemic you had ulcerative colitis and we're not just looking after yourself oh no I was I always took very good care of myself I was a athlete I was a runner distance runner and I ran marathons during that time I had a very good clean vegan diet I didn't need any kind of junk food or processed food or sugar you know people will say there's a right way and a wrong way to do the vegan diet and the right way being eating all Whole Foods and sprouting your grains and seeds and nuts and I did all of that so I was a I would say took very very good care of myself and so why do you hold okay so why do you hold the diet responsible for all of these illnesses well when I learned about the carnivorous diet and read about it for a while before I actually tried it one of the things that struck me was how much information is coming out about the damaging components in many plants and vegetables like lectins and phytonutrients anti-nutrients oxalates that are in spinach and other greens so I didn't learn about that until after but once I took all of the plant material out of my diet all of my gut health problems went away including the ulcerative colitis and now you only eat me is that right meat fish eggs yes but no no vegetables or or green stuff of any kind correct and how do you feel on that diet I actually feel great better than I ever have in my life vitamin C vitamin C I get in liver right chopped liver like Hannibal Lecter I like it let's go - I'm not wholly opposed to bird feeding and I think as a supplement to their natural diet it's a good thing but it's much better to have an environment a habitat your garden full of plants and maybe a pond and maybe some wild areas and if you've got the space then the habitat yeah but what is wrong with me okay fine but what's wrong with bird feeders and bird baths what's wrong with them well you can't have associated issues with them so you need to think really hard about the cleanliness of them and the quality of your food because otherwise if you've got food dropping off your bird feeder that might attract rats and nobody wants rats in the garden you're not really making a very strong case here I mean I gave you the chance I'll do what is really wrong with them why do you want to ban them I don't want to ban them you don't know okay so you just think we should pursue milder alternatives like planting you would rather that people have their gardens that sustain the birds naturally I have got an idea about vegan gardening and that is a growing idea just as as the idea of vegan food is a growing idea and you know I've written a book about vegan gardening super organic gardener and it's just as people move from being a vegetarian to being a vegan people are moving from being an organic garden to a super organic garden so they've been really careful or enough and thinking really hard about wildlife what do you make of all of this I was very interested if you're green-fingered enough and capable enough to generate enough white habitat in your garden see wouldn't he says provide this little food with feeders then that's great but we're not all capable of doing it I'm certainly not hens have a mixture of feeders which I maintain carefully and also you know the feed to provide additional food for these tide migrants that are moving through people's gardens and when they're breeding and feeding their young it's additional resource so they don't take away the natural resource which is a limited supply in most urban areas but I'm also a vegetarian I know yeah well now because of Peers I'm going to become a vegan so just to annoy you my point about vegans I don't mind people being vegan I don't I do mind if they start preaching I don't preach it all day long make your own choice yeah absolutely storm into my rest jaw and start playing me County on girl restaurant to storm into ya know I quite agree I quite agree that I don't preach it I've been shearing all my life you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 2,138,587
Rating: 4.5298314 out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, piers morgan vegan, good morning britain vegan, piers morgan percy pig, good morning britain percy pig, good morning britain mashup, good morning britain compilation
Id: 08y5RrhgPcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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