Munroe Bergdorf Clashes With Piers in Heated Debate on Gender Fluidity | Good Morning Britain

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

What a horrible little man. What is he so afraid of?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ernestodemayo 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

I wish people would stop giving Piers Morgan air. Not airtime, air. Like put a plastic bag over his head.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

If he wasn't so agressive all the time though. one can debate without shouting non-stop.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/oldhouse56 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
are we damaging our children or are we allowing to express their true identity I think we're doing the opposite of allowing children to express their true identity by medicating any form of gender nonconformity this is what we're talking about we're not talking about children being able to express themselves and be who they are be exactly who they are where what they want to have the interests that they want to whether they're boys or girls we are telling boys that they are literally girls if they identify as girls this is something very different it's a it's a political ideological movement that is going into schools which is against the Education Act but this is going into schools and it's dictating schools posit you don't think this is about individual children you suggest that this is a move a movement that treats children with an adult political ideology so we are imposing the label transgender onto children or children are now self identifying as transgender because they find out generally on tumblr or reddit or YouTube videos and now this is being reaffirmed right across the board in schools in Girl Guiding and with counselors and therapists the NSPCC and now even their teachers this is the dorothy stringer school in brighton right I was brought up just a few miles away from then I brightened very very well it's a pretty liberal town we all know that okay but according to the school's equality information report accessibility report it showed 40 children aged between just 11 to 16 do not identify with their gender 36 more said they are gender fluid yeah the head teacher said were very proud of the equalities and inclusion work that we do I find this extraordinary when seventy-six children at one school in a town like Brighton between 11 and 16 no longer wish to identify as male or female I think this is a complete and utter nonsense and worse a dangerous nonsense persuade me I'm wrong okay so if we look at how Brighton is as an area it's got an extremely high LGBTQ population is extremely liberal so when kids are in a school and they feel oh there's no stigma attached to being gender the fluid or trans so if they feel supported in an environment then they're going to be questioned why should they be encouraged to do this when it's clearly always being questioning about nobody's gonna persuade me there's 76 kids at one school and bright woke up one day decided to be well he's dead one day he says that it's not something that happens overnight it's something where does he say do we end up with literally nobody in the future identifying as male and female really maybe really yeah absolutely why would you not nobody but some you know some people are trans and that's that's the fact you genuinely think 76 kids in one school are transgender and saying that or do you feel it's not so is it possible as they've all just believed all just latched on to a fad that is getting more and more attention and they are basically having their mind turned to joy I think that what we're seeing is children expressing or experimenting with their gender and there's nothing wrong with that thing well that's practicing look at what different yeah experiment look at what the headmaster said not all of the kids are out and trans some of the kids are just experimenting or exploring they even you know I completely support the ethos of genuine genuine transgenderism right I support it if people genuinely feel that you don't piss because you bring my definitely seventies that non-binary people into your show constantly umber eight them well no I'm um I'm not challenged very consistent I challenge them about gender fluidity that's where I have an itch still under the trans bracket well maybe but I think they may be absolute gender fluidity to me is I think it's a farce personally right I think us your own bigoted opinion I don't think it's bigger to its absolute people who decide one day they're male next day they're female next day back to Mel I think is ridiculous that's because your ass is straight man maybe or maybe I'm right and it's really not well your baby thought what makes you with your own self-righteousness think you're right all the time about it's not self-righteous and standing up I have worn for ages I think this is a way things are gonna go and here we are so what you say scared of if this is the comments about the intent and these kids are 11 to 16 I've had four kids right three have gone through that age group yeah through puberty they change wildly and what would you think you had a gender-neutral child or in gender non-conforming number - I would say - what does this mean what do you mean gender fluid what do you believe I want them but more importantly support I would not encourage it would you support them no but if they carried on over years saying to me I was born in the wrong body what's happening there not only me you don't know that say we're not talking about gender not all of these fall under the trans umbrella no gender non-conforming gender fluid non-binary they're all gender identities everybody's under the transgender umbrella actually because I don't conform to sex stereotypes I've got a logical brain that's male isn't it you know I am gender fluid I know chol brain is not a logical brain is a male thing well according to gender stereotypes each part we are talking about is not supporting children in gender nonconformity we are changing that gender nonconformity to conform to sex stereotypes of the opposite sex my problem is the as I see it as a creeping war on the words man and woman male and female let me give an example University students at Goldsmiths University of London and King's College London stopped using the word woman because it's deemed offensive because it includes the word man a Goldsmith the Students Union ceased to use the words women a woman since woman WOM X M is now deemed more inclusive use not using the Holloman that's not bendy more easily increase so weird we are abandoning at least imagining the word women at school the students in using the word woman but that's up to them fine and it's up to me to say what are you doing why are you banning the word woman because there's a word banning those you don't want to upset as they say a few transgender students can we just get back with respect I'm asking about this - Monroe because you're leading lion this you're very eloquent I think what you say I agree with but on these points like this women is to include everybody and what is wrong with the word woman because a lot of feminism isn't good as your feminism isn't to include trans people so you don't think we should ever use the word woman again not say that or what are you saying I'm saying that if we're speaking about inclusivity was speaking about matters of gender diversity then we should use a terminology that everybody should use warm of it didn't say that we shouldn't do you would do you agree with Goldsmith the Students Union has ceased to use the words woman and woman because they want to use me WOM I think that you agree with Yusef way yes why not so you want to abandon the use of the world we didn't say that that's what they've done no they happen they have they're just changing it the spelling so it should show that they're inclusive or they have stopped using the word woman because it includes the word man the word woman is still woman with an X it's just the only why are you changing out it's just to show an inclusive it's inclusive nature when speaking about it it means you thought it means that they are banning the around with this we committed themselves they got rid of the word woman because it has manganese it's not getting rid of the word woman it is an intersectional approach to long words you like at me right the bottom line is they have stopped using the words women a woman in publications they don't use it anymore they are bandit they're speaking about an inclusive right I don't want to set a few transgender students to which I say what about the vast majority of students who are not transgender wild thing allowed to read the word or the beating of in me no no it is nice and I'm amazed you're defending it it isn't nuts piss because when you need to deal with everything that comes with being trans when an institution such as Goldsmith's sends a message that we are inclusive and when we're gonna speak about feminism or gender issues we are going to burn x as a sign of solid wood woman on good morning bro he's what you want piers you going to anyway should we though why not you just said you agreed with God obviously do it you won you're not the most inclusive program when a transgender little anyway why we know you've been a regular yellow I think we discussed transgender you do you're you're wonderful she agrees with I'm allowed to challenge you not offensive I'm just until the no answer I'm to the point I happen to wake up this morning I see seventy situation there's that you're offensive with a lot of topics especially which I'm getting personal to me too I have four children right I was not trans and we speaking about transition you can support transgender rights without thinking it's a good thing the seventy six kids who want y'all know I wanna be right now I don't think banning the word woman I didn't advance is the transgender cause I think it damages it I think it makes every where you know what are you doing I think the thing is what we're doing we're giving children a survey in Brighton which says in Year seven which is the start of secondary school do you identify with the gender you assigned at birth so we are leading children into thinking of course of course children but the problem is that there is only a medical pathway for children so where as lobby groups are campaigning for ad medicalization of transgender for the gender recognition act and for it to be unrelated to gender dysphoria with children the same lobby groups are campaigning for earlier and earlier medicalization there are note there's no long-term research we do not know the effects of this these drugs are on your shoulder and children have been used and experimented on children before animals trials on sheep now are showing worrying results with a brain that even when you stop blockers do not return we regularly debate this on the show you may not like my opinion you demeanor and your opinion you may not like my demeanor you might like the fact you don't like the fact you about but in a free society Pearce's views reflect a lot of the challenges that people have so it's in the transgender with transphobia as a nation as well and a lot of transphobic well a lot of your demeanor and a lot of your opinions say otherwise no I just think that when you ban was like woman it is not knowing the transgender community is really unequal is a bully people which by the way the human being yes bully buggy but you want to see a police I get on social medias issues is unbelievable it's only rivaled by vegan I have to do you're vegan know what to do with anything I'm a vegetarian don't have a go at me the school's head teacher told us the figures don't reflect the number of openly trans children they have in school which is much lower than yeah like 76 kids in that school trans students to come forward you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 2,514,479
Rating: 4.6380696 out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, transgender children, transgender rights, munroe bergdorf, munroe bergdorf interview, munroe bergdorf piers morgan twitter, stephanie davies arai, gender fluidity, gender fluidity debate, children gender fluid, brighton
Id: V00lN9t3a-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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