Piers Morgan Debates Headscarf Ban With Muslim Women | Good Morning Britain

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This Saira Khan just seems utterly insufferable. I can't believe that she is honestly blind to the fact that this is targeting Muslim women (and, through it, Islam) specifically. I sincerely doubt we'll be hearing much about Christians being asked to tuck in their crosses.

Morgan raises a decent point, actually, which is that a headscarf doesn't necessarily have to be a religious symbol. If I, as a white, atheist woman decide to cover my hair for fashion or modesty purposes, then it is not a religious symbol, it is a fashion choice. Why are people supporting companies and corporations taking away women's choices?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KnowTheDifference πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This might be the first piers Morgan video I've seen without him looking like a twat

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol, I thought there was gonna be a lotta heat between the Headscarf supporter vs. the Headscarf Ban ruling supporter but it ended up being the other way around

Edit: I saw a comment in /r/the_donald where he says, "deport her" XD

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
employers are now able to stop their staff from wearing religious headdresses as well as other religious clothes and symbols anything from the Christian crucifix to a Hindu bindi the European Court has ruled that companies are now allowed to demand that their workers dress neutrally so joining us now television presenter and businesswoman Saira Khan who agrees with the ruling and journalist Hana you sir who disagrees very good morning to you both morning Hana when you wear your headscarf does your employer say anything about it do you get any particular response to it no well I mean in the UK do you think we have much of a problem when it comes to you know people being able to express their religion and still have a job you're journalists and you are currently you know a student even work at the Guardian yes I'm doing an internship at the Guardian but I do think that the ruling does send a message and that message sort of you know it will ultimately alienate people because it legitimizes intolerant views and it sort of it gets the green light to employers to discriminate what does wearing the headscarf mean to you as a young Muslim woman well the heads goth means a lot of things but lots of different women I don't think much to you what does it mean to you well to me it's a reconciliation of you know my Muslim background and my European culture and but you know that's not I can't say that's the same for everyone to young women do you wear it because of modesty and because you need to cover up your hair not necessarily no for me it's more of a cultural thing because I wonder a lot of women that is the case that is a modesty thing or a spiritual thing it brings them closer to God or you know it can be a feminist statement sorbus I wonder if you if you wear it for modesty because you think it's important to cover up your hair if then would it be even more difficult if someone remove it because you know the hair is a very private parts and women and I think asking someone to reveal something that's private is quite unacceptable and you know this isn't going to make Muslim women think oh okay I'm going to take off my scarf and I can get a job it'll make them stay at home and we've taken ask the workforce sorry you don't agree why well I think this ruling we have to put it into context or what it is is that this company of the companies who have policies where across-the-board they say we don't want any religious or political embellishments at work we want it to be neutral for whatever reason we feel that you know we want to stick to that and the reason it went to court is because to Muslim women who weld the headscarf took took they took the companies to court and this isn't ruling as a result of that now I think in the workplace I think actually this is a common sense for companies because we now know where they stand with their policies but also for if I'm looking for a job if I know that that company won't accept certain things that I'm really proud of then I just want a part of that I think it's made it quite clear how would you feel how would you feel if I said to you actually sorry before we go on there do you mind I don't like your jacket this isn't about you saying it to me this is about a company well then we'd have to be also you can't just single how do you feel no it's not about feeling this is about a ruling and if you cannot single out a person for wearing a religious outfit just because of their religion religion because we've already just been discussing it's more than that spiritual finish my sentence my point is this it's not just about religion a lot of Muslim women who wear it it can be for modesty reasons to do it there you know that the culture that they've grown up in who are we to say to women you must be less modest at work sorry I know I'm not saying it's we this is a company if a company decides that it doesn't want political or religious embellishments at work across the board this applies to Jewish people at first a Christian people it applies to Islamic people it's interesting that we've only got a lady in a headscarf we should also have a Jewish person here a Sikh person here a Christian personally because it affects everybody that the ruling is aimed at all religions but let's that disproportionately affect Muslim women and you know I do agree that it does provide clarity for employers to decide who they once in their work but I don't think Muslim women have that was them who want to wear a headscarf and if you are going to a company if you wanted want to go for a company and the company who made it very clear they do not want political or whatever what if you're a non-muslim yeah who is wearing it what if you're a white English woman at work who actually quite likes the look of a scarf as part of her clothing do we still the thing is then accompany to religious I mean war for religious reasons the director will then actually use their common sense and actually say to most that person look we don't actually you know want you to wear it for whatever reason or we may want you to wear it it doesn't matter this isn't a personal thing this is take a common-sense approach that's what most companies appears to be if you're a Muslim woman wearing it for whatever reason you're not allowed to wear a scarf if you're an English white man in this country we've had five high-profile cases where religious dress cases have been taken to the European Court of Human Rights and what this ruling actually stops is that kind of suing to take people wearing poppies on television it depends on the companies we worship it depends on the company it should be learned my personal opinion is if you look I run a company and I would not enforce that kind of talent look at my bottom line any company in Britain now according to this they could have the rot off every company the company's I'm asking you whether you think as a result of this law it is right that a company would be able to stop its employees wearing poppies because they're a political statement I live in Britain and I don't think that ruling will affect many companies in Britain because in Britain we don't have a culture of neutrality so that's where I think we are no can I just give you the last word and yeah half an employer did ask you to remove your headscarf under this new ruling would you well no I wouldn't and I think it sends a message that you know Muslim women can't be in the workforce they want to be follow their religion would you leave your job rather than yeah and I mean the a French MP I mean the you know the French elections are coming up he took the ruling as an endorsement of he supports marine defense one that he took he took it as an endorsement of you know the bonus in out he said easy even the ECJ is 13 I just don't know why anybody would look at Hannah and think this is in any way offensive to anybody ever I mean how is that look offensive it depends on the companies you know objective and what their corporate image is and what their you know values and principles are it's not a personal thing Cyrus [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 6,409,478
Rating: 4.3155169 out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, morning breakfast show, itv morning, morning show, piers morgan, susanna reid, headscarf ban, islam, muslim, islamophobic, debate, piers morgan debate, piers morgan discussion, piers morgan headscarf ban., piers morgan islam, piers morgan muslim, ldsmusic, ldscl
Id: s4gO2RQR-bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2017
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