Piers Gets Into a Fiery Debate Over Scottish MP's Churchill Comments | Good Morning Britain

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Piers Morgan epitomizes a large subset of the baby boomer generation.

Someone who has achieved nothing of value in his life, is morally repugnant and degenerate, whose attempted to ride off the accomplishments of those who came before and stifle the growth of those who come after, a thin-skinned and angry, yet cowardly and willfully ignorant, fool who desperately clings to a false reality where he and his ilk won't endure any due criticism or scrutiny.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 107 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/murdock129 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly snorted when the Scottish guy called him a honey glazed gammon. He's got some balls on him!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Piere Morgan is an idiot.

How he has a career is beyond my comprehension.

Throughout that entire "conversation" he just yelled at the guy and his only counter argument was "you havent said anything nice".

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 97 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jabbadarth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Piers Morgan is right on the edge of the biggest range for Baby Boomers I've found. But he also personifies the generation amazingly well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/westhoff0407 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow thanks for posting this.

Being in the states I don't get much exposure to this, nor would I probably voluntarily watch anything with Piers Dickhead in it.

Can't believe how co-opted British news media is and similar it is along the lines of our MSM. Thought that was primarily a U.S. problem.

It's bizarre to think anyone would come away from watching this and not think that the MP didn't totally own him and his vapid blathering panel. The sheer level of ad hominem attacks from Piers was disgusting beyond belief.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 53 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EmPeeSC πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don't forget Churchill give the go ahead to murder thousands of the surrendered French Navy personnel when he attacked their ships in harbour

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jesus Christ, he's got facts!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Septopuss7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Piers Morgan is beyond boomer

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kanaric πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't like either of these people. When you consider historical figures you have to consider them in the context of society at the time. Churchill was a hero in WW2, he did rally the english, he was also a colonizer and a racist. All the great powers at the time were. These were guys who drank up the "white man's burden" ideoloy. The founding fathers owned slaves", "Greta Thunberg rode a Train!" All these comments get used to delegitimize other legitimate achievements and beliefs.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
could you just explain to our viewers why your categorization of su essentials life and career came down to he is a white supremacist mass murderer indisposed in your tweet with a number I think seven or eight clapping emojis applauding your own genius and describing Sir Winston in that manner yeah absolutely so let's make a comparison Pierce you're a sensitive soul yesterday you accused me being a racist for pointing out that you look like honey glazed gammon if you want an example of real racism you just have to look to Churchill he talked about his belief in the triumph of the Aryan race he hated endings with a passion he said they were beastly people with a beastly religion when a famine broke out three million people starved to death so that's why I said he was a white supremacist I said mass murderer because he always advocated the most violent the most destructive option he used poison gas against Kurds against Afghans he was a strong supporter of Britain's concentration camps in the Boer War where 28,000 people women and children died he's always advocated the use of aerial bombardments and what he described as terror bombing campaigns in fact his own cabinet had to stop him when he was air when he was in the cabinet in the 20s cabinet colleagues had to stop him from bombing protestors in Ireland Winston Churchill was voted the greatest Briton of the last century for a reason is that people believe that he almost single-handedly through the power of his rhetoric in World War two saved this country's were Nazis again you love sneering the people that won the war it was villagers the sailors you say Airmen who won the war look at the moat when they came home yeah he was the British prime minister he was the one making decisions which led to this country being able to stand up and save itself from Adolf Hitler manat sees there is a creeping attempt now to besmirch everything the Churchill stands for you know I have a brother who's a British Army colonel who I talked about this to you last night he was spitting with rage from where he is currently serving his country right this just gets everybody's goat up I don't defend everything Churchill devil said I think he's a complex difficult character in many ways historical we'll be but the idea that you simply eliminate we heard a ranked their wish at no point offered any balance or any attempt to say anything positive at all about this man well I mean if you want an example of racism you can read some of Gandhi's work now it was Gandhi a racist no of course he wasn't and he was a great and important or Nelson Mandela yeah and Mandela said and did things in his early years that he would regret in his later years so if you want to portray somebody as a racist in the sense that Ross does with his elegance eloquent stupidity you're very very it's very easy to do so but if you want to portray churches as a racist my great-great uncle and he when they were Conservative MPs they crossed the floor to the Liberals in part because of their outrage at the treatment of Chinese indentured labor in South Africa now Ross if he checked his history would know that you can say that Churchill was an old guard conservative and yet he supported the people's budget in 1911 he campaigned for better treatment for coal miners for shop workers and he did many things which we will now regard as being central to the foundation of the welfare state Bengal famine you say yourself they had a choice between feeding Bengal and feeding the Balkans and at the time Churchill one of his great attribute so he focused this nation and Ross again in his sort of crude misunderstanding of history says oh you know it was the servicemen who won the war yes of course it's always the servicemen who won the war but our political leadership was not willing to fight on Bengal mr. mr. gray from the cabinet papers here this is from direct message to Lord Wavell his new Viceroy of India right from Churchill every effort must be made even by the diversion of shipping urgently needed for war purposes to deal with local shortages in India then there are copies of letters he sends to the Prime Minister of Canada to Australia to Franklin D Roosevelt and others repeatedly over the next two years in which he is beseeching them to help the people of Bengal for you to categorize that as him being to blame for the deaths of three million people in Bengali it's not just offensive it is a downright lie no Pierce you just don't understand history that's the problem reading III I'm reading history we're preventing people that Yael is from holding his own words so you mentioned who was then the Viceroy a vendor when we've all was the Field Marshal in Winston Churchill's own war cabinet with Leo Amery his Secretary of State for India the two of them were sitting down planning how to get food to Bengal at the star of that famine Churchill came in and stopped them as is recorded in both of their Diaries in fact Churchill spent so long stopping people from getting aid to Bengal you mention Canada in Australia Australian wheat ships were trying to dock and Calcutta and Churchill refused and to go back to Bob's point it wasn't to feed people in the Balkans it was to stockpile food in the balkans there were not shortages they wanted to stockpile food in case there were future shortages while three million Indians were starving today I really like telling their children rather than see them starve to death as I was after a year of that Churchill finally realized yeah in fact when he was getting letters from his own Secretary of State response we really hadn't died yet he didn't care for months when you see he doesn't care here's a letter you wrote to Franklin D Roosevelt the President of the United States I'm seriously concerned about the food situation in India last you had a grievous family in Benghazi through Bengali which at least 700,000 people died this year is a good crop of rice but we're faced with an acute shortage of wheat aggravated by unprecedented storms he's begging Franklin D Roosevelt for help help but actually Roosevelt was unable to give him clothes and he was after he had destroyed 46,000 bullets that kind of got you let that Family Photos reach the rest of the world and the rest of the world T thing I do something about do you know what's the Winston Churchill was actually doing during World War two what is funny about any of this what is funny about your attempts to smear the reputation of a great leader like Winston Churchill what are you get a kick out of this why do you not have any sense of honour about you which allows you to offer even a semblance of balance again peers it's very pretty honor when the one thing the British public know about you is that you were sacked from a newspaper for lying about British trips on the front page and refusing to apologize for it is the reason I get stuck a corner I knew you would do this so let me explain what happened there I was sacked from a daily mirror for publishing photographs of some British troops rogue elements of a regiment who had been abusing Iraqis they were held to account and some of them were imprisoned for the abuse that they enacted I never apologized I never apologized because the abuse happened I then sat down you were generals in Gaza the head of the British Army several years ago in northern France and he told me that I was right to publish what I published so I'm sure you know more than the head of the British Army two years ago but I suspect you don't rather like you don't know more than what happened in Bengal during the famine and Winston Churchill's culpability but let me come to a wider point I'm sure you're gonna sprague and other stuff at me about my life which is completely irrelevant let me know interest in your life yeah oh yeah let me ask you this do you believe that Winston Churchill did anything positive in World War two for the people of his country yes he showed strong leadership but let's not pretend that that waits with everything else he did I mean you you talk as therefore most I wouldn't exist her I'd exist in a very different way if it wasn't for Churchill in fact because of church oh I almost didn't exist at all because of Churchill's hatred for the workers on the Clyde and his refusal to properly defend the Clyde my ground was almost killed in the clay bank but Scott was in the police in the UK completely destroyed by German bombing because Churchill and his government wouldn't provide ammunition to the anti-aircraft fire isn't quite dying because they hated the workers and they hated the trade unions there Bob mentioned what he did for miners miners in South Wales hit Winston Churchill because he deployed troops and police officers against them when they were just campaigning for their own rights anything positive and immediately segues into Churchill was a white supremacist and Hitler clearly was a white supremacist I mean is there some moral equivalence between Hitler and church or that's been made with the deliberate intention of those two phrases that you used Churchill was a white supremacist mass murderer and if it wasn't for Sir Winston Churchill who knows what would have have happened to Great Britain yet not just Church although if it wasn't for Churchill President Roosevelt of America and Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union but don't pretend that Joseph Stalin was a decent man he was a scumbag you know sorry thank you that's the first word of common sense you've come up with this morning mate I was talking taking a rounded view of history said you have snowflake about Winston Churchill I know he was a flawed character I also know that he almost single-handedly dragged this country from the abyss in World War two wildly a historical know wildly historical degree what you mean is correct because history is history when you say I'm wildly historical you mean I'm right your while to a historical you said historical no no you you seem to be articulating a completely isolated unique version of history you just you know you yes you Paul you are aren't you I mean we celebrate Sir Winston Churchill no they don't if you go to end their Ireland Kenya they absolutely don't if you come to communities like highbank that I represent if you go to the South Wales Valleys these maining communities the problem is these points of view that have been long held long-held sense Church of dead things to these communities have not been allowed to go because the prevailing narrative is of a war hero who you cannot speak ill of but he is a complex character and we want to start being honest about but the way that you're speaking about him a white supremacist mass murderers disgusting it's absolutely the equivalent with Hitler think people find really offensive is denying that every historical hero should be scrutinized but the use of language is so offensive I was just gonna completely agree with what you were saying nobody is saying that you can't really a people in every generation and every great historian looks at history afresh which is really important for us an understanding of life but there was a difference between a great historian summing up and reevaluating a great man's life and your rather trite infantile sloganeering saying oh I'm gonna stick a racist tag on this person or a sexist tag on that person this is not history this is just silly slow and you know what it's become you know it's become it's become worse than that is that there's a younger generation and you're absolutely epitomize this who decide to twist history to suit a narrative that people like Winston Churchill are evil people who should be condemned and you have not presented a single positive thought process about Winston Churchill at all which I know that 95% probably more of our viewers will be looking at what you're saying hearing what you're saying with utter revulsion and they'll be saying why does this kid who's 24 who some have been an elected official in Scotland why does he not actually appreciate the great the Winston Churchill did even if he doesn't like some of the other stuff that he did and when you say you drew no equivalence between Churchill and Hitler we all know the Hitler was a white supremacist mass murderer so when you when you're only categorization of Winston Churchill in a tweet with all your clapping emojis is that Churchill was a white supremacist mass murderer you are doing an equivalence with Adolf Hitler you are saying the man who saved a shows you and thank the man who saved actually no do you believe that Winston Churchill was any better than a Nancy of course he was of Christie what you thought him a white supremacist mass murderer that's what Nazis are mr. Greer so when do say see you want the world to think that you believed he was no better than a Nazi that's really what you want to believe isn't it he was less worse than the Nazis but his own cabinet secretary for India said himself I cannot distinguish between Winston Churchill's views on race and our Dolf hat worst right I wouldn't make that comparison because I think it's crass his own cabinet minister and his wartime cabinet a pro Empire conservative just like him was so revolted by Churchill's hostility to the Indians as they were dying that he felt he had to make that comparison I wouldn't because it's crass all right mr. gray you know what I find revolting you you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 1,891,510
Rating: 4.3274732 out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, ross greer, ross greer gmb, ross greer msp, winston churchill, adolf hitler, bob seely, bob seely mp, piers morgan furious, piers morgan row
Id: Iy8Bt_V971o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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