Piers Clashes With Extinction Rebellion Co-Leader Skeena Rathor Over Protests | Good Morning Britain

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"Ce n'est pas à propos de mon emprunte écologique"

Really? Les consommateurs sont en grande partie responsable de ce qui se passe. Évidemment qu'il y a beaucoup de choses à améliorer de la part des corporations mais le consommateur a le gros bout du bâton.

Pas de consommateur = Pas de corpo.

C'est bien que Piers call out l'hypocrisie de ces gens. Do as I say, not as I do.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/KadruH 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wow, Piers Morgan a fait un excellent travail en révélant toute l'hypocrisie de cette gauchiste hystérique. Elle n'a vraiment pas aidé sa cause (bien au contraire) en évitant de répondre aux questions.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/chamotruche 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
I think there is a real problem with climate change that has not been taken seriously enough I actually agree with the overriding principle of this the thing I feel uncomfortable about two things one Greta Thornburg a 16 year old girl with autism becoming the face of all this and screaming abuse at adults and terrifying kids I don't think that helps particularly and secondly she how dare you shouting at all but also these protesters causing so much disruption and financial hardship to basic to traders and Smithfield and so on I've got a real problem with that I have as well and so it's always the working people who have to suffer because all these nice middle-class people these champagne socialists doing what they're doing in central London a friend of mine has come on he's certainly message saying this has cost me 200 quid he can't afford 200 pounds the people at the bottom and it's not the working people always suffer because the police get dragged in because of this you saw it take six officers to take one person away that's not being violent because imagine if you had to drag your granny down the stairs if she didn't want to go it takes six people to carry one now all those officers are dragged in from all over London so they're not fighting knife nuns are doing they're not fighting Berkeley not doing drug do so if you live on an awful council estate where crime is crime ridden you're losing those officers because they dragged in to do this scanner you need people to change their minds we heard from Donecker you know the government is not changing its mind so that's the first failure secondly he said that two-thirds of people now support you I mean I don't where is that come from I'm sure that overall people support measures to stop the rate acceleration of climate change but if you were evidence that 2/3 of people support this action by extinction rebellion I think Susannah and thank you for having me back is that we have to move the debate on and and I think our motivation and like I really have a lot of empathy for for you know the police in terms of what they're trying to do which is to keep us safe and that's exactly why extinction rebellion on this streets what we one of our sites is at the outside the home office and the reason we're outside the home office is because we are worried about the law and order the fragility of the systems to climate shocks so for example we have three major bread baskets in the world if one of them and the global food security program are at the moment studying the risk of a climate shock affecting one of our fruit our bread baskets if one of our bread baskets is affecting what do you mean by breadbasket it supplies our supermarkets with food it's it's a it's a source where our supermarkets will buy grains from for example grains like rice if that happens which the global food security program are looking at the risk and are now worrying about it not telling our government this is a real risk then we are looking at riots we are looking at supermarkets being half empty we're looking at our out systems social class at the moment you want and they don't we are worried let me show you two things one is protesters dancing and in the street yesterday that's a good misfit there's a good video clip now what are they doing what are they doing there I don't know what that particular protester is doing but drawing it I think whatever we're doing is we're drawing attention to the planetarium urge for the refugees mean they're just having a good old party look they're having a good old rave no party no dancing around taking the day off work if they've got jobs and they're all doing this having a great time whilst causing massive disruption to Londoners I don't know what they're doing here I don't hear any protest I just hear people are great I mean there have been nearly 600 rest so we we are definitely engaging in mass peaceful nonviolent civil disobedience while they're being arrested one clip is with all due respect yeah you've taken one clip there are some really well let me show you another clip a friend of mine had his finger broken yesterday because we're scuffle with the police maybe sure so there's some really busy is of where some of the protesters came for lunch yeah suits hang on we got the McDonald's clip yeah you're being very selective yes I am yeah so are you oh yeah now explain what that protester how is that saving the planet exactly queuing up from your protests and going to McDonald's which is the number one purveyor of fast process for the world getting it out of a cardboard and carton box how does that save the planet why should I not the issue look at that they rank hypocrites the issue is our children my children I have three daughters and I am not sure that I'm going to be able to feed my children in years to come can I jump in because I've got four kids and I've got to say this frightening nonce you don't win any support I agree right by this frightening nom I invite you to meet our academics our food academics and our scientists a incredible people who are saying that our society will not Christians are on the brink but he knows they are afraid you talk about being outside the home office because you're concerned about security there are 600 arrests yeah Metropolitan Police office yes who should be involved in policing absolutely government are not listening the public needs to be told the truth so you need to ask demand is not being there so much pressure we have to provoke them in order to get about disrupting business as usual we need a pause in in the business as usual or in terms of all of our systems and to understand how did you get here your car pick me up your new car okay we got TVA I think can you can you tell me that's all have you got tbo cuz a gang pays well who's walking about the room I'm talking about answer my questions I'd like to invite you with respect answer my question do you have a TV at home I don't think that's relevant your kids use iPads our computers if anyone saw these quests not relevant to the planet you have air conditioning do they have any schools Pierce you want your kids in school you're not your child you see the problem with all this you go on about my kids can't get out of begs they're also terrifying more surprise a terrified because your mum's telling them every day the what planets about do it and yeah I bet your own carbon footprint on all the stuff I just mentioned is terrible it's it so why don't you give up these notes about my give up your television your air conditioning walk your kids to school get a bite to miss junior why don't you practice what you preach and I respond to that yes it's really not about our individual carbon footprint it's a systems wide issue we unless you live in a wood completely as a recluse on your own you are going to be part of this system but you have all those things I mentioned write a function otherwise you would have divided it to function in Austin you love to bang on about it but the truth is in your own life with your own kids that you profess to be so concerned about they all have computers televisions air conditioning they have cars that drive them around and so on you don't practice what you preach I rested actually practice what they preach but they sneak off to McDonald's they have diesel powered generators they all get their cars around they all basically completely hypocritical like if he genuinely believed the planet is about to end start with your own carbon footprint it's here otherwise you become the Prince Harry and mega Markel of this debate which is you do one thing and you say another actually it is it is about a systems wide issue it's about our government telling the truth when Harry Prince Harry six everyone form debate if I may if I may sit so when Prince Harry said everyone's carbon footprint counts every footprint it does he's wrong it does it does it every everybody everybody now counts in terms of us climbing together individual doing anything doesn't count every individual voice matters in this month your carpet we need you try answering one simple questions yes but it's not it's not a question let me my question is my show with Susanna and so it's are showing literally that I'm asking the straightforward questions none of which you're answering but with respect Peter do you believe your own I mean I stopped talking does your carbon footprint count more than I am peers can um hey sorry I'm really over there you're not answering a single question your carbon footprint count yes although everybody's what everybody does in this moment matters so it matters so he does matter but what we need to do this moment you stop talking for a moment no can you sit why don't you let me answer the question here could you see the answer you won't answer any questions we try again let me try do you have a television that isn't I'm not here to because I'm not here to answer questions about my person you just say everyone's does it alright I can answer can you let me speak I can admit believable but you're not protesting about does does everyone's personal you're not talking to why don't you try answering one of the questions I would like when Prince Harry says every footprint casts do you agree with him every everything we do right now matter okay do you have a television this is not the question this is total waste of time because the truth is you do have a television and the reason you don't want to having a television is that that immediately throws you into the hypocrisy debate because you're guzzling a burning up TV and you don't want to admit it because it makes you look like a ranking what job why you ask the question what it does is it throws us into a shame situation know which throws you into a hostage situation and you lead your life in a completely different way to the way of building in action and I mean why don't you start with actually your own we need to actually start with action in your own house get rid of the TV we are rid of all the laptop I get rid of the computers get rid of the cars get your bikes for you and your kids to the school Peter I'm a to see what you preach let make sense otherwise you're a rank if equip people are making huge sacrifices have you got a team including myself a TV an extinction rebellion actually and this is a bit based English and Ravel against your TV have you got a TV what beauty rebellion is people how many questions in say Liberty which is a huge issue Skeeter got a TV which is a huge ask of say it's a good job everyone watching has got a TV kids watching home yeah you'll say yeah morning kids it's not relevant beyond yeah on your iPad's or watching my mom tell you this whole there are hundreds of boy it's a police officers sitting waiting doing nothing when they could be busy arresting burglars rapists drug dealers and their sat in central London right now because a load of middle-class fault can take two we know what I would admire them more if they just said yes here's my car before a print I've got television I've got air conditioning I've got all these things I go to my dolly I'm a sinner I don't I would respect you more if you just admitted it you complain when they don't have a shower yes I'm afraid I've been up there they smell you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 1,451,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, climate change, extinction rebellion, extinction rebellion london, extinction rebellion parliament, global warming, civil disobedience, gmb debate, climate change protest, extinction rebellion protest, peaceful civil disobedience, good morning britain debate, climate crisis, extinction rebellion uk, skeena rathor, mike neville, have you got a tv, eco footprint
Id: 8ISePLL1wcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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