A Rocket League tournament with only toxic players

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on my channel i've gotten a lot of content out of toxic players that i've run into in rocket league and every once in a while i look back at my content and wonder where those players are now what did they think when they saw themselves raging on youtube videos with millions of views are they upset or do they look back at those moments and laugh well today we're gonna find out i've searched high and low to find as many players from my own videos as possible and believe it or not i've managed to track down 16 of them since they've all been in a ranked lobby with me at some point or another we have a pretty even range of skill so i'm holding a huge free-for-all tournament of toxics to find the king of toxicity but what i didn't tell them is i also invited my friend woody who specializes in making rocket league players rage by demoing them so this is kind of like combining coke and mentos i have 16 rocket league toxic mentos and a 2 liter of demo coke which is woody let's see how they react hey i just want to say sorry i told you to suck my balls nobody has to bring up past sins okay it's all behind us well if that's the case i would never do anything to get back at you guys so we have eight players in this first lobby and we're running the free-for-all format which is basically a 1v1 v1 v1 v1 v1 v1 v1 if you don't know how that works check out this video where i did it with pros but you can probably pick up how it works pretty easily i told woody to sneak in and stay undercover while he's causing chaos and you can see him there going by zeb which is a name he stole from one of the other participants wait why is this deb and zeb hey zeb i'm zeb there's zev wow okay zeb oh it's a good way to end up in videos okay dude bro chill why me as this tournament progresses we're gonna be finding out why each of these players are here let's start with zeb okay i realize this is ironic but zeb is here because of a video where woody and i would demo people to make them rage come on rick rick hit the ball 14 points homie where'd you buy your account bro the other zeb is trying to kill me stop oh i feel like i'm playing something very stupid stop taking my boost there's the first goal from dj where did he come from oh yeah it was every toxic player month two that's not too bad he was just yelling at his teammate you gotta score that wait there's mad dog and m dog yeah yeah god you guys are so wait uh zeno's save bradley's gonna get a free goal bro come on zeb he got an extermination already bro what damn this man does not like anyone [Music] oh open that this guy is one of my favorite mtvt he was in the last toxic video uh doing this once i head back go i will defend i'm not c3 [Music] need boost oh flashbacks no you got that one oh my gosh let's go zeb can no longer hurt me the last person to score is the one who's eliminated for this round so we have three left here swept scores and then zeb gets the free shot just sneaks it away oh mad dog is out so we have our first toxic player eliminated that dog showed up in every toxic player month one this little own goal right after he uh said something to bear claw bear claw says welcome to my level it's kind of a funny moment how you gonna demo me i know i just saw you sitting there i had to do it bro look at that amazing patch you're welcome yeah yeah that was a great pass yeah flurry of goals there every time someone scores they're safe for the next round oh wait he sends that musty i love that out of you thank you which said the knocking you know what's your uh what's your what's your claim to fame here uh like the video i was in yeah yeah uh the woody video i got demoed probably tweeting me two times oh yeah you guys are some of you are woody products yeah so zeb's not the only one to be in here because of a woody video we also have zeno [Music] i feel like woody's the cause of like half the people in here get back it's going for the good luck good luck if you could say something to woody what would you like what would you tell them uh probably things you shouldn't put in your video anyway while that was happening m dog scored the last goal which eliminated zeb zeb with the next you were the last to score so you're you're actually like out okay so but i can still play no all right so i'm still playing huh all right get this get the ssl out you got a target on your back with that ssl title so this comes down to a 1v1 between swep and mtvt which is really ironic because they're actually from the same video after mtbt had that little moment this happened i scored that goal swept was on the other team and what a saves his teammate so some mild toxicity but the point is they're here together now we should all tell him what to do score score score score come on hit the ball [Music] [Applause] right now i do i actually hate zeb okay you guys need to say like zee ebb because mine's actually zeb he's just yeah but you're out so yeah i'm lagging i'm lagging so after m dog scores right here this is a 1v1 between swept and this dude radley fawn swept scores bradley fawn is out bradley made a small appearance in the last every toxic player video month four yeah just what a saving his teammate there nothing major so with four players eliminated that gives us the top four from this lobby now we'll take the other half of the toxics and find the top four of that lobby then do a grand final so here's group two oh i'm gonna lose wait what your teammates can kill you unfortunately this group was discovering that friendly fire demos were definitely on there's a goal from locono he was in toxic takedown two i believe yeah that was a good one despite him telling me to well you can see what he told me to do ah so that was who was apologizing for telling me to suck their balls earlier it all makes sense now this is like a trip down memory lane like some of these i remembered really vividly i remembered exactly what they did and others i wasn't sure what their involvement was oh let's go no way i scrolled by a mill i remember his it was every toxic player month two it's a pretty funny one down two i won't abandon but i'll get 30 minos oh god they're passing no shot this is all just beef manager oh my god aj that's quite a name you got there really it's like it's like is it your name or your diary we'll show aj's clip a little later but for now we were trying to figure out who this was oh the flip reset who is question mark i have no clue [Laughter] it could be okay i don't think question mark's in the vc no goofy no please don't make bro that's flashbacks bro so most of you should remember diego because that was like three videos ago he was in uh queuing twos with toxic players he was also in recording every toxic player so he was actually in two videos impressive diego the genius pulls me into a threes game he reverse unowed me honestly diego is just kind of owning me here at this point i'm not gonna lie i was kind of cheering for diego for this because he's now been in three videos he kept missing open nets no no no i yeah and bye oh finished this is crazy who's gonna be the first one out all day versus diego this is a classic matchup it was a classic matchup because all day was also in the queuing twos with toxics video boy did we get a reaction on this one yeah i was pretty toxic and now he's facing diego and he eliminates diego diego [Music] i'm your favorite i know it i'm your most wholesome toxic player all right let's perform we'll see how you do in the final i'm getting sad on bro were you in uh were you in toxic take down two i i played let the toxic take down two and i played so bad i lost like 19-0 and he almost got at the end of this round it came down to all day and this guy named goofy who ended up putting in a beautiful flick to eliminate all day goofy's claim to fame is this moment in recording toxic players month three you see why we lose you have three shots damn he's right i didn't only have three shots and he had ten actually i think i remember one of those huh well at least he had ten shots though i still don't know who question mark is yeah i was just about to say that nice pass dude i noticed here that woody's name was actually showing but i don't think it was showing for the rest of the lobby it's just a glitch in steam for me everyone okay oh oh it's a free goal for goofy so with that goal from goofy the only person who hadn't scored was finley i learned about something new and that's the chase meta this guy loves when the chasing meta works you can see the chasing meta in action as i scored on your garbage now just the chasing meta unfortunately finley wasn't able to use the chasing meta in this game in the very next round it was goofy again who eliminated the last player it's out so with that we had the top four from the second group which meant it was time for the grand finals with the final eight players there's still a few players that we haven't met yet so let's go ahead and just jump right into this is it a good time now to be toxic oh of course okay guarantee yourself a spot in my next video playing a different game oh my gosh the first round of the finals came down to a 1v1 between dj and this guy mdong mdog was secretly this guy named xd in toxic takedown one one of my favorite contestants he didn't win against lethal toxic takedown but he did get this goal to eliminate dj and dj's out i'm actually uh i'm actually m dog that's more believable because he plays like a champ i one believe it took till the grand finals for the toxics to start being toxic to each other but m dogs silenced them with that goal and then a mill knocks out goofy this is where things got really interesting with only a few players remaining in this round woody was causing some major disruptions as planned but i don't think anyone was expecting a demo to completely knock a player out of the game especially not someone like zeno now it's free no way oh what is the reason i'm in this place and he's the reason i'm now out of the face oh that's beautiful that is beautiful with only five players remaining question mark knocked out swept and we finally found out who question mark was his name was feenstar in-game he was in every toxic player month four ah definitely time to forfeit it is two to three after all insurmountable lead surely for some reason i decided to keep playing but my teammate he's done so it turns out question mark was just an afk teammate in one of my toxic videos in another stroke of irony he then missed that he was supposed to go in for this round and we were now down to three players goes for a demo it was aj emil and m-dog fighting for a spot in a final 1v1 to decide the king of toxics the first two to score of these three players would have a spot in that 1v1 and it sure came down to the wire oh yeah who's going to score and secure their spot in the grand final 1v1 going for the democratic woody m dog he's safe and they just got the full reset oh aj them dog emile's out oh nice [Music] and so that brought us to the grand final 1v1 to decide it all between mdog and aj it was fitting that both of these players were from the same video toxic takedown in that episode guess who ended up first and second yep it was aj and xd aka m-dog you couldn't have planned a better grand final here we go first goal wins the whole thing are you setting a good example for the toxic community uh sure no if you're you're being too wholesome actually no uh [Music] why [Music] i feel so much worse now i see why i beat air double bomb everything but the goal no aj's got it aj wins oh you guys actually let him win like his name fair fair [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 996,336
Rating: 4.9661484 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: LOQwUqUEwnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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