Phrasal Verbs - Expressions with 'DROP'

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hello everyone and welcome to maple leaf ESL my name is Andrew and thank you for joining me here today for today's lesson we're gonna take a look at phrasal verbs that use the word drop so for this lesson we're gonna take a look at five different phrasal verbs and a lot of different examples okay so let's see if we get started so the first one here says drop off we have three different definitions for this one so the first one says there to take someone or something to a place and leave it or them there okay so imagine if I'm gonna take my friend to the airport right because he needs to catch an airplane so I might say I will drop off my friend at the airport or I will drop my friend off at the airport so I can kind of split that or not split it right drop my friend off or drop off my friend okay same thing if I'm gonna drop something off right imagine I borrow a book from the library and then two weeks later I will drop the book off at the library right so in that case it just means I will return the book to the library same thing if I want to have my clothes cleaned at the drycleaners I would drop my clothes off at the dry cleaners right and then the opposite of that would be to pick my clothes up at the dry cleaners right so that's the opposite drop my clothes off that means to leave my clothes there pick my clothes up means to get my clothes back right to take my clothes back okay second definition says to fall asleep okay so imagine I'm watching a really boring movie so I might drop off during the movie so that means I fall asleep during the movie okay one other thing is I can also say nod off that is the same thing as drop off so if I nod off during the movie again that just means I fall asleep during the movie right if I drop off in class that means I fall asleep in class okay and third definition there says to decrease in amount okay think about a company and their sales okay if a company's sales have dropped off that means their sales have decreased okay if the temperature has dropped off right maybe it was really warm a couple weeks ago and now it's really cold so I can say the temperature has dropped off over the last couple of weeks right so again any situation where we can use decrease we can also use drop off okay next one says drop by or drop in and both of these mean to stop in for a short visit okay and one thing to just remember there it's a short visit right it's not a long visit if I'm gonna stay over at somebody's house that is not dropping by right or dropping in okay so imagine if I'm gonna come over to somebody's house just for a cup of tea or a cup of coffee so I might say it was nice dropping by to see you yesterday right or if I call my grandma and take grandma I'm gonna drop by your house tomorrow that means I'm gonna come for a short visit tomorrow right not a long visit just a short visit so you're gonna drop by or you're gonna drop in okay also just one more example imagine you're in an office okay and in the office you and your coworkers each have your own desk okay so I might send a message to one of my co-workers I might say drop by my desk at lunch right what's that means just come to my desk for a short visit at lunchtime right so drop by my desk okay next one says drop behind then the definition there says to fall short of the required taste okay imagine I'm running a race like a marathon right okay and then suddenly I start going slower but all the other runners they're still going at the same pace so I have dropped behind the other runners right or the other racers Oh same thing if I'm in class okay and all of my classmates they're kind of doing well they're getting like good grades but my grades are kind of not very good right my grades are sort of getting lower so I can say I have dropped behind the rest of the class or my grades have dropped behind the rest of the class okay so again it just means that I have fallen short of the pace in this case the rest of the class is at this pace but I'm below that so I've dropped behind the pace okay a couple more next one says drop out and the definition there is to stop participating or attending something okay the best use of this one is when talking about school okay if you drop out of school that basically means that you are quitting school right you are not gonna participate or you are not going to attend school anymore so you can drop out of a class you could drop drop out of a game you could drop out of a competition so anytime you drop out of something it means you're not gonna participate anymore or you're not gonna attend to something anymore okay and last one there is actually not a phrasal verb this one's an idiom but because the lesson is short I want to include an interesting idiom it says there drop of the ball okay and the definition is to make a mistake or to fail to do something okay when I use this expression to drop the ball it's usually a really stupid mistake right something that was really not smart maybe I wasn't thinking okay imagine this situation it's my friend's birthday okay so for my friend's birthday I'm gonna have a party okay and for the party I'm gonna order a bunt a bunch of different pizzas okay I'm gonna order some pepperoni pizza I'm gonna order some ham pizza I'm gonna order some bacon pizza okay so I order all these pizzas okay but then at the party all the pizzas arrive and I read whoops my friend is a vegetarian so I just ordered all these meat pizzas for my vegetarian friend's birthday so I really dropped the ball right I really made a stupid mistake so again often when you drop the ball it means your mistake was really stupid right you kind of made a dumb mistake right so I ordered the meat pizzas for a vegetarian friend I dropped the ball okay I'm gonna erase the whiteboard and let's take a look at some written examples using each of these phrasal verbs all right then so let's look at the first example it says here before I go to work I have to drop off my kids at school right so I have to take my kids to school and leave them there right okay next one I was starting to drop off during the professor's lecture it was so boring right so I was starting to fall asleep during the professor's lecture okay next one my motivation to study English has dropped off recently right so my motivation has decreased recently okay next one is it okay if I drop by your house tomorrow right so is it okay if I you know if I make a short visit to your house tomorrow okay next one because I was sick last week I've really dropped behind the rest of the class right so I missed a whole week of school so again you know I'm behind the rest of the class right I'm kind of not up to the required pace okay next one charlie dropped out of school when he was 16 right so he quit attending school when he was 16 a couple more I hurt my leg so I've decided to drop out of the race right so I just gave a second example as drop out right so I've decided to not participate in the race again because I injured my leg right okay last one I can't believe I forgot her name I totally dropped the ball on that one right so again just imagine that situation I'm on a date maybe with woman and I forget her name right until yeah that's a dumb mistake right so I totally dropped the ball okay that is the end of today's lesson I hope my examples were clear and easy to follow thanks so much for joining me here today at maple leaf ESL and we'll see you again next time
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
Views: 21,124
Rating: 4.9355783 out of 5
Keywords: ESL, English, Study, Learn, Teacher, Teachers, Student, Students, Education, Language, Lesson, Online, Free, Maple, Leaf, Lessons, school, phrasal verbs, frasal verbs, two word verbs, two-word verbs, drop, drop off, drop someone off, drop by, drop in, drop in on someone, drop behind, drop out, drop out of schol, drop out of school, schol, drop the ball
Id: 8I525HnRCgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2016
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