Phrasal Verbs - Expressions with 'PUT' (PART 2 of 2)

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to make-belief ESL my name is andrew and thank you for joining me here in the classroom today for today's phrasal verbs lesson I want to take a look at expressions that use the word put ok please note that this is part two of put phrasal verbs so you can also check out part one if you don't see a phrasal verb on here that you're looking for okay for today's lesson I've selected six different phrasal verbs some of which have multiple meanings as always we're gonna look at many examples okay let's start with the first one here I put there put forth and there are two different definitions the first one is to introduce or propose something okay basically put forth is another way to say proposed so if I want to propose an idea then I can say I'd like to put forth an idea okay this is the type of thing that you might say in like a business meeting like excuse me can I put forth a few ideas so again it is appropriate to use in that type of situation okay the same thing you might put forth some solutions to the problem so again that is introducing or proposing some solutions to the problem so some phrasal verbs as I'm sure you all know are very casual this is an example of a phrasal verb that is probably not casual that we could also use in a more formal situation okay and the second definition there is to exert through effort okay this is one that I'm really only here in a limited-use I really only hear it using the phrase put forth some effort so imagine a teacher is talking to a child and maybe that child is sort of lazy or they're not really trying very hard so the teacher might say I'd like you to put forth a bigger effort or I'd like you to put forth some effort so you probably use it in that way I can't imagine to examples of it being used without the work effort and if you did use it without the word effort then it probably has a similar meaning to the word effort so again please put forth more effort okay next why I wrote here is put out and I've got four different definitions for this one the first one is very common it is to extinguish as in a fire okay here in Canada it's very common to go camping in the summer especially so when you do that usually you would start a fire so that you can keep warm and you can also cook food overtop of it okay well if you go to a campsite in Canada there are always signs everywhere that say before you go to bed please put out your fire so again please extinguish your fire right this is a firefighters job too right firefighters are responsible for putting out fires okay I do also want to put out that this is an idiomatic expression as well to put out fires say in a workplace would mean you're the person who's responsible for solving all the problems imagine there's two co-workers who don't get along and they're arguing and they don't agree anything well it's your job to calm them down in other words it's your job to put out the fire right if there's any kind of problems in the workplace well it's your job to put out the fire so that would usually be like a manager's job or somebody who's in charge they're responsible for putting out all the fires okay next one is to release to the public okay again another really common use of put out think about when a company releases a new product we might say that Apple is putting out a new iPhone next week so again they're releasing a new iPhone to the public we would also say it about an artist think about a singer Beyonce if Beyonce released a new album last week then we can say Beyonce put out a new album last week so any kind of like movie or a stage play right think about a director Steven Spielberg is putting out a new movie this summer so he's releasing a new movie so anytime something new a product or something like that is released to the to the public we can say that it is being put out ok another definition there is to make annoyed or irritated okay this one's not so common but it is common enough that I wanted to mention it okay if I was put out by someone's comment then I was annoyed by their comment okay if I was imagine I'm at a coffee shop with a friend and we're supposed to be talking but my friends just sitting there on his cell phone as people do these days so he's not really paying attention to me so I might say I was put out by my friends lack of attention while we were together at the coffee shop so again I was really annoyed by my friends lack of attention right I was really annoyed because he kept using his cell phone so I was put out by his constant using of his cell phone so we might say it like that okay one more there is too inconvenient someone ok commonly this is used in a polite phrase that you might use to apologize some to someone so imagine my friend he let me stay over it at his house for the night maybe I slept on his couch or I slept in his spare bedroom so that I might say to him I'm very sorry to put you out like this so again I'm very sorry to inconvenience you like this so anytime somebody does you a favor or does something to help you you might use that phrase oh I'm very sorry to put you out thanks so much for helping me so that would be a common way to apologize for inconveniencing somebody okay next one there is put over and I just have one definition for this one this one's not so common again but also as I said before you do hear it enough and that's why I included it okay I put here to try to deceive or trick someone okay this one would prob we be used in the phrase to put one over someone so you would use one in the middle like he really put one over me so I would say it like that and that would mean he really tricked me or he really deceived me okay think about a politician we all know that politicians commonly lie or at least they don't tell the truth so we might say the politician really put one over the public with his remarks again because those remarks were not truthful or at least misleading or meant to deceive as I wrote in there so again it could be my friend my friend really put one over me when he told me something right and that something was not true it was meant to trick me okay next one there is put through and I've got three different definitions I want to look at the first one is very common I put there to connect by telephone okay this one's really simple imagine if I call a hotel okay well a hotel has lots of departments there's a front desk and there's a Porter's desk and there's a restaurant and there's a housekeeping department and there's also many customer rooms well let's imagine I want to talk to the restaurant so I would call the hotel's operator and say yes hi could you put me through to the restaurant or could you put me through to housekeeping or could you put me through to room 401 or again if I know the person's name could you put me through to John Smith same thing if I call anywhere like an office or a school or a hospital I would say could you put me through to the sales department could you put me through to mr. Johnson so whatever that is could you connect me to that person or that department okay next definition I put to make someone endure or something so this sounds like it's something difficult or maybe something negative right if I had to endure a lot of stress because of someone then I might say that person put me through a lot of stress think about a child to a parent right children put their parents through a lot of stress or through a lot of all times especially when they're really young it's a lot of work there's a lot to worry about so my child put me through a lot of stress when he or she did something so again made me endure a difficult situation or yeah I did something difficult think about one more example imagine I took a test and this the the results are really important to me I really need a high score maybe to get into a university or some program but of course usually when you take a test you've gotta wait a week or two before you get the result so waiting for those results really put me through a lot of stress so again I had to endure a lot of stress okay and one more definition I put here to be put into effect okay think about a government or somebody that makes a policy or a law okay well if a government is gonna make a new policy it's not gonna come into effect tomorrow morning it's gonna take a couple of months before this policy is put through so in other words before it's put into effect or before it becomes official same thing with a company a company might come up with I don't know a new no smoking policy so they'll say this this policy will be put through next week so it's gonna come into effect next week okay next one there is put up and I've got four definitions for this one the first one there is to contribute money for okay this is really common imagine I want to start up a new company but I don't have enough money to start up that company so I need to get funding from people so maybe my parents are gonna put up some money my uncle's gonna put up some money my friends are gonna put up some money so again a lot of people are gonna contribute money towards my new company okay same thing think about a new filmmaker that wants to make a independent film well they probably don't have enough my to make this independent film so they might need to get an investor or a series of investors to put up some money so in other words to contribute or invest money towards my film project okay all right next one there is to build or construct this one is also very common and very simple imagine the city is gonna put up some new apartment buildings so again they're going to build some new apartment buildings or the city's gonna put up a new train station or put up a new bus station so again they're gonna build or construct a new train station so any time we use the word build like make a new building or build a new stadium we can also say to put up a new stadium okay next one there is to give someone accommodations this one might be new for a lot of people if you are going to put someone up at your house that means you're gonna allow them to stay at your house for free so this would mean that we would not use put up with a hotel if I say the hotel is gonna put me up well then that would mean the hotel's gonna let me stay there for free and that would not be common right because usually you have to pay money to stay at a hotel so usually friends or family put you up at their house oh you're gonna be in town next weekend well I will put you up so in other words you can stay at my house right you can sleep in my spare bedroom or sleep on my sofa or wherever okay and one more definition there is to give a nomination to so this one will be used let's think about there's gonna be an election maybe like a presidential election or a prime minister election for a new prime minister or for a new cabinet members well if I want to nominate somebody who should be the leader of that party or who I think should be a part of the cabinet that I might put that person's name up or I might put them up for that position so in other words I'm going to nominate that person for that position again it could be in a company maybe somebody's retiring or somebody's found a new job so then we might have to put up somebody or put someone's name up for that position so in other words nominate somebody for that position ok the last one I want to look up there is put up with and I put four definition there to tolerate or accept ok this is a very common phrasal verb it is an everyday phrasal verb as it says there it is to tolerate which means we usually put up with negative things ok let's imagine there they're putting up a new building next to mine well of course that's going to be very noisy because they're gonna be you know drilling stuff and hammering things and making a bunch of noise well then I'm gonna have to put up with all this noise through the construction process right same thing let's imagine there's somebody who's making negative comments and I don't agree with them but I'm gonna put up with those comments maybe because it's my friend or it's a family member so I'm gonna put up with that ok but this is equally common in the negative often I don't want to put up with all the noise or I don't want to put up with my friends comments or I don't want to put up with somebody's behavior imagine if somebody's really drunk and they're really annoying well I don't want to put up with that person's drunken behavior so again I don't want to tolerate their behavior and I don't accept their behavior so I'm not gonna put up with it so that's how we use that one okay I want to see if we can erase the whiteboard here and I want to take a look at some written examples using each of these phrasal verbs okay so let's start with the first one here I put would it be okay if I put forth a few suggestions so again if I proposed or introduced a few suggestions okay next what you'll need to put forth more effort if you ever hope to succeed so again you'll need to give a bigger effort if you hope to succeed I mentioned it's usually gonna be put forth effort it's usually going to be that phrase okay there's one please put out the fire before you go to bed so that one's pretty simple next one did you hear that Microsoft is putting out a new OS so again Microsoft is releasing a new operating system okay next one I was really put out by his disrespectful behavior so I was really annoyed or irritated by his disrespectful behavior okay next one I'm very sorry to put you out like this right so as I mentioned this is more of a phrase that you use to apologize to somebody who has helped you or done you a favor okay there's one he totally put one over us didn't he so again he totally fooled us or he totally tricked us didn't he hi there could you put me through to mr. Carter please so again as I said this would be to a secretary or an operator could you connect me to mr. Carter please okay X once she put us through a lot of stress as a teenager so again we had to endure a lot of stress as a teenager next one the new policy won't be put through until next month so it won't come in effect it won't be official until next month I found some investors who can put up a million dollars so there we go so I found some investors who can contribute a million dollars I heard the city is putting up a new school so again they're building a new school he he said he could put us both up for the night so again remember that one means he said that we could stay at his house for the night okay couple more I'm sure that someone will put her up for president so again someone will nominate her for president okay the last one there they won't put up with this nonsense any longer so again they won't tolerate this not any longer as I mentioned that is a very common phrasal fur okay that is the end of today's lesson I hope you found the examples very useful well thank you so much for joining me here in the classroom today and I look forward to seeing you again next time [Music]
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
Views: 2,150
Rating: 4.9424462 out of 5
Keywords: ESL, English, Study, Learn, Teacher, Teachers, Student, Students, Education, Language, Lesson, Online, Free, Maple, Leaf, Lessons, School, Grammar, grammar, phrasal verbs, frasal verbs, frasal verb pull, phrasal verb put, frasal verb put, push, pull, put, putt, put out, put up with, put up, put through, put over, put forth, put me out, put someone up, put up with someone, put me through
Id: B3UB3B-XyAg
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Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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