Phrasal Verbs - Expressions with 'STAND'

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hello everyone and welcome to maple leaf ESL my name is Andrew and thank you for joining me here today for today's lesson I want to take a look at phrasal verbs that use the word stand so for this lesson I've chosen nine different phrasal verbs and we're going to look at some definitions and as always many examples okay so let's get started so the first one here says stand by we have three different definitions for this one the first one says to wait or to be ready okay imagine I want to take an airplane right I want to take a flight but there are no seats available right the flight is full so I might stand by for an available seat right so that means I'm going to wait I'm going to be ready for an available seat okay so that's generally how we use that one okay next one says to support someone okay imagine my friend is in trouble with the police okay they think he committed a crime okay and maybe he did or maybe he didn't but because he is my friend I will support him right so I will stand by my friend right again maybe he did do this crime but I'm gonna support him so I'm gonna stand by him okay we often think about a wife who stands by her husband right maybe the husband is in some kind of trouble but the wife is gonna support him so she's going to stand by him okay in the third definition says to keep or maintain for example a decision okay if somebody says to me do you want to change your decision right maybe you should change that decision I say no I'm not going to change my decision I stand by my decision so I'm going to keep that decision I think it is the right decision right maybe other people think it's not the right decision but because I do think it's the right decision I stand by my decision okay all right next one says stand down and the definition is to withdraw or back off okay think about politics for this one imagine somebody wants to get a government position okay a high government position think about like president like President of the United States okay but there are many people who want this position so if I think mmm maybe I can't get this position right maybe I should quit so then I would say I'm going to stand down right that means I'm going to withdraw or I'm going to leave this competition right so I'm going to stand down right okay it also says back off okay imagine there's a bad guy and he's got a gun okay and the police are there so the police have guns and the police might say stand down this means stop doing this right put your gun down stop being aggressive so stand down right so we can again that means back off right don't do this so I might use it in this way as well okay next one says stand for and we've got two definitions the first one says to represent or symbolize or to advocate okay if we think of the USA okay the country so the USA is three letters u.s.a right so what do those letters mean well it means United States of America so we would say USA stands for United States of America okay or think about ASAP that's a that's an expression in English it stands for as soon as possible or think about text messaging lol right lol stands for laughing out loud okay so that's what it stands for okay there might also be a symbol like this I think everybody know this this means no smoking right so this symbol stands for no no smoking right so that's what it stands for okay and the next definition says to tolerate or allow okay think about a schoolteacher right she's a teacher of small children okay and she will not allow the children to fight in the classroom right she will not allow this she will not tolerate it so we could say she will not stand for fighting in her classroom right so she will not allow that right if somebody started fighting they would get in trouble or they would be asked to leave the classroom right because she doesn't stand for so again normally with this one we use it in the negative right usually you won't stand for something or you can't stand for something so that means you won't allow it or you can't allow it okay next one says to stand out and the definition is to be prominent or distinctive okay and those are kind of difficult words so let's think about this example imagine I'm in a room and everybody is really short right short in height but I am very tall so it's easy to see me right if you said look for the tall person that would be very easy so the tall person stands out or imagine everybody is wearing dark clothing black or dark blue but I am wearing yellow clothing so I stand out right it's easy to see me I am prominent in a room full of people with dark clothing right so I stand out okay it doesn't just have to be physical imagine everybody singing a song but most of the people are bad singers right they do not know how to sing but I'm a really good singer right so if we're all singing together then my voice will stand out right it will be prominent because I have a nice singing voice so my voice will stand out okay alright next one says stand over and the definition is to supervise or watch a person very closely okay imagine my boss in the office I'm sitting up my computer and I'm doing work and my boss is standing over me right this means he's watching me or supervising me very closely okay this is usually kind of a negative thing if my boss is standing over me it's probably because he doesn't trust me or he thinks I might make mistakes or he thinks I might not work maybe he thinks I'm lazy so he's gonna stand over my shoulder okay same thing with a teacher a teacher might stand over a student's shoulder because she doesn't think he's gonna do the work or she thinks he's going to make some mistakes so she will stand over him right so again it sounds like a negative thing like you're gonna watch somebody too closely okay next one says stand up we've got two definitions for this one the first one says to come to a standing position okay this one's very simple it just means to stand up right so it's the opposite of to sit down so that one's easy next one says to remain strong or durable for example a car okay imagine I have a car that is 20 years old but the car is still in good condition right it's still a good car so I can say my car has stood up for 20 years that means it's remained strong or it's it's stayed in good condition for 20 years okay and it doesn't have to be physical right it could also be for example a policy or a law okay imagine a company has a policy they've had the same policy for a hundred years okay and if the policy is still good right if the policy has remained strong we might say this policy has stood up for a long time or it stood up for a hundred years okay all right next one says stand up for and the definition is to defend a cause okay imagine I really support the fair treatment of animals right I support animal rights so we could say I stand up for animal rights or again maybe I support the gay community right sometimes gay people have a hard time being accepted in society right not everybody supports being gay but if I support it I support the gay community I could say I stand up for the gay community right or I stand up for women's rights or something like that right - you defend a cause okay couple more next one says stand up - and the definition is to confront without fear okay the best definition for this one is to think about a young child maybe he's not very strong he's kind of weak he might be short okay and he has a classmate and this classmate is really strong and he always pushes everybody right he's mean to everybody he is a bully okay and maybe he steals everybody's lunch or you know he pushes them so he's not nice so one day this is this week kid the short kid he decides that's enough I'm not gonna let this bully push me around anymore okay so he's going to confront the bully right he's going to go up to him he's gonna say stop it don't do that anymore so the little kid is gonna stand up to the bully right he's gonna front confront the bully without fear okay all right and the last one says stand in and the definition is to replace temporarily okay usually we use this one for a movie or a play or maybe a TV news broadcast okay think about the TV news the TV news has many reporters but imagine today one of the reporters is sick so they need to find a different reporter to stand in for the sick reporter right so they need to find a new reporter to replace the sick reporter but again just temporarily just for today or maybe just for a few days so they need a different reporter to stand in for the sick reporter same thing if there was a Broadway play and one of the actors was sick you might need to find a different actor to stand in for the sick actor okay I want to see if we can erase the whiteboard and let's take a look at some written examples using each of these phrasal verbs okay so let's look at these examples so the first one here says please stand by while I fix your cable connection right so please wait while I fix your cable connection okay next one the woman stood by her husband when he was in trouble right so she supported her husband okay next I stand by my decision to change our company's name right so maybe some people didn't think changing the name was a good idea but I stand by the decision so I think the decision is a good one right I'm keeping this decision okay next after six months of campaign work the candidate decided to step down right so the candidate decided to quit or to withdraw from this race or this election okay next one in text messaging terms BRB stands for be right back right so BRB be right back right so it symbolizes that or represents the mother would not stand for any more lies so she would not tolerate or allow any more lies the beautiful woman stood out in the crowd right so she was easy to notice because she's so beautiful right so it's easy to notice her okay the boss is always standing over me when I work right so he's always standing behind me kind of putting pressure on me something like that all right children please stand up right so please stand up okay next one I can't believe how well these shoes have stood up right so these shoes have remained strong right dependable for a long time right they're still in good condition okay you should always stand up for what you believe in right so again you should always defend the causes that you believe in okay couple more your boss is so mean you should stand up to him a little more right so you should kind of confront him or be more fearless around your boss okay last one you need to find someone to stand in for our lead actress right I'm sorry we need to find someone to stand in for our lead actress we need to find somebody to replace the lead actress again maybe because she's sick okay that is the end of today's lesson I hope these examples were easy to understand thanks so much for joining me here at maple leaf ESL and I look forward to seeing you again next time you
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
Views: 35,755
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Keywords: ESL, English, Study, Learn, Teacher, Teachers, Student, Students, Education, Language, Lesson, Online, Free, Maple, Leaf, Lessons, school, phrasal verbs, verbs, two word verbs, three word verbs, grammar, english grammar, stand, stand by, stand down, stand for, stand out, stand over, stand up, stand up for, stand up to, stand in, stand in for, stand up to someone, stand for something
Id: 6_cx9XIsyVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2016
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