DO phrasal verbs

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today we're looking at phrasal verbs we've do now aren't too many we've do but there are a lot of expressions with do and there's a lot of confusion with make and do so I'll do some phrasal verbs with make in the future but let's start would do something up this can mean at least two different things it was only two things that occurred to me that dawned on me when when I first wrote do up on the board so do something up it will kick Amin zip up your coat it can mean do up your shoes means tie up your shoes so it could mean zip up or tie up it literally means fasten you can say do your seat belt up as well fasten your seat belt do you see built up but yeah do something up it can mean zip up or tie up the second meaning though if you do up your flat then you're doing decorations you're doing DIY you're doing jobs around the house to make your house look nicer usually when you do up your house or you do up your flat you're painting the walls or you're putting up wallpaper or you're laying down carpet something like that you could also use some of these other phrasal verbs jazz up your flat spruce up your flat dress up is obviously for a person a person dresses up but I think it's related to do up in the decorate sense because we've got all of these lungs like don't doll up I mean if you say she was really dolled up it means she was really dressed up and she was wearing perhaps I'm not a makeup and she had her hair all done nicely she was dolled up so this one's especially for females I think this one and it means dressed up and looking attractive for a good night out usually but yet jazz something up means make it look nicer I mean it's kind of connected to the phrasal verb sex something up as well make it sexier yet so there were a lot of phrasal verbs with up which relate to this decorate to make something look nicer and I would say if this one's for females by the way dull up then spruce up would be for males it seems to me males usually use this and when when a guy get spruced up then he's he's looking good he's dressed up and he's looking good for his night out okay if we come on to another one do without if you can do without something it means you can survive without it so it's the same as these are three phrasal verbs here when you can live without something or you can go without something or you can get by without something there that all the famous do without very often youth in the negative but not only so you might say I can't do without cigarettes if you're if you're addicted to smoking but yeah it can be used in the positive - but very often used in the negative and it means to survive without okay if you do someone over this is very British which is why I put British English there if you do someone over you beat them up okay it involves beating someone up in some kind of way if you do someone in it could mean that you kill them this has three different meanings this one it could mean that you kill them that you do away with them in some kind of way you kill them it could also mean if you do something and if you do you're back in or if you do your leg in and that means you injure that part of the body so it's also used with parts of the body to mean India very offering you hear people say oh I did my back in when I was lifting that heavy suitcase or something like that but you can also say that something tired you out if it did you in so you can say oh how I was running or I was running around all day and it really did me in means it really tired me out it really exhausted me so it's another meaning of do someone in to tire someone out that's obviously another phrasal verb you could use now if you do away with an old law then you abolish it if you do away with capital punishment then you abolish the death penalty but if you do away with someone you kill them you do them in so you've got at least two phrasal there are two meanings to that phrasal verb and please don't forget that another way of saying abolish with a phrasal verb is get rid of that one's very common if you go know that one make sure you learn it because people use it all the time get rid of something abolish something similar to throw something away sometimes okay if you do someone down then you criticize them you talk them down you lay into them you run them down all of these words mean criticize to some degree you have a go at them you slag them off this would be very informal informal British English I think as well and it means that you're saying lots of bad things about that person so that they feel bad you obviously disrespect them in some way you obviously look down on them and so you do them down you run them down you say bad things about them to make them feel worse it's quite a negative phrasal verb that one now another expression is to be done for if you say we're done for it's the same as we're doing I don't know if you know this word doomed but if you are doomed you are done for it means you are certain to fail or certain to lose or certain two things are certain to end badly if you are done for so it's another expression with two phrasal verb now to be done out in quite quite specific phrasal verb this means to be decorated in a certain style so it's related to do something up if you say my house or this my house has been done out in blue it means that all of the furniture has been or all of the wallpaper all of the paint has been blue you have decorated it in a blue style but you don't need to use colors you can also say it has been done out in a Victorian style and that means that it has been decorated in that style so a very thin meaning here I mean it's very focused it's very it only means one particular thing this one okay if you say I could do with a coffee it means I fancy a coffee then we often use with could as well could or can do with in fact usually could though get rid of can mixes usually could I could do with a coffee I could like I could merge of a coffee we also say and it means I really wanted coffee I could do with this I could do with that it means I fancy this I would like that and it's really common so I would put it all together actually with could because you don't usually say I do with a coffee you say I could do with a coffee and it's used in that hypothetical meaning of when you don't have a coffee but you want one and so very very common this one I could do with a coffee I could do with a cigarette I could do with a beer very hot today so I could do with a fan and I do actually have one in the room but I could do with turning it on maybe now there is a second meaning was just do with without the could and it means to be connected to something to be relevant to something so very similar to the bear on phrasal verb if you say I have nothing to do with this it means this is not my responsibility I am not involved in this this has no connection to me it has no bearing on me to have a bearing on you it doesn't bear on me and it often used in the negative I have nothing to do with this or he has nothing to do with this but it could be used in the positive you could say this has something to do or perhaps you're talking about global warming you might say global warming has something to do with co2 or whatever you're saying that it's connected to co2 but you might say global warming has something to do with the Sun and if you believe that it's connected to the Sun in some kind of way now if you doing something over and over again you do it repetitively you repeat it over and over again you do it many times that over often is used to mean repetition so it's worth remembering if you do someone out of their inheritance it means you cheat them out of their inheritance so do someone out of means to deprive someone of what is rightfully theirs deprive someone of something which they really ought to get and it has these two other phrasal verbs which very similar when you when somebody did all view out of your change maybe you go to a shop and they don't give you any change and you walk out without realizing they have diddled you out of your change they have cheated you out of your change so it's another phrasal verb with do but it basically is related to cheating to depriving someone of what is rightfully theirs okay that's all I've got for you will do if you have any questions about these phrasal verbs please put them under the video please if you want more examples there's Oxford Dictionary of Cambridge dictionary of million Webster there's hunt there are hundreds of dictionaries online with hundreds of examples so don't think that this is the only place you can look for examples there are lots of places that you can look and it's just one click away really so thanks for watching please like the video if you've enjoyed it and I hope to see you all soon
Channel: MrSkypelessons
Views: 10,611
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Keywords: do phrasal verbs, phrasal verb lessons, phrasal verb course, learn phrasal verbs, study phrasal verbs
Id: vxGZhuoQrpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2017
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