Phrasal Verbs - Expressions with 'MAKE'

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hello everyone and welcome to maple leaf ESL my name is Andrew and thank you for joining me here in the classroom today for today's phrasal verbs lesson I want to take a look at phrasal verbs that use the word make so for today's lesson I've selected six different phrasal verbs and as you can see some of them have many definitions ok one thing I want to point out is that sometimes I have to not include certain phrasal verbs so there might be other ones that are also with make but I try to include the ones that are the most common okay we've got a lot to get through here so let's get started so the first one there says make four and I've got a definition here to contribute to or to help with okay this one is a little difficult to use but it is fairly common okay let's imagine we've got a situation where okay I've got a recipe and I think oh this recipe would be very good for children maybe because it's fun it's got like fruit in it and it doesn't have like green vegetables right kids hate green vegetables so let's imagine again that I've got this fun recipe that somebody gives me so I might say oh this looks like it would make for a good lunch for my children so this looks like it would help with making a good lunch for my children or that it would contribute to making a good lunch for my children so this would make for a good lunch okay also let's imagine nother situation maybe I'm in like a used clothing store and I see some clothes in there and I think wow this clothing would make for a good Halloween costume right for those that are not familiar with Halloween Halloween is a day where everybody gets dressed up as monsters or their favorite superhero or something else so if I see this clothing I think wow this would really make for a good cost you I could even say it about a person right maybe the way he talks he would make for a good president or he would make for a good manager so usually it's used something like that okay let's take a look at the next one and it says there make out and you can see I've got about five different definitions for this one okay the first one says to see or understand especially when unclear okay this is a really common phrasal verb when used like this let's imagine I'm driving in my car and maybe it's rainy okay and so I can't really see very far into the distance so that I might say I can't really make out much of the road ahead of me because maybe it's foggy and like I said it's raining so I can't clear succeed clearly so I can't make out what's in front of me okay as it says there also understand so let's imagine somebody's speaking and maybe they have a really thick accent right and you can't understand what they're saying because of the accent so I can't make out what that person is saying so I can't understand what they're saying or again think about I'm talking on the phone and maybe the phone connections not really good so it sounds like the person's really far away so I can't really make out what they're saying to me again I can't really understand clearly what this person is trying to say so again I can't make out the road in front of me or I can't make out what that person is saying so again what I'm seeing or what I'm hearing is not clear I can't make it out okay so as you notice they're commonly used in the negative okay next one there says to fare or to manage okay this one is typically used in a question let's imagine you take a test and then after the test I see you and I say hey how did you make out on the test so in that case it means how did you do on the test or what was the result of the were you successful on the test how did you make out okay and then you might say yeah I think I made out okay or I think I made out pretty well so again that is that means I think I did pretty well or I think I fared pretty well or I managed well so I made out well so commonly using that question how did you make out on the test how did you make out while shopping how did you make out on your vacation so how did it go you know was it successful what happened how did you make out okay next one there says to kiss or even sometimes it can mean have sex okay this one is kind of slang or is a cat more of a casual phrasal verb think about two teenagers they're in the back of the movie theater and they're kissing like this so we can say those two teenagers are making out in the back of the movie theater okay it would not be a little simple kiss like that that is not making out it's like heavy kissing that kind of making out that teenagers always do right you see this in movies too people are making out right so they're kissing heavily sometimes it can also be a euphemism for have sex especially if you're trying to be polite I can say oh we were making out all night when really we were having sex all night but I don't want to be impolite so I'll just say we were making out so sometimes make out can mean sex but it's meant as more of a polite way okay next one there says to fill something in for instance a form okay this one is usually used more in business right let's say I purchase something from a company and now they're gonna make me out a receipt especially if it's in business like import-export they might make out an invoice for me that means they're gonna fill in the invoice with the date and the description of the product and the product number and the address and all that information will be included on the invoice that they made out for me okay also it used to be used I guess it still is used when talking about writing a check okay these days we pay for things with credit card or debit card or cash but maybe twenty years ago it was really common to pay by cheque so when you wrote a check to somebody you would often say who do I make this out to that means whose name am i writing on the cheque or what's the name of the company that I should write on the cheque okay we might still use it that way in a situation where I want somebody's autograph imagine I meet somebody famous like a rock star or an actor and I'm gonna get their autograph and they might say to me who should I make this out to so in other words who is this autograph for well if it's for me if it's for Andrew then I might say could you make it out to Andrew and then that rock star put - Andrew keep on rockin and then sign their name or something like that so who do I make this out to who should this be for okay and one more definition there I put to be represented as okay and this one often means to be falsely represented or negatively represented okay let's imagine somebody at my school is going around the school and telling everybody that I'm a liar okay and that's not true I'm not a liar I wasn't lying to anybody but this person is making me out to be a liar so they're representing me as being a liar so you can see what I mean they're falsely representing me I'm not a liar but they're making me out to be one okay and it's usually used for other negative ideas like let's imagine somebody's again same situation somebody's spreading a rumor that I like to fight people and beat people up and bully people but I actually don't but this person is making me out to be a bully so again they're trying to falsely represent me as being a bully so often people will be made out to be a liar or made out to be a bully or made out to be not a nice person or something like that so they're being falsely represented as being something that they're not okay okay next one I've got makeover and I have just one definition for this one I put there to renovate or remodel okay this one's pretty simple if I'm gonna make my house over that means I'm gonna completely redecorate it or remodel it so I might paint the windows and change the carpet and buy new curtains and furniture so I'm gonna make my house over okay we might even say it about a person if I'm gonna make someone over maybe it's it's somebody's birthday right and so maybe a woman it's her birthday so all her friends are gonna take her out to have her made over something she's gonna get some new type of makeup and maybe a haircut a new hairstyle or a perm or new clothing like which would be a new fashion for this person so she's being completely made over right or she's having a makeover if we use it in a phrase like that so any time a place or a person is being completely sort of remodeled or yeah renovated if it's a place then we can say that we are making this place over or making that person over okay next one there is make off and I've got here to leave quickly or to steal and those are slightly different ideas okay to leave quickly imagine okay my friends say okay let's all meet at a pub at 6 o'clock for some drinks okay but actually I can't I can't arrive at 6 o'clock so maybe I arrive at 8 o'clock and when I arrive most people have gone home maybe they just stayed for one drink and then they went home so in other words most people stayed for one drink and then made off for home or made off for their next destination so they left pretty quickly they made off quickly they left quickly okay with the other part there I put two steel this is commonly used with the preposition with to make off with something so imagine I'm walking down the street and somebody steals my bag so I could say hey that guy just made off with my bag so he just stole my bag so we can see it also has the idea of in there of being quickly he stole it and then ran away quickly so he made off with my bag or again maybe I put down my smartphone and then somebody comes and steals it and runs away so that person made off with my smartphone so it's commonly used like that okay next one there says make of and I put here just one definition to have an opinion of this one's pretty simple as well if I say what's your opinion of that song I might also say what do you make of that song or if I say what do you think about our new manager what do you make of our new manager or what's your opinion of our new manager or what do you think of our new manager so again what do you make of the new manager this would typically only be asked that would only be used in the question but not really in the response so what do you make of our new manager oh yeah I think he's a really nice guy that's what I make of him so that's my opinion of him so something like that okay the last one I've got here is makeup and I've actually got seven different definitions for this one so we can see this is very common the first one there is to invent or sorry the first one is to be composed of or to constitute okay think about the United States the United States has 50 states so those 50 states together make up the United States of America or I live in Canada and Canada is made up of 10 provinces and 3 territories that's what Canada made up of okay and we can use it to think about anything to describe the parts okay think about my cell phone my cell phone is made up of a computer chip and a screen right those are the main parts on my computer screen or if we think about a lot if I was wearing a watch well the main parts of a watch are the face and the strap so a watch or most watches are made up of a face and a strap so those are the parts that it that a watch is composed of or that's what constitutes the parts of a watch so a watch is made up of a face and straps okay next one there to invent or create as in fiction so if I am trying to think up a fictional story that I'm trying to make up a story right somebody who is a fiction writer is or somebody who makes movies they make up things for a living right they're creating stories creating fiction okay well we can also use it in the phrase like to make up an excuse imagine I'm late for work or I'm late for class and my boss or my teacher asks why are you late well maybe I don't have a good reason so I'm just gonna make up a reason oh I'm late because I miss the bus or because the bus was late so I just made up a reason why I was late but of course it's just fiction it's not real so I made up an excuse so that's the idea okay next one there I put to compensate for for instance time or money okay think about this example imagine I'm taking a lesson of some sort maybe a swimming lesson or a guitar lesson or a golf lesson okay well let's imagine I have a lesson today but the teacher or the instructor had to cancel the lesson okay but the teacher says well I have to cancel today's lesson but we can make up the lesson next week instead so that means well because we can't do it today the teacher is going to compensate for canceling today's lesson by having the lesson next week so they will make up for this missed lesson by having one next week okay same thing with money okay imagine I I go to somebody's house and I accidentally break something maybe I break a dish okay well I don't want them to think that I that I don't care about that so I might make up for that by buying them a new dish right I broke their dish so I'm gonna compensate for breaking their dish by buying them a new one so I'm gonna make up for breaking their dish by buying them a new one so we might use it something like that okay the next definition is kind of similar it says to resolve a fight or an argument okay think about this imagine I had a big fight with my girlfriend or with my wife or or with one of my friends or something like that okay I feel really bad about it and I want to apologize to my girlfriend let's just say so if I buy some flowers this is my way of apologizing to my girlfriend or this is my way of making up to my girlfriend right so I'm making up for having you know for having made her angry okay just to get one more example let's imagine I miss someone's birthday that's a pretty bad thing to do but I might make up for it by buying them dinner on a later date or I might make up for it by again buying flowers for that person or buying a gift so even though I miss their birthday I'm gonna make up for it by doing something nice for them okay another one there to definition is to take a test at a later time this one's pretty simple let's imagine I have a test tomorrow but I'm feeling sick so I'm not gonna be able to make the test so I might send a message to my teacher and say I think I'm sick can I make up the test next week so that means instead of taking it tomorrow can I do it the following week instead so can I make up for this test next week or can I do a makeup test next week if we use it in a phrase like that so this in this case this definition is really only used in that way to make up a test at a later time okay couple more left the next one says to decide and you'll notice here I put that in a phrase to make up one's mind okay when we use make up to mean decide it's typically only used in this one phrase to make up one's mind okay so for instance I can't make up my mind whether I want to go to you know Italy or Spain for my next vacation or I can't make up my mind whether I want to buy the blue sweater or the red sweater right I can't make up my mind I can't decide whether I want to buy the blue sweater or the red sweater same thing I might ask you in a question have you made up your mind yet or have you made up your mind about what you want to eat for dinner yet no I haven't made up my mind yet so it's pretty simple we use it in that phrase typically okay last one there I put two arrange or prepare something okay think about this think about going into a hotel room so usually when you wake up in the morning you don't really clean anything typically so you might go out and when you come back then the housemaid or the housekeeper has made up the room that means she's fixed the bed she's gotten rid of the dirty towels and she's arranged the room so that it's clean so she's made up the room same thing if I'm at home when I wake up in the morning before I go to work or school I might make up my bed sometimes I'm gonna put the sheets back up maybe fluff the pillows a little bit so that it's ready for me to sleep in it tonight okay same thing think about a travel agent if the travel if a travel agent is gonna prepare my schedule for me like my itinerary for my vacation then my travel agent will make up an ITIN or for me or make up a schedule for me so in that case the travel agent is going to prepare or arrange the schedule for me so we typically use it like that okay I want to see if we can erase the whiteboard next and I'm gonna put some written examples using each of these make phrasal verbs okay so let's take a look at some of these written examples so the first one there says this will make for a good news headline so again this will contribute to a good news headline I couldn't really make out what the teacher was saying so I couldn't really understand what the teacher was saying how did you make out in the race so how did you do or how did you fare in the race those two were making out all night so those two were kissing and necking all night I'll be sure to make you out a receipt before you go so I'll via I'll be sure to fill in a receipt before you go next one the media made the politician out to be a crook and a liar okay maybe the politician wasn't a crook and a liar but the media is representing him or her that way maybe falsely okay next one I'd like to completely make over my apartment so I'd like to completely remodel or sort of redesign or renovate my apartment okay next one that thief just made off with that woman's purse so that thief just stole that woman's purse and ran away okay next one what do you make of this new company policy so what's your opinion of this new company policy okay next one the committee is made up of former business leaders so the committee is composed of former business leaders don't trust him he always just makes stuff up right so he's always this sounds like he's always just lying he's always just inventing things that aren't true okay next one I hope this yes makes up for having forgotten our anniversary so I hope this compensates for having forgotten our anniversary you should make it up to her by buying her dinner so again this sounds like you should apologize to her or resolve your argument you had with her by buying her dinner okay a few more the teacher said I can make up the test next week so yeah I think that one's pretty clear I can't make up my mind about what to do tonight I can't decide what to do tonight okay last one I'll have my assistant make up a schedule for you so prepare a schedule for you or a range of schedule for you okay so hopefully these written examples make these phrasal phrasal verbs even clearer okay well that is the end of today's lesson thank you so much for joining me here at maple leaf ESL and I look forward to seeing you again next time [Music]
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
Views: 14,060
Rating: 4.9280362 out of 5
Keywords: ESL, English, Study, Learn, Teacher, Teachers, Student, Students, Education, Language, Lesson, Online, Free, Maple, Leaf, Lessons, School, Grammar, grammar, phrasal verbs, frasal verbs, frazal verbs, make for, make up, make it up, phrasal verbs make, make out, make something out, make off with, made off with, make over, makeup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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