Phrasal Verbs - Expressions with 'CALL'

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hello everyone and welcome to maple leaf ESL my name is Andrew and thank you for joining me here today for today's lesson I want to take a look at phrasal verbs that use the expression call okay and for this lesson I've chosen about seven different phrasal verbs and as always we're going to look at definitions and many examples okay so let's see if we can start the lesson here so it says the first one call four and we've got two definitions the first one says to require or demand and to make necessary ok think about this situation imagine I'm sitting with my friends and one of my friends says I have some big news I'm getting married ok alright so my response to this might be ok well this calls for a celebration or this calls for a bottle of champagne okay so what that means is this situation now demands that we celebrate or it demands that we get a bottle of champagne right so if you say this calls for a celebration or this calls for a toast right remember a toast means a speech to somebody usually at a wedding or at a party right if you make a toast you're making a nice speech about somebody so if I say this calls for a toast that means this situation demands that I make a speech right that I make a toast right so commonly you say this calls for a celebration or this calls for again something nice the second definition there says to summon or request to someone right remember summon means that you want somebody to come to you right okay so maybe if I'm at a party and I'm a little drunk I might call for a taxi right or if I'm really sick or injured I might call for an ambulance right if I'm wealthy and I have my own driver right this person drives my car for me we can call that a chauffer I might call for my chauffeur okay a boss or a manager in a company might call for a meeting right or call everyone for a meeting again that means they're going to request everyone come to the meeting or summon everyone to the meeting so call everyone for the meeting right okay next one there says callback and it says to return a phone call okay that one's pretty simple if somebody calls me and I miss the phone call then later I will call that person back right or maybe I do get the phone call but I'm busy so I might say sorry I'm busy can I call you back later right - that one's pretty easy okay the second definition for this one says to recall a damaged product for repair okay think about this situation imagine a car company they produce many cars okay let's imagine they produced a hundred thousand cars for this one model okay but actually there was some damage on this product okay let's say the brakes were damaged on all of these cars right all hundred thousand of these cars so now the car company must call back a hundred thousand cars so again that means they have to recall or get back all of these cars because they're damaged and they need to repair them or they need to fix them so they've called back a hundred thousand cars or something like that okay next one says call off and the definition is to cancel something okay this one's also pretty simple okay if I call off the meeting that means I'm canceling the meeting if I call off my vacation then I'm canceling my vacation okay I imagine two people are getting married but then they fight and now they've canceled the wedding so we can say the wedding has been called off right so anytime something's cancelled we can say it's been called off right imagine there's a sports game but it's raining so they can't play the game so the game has been called off okay next one says call in we've got two definitions the first one says to report or inform by phone okay the best example think about a reporter okay maybe a reporter works for a TV station okay and this reporter is out doing research right now they want to call their boss and sort of maybe give an update to their boss so they might call in to the TV station and give an update right because again when you call in you're going to report to somebody or inform somebody of something by phone so if the reporter calls in to the station this means she's going to make a report or inform her boss so something like that so anytime you call in to your company you're calling in with a reason right to give an update or turn form somebody of something okay the next one says to summon for consultation or help okay imagine this imagine the police they have a murder okay there's a big murder scene okay but they realize this is actually a really important murder scene they can't deal with it this is actually a murder for the FBI to deal with because it's maybe it's an international thing or it's a big thing so the police will call in the FBI right because they need help from the FBI they can't do it okay or imagine somebody has a problem but they can't deal with the problem they need a lawyer so they will call in the lawyer to help with this okay or again one more example imagine a company to have a problem with their electricity right the electricity is not working okay and nobody is trained to do this in the company right and also it's a little dangerous so they're gonna call in an electrician right that's a professional right they need to call in a professional okay a few more here next one says to call someone up and it says they're too con act someone by phone okay this is simple this is just the same as call somebody if I'm going to call my friend Dave I can say I'm going to call up my friend Dave right or if I'm going to order a pizza I might say let's call up the pizza place you know that's the same thing as let's call the pizza place right so that one's pretty easy okay another definition there says to be brought up to a higher level okay when I think of this meaning of to call someone up I think of two different situations I can think of sports and I think of the military okay if someone is called up to the military that means they've been called into service for the military so now they're going to be working for the military right okay same thing in sports if you are called up it means you've been you're going to be brought up to the next highest level right so in North America if there's a baseball player and he's playing in the minor leagues right remember the minor leagues is below the major leagues right Major League Baseball is the highest level so if he's playing in the minor leagues and he's been called up this means he's being brought up to the next level right to the major leagues so if somebody says I was called up to the big leagues this means they're being brought up to a higher level in that professional sport okay all right next one says call out and the definition is to shout or speak in a loud voice okay if I yell out John John right I'm calling out John's name right so in this case I'm just shouting out his name or yelling his name right so if you call out something it just means you're shouting something or you're yelling something in a loud voice okay so that one's pretty easy okay last one here says to call someone out okay and this is a slang expression but it's very common it says to challenge someone or to criticize someone's behavior or actions okay alright if we think about social media like Facebook you know or Twitter it's really easy to call someone out okay think about a famous person has made some negative comments maybe their racist comments or sexist comments then many people they go to social media and they call that person out okay that means they criticize this person for their opinion or for their action or for their behavior right so they're calling that person out okay this also is it says their to challenge someone if I call someone out that could also mean that I've challenged to fight this person right if somebody let's say there's somebody and he's maybe um causing trouble with my girlfriend or with my wife okay and if I call this person I say hey buddy I'm calling you out that means I'm ready to fight you right I want to punch you or something like that okay so to call somebody out is to challenge somebody or again to criticize their actions or their opinions or their behavior okay all right I want to see if we can erase the whiteboard and let's take a look at some written examples using each of these phrasal verbs okay let's look at this first example so it says that you're having a baby this calls for a celebration right so remember that means this situation demands a celebration okay next one I'm tired I think we should call for a taxi right so I think we should summon a taxi or request a taxi okay next I'm at work can you call me back later right can you return my phone call later okay next one the IT company has to call back 10,000 defective products right so they have to recall 10,000 remember just defective just means like damaged or broken products okay next one if the rain doesn't stop we might have to call off the way right cancel the way okay I need to call in and talk to my boss right so again if we call in we're sort of reporting to someone or sort of you know checking in with someone okay next there are too many insects we need to call in the exterminator right remember the exterminator is a professional who kills bugs or who kills insects right so we can't do it so we need to call in someone else right call in the exterminator okay let's call up Jamie see if he wants to hang out right so remember that's just the same let's call Jamie let's call up Jamie okay next one did you hear Tim got called up to the big leagues right so Tim is moving up to a higher professional level right so he got called up to the big leagues right okay next one did someone just call out my name right maybe I heard my name somebody shouted it somebody yelled it okay and last one here many people are calling out the president for his negative comment about gay marriage right so maybe the president he made negative comments right so now people are criticizing him right or they're challenging him because he made these negative comments and they're not happy about it okay all right that is the end of today's lesson I hope all of my examples were clear and easy to follow thank you so much for joining me here at maple leaf ESL and I look forward to seeing you again next time you
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
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Keywords: ESL, English, Study, Learn, Teacher, Teachers, Student, Students, Education, Language, Lesson, Online, Free, Maple, Leaf, Lessons, School, Phrasal Verbs - Expressions with 'CALL', phrasal verbs, two word verbs, english expressions, call, call for, call back, call off, call in, call someone up, call out, call someone out, slang, grammar, english grammar, study grammar
Id: 4QI7QBI9H9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2017
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