Phrasal Verbs - Expressions with 'CHECK'

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hello everyone and welcome to maple leaf ESL my name is Andrew and thank you for joining me here today for today's lesson I want to take a look at phrasal verbs that use the word check so for this lesson I've chosen six different phrasal verbs and we're going to look at some definitions and of course many examples okay so let's see if we can start the lesson so the first one here says check in okay and we can really only use this one way so it says here to register usually at a hotel or Airport okay so when I arrive at a hotel the first thing I do is check in right this means I go to the front desk I tell them my name and they give me the room key okay same thing if I go to the airport usually the first thing you do is check in for your flight right so you give them your ticket and you give them your passport okay so it's really only used in that one situation I could use it at a restaurant or any place I have a reservation so if I arrive at a restaurant I check in you know at the restaurant alright check in for my reservation okay but generally it's a hotel or an airport okay next one is checkout we've got five different definitions for this one so the first one says to leave and pay the bill at a hotel so this is just the opposite of check-in right check-ins when we arrive checking out is when we're leaving right but we can really only check out of a hotel usually we don't check out of the airport or check out of a restaurant that doesn't work right if I'm going to leave a restaurant then I pay the bill right I don't check out ok next one says to investigate or look at something ok this one has a lot of different uses right if I'm shopping and I find a shirt that I like I might hold it up and say to my friend hey check out this shirt right that just needs look at this shirt or if I want to look at something on the internet I might say let's check it out on the intern that okay if the police were investigating me right maybe they think I committed a crime then I could say the police are checking me out right or if I want to go look at an apartment because I want to rent it or I'm looking at a house because I want to buy it I might go check out the house right so we can use that one in a lot of different ways okay next one says to meet a requirement or to be true okay okay so imagine this situation okay imagine the doctor is gonna check my health okay he's gonna check everything he's gonna check my breathing he's gonna check my heart he's gonna check everything so after this if everything is okay right if I have no problems then the doctor would say everything checks out that means everything meets the doctor's requirements right there's no problems so everything checks out okay imagine this other example okay so again think about the police so imagine the police are investigating me they want to know where was I last night okay because there was a crime last night and they want to know if maybe I was involved so I tell them I was at my friend's house having dinner so they go to my friend they ask my friend was Andrew with you last night and my friend sit and my friend says yes of course he was so this means that my story checks out so in other words my story was true right it was verified by another person so it checks out so in that case it means that this story ended up being true right okay good next one says to borrow something for example from a library okay so if I borrow two books from a library then I can say I checked out two books from a library okay but be careful with this one it doesn't mean to borrow something from a friend right if I borrow us whether from a friend I would not say I checked out a sweater from a friend okay so no that doesn't work so it has to be to borrow something from a business right and just for a period of time like it could be for one day or in the case of a library maybe for two weeks or four weeks okay if I go to a ski resort I might check out some ski equipment right need some skis and ski poles I maybe need some of the clothes right some of the snow gear so I would check out some equipment so I'm borrowing it and I have to give it back right it's my responsibility to return it okay and the last one says to die right so if I say you know he checked out that means he died okay however this is not really a common expression if my friend told me um you know my grandma checked out last week I would probably confirm that I would say do you mean she died right so it wouldn't be totally clear right I have to check because again it's not the most common way right it's kind of a slang way to say it okay let's look at the next one it says check up on and I don't have to use up so if we look at the definition to investigate inspect or scrutinize right okay imagine I want to buy something new right maybe I want to buy a computer okay but I might compare the prices of the computers from different stores so I might check on the price at this store check on the price at that store and check on the price at this store so in this case I'm investigating or I'm inspecting the prices at different stores okay another example imagine that I have a grandfather and he lives alone okay and he's very old right so maybe it's difficult for him to walk it's difficult for him to cook his own meals so probably every couple days I need to check up on him this means I need to sort of inspect like what is he doing is he doing okay is he too lonely is he eating so I check up on him same thing if I have children and I'm in the kitchen preparing dinner I might check up on the children every few minutes right just to make sure that they're safe that they're not hurt that they didn't swallow a toy or something like that right okay next one says check over and the definition is to examine carefully and thoroughly okay imagine I have written a report for school okay but I think maybe there's some mistakes in my report right I might have made some spelling mistakes or I might made some mistakes with the facts so I might ask somebody to check over my report that means they're gonna carefully examine it right sort of like edit it because they're going to check if there are any mistakes like I said so they're going to check over my report or read over my report okay but it doesn't just have to be you know a report it could be anything right maybe if I'm leaving this apartment I might clean my apartment but before I leave the owner might check over the apartment so again they might carefully examine the apartment to see is everything clean is anything broken something like that okay couple more next one says check back and the definition is to communicate with someone at a later time okay all right imagine I call my friend because I want to see if he wants to go hang out right see if he wants to go for a drink but he's really busy he's got a study for his examinations at school okay so I might tell my friend all right well check back next week and see if you're available so that means I'll communicate with you again next week right I'll call back next week okay same thing I might call a store to see if they have a product but they don't so they might tell me check back next week we might get a new supply or a new shipment so again that means call us back next week maybe we'll have it then okay last one says check through we've got two definitions for this one the first one says to have luggage go all the way to your final destination okay so imagine I'm going to fly to Hong Kong but it's not a direct route okay so I'm here in Victoria Canada so to go to Hong Kong I might have to go Victoria to Vancouver and then Vancouver to Tokyo and then Tokyo to Hong Kong so I have to transfer planes a couple times but if my luggage is checked through that means it's going to go directly from Victoria to Hong Kong right I don't have to touch it again in the Vancouver Airport or in the Tokyo Airport it will go directly there the airline will take care of it so the luggage is checked through right okay so we only use that meaning in that one way okay we have a second meeting it says to look through something okay so this one's pretty simple if I go to a bookstore and I want to look at all the books I might check through all their books or if I go to a friend's house and he has a music collection maybe it's on his iTunes or maybe he has some CDs or some records I might check through his music collection so that's it it just means I'm gonna look through something okay all right so I'm going to erase the whiteboard I want to see if we can look at some written examples using each of these phrasal verbs all right then so let's see if we can take a look at these examples so the first one here says I think we can check in today at 3 p.m. and check out on Friday at 10 a.m. right so again I've used check-in and check-out right of a hotel ok next one you want to go check out a movie tonight so again this just means you want to go watch a movie tonight right that's pretty simple next one after the mechanic inspected my car I was so happy that everything checked out okay right so again that means there was no problems everything met the mechanic's requirements right remember I can ik the mechanic is a person who fixes cars right ok next one I checked a few books out from the library yesterday right so I borrowed a few books and notice I can split check out and put the object in the middle right ok next one it was sad to hear that mr. Smith checked out so again that just means he died but just remember that's not a very common way to say this right ok next one before I visit another country I like to check up on its food and culture right so I like to sort of you know investigate or research its food and its culture ok next one would you mind checking over my presentation so that means would you mind just looking over my presentation or just you know check check it carefully for me ok next one first person there says what are your plans tonight the other person says I'm not sure yet check back with me in an hour so call me again in one hour right communicate with me later ok couple more thank God our luggage is checked through all the way to London I hate carrying it through every airport right so again it's going to go from your starting point all the way to your destination so you don't have to check it again at each Airport right ok and last one is it okay if I check through your stuff so that just means is it okay if I look through or look at your stuff right ok that is the end of today's lesson I hope all these examples were clear and easy to follow thanks so much for joining me here at maple leaf ESL and we'll see you again next time
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
Views: 14,235
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Keywords: ESL, English, Study, Learn, Teacher, Teachers, Student, Students, Education, Language, Lesson, Online, Free, Maple, Leaf, Lessons, school, phrasal verbs, grammar, english grammar, verbs, phrasal verbs check, check in, check out, check up on, check on, check over, check back, check through, check
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2016
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