Phrasal Verbs - Expressions with 'Hold'

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[Music] blow everyone and welcome to make-believe ESL my name is Andrew and thank you for joining me here in the classroom today for today's phrasal verbs lesson I want to take a look at phrasal verbs that use the word hold so for today's lesson I've selected eight different phrasal verbs as you can see some of them have multiple definitions alright let's see we can get started so the first one I have here is hold down and I just put one definition for this one and I wrote here to satisfy a duty or to manage okay well this one's pretty common and it's often used to talk about a job so if I've been holding down a job for five years that means I've successfully satisfied my duties at this job I haven't gotten fired they haven't released me that means I've done a pretty good job right at this same job so I've held down the same job for five years think about somebody like a single mother maybe a single mother might have to work two jobs or three jobs right to be able to pay the bills and take care of her children so in that case we might say well she's been holding down three jobs for the last couple years so that means she's been managing those three jobs or like successfully managing those three jobs for the past three years so it's commonly used to talk about jobs it could be using a different situation think about this situation maybe I'm gonna go on a business trip okay for a few days so I might ask my son while I'm away I might to him hey I need you to hold down the fort while I'm away okay in this case the fort means the house so that's kind of a common idiomatic expression please hold down the fort while I'm away so that means please take care of or manage the house while I'm away so you know make sure it doesn't burn down take the garbage out make sure it stays clean and so on so please hold down the fort while I'm away okay next one there I wrote hold back and I've got two different definitions the first one I put to not reveal or to withhold okay this one's usually used to talk about information if somebody is holding back information that means they're not revealing it or they are withholding that information okay think about maybe the police they come and talk to me because maybe I saw a crime right I witnessed a crime but maybe the people who did the crime are bad people so I don't want to tell the police information because maybe I'm worried that those bad people are gonna come get me I'm scared so in that case I've been holding back information to the police right because I don't want to tell them I'm not revealing the information so anytime you're holding something back is because you don't want to tell the information maybe I'm worried maybe somebody's having a surprise party and my friend asked me about the surprise party well I don't want to give away any information and spoil the surprise so maybe I'm holding back a little I'm holding back some of this information okay next one there says to restrain yourself or not participate okay think about this usually if you're restraining yourself then that means you're not doing something so we might hold back an emotion maybe I'm gonna hold back tears I might be watching a sad movie with my friends and I want to cry but I don't want to cry in front of my friends so I'm gonna hold back my tears or maybe I want to get angry at somebody but maybe I'm in public so it's not an appropriate place to get angry so I'm gonna hold back my anger and then later I might release all that anger right somebody might actually say to me hey don't hold back your opinion well if somebody says don't pull back your opinion then they mean yes please freely tell us your opinion even if we don't agree with your opinion that's okay we want you to tell us we don't want you to hold back okay and then I also put over there not participate okay if I'm gonna not participate in something then again I might hold back think about this think about I injured myself last week okay now this week I have a game maybe I'm a basketball player so now I've got to play in this basketball game today but maybe I notice that my injury it's still around I still maybe I injured my ankle and my ankle is still sore this week so I might hold back on plane in today's game that means I'm gonna not participate because I still have this injury in my ankle so I'm gonna hold back on plane in today's game and maybe I'll play in next week's game so I'm not gonna participate in today's game okay next on there is hold on and I've got four definitions the first one I put there to stop and this is as I wrote there as in the imperative stop so maybe a police officer says hold on hey you hold on they mean hey you stop right or if I say maybe a parent says to a child hold on you can't go out yet did you do your homework right so stop you can't go out and see your friends at you have to do your homework or hold on did you clean your room yet okay well you have to go clean your room before you go out so yeah it's just to say stop hold on okay similarly in the next one I put there to request someone to wait okay it's kind of similar as the first definition but again as I said more means wait so imagine I'm on the telephone with somebody and I say oh just a minute I need to check something so I might say oh could you hold on a minute could you wait a second right could you wait a minute so I might use it that one on the telephone I also might use it just talking with somebody oh hold on a sec I just want to finish reading this book or finish reading this page before I talk to you so can you wait while I finish this page can you hold on while I finish this page okay another definition there is to keep a grip on and this is talking about physically to hold on to something imagine I'm riding a motorcycle and somebody's gonna ride on the motor side behind me while I might be driving fast I'm gonna be turning corners so I might say hold on tightly because I don't want you to fall off so hold on tightly keep a firm grip on me because I don't want you to fall off so any kind of situation like that where somebody might fall off or you know they might fall over or something you might say hold on tight right same thing on a bus or a subway you might need to hold on to the bar or hold on to the railing tight because you don't want to fall over or something like that okay and another definition there says to maintain a belief or opinion okay this is often used to talk about a belief that somebody's had for a long time and it might sound like that that's kind of a negative thing right think about when you're younger you have certain beliefs in certain opinions but as you start to get older those beliefs are those opinions begin to change a little bit but imagine I've been holding on to the same beliefs for a long time well that kind of sounds like maybe a negative thing it sounds like my beliefs might be outdated in some cases so we might say that about the older generation oh they're holding on to the beliefs of their generation but the current generation has different beliefs but they're still holding on to those old outdated beliefs so often when we're using that we're saying well somebody is keeping or maintaining this belief but maybe they shouldn't maybe they should you know have more modern opinions or catch up with the times a little bit so again I might say he's been holding on to those same beliefs for a long time or he's been holding on to that opinion for a long time and again it might sound like somewhat of a negative thing okay next on there I put hold in and for a definition I wrote to contain inside or to check ok well this could be to hold in an emotion it could be to hold in an opinion or it could be to hold in something physical like maybe I might have to burp but maybe I'm in in public or I'm with other people so I might hold in my bur until I can go to the washroom or somewhere private and then I might do it when I'm alone so I might hold that in physically right okay but same thing I might hold in my anger right if I'm holding in all my anger well that probably means that eventually it's gonna cause me stress and one day it might just all explode right so if I'm holding in my emotions that sounds like maybe it's not a good thing because it might all just erupt one day or all come to the surface so people often say you shouldn't hold in all your stress or you shouldn't hold in all your sadness or or whatever it is whatever emotion that is so don't hold in your stress don't hold in your anger people often say that phrase okay next one there I've put hold off and I've just got one definition I put there to delay or postpone okay and hold off means exactly the same thing as delay or postpone if I'm gonna hold off doing something then I'm gonna postpone doing it okay think about an example like this maybe I need to update something I might need to update a software program on my phone or on my computer but maybe sometimes software updates are not always good maybe they changed stuff and I don't really like it so I might hold off on getting this update before I learn more about it so I'm gonna delay it I'm gonna do it eventually but I'm gonna wait and see what people are thinking about this new update so I'm gonna hold off doing that or again think about another situation maybe I need to buy a new pair of shoes but actually I don't have enough money right now so I might hold off another month before I buy those new shoes so that I can save up some money so I'm gonna delay buying the shoes by a month so that I can say about money so again I'm gonna hold off on doing that and notice that hold off is commonly followed by the preposition on to hold off on doing something okay next one there is hold out and I put two definitions the first one there says to last or to remain in existence okay often but not always we talk about food right how long is this food gonna hold out right think about something like vegetables or fruit or meat that will eventually go bad right if I have a chicken breast in my fridge for five days well it might start to smell bad so I might say well I think this chicken breast is only gonna hold out one more day and then I'll have to throw it in the garbage so I should cook it now because it's not gonna hold out much longer okay same thing with vegetables and fruit how much longer will bees hold out well it might hold out for another day or two but then you'll have to throw it in the garbage so something like that okay the next definition there I put to keep resisting okay remember I gave the definition here hold off on buying those new shoes right because I don't have enough money okay we'll think about a similar situation maybe I have the money to buy the new shoes but I think that they're too expensive and I know that they will go on sale one day so in this case I might hold out buying on buying those shoes until they go on sale so again it's not that I need to save more money it's that I know that they'll be discounted at some point in the future right I know that there's commonly like a summer sale so I'm gonna hold out until the summer sale before buying these shoes so again I'm gonna sort of resist buying them until they come on sale okay think about a different example think about a group of workers maybe teachers and they want more money but the school won't give it to them so in this case they're gonna go on strike that means they're not gonna teach and they're gonna hold out until management will negotiate a better deal with them or until management will give them more money so they're gonna hold out for more money right they're not going to teach they're gonna hold out you could say that about any workers that are going on strike they're holding out for more money right so they're gonna sort of keep resisting until they get a better deal okay next one there I felt hold up and we've got three definitions that I wrote down the first one says to injure or uphold okay think about something like furniture or clothing okay imagine I've had the same pair of shoes for three years but those shoes are still in good condition they're still comfortable they still look okay so then I might say these shoes have held up well for three years right they're still in good condition they're still enduring right they're still there still they've still upheld themselves so in this case they've held up well I could say that about a car to imagine I've been driving the same car for ten years well I could say well this car has held up very well I've had no major problems with it so I can still keep driving it because it's held up so well so again we could talk about furniture I could talk about a relationship we've the relationship has held up well that means we're still good friends we still get along so we can use that to talk about many different things okay next definition I put there to obstruct or hinder progress okay well if something is holding me up then it's stopping me from doing something so imagine there's a project I have that I want to do outside in my backyard but every day the weather is bad it's raining it's cold well in this case the bad weather is holding me up from completing this project I can't do it because of the press because the weather is so bad okay think about an airplane maybe you're waiting you're gonna go on a flight overseas but there's a storm right a thunderstorm so this thunderstorm is holding up the flight right it's obstructing it or preventing the flight from taking off so the bad weather is holding up the flight okay and one more definition I put there to cope with okay this one is commonly used in a question okay especially when somebody has had bad news or they've been in some kind of situation let's imagine my friend maybe a family member of his died so obviously he's been really sad he hasn't been in a good good spirits recently so I might say to my friend hey how are you holding up right so in that case how are you coping with this death or this bad situation okay it might be somebody's just how to change maybe they they quit their job and they started a new job and the new job has been a little difficult as new jobs are cuz you've got to adjust so that I might say how are you holding up in the new job so how are you coping with the new job or how are you holding up at your new school so how are you coping with the new school you could also use it in the response yeah I'm holding up well right but it's a little less common in the response right how are you holding up yeah I'm doing pretty well that would be the more common response to that question okay last one there is holdover and I put here to remain or continue okay so think about this situation think about there's a play like a Broadway play or a Broadway musical okay let's imagine the the performance or the production is gonna last for three months right there's this a performance of let's just say the Lion King and it's gonna be for three months well imagine it's really popular and so now the musical has been held over for an additional three months that means they're gonna remain this production is going to remain and they're gonna go longer than three months they're gonna go for another three months so they're gonna continue for another three months so again we would say the production has been held over for another three months could be the same thing with a movie the movies really popular so it's been held over for another week because people are still coming to see it maybe the original plan was you know today was gonna be the last day you could see this film at the cinema but because it's so popular it's been held over for another week so it's gonna remain or continue for another week okay so I want to see if we can erase the whiteboard next and we're gonna take a look at some written example using each of these phrasal verbs okay let's see if we can quickly go over these sentences so the first one I wrote here he's held down a job since high school so again he's managed or successfully managed a job since high school next one I had a hard time holding back my tears so again I couldn't restrain my tears next one she's not very good at holding back her emotions so again pretty similar meeting she's not really good at restraining her emotions or keeping her emotions in check okay next one hold on you forgot your umbrella so stop you forgot your umbrella next one could you hold on a minute while I check my messages so again same thing could you wait a minute while I check my messages okay next one hold on tight I wouldn't want you to fall off so again keep a firm grip I wouldn't want you to fall off okay next one he's been holding on to those same beliefs since he was a young man so again he's keeping those beliefs inside he won't let go of them so yeah he's holding on to those beliefs okay next one it's not a good eye it's not a good idea to hold in all your stress so to keep it inside or keep it all contained inside of you next one there you might want to hold off on going inside I think they're having a big fight right mental there's a couple inside of their arguing and yelling so I wouldn't go in that house because you're gonna see this big argument so I might hold off on going inside okay next one how long do you think this meat will hold out so how long will this meat last next one he's been holding out on fixing the roof for years so he's been kind of resisting maybe because he doesn't want to spend the money so he's been holding out on doing this project okay next one I can't believe how well this TV has held up right so again this TV's maintained itself maybe I've had it for a long time but it's still in good working condition okay next one I've been held up in traffic for almost an hour I've been stuck in traffic right the traffic has obstructed me from getting home or getting to my destination okay next one how have you been holding up since your grandma died so again as I said it's a common question to use that phrasal verb just like that okay and last one there the show is being held over for another week so it's gonna continue for another week whereas previously it wasn't scheduled - okay all right well that's the end of today's lesson I hope my examples and definitions were clear and easy to understand thank you so much for joining me here at maple leaf ESL and I look forward to seeing you again next time [Music]
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
Views: 10,672
Rating: 4.9551401 out of 5
Keywords: ESL, English, Study, Learn, Teacher, Teachers, Student, Students, Education, Language, Lesson, Online, Free, Maple, Leaf, Lessons, School, Grammar, grammar, phrasal verbs, frasal verbs, frazal verbs, hold, holding, phrasal verb hold, phrasal verb held, hold up, hold out, hold off, hold over, hold down, hold in, hold inside, hold on, hold back, hold something back, held over
Id: 9XBhxMKrVrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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