Blackstone Taco Tuesday At A Subscriber's House

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we're in providence utah getting ready to visit jeremy's house so i'm out in utah at blackstone's headquarters picking up the van that's right the griddle more tour vans coming back to colorado with me uh we're doing some behind the scenes video some private stuff for our vendors and we did a live today at taco tuesday live natalie is hidden say hi natalie she's hidden back in the balloons you can't wait to get rid of the taco tuesday balloons i'm following mike midgley he's uh one of our sales managers and uh he was talking to his neighbor jeremy last week and then he started telling mike that he loved watching todd tovan's videos we're gonna do taco tuesday over at jeremy's house hello i'm mike mitchelly with blackstone we're over here at the ralph's house we're going to do some chicken tacos because it's taco tuesday nice to meet you good to meet you hilarious kyle told me you were the t-shirt winner yeah he said he said you're not going to believe this we had 20 000 people watching and the guy that wanted the guy he is man we appreciate you brother who's who's who here this is tayden tayden nice to meet you nice to meet you what's your name my ken nice to meet you morgan morgan and jordan jordan nice to meet you jordan you're color coordinated man taco tuesday hq here baby my father-in-law you know this guy i do now where are you from preston that's just up the road like 30 miles right i live in colorado springs so you know i'm not a i'm not a local here so yeah nice to meet you what's your name richard i'm todd man nice to meet you so mike said we got to come over and say hi to jeremy i said let's cook some tacos while we're here i'm hungry for our taco and mike is cool man i don't think i could just eat one taco i might need tacos tacos go aggies taco tuesday who is this who's this little fluffy little oh what's your name toby toby say oh do you like the camera say hello we're at the ralph's house i'm learning how to pronounce it the ralph's house taco tuesday you know this guy is serious about taco tuesday check this out you got the cup he's like one of these guys straight off the blackstone griddle users group taco tuesday in full effect so um we're about medium heat right now you know the beauty of having a 36 inch griddle is we can turn these things up or down as need be so we're we'll start out at medium and just see what happens you can use any kind of oil that you want to use i mean canola olive whatever i just happen to have avocado oil and of course avocados go great go great with tacos a little bit of avocado oil on the griddle garlic paste i use fresh garlic but the garlic paste is lots of fun because it's just garlic and cooking oil it's a lot easier to use if you're running and gunning like this so a little garlic paste that's like the equivalent of four or five cloves right there uh diced white onion you can use yellow you can use red but we just happen to have white onion there yeah we'll just start filming here from now on mike chicken we just happen to have some dice some skinless boneless diced chicken breast of course this could be chicken thighs whatever you want it could be pork but this is just diced chicken breast that's the second time you've helped me out there we go chicken down onto the griddle top when it comes to any kind of tex-mex cooking uh southwestern cooking blackstone's got you covered of course with taco and fajita and the tequila lime seasoning i like them both but i'm probably more in the mood for taco fajita tonight taco fajita is just a great go-to it's got the three basic spices that are most popular in tex-mex cooking red chili paprika and [Music] cumin [Music] i'm always saying this because mike asked me to i don't know if you could see me or not so uh this was like three years ago or so mike asked me if i could go out to avon ohio on lake erie uh like an hour away from cleveland and do a demo at a cabela's store of course i hunt and fish and i was pretty darn excited this was to me it was a dream i make my way to ohio i'm doing this cabela's demo hot day i was showing off like switching flip flipping the spatulas like a hibachi trick you know and that was like my only trick i'm like well you know i'm i'm there to perform i got to look good i flipped this spatula and this hot 500 degree greasy onion landed on my bald head and literally it's like puffing pussing up like gorbachev's head back in the 80s and uh and i'm but i'm trying to act cool like you know you know i meant to do that so i turned around i'm like oh my goodness and the manager felt really bad she brought me an ice cold mountain doing a big aloe pad that she put on my head and my souvenir was i had a huge scar a boil on my head for about a month after that yeah i learned the hard way my wife told me to she told me never to uh do that again so the chicken's still cooking here again we're a medium so if i was on high this would be quicker we could be even lower so that's the beauty the blackstone griddle you know this is a 55 pound plate of steel conducts a ton of heat and so whether you're on lower heat on high you're still going to produce a ton of heat you can add oil more oil to it if you have to again i'm using avocado but you could be using canola corn vegetable oil olive oil sunflower oil whatever you want to use feel free to use it the griddle doesn't care contrary to what a lot of people don't argue the griddle doesn't care what kind of oil you're using all right so the chicken is pretty much done it's looking good here i use these aluminum uh disposable aluminum trays these are really nice you can just toss one on a griddle top like that and i like to add a little enchilada sauce of course red enchilada sauce probably more prevalent across the country but i like the green of course we live in colorado parks colorado and utah on the west we love the green chili so i go with the green chili [Music] and the chicken with the seasoning the garlic and the onion straight into that dance a lot of sausage we'll just stir that up and we'll let this uh chicken marinate over here in that beautiful green chili enchilada sauce [Music] and so if you have your griddle properly seasoned which jeremy does i like to use you know a putty knife style scraper and it's real simple you just want to scrape off your griddle then we're not going to do this like you would at a restaurant where they have a stainless steel grill and they literally scrape it to the bone here you're just gonna lightly scrape off all your crumbs like so [Music] i'll just grab some paper towels shop towels cotton towel whatever it takes uh just dust it off you want to watch so you don't burn yourself get those crumbs off the griddle top and you can take whatever cooking oil you're using and put it back there on the griddle i like to always have a slight glisten of oil on my griddle so whether i was done for the night ready to pack this thing away or whether we're gonna start making french toast that's the way i like to leave my uh griddle top right there just with a nice little glisten of oil tortillas of course street tacos traditionally people are using corn tortillas these are white corn tortillas you could use yellow corn tea corn yellow corn tortillas or i'll i like to use a mission has a little flower street taco shell but we're going to use white corn tortillas tonight so we're using the griddle tops as what the mexicans hispanics would call a kamal they have a a round cast iron skillet that they use to toast up their raw tortillas and blackstone works phenomenal as a kamal great way to toast up your tortillas you can turn this thing into a tortilla toasting machine and then we'll just check our tortillas you know when you're doing tacos like this you just don't want to overcook your tortillas you want just a little color a little light on there a little yellow on there rather and you don't want to dry these things out you want them to be nice and pliable so just you know maybe a minute on the first side and then just a few seconds on the second side depending on what temperature your griddle top is then i'll just do the same thing that i did with the chicken we'll throw the tortillas in a little uh a little aluminum container tortilla down and you're like i didn't even wish anything that bad on them [Music] so we have blackstone taco racks we double these up of course a corn tortilla we always double them up because they're so fragile right and that way it helps you to hold a street taco i guess in theory when you're standing on the street or in the backyard so we just double these little things up even helps soak the juices up too i remember in um uh once being in uh georgia yeah this guy came with three aprons for me to autograph and i called my wife holy cow this guy wants my autograph [Music] we'll use a little bit of queso chihuahua any kind of cheese works i love the case of chihuahua though look at that [Music] some crema of course mexican sour cream love it just drizzle a little bit of that on each taco fresh chopped cilantro love it some people comment and they always tell me do you have to have cilantro on there and no you don't but i do i love it so you don't have to if you don't want to [Music] cholula chili garlic that's my favorite mexican hot sauce right there the cholula chili garlic it's very mild you taste the garlic all of our kids regardless of age they like it so it's not it's not too hot it's just a beautiful garlic flavor i love that chili garlic and lastly a little fresh lime on there there we go fresh lime on top breakfast we had all of terrace family over and we decided we need to make french toast but we didn't want to use normal bread and so we went to walmart and got brioche bread and we made six loaves full of brioche bread we had over like 400 pieces of bacon sausage brioche bread and scrambled eggs i mean we had french toast for two weeks i didn't i didn't mention this earlier uh but this is hilarious we did a live at blackstone today and we had 20 000 people watching live tacos and our social media manager decided to do a giveaway he said let's give away two t-shirts so we had like 20 000 people watching this thing two t-shirts this is no joke uh kyle calls me in the hotel he says you're never gonna believe this one of the two winners is actually jeremy whose house you're going to think about that and so we brought him his free t-shirt as well so he's got a brand new blackstone t-shirt oh dude that's what i'm talking about so while we're here enjoying tacos mike told me that jeremy was also awarded a prestigious teacher of the year award teacher of the year at my elementary at canyon elementary so they select a teacher from every school within the district within our area and i was selected that teacher we're actually going to give jeremy the taco award tonight so and just like that we are done with taco tuesday so until next time this is todd and jeremy and natalie and mike were saying praise the lord and pass the tacos the tacos [Music]
Channel: Todd Toven
Views: 60,783
Rating: 4.8989282 out of 5
Keywords: blackstone griddle, todd toven, blackstone tacos, taco griddle, taco tuesday, taco recipe, blackstone recipe, providence utah, jeremy, mike midgley, blackstone 36, griddle, how to griddle, clean griddle, season griddle, taco party, griddle party, griddle demo, secret street tacos
Id: sJJTY_jy_6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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