Loaded Omelette on the Blackstone 22" Griddle | COOKING WITH BIG CAT 305

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[Music] what's up your big cat 305 here today we are making a loaded omelet on the black stone that's right loaded omelet we're gonna have some bacon some sausage some Tomatoes some onions three different kinds of cheese and we're gonna load this sucker up with some flavor and spices and it's gonna be absolutely phenomenal so if you're new to the channel I want to thank you for stopping by make sure you hit that subscribe button down below and bring that notification bell and if you're a turn subscriber we want to thank you for all your support we do appreciate it keep hitting that thumbs up and commenting down below we really try to answer every single comment and interact with you guys so you wanna interact just comment down below everybody let's get cooking so we start off with an onion and we're gonna have a nice mixture of veggies and meats and cheeses so take 1/2 an onion here slice and dice chop it up nice real simple nice and fresh onion we've got some beautiful tomatoes we are gonna same thing slice and dice you want the ingredients chopped up pretty small actually diced pretty small because it's going into your omelet and comets are hard enough to fold as is but if you have big old chunky items inside it's gonna make it even harder so you want to try to make these pretty pretty diced just like that and we've got our peppercorn bacon my new favorite and we're just gonna same thing chop these up into little small chunks these kind of shrivel up a little bit when you cook them so you don't go too small with these the man these are so good if you have not tried the peppercorn bacon you have got to try it it's outstanding and then finally our Jimmy Dean's what's your fest our Jimmy Dean sausage and then next our eggs we're gonna one two I think we're doing four eggs here one two three there's number three and number four yes we're doing four eggs there you go a little bit of milk makes it nice and fluffy spin these up whisk your screws looking beautiful so you want to stir these really good mix it nice and fluffy just like that you don't wanna lumpy stuff especially when you're making an omelet you want it nice a nice texture so we start off with the bacon Queen look at that sizzle listen to that sizzle sounds great they're all chunk together so you're gonna have to kind of work them apart which is the fun part of the black stones in my opinion I mean the prep work is the prep work I mean that's kind of like it's almost like sports there's something like practicing nobody likes practice you like the game so the prep work is like to practice this is the game right here when you put it actually on the driven so this is the fun part so this is will spin it around move it around spread it around and do your thing so at this point I'm very surprised spike is not market this is great usually when I start cooking bacon she starts barking great same thing spit it around get it nice and spread out so they cook nice and easily you don't have like pieces and that's it next up is our Jimmy Dean's breakfast sausage this is about a half of a tube full I broke out the old mild chopper to chop this up I have found in my experience so far with the Blackstone that it is better to chop up anything around that it's brown me steaks sausage whatever while it is still raw if you let it cook a little bit and then try to chop it wow what a difference this is much easier that's why you see I'm working it kind of quick here to try to get this chopped up because if you get it chopped up early it makes life much easier - later on down the road so these choppers are great any kind of chopper is good I know Blackstone makes them now I caught some flak from some some people saying that's a paid scraper you can't use that it's not food grade I get it I just haven't got a black someone yet so this works for me at this point that's it we start spinning the bacon check that out and looking good give me all the sausage a little clip even after chopping you can see they're still sticking together but now when you go to break it up again it's already been broken up once so it's not a big deal that's how much this meat sticks together after you start cooking [Music] this bacon is pretty much done you can see that nice beautiful color and that sizzle there's a little close-up for you oh yeah well the smell is ridiculous at this point alright so we're gonna put this off to the side which is not as hot as the middle so just kind of keeps it nice and warm we're going to do some of that extra bacon grease over anyway and you just kind of push it up there in the corner and use that spoon I have really I guess as long as I've been cooking on this it took me a while to use the entire space and to try to maximize the space of this griddle it's only a 22 inch so it doesn't have the capacity of a 36 inch but you would be surprised how much food you can get on this thing at one time and before I used to try to cook in sections you know before I would have cooked that bacon taking it on I would cook this awesome take it off I would have cooked tomatoes taking it off I would cook the onions take it off but now I'm just cooking it all the same spot or the same grill at the same time there you go look at that sausage looks beautiful move it over again it's gonna keep it on the griddle and not taking it off and we put our onions down [Music] another favorite of mine undertaste freakin amazing when they get caramelized one of my favorites trying to get thing that bacon grease in there [Music] we'll add a little bit more oil onto the onion so there's anything toast it up and this looks pretty quick [Music] I would say probably I don't know for five minutes to get him to this point I got a chopped up pretty weird ice that pretty good so I don't think they're like that that's it we stick them over here mixed all the other stuff and we are going to put down our tomatoes to-mah-toes hit us mother I said tomato you see at the model your Tomatoes down another veggie and omelette that's why I love on this man let me tell you the omelets are like first of all breakfast is like the king of black stone breakfast and black stone will go hand in hand in my opinion everybody loves making breakfast it's the easiest thing to make it's most fun to make the possibilities are endless you could do so many things it just reminds me of a diner where you go and they're slapping food around on the griddle that's that's really cool about this thing so the more breakfast is king number two the omelet come on you're sticking a bunch of food inside of an egg and wrapping it up I mean that's like it doesn't get any better than that so in this particular one we've got a nice balance of new veggies and cheese so tomatoes you want to get the liquid out you don't want because if you don't it's gonna be it's gonna make your omelets soggy so I moved it towards the center as you can see there and the center is much warmer and that kind of like hold that liquid out and now they're ready to go and then I'm gonna move the onions over to the other side right below tomatoes and these are I'm basically making like a football field she cut your your stands on each side those are your fans on each side and in the middle there that's where the gridiron is look at that grid I like that and we are going to that's where they were gonna stick the eggs we're gonna clean up the center part a little bit here first so these eggs are stay nice and clean and good-looking but once you get your cast iron or your castle if it gets your black stone which is basically a cast iron nice and seasoned like this one it basically becomes like a nonstick it looks it looks great it's really easy to make anything on it doesn't stick Tomatoes usually sticks to everything but not this so here we go there's a little bit of a overall view of our gridiron and that's it we're gonna put down some oil and some butter butter for flavor oil so the butter doesn't burn we talked about this spread it out we are ready for our eggs here we go four eggs scrambled up with some milk for some fluffiness putting them on slow they will run all over the place especially this 22 it's got like little ribs in the center there it goes from left to right I'm sure it's by design so helps clean and stuff like that but it's not as easy as the larger ones so you have to go kind of slow and you have to pull them in as they cook you pull them in no big deal it's part of the challenge and you kind of want to make like a a rectangle that's kind of the goal here so how does they pull away and pull them back in and you can see they are not sticking too much guys sticking at all and they're cooking quick enough where you can pull them back in that's kind of the key so you let the heat is your ally and you want to pull them back in and you want to make sure that you want to get the shape that you want which is basically a rectangle and that's it once you get them on they're looking good at our salt and some pepper crack pepper there now we're gonna add our cheeses start off with some Colby jack nice them out there in the middle not too crazy and then we're gonna add a couple slices of provolone right here so provolone two slices break them up a little bit and finally some cheddar some chunks of cheddar cheese oh yeah this is gonna be great cannot wait for this so that cheese is gonna melt nicely and now we're gonna add our toppings so here we go we got some sausage the Jimmy Dean's see that's why you want to break them up into small chunks right there because look at the size of this thing now we add our cracked pepper bacon on top of that look at this thing this thing is getting huge now we're gonna add our onions on top of that we're trying to Center it onions next this thing is becoming a mountain and then our tomatoes on top of that so I've always tried to like not push the envelope and this time I did for sure so we've got our ingredients on and we're gonna try to fold this I start at the top sorry for my arm of the way start at the bottom I realize okay I got the wrong spatula here I need the big boy let me go to plan B let me break out the big boy which is the pancake spatula right there here we go boom Oh break it apart Oh houston we have a problem at this point I'm freaking out thinking okay I just wasted all this time I'm never gonna be able to wrap this thing but if you just hold it on there it will all kind of stick together so do not give up on this all right I tried to go in the edge and that didn't work so I scratched that plan and I just continue wrapping it like this even if it doesn't wrap completely it doesn't matter as long as it sticks together mostly you're good there we go and we put that sucker that thing is huge alright guys this thing is ready let's go check it out [Music] [Music] we see what happens when you leave a man alone with a bunch of ingredients and a black stone boom this thing is a monster it is a loaded omelet I think I went a little overboard you know in the past I kind of would not put in enough ingredients and I always thought like man I could have just got a little bit more ingredients in there and I've always thought man you should push the envelope a little bit this time I think I pushed the envelope because it is busting at the seams so I'm ready to dig in but first we're gonna yeah this thing is a beast [Music] all right here we go I'm gonna put some set hot choc which is one of my favorite hot sauces but I am NOT gonna put it on the whole thing because I'm gonna share this with mrs. pickett so I'll just put it on half yeah that was good all right this dig in I put in a bunch of ingredients no need to go over him again I just want to give this a taste do that [Music] that is a hearty omelet right there get all the meat the cheese and tomatoes [Music] onions is loaded you get this piece over here all that cheese look at that bite right there yep [Music] you know I made you see the little finger maybe not everybody thank you for stopping by thank you for watching liking subscribing and commenting and we'll keep on cooking big cat out [Music]
Channel: Cooking with Big Cat 305
Views: 156,372
Rating: 4.6869564 out of 5
Keywords: omelette, eggs, breakfast, griddle, blackstone, blackstone griddle, blackstone 22 inch griddle, blackstone 22 inch griddle recipes, loaded omelette, easy omelette, easy omelette recipe, easy omelet recipes breakfast, big cat 305, sausage, bacon, onions, tomato, cheese, how to make an omelette, how to make an omelette with cheese, griddle omelette, best omelette, best omelette recipe, best omelet recipe
Id: PjxdIaj3uTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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