Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches (Whiz wit)

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welcome back to another episode of barbecuing bottles today we're going to be making philly cheesesteaks the authentic way just like they make them in philly so for this recipe you're just going to need some rib eyes some sweet onions hoagie rolls and cheese whiz now you can substitute this for provolone if you want but this from a flavor profile it just really fits that philly cheesesteak sandwich so let's jump into this one okay first thing we're gonna do is take our rib eyes here and just chop these up so we've got these beautiful rib eyes here you can see they've got some really nice marbling in them now what we'd recommend is just sticking these in the freezer for probably an hour to two hours before you're slicing into them that'll just make these firmer steaks so when you're slicing in it'll be easier to get really thin slices and that's really what you're trying to accomplish here is just getting slices as thin as you possibly can now you'll see we've got a lot of fat on these steaks these are canadian prime grade steaks so all that intermuscular fat and tissue that's just gonna render down through the course that cook and make for a juicier philly cheese steak you see we probably could have put these in the freezer a little bit longer for whatever reason didn't really seem to freeze up that well for us it's just making it that much harder to slice off thin pieces here now once you've actually sliced your steak like this you're going to want to cut it into smaller pieces so come against or perpendicular to the last cuts just so that you're getting fine squares or cubes here now these small pieces are just going to make it easier when you're biting into your sandwich so now we've got our steak all chopped up and this is roughly the size of piece that you're looking for here so just like that and again when this cooks down it'll render into a nice small delicious little morsel and when you bite into your philly cheesesteak you're not going to be left with large strands of steak you'll be able to take clean bites now for the onion we'll just slice into a sweet onion here [Music] slice off the top peel off the exterior and then we're going to dice these guys so for dicing we come in like this some horizontal slices be careful with your fingers [Music] then we slice down like this not going all the way through to the root and then just carve off slices at the end and it separates into small little finely diced pieces so we're at the griddle here we're just going to turn this on to medium heat and that's how we're going to sear off the onions so now we're just going to take a little avocado oil which is a neutral oil and it's got a very high smoke point so we're just going to put that down there we'll get that evenly spread out across the griddle and we'll just get the onions down so let's periodically move these around we're looking to brown them up and get them nice and translucent so we're about halfway done on the onions here so now it's time to start warming up our cheese with sauce so we'll just empty that out into a little pot here on the griddle and that'll just warm this up make it a little bit easier to spread on the sandwich now just periodically mix your cheese here you don't want that to burn on the bottom and again we're just trying to keep this up to lower the viscosity so that it's a little bit easier to spread on your cheesesteak we're not quite there yet so now these guys are done here you can see they're really nice and brown and translucent so we're just going to take these off the grill [Music] put them to the side and we'll use them later once we sear up the steak so you can see the viscosity here it's really getting nice and smooth and no longer has the thickness of cheese whiz so we're just going to move that over to the side here now we'll grab the steak so the first thing we're just going to lower the temperature on the griddle down to low we want to sear off this rib eye just nice and low and slow because we don't want to lose any of that moisture or juice that's going to render out of these guys get this spread around the griddle nice and evenly now while that steak searing away we're just gonna quickly cut into our hoagie rolls now these are just regular sub rolls we pick them up from the grocery store there's nothing fancy about them so just cut them open just like that so you want to cook this until all these strips are well done you don't want to see any redness in the steak anymore [Music] so with the steak at this level of doneness we're just going to put the onions back in here now we'll mix this all together and this is the point that we actually season the steak with salt here so we're just going in with some fine kosher salt and the reason we're adding the seasoning at the end is we don't want to lose any moisture out of the steak now this is would be a bit controversial if you've watched our steak videos in the past here but we're following the methods from the master cheesesteak makers in philadelphia [Music] well that's warming up we're just gonna put the whiz back on here we'll get some buns so we're just gonna quickly toast up two buns greater cheese whiz it's getting nice and runny again perfect so now we're just going to take our buns off here quickly now for something that might be a little controversial we're putting whiz straight onto the bun so be generous here get a nice layer of whiz just like that now divide our steak and onion mixture into two separate piles just like this and we'll get that down now i'll do the same with the rest of these buns whiz first just a nice thin layer like that and then boom down right on top of your meat and onions now you don't want to use up all your cheese with doing this because you're still going to add a little bit more of the whiz as a topper at the end [Music] perfect now we'll put the lid of the griddle on and just let that steam away for a couple seconds to soften up the buns nicely all right we've had these steaming away for two or three minutes now time to build our sandwiches [Music] just look at that [Music] beautiful just look at that so now we've got a little bit of whiz left over here and we're just going to drizzle that over the top oh these are beautiful they smell so good you can smell the sweetness from the onions the rendered beef fat from the ribeye absolutely delicious now what we're going to do the last little secret here is we're gonna roll these up like sandwiches so we're gonna take one of them now the sandwich roll is really easy you just use a square piece of parchment and roll on the diagonal so get a couple rolls in here then you'll fold in the edges beauty now we're gonna let these sit like this and they're gonna steam away a little bit more and just make it feel like that much more of a deli philly cheesesteak sandwich now that these have been steaming away in the parchment paper for about five minutes we're gonna slice into one of these and see how they look on the inside oh just look at that ooey gooey perfection okay now of course i'm gonna do the taste test here now you can just peel back the parchment just like you're in a deli and now time to dig in we'll just let the geese go by here i'm taking another bite while i wait that was just absolutely incredible really really juicy that sandwich you can get all the juice from the rendering of the marbling that was in that rib eye you got the sweetness from the onions absolutely incredible i don't know about you i'd only have a philly cheesesteak with onions let's see if there's a debate down in the comments below on that but this was absolutely incredible really really easy start to finish this was about 15 minutes this is a great recipe i'd highly recommend that you try this one with the family so if you enjoyed this video give a like below consider leaving a comment subscribe to the channel for more of these videos to come thanks for tuning in
Channel: BBQ and Bottles
Views: 51,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBQ and Bottles, BBQandBottles, philly cheesesteak, philly cheese steak, philly cheese steak recipe, how to make a philly cheesesteak, how to make philly cheese steak, best philly cheesesteak, cheese steak, philly cheese steak sandwich, philly cheesesteak recipe, how to make a cheesesteak, cheesesteak sandwich, philly cheesesteaks, cheesesteak recipe, steak sandwich, philly cheesesteak on griddle, philly cheesesteak recipe at home, philly cheesesteak at home
Id: IpE6E2af4pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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