Phenom 300 interior. Differences between new and old.

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this is trying to be a more in-depth video for you on the interior so obviously had a nice Center spirit or nice hand rail jump there and a very nice to place couch or an Aviation see we call it a divan so just kind of show you together took a while to get certified because here's a shoulder strap for the first passenger see that cushion there that is actually an air bag in there that's one of the things I had to do in these newer airplanes when they put a couch they got to figure out a way to not have people hit each other so hardened or sitting each other this also comes down here and then there's a life vest in here life vest in here we don't do a whole lot of stuff over water but we do some as you see in the video I had so there's a new place couch there's some storage under here but it's really uh not very much it's more for like pilot maintenance that so then you come here here this would be the standard galley if you get the to place couch there's a hot jug or a heated jug what everyone call it this is a jug we put coffee in is actually heated that little red light will come on we have power and the airplane and the shed buses are powered so if you only have if we lose the engines we don't have generator power the shed buses go off so they will not be power which is battery tours that you know I think I've showed this before but there's a few things to keep sodas man we got a nice chest it does have a drain here so when you're notifying you can open that on zip water now there is also it under here there's a coffee drink so if you little coffee drips it'll drip out right now those both closed they will you'll hear them in flight if you leave them open there well it says right there drip trench drain valve close during flight training about was located below the ice drawer decal wasn't there in the first airplane I flew serial number 63 and no one ever told me about the ice the the ice and chests why the ice chest is easy to find but the coffee one is underneath no one ever told me about it here's the trash this is a nice Bay there's no button there that's actually just an avionics Bay so oh the knee come here this is a screen you can pop down and this will have a movie map it'll give you a like the outer you're at the ground speed destination and times destination so that's a nice screen for the passengers takeoff planning and then the mirror and back which is a nice touch which I've flown about four or five of these now this is the only one that's had the mirror I take that back I did help deliver one because it's a pilot issues get them out of school in time but it really makes the airplanes seem bigger so you can see there's different you get different colors here this is I don't know if I'd call it gunmetal or black chrome or whatever it is but it's pretty it's pretty nice like an airplane about old airplanes I've flown I act a little more once you get past the door in the two-place couch Devon there's the seats now this is the club this is what we call a club seating situation you got four seats facing each other and just to give you some detail from the last video is see these arm rests here make sure that Sun doesn't come in here but uh this armrest when you put it down see how it comes out when you stow it it goes back in that's for the aisle not kind of it's a bigger deal than you think cuz I said this airplane doesn't have a lot of extra room it is slightly wider slightly taller than like a CJ two or three or four but still a light jet so it doesn't have a ton of room so as you come back in here the powder is that glare this will be sitting in what I'd call the number one chair or the power chair and I say that because it's the back rear of the first set of club but you can see the pilot the best but probably more importantly is back here they have temperature controls so you control your own temperature back here there's some lights for the reading lights in that and also back here is your fight phone so you have a phone temperature control your lighting control which will contract control this indirect lighting I don't have any power on here play now so that's what that control so this is a club seating in all honestly if you're flying two or four people I would put two people here then you can stretch your legs out because otherwise you're gonna have legs together but that's typical airplanes I think I've showed the tables before you flip that up these are the newer style tables this comes out and you extend that and it folds out so you got a flat spot this is a little different than the old ones the first few this would stay kind of lip lift it up I'll see if I can get pictures of that as well so there you are this is the later one so we also have an outlet a better outlet here they put down a little more amperage they have both some European and some North American design I assume South American European Brazil design you got a USB different style plugins then you come back and realistically these might be the best seats they have ample legroom more than ample legroom you know I may want to facing yeah that's two seats so looking at you got the couch will be up there the four place club now these two so then you come in here this would be right this would be your exit an emergency exit okay so just like an airline you have an exit up front and you have the emergency exit come back here this is your lab it's really a pretty nice lab especially for a light jet you know you we got water tank in there we go running water and it'll just flush out the airplane when you push this actually got a little toilet paper holder and your trash yeah it's so we keep a little backpack here but it's actually a very comfortable place come and sit down so then this one is a belted this is be considered an FAA approved seat and it's really not as a bad thing because there's enough height there's enough height there that you could actually sit up straight now I don't want to sit there for three hours but if you had a 45-minute flight say like Des Moines in Chicago or an hour fly to Des Moines Oklahoma City or something not bad better than driving so there you go come oh I talk about sound system once there's a subwoofer there fire extinguisher we keep a few blankets on there you are this is serial number 93 this is a really common interior for the earlier airplanes you notice there's a couch here in a cabinet instead of the two-place couch and a small cabinet here so and this is how you see a lot of these earlier airplanes and this is serial number 3 9 f scuse me 93 serial number 3 90s what this one is then you see the cockpit up there the two cabinets you go between so and when you order the two-place couch it's a two-place couch and they put just one cabinet on the left so you can see it's really the same it's got the the club then the two back seats after that now I'll show you I played those uh arm rests because in the early ones the arm rests a little bigger when they fold they're like this and you don't think that's a big deal but it makes it airplanes aisle fairly narrow now as a big complaint on these earlier ones that the seats were just as comfortable as the ones you saw in there playing I normally fly but the aisle is a little narrow and some of the early ones are even a little worse I don't know if the 300s that problem like the Phenom 100's because this would be like version 2 of the Phenom seats it might have been the version 1 of the Phenom 300 seats but still a very nice interior still very comfortable but like any private jet it doesn't give a whole lot extra room and here's the table and if you remember pull it out it has this non flush part so has an improvement made on the one I fly as well like said this is serial number 93 the one I apply serial number 390 I don't know what year this one is it's probably about 2012 the one I fly is a model year 2019 so just give you a little difference in the seats just thought you want to see the difference and go from there so still a nice airplane still they keep a few stocks little different but it's a very nice airplane then you go up to the cockpit then you see there's a little more of like a tunnel to the cockpit with the two cabinets that to place couch I think it makes your acquaintance seem a lot bigger to get in it just seems a little more open and I really like it but back when this plane was built there was not a two-place couch available they had to get that crash tested approved by the FAA and Enoch and the European version as well
Channel: Winding Trail
Views: 42,143
Rating: 4.8781724 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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