Why are Pilots afraid of ATC? Flying IFR with a Controller to find out! - Mooney M20J - VLOG

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facing some potentially stressful ATC scenarios I've pre-arranged with the controllers at work to throw a few curveballs on the leg with the echo Delta you're gonna have to hold for a little bit before you get into water move four approaches uh thinking about doing it at Tito's if that works for you you can let me know by flying with a controller who's also a pilot those out your buddy yep that's Luke that's cool okay so this is a really cool opportunity to fly with the controller who's also a pilot air traffic controller controller on what you like to help whatever okay controller is fine okay so I love the idea that so many pilots are afraid of you guys it's like they're us and there are ends I don't know if it's partly that we're talking to professional pilots as well as amateur pilots we're not out to get people in trouble we're not trying we're not just waiting to write somebody up and violate them and in fact most of the time when we probably could we often don't how are you going to pick up the clear at the airport right yeah I got to pick it up Airport in a previous episode flying cross-country in the Super Cub with no transponder I examined flying out of this small uncontrolled airport right beside Canada's busiest controlled airspace but it was cool to do this follow up with Stevens unique insights a lot of the airports around here which are close to other bigger busier airports the best way to get your clearances airborne with a VFR departure if it makes sense like obviously if the weather doesn't allow it the home for your clearance on the ground but it's more difficult to get a clearance somebody on the ground right now the pearson is using icepicks though there can be arrivals coming that are descending to free overhead you know you have to impact the Pearson operation order to give somebody clearance at a gear so it's just quick hurt easier for everybody good idea fun so what is our plan today our plan is we filed IFR and we're going to go over to Waterloo from Burlington it's a short flights 23 miles a negatives I've pre-arranged with the controllers at work to throw us a few curveballs on the way everybody ready to go there you go traffic whiskey echo Delta departing runway 1 4 be a right turn out for Waterloo final is clear yeah it's gonna be somewhat maybe contrived because we're going to try and make a few things happen that that either scare pilots or the things that happen to pilots if they're maybe uncomfortable with because it's a oddball situations a good opieop i manifold pressure I'm expecting we're probably going to get a reroute which is something that can happen to pilots I'm thinking we'll probably get a hold somewhere we'll be delayed for our approach into Waterloo and then we'll fly practice approach into Waterloo and I'm hoping will be told to keep our speed up because I know that's something that some pilots wonder about here and I want to shout out to the are flying community for helping us brainstorm this concept during pre-production I think pilots are afraid that they might get in trouble yeah that's their fear and they don't want to say something I think if anything they should err on the side of asking or explaining more or absolutely yeah one of the most important things is not to pretend you understood what you were told to do because I can really get you in trouble if I tell you to do something and then you don't and you acknowledge it and then you don't do it that can get you into trouble so for sure if you're not sure ask even at risk of annoying the controller because you're asking questions your buddy should be on ship now yeah should be so let's go penguin calls of ever contact trial offender now one to four decimal zero to see you later the main thing we're looking for is don't talk too much yeah I was gonna say brevity right the guy who drove the mic and just keeps on talking that's right dude and telling me all kinds of things I don't need to know for a VFR pilot for example if you're calling up and you want service through Class E or Class B airspace or you just want flight following wherever you're going first get the controller's attention with a call call the controller and say what your registration is and that's it and wait for the response terminal good evenings off whiskey echo Delta Gulf with the adult the Toronto terminal squawk four three five four four three five four was ejected although right because I got a lot of guys think you want a cold call with a budgie info it's like no right because you might even be on the phone or something right that's right so you can I could be talking to another controller I could be on the phone issuing a clearance to a pilot on the ground somewhere there's all kinds of things that we're doing as well as talking on the frequency golf whiskey adult e-rater identify 2700 feet fire not about three thousand fighting two four zero cut about three heading two four zero with scarecrow Delta goes out your buddy yep I've Luke that's cool and then once you do get the controller's attention the things you really want to say is where are you right now and what do you want to do the adult I've arrived far clearance you can let me know you're ready to copy ready to copy with Decker Delta up with camp adult Ian up through the Burlington air park by a present position radar vectors water we were important that direct climbed five out stand your prismatic since the adults is cleared to Burlington by radar vectors to Waterloo and direct maintain 5,000 feet heading two four zero 50 X Delta read back correct the altimeter Waterloo three zero zero seven 3007 what's difficult those that has filed or need to change it yeah that was this file I'm expecting will get a reroute at some point and sure enough after cruising for a few minutes with the echo Delta you're gonna have to hold for a little bit before you get into water move four approaches uh thinking about doing it at Tito's if that works for you you can let me know yeah let's sit let me find with Decker Delta it would kick adult the next controllers gonna have your clearance for your contact and that once you eight decimal few seven have a good day any twenty-something let's get off this all right out of four four five charter homeless gecko Delta with you four thousand four five thousand 80240 let's get code elder Roger go direct the Cheetos you can hold the Lindy Direction within so I'd say a DME and click further at 2300 and Steven confirmed the five thousand foot altitude for the whole during the read-back I also want to thank Chuck from cloud Hawaii for rendering these visuals to debrief in this video we were flying straight to it and then he said to hold within eight DME out of it I'm confused about how you read the DME well vivica Delta VFR traffic 12 o'clock four miles northbound 3,400 feet on verified let's get rid also ever fly right into the Sun when I can see him I think that might be him right there that make sense - 16 mil oh yeah that makes sense that's cool reuse it the Stratus help us out we can't see a damn thing in front of us and yes I forgot to update my charts before this flight but I wasn't guy see I love that we got that traffic advisory at a time when we could not have seen it yeah and the Stratus also backed it up you know like that's another reason why being a system is great even if you're not AIA far you know just get your sure VFR flight fun a lot of guys are afraid to get VFR flight following because they feel like they're asking for trouble throughout the system right my feeling is it's better to be in the system if they can accommodate you they thought rather you be in the system - absolutely we would because it's much easier to manage traffic like for what he passed traffic to us if the controller's talk to the other airplane well now I know both of them is doing I can solve the problem much easier than if it's something I've not talked to because the controller is no way of knowing if that airplane is something going to climb turn descent whatever and so you might think ok they're never going to come anywhere near each other and all of a sudden airplane turns to climb so now they they try to come together right yeah exactly so when you can tell one guy you got traffic me guy you got traffic and then either one that's gonna do something unpredictable yeah problem is if one he's like I got target he's unverified and he's currently going west and then you got that traffic raspbian then suddenly he turns on you cuz it's a guy doing air work yeah so if a guy's gonna go do air work I've heard some people say they don't like to get flight falling because I feel like it's going to know the controller but would you rather guys say I'm going to air work and I can be doing circles or whatever it's rather know that right yeah for sure all right we're entering our hole through drop venturi and when he said eight DME what was he talking about like I was like better DME from the station but yeah I mean actual DME is Korsak distance measuring equipment which is would usually be a latte a vor or standalone VM e but it is also you I get to use it as a generic term for GoPro so we know string I'm using GPS idea Cheetos six five three copy the screen girl over okay that wouldn't confuse me I kind of understand all this stuff but I would be like waving a TV this will t be there yeah yeah yeah yeah I get it now alright so that's just a standard term it says they eight eight miles from the waypoint I would say probably most correctly it you would say hold within eight miles of Tito's thinking at me but it I think it's a habit it's hard to break you're used to saying as you would normally put them on a station that was a DME or sort of this is special okay how many Me's are left now they're all getting phased out right yeah but still I mean if something are associated with instrument approaches and he said to expect further clearance at seven o'clock I think is really gonna make us no no you just said if you don't get it by that so if we had a comm if we had a cocktail here we'd have to fly this hold until 2300 and then we would have to fly over Waterloo and then fly back to Burlington its but well it also says if you are VMC conditions it could use VFR than so that's really what we would do you just turn it to doorto and you would squawk 7776 of 7702 see right so many times emergency yeah so it's about 75 we get shot down yeah see it's got 7600 for a mile fix it so I'll go around once here for miles and I'll say hey if you can accommodate for an approach to Waterloo will be let's see what I'll get the iron out of eight approach plate I don't want to miss my turn here Tito's for half a mile potatoes oh you know what we should also get the Waterloo 8s as well arriving and departing runway zero eight inform ATC that you have information Mike with gecko Delta can accommodate a hold or an approach at water to the now if you wish all right as we check back in town I could take the Arnav eight for water lips but around let's get the belt okay as you turn inbound go direct to super and you clear the are not zero eight approach alright thanks so turning it down will go direct duper incurred air and I was earlie Waterloo sector Delta kick the dogs Roger and work unit oh you know what play what Tom I'll cancel IFR now and alerting as well and after the approach will be go left back to throw okay I check that your flight plans closed and that super you can call the power on twenty-six year so this well there's no reason to be in his way yeah we sort of achieved what we wanted to so we could do the rest VFR won't really make any difference I'll be just finish getting a deserting the five hundred over cut temperatures one one two points - two altimeter three zero zero seven approach are now runway zero eight arriving and departing runway 0h inform ATC that you have information Mike alright I got Mike alright so brief the approach we go with us we're gonna go to Tito Sun - duper we have the ATIS Mike I've got Tower on standby here Resource Center we're going to call the tower at duper we're not going to eat crown because we're just going to do probably a touch-and-go if they can accommodate otherwise will overshoot so out here in this quadrant we're safe to 3200 feet it will be an LTV approach so we'll follow the glide slope down we're expecting across the final approach makes of 2700 feet and our decision altitude is 1,300 feet well 93 so 1,300 feet missed approach is climb to 3200 feet on a track of zero seven five to the ER to fix where we would hold are we keeping our speed up are we going to do that overt and they told us to but we could potentially if they told us to certainly if you get told to keep the speed up if you don't feel that it's safe for you to do so tell the controller the best I can do is this and if you know maybe that means you get pulled out and other airplanes going first and you have to wait well so be it my normal procedure is if I'm going to do the normal speed what I aim to do is drop the gear as I start the font as I interrupt the glideslope that helps me slow down and it helps you know manage the speed as you and initiate that descent but I got the gear down I gotta be 132 knots or less right and then usually once the gear comes down it's like speed breaks you start slowing down yeah I mean since we cancelled I guess we hinted that might confuse people if we're coming like a rocket yeah though they was just doing normal one all right we'll do it normally here to me it really depends on the weather conditions if I'm flying an approach somewhere and I'm not expecting to be in visual conditions until inside the final approach fix I'm not going to be wanting to keep the speed up maybe as much as a controller with one because I want a stable approach and with the booty like if I'm going to keep the speed up when you start to set with your point clean like I've got my power way back right now yeah and we're indicating under 45 with real power way back fast airplane yeah some controllers are pilots but a lot of controllers and not pilots and even if you are talking to somebody there's a pilot they don't necessarily know your airplane what your plane's capabilities are or what your capabilities are because just because this airplane can do something doesn't mean the pilot is also comfortable doing certain things Waterloo tell good evening Burnie golf whiskey echo Delta with Mike confiscate echo Delta Waterloo target evening squawk it up Tarifa Thursday item we're just contact duper up me simulated now Arnout 0h myth work so to touch ago and then we'll be a VFR back to Burlington whiskey echo Dells identified screen and approach from Waverly Place 3 that's early let's get go Delta if it's a day like today and I'm going in somewhere I'm flying an approach nation say keep the speed up oh yeah no problem because I know that I'm going to be able I'm going to see the airport well back and I'll have that time to slow down and get configured in visual conditions where I can see what's going on it's one way to know it's coming down as you can feel it yeah you definitely can so I got a green light there that says gear down we got gear down there and it really does come down to how frequently you're flying and how current you are with for example if you're flying IFR when was the last time you flew an instrument approach in actual instrument conditions it's not the same as doing it in visual conditions so if you're not if you're not feeling sharp or maybe you just didn't sleep well the night before I mean that can affect what what your personal minimums are there you go sterile or do you want to talk about the scenario if it we were asked to keep our speed up what the pitfalls are or whatever yeah I can weather like this it would be difficult because I'm already I can already see the airport so I can go fast until then close enough you know level off the power back get the speed down drop the gear get the flaps down it's no problem but if we were stolen cloud right now but just because everything's going to have it faster yeah you're not stable because then you are going to suddenly change it quicker it gets slow and you may not have the runway in sight that's asking a lot that's right and you certainly don't want to be making major configuration changes that require huge changes a trim like when the gear goes down you got to really reach with the airplane a lot right and actually now I'm at a good speed for flops so I'm going to put down some approach flops here and we're coming up to the faff so it's a good time for it and you're working with that that little yellow thing is your glide so yeah that's a glide slope and the final approach course is in the middle yep I got everything locked on right now if that slave the GPS or yeah this is where our LTV approach so this right now is GPS information if we're doing an ILS the Box would automatically switch to sending this localizer glideslope information gotcha what's Kara deltas by expense get the Delta number one runway surely let's get Co Delta all right so our minimums here are 1,300 feet Oh so if you can actually look out the window for me I'm going to do this just on instruments okay yep so you can watch your traffic for me Meredith I spent screengrab on your iPad real quick just flight is not G referencing because I took update my parts I see V echo Delta thar when when 0:05 pair touching going way through eight touch it goes early was here Co Delta but two and a half miles file was sold like 100 knots when I approach speed is 70 but it won't take me too much space to get to that are you still on interest yep one to 1,300 feet right there were 200 feet above minimums and now that we were short final with Steven actually on instruments we went sterile cockpit for the rest of the approach our reduction hip for 100 feet above minimums so fortunate for 13 all right I bowled it below slope here and there's been a spoon there's a runway I'm going to go full block here and I saw this opening thanks again supporters on patreon for making productions like this possible and thanks to the sponsors we've got Aviation's greatest monthly contest we're literally giving away thousands of dollars for the stuff each month and I'm super stoked to be able to give this stuff with you guys just visit flake chops calm for your chance to win and an easy way that you can really help the channel is by pressing like on the videos and as always keep your flight chop sharp hey pop stuff yep and take off good thing there we go right there and a cauliflower soup and I'll get that here we go I guess that's the reason why gear flaps are really far away from each other the switches right yeah that's I think that's a good idea
Channel: FlightChops
Views: 771,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Rg90PF4mWJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2016
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