One Soul On Board, Single Pilot CRM Phenom 300

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HM Clarence good morning airs here 346 with Romeo to San Antonio I share three four to six feet from Claire Claire - is your alpha tango Airport via runway heading radar vectors Joe pool Niner departure window transition then is filed why maintain 3000 expect flight level two six zero one zero minutes after departure for Trixie at one thirty five point nine or seven squawk - 3 7 4 s here 346 cleared to San Antonio on aperture fly runway heading expecting radar vectors Joe pulled on our departure window transition s filed climb to 3,000 expect flight level two six zero and ten departure one three five nine or seven squawk is two three seven four yeah sure three four six rebec is correct at park location our wood Tech's jet ready alright Joe pulled on down to Windu and as file window joins the Brawn arrival to San Antonio on two from the window transition but wait one three most likely and use load it there 3,000 feet take off and heading mode take off heading and right Lucky's as far as the weather goes today it's starting off kind of IFR in the morning and the forecast is calling for marginal VFR conditions by lunchtime there is an upper-level low over Kansas that sets up a dry line out in the West Texas that we kept an eye on throughout the day but for this morning flight the dry lands well west and it's just low morning IFR clearing out the forecast for San Antonio is gonna be trending up all day but we still needed an alternate so I chose Austin which has an almost identical forecast swear ATC clearance today is the joke pull 9:00 departure down to the Windu intersection for Windu we're going to continue on to the brown arrival from the window intersection on this arrival we'll follow that to the brown intersection which is where our split happens depending on which runway is in use depends on which way you turn so I'm anticipating runway 1 3 right which has this go out towards JTACs and then on a heading thereafter and it feels like summer outside all right below the line final walk-around complete safety brief complete doers doors are closed cabinets an optic page electrical air conditioning Costigan first levers idle parking brake set with the light engine start clear-rite number two and Antonio seven-mile for 1,100 out of the 111 kid sounds good a good engine generator cover but which converts e.push then stop this stall stall stall stall stall stall stall stall vicar's are off poor to the capital on the right my controls check feel good metrics check that set looks good and good recovery for taxis GPU has been disconnected electrical systems checked and it has been set style warning test completed flight controls checked when show heating and ice protection everything is off probe door still auto air conditioning is on and it is that all engine instruments are green flaps are set for takeoff the one indicating verified protects his complete taxi checklist it'll be tax related taxi cast messages there I'll check takeoff brief let's see taken off for only hitting radar vectors to pull nine departure to win dude I'm to 3,000 feet off runway one-six Bert's you returned his full report word feature for everything flow 80 knots anything abnormal cull abort abort abort 82 b1 only 44 inch failure into the fire lost control addition aircraft won't fly and we the wine will continue to take off we'll just go runway heading for everything to 3,000 feet plan a and Plan B acceleration altitudes eleven hundred and ten feet and again coming back here Class B starts at four thousand so 202 till four I got briefed complete tax checklist will be completed ground air share 346 that exigent excellent young make sure 346 can meet some ground then by grab their survival savages off of once they set off the three going to texture assure your pleasure seven Meechum ground taxi help echo to party every day I'll facet apart and every day thanks for sure puzzle their share three four six give way to inbound company aircraft and do text chat then runway one thick thank you get echo alpha I'm behind company run 6b echo out their share 346 takeoff weights 14,000 740 pounds relatively light we have a minimal fuel locust fuel it here Texan jet it's actually cheaper more expensive for once than where we're going so plus we're just coming right back here after we go to San Antonio so don't need to carry more fuel than we need just be on board my bag in the back that'd be open hey all right clear left clear right there goes 507 he says we're cool it to go clear right all right see you later clear-rite we've got a beach Genet we'll be up the yellow line that'll keep us clear clear left of around Malibu go on one six via echo and help each of ground digit 990 number they're already back was broken strip jet 990 at Meacham crown runway one-six tax vehicle alpha 160 Goffman out all right clear left turn right to join alpha exabytes all and that completes xchat list pretty sequins 1 6 0 at 2 6 at 1 5 4 4 Zuma eyelets approaching use landing in departing runway one-six special activities UAS operation east of appealed over the train tracks at 200 feet AGL and below advise and connect mission Romeo all right one six hold sure trip on Tower or takeout checklist if CS vertical-takeoff lateral mode heading south belts off no passengers to advise we're going to on complete your share 346 culture runway one-six if share 346 for my once they take off on 1/5 don't 163 everything are only 1/6 their share in 340 take off ok wait a line take off can fix check flight controls or checked external lights are set and takeoff runway bear bye i helicopter west of the airport right pattern c16 pin heard it on the pavement and a final cross-check as headings agree with 1:6 takeoff frontways verify before takeoff checklist is complete am i heading 3,000 feet i'll copter still no factor market thrusts set their speed alive to good engines 80 knots is cross-checked you want rotate Azrael in here or hundred feet flaps up L damper but will change a person Yesha at 3:45 every departure g'day g'day yours your 3:46 to climb to 3,000 cool speed Oh rage upon your shared 3:46 2005 car climbing tree house well Lola will want to writing thrown on girl I shared 346 charges call me Jane six valve when you're kinda back I maintain 6,000 your sheer 346 their 6000 set there but 3 climate for the Bravo number 7 0 1 3 Gulf contact Waco approach pinching off because playing Kherson flaps are set 0 first leverage climb well dampers on vertical is being lateral ending and pressurization is checked after takeoff checklist I'm here 342 the convex parts for one to six point four seven to six or seven here's here 346 Rick you know look at two are forced to that their share 346 3700 climbing 6,000 right Hagan their share 346 3,500 clapping 6046 for you departure radar contact our Christian car maintain one zero 10,000 on the one zero 10,000 here 346 17 around tanks 10,000 set and verified above 4,000 Megan 199 contact for Center one 27.0 a day 27 0 a good day America 119 heavy he cast looks good one eighty thousand above descending another behind him at nine thousand above descending Sampo 17 maintain one seven seventeen thousand cash a 3040 thanks for sharing to aspersion departure trick Jasper's into the park cheer share 346 all right direct Jasper verified lateral bowed nav truck 340 out of four island views that taken 30 40 region party radar contact I get 24 79 chopping up a climate in one 7,000 either side of both of those North Course area and I can 2479 contact for center one to seven point zero zero vector part of course every architect March market that's why 705 with you have to do hotter with 27:35 every departure radar contact a share 346 common maintain one seven thousand five eight today one seven thousand or share 346 top of 1759 13.3 today what neck and 3:40 traffic is made to turn what battle be a ten to eleven o'clock instead of miles northeast found one one thousand degree where one forty five thirty four thirty tip thousand feet are climb checklists concert shots out the belt song that's where other set objects complete for ten trans altitude is next - air 346 contact force Center one 33.3 a kadai three three point three years here 346 good day Fort Worth Center airs here 346 1200 clapping one seven thousand it's a three point six percent are good afternoon Carnegie about c30 put it Center caught maintain quite level to tree chair to tree zero clear direct syntax their shared 346 a trio set and confirmed tent X Charlie whiskey kilo correct nap mode okay say 46 concept over spin around 1 minute 3 5.75 city 3 5 7 5 is here 346 good day over the center here 346 1 6600 climbing quite level 2 tree 0 5003 46 forward I made a vow to help you 6-0 i maintain flight level two six zero here sheer 346 here six zero set and confirmed 32,000 feet transitioning flight levels our oxygen mask and check and this one just in case in addition altitude and the oxygen masks checked both pressure eighteen seventy that's check out temperatures to nine or nine or two per standard and we're through nineteen eight on both cross-check when show heating is on taxi light is off in the system all the systems are checked that completes all client checks that sounds like San Antonio's weather's proved has forecasted XM has 14 minute old beat our shows 140 at fifteen eight miles thousand five hundred broken 26 degree he's over 22 nice buggy so one three are in use there's no note affecting the approach or the there's a key taxi closures on the south side near the terminal area so we should be bothered by any of those playing the shoot the aren't after the I last one three will do the aren't hamper rival in there the bran arrival hectare 15 a big contact get that flickered on one to six point four to 2642 America go in dated there on the wall context that's where we're clear direct to boy 47% agree we're tantek the single pilot going through thick point forward am of course to 5 km - 6 0 that fails we go we're authorized to pray for to convoy where's the trailer and all that one limitation is there EF be here we have all the digital charts but that's where single pilot would need redundancy so him print off charts so I've got port worth charts San Antonio charts and just in case we lose it we're currently direct syntax apparently whiskey kilo apple they called school I still like to tune my vo ours and much the needles do needle things all right good capture on two six zero should see about 300 knots 305 310 knots here once we get leveled off and up the speed so Centex 12-8 we're direct their next point is marks it hasn't expect up to 213 thousands so I can put arcs we now have the altitude select that and put 13,000 it starts calculating it on a three degrees so 13,000 marks our descent should start about 13 to 14 minutes I have no qualms with this bra any other real hard work which is where your transition happens for the runway for Braun I've got it loaded to land on one three so textual part says from Iran on the 242 troupe and our next Waypoint is troupe on the MMS that matches then on two four zero of course to Chris that checks out been on 295 to JTACs then on 308 so it's a manual sequence on a 308 inning that's basically your base leg for the ILS two one three right so that all looks good makes sense and of course we'll verify with the ATIS it could be different you never know for now ffs looks good we're happy with that and we pulled it back to max crews on the intent here and FADEC actually is what tells you you're in back screws cr-z is displayed our checklist that's why we have a checklist because it's easy to set it here thank you're at max crews but the fate x still thinks you're in contact continuous or client power so checklist thrust levers max crews or less that's what dedicated that checklist is complete but if we descend on a three degree path for our glide path of parts we got 11 minutes till we start down so single pilot ups that's not 11 minutes and looking out the window it's 11 minutes to start planning for the next 30 minutes of the flight so we're gonna lay in San Antonio I'm gonna set up my plant weights their landing speed numbers and runway distance requirements so that's here wait page shows us our weights of the aircraft so the pilots are here there's no passengers my little bag is in the back 40 pounds so no a little heavy but then the current fuel won't board and it takes that and it looks at your flight plan and how much fuel were you gonna have Manning which is showing thirteen sixty and it says this is what your estimated landing weight is showing thirteen thousand two hundred sixty pounds so we'll write that on the told card thirteen to sixty Oh on the magic of APG here we can there's no three or 4064 one through six point four two two six forty or sheer 346 Houston air shear 346 flight level two six zero here 346 please to settle up envoy 3691 climb and maintain flight level 340 otis puts georgian tallboy 35th at i want to meet the wind 1 4 0 15 knots I'm flippy 91 a 327 1 28.57 are setting showing 35 us go to our flaps will be full in 1586 liquor thunder our landing distance 60% over there the extra weight 30 to 60 and it spits out our numbers force of the wrath of 103 a sea of 103 to be a best-of 170 your envoy 3691 contact these two Center on one to eight point eight five on three to five on four thirty thirty nine eleven seventeen I'll put those numbers here on our references page and that I'll display them on the airspeed indicator horse it's what we call bug in the speed and the other needed information off here that but any contact be the thunder on one two 8.55 unfactored is 2250 no one putting eyes for the violence because I'm not a good pilot I had sixty percent to that so it's 36 sixty-nine that's required distance and must approach out the - double shoot dial s we'll get the brief on that fishing line but you never take a dip here 346 different main things that we'll take forward their descent to flight level two four zero period three forty six two four zero set confirm vertical speed for the vertical selected mr. pro chat the - looks like 3,100 feet note that your up told card Stan found anus merican 1586 not back east and center on one 28.6 side 2865 American 1586 along like you're all recording for question two perimeter breach Bernard Alan Grayson's life runway for runway one freeze left no defense for their been active a Romeo closed but the impact the way out there Thank You ARP actually we're all close what do you want wait for impact you and Lipsky thank you in November temple after people have heard of lever information for a friend Antonio they're all right that weather sounds good 142 12 it confirm that is one three right in use we're set up for that will brief the approach here in a second all the runner has a cannoli one with the tax rate closer to the fuel line here if we're gonna land wonder he's right anyone get off at Bravo or alpha taxi back on golfer hotel so no closures that affect us approach briefing I last one three right procedure select approach choose ILS one three right will join it for misdirection it's most likely vectors barrel man's 1090 toe load that but that does forces confirm loading it only it Tunes it so one 10.9 that's the facility I am T the inbound course is one to eight that's I got a very rare treat for T picking on Jack Keith and thinner one to five pointed at Sunday one two five six seven their shared 346 air here 346 thankfully it's twenty five decimal six five two five six five years here 346 marna houston air shear 346 flight level two four zero air 346 and then I thought I thought the first I maintained one 6,000 miles altimeter three zero zero one discretion one six thousand your sheer 346 at once six thousand set and confirmed it's at our discretion we'll hang out up here to power two pours your unsaved a little bit of fuel back to approach briefing one ten point nine is tuned in bell course one two eight will follow that to alamo we should intercept our glide slope at two thousand seven hundred seventy to ninety five hundred I maintain a Ross agenda where GPS and DME seven point four is the off the localizer at Alamo following that down to a thousand and nine feet we need 1800 rbr or half mile 1800 is with an autopilot or HUD to the decision altitude if we have to go missed or go around will execute the published miss which is climb the straight ahead 3,100 feet on a 128 heading and then that's gonna take us outbound on the San Antonio won 6-0 radio to info for holding an info San Antonio is 16.8 will - then standby and M one and two their notes visual glideslope a nihilist my path not coincident so the visual glides have indicators a 3-degree and crosses you at 75 feet over the threshold our optimal crossing height is 50 so that was she'd see there are three Reds and a white as we cross their net once we land right turn off on a it's either gonna be Bravo or alpha maybe Sierra on the brakes pretty good we are pretty light with a lot of headwind so we'll see the first parallel is gone the out outer is hotel and we're gonna go to signature north on the kink and there's no FDC node it was on the approach that effect the minimum serve procedures so scent checklist got a cross feed knob that's in the off position coupon days still bounce looks good landing speeds wrote them down and I'm put up on 103 103 117 and distances are discussed if we have to sidestep if they ask us on the 1/3 left it's 55 19 we only need 36 69 so we can't accept that fluffy is a hundred feet for San Antonio and approach briefing is completed descent checklist is completed ever before doing a Lima contact off their boat went to 7.22 and we're going to signature north airing is 30.0 signature North San Antonio its air share three four six alpha Sierra I thought was that denied reheat service on beneath a pile of pole two three zero air Treasury 42 a fair fight found out booth point level two poor zeros will rat we have discretion to one six thousand here 346 pick up before the o'clock mark that making one at the redial but not but now I give it a three zero one three zero zero want cross marks at maintain one three thousand here sheer 346 13,000 set for marks and two minutes still tougher to set a signature north good morning at Sears here three four six out the Sierra 30 minutes out empty on the way in departing at 13:30 with three passengers we will take fuel and a GPU while advise fuel upon arrival thank you we'll see you soon all right on top of dissent is creepy tortoise at one minute ow she could see enough you can't or not in the science a minute that's or alert she'll say particle track and then you'll see your blood path show up so we're gonna start out with minerals we can't thank you no one's gonna have us go to teeth afford you minute so we'll start out at 24 it's real slowly vertical track air shear 346 vacating flight level two hoarder our rival doesn't have any speeds at all so only restriction we've been cleared to do as marks at 13 zero zero zero zero zero hero hero hero its 1655 Zulu so they're new anuses are cut at 53 or 55 past the hour usually so what we have Zulu which was issued at 1450 one I wrote it correctly 14 yeah so this will be staying about here for a new ages see what the weather's updated to examine showed it was looking better than what they ate his hat Oh as we took weather information prevent on Tokyo area available on bylaw flight lock or flight service fries with these advise on initial contact you have information 39 a three-month period mm fight level 1 8 0 that's 9983 you better go back on hill without that matter so I'll say oh there's one more than winner do you want get one seven thousand eight thirty nine three three zero zero one that is set through 18 met is a cross-check good sound out switches belts on when she heating and ice protection everything off our probes are still in Auto landing like taxi latest taxi transition level checklist completed AI 340 59 fact Donadoni where but what the devil Phi 1 1 to 7 point 1 year 3 46 San Antonio approach here shear 346 1 4500 cross marks at one tree thousand Zulu HR 346 n fingers over the islets and whether it be right after my gonna maintain 6,000 1/3 right and after March descent to 6,000 your share of 346 1 344 9700 maintain 1 rebound thank you to the center one three four point two today alright 34 - all right 13 14 at marks 14 413 of marks name then after March down to 6,000 I'm gonna go ahead and set 6,000 cuz we'll be above the restriction it marks 6,000 is set and that is confirmed 11,000 down to 10 1000 go 40 or 50 knots antonio approach king our minor two-five bravo out of 1-0 thousands light as we are we slow down there quickly here if we don't have a lot of you Niner Niner Niner to triple mattered if my brother thing time do you have to start your from speed reduction a lot higher than right 11,000 feet so you can do though you're coming to 10 you're still over 250 of a loft at 10 while you slow to 250 NTC understands that's what you're doing all right 10,000 feet here we are there's a checklist for that perch checklist airspeed to our 50 knots signs out switched belts off we don't have any passengers to advise and all the cabinets are still secure our checklist is completed air to 346 connects per 25.1 today one to five point one here's here 346 could a great look do everything okay zero one remark approach air share 346 8700 descending 6 valence shell Pacific Iran TURN RIGHT heading one signature little dryer internet hiding what's realizable here 2 3 4 6 if temperature you want breathe life runway all of them is recover without losing elbow turn left a wooden 7-0 maintain 3000 for every outfit activate our feed activate all closed between the runway for an extra bottle fell posture echoes November 3 pounds perceptual as written a lot I wanted to recruit maintain one there's your nuns or go elbow Callister so 59 3,000 to establish your eyelash taunt 3 right I could 190 down the hall you say yes sir that's nothing Nevermore 3 pop Rob maintain one is here enough serve better - elephant [Applause] make sure you open the member fingers here to send a maintain 4,000 once I was on the without him make sure bubblegum Oscar echo said of maintain 5,000 maintain 500 346 R equals 6,000 or be speed a two runners are reaching six thousands b2100 346 there were three public avocados went descending six thousand one thousand feet to go two tenths bugged once we reach 6000 my brother's been here's a five five duty honor Mike six thousand five seven EV any other pop up you Charlie Mike centric approach for rogering button contact approach on one to seven point one good day in sentencing up $79.99 runner 27 one yeah captured 6,000 cross troops lower than 210 knots a broken Antonia was born in Israel my Salima meet yes a 6000 with Zulu x-ray alpha my fear in the sense you ever try to reduce me to one eight zero don't you speak to one eight zero by traveling I troop to Chris short like three miles krysta JTACs thereafter I think I've ever tangas here turn right heading 0 4 0 channel 4 channel all about downhill air share 346 for the maintain on down the descent maintain 5000 here 346 5 set and confirmed Delta 6 then top 5 without or pony kidding for Alfonso turn 10 degrees left can't agree to the left ball pause right here chef 346 reduce speed and running through it's me one is your house here sharing 346 a nice etc Clegg athira you can off my litter right heading now 1 0 0 maintain 3000 your step fertilizer cut elephant I want to record what do I feel at least what three posters all over don't you 5 premiere 280 the spark struck one 1000 defending one zero thousand Zulu career to a tree top box on step they approach Raj you're trying to look like the Ruby track me alone localize a ruby track it in found to Delta but another live everything us here for a reason to establish treat actually bubblegum Austria code for the maintain 4,000 well that's it for Michael make sure up a mic here Lima turn 15 degrees left big lift like here any must check let's get approached our landing still to girl 33:20 we ran it for 260 so our numbers are still good Roach to delphox did you still one of the tenth bells up for now then never see dog barks right infirmities by follower okay Sharon Oster I'll turn right heading with her for Joe by hitting a little for your call Paul Grecco your shirt 346 in front of maintain 4,000 decide maintain 4,000 or share 340 picture up from the battery fine I'll help you to go four thousand for any shame of everything is here collection Piper live everything goes here contact our 19.8 today November fingers here contact our topic that we're not but thank you they show 346 turn looking at two-30 left turn heading to tree 0s here 346 heading pose lateral to 30 set confirm active Shane fix round for battle the turn right heading 1-0-0 maintain 3000 to your staff localizer clear on rowing like the WordPad green needles 128 green where's be Revere AHA localizer Cooper at left 1/3 right approach golf all correct one 0.93 don't forget alpha premarin 2 or the skull is Nick Faldo he does about me looks like it's working traffic five miles ahead of us he's on it click over has doe extra bubble golf polish caracal maintain 170 mm 18 170 robots still I'll go call trick airship 346 my mouth Malamud turn left heading a 1 6 0 maintain 3000 your staff logical analysis only want the red face up turn heading 1 6 0 maintain 3000 until establish cleared ILS want to be right in your shoe 346 make sure 346 maintain one feather donor that 101 sevens you're not until Elmo hears your 346 hitting a set to 160 more localizers arms 3000 is the new altitude that said got farm community built the foxtrot character 20 degrees right to our little murder 20 degrees right to join to death of a burn DME is 14 point 6 absolutely not van Gogh Oscar at the context that were woman on phone e-ticket our one-one-niner point eight go for equity dude collateral it's just like your litter to raise your right heel for you tranquilizers capture your 346 on the counter of em and 0.198 here sheer 346 gonna pendant our good one can help officer echo 8 mile final 1 3 right right we're established four miles from Alamo we'll set 2800 I don't take a shower good morning Ken Kolker necklace EV upon final 1/3 live vertical speed down to extra log off Derek so today invidious hi Roger and again Majid e27 is Senate in 2007 he won a three right full length cleared for takeoff wind 1/5 there - 104 9567 contact virtua today have a great day except oh gosh actually a right continued traffic will be holding in position okay two four one three right go Punk Drago three pounds Georgian base of annarbor already approached which are eliminate off fingers and Antonia's our shower box - thank you sudeer puck cop departure below 180 she the turning security Verona risk remain south of 1/3 right downtown departures of proof right on the Gopher bucks dude and Antonio terrier share 346 is outside you have Morita call finger over me 1 2 3 right a kilo my Napoli traffic for my fighters one half done wait I got bigger set 31 carefree fiction Anthony's are no and rewrites and Pina traffic folding in position continue one tree right here sheer 346 yeah my 32:7 turn left heading 0 for 0 there presumes having too much a day for train on play there's a rain drop thing go turn the right heading 100 a point for I want to write out clipper take of them take up warm up your home white circles Eclipse should have everything go up to your ankle any custom cuts Lou captures good perfect and as you can tell it got quiet and that's because the VAT it the battery and my camera died it's the one that's in the window there on my left that cable is the in-flight cam audio cable for GoPro Hero five and six and I'm a little bit of an idiot because it has a input for external power while recording and I just never thought I would use it or need it so I've recorded an hour and a half before on each of these cameras in 4k and for whatever reason this camera only lasted about 50 minutes so anyway I do apologize for that you guys are you know I know you love the ATC in the audio and I'm the same way I'm editing this right now and I said well I guess I'll just do a voice over to kind of close it out and you know explain what happened and apologize and you know just let you all know that I hopefully I can make it up in a future video but anyway I'm not going to ramble for the entire remainder of it just want to say give you guys a little bit explanation Paula G and thank you for everybody for watching if you made it this far and for the subscribers and all that yeah it's my motivation for do these is to see the comments that you guys are enjoying it you know give me the feedback the positives the negatives that's really why I like doing this I like to share it and hopefully you guys are learning a little bit from it and seeing hopefully if you know if I'm doing my job right you're seeing a safely operated aircraft and it's providing you some little bit of you know view of what's going on that's enough I'm rambling I'll be quiet now thanks a lot guys enjoy the rest of the flight we'll see you on the next video [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jesse Flies
Views: 259,628
Rating: 4.9075837 out of 5
Keywords: Pilot, Fliying, Jet, Crew, Single Pilot, Phenom, Phenom 300, Fort Worth, Texas, KFTW, FTW, SAT, KSAT, San Antonio, Runway, Takeoff, Landing, Taxi, ATC, IFR, Communications, Vlog, Pilot Vlog, Flight Vlog, Single, CRM, Weather, Jesse, JesseFlies, AirShare, Airplane, Flight, Meacham, Single Pilot Jet, Turbine, GoPro, 4K, Captain, ILS, Approach, Instrument Approach, Embraer Phenom 300, Embraer
Id: bFgoYiNtFIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 38sec (3338 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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