#11 Owner flown Phenom 300!

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hey it's rich back at Pacific Air Center today finally getting a chance to do the phenom 300 video which I've been looking forward to it's an airplane I don't have a whole lot of time and I got my typewriting in it a little earlier this year and really excited to fly this is a 2015 with G 3000 and we'll talk more about the airplane once we get going the Phenom 300 from Embree air is the largest and most popular of the light jets and the largest single pilot jet and it's done really well the current production has G 3000 avionics 9 passenger plus 2 crew Pratt & Whitney engines full fadec you know 45,000 foot service ceiling and 450 knots really nice sized cabin performance a lot of baggage space the airplanes just done really well in the marketplace okay here we are taxing out finally in the Phenom 300 that I've been talking about more than once on a previous video and I'm flying this morning with John Spano from traffic management who owns this airplane and John and I met like or was it maybe 2011 yeah and John was not yet a pilot and it's one of my favorite stories to tell because he progressed to make a long story short he progressed through driving instrument commercial Cessna 206 Caravan Mustang phenom 300 he flies helicopters when I met John I had way more experience than he did and he kind of lapped me on I don't know for sure and when you got the feet up 300 down Oh probably maybe 800 hours thousand hours yeah so the plan today is a typical I think mission for for John we're going to Long Beach to Bakersfield what do you had a meeting in Bakersfield there you can see somebody picking up a passenger in Bakersfield for a meeting in Concord right so past your Bakersfield own flying up to Concord for most of the day you'll be there back to Long Beach yeah that's correct so this airplane a lot of people know it as being the you know the kind of the pinnacle of single pilot jet airplanes really fast handles really well great interior and just an all-around real market performer in terms of single pilot single pilot jets and really any jet and I think that I think that one thing that has really proven to be accurate is its cost efficiency for what you get for the speed you get the number of seats again the range you get really not much out there that beats this aircraft yeah and as we've been looking at possibly even buying a bigger aircraft it's really it's really just astonishing how much more cost to operate per seat mile than this airplane is so it really is an amazing airplane I have to say it really is and then on top of all that there's it's the hands-down winner of ramp appeal this airplane just looks so good they go and the big ears their door and the performance it's just it's truly tough to beat the phenom 300 they really knocked it out of the park with this airplane I take off a configuration is set cast messages are clear signs out lists which is set yaw dampeners off passengers have been briefed and lights are as required so takeoff checks are complete live takeoff front way 3:05 at all go take off okay all right this aircraft has so much power Oh power-to-weight ratio is pretty amazing it really is so when you fly the other airplane you really get a feel for that so I like to line up Center in the runway we know we're full fuel so it's not so bad but just a case and then I like to get the power set sure it's pool evenly okay airspeed is alive and cross-check all systems are around 70 knots panels clear 90 knots and we have V 1 rotation number 3 runway 2 604 house were eight gears coming up at 200 feet and 400 feet to flap speed this is the one everybody wants to see there's 200 knots in the climb at 3,000 feet a minute and we're heavy thousand hundred thousand five hotel ago and what's really nice about this airplane because of this climb performance this amazing climb performance you have you know above lax is departures before you hit LAX right which makes a big difference it really it really does yeah and you don't really get the feel for that so you have an airplane that goes yeah or taking off a temper and this summer you know you could get over the thunderstorms over the Rockies you know before because there's a lot of buildup happens over the Rockies and you can you can get over that stuff right and and in other aircraft that I've flown even other jets that I've owned it could be difficult to do that here we are basically over LAX and we're passing 10,000 feet you so say I'm going to Sacramento an hour of flight I'll probably climb up to the mid-30s 35 37 at 37,000 feet we could do 460 no it's 170 lob viously its most efficient up at the 40s so if you're going long distance do you typically go to always go right up to 45 yeah oh it's just because of unless unless I'm at max gross weight I might go to 41 and maybe hang out there for a half an hour or something like that at that go to 40 you know if if the temperature is really good you could go all the way to 45 but right so you say a half hour if you were to do it you could go all the way to 45 at this airplane direct full max gross all the way to 45 it's just gonna be slow climb the last few thousand feet you're gonna be climbing it like a couple hundred feet a minute between 41 and 45 if you're heavy and it's you know and it's like ice a plus 15 or splitter you know you guys also have the g1000 version of this airplane and I so I mean you have a lot more time in the g1000 but there's a certain things that you actually prefer about g1000 in there yeah so I have a lot of experience with the g1000 Phenom and a little bit with this aircraft but have flown the G 3000 and in several other aircraft and I think that they're just some things that it does better and there's some things in my opinion the g1000 does better so there's some things that that require more pressing and you know aircraft systems electrical you know or environmental control or fuel these things I could do in the g1000 almost instantly and and I know it's only a couple more seconds or maybe even a second but when you have a lot going on you're flying a single pilot jet in IMC those seconds difference you know so maybe it's just a matter of experience and maybe with the more experience you get there are some things that are really nice about this that you can split the screen up so I can put you know chart you know I can load approach plate on on the right screen I don't know if you can see it if the glare is kind of cutting it out you know and I could put you know I could put radar on you know this other screen over here so there's really a lot you could do with this system so I can have one four thousand 500 Teleco so there's a lot of features and a lot of really nice things you could do that give you more maybe just more information displayed on air streams which is nice right and you do have a little bit more control over the audio panels and stuff it just takes you longer to do sir one of the things that is really great about this aircraft is the the the number of systems that are automatic that's a big difference so it really did a good job of building in a lot of automatic systems in his airplane which when you fly another airplane like a 525 or even or even the Mustang which I found the Mustang is probably has some of the most things you have to do out of any of aircraft I've flown we're this correct I mean you really what's your in a groom and you're flying it regularly it's really quick to get in this airplane to go yeah yeah I think that's that comes from this airplane was a clean sheet design I don't remember the first year it was probably doesn't it was certified in 2011 yeah so and and it's the first air you know it's the first airplane for the first like general aviation generation airplanes from every air or sus and I had all that I mean baggage isn't the right word but they had a lot of jet that the Mustang a lot of jet experience developing that the Mustang kind of got where Embraer really automated a lot of stuff yep and you can really tell when you fly both these airplanes echo clear direct NEMA 45 direct L 45 I won't talk though this aircraft has amazing brakes and if you're not careful it can make you look like a pretty bad pilot yeah because it really will throw throw you forward and your passengers if they're not ready they will they will lose their things yeah we can still traffic remember nine or five hotel that goes a feat objet we're on the downwind it's gonna be left base for a runway one-six speaker Phil traffic went to a cob here it was a little light crossbow huh gave myself a nice long downwind you because he'll traffic November Niner five hotel EKKO is departing runway three four breakers on traffic you I've cross-checked you gotta be kidding me [Music] you you morning nine or five hotel echo two one seven climbing two two zero two two zero the final so I think I filed two two zero zero okay so we just are leveling off it two two zero on the way from Bakersfield to Concord which is up in the Bay Area airplanes accelerating through 250 knots indicated so I think based on some feedback I've got from some of the videos and some of the people that have that I've talked to that watch them they're always interested to know more about you know like the people that are operating these airplanes how you got started flying you know a little bit of your history on getting experience you have and you know and also maybe talk a little bit about the helicopter - I think people be interested to hear your background so my history with aviation is is pretty short-lived Charlie came about six years ago we were looking at buying an aircraft largely because of the depreciation or our businesses doing well our financial people told us that it would be a good way to actualize an expense that is fully deductible because we have multiple offices and different parts of the state and as the person that runs the operations who at the time was spending a lot of time on airlines or driving around California you know I had a little light bulb went off it was like oh wow this this could be fun and you know I could fly around and and get to see my operations more frequently and have some fun and learn something new and so we we bought a 206 and I just got hooked right away started just flying all over the place and I think that it may be more confident to open other offices in other parts of the state such as Bakersfield or Fresno there are otherwise difficult to get to from Southern California without spending an entire day driving or I really can't do it on the airlines so it kind of encouraged me to do more with the company and because I was loving flying so then we bought the caravan we will put more employees in it and more people and more stuff and it's a little faster than the 206 so I started flying the caravan with probably 200 hours of flight time yeah and I probably built a few hundred hours in the caravan if that maybe 200 hours to 50 before we bought to citation Mustang I was six months later but that was at 13 I remember yeah so I had when I started flying the bus tank less than 500 hours total time accumulated it probably like a year and a half yeah because when I met you you didn't have a private and the 206 you guys took delivery of an 11 that's correct you started taking lessons I think it was practical to shoot Harold that's for 73 other the Minerva so we're 22,000 feet 315 knots indicated and doing 450 knots over the ground but had not Talent 440 knots true you I'll cross let me see if I can put this down on the numbers okay gears down green 3 3 green down locked there's something L fell from Li to 6 left when we press down I hit that hard line up away Thanks Oh mr. Darrell Rd R pond they hit the numbers you gotta smack it down too hard you know I'm like I feel like I can turn up there at Foxtrot for attack do parking Fox 4 to parking Thanks if I would have let myself off make left after saved a couple more minutes on the taxi don't go off the left traffic 230 East and then you gonna talk the ground six six there tanga wrong with you six left I'm going to have you downwind see don't worry okay we're back and long after our little trip today that we did with John Spano and his phenom 300 and you know as I think I mentioned earlier the Phenom 300 is kind of the pinnacle of single-pilot Jets and it really is all the things I think the market has made it out to be with the success the airplanes had performance cabin the ramp appeal the if the air stirred or kind of some of the next level of automation of the airplane as designed into it just really makes it a really great market performer as a lot of them they're selling a lot of them people love them like John mentioned in the video they've had really good experience with Embraer supporting the airplanes and yeah it's just really hard to to find something negative on the airplane I haven't flown it that much like I said I got my type writing in it in May and I've probably got 50 hours in the airplane but I know from flying the time and I have flown I know that it's it's a pretty special airplane and it's going to continue to do well it doesn't mean there's not some other great airplanes in this category but it's just I think the Phenom 300 is going to be made the top of the list and anyway we had a great time flying that so he's get so it's fun to get to spend some time with John and he's really come up fast through a flying and and had a lot of success with it and also integrating aviation into their business as he talked about which is kind of a great thing for me to see a company that has used aviation to really grow their business I'm happy that they've been able to do it I'm happy that they're right here in Southern California so anyway this wraps up this video it's been a while since I made a video but we're gonna try to step up the pace a little bit I got a couple of other airplanes that we're gonna be working on doing videos for one of them's right behind me here I got a turbo 2/10 that we just purchased for a customer really nice airplane it's got a lot of upgraded avionics in it and this is our other hangar by the way and we're also going to do a video on the sr22 back here that was recently purchased by another one of our customers it's going to be based with us and then we've got a LAN ther 400 three pretty interesting piston engine airplanes and so we'll try to get those in the mix too for sure the Cirrus and you know the Wakko's coming up so we got a lot of stuff to do it's just hard to find the time to do these videos I'm by no means a professional at putting out videos so it's a lot of work for me and and but I I'm seeing some benefit to it and the biggest benefit is people think they're productive and they enjoy watching them and so if you if you do like the videos make sure you subscribe to the channel and give me a call let me know if you're looking at something as I always say I'm always happy to talk about airplanes and thanks for the feedback from the people that have communicated with me alright we'll see you next time thanks for watching
Channel: Flying with Rich
Views: 98,428
Rating: 4.9198437 out of 5
Keywords: #Embraer Business Jets, #Phenom 300, Pacific Air Center, #Owner Flown Jet, #Flight Training, #Phenom, #Business Jet
Id: rFqSdgcZt7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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