Peril on the Plains - Enshrouded

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[Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] hello everyone I'm cryptic Fox and welcome back to my latest gaming Obsession we're playing some more Tred tonight continuing our adventure and exploring a bit more still got that cop yeah I I thought thought it was muted I I went to unmute myself and I was like oh crap it's already unmuted there always something going wrong uh we're headed out to the plains again tonight we got out there before the last time we played uh all the way out to the east we got the the blacksmith tools I think were out there we got something for somebody out there I think it was the the delivery for the blacksmith uh but there's still some other points of interest out there we want to check out some other areas we just haven't seen uh I'm sure there's still some resources we haven't found I think there's like iron at some point we can get I want to be able to make I don't know if we make like iron tools or steel stuff or whatever but um there's things out there and stuff so we're going to head out that way today and do a little exploring maybe see what other things we can craft uh to try to improve on our gear again some more so we're a little bit better equipped for some of the dangers that might be present out there uh welcome every's here in the chat so far if you're watching on the channel afterwards welcome as well as always a huge thanks to everyone who's clicked on that join button to become a channel member thank you all very very much for the support it's greatly appreciated and a special thanks to all those top tier mistakes are made members for choosing that top tier option Nate streaming tonight too yeah I popped into Nate stream for a little while because I saw he was playing he's got he's got the whole crew doing some multiplayer gameplay they're just starting out so they uh they're this the beginning of the learning process Hearts of Iron You Got What It Takes Flame born I'll let you in on something the best iron ore can be gathered at ridgeback mine deep below the Shroud don't fret with a high enough shroud passage level it shouldn't stop you well I actually don't know if my shroud passage level is high enough CU I don't know what it Max is out at but that's fun uh I was uh working on making some um some bronze uh you may not have noticed here but in the bottom of my inventory here I've got I have the bronze Axe and the bronze pickaxe so that I have those to gather better Resources with uh I'd like to make some of the bronze armor and stuff too but I think there's actually some other things I need like I'm pretty pretty sure I need more linen and stuff possibly Darcel with the Super Chat yay and shrouded been waiting all day thanks for the uh the Super Chat Darin yeah this is my latest Obsession I'm definitely enjoying it uh I'm leaning towards making the mercenary set now I can make the helmet but I have to get leather which I can't make yet there's something I have to get for the hunter I think in order to uh to be able to make leather uh bronze bars I have in progress um but we can make the helmet I guess that might be a start strike while the Iron's hot slap that on our head and see what it looks like oh I can't even see my face anywhere a my chops you can't see my chops it is a better helmet though oh or is it oh yeah it is yeah okay so uh this helmet is going to give me 14% melee Critical Strike chance plus 11% Critical Strike damage both of which are kind of nice uh and it's an improvement over the adventurers helmet plus you don't have to look at my guy's ugly mug although I miss his chops already I'm not even going to keep this other helmet cuz there's just no point there's no like armor stands so I can't put like decorative things in I hope they add them at some point cuz you had to put a whole lot of equipment you really can't use uh it would be really wonderful if you could like just some of it' be nice to display places like that cool armor set that we got that I I I should actually check out and see what it looks like um got this cool armor when we were in uh Pike me's reach but I'm never going to use it cuz it's got some pretty harsh negative effects when you're in the Shroud so it' be nice if I could at least put it on display and enjoy it even if I'm not wearing it um tin ore wood I got bandages I should actually cook that food up um so we got that oh wait I can just slap that in here I finally smartened up I stopped cooking things manually on the fire and now I just let this do it all on its own imagine that I learned a thing I learned something today bandages uh I'm not going to take the water with me cuz uh I'm not really using that as a buff anymore instead I'm using camomile te we uh we were working on unlocking some additional recipes here too or at least getting the ingredients for it so there is uh oh no it's not here it's actually with the farmer lady there's this chicken soup recipe that I really wanted to make chicken soup but I need the almanac and plants and seedlings so I can't make it yet anyway um same thing with the sugar yeah all the good stuff I can't make right now I can make the uh the tea at least I got to get an oven so we can make the mushroom omelette excuse me mushroom omelette boiled eggs I guess I can make we can just make those in the fireplace challenge here being that uh the health regeneration and stuff and stamina regeneration we get from some of the other Foods is already better that one just has it all bundled in one Hey Ron how you doing is there an option to hide the helmet if you want uh you know I don't know I can hide UI but I don't think there's an option to hide the helmet unless it's in it would be in the display settings I would think uh I don't think so though I don't recall seeing one nope nothing there that's okay it's kind of a cool looking helmet I mean I don't need to see my chops I guess um here's the uh the tin that I was crafting I've got copper bars in here uh still working on tin I I gathered up a whole bunch of tin so I'm just going to let that do its thing we'll smelt up those bars um I as well put this in here too I guess let can go in here so we can make some more fancy charcoal cuz I'm sure we'll need that too oh and I I should probably make sure I have arrows before I leave CU knowing me going to forget might be in the character window uh maybe nah you can like equip stuff but there's no like checkbox here to like not display things it's okay I'm good with it like I said the helmet's kind of cool looking so it's not the end of the world no not there got to go Arrow lady I want to be able to make use bronze arrows but I just the bronze is kind of expensive to make right now so I'm not going to do that oh I got fossilized bone I figured out where to get it so I can make fossilized bone arrows and those will be even better than the other arrows cuz they do like six uh what are they 17 damage that's an improvement over the the uh the things and fossil and the fossilized bonees actually easy to get feathers are probably going to be the limiting factor here we'll make a 100 of those fire some fossilized bones if you got the big patch would reduce the amount of tin needed uh yeah probably actually so let me just check check the recipes here so bronze bars now requir so three it's still three1 sorry 310 and seven copper and then 10 bars are [Music] now 15 instead of 20 so they lowered it by five used to be 15 10 to one um to one batch of bars so you got three bars now it's uh there sorry 20 20 to get one batch of three now it's 15 to get a batch of three so a little bit [Music] cheaper save us some effort anyway okay we need to find stuff also some things uh the Black Cauldron I'm not super worried about a need of a tanning station I would like to get so we can make that leather uh there's some stuff close by too that I haven't tackled that I probably should like the story of R I'm going to do that one first I think let's set that one active show it on the map it's over here it's actually not that far away relative to where we were cuz we were like way over here in the East oh sorry let me turn off replay buffer so that we don't lag too bad on the map good old map lag nothing beeps map lag um I can go here that's probably the shortest route to get there or we could land here and fly but I don't think we'll make it all the way cuz the map's pretty big we'll go here used to be one bar instead of three yeah so it was oh yeah you're right yeah it was 20 tin for one bar now it's 15 tin for three bars so that ask that that is a pretty significant change I can't complain about that looking forward to getting the next uh the next tier up of the glider too that'll be fun even more forward forward propulsion going uh I'm going to go up to the castle and try to fly from up here sure I got this thing way pointed [Music] too man YouTube really doesn't like when I open up that map it's crazy never seen a game get impacted that much by the map uh all right I need food and me put some food in my face hole hey Paul I'm good thanks how are [Music] you oh sure now they lower it yeah after you already spent all that time huh Chris Bai I don't know how far out this thing is it's it's pretty far we might not be able to fly all the way there it's going to be in the shroud I'm just not really sure where where sounds a little lift that's funny that lift boost doesn't really seem to add all that much distance on it's it's handy for getting up to higher places when you need to like raise up where you're flying but you kind of drop pretty steeply so certainly adds distance but it's not like a crazy amount of distance that was the wrong thing there we [Applause] go oh jeez that H that H went really downhill there TR to run in a straight line he went sideways okay we're here well close to here anyway oh it's not even down in the Shroud it's up on the ridge over there but we found netherton which is a town deep down in the nether I guess welcome to another oh jeez I came through the opening these guys are pretty low level I I probably should have done this Quest some quite some time ago we're going to knock it out just to get it taken care of uh I don't really expect to get a good Quest reward out of this but we'll progress the story at least do you like the game The Last of Us part one and two I played The Last of Us Part One it was quite good um I I don't have a PlayStation so I haven't played The Last of Us Part Two although I hear it's supposed to be coming out on PC uh so I haven't tried part two yet Last of Us didn't really do particularly well on my channel though so I I don't I don't know whether I'll play part two or not on the channel I kind of I played a bunch of story based games over a span of like I don't know like a month or so and my uh my view traffic really took a hard hit didn't miss much no no just started not much here how any loot I get here is just going to be Rune fodder just not going to need it okay I'm got to get up on that Ridge up there that's uh that's a nuisance um I'm probably going to have to go along to the west or maybe we go to the East and see what's over there cuz there's there is another question mark thing over there might be something over oh there is a road here too oh what have we got here ruin has come to our family I've worked tirelessly for so long I was the last to stay and try to hold on to anything dear grandfather was a fool I can't save the home you once built by hand fumes from the river make the stones brittle my bones Decay deep Sorrows crept inside me i' it's attached to my spine convulsing in my rib cage I'm must sit rest only a moment of respite sounds uncomfortable hoay more in shouted yeah I like ined it gives me a lot of the same Vibes that I got when I played valheim initially you know that sense of exploration unlocking things fun bits of Discovery and Adventure building and stuff an interesting world to play around in it's all good d sir G with the Super Chat I lost 25 lbs in a week being six sucks how's your week going 25 lbs in a week good Lord pretty sure that's not healthy hope you feel better soon being being sick does suck can't loot this thing can I loot it now I can well I got most of my time back I didn't I don't think that worked entirely I might have moved out of it a little bit [Music] huge new world to be a loot Goblin in that's right all the loot Goblin so much loot gobling what is this why is it glowy red roughly cut stone block oh really I should I could have got these a while ago I'm a slacker okay more Building Material options that's cool uh I cannot get up there I do not think I'm going to try but I don't think I can nope nope doesn't Lift Me Up High Enough hoping I could like get enough of a lift up oh boy okay there's a drop there just for the record and a gold chest Wildwood jbo level five obviously not any good flew right over that thing I didn't even notice I could dig upwards but I'm just going to try to look for a way to to like find a path up there is a roadway down here so there might actually be a path that just leads upward no sense spending my time digging through the side of a cliff if I don't need to ow that guy hit me I didn't like it always loot everything not nailed down loot everything that is nailed down yeah then smash the stuff that's nailed down so you can loot that too I can see the red stuff down there so I don't really want to go way down there but I'm curious unfortunately curiosity often kills the fox not just the cat oh it's like a land bridge s I'm going to I'm going to like find a spot that's slippery and like slide down into that I don't probably shouldn't play around down here stepping it yeah I'll get right on [Music] that okay that other stuff is up on the ridge up there too okay so we got a few things up top I got to get to like we might have some thinning shroud here we'll be out of it in no time Victory Is Ours score one for the good guys and also cryptic that's about like the large valheim RPG mod that's about to be released yeah I haven't really done much uh modded stuff in valheim there's uh I've been waiting for the the next Island to come out or the next the next biome for valheim to come out the unfortunate thing with valheim is that um got hugely popular on release it was a lot of fun someons stuff to do um but the other updates have been such they've been so slow coming that like a lot of people I think kind of gravitate away from the game and then have to come back to it not that I'm suggesting doing game updates is easy or adding all kinds of new content it's kind of the nature of the Beast I think with so many games coming out it's hard sometimes to Circle back to other games Final Fantasy 7 rebirth demo was insane but shortlived guess I'll crash here for a change all right well welcome Final Fantasy 7 I mean I haven't played a Final Fantasy game in so long why do they have Road like literally on the side of that Cliff that's weird like there was a cataclysm an earthquake or something like lifted the road up stuck it there [Music] sideways Stella with a the uh 24mth member message hey hope all is good just got a new nice number beside my name two years today well thank you for the two years of support that's incredible feels so weird to me to have members that have been here for years all the all the time is kind of flowing together Time March is on at I love how with this bug it looks like I'm just blocking with my arm I can stop it an axe with my arm no problem Final Fantasy 7 remake remaster part two REM remake and remaster oh my goodness what is it hilock welcome to hillock I don't know what we were supposed to do here I had a quest I think to go here oh got these guys another message sudden Slaughter I should have been awake I wasn't they stormed our camp at night with unforeseen ferocity their fur coats were modeled with Garnet Flex now fading to maded rust we crossed into their new territory but have my brothers and sisters gone absent foul wormwood licorish coating vile and bitter numbing my lips I fought for them I raised my axe for them my armor ripped away my hands forever stained red should have never passed through that vuka area or vuka Arena mother please don't lose hope in me share the same blood I will persevere for them I'll never fail again oh Jasmin got plastered couldn't do the job Frozen cor wand level n oh it's dark out here is there a bed in here no of course there's no mattress on this bed why would there be I need a bed so we can sneep sleep and make a daytime got a little bit of light from that axe but it's not really enough to see by jerk you dirty rat there's a basement here we hav't checked probably more rats down here oh jeez this got down there just before the explosions perfect timing what am I building my epic Village I don't know I I probably I don't know if I'm going to go with the whole like Village concept uh I might make a floating island with like a wizard tower kind of thing on it I'll have to see the trouble is that I also have there's other games coming up that I'm going to want to play to put time into also that's going to be tricky I'm like trying to play as much in Shroud as I can cuz I know my time is going to be divided soon between like uh nighting Gale which comes out now on the 20th instead of the 22nd we're launching 2 days early Pacific Drive comes out uh and I think I think I'm going to get a little bit like a day's early access to that too many things oh there's a building up there too who's shooting at me don't mess with me I've got a glowy axe trying to do a little ter stun but oh well at least he didn't hit me excited about home World 3 this year home World 3 crazy out time flies watch for 6 months before becoming a member and you're the first uh I became a member of on YouTube well thank thanks St appreciate that apparently exclusivity were lifted uh in May so not a PS5 isn't a big deal oh for the uh for Final Fantasy mean yeah like I said I haven't I haven't played a Final Fantasy game in I don't know how long it's definitely been a very long time way back in the day when I used to enjoy playing stuff like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy and what have you but I haven't done that in a very very long time okay I'm bouncing around here I don't even know what I'm doing uh let's go over to the West so we can get that Quest knocked out there hey draon [Applause] going to take your better half out for Valentine's Day uh I'm not sure what the plan is for Valentine's Day we have uh we have kids and difficulty getting people to watch them well I mean more so we only really need our younger one watch but our older one is uh not all that interested in babysitting her so I'm not sure what our plan is for uh Valentine's Day honestly I know the big game's on Sunday and I know what I'm doing then the flame touched face unforeseen humanity is aeral nothing but a brief moment in time a breath long taken the blink of an eye yet despite their mortal nature they have created fire a flame of their own to brighten their impending Dawn that add four new spots on the map for me cuz few we had wasn't enough already what what's the question mark down there for don't even know what that's about I think there's a salt mine or something there Obelisk writing indeed the Obelisk shares the same markings the ones we've studied in the Kindle wastes this indicates a formal writing system consisting of logograms and syber validating my hypothesis certain lexor graphs are repeated hitting at a thematic consensus alternatively a limited vocabulary however I see Unique Designs compared to Eastern obelisks a dialect as per usual I cannot decide for the language I'm disappointed but not surprised sounds to me like the older one needs to be responsible yeah well that's a whole other story let's not go there all right so we knocked that out there was another Obelisk thing there that's good netherton's there uh where's my journal okay I want to get the tanning thing so we can get that leather oh we got to think for the search for the vuka relics resarch left vuka relics at a flame sanctum in The Nomad Highland search the location and retrieve the V relics uh all right let's go after the chanting station I think set that as the active one and where's that on the map right there uh I mean I could probably go this is probably the fastest way if I go here when never ask my kids the babies said their siblings the problem is the there's a four there's a foure age difference between the two of them there's a certain amount of friction that it creates where the one decides that it's not they shouldn't have to listen to the their older sibling and the older sibling isn't particularly good at managing the younger sibling so uh all right frozen core wand I don't need cuz I already got a wand these are all these are all going to be under level items anyway so there's no much Point keeping any of these have to provide some nice Rune fodder I guess uh I also don't really need these Flint arrows oh although I did see there was something I could craft here that's like a flare Arrow not with you special arrows a flare arrow with uh some wood acid I can make flare arrows out of these uh Flint arrows it let's do that wait did I have what acid in here I had it somewhere I haven't tried the flare arrows I'm curious how well they work special arrows that back there whip whip okay so we got flare arrows equipped I want to see what this looks like so I gather it just it shoots the arrow out and then wherever it sticks it will have like a flare burning so like if I shoot one over here at this beehive that works pretty good actually I wonder how long that'll burn for that's a decent amount of light kids aren't made of hopes and dreams just made from them yeah yeah need Mrs delire is a c oh now dear all right that actually Burns for a pretty decent amount of time uh those those are kind of cool I like that let's go put some other stuff away and then we'll get back out there good for caves yeah cuz so it's it's often kind of a pain having to like bust out a torch and things and then like constantly like swapping weapons uh okay I do have room in there for that as well just stick middle plates in here cuz I don't think I have those anywhere else in here wait where' my where' my fossil arrows go oh there they are I had some in a chest already so it like stashed them away on me I like wait a minute I'm confused I heard rooster already so there's probably no point sleeping but mov the time and tiny [Music] bit cut down the tree does it stay lit on the ground it'll actually stay lit in the air I think cuz uh there's no gravity that way in this game [Music] well it's out now so that you know definitely has a defined limit here bees bees suck it bees oh I got to fix my equipment before we go to going need a cartography table [Music] uh oh I don't need that stuff whatever we'll stick them in here sure it's fine by the way great tips video Don't let up you were decent well thank you I don't I don't do as many like tutorial Style videos anymore but I did find that um I'm in the the the forum for um for the game also and I did notice that there were a number of questions that came up with some some consistency and then when I popped in on other people's streams and they're playing similar kind of things so I thought it would be good to put a little just a short little tip video you haven't seen it yet that's on the channel right now went live today around like 4:30 Eastern uh all right so we're going over here need of a tanning station oh got a southern Caravan thing down there too traveling fast ever play the God of War games I did get god of war and I started playing it um I didn't get super duper into it um we streamed it I think once and then I didn't really I don't know I didn't I didn't feel grabbed enough to like dive in and play a whole bunch more maybe I'm weird I don't know I know people love those games but I think I I'm been distracted by like trying to do other things that I had to do I have this bad habit where if I put a game down for a while I have a very hard time picking it back up again uh I don't know why I'm coming down here there's a oh it's actually farther to the right the southern Caravan oh actually it's probably that uh that big brawler guy I already killed probably what this is about cuz there's all their wagons down here all smashed to Smither they all went KY see Journal Southern Caravan I don't know which uh which Quest it is but it's probably about killing this guy hey friend I need another head for my collection I actually already have his head but don't tell him that he doesn't even yet ow that was rude I forgot to get my food Buffs in this like a dark souls fight just keep circling just keep circling holy not as intense all okay he died that knock the quested I wonder oh right this is where we got the axe from now I got two of them same Max just not upgraded that's fun so why is there still a question mark there though I do not know what quest that is not the obis re SE Arch Pillars of Creation it's got to be this research uh left the vuka whatever whatever show on the map yeah it's got to be that something about relics here not those things what if I have to dig up the mud be cool if he allowed you to mount extra heads on the wall you can actually there's uh there is a mounting system for them you just build a little decoration and stick their head on the wall I don't even know if those Warriors heads are useful for anything some of the other boss things you kill you end up using the heads to upgrade your your U flame alter but those guys I don't know all right researchers left vuka relics of the flame sanctum of The Nomad Highlands search the location to retrieve the vuka relics oh the flame syn's up top though it's up there a dang it okay hold on so it wasn't showing the question mark it was showing the uh showing the flame thing oh yeah Buffs too I'll get those I'm looking forward to making some food recipes that have a longer duration cuz the uh the short duration of these things is kind of rough I have a remember like a Civ so like remembering to keep eating the food and keep the Buffs up is like beyond me hey Roy how you doing Happy what is it Tuesday happy Tuesday there's known bug with this Quest if not done in proper order the icon will not clear for the map do uh we fix it at some point ah okay so I thought I had gone I I know I had gone in this flame sanctum already maybe I already did the quest and I just didn't do it in the right order and so it's not going to clear it out hey it's at Nate guy welcome anyone joining from Nate stream thanks for the raid buddy you know what I didn't realize up until this point is you can loot these flame things multiple times I already looted that thing before twice looted that twice before this that's the third time hey yeah I think I got the relics that were in here already cuz there's like nothing here uh um so I'm guessing that Quest is not going to go away retrieve the vuka relics search the location okay well whatever vuka encounter you learned that a group of people suffered from auka Ambush one of them dropped a weapon vuka must have taken the loot to a nearby Camp where's that one all right we can do that one let's go there we just fly over there fly you fools you and Nate seem like you're from Toronto well we're from the southern Ontario areel not Toronto though not far from [Music] Toronto guys seem to be playing this du we uh we do uh occasionally play games together uh but he's got his own crew of people that he plays games with a lot too so theyve they actually just started playing this uh today even streaming it earlier oh chickens with the helmets on back sneaky chickens oh wait I still got the flares armed they should probably change that [Music] oh come here chicken oh my Lord oh my God just stop running you stupid chicken okay I got to change my arrows hold on uh change of these now we died way up there where I can't get his [Laughter] body oh that stupid chicken I can't even can't even loot it now I killed it too high up on the wall rotten chicken I need the feathers I was after the chicken meat the other day but I CU I wanted to make that chicken soup but uh what I actually need are the feathers cuz they're those are useful for those fossilized bone arrowe head thing ofab bombers don't come on chicken oh oh oh oh oh can't stop me okay yeah suck it chicken all right I got it thought he had me beat oh hey buddy Tim's here I guess I woke him up I must have been too noisy hold on Buddy don't get your butt in my face I don't need your butt in my face okay okay I'm going on there's our cat Cam that he's kind of like dude you're not really in the camera there you go I camp for the win yeah hi buddy my face there's tumble weeds out here now I don't remember seeing those I think there was something in the patch notes about the tumble weeds they felt compelled to improve them or something I don't know oh my God settle down he's all excited he's a he's a furry Oreo yeah pretty much he's more like the cat who ate like a bill like a billion Oreos though he's a little on the little on the Hefty side he's wellfed gate of the mountains in this game reminds me of Skyrim well there's certain spots where you can just hop up like I did there that uh there it's a little bit wacky um but in a lot of places it's not it's not normally that easy okay I don't know what there's got to be like this must be in a little Hollow over here oh no wait there it is oh what's this ow oh cat you stepped on my headphone cord flame shine how you doing buddy hey he's a double stuffed cat that's right he's a double stuffed Oreo this is Timber we had him for uh I want to say 7 or8 years now oh you got like slobber on your collar or something what's up with that Boop cleaned bandages that's way better than the dirty ones well F Kitty means an obedient slave to feed him or her yeah exactly our cats our cats aren't trained they trained us oh rats get him Timber he supposed to be a Mouser or something well the white tail right yeah it's perfect he's a good cat except when's irritated and he pees on stuff that's super annoying this is the same desk that I work my day job on I have like a laptop here that I use for work and uh oh there's a well here um so he'll come and jump up when I'm trying to work sometimes too it's really hard to do spreadsheets when he's trying lay on my keyboard it's not so bad when I'm streaming but it's only like mildly irritating when I'm streaming hey buddy ow doing a very good job keeping these rats out of here cat Le with Super Chat Timber sure seems to like you yeah for some reason I don't know why so I probably told the story before but years ago after we' got in the house we didn't have any pets and uh my wife has always had cats and so she's like I really want to get I really want to get a pet for the kids let's we need to get a cat I was like we don't need a cat I don't want to deal with kitty litter and Cat for everywhere and all that stuff I was like absolutely not there's no way we're getting a cat so we went ahead and got a cat and then she's like I want another cat oh no no there was I want a dog and I was like oh God I know I love dogs but I don't know if I want own a dog cuz you know there's a lot of responsibility and know kennels and stuff if you're going to go away and there's all the dog hair and you know I don't I don't let's we're not going to get a dog we're not getting a dog so we got a dog and then then she's like I want another cat I was like we really don't need another cat we already have two animals this is crazy forget it we're not getting another cat I'm putting my foot down no more animals so naturally we got a cat uh so now we have two cats and funny enough the second one like uh what do they I don't know what they call it like bonded or attached to me or whatever it is imprinted on me I don't know what the deal is but she's like like she's in love with me she's like my my wife keeps calling her my second wife or something it's kind of weird so so then we ended up with two hamsters um that they only survived like a year and a half or something a piece and then after the hamsters my wife was like oh I found Sage uh my wife was like I really want another dog just I love dogs and I really want another dog I was like oh my God no we have too many animals absolutely not no more animals in this house I'm the man of this house I'm putting my foot down no more animals so we got another dog and so now we have two dogs and two cats and as you can see I'm still still the the man of this house oh these guys are un friendly probably should eat some Buffy things ow jeez oh sorry Timber oh my God it's it's killing me this thing's kill oh I'm going to die I'm going to die go go go I don't know if it'll attack them or if it only focuses on me but nope they don't attack those guys that's great lightning up here eight cats two little dogs two freeloaders in the garage oh my goodness you got like a whole managerie going on there oh God guys hit hard man think I can hear him ing he's like really loud tonight oh no okay evil cat's dead man I don't know why he so loud tonight that's crazy ah the stun these things give me it's just not fun okay that could have got a whole lot smoother I think who put the hole in the ground was it the Lightning Spell holy cow I think that lightning spell was actually damaging the ground that's crazy Mar the guy needed the apartment yeah every time he put his foot down he always gets another animal yeah exactly just goes to show how uh how much weight my opinion carries I'm not sure if he blew oh he fell he still making the hole that's [Applause] crazy give me your loot okay so this is the vuka camp Oh don't step on the pit trap third cat third dog third baby to match nice J June I love animals it's just there's uh there's a lot involved in having a pet in particular the uh I'll never get over the amount of like animal hair I have on literally everything that I own my shirt right now is just plastered in [Applause] smok them get the tan hides are there tan hides there as opposed to just uh regular hides hold on where are they that's just animal fur same as all the other animal fur little chicken on a drying rack there or [Applause] something I don't remember why this Quest said I was coming out here something from the Expedition or whatever one of them dropped a weapon the vuku must have taken it to near Camp okay so there's a weapon here somewhere I got to get mace not that I don't already have a better weapon but we'll see I can find it anyway heck where did they hide it oh wait here it is I can't reach it there we go there it is wolves hide we level 18 37 damage where's the 41 that I have now [Music] upgrades three times so be about the equivalent of the the axe that I'm using right now jacket skins oh there's other other animal skins we're getting but there's chicken junks we're getting here pieces of delectable chicken oh there's the almanac of the plants there and the tanning thing right here oh man they're like both both like right here that's sweet except there's a big mountain in my way didn't count on [Music] that see if we can go around they're hanging on the racks yeah I grabbed those but it was just uh just an animal for nothing special that way another one of those dens down here if we wanted to collect some sticks we're okay stick wise though Sage leaves I wonder what the sage will be used for better tasting herb can be found in dry areas that s to have enlightening abilities plus four Spirit the spirit affect Magic regeneration I'm very curious what's down there but I also don't want to just drop down a mystery hole that I don't know how to get out of and yeah I'm super curious I don't know I already came all the way over this way to get this stuff I probably should get these things first may help man Regent maybe yeah uh actually I can probably just oh was that time I was about to go into my inventory to look oh the stun on these things that was blocking oh my God it hit so hard there we go those cats are mean man uh attributes what do we got here Spirit why is it showing my bow instead of like showing me the spirit what does the spirit do I think that's a bug oh wait Spirit three increase increases Mana by 20 points per attribute okay so it increases your total Mana pool very [Music] nice I got to plant some some uh sugar cane back at our our little house too now that I got some fossilized bone ooh that was close didn't even know he was there hey Jason how you doing don't worry there's an elevator to the bottom buddy hear the dog we were being so quiet another one of those cats I see you oh they're so fast try to Dodge I should probably just block let them smack into the shield some Sage for the farm man thinking about buying this game just been worried that it'll be too short of a game like small end or others like it um yeah I guess I mean it depends on how much you want to do in the game um you could probably rush through the content faster than what I've been doing because I enjoy the building and exploring so as we explore different areas and read the lore in the game it adds different points of interest to the map that you could then go seek out uh and that certainly added a lot and then you'll like if you're if you're into like all the building and stuff it is early access so I'm sure there'll be more content coming just a question of like when and how much I don't think it's uh necessarily clear yet it is a fun game so far though here this little bug spawner it's not even these weird little patches of like shroud just like in the middle of nowhere and nothing of interest in them keep almost buying it oh yeah enemies cap at half max level at the moment too oh are they cuz max level for us is 25 is this the building I was already in no got another well see level 30 enemies I mean the whole North isn't developed and neither is the West this was the building I was in already um the whole North and the West are not developed yet so there's still TBD on what's going to be over there although the mountains off to the West when you climb all the way up to the top of them you run into deep snow where your character can't really run or at least it slows you down I'm definitely interested to find out what what happens up there okay I guess we got to go up here I feel like this is the way down cuz like I can't even make it do like the the trick hop up the slope my axe is about to bust yeah we've got other uh other stuff actually I have an alter space available to me also Stone but I don't have regular Stone not that it's hard to get God we have to get some regular Stone so we can teleport back that's Limestone okay actually it might actually be hard to get regular Stone out here I hav really thought about that it's all Limestone oh crap can't even see where I'm going oh hey guys take back my torch thank you very much only place I find regular Stones is nodes you can pick up oh out here in the planes uh I wonder if can I mine these things do they give stone clim stone okay so oh here we go [Applause] [Applause] perfect I got to craft one of these things here you go buddy no more cat Cam he's wandering off it's like I've had enough of your shenanigans that'll do pig that'll do back to here have an axe my inventory was not upgraded and I could do with unloading and reedo reupping my buff and stuff anyway the uh the rested buff is so good so good got to have that rest of buff going as much as we can really he's relocated to the top of our shelving unit over here all right uh we can grab the meat out of here I got to fix my stuff here wonder if I should keep this extra axe just as a spare cook up all that stuff I've got I I really I've set at like a million times and I'm going to say it again but I need to do a little bit of different organization here because I I I'm finding that um uh my chests are getting crowded with stacks of things now I've been playing long enough where to put stuff y I might actually let's upgrade that ax we'll keep that as a spare in my inventory the uh the patch made it so that we can upgrade now without having the runes in our inventory which is nice it'll just take them from the chest so that's good never let the C play to stay until pumpkin weather good to have extra supplies yeah yeah that'll do I guess sucks up inventory spots but you know whatever there's not really all that much that I need to collect necessarily now aside from like when we find new materials hey with the Super Chat seems the ax swings ridiculously fast am I wrong uh it is pretty quick this is a pretty fast axe it doesn't have like a numerical rating for the swing but what I've noticed is that the sword swing is slower than the mace and I think it's also slower than the axe but I don't have a sword I can compare with at the moment organization much I have some stuff ordered but a lot of a lot of it not mostly because I I I don't know I don't really need it to be but it would be easier for putting things away if I knew where it was all right let's Port back over here where did I put my there it [Music] is yeah Early Access TM yeah can't you can't do wield them oh that would be really something if you could do wield the axes that' be sweet PR since they they attack so fast I'm going to extinguish the flame just so that I keep that uh alter spot open I can put it down somewhere else down to my last spot right now o Sunrise it's something I never see in real life Ravens keep the question mark thing went away so there must be a piece of lore here we'll have to read that'll probably redirect us to another spot come on oh my God let me up and never get to backstab things at least very rarely are you joking right now oh I don't have there I like why can't I sneak attack I didn't have a weapon in hand we got a Berserker over there oh there's a repair envil in here too I would like to kill this wolf without without it seeing me if possible I think something already saw me oh he saw me hey buddy ow that sucks I could really de with a bum oh my Lord jeez this guy is brutal there we go oh that was crazy I used like ooh I got an acid Cleaver off him I haven't seen one of those drop yet that's fun don't worry this spot is easy except for them yeah H that's the first time I've seen the acid Cleaver drop that's cool cutting and poison Cleaver coated with acid and bile its victims can mend the bleeding but rarely stop the toxins from spreading that's cool it's a shame it's not like uh uh it's not like an upgraded kind of thing what does it look like when I'm using it oh it's got a nice attack pattern looks cool yeah he did open a can it's all right though we drank it we didn't let it go to waste that's how that works right nice to have a little Anvil there to fix my stuff more of those bronze arrows oh here we go what have we here Ravens keep log day 147 number of inmates 53 another Revolt today inmate Looper rils them up span into the quarter Master's face during lunch left a burn mark on his cheek round is closer is creeping closer don't know how much longer the guards want to stick around if this abuse continues well I mean if they spit on you and leave burn marks that's probably not a good sign aha level 18 [ __ ] bow that's that won't be better than the one I already have I don't think guess we got to go inside I'm on fire this is cool sweet in here someone said aim the bow and use the scroll wheel to switch arrows okay oh I'm so dumb I don't know why I haven't been doing that all this time I are smart only this murderous oh [Music] jeez he died that's much griter it's way better gritter F the switch could have literally gone up the hole in the wall why is this guy in here with it already boarded up just stay in there [Applause] forever he's like don't worry about me guys I'll stay here just go ahead and nail it shot oh he was in here with his friend he wasn't alone would have been tragic would want the poor guy left alone in here can't do what you don't know I I feel like I did know that at one point and then I forgot that's okay though to eror is human to make a multitude of mistakes is cryptic Fox know why you can never loot those little oven things AR guy down there saw me already I think yep oh than the wolf's not getting involved poor little wolf broke his brain so angered all he did was help get them out of a boarded up I know right they just I broke the Board Room or doorway down and they came rushing out and trying to kill me just zero zero appreciation for a Good Samaritan no better than us we're all alone in this desolate hole they just left us to rot in the cells hope they all choke on Dust me too me I said I was innocent uh there'd be chaos without her they'd call her the matron Lupa even the radest of rats whimper when she steps near she spews when she speaks liquid leaks from her lips acidic can vile always a hint of ethanol in the air he has a plan there's no breaking through the gate but Hollow walls she says a cavern behind her cell she's got help from outside a sister I hear perhaps we could break through well that sounds promising another one zero sense of appreciation from these guys turn where's my torch there a lootable in here and Bob the 26 month me message CH go is the addiction to this game oh it's good and strong my friend good and [Music] strong I'm having a really good time with it I really like the exploration building's fun and stuff and the combat's fun but uh exploring around and finding neat things and cool looking buildings and stuff that's where it's at GL over here like there's a CH or something yeah there is but that doesn't open so there's probably a lever or something we'll hit at some point that'll open that door probably also sending enemies out too found it oo fancy stone blocks more building pieces where these scavenger guys are just speaking jab of the Huts language yeah maybe G solo what have we up here oh well that would be the cell with the uh the opening in the back oh God lucky Parry to Target him I stay facing the right way here jeez yes oh stamina problem stamina problem s manage God my God I have real problems with stamina right now okay now I'm to go he can't jump I don't think he'll have to run around if he's going to come down here at all a dying these guys are mean like real mean oh crap there we go pH these are pretty much the only enemies that represent much of a challenge anymore those guys are uh guys are tough very fast and when you parry them they don't stay stunned for very long it's only like a moment yeah I was mostly worried about the stamina cuz I wanted to be able to run away and or block or Counterattack or whatever okay I guess the uh only other thing to check out is in that cell across the way anywhere I will reach you Lupa I could no longer wait with baited breath I traveled to Umber Hollow to confront the contract the contractor at KNE point he told me that you'd Escape out of the frying pan and Into the Fire said you'd been arrested and locked up in Raven's keep do not worry his throat is slit his body cold he won't bother our family again they all wither and die the same mirrored pieces of the same puzzle Raven keep cannot hold you sister I will set you free stay sharp and ready for my rescue shall have our revenge and unite this land by your side Kendall that the sister Lupa scalper melee weapon level 18 huh must updated need of a tanning station all right uh so this thing would upgrade four times so again it' be like I just want to see how this thing attacks I haven't used one of these huh it's definitely slower than the axes which is kind of weird when you think about it there some copper in here seems to be a dead end there fancy stone block is your favorite of all of them yeah it does look cool I uh was looking forward to getting some different stone blocks cuz I I've still just had the rough Stone block that I have most of my base built out of or the lower level of it anyway it'll be nice to be able to swap that over some fancier looking ones going to try to sneak up on them but there's two of them so I guess I'll just shoot them oh jeez good range on that I could have backstabbed that guy after he turned around on me and like snuck did the sneak attack on him even though he technically knew I was there it looked like he was resetting yeah lots of copper he night GG Luna fig it can't hurt to take a little bit of comprise this why AR you breaking things in this new place you know that's a good question I probably should be oh there's a chest right there too I didn't see probably should be there might be new uh there might be new materials night boots minus 90 stamina regeneration delay none of those compareed to what I'm wearing right now I have Adventurer boots on think it' be plus two Health regeneration but this is uh boasted stamina regeneration and a faster reset that's pretty good put those on okay that really does not fit the outfit at all was like ridiculous on me all right well whatever it's the buff I like [Applause] anyway I don't even knowbody I can smash here that's going to have any stuff in it like barrels or boxes or something little cage things oh nope it's a ladder going nowhere guess it's for the bunk beds we ain't found nothing wasn't even pooping the chamber podt yoga pants all right looks like nothing new or fancy here uh let take a quick peek down here first did someone say poop Nate I don't think Nate's here right now he dropped it for a moment but it was at the end of his Stream So I imagine he's probably off to off to sleep or whatever now good thing I kept that back of backs nope nothing new that's all right see what this has in store for us [Applause] all right this is the top of that dirt slide glory to matron Lupa we broke through the wall Lupa simply blew the stone apart behind the rubble there really was a cave we flung ourselves right into a group of vuka but the matron and her blighted Rampage she nearly skin them alive she tames all beasts they cower and Flinch in front of her infamy wanton stopper we'll claim the world Raven's keep is just the beginning lupa's sister will take surat's rest while we build a layer of our own to Eclipse um Hollow glory to matron Lupa but we got lupa's fancy weapon whatever that's a [Applause] boat Spider-Man now okay so where did that redirect me to cuz I didn't get the tanning thing all my knock of seeds and plants tanning station set active Quest and show on the map oh oh no oh it's way in that and umber Hollow of course over in the the Deep uh the Deep shroud oh this I already got yeah okay took a fancy way to get there Sakari with a super chat late game Mark gold chest on map to farm 20 plus gear oh wait that what the one inside the uh I'm probably not going to do farming honestly well I mean that thing was only level 18 so probably not what I want to Mark right now anyway right literally just got the tanning rack oh nice that's what we're working on today um the almanac of seeds and plants is right here I'm going to after that one first cuz theoretically it's closer heav other the [Music] theoretically another flame alter there oh know this is a save point plenty of gear around if you're a decent player yeah I mean I'm kind of SC like scalling all over the place anyway so I don't know we'll find things stuff to be discovered weapons can wear out in this game well they they they wear down and they just repair them so like I've got this axe here that just broke but I had the exact same one already cuz I killed the same enemy a second time a little Camp down there but that's not where I need to go it's over here somewhere These Boots Are noisier to run with than the ones I was wearing there it is Su at wolves oo gold chest Shepherds lightning level 16 to my beloved Queen your skin tinted all of brown stunning and soft your voice a roar a hush always a sweet Sonet on your lips my heart blossoms at the sight of you I want to want lo I want to walk alongside you to see your footsteps next to mine in the sand to feel the Desert Wind and to dance with you in my arms it's all I hope for Emily Smoke on the horizon a blazing fire dances at top the rooftops of surat's rest we were too late came from Raven's keep escaped now surat's rest is a p of Madness I tremble at the sight what would mother do it'd move before the sun rose leave all baggage behind Swift and silent carried by the wind the road to Long keep is a treacherous one we must go glory to Pike Bean bless the Ancients there the Mina yeah just in time for Valentine's [Music] Day all right we'll throw a uh no this not doing what I wanted to where's the I want to put a marker on here how far away do I have to ah you got to be pretty far away to put a marker you can't put it like right on the thing green treasure loots it's not 20 plus loot though there's nothing here you'd think Queen JZ meini would travel with style some class yes some luxury some Elixir right nothing just paints and pillows P least I found an almanac of plants and seedlings in just mean his tent I'll just pretend as though there wasn't any other loot Simon asks hope I can find him Keen eyed that guy other than my private Little Treasures there's barely anything for sharat's rest except the dried Yuka fruit maybe don't tell matron Kendall they're mine too okay so again we got to move on farther ow apparently there's traps here just for the record okay show that one the map oh somewhere in this space huh okay got get them both I guess a stone do I get for this Limestone yeah I should probably get some Stones over here we'll go back and reset my stuff repair my things unload my equipment [Applause] [Music] that's just fiber home again home again jiggity jig what the average play time is some have said 100 hours but it doesn't seem so yeah yeah I don't know I guess it depends on what you end up doing in the game like I said you can probably rush through the story or like the key stuff in the game fairly quickly I'm apparently at 41 hours right now so far um so I guess if you if you spent a whole bunch of time building like if you made multiple bases and stuff uh and you tried to like get all of the roots and and find all the different pieces and explore all the different areas yeah it might take a 100 hours patience and Care Caravan Journey came here with a caravan from the far away Kindle we were led by Jasmin daughter of the lake Queen pikem and have followed her anywhere I guess so it was your love letter we found but in the end she left the Ancients foresaw a different paths for us I wish they hadn't I'd give anything to walk beside her once more lies all lies it's interesting normal the chat um the chat options go away after you have the conversation with them I'm surprised that one stayed interesting run probably wouldn't run very long with plenty more if you loot yeah exactly like if you try to like if you if you enjoy the game and you get what you can out of it it probably takes longer all right I'm going to uh scrap this thing uh we can scrap this thing this I don't need anymore we delete those I'm going to hang on to that Cleaver it's uh I'm probably never going to use it but it's just kind of cool I want it where are my little some reason these things didn't combine when I hit the button oh my gosh so many things in here store those in there almost had a Copp arrows finally the flame in your pocket makes you smoking hot oh yeah baby the hottest makes it hard to keep your pants up though they're always burning up you ever tried plugging up the wells after defeating them what do you mean by plugging up the wells you mean like putting down a uh flame alter where the um um where the Elixir Wells are cuz I like they they just keep coming back over and over again I don't I don't know what would happen if you put a flame alter down but there's too many of them I think you you wouldn't really be able to do all them anyway like the maximum number of flame Alters you can have is eight and I'm pretty sure there's more than eight of the uh of The Elixir [Music] Wells oh have skill points I can spend too [Music] maximum shr time increased by 2 minutes allow you to explore I'm going to take that hold on to my other point for now fancy Sunrise out here oh that looks promising I really kind of want to go exploring down there but again I'm very concerned that I would have a hard time getting out mind you there's probably an Elixir well down there to be to be [Music] killed just do it well because I'm going after like particular items I'm I'm going to try to get the items first before I jump down there like right now we're trying to get the um the seed guide or whatever and then the tanning thing is the other thing why can't I move the map what's going on here oh those rotten cats again saber-tooth son of a guns oh wait wait wait wait wait I forgot to get rid of the uh the flame alter I put down it's your Breck but you're going into the Shroud for that Quest I assumed I would be yeah all right just want to know where you know I want to leave myself stranded without the ability to build another uh flame alter track C The Elixir Wells with dirt well it just the thing is um anything that's not inside the space of your flame alter will reset anything you've built anything you've dug up you can't even put dirt on it until you like put a flame alter down and then if you pick the flame alter back up again that stuff will despawn like not instantly but like later on when the world resets whatever you had there will disappear with it so you can't really stop them from coming back like I'm going there surat's rest that should be fun I have a feeling this might be a bit of a town so I'm going to try to uh um going to put my uh my flame alter out here so that if I have the option I can I can teleport out and then come [Applause] back I that I use right now but I'm just thinking like if I'm like somewhere in the town and I want I'd like to like jump out and repair or unload inventory whatever oh I'm shooting flame arrows oh crap there's my flare arrows just going to waste oh well they a good thing I crafted those trying to see if I can look under the bridge in case there's like anything interesting down there we can do it's interesting they got the scaffolding on the side oh man you don't want to fall off of this bridge nothing doing underneath it evening have you ever played Leisure Suit Larry darn R have leisure suit L Larry in the land of the Lounge Lizards it's been a very long time when I was a teenager that game was all the rage we kept hoping there would be nudity there never was there was actually itame wasn't exactly photo realistic anyway but no [Music] kids what's the origin of the name cryptic Fox I'd like to say that it's something like super clever but it really wasn't um I had another Channel that I was uh when I first started out trying to do stuff on YouTube and I had based it on like a um a name that I was always using when I was playing video games and stuff but I was never really happy with it and I wanted to Rebrand so I decided to start a new channel focusing on you know some particular content um any I was playing a game and uh I think it might have even been Minecraft at the time with my daughter and my character was a fox so I ended up just uh coming up with like oh my God oh my God it's like played around with a bunch of different names that um I could put together with the word Fox to come up with something that I thought was interesting and lo and behold cryptic box came about so it was just like purely engineered for the purposes of like setting something up on YouTube but I've been using this channel out for I don't know like 9 or 10 years God that's scary to even think about hey it's been like nine or 10 years so uh I just sort of stuck with it other games did have occasional Dy in later ones but usually it was an Easter egg uh yeah I don't know I was back playing them on like a 386 computer so it's uh even if there was n it would have just been like a square blob with a black pixel in the middle of it or something it would have looked more like an eyeball than anything else on well actually I started uh I started this channel not with oxygen unincluded but with a game called um uh Disney Infinity so I played a whole bunch of Disney Disney Infinity I've delisted it since then because of all the like was uh it came up with that thing like was content created for kids and I didn't want to get their flagged as like kid content I got rid of that but then after uh after playing Disney Infinity a bunch I ended up um I got into the game astroneer and uh subnotica when it was still in the beta few other games and then Along Came oxygen unincluded that uh that caught my interest and I played a ton of that for years oh bigger problem here isn't necessarily the green guy I mean he's he's a problem but oh the fact that I've got the green guy and this other guy that's a problem oh that didn't work out as good as I thought it would there we go that didn't work either not I can jump up on the roof stupid dog back off get your own cryptic what he stopped chasing me that's weird I mean not that I'm complaining but wait a minute is he going to give me a chance to like sneak attack him for some reason he reset after I blew up that Barrel ha I can't get greedy two hits is the most I can I can go for there we go that was a funny reset why don't I use a shield I actually have a shield equipped um it there's a there's a particular bug with this weapon that U when I'm when I'm using it you can't see it but this is The Shield I have I have the flame Shield equipped right now I don't know what it is with this particular axe but it um it won't show The Shield when you have it equipped it's not a bad Shield actually there be anything new we can find here [Music] he's look pretty empty so probably not going to get anything here maybe I should try to find ones that are full axe looks too good to have the other things I've Shin it yeah that must be what it is that's what it [Music] is with an acid bite if I was a that was a mage that would be very handy as I understand that the acid bite spell makes this game kind of trivial in terms of like fting bosses it's almost be kind of a shame it's too easy then it takes all the fun out of it oh what over we here this just a sneaky way in I guess it is decided they can't chop his left arm off so we dumped the shield yeah he's got an invincible left arm we can block swords axes whatever doesn't matter [Music] think I heard somebody shoot at me least I thought I did Maybe not maybe not yeah one acid uh b or sorry acid bite one shots bosses yeah that's just too uh that's too overpowered that would take all the fun out of it mind the nursery supplies Elias please note that the crates marked Nursery supplies are indeed filled with weapons for the contractor's Rebel Army the guards hot on our tail and buried the goods and marked the spot can't risk anything these days several of them are packed with powerful explosives so handle with extreme care we don't want to reveal our hiding spot keep quiet yeah might lose our heads for this one all right so we got some fancy uh Nursery supplies wait is it literally this Camp right [Music] here hear some guy but I couldn't see him problem solved okay I think it might actually be up above there it's just strong cheese the which the acid bite that's uh that's like exceptionally strong cheese that's like the strongest of cheese from what I understand but I mean if I did it it wouldn't be cheese it would be tactics but if someone else does it it's definitely cheese don't really need this explosive Powerball net funny it's got three of them but but it only does four more damage than throwing one of these wonder what that is not out in the sunshine oh n that the block button push down but it didn't block any of it the permission like blocking blockings for jumps oh good repair enle sweet it's a fairly significant town it's not as big as pikem me's reach but scavenger loot none can fool me Thor came back from that scouting Mission last night he chucked this Dusty bag with Scrolls at me and said it's the only thing they could scavenge I know that fool well enough to see when he's lying through his teeth my old friend pocketed a treasure for himself but I won't rat him out instead we'll gift that Almanac to the matron of as a tribute the treasure well Thor will have to share whatever he looted from que just me as whatever [Music] oh man and if you don't time that first block right the whole whole res of is just a mess uh whatever he L from que just mean his T will be stashed away at his favorite spot I reckon after all this time he still hasn't found a better better hiding place than the top of that old Watchtower we got a few loot spots around here it's fun oops we Dum it the we in this game probably not that Thor probably a different Thor been collecting those flas and then not using them too much I probably should just like drink them every time I find one it's like role playing games where you store the potion until the very end just in case you might need it yeah there's so many buildings here oh there's a dude not sure where he came from and die off because he didn't want to waste potions yeah 100% absolutely like yeah I might need this later on the bathroom I have a well at home but I might as well snag this while over here there seem to be more Wells out here in the plains than there are anywhere else in the game okay I want to go uh oh wait what's what's cracked here I want to go up this hill over here and see if we can find whatever this is that's there we go ow blew up a Bomb on Me wait for me I'll Contin do to watch tomorrow all right see you panro thanks for dropping in so theoretically that treasure is here somewhere some kind of supp oh hey oh it's going to be that explosive I have to blow up there I bet there it is Forest Longbow level 18 oh I could have come up this way oh well it be a total Nero ner to build four Wells yeah I could build like well I mean I'm at the point now where I don't even use water as a buff anymore the only thing I'm using water for now is crafting but it's not too bad anymore even on top of the water oh another one of those that sucked there we go hey what was this crimes of surat's rest Carlos I've received your note and just in time too the patrols down here check every shipment thoroughly the rumors of umber Hollow you speak of her false just yesterday we held a funeral for a young girl who was murdered up there in surat's arrest but it felt the same way when speaking with you in the market intrigued to find a common decent person amidst all the crimes committed where you're from everything from racketeering to corrupt courts and police to widespread fraud perhaps we're both falling victim to Decades of misspoken words are we not so alike you and I sincerely Emma not sure what all that's about need a lot of water for crafting seed and other products yeah that that's pretty much the what I've been using for the most lately even that's not even crazy though oh my God these towns are huge man rats where is that thing even see it H where is this supposed to go why did they put a climbing thing there ah I [Music] see [Music] okay I don't know what this building is but that's [Music] interesting like a guard Tower or something [Applause] how rocks you see dig through there might be something well which piles of rocks though I mean there's kind of a lot of them here there we go there's Rubble everywhere and you're right there might be stuff hidden underneath the rubble but I wonder if it's worth the amount of time it would take to just keep digging it all up yeah the chest that animation is a little weird with the chest like and that's lockpick when you start picking it it opens and then and then you start picking it oh The Rock's over there why did I think of that okay but there's something in this little scavenger Arena toward the back over here unless that's a little boss fight area that would be unfortunate if I flew in there unknowingly welcome to the scavenger Arena dark soon and Darkness Falls fast in this game no that gate doesn't open I jumped in here okay now we got light problems that was a bunch of poison from a matrion oh oh oh God she got me through the wall that's cheating well well well I guess we can go back home now since we've already got we already popped all the way back out we can go get our rested buff back yeah got with wall hacks how'd you even know I was in there definitely definitely hacking can see me through the wall saw me through the wall and killed me through it that's uh that's special she's got all the magic powers no fair equals talk about cheese yeah she cheated man it's my job to cheat not hers I don't know why I ran outside I didn't need to uh all right going back here I'm very glad that I put down the uh the flame alter there ahead of time see as how this uh the enemies in this game are using wall [Music] [Music] hacks at least we don't have to deal with nighttime I guess there's that small victories or whatever oh I already that but reclose the chest [Music] oh it's cheating he going to backstab made too much noise turns out I was a we bit too noisy after die do you lose all the loot you had so you don't lose um uh items and equipment that you have in your inventory it's just raw resources you lose the raw resources you've collected so if I had a bunch of lumber and rocks and stuff that'll all be on my body uh but your weapons your armor any loot you might have picked up that was like weapon or armor related uh ammo all that kind of stuff you still have nice town where it was yeah was kind of cool looking until they wrecked it can't really see where I'm going at this point oh they were making booze in here they got Stills then whatever this is some giant grinder thing oh you know what this is probably where they were making the Elixir guess that would make sense it's the Blue Goop it'll take forever to fix this place yeah yeah it would it would be a bit of a a bit of a job wouldn't it plus you'd have trouble claiming the whole thing in order to like make edits where was I when I got hit by that thing oh oh those guys all just like spawned out of nowhere might is my body in there okay there she is she just spawned in that is so cheating am I hitting the that can't be hitting her for one damage that's there's no way I got to be hitting the oh I got to be be hitting the edge of the there we go that bomb is not terribly effective on those guys rather not deal with the ads at any point [Applause] throwing pit juice at you it's like a poison or whatever but if she gets you with a solid hit of that you're pretty much dead just uh does a crazy amount of damage apparently wasn't intended to do quite that much damage I thought they were tweaking it but uh still killed me with one shot of it through the wall or it's like her her her her spit one is the one that does like the crazy damage maybe not the thr one Get Wrecked I figure out what a crit point is for [Applause] her this says resisted every time I shoot her I wonder if I shoot the the potions on her belt no about a boob shot nope doesn't do it either face it is I guess there we go just toast all right that gets us the uh Almanac plants and seedlings we need that for the farmer lady let's get my uh my corpse back so I can get my stuff yeah so see all in here aside for the lockpicks everything here is just like raw resources her spit is the acid spell the one shots bosses oh is that what that is okay that that makes sense then cuz that thing is vicious just vicious so she throws those little potions and then she's got that crazy spit like she really Hawks up a lugie what's down here nothing they have this cool Landing down here there's like nothing here huh just a bond Fire And The Killing fog got to go for the Limestone building Cube uh I mean I'm I'm not sure what that is it's all right we'll get to it so we've got uh Caravan raid over there somewhere up on top of the mountain there it's almost like it was for a dock maybe there would maybe when there was still water in there before the the Shroud supposed to be like a boat launch or make out Point yeah it's where all the cers couples go to Get It On Let's Get It [Music] On a note to Kendall sister have my notes gone through to you I missed you greatly this past year that vile contractor tried to lock me up in the cellar in jper in Jasper Isles but you were correct could keep me Shackled for long I'm sorry I've been out of touch but I've been keeping my head down umra Hollow isn't any better or worse than surat's rest two sides of the same coin like us more bar fights perhaps but I can handle them the noad highlands are without order one day we must eclipse this chaos sister what do you say your sister Lupa that was weird got the upward gust even though it already landed ow old Watchtower very near me [Applause] like up there oops ow see if I can go with those Towers yeah I can I mean it's not up here strange they price this game so low it's much more game than many full price titles yeah that's just the thing when you buy uh a game from a a more independent Studio you're not paying for the the huge overhead that a company like EA has for example where they just gouch where they just gou you for the game these days the best games aren't even the triaa games they're all like all the uh independent Studio games not here you talking about the tower that's over there cuz I didn't see a building block in there I don't think true and there is no voice acting which eats up a lot of money to pay for yeah that too I mean sometimes they will have voice acting but they may not be paying the best actors uh but just in general like they they can they they can bootstrap the game a little bit you know they're focused on making core solid gameplay as opposed to uh trying to get like the the flashiest graphics or whatever I already came all the way up this Tower I didn't see a chest up here with a building block in it I don't think I popped this chest already it didn't have a building piece in it I don't know tunnel to the east oh yeah yeah yeah I I haven't I haven't gone that that area yet I was just headed over there when you sent me back this way may me so second can guess what I was doing but that's where I was headed oh nailed it and then rolled right off ow you little hate the rats they almost always get me smarted by the rats every time guys we're going that way that wasn't a drop off to nothingness on the other side well that's fun oh uh is that supposed to be the way across that's [Applause] funky I feel like this is supposed to be like a way back up though supposed to the way down especially give the placement of that thing past you got to go up yeah it's okay I figured I did yeah that was definitely supposed to be the way back up there hello what's over here oh this one's not even a tower it's just like a little decorative thing oh God stamina come on I wasn't paying [Laughter] attention oops I used to just having like boundless stamina there and I kind of never did it a little bit oh uh well this is a [Music] problem there's a chest down there oh boy that was that was a mistake I hit the wrong button oh I could have grappled right there oh well I paid more attention when I was playing games okay so is it the silver chest that's at the bottom down there cuz it's not up here got to be that that one at the bottom I [Music] [Music] saw nope that's an executioner axe huh maybe I got to blow something up up there jeez myself [Music] killed it's not that though that does some good destruction it's an old Watchtower under a roof uh I don't know the bookshelf yep secret door just explosives though kosa and kosa oh look I I blew it open here anyway don't know if I can go up any higher than [Music] this y there's nothing on the very top [Music] let right down below there's uh there's another structure down there the other roof you say are these rats so fast trying to attack him but it would't let me oh yeah there is something up there the heck do I reach that one double jump for the win there it is limestone block thank you found it all oh there's a grapple thing there of course there [Laughter] is all by myself let see help from anybody rest all right we got all the good stuff from here unless there's like some random chest or something to be found there's a tunnel down here where's this go Chang my mind I want to know God dang get some berries and get some healing back there found their garbage pit wouldn't be funny if there was like a treasure chest in the bottom of that pit of crap yeah found their maneuver pile yeah sweet man there was a lot of little looks and crannies to search in that place craziness now actually I guess I don't really need to run all the way back this way I'm going to get rid of the uh the flame alter that's here though cuz I don't need to come back to this particular spot I think we got this lower area cleared aside from this stuff over here let's get rid of the uh the flame alter here HP back home so I can unload my stuff repair things reset my buff this the biggest city you've seen no uh Pikes me is uh is pretty big it's it's got all these little Warren of like rooms and buildings and tunnels and underground CPS and everything it's uh I don't even think I searched the whole thing I'm fairly certain I missed some stuff patience Almanac return my Almanac of plants and seedlings wonderful there's there's a bit of dirt on it but it's fine what am I getting my hands dirty let's get to planting seriously you're a farmer and you're complaining about dirt that's not even a real thing o if we make metal sheets I can make the oven uh going to need some oh there's some scrap metal there there we go it takes two per you know what I don't even I don't need that many that's a lot of Metal Sheets oh is this an item I have to put down yes there we go perfect what did that unlock for me did that oh that uh hey buddy sh a story i' probably unlocked a couple of recipes yeah cuz now we can make the oven vegetable soup chicken soup chicken soup four Constitution and one dexterity so that probably is better than just the roasted Meats at this point there's a lot of ingredients though don't overwork yourself strawber have a slightly better health regen than which the uh than the berries got to get down temp cuz I just yeah I had some of these uh these dried purple berries they're only plus one health regen so they weren't exactly good I was just using them up at this point um let's get rid of the door oh my God Timber look buddy no we're friends and all but sometimes we need a little time apart you know bud need a little we need a little me time probably turn out I didn't feed him again or something what you doing bud hey crazy cat Done Yet didn't see the times five on the chicken soup uh made a 100 of them oh man that's a lot of chicken soup I got a couple things here we can scrap I guess yo big Su to blowout so this bow is level 18 that's level 20 Salvage oh my God Timber buddy you're awesome and all but you're also counting on the way chicken wings we're going to put my chicken wings thought I have the chicken wings already somewhere they go hey oh there they are but they're already it's already Max stack I guess that Max stack size for those is only 20 that's kind of a nuisance oh this guy's got more stuff for me now too man the quest just seem to keep cropping up in this every time I do something I get like half a dozen other things Sun Temple stories heading to the Kindle waste best be on your guard my uh my auntie Ellen was cursed in one of them Sun s struck by this ghostly skull from below she said teeth chattering is true well most likely you know alen always a TA tail teller but never a liar is nemily from the around the Kindle waste maybe she knows bet she'd battle cool get him patience and Care friend haunted Sun temples is why I live near one it was awful see our temples are hallowed halls and burial sites honoring the Ancients the spark there is fed by prayer and shields are dead from harm but as the Shroud spread it's light dull maybe our faith wavered when the catacombs came alive Metal clanks Dark Whispers I held my prayers inside the tavern ever since so spooky fwell all right more stuff to explore ah it is live a after midnight my time I'm going to have to uh call it a night cuz I got to get up for work in the morning good old work nothing beans work but thanks everyone for coming to hang out tonight I really appreciate it at least we made some progress we got the seed bag thing uh we'll have to get the the leather tanning thing next time we play we head back out there but uh thanks so much everyone appreciate the super chats and everything this evening as well if you don't currently subscribe to the channel go ahead and click on the Subscribe button come back and hang with us again I'm as always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next time
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 8,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded let's play, enshrouded first look, enshrouded live stream, enshrouded part 1, enshrouded ep 1, survival building game, mistbury catacombs, enshrouded building
Id: R8eikrLi514
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 49sec (9829 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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