Surviving in Style - Enshrouded

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[Music] [Music] all [Music] hello everyone I'm cryptic Fox and happy Monday everybody it's the start of another week thought it'd be fun to start off the week with some more in shrouded cuz we played quite a bit of it last week and I had fun with it there seems to be a lot left to do in terms of exploring adventuring unlocking stuff I'm still dressed like samel tarly over here possibly John SN so we got to do something about that too and see if we can get some better arm I've got this like padded uh padded cerus or whatever this is on uh it's like a little ratty and I'd like to improve that so um today we're going to try and get some more things to unlock some more crafting stuff uh we're going to build the uh the smelter whoops oops there we go uh we're going to unlock the smelter today so we can uh smelt down some ores uh I know we have uh we have copper so far but I'm sure there's got to be other things we can smell too so it be handy to have that around uh I did a little bit of rework on the uh on the base here as I had discussed on the stream I decided to change up the roof roofing tiles those those clay tiles and I made them a little smaller so the overhangs not as huge and that makes the courtyard look bigger I put in some grass here by taking out some of the stone to kind of change it up so it wasn't all like this monotonous stonework or whatever uh and then I changed the second and third story of our building into the uh the mix of the wood and uh wood and whatever it is it's like half wood half wood or something it's called I can't remember what the the style of the piece is anyway I tweaked all that around uh took a whole bunch of mining of uh of clay in order to get all this stuff done so I figured I would do that off stream since you wouldn't uh so you wouldn't have to just watch me mine clay for like an hour and a half uh but yeah so we're good to go uh in here we have of course our blacksmith dude he's got this melter we can make uh and I it takes 50 bricks and the bricks are actually kind of expensive and slow to make so I built a a second uh kill note here so I could speed up the process a little bit uh so I got uh got 50 bricks in here ready already which is actually more than we need based on what I already had uh we have the crucible that we got from that weird Mountain mine thing that I was like stumbling around in and finally just sort of stumbled across the uh The Crucible so we can build a smelter now uh and we'll probably wind up making multiples of these too I would think um we do have the ability down here to craft another Crucible once we get sand which I haven't found yet so that's interesting uh he's got some new unlocks in here too we've got the adventurers armor uh this one looks kind of cool so this is the one I'm kind of leaning towards changing to it's got good physical resist it's got some nice Health boosts and stuff on it some melee damage uh some health regeneration not like a stamina boost unfortunately but um I'm kind of leaning towards putting this one on uh then there's also the tank set that's in here which is uh little a little bit beefier looking but I kind of like the look of the adventurer set so I might go that way this one takes copper bars and uh charcoal linen I haven't even come across linen yet I think there must be a loom or something we can make in the game so we're going to have to try and figure out where we get that uh I'm sure it'll come along as we unlock some more things um there's another Ward here we can make this ghostly Shield it's actually a legendary one I can craft that's interesting uh amber copper bars and charcoal I haven't found Amber yet either so clearly there's some like precious gem type material we can get but this one gives fire resist not really inclined to want to have to make it anytime soon I don't think cuz I I'd rather just use a shield but speaking of shields he's also got some new shields I can make uh wherever they are Shields oh my literally right above what I was looking so we got the Valiant Shield which requires linen charcoal and Metal Sheets uh the hero's Shield there a slightly lower block lower Parry I don't know if there's like a weight differential in these things or like if it matters but anyway this is level 14 Shield I'd kind of like to get uh and then of course we have the rising fighter Shield already anything else so a couple things to unlock with him let's get the uh get the smelter set up I'm going to put away these Roofing pieces I was working with too I've got I've got quite a collection of roofing pieces now uh particularly the stone shingles then lots of yeah I've got over like 6700 of the uh the the stone roofing shingles now since we pulled all the roofing down and didn't need it anymore oh and I've even got one of those uh one of those bracelets in here already the ghostly Shield so I don't need to craft one in the first place even though it lets me dirt Shield looks fancy yeah so this one here is uh one we got from the Queen's uh uh the Queen's tomb so if we go in here it's this Shield here Pike means bullwark seven block 20 Perry gives plus 25 health it's got a fancy light on it although it doesn't really do a whole lot of lighting up uh okay we'll get our smelter out here I guess I'm going to assume I I I'll smelt these things separately anyway which one's the which way's the front of this thing I guess that's it kind of like pours toward you put in the corner there we go hooray we can smell things now so copper is the only recipe we have but I'm sure there's going to be other metals uh I do need uh charcoal as well I guess um I did get a little bit of copper ore I've got that in here somewhere maybe we'll start some of that smelting since uh we're going to need to eventually there's 15 and then it said I needed charcoal too right so I might have to make charcoal cuz I think I'm all out of charcoal totally didn't just glad we're it doesn't matter how you stream I'll watch you build and grind out what you need well thanks James I appreciate that but still I wanted to say save everybody some of the monotony so I uh I built uh I have almost why does the why do the wood logs look like dog poop I don't I think they need to work on the the the image for this thing like it doesn't really look like logs it looks like something my dog left in the backyard um I going to need some more logs I guess I'm pretty much out we get we'll get this started anyway oh I've got some charcoal in here that's BL I guess it's still going oh 16 of 17 okay so I'm a little short on the wood logs but I can I have some charcoal in here so that's helpful we can at least get these things going uh no I can't I need 20 copper ore oh my God but that makes 10 ingots so basically it's two copper ore per Ingot but you have to make them increments of 10 no half measures in this game all right so we got to get more copper we'll definitely need that I have lots of quests think and like points of interest that these NPCs have unlocked on my map too I still got to go check out something on your mind H kle for a fire plaque I'm sure she means fireplace ah lovely to see you listen I'd love to cook for a crew raise this raise the spirit fireplace with a kettle would help but I gave mine to a friend when our Caravan split who headed for pike me's reach he we can ask for it back say hello to R for me when you get there please r r okay fireplace at the farm good we want that that would be good interesting so this is called the fireplace but we also have uh over here with this guy we've got fireplaces but these ones are very much more like fireplaces that's a fireplace I guess technically you put fire in both of them but all right whatever go get them okay so we got yet another thing we got to collect seems there's just going to be a lot of that I think in this game which I'm okay with keeps it interesting lots of reason to keep going out and exploring uh I have some arrows I've got five lockpicks I guess that's fine all my stuff's upgrade ready to go uh let's go get our hands on some more copper because I'm going to need copper I want to get I want to get some armor going here that's a little different um again the map sort of goes all the crap when we uh when we go in here but hopefully it won't last too long uh I think this is the point I want to go to where I marked some copper already I'm sure there's a copper mine nearby too we should probably go find uh there might have been some that we could har we could mine in the uh the place where we found The Crucible in the first place I'm at my max number of um flame Alters too so I'm going to need to like pick one up or upgrade the alter again at some point where are we I'm pretty much right on top of it it should be like right right here yeah here we go copper baby so while I did mine uh did mine a whole bunch of clay so I wouldn't have to do this on stream unfortunately I didn't do coer I'm going to need to get some of this stuff going too got to get them Buffs Ricky with the super chat if you're in shrouded where's your cloak uh I left it back home it was too hot today so I left I left it at home but still definitely in shrouded don't worry nothing else my souls in shrouded where they hid the copper I just I've determined this is a bad spot to dig comp oh there we go hiding down here CH your internet doesn't crash your game like when you were playing son 2 that wasn't my internet that was just uh state of g 2 crashing the issue I seem to have with uh with this game is when I open up the map there's always a bit of lag on stream oh you know how I might be able to help that hold on I have a replay buffer that I keep going so I can take Quick Clips if I uh something interesting happens I can just hit a button and I get a clip turn that off that might uh that might free up a little bit of the CPU and maybe solve the problem with the the map hope today the internet hamst was fad it's always a it's always a gamble with my internet provider it's wonderful I'm very happy with my highly inconsistent internet provider the trouble is I've at all the other options in my area there just isn't anything better unless I want like a fraction of the speeds that I can get on the cable internet for a higher price no less have another PC upgrade no I don't think it's the PC I think the PC is fine this game's new in Early Access too it probably still has some additional optimization opportunities so I I would expect that there'll probably be some of those as they make updates star link yeah yeah I mean I'm I'm I'm in a town though like in a city so for the cost of Starling I I doubt it would be worth it all roads lead to Comcast look like it's opening up into a cave or maybe not a cave but it's got a like a pocket of uh copper underneath the ground here so there was just a little bit on the surface but now we're getting a decent amount under the ground that's good it's a bit of a slow mining process for this stuff similar to the clay you you end up swinging multiple times to get one chunk T have 1K download but what's your upload my upload is limited to 300 megabits not 300 sorry 30 megabits God so I get 1,000 down and 30 up it's really lame they uh they gate it that way so you can't they don't offer any packages that have a higher upload speed I checked I'm trying to see if I can get fiber where I am uh but that's not an option either so I'm stuck with what I got unless at some point I wind up selling my house and moving somewhere else this is what it is time me start my own ISP well I'm going to need the TCH and uh the know how and the money SPO you got fiber it's definitely worth it yeah I really want fiber but I can't have it here I'm in a town house complex and I think that probably has something to do with it they likely need to upgrade the wiring and stuff around here this uh this complex I'm in is about 40 years old not that the cabling would be 40 years old but they uh until they upgrade it so that there's like the the fiber in here then uh I think I'll be stuck with what I got tell your neighbor to stop watching porn all the time it's probably what it is he's probably just downloading a bunch of stuff on Napster happen sooner or later Bell's replacing all the copper with glass yeah yeah so Belle came around and they tried to sell me on their internet service and it was like the same price for um for 75 megabits per second upload or download and I was like uh no I think I'll pass I like is that really the best you can offer they're like yeah that's that's the that's the fastest we have here I was like Wow come back to me when you have uh fiber probably DSL probably they just couldn't offer anything better so it's not that I haven't looked not that I haven't looked it's just that uh I had limited options most of the time it works fine it's just when it doesn't it's a colossal pain in my butt kind of one of the challenges with streaming I'm more affected by internet than uh if I were just uploading I guess uh oh well it's a good thing I'm not in the Shroud or I would have just screwed myself cuz I just broke my pickaxe and I didn't exactly make a way to climb out unfortunately we can fast travel in this game better pack of the mo based on poor internet yeah I practically would but I just don't have options not even our Broadband has over 30 that's far out ridiculous of your provider to make that better yeah it's weird most time uh 1, 300 up yeah it's just really lame I don't know why I guess they wanted maybe uh by throttling the upload speed that's how they keep the download speeds High I don't know there's probably a limited number of people like me that are actually affected by it most people don't really upload all that much you know when you're even when you're playing a video game you're not really uploading very much it's uh usually just like some numerical Point data or whatever okay that started I didn't get enough to do more than one batch that wow Gathering copper is a slow process I see yoink all the way back again oh wait fast travel last will it take me to the uh the one that's right outside my home or will it take me to the last one I fast travel to Well that was useless I was hoping I would it would save you the time of like having to like pan through the map where you get the lag and stuff what's this over here that's the oh the table saws over there we should go do that too pay for 80 you only get 50 down can't believe how poor speeds are for a city yeah that's rough [Music] off I mean I pay for 1,000 but most of the time it's between 800 and 900 it never really consistently runs at 1,00 let's try to make a way out of here so I can uh climb out if I need to I guess oh found more near the surface whole bunch lying just underneath the ground here guys lucky I get 20 down ooh I couldn't live that way but I mean our household streams everything so like my daughters both stream stuff like uh mostly YouTube they're watching all the time uh Netflix Prime video whatever we don't really watch actual cable TV even though I have cable internet we really don't watch cable TV can you build a ladder uh maybe if I had the materials on me but I didn't it's all right we just dig a ramp it's uh it's easy enough I need to get the copper out of the ground anyway there's a pretty good patch down here because if you can do 1,000 down you can also do up but they oversell capacity for retail yeah well like I said they're probably throttling the upload speed specifically to keep the download speed high sign up a whole pile of people on the thousand download and then try to maximize that I guess is what it is I mean like having higher upload speeds it won't really matter there's a point in which I can only send the the band with through at a level that YouTube can take anyway but if it's it's like if it's at 100 and it drops to 50 that won't impact me at all but when it's at like 30 and it drops to 15 then I then I feel it plus I'm in Canada our packages are just terrible here for cell phones we still can't even get unlimited data I don't think cannot take any more Captain streaming is arguably business it is yeah when I do my taxes I have to submit business expenses I just still want to pay business prices what you mean you want $1,000 a month for internet yeah more tra hey Jonathan you can get unlimited data but yeah big bucks yeah but it's not like in the US they have like all those crazy like from what I've seen the uh cell phone packages in the US are dramatically better than they are in Canada all that for 21 more it takes forever to mine in this game game you can use the hammer and the terraforming stuff to like dig in the ground if you want to just like dig to make an opening but you don't get nearly as many resources so I couldn't even use that to like power through here and get a bunch of copper cuz it just doesn't pick it up very much 15 bucks unlimited everything yeah see that we don't have package like that here that doesn't exist get the copper pickaxe speeds things up like crazy I believe you uh I've only just started to smelt copper though so we'll have to see if I can make it maybe now that I well once I once I get my first copper bars maybe then it'll unlock and I can like get it or something I don't know all right let's pickax is just about toast I'm going to I'm going to keep the rest of the pickaxe for now uh let's go over here cuz I want to I want to try and get the uh the saw blades we need for the uh the carpenter guy more of those flower things here too it's a whole collection of them here it almost makes me wonder if there's like is there an opening right in the ground there that they're maybe protecting or is that just [Music] mud think I need to upgrade my arrows too while we're at it these are not high effective think I switching to fire by myself problem is the email address I've been with cable I've had for over 20 years oh yeah see I just use online Internet Ser email services so I've had the same email for like ever what what what holy crap it got dark fast what happened he's night rolled in just like a like just throwing a like a dark blanket over the sky saw you pig come into the light fight me in the light that's right sucking pig give me your bones all right so the way to the uh Sawmill thing I don't know we're running a road in the dark I guess we'll just go go this way sure it'll be fine nothing dark and spoopy will jump out us right oh this is the farm again here the Lush pasture but we don't shoot meow things uh I need to collect some corn too I just realized that uh I think there's some stuff I could oh popcorn I can make with uh the honey and the corn you can make popcorn which has a really good stamina regen associated with it you know what maybe let's check and see if there's a a bed in the house here we can just sleep here make it daytime if possible oh crap oh there's a flower in here did I not come in here before why is this not glowing on the table thought it was already in here once the weeds are bad enough these Barren lands are now wrecked by creeping Sprouts it burst the soil fast so that they can cut them down vile things spitting bile and brine all the fields rot that the cas spreads deeply there's no saving the pasture last at all start a new elsewhere pass Oscar that fool never liked it much anyway snotty brat okay well we drank water uh oh I haven't been here before okay this is a new place they have a bed upstairs please tell me there's a bed upstairs well there's sort of a bed upstairs we won't be sleeping here I don't think I can craft a going have to bed no I guess I can teleport home and come back I'm kind of lazy uh I've got to get up that Cliff it seems this is all Cliffy goodness over here um and I don't have a I don't have a point I can go to that I can just fly over it that's a problem I might have to go down south and then up so we'll follow the Rockwell I guess found more clay to keep an eye out for a cave that might pass through [Applause] maybe this plant fiber thought they might be actual plants oh there's another house here never mind that's the one I just left I know my way around what is Harvest oh Force beat oh there is a cave that cave doesn't look spoopy at all there's also a guys hunting me all right friend use the term friend Loosely Yi is not too smart in this game they do tend to just sort of stand around while you're shooting them okay what's in this cave cave Passage okay this should pass through hopefully we got pigs where's pigs oh no wrong button oh where's my torch we go jerk I need to get a light source that's something other than the torch you have to carry in your hand cuz kind of inconvenient most of the time one of those flowers down there oh there's copper in here you to St little fire no he resists it that's fun oh I broke the stuff ain't so tough this will take the grass with me I guess there's a wailing sword which gives about half as much light as a torch uh I have the Wailing sword already but it's only level three uh so it's just not strong enough I've already moved past it need to find uh another glowy weapon maybe it's uh and it does give light it's just it's not very good light there just to like a little bit of it that look that might be the way out over there that was the way in what's over here nothing all right this's actually a small pass I guess maybe matter ah crap can't even find me jerk I also need to craft some more healing um I can make a larger healing potion now that heals me for like 400 and my maximum hit points is like 400 and something so it's kind of the one I want ow that miss me a but I got to get more chamomile for that uh I can plant camomile but I got I got to figure out the farming stuff hav't done any yet ow that sucked Pig these pigs is vient I'm allot the healing potions this is kind of maybe not a good idea oh well my membership expires soon R uh eat some berries we'll get some healing off of that I [Applause] guess I might actually you know I'm going to move the uh going move these berries up onto this bar because they actually have healing so in the absence of bandages or healing potions I'll just use those to try to heal up if I can hoay we're through not far from the camp either oh that's another one of those things I'm going through arrows like crazy some reason watching this reminds me of the movie Porky's Revenge what it's it because we're secretly sneaking our way into uh at Old establishment is that why luminent mushrooms and rocks are useful to craft luminescent stuff yep I got some already dug up at home just haven't made anything worthwhile with it yet the loot hiding in the ground this time almost there when you fight the bosses guarding the Elixir Wells they can occasionally drop higher gear Poss get a higher legendary whing sword that you can upgrade oh okay well the one I found in the chest was only level three I upgraded it to like level seven but it's still too low oh wonder why they built a ramp up here I wonder if they just had like scouts or something up here I'd like they just fly to the camp but since it's dark and I can't see where I'm going uh we won't do that ow they've got lights oh uh hey dude there might be enemies here not positive but fairly certain get out of the way sometimes the targeting more of a nuisance than anything in this okay hey it's daytime at least give with them backstab attacks okay so somewhere oh I'm not even there actually close but I'm not actually in the spot that's marked this is just bonus oh okay if they shoot you they can interrupt your grapple that's fun okay they gave us a way to get across over there oh now I'm in the right spot okay this is all part of the same camp oh who shooting me probably deal with the guy that's closer first ow okay maybe not one down throw the boom booms all right pretty effective but they do tend to blow the ground away too sh all right he's down many enemies will be in here metal scraps that a Sniper Tower I mean basically pretty much anyway hey lockpick nice some reason there's a hole in the ground here I don't know why a okay good I'm in the mud look at I clogged up in my boots what a backstab this guy but if he turns around he's going to see me before I even get a chance to get close enough to hit him and then his wolf friend is there [Music] too why why yes chees [Music] it blasted wolf how dare they pay attention I need to buy that ability that lets me move more quickly when I'm sneaking it's the first sneak attack I've done in a while oh CH lightning may remember Red Faction from uh volition that be Claim about completely destructible environments like reason you can tunnel through anything with enough fire P oh uh I don't think I ever saw that game and some string definitely the metal is the most valuable stuff in here not for sure there'd be rants in the seller there has been like every seller I've gone into so far there they are dang it should have known jeez found the rats into the glow of your dead friend it's like the dead animals are radioactive thank FL board ability all they got to do is leave a few lamps unlit yeah copper arrows axe chop animation is kind of weird goes on like a downward angle which makes it hard to hit things sometimes all right let's go topsite again strike while the Sun's shining [Music] level 11 flail that's a two-hander nice pillow can we take his pillow he's not even using it totally let us have it why you need mud in this game I don't know why do you need anything in the game really I guess it's just an aesthetic thing or are you saying did I collect mud I don't think I did I got dirt wait so if you go mine the mud you can actually collect the mud that's fun God for bid they just take dirt and I don't know put water on [Music] it all right how many arrows have I got left 16 and then we're on the copper arrows I guess I would like to try to stealth kill somebody here to save some energy I think they just spotted me okay they're more observant than I would have hoped oh they reset nice hold on can I mine mud no you just get dirt it's just another environmental thing to deal with cuz when you go through the mud it slows you down want want some honey oh crap going to get blown up trying to collect honey who's who that oh you what a fort they got over here so it's saying the table saw is off there I've laundered like way down here this is not where I was intending to go for I think oh well clear this out and then we'll go get the table saw I guess oh crap oh it's one of those Berserker dudes I don't have healing I got arrows though oh got a beast the heck man where these ones come from staggered my healing back they valid with the bees or the dogs with bees in their mouth when they bark they shoot bees at you huh don't really want to fight the arow launcher guy in that green dude this how hard can I hit this green guy this feels like it's probably a mistake oh got one I was just joking oh my God he's resistant to damage too okay sneak attack helped a lot there wow the guys are scary looking and they hit really hard where's Mr cage when you need him oh wolf dang it can I craft B I can't craft bandages take one of those I'm really not using these grenade things all that much but swap that in favor of the water I might need to craft more of those things some more string oh I can make I can make string there we go that's moderately better come on oh Beast there's an arrow guy he's not shooting at me so I'm going to take this bow oh okay he changed his mind what happened there I think he shot backwards when I went behind him that was weird that's someone shooting at me to our box is the attention span of a chip mug looking for acorns it's great oh yeah I uh I suffer from uh lack of attention span what were we talking about again uh okay so I got this fancy bow now orate bow that's 14 this is 23 well it's not that fancy I can upgrade it four times which might make it slightly better than the bow I have not a lot and it only has 7% Arrow speed so I think it has a shorter range so I'll probably just wind up scrapping that sucker that's a shame I got one more one more of these scrap arrows left and then I'm onto the uh onto the copper ones [Applause] thought he might a zombie I can't get in there now just when I thought I was in they pulled me back out okay ah oh God I'm fighting him in there with an Archer shooting at me that's ridiculous under the copper arrows oh that hurt oh my God he's destroying me oh God oh God oh God On Target on target run run faster run faster I can't run I got no stamina I got no stamina woo oh God he doesn't give up this this guy oh no that stops me no don't do that don't do that oh god oh hey I found a mine you know the problem too is that he doesn't uh he doesn't stop coming okay oh my God that does nothing to him why did I stop doing what I was doing was working I need these back I've only got one of those bombs left holy man this guy's Relentless there we go God dang I thought I was dead good Lord parrying him would be very good if I can actually time it right [Applause] he does have anger problems that guy's like he's like some kind of [Applause] berserker are they respawning already better not be respawning already oh Lord he come over this way where that guy can't shoot me please oh stamina stamina stamina dang yeah this is proving to be harder than I thought it would [Music] be I got to get healed again just wanted to talk to you about my car's extended warranty well the trouble is I let it expire and I don't want him to renew it it's like oh jeez guys I think I think that was everybody nope me and my big give me some arrows I need more arrows all this for a saw blade that's not even here it's somewhere else why can't I search this thing put some hardwood there there he is [Applause] okay we made it what was that oh it's one of those grenade launching dudes think he know in here I don't know how he didn't see me but I'll take it I think he absolutely should have spotted me [Music] but can't Lo whatever this thing is even though it's [Music] marked all right back at the basement again [ __ ] found an enemy P the Close Quarters in here my friend friends have got all that room up there they're making them stay in the basement it's pretty rude nice equipment repair catacombs nearby with Berserkers that have acid cleavers going to be fun oh I was just fighting a couple of those guys one of them almost killed me already I mean that looks like a secret door should be right there but cuz there a it's got an icon for a lootable but I see no such door well that was pointless I should be able to break through this I think throwing some damage break the bookshelves same thing here just wall door is a jar maybe I thought can break pretty much every block in this game but it's it's not feeling like it right now oh there we go what we got what the heck okay I don't know what that was that was a waste feel stupid for doing that now okay nothing in there there wasn't much all that much in this Camp really just little bits of loot couple Treasure Chest but nothing really great there's another one of those Berserkers right there it's a bazaka okay let's go and see if we can find this uh sawblade business it's apparently more north of me did I run past it in the night that's weird no I couldn't have back off Pig oh you jerk oh I got no stamina would like to eat my stamina food please oh B me this is like level 13 over here now all right we found Fon song Frontier circular Sade location is in here uh but this is another enemy camp so that's fun uh we might try to sneak into this one maybe if I can oh CR so much for sneaking okay we're almost dead again more bandaging required go streaky down the hotel hallway where you keep the KE what all right I'm not going to ask about your streaking habits it's okay I'll leave that one alone oh we reading chat at the wrong time uh there are some explosive barrels here but the trouble is I've got them next to me too uh um oh crap well they're gone now don't have to worry about those anymore put these guys down here the tower almost reached the sky build higher the tower must reach the Zenith and rival The Grace Of The Sun itself matron Leandra demand so I procured the finest Castle Stone find plenty of it behind the tower only the best for matron Leandra oh if we go behind the tower maybe we'll get finally get access to Castle Stone building that' be cool there's the tower over there it's not exactly the tallest tower I've ever seen but you know whatever guess they're trying sneaking yeah yeah this is the this is how I do stealth aren't I good at it pretty sure you can hide in this stuff they'll never see me here what the come on I don't think I had my right weapon equipped I'm going to die now oh crap what's down here oh not enough stamina I tried to backstab him but it did the uh the grapple thing it pulled me away I guess I didn't have my sword equipped I must have the bow it's over here [ __ ] bow level 13 21 power is it compared to what I'm using level 14 23 power okay so this one's a green one actually but again 7% Arrow speed which I think changes the range nice job learning Lots here yeah this is definitely the the stream to watch to learn what not to do that's what you're here for you are definitely in the right place um so we found the tower supposedly back here there's some Castle Stone if that no is to be believed there it is City wall blocks now I can craft those at the workbench Epic oh there's another Berserker down there look how fast he moves even just when he's walking God dang I don't like those guys ooh gold chest twin Soul mace melee weapon 29 damage level 13 it's cool and all but that's got to be a two-hander oh my God it's a one-hander what's that compared to the sword I was using oh 31 damage versus 29 it's actually not well it's upgradeable level 14 okay so it's up upgradable so it'll be better than the sword but it's not right now can I eat this thing plus one dexterity why not I do like the sword attack moves though be a lot better afterwards well I don't know about a lot better but it will definitely be better I found that the um when you level stuff up they don't really increase the the damage all that much Le not that quickly couple upgrades will raise a couple damage enough that it'll be above the sword anyway but if it's like that other mace I had it'll attack really fast too which is nice oh that's a big chunky only have 19 arrows I don't even know that to kill it plus I'd have to mess with a Berserker at the same time dang it there's the saw blades right there I see him glowing right ahead of me maybe stealth is the trick here okay good stealth wrong button it's got to be a boss yeah it's not exactly a boss but we did fight one before and they are uh we had to collect the head in order to upgrade our flame it's like like something matron go she saw me okay she knows I'm here that's fine what' you fall asleep knock yourself out oh don't go down jeez it's craziness ah okay that mesh there is just messing me up you can't walk up to the edge of it without it trying to climb down and I need uh well that was the only bomb I had oh it summons ads that's crazy gu that's what the horn thing is all about well that's a problem I'm all out of ammo and it's dark here take my torch I'll be able to see what up oh God climb fast woo jeez she is not a pretty one I don't even know what how much health I got her health down I can't can't see a health bar anymore more wolves I can't with a ladder the wolves are like hanging around the corner oh dead crap I probably should have just gone by her and then uh grabbed what I needed to where am I a no so far away shoot um so I won't have any of the supplies that I need to make bandages and stuff on me now okay I'm going to I'm going to go home quickly we can come back here I think yeah sit to the top right her health oh was it I was I was looking for like right above her when I was fighting but all right super observant we need uh need more arrows oh that that's not who I there we go uh you make me arrows shroud arrows wonder if the Shroud arrows are good against enemies I got 50 need 20 more twigs grappling hook pull anchor plus nine more at blacksmith oh I can build those in my base now that's awesome can zip up to my own rooftop Copper Door plus one more of the carpenter chain lightning of The Alchemist uh this is very full in here let's take these out got grilled wolf meat but that's all right we don't need that Archer trousers 27 how does that compare to what I'm wearing oh they're actually slightly better than what I'm wearing although the ones I'm wearing have a buff on them plus 23 health I think I'll keep the fighting trousers all right uh swand I don't need we can salvage that Salvage the flail this bow is going to be worse than the one I have so we'll Salvage that so when I upgrade twice it'll it could be well it actually been be be pretty close in those it gloves don't need that brown pants she was a name creature the scavenger grizzler matron okay all right and I learned something today uh what's this origal Scythe Sage that sucker oh my stuff go that I had in here oh oh I had my torch and I uh threw that on the ground so I could see I apparently don't have another torch I guess I'll have to craft one explosives we'll bring some more of those with us uh I've got copper poison arrows that was would have been handy against her probably put that stuff away don't know if I should upgrade that bow or not uh we can upgrade the uh the flail or whatever the mace increase critical hit damage by 20% bonus blunt damage Mana Lee on hit 5% damage drain as Mana yeah I mean it already does a little more fight I don't know why it doesn't use the uh the runes that are in your chest the way it does like everything else when you're crafting there you go 35 damage so it'll uh that's like four more damage than the than the uh than the sword so I'll take it strike while see what the attacks are like with this thing it's not bad there's Mana in this there is yeah so when you're gliding um you use Mana to give yourself a boost to fly upwards uh there might be some Mana related magical spell effects also not 100% certain what about this other bow this [ __ ] bow that gets it up to 24 so it's like one damage more but it's probably a shorter range slightly higher durability plus four Pierce damage increase back stab damage by 20% but they both do that anything else yeah so I think when you're using the staff and you're firing the Spells I think it uses your Mana oh uh character wonder if I should hold on I'm going to hold on a wolf small for just a little bit in case I decide that I not a fan of this mace thing put that away cook up some grub to take with me too how do you fly upwards uh you got a special ability that you can use uh it gives you like an upward draft um so in your skills on the Assassin tree is this one right here updraft pressing the jump button while gliding will give you a small height boost this skill can be used once per flight you can see it uses 120 Mana uh I'm sure there's other abilities that require Mana too but I mean other than the Spells Maybe 10 stamina Mana cost five per stun enemy for Shell Shock so there's uh there's a there's a few things that use it and then the uh if you're using the staff for the fire spells it does double jump thing and extra Glide is really cool yeah it's very handy uh and later on we can upgrade to a better glider that has a much better flight path than the one we have the we have a really cheap glider still so it's got a very quick drop rate to it double jump thing is like the the one skill I think pretty much everyone's going to want to take though just too handy for getting around all right me 14 meat that's enough for now I guess put the rest in here uh I should probably make some bandages since all kinds of problems were happening [Music] there there we go little better setup I had some more Twigs I could make some more arrows that'd be nice I can't be bothered spending the uh the time run around trying to get the the sticks I have six skill points I've been slacking hold on I do how about that uh all right what do we got here endurance increase your endurance attribute by one increases stamina by 10 per attribute view point not sure how that translates out St uh increase your movement speed while sneaking yeah let's take that number of times I tried to sneak up on somebody and it didn't work cuz I was too slow uh all damage dealt with rang weapons increased by 10% I wouldn't mind going like Assassin Ranger combo here over here on Survivor though we've got some endurance ons too for stamina and run speed lowered consumption on stamina equip with a melee weapon attacking with a double jump deals an additional 20% of weapon damage I'm going to take that one because i' I've been doing that a lot I didn't think I was going to use the jump attack a whole lot but I just actually like it so I've been doing it a lot uh okay we going to go all the way back up here sorry for the lag when we go to the map go get my stuff back fortunately the things you drop aren't like equipment pieces or anything you only drop like craftable materials and such but the uh the copper I mined up is in there pile of business I left behind what if I don't want to leave that out there you I didn't craft is a torch twis and plant fiber I going to get Twigs here there we go oh I was joking I didn't I wasn't really going to pick it need to find some Twigs a torch I won't be able to see in there oh that's plant [Applause] fire there we go I can't get up there now that the cave down there I climbed in I don't remember it's got to be oh there it is pigs are back this time I'm running at night and I got a sense of where I'm going don't wol then you're one of your teleports I do actually uh I just didn't think to go there separately to go get uh some Twigs mined up not a bed there's the tower where I died oh good let's just mess let's mess around with a berser right off the bat that's a great idea stamina would be good oh God he's destroying me oh God I'm out of here think he's following me okay he gave up quick God dang I didn't even have any Buffs on yet oh dang hate those guys they just hit so hard I haven't done a very good job of parrying them I've been trying to use my face and for some reason that doesn't work and I don't know why those arrow shooting guys are like everywhere where oh crap oh yeah that that worked great Jesus okay this is this is this nothing to worry about folks nothing to see here well now we're now we're screwed I thought I could zipline to that thing but apparently not not zipline but like fly over to it o i can get up high enough no I can't all right the length of the rope's still matters clearly all right that wasn't so big a deal let try that again how's the trout it treating you a it's been a little rough tonight but I keep screwing up so it's kind of my own fault oh hey oh god oh no get out of here that was the Berserker again he was already over there little jerk I mean the easier way seems to be to go under the bridge and then go up the back of the tower the way we did before uh if I can actually manage it without getting myself killed cuz I'm super confident [Music] just hide and heal in here and heal I can't put any of the flame things down right now because uh I've got already I've already maxed them out I have all the flame things I can have at the moment I got the S blades I came here for finally I'm want to kill this boss leader that got me though assing I can manage it oh the chest is back but empty okay oh not entirely empty oh wolf boss some of that thing how does she even know I'm here it's cheating she shouldn't even know I'm here just wonder if ads break your stream too yeah there's uh some of them they're not all that often but and they don't get everybody all the time it's like YouTube picks like a subset of people those are all empty cuz I already looted them but I got my stuff back most importantly we got the sbl I would rather fight her from up here if I can I've got a bunch of explosives now and then we got the bow so hopefully that will be sufficient only problem being that I don't have a ton of arrows I only got like 50 where is she there she is effective but resisted that sucks oh she's standing where I can't get her now don't be like that I'm hitting the [Applause] go a little cheap but she's not moving so why not this say in effective but it's doing an awful lot of damage there we go look at that lady use the term lady very Loosely come on I got to be a little careful cuz there's the Berserker down here oh my [Music] God she died like right here did she not drop anything oh there it is ooh fancy staff found my torch all right not going to get out of here alive past that Berserker guy we'll go back up on this thing cheap cheese Actually I don't even need to climb out here I can just teleport out we'll go head home we'll give the uh the saw blades to the carpenter guy we can be out of here hope since dying on my way out that would suck small glowing light potion that can make uh The Alchemist that last for 5 minutes I used that thing once it was like this weird rainbow light flying oh the trees are growing up uh it was this weird rainbow light like flying around my head it was kind of weirdly distracting good to see circular saw blades of highest quality you brought back the circular saw blades huh scavengers gave you trouble no they only killed me a little bit it's not that big a deal Berserker nearly smoked me really bad so thornhold didn't hold a shame well let's craft the table saw in their honor put it where I can see it all right table saw oh I got all the stuff I need too important workplace uh for Carpenter which will enable many new crafting opportunities okay so I wonder if uh it actually needs to be near him or if it's just another bench that I can use for making the component materials to craft other things table saw yeah we can put it out here right put it on this side yeah okay so it'll just make planks and stuff I can throw some stuff in there uh we could move the carpenter out there too he'd be under the roof and he'd be covered but I kind of like the fact they're all in here so when I actually want to craft something I go to them what cheese that wasn't cheese that was skill that was strategy strategy don't need to strengthen the flame next time we need some goo oh good uh Sparks Indigo plants Amber which I haven't found yet fell whisper W wisp wavering head well that's fun you can't see it there but does it count does he actually have to literally see it it'll suck if you can't insufficient materials wood logs I don't know I don't know if he actually does have to see it I we could move some people around in here again I guess and we could put the saw table at the front but I feel like I've got all this space in here I could be using and having it all crammed in one little room go stick some log in there and see what happens yeah I just want as long as it doesn't like stop him from having the new crafting options I got to get some logs though I uh I'm kind of fresh out oh didn't make the jump chop a couple trees down I focus so much you need for new place bath towels for instance there'll be no major crime tonight what oh must be relating to the streaking [Music] again Fox how you doing hey Paul I'm good thanks how are you happy Monday sadly the end of the weekend but got another one to look forward to in like four more days the base had something similar in M yeah I kind of like how it turned out um I'd like it to be more filled with things so I I probably should spend some more time doing decoration stuff so that I can make it look a little bit more properly filled out in there cuz it's just kind of a big empty space right now I don't really know how we'll really fill in the courtyard to any great extent but pretty nice looking compound starting up I like the uh villa style yeah it's cool I um I wish I could put like some there's like flowers and stuff you can plant in there I might do some of that to try to make the courtyard look a little nicer tray Romanesque yeah oh how much copper did I make I can made 20 bars right I wouldn't mind seeing if I can uh afford some of that uh some of that new armor too what did I need for the the armor in here Adventurer set oh right the linen I haven't got yet I could get a new helmet at least you still here stop wearing this like horrible scrap metal one that I've been running around in so the helmet I have now is uh 15 physical resist this one's 23 plus I look like some sort of weird version of a stormtrooper or like a sylon from uh Battle Star Galactica gu we don't need we can delete [Music] that I had a staff I was keeping here this one's 29 power so is this but this one is better we can Sage that one we should probably put all this junk away scavenger major ah head we'll keep hold of that that might come in handy later probably just decorative honestly but I got copper ore we can put away too upgrade my pick yeah we'll see if we can do that um I can go in there oh I need more charcoal how's this going it's not oh my God I forgot to put the logs in here ah H so smart crap I need charcoal two planks takes one wall oh we got two planks for every one log so let's uh let's put some of these in here and see what happens we get to work maybe I'll just make the rest of this into charcoal for now care to look at my craft uh uh I have a I don't know what he's telling me to there's like a quest here I've got that I have to build one of those things for some reason there's our uh copper door so the uh the copper pickaxe should be with this guy right pickaxes there we go copper pickaxe Sweet coppering Axe too oh I need string um okay got a new one-handed weapon the enhanced Spike Club some new dishes grapping pull anchor and swing anchor we can use those for building circular saw blades in case we need to make more of the saw benches too you still here all right pickax axe that's good we needed that upgrade that was a big one F three more we need which uh we didn't make more magic boxes yet no I haven't yet mostly cuz I hadn't really filled these ones up just yet I mean it's getting there they are getting pretty full look I got I do stuff in two different places that's not right I do need to make more arrows um I brought back some more Twigs so we can I didn't make enough of course not there's the copper Arrow I think I'm going make copper Arrow from now on um I have a a Wolf Den that's like right near one of my one of my home points this one right here should get some Twigs quickly recall one particularly infuriating death loop I got into I what a pain that was yeah the death loops and valheim are vicious especially since uh if you don't have the portal and you've got to sail all the way to your body that's just the worst we should help a lot with Gathering materials having a better pickaxe now stamina is still a problem though hit it back off rebuild for quite a while was it jogger spawner that had managed to spawn a two star Archer oh yeah that'll mess you up I got to do a bad death Loop a little bit with uh the Mist lands right on the shoreline all right 45 will do that'll make me two batches of arrows at least uh here you the highest level I've seen so far in this game what level am I like level 11 maybe 12 character level 11 yeah level progression is really slow it's uh it takes a lot fan blade 25 death Loop still your record oh yeah that one definitely is oh my God what game is that uh discovering Mars or something oh I got uh more berries we can stock with [Music] here arrows copper arrows thank you if it bleeds it just like if it bleeds it leads keep those here in case they might come in handy later oh let's get this core we can make another one of those chests um I got to make a medium chest though first which is going to require no small chest I need wonder if I'll be able to make a med oh I can make a medium magic chest oo planks and Nails I don't have any nails right now break a leg let's get some planks oh I can make an ornate wood bed now you could be fancy okay one more batch of copper I got to make a whole lot more of the uh charcoal I I should probably make a second kill actually wor sure wor sure look for the Boston approach it's woer oh I'm two planks short watching first SPS I also need uh goo and I wait oh I can make goo up here I think with this guy no that's only bone meal thought there was a place I could make goo here it is I need bug dust sorry for the flashing safe travel okay so that gets me the goo I needed okay can make up a chest uh storage medium chest and then medium magic chest LMO you've got a good ey does it take up more space than the other chest does or is it uh similar sized uh it looks basically the same size a whole extra row of uh yep one more row of storage sweet I'll take it can't complain about that I guess okay was it daytime or yeah it's night time let's catch some z's then we'll go and uh hit up another one of those things chat been talking about sauces and Foods again I swear this might as well just be a cooking channel there's more food discussion during streams than anything else I wind up hungry by the time I'm done streaming all the time it's midnight I'm looking for a meal brutal those wonders for the wasteline uh all right what do we got going on the journal we've got 11 quests still active um we need a fireplace for the farmer [Music] Hunter's hand spindle will get us uh that'll get us the loom I think I should probably go after that where's that on the map set that as a waypoint it's not far from there oh sweet okay probably should have got that one a while ago 500 plus viewers and only 150 likes yeah I don't Farm likes all that much so people don't think to click it all the time you couldn't get your chest three high oh weird I think I had to stand on something to be up high enough to be able to place it cuz it was hard to get the right angle if I remember [Music] correctly okay it's just right oh was it should these buildings right here I think you already see it oh this is the letter Martha's diary entry one still nothing to eat still nothing to serve bones scraps and watery soup when will we beat our demise a new traveler arrived hungry and tired she wanted me to leave the bones in her stew quiet anger lingered in her eyes wild determination like a starving wolf I offered her a room but she declined with a grunt marched into the woods up north to sleep on the cold hard ground a brute belongs in the wild anyhow so something up north like the thing I need to find okay oh there's lots of enemies here look more metal while we're here I guess what's the Diary 2 I woke to the smell of blood freshly uh freshly flowing I looked outside my window where some Predator made a a fresh kill of two fade deer effortless maybe but certainly not painless first I cried out in shock but then the realization hit me two Fay deer eight rib portions a maybe 10 12 sausages blood pudding and dessert gallons of Stew this will feed the whole village thank the Ancients no it was the brute that took off to the north to sleep in the woods had nothing to do with it oh they got the copper doors here this place is rich I got to get some better buff food could been slumming it with the stuff that I've been using this whole time brutal make some popcorn eventually I get some my hands on some corn give me that time rats no chest never know we're here okay maybe he will if he would just walk the other way a little bit we could go to m him and no it was going to come this way I think he spotted [Applause] me oh there you are I hate these guys can shoot straight up you wouldn't think that thing would be able to like we without a fuel tank for a love machine what's that about a love bus bug skittering this building has a basement it sounds like there were bugs downstairs well yes it does they probably oh spiders ah I'm poisoned dang it see if there's no let going to see if there's anything behind it but I guess not and the food Puffs wear off so fast I got to get better food need that cooking pot [Music] no corn plants are these orol and flower seedling okay take those just in case they're useful for gardening probably should grab this since it's a respawn point I got be I can't get that one up there got Oreos man I wish I had Oreos kot in the capital doesn't make better food it just autoc Cooks it oh really that [Applause] sucks little foggy in here all right we got to go north uh hopefully there's a trail or something over here we can take oh there we go got a little hole in the ground ooh oh never mind second I thought it was copper but it's uh I guess that makes sense that it wouldn't be it's not far enough North more Stone smash attack on the bees uh I don't think that should work but I'll take it oh my God you guys in your food talk getting hungry over here Hunter bow level n that's scrap leave the rock behind finally fresh air not heavy with the scent of pollen or sweet sickening Decay my head spins I haven't slept in days not since I left my spindle in the revelwood at top that Cliff side so far away now but I can't turn back I had to flee something sinister is buried in that Thicket spreads through the undergrowth like Roots it Embraces it Tangles squeezes and suffocates shimmering in the darkness between the branches under the skin the silky web of a two clawed hunting spider nightmares like those are forged by man I've learned all right so I guess that means we got to go north farther probably to that cave entrance right there so we'll set that as a way point actually there's a flame alter right here a flame sanctum let's go to that thing first if I can get to it shouldn't be too far away just imagine an egg Buffet what's wrong with you that's got to be the flame sanctum there all right don't get me wrong I wish I like eggs I just can't eat them sure makes breakfast awkward make you fatana sometime I'll have to make you some uh some warmed up vomit sometime it'll be an even trade there we go I have no idea what the fur patches are for I'm just going to get rid of it get a lot of those off the rats and stuff okay we're headed north up to here now um so I guess we got to go to this spot first oh maybe I actually should have gone maybe I'll quickly teleport home we'll drop off the stuff first I got on me I do have the farmer vault already so we have all five of the vendors unlocked or the craft people or whatever um but then once you have them unlocked they ask you to start to go retrieve different tools and stuff for them which unlocks further tiers of crafting so we just got the saw blades for the carpenter uh we're working on the spindle for the hunter which I think is going to give us access to the loom possibly so we can or a spinning wheel or something so that we can um start to make linen nothing in there yeah yet uh all right I can put the plants in here that I Le are new all the spell stuff can go in here I guess all these Mana potions I just haven't even been using them uh logs don't need two torches right now we'll leave that here too I really haven't been using these Elixir I should probably make a point of doing that more especially when I'm not in the uh when I'm not in the Shroud this uh this one here that gives you like less like a lowered shroud time does doesn't matter I can get a 30-minute buff cuz I'm not even in the Shroud most of the time don't get forget the soul flet what's this now oh the sule I can eat eggs when they don't taste like eggs like uh you know if they're in something like pancakes or whatever just uh just can't eat eggs oh I yeah I should have set up the uh thing for more planks I guess you can make animal skins out of first patch is kind of pointless yeah you can get so many animal skins though so yeah it would be kind of pointless there we go north oh wait this this Farm had a whole bunch of the um the chest nuts or whatever does it have corn here cuz I could really use some corn I want to make popcorn back off Pig oh I launched him second a pig uh let's pop one of these things good place to get honey over here doesn't look like they have corn in this farm this little flowers and stuff [Music] and a pig down rotten pigs things are mean man need some blue flowers to upgrade the flame oh do I maybe I should grab those while I'm here I'm going to forget where they are so I'm going to quickly grab those then I roll right into the pig blue flowers you say oh there's oh there's few over here I just wiped out the flower B with the flowers in it a man Le there's some left oh it's flax I don't remember if I need more of the purple ones we'll grab those too indigo plant Pig's following me follow the wrong Fox this time Pig downside of destructible environments yeah at least it adds an element of real realism when you do something sloppy like that you pay the price what the there a cave over here that's got to be another tunnel through I would think figs oh wait a minute uh okay there's copper in here another one of these cave passages I'm not messing with that one right now come back to that and cheese we just got got to got to get some cheese to go with our ham maybe some mustard too a I should be going north but I want to see what's up there can I get up there squirrel this is the squirrel effect I'm sorry Le the average Hills on map oh the cave you mean yeah does once you once you get into it uh I don't think I can get a pine if to get on this thing can't jump that high oh so close oh so close oh I think that's the first time I've just flat out Fallen to my death oh man yeah I should have just dug myself a trench way up there trying to get up there without doing it but that'll learn me the trials and tribulations of the lower intelligence oh I should probably heal too while I'm at it that's what I get for getting distracted like oo [Applause] shiny now did it leave my body down here or did I put it up top I wonder oh these flowers thought I found the way up don't need to cut a trench just got to use your brain I guess which I didn't do very well um where is my body is it sitting at the bottom of these rocks or the top I wonder oh there it is all right problem solved oh I did it again oh we we're fine holy copper look at it all up here oh he saw me that wasn't very effective have a terrible time parrying those guys uh this looks like clay down here pretty sure this a clay y clay it is you falling and you can't get up I I I'm having chest pain what have we here rat that's what we got it's like an old defensive Tower along a wall we need if there's something cool up here oh forgot to like the video well thanks for clicking the like button I appreciate it to like 193 likes right now thanks everyone who's the like button everyone who's just hanging out to watch the stream appreciate the support got to go up just a regular chest up oh what is that prayer of the flame scroll offer a small prayer to the flame that increases your magic damage and the maximum time in the Shroud for a short duration oh it's like a consumable interesting first one of those I've seen that's [Music] fun All Along the Watchtower perfect okay there's other buildings over here but I want to go let's go after the objective I got a little sidetracked by my little adventures in Tower town there like when you use that upward gust you lose forward momentum I'm wrong but it seems like it bunch of copper again and explosive barrels oh I've got to I swear the copper just regrew that was weird just about pure copper right here where the other ones I was digging it out of the dirt it's still so slow to accumulate though all right let's focus on while we're here what is that oh God it's the spider web oh I hate spiders yeah this is fun um I don't have any more altars I can build either so I can't even set one close to here not that it's that far of a run but it's far enough that it'll be a nuisance if I happen to get myself dead oh boy insta poisoned we got spoter oh those are just mushrooms might as well these guys cuz we get string out of them I'm not really worried about the bug parts I guess I can grind those up and make more alchemical stuff but the thing will be anny lots of copper in [Music] here a poison again well I can see where the spindle is we have to get but there's got to be a boss spider here I would think get the spindle fast oh if I die I have it at least explosive Powerball net my god really oh here we go why are they all running into the middle there I wonder my weap hope they spawn instantly or like infinitely Noe maybe not there a good chunk of spiders got a whole lot of the explosives though at least fig out those green ax withing Berserkers are weak to ice damage oh are they that's handy I don't have anything ice related um I probably should keep something on me whether it's a wand or a uh staff or something but the trouble with the staff is I you going to have the ammo so maybe a wand would be useful there a lot of spider business we got there must be a note here I didn't grab it's still glowing sleepless night a comforting heat emanates from the Rocks so I won't need a fire tonight I hear them in the distance searching howling it's the wind that carries their mad is my way a draft from the mines what are they digging for screams rip through the night and scare away all prey I'm starving should I have stocked up at resources when I was near glenwoods end no whole place reaks of blood and betrayal I know the scent well I'll walk with hunger in my heart if I must um okay hold on let's um thought I just picked up that campfire there it is a quick resting buff comforting heat from the Rocks I don't know maybe there's like something volcanic near here grab some of the blue rocks on the ground it's a new building type oh yeah I have some of those back at uh back at my base already it's the actually the the um the little plants that are growing on it that you use 11 minutes it's not much of a buff but it's something this stuff here not the dirt luminous growth it's not the quickest thing to harvest though stuff's pretty yeah you can make like it's it's almost like glow stones in Minecraft or something got me nine glowy H here we come yeah I don't like spiders oh just wraps around this isn't the way I came in I'm curious if there's anything else over here ah crap poison get nothing here it all just wraps around I really thought with her message there was going to be like a big boss spider or something in here but maybe she was just referring to the spiders in general what are you ah Jee can't even hit him ah back off nothing about fur patches really dark I wish I was doing this during the day see some time Fox I have to go to work have a good day at work or a good night at work the two it is I guess where are we going to come out here I wonder near the top of the mountain a pig hunting me that pig away from me there's some really cool cedy in this [Music] game yeah trapped forever trapped until we fast travel home what's up there I don't know if I can get there from here didn't jump up that very well sometimes you can get up some pretty weird slopes in this game just by jumping in a weird way not so much this time there we go we made it it was probably an easy way to do that oh it's not ah I saw that the light shining there and I thought it was a tower that was close like right on the top of the hill but it's not it's a little bit farther away litera the flowers much for get the flax more flowers okay that Tower right there it's got to be the the ancient Tower of reel W fast travel point I would guess chimkin Wing thanks for clicking the join button welcome to duplicate appreciate the support sun's coming up what a sunrise happens so fast too all right there's no punch point in running here on foot uh we might as well fast travel home get that spindle tur in and see what we can make again I think it'll be uh it won't I don't think it'll be the loom but it might be like a spinning wheel maybe we can get let's got more sa let's take more yeah there we go my hand spindle an ambush but I hid my tracks how could the soldiers uh spiders you say ignore me then place that hand spindle and we'll keep and we'll move on touch now whilst we craft my secrets are mine to keep sure they are [Music] okay so we can craft another one fossilized bone that's something I haven't even encountered yet that's fun so I guess the are we done here where is it here can't [Music] spindle uh I mean this is pretty small I could just stick it in here for now I'm curious what is this going to be another one of those like automated thing it is so this makes linen out of flax so good thing I grabb that flax thank you to whoever suggested we grab the blue flowers I remember who it was I must have some other flax in here somewhere right maybe not there it is little bit more um the stone can go in here like oh man we got lots of string out of those spiders that was great experience scroll cool yeah let's put this in the smelter uh we got a little bit more charcoal so that's good I can go in here make there some more copper we got 32 planks in there now hey Shad how you doing you to go to work I'm stick of these shells what had to go to work that day it looked like a drowned right uh yeah sometimes when I miss a lot of stuff in chat and I go back to read it none of what you're talking about makes any sense okay let's use this item see how much xp I [Music] get didn't tell me that's interesting you play storage if you hit X they become Snappy so you can place them exactly on top of one another yeah yeah same as everything [Music] else snap on snap off Etc uh okay how long does it take to make the linen I wonder I craft them pretty quick actually let's make some armor oo Advanced GL hold on a second Advanced glider you say hey good to see you hey I still catch an eye full of you Plumbing into the ground in the distance every once in a while no worries there's no shame in that but if you want to fly with style consider crafting a better glider with me shroud sack I have one but I have no idea how I got that three out of four linen I definitely want that glider 150% range wow sweet sweet hey tag are you the stream has a tons of bangal cats oh is tag here I'm not tag if you're thinking I'm tag you're in the wrong stream yeah I got to get more of those uh more of those blue flowers I guess uh we could probably plant some eventually too I should probably try and do some farming maybe next time so we can try to grow some of the crops that I'm going to need for things okay so the Shroud sacks I don't remember where I got that or even what it looks like uh it said I only had one of them what about I got it from Poison sack there it is shroud sack I don't know what I got that from from the evil blue flowers in the Shroud oh is that what it's from okay so I got to go mess around in the Shroud a little bit um those are probably up north too right not the ones that are near here so we might have to buzz up here find a shroud in this General vicinity I should leave the planks behind feel like I needed the planks for something else too and I don't remember what in the interim I think I'll use that uh Lin to make armor if I can the adventurer set I still can't make the chest piece I don't have enough Lin for that dried fur copper bar charcoal it's going to take three linen just to make the gloves yikes oh the pants they give me more health never let the Cs die three more there um well I guess I'll make the gloves got a oops a I mean to do that there we go starting to get slightly better armor I really need a better chest piece I really I got to get more linen which means we got to find a whole lot of those flax flowers what we doing for food uh I should probably cook some food over here so I going to be on the hunt for Flax on the hunt for corn cuz I want to make the popcorn we got to get those shroud things old shroud sacks so excited I found an epic armor schematic in power world it had the same stats as The Uncommon oh really that sucks I found a couple of The Uncommon armor sets but I um I haven't actually crafted them yet I didn't scrap the wrong gloves can't fool me you can tell cuz these new ones have a pattern on them the other ones didn't common uncommon was an improvement but epic was like double The Uncommon cost oh yeah that sucks lady gloves lady glove all right they're just stylish that's all you're just jealous you wish you had gloves like that to wear around you grow fla seedlings at the seed band yeah if I hadn't actually destroyed them all uh I crafted with them I got I made camomile seedlings in here I haven't done any planting in this game yet I don't really entirely know how it works but uh I already converted all my uh flax into in the linen perhaps a mistake you haven't CRA you haven't scrapped the new after you crafted in a while yeah it's been a little while I had it's not that I haven't made that mistake before it's just been a hot minute Neil with the Super Chat really enjoying your enshrouded streams well thank you Neil I really appreciate the Super Chat that's uh very very generous of you thanks for the support thought you were going to change out for the moving blanket I am I I got to get more linen I need more flax Knights wear underwear I mean I hope so otherwise I would think that uh that armor would severely chafe so do we not have to like uh dig up like Burrows or anything in this to plant not enough free space it's oh oh it actually planted it oh I'm going to make super crooked rows you're all going to be really upset with me you're welcome this is all chamomile unfortunately it's not flx there we go cile I need that for making some better health potions it's just the flax Ma just the flax metal and skin would probably not feel great yeah I would think not they they might they would have had to wear padding underneath the armor cuz the armor itself would have been a problem uh let's go back what is this over here oh that's a flank sanctum that's telling me to go to fireplace for the farmer we have to go all the way over there sorry about the lag when we go to the map it's kind of brutal doesn't seem as bad now that I turned off the uh the replay thing um I don't know what that is I've still got these Quest things that I haven't gone and picked up yet there in this General vcinity but I did find fla up here so let's go up here we'll look in the woods see if we can find some there cine with a gift of membership thanks cine someone organized not good enough needs to be more sporadic the time I plant it erratically I get in trouble oh that's not what I want there we go uh there's probably no more flax left here I don't don't think I recall see any more of the Planters when we were here Hy would be good hey the suck it piggy so we we have to find those blue flowers that shoot stuff right those are the ones that give the uh the Shroud sacks I'm going to have to find a bigger bigger area with the Shroud I think I mean it's all shrouded over here I guess go over the mountain in the meantime we'll try to keep an eye out for flax here too that flax will take it anyway what level are you uh I think I'm level 11 right now level 11 on my way to 12 it's very very slow leveling in this game like any other game like the first couple levels go relatively quickly but then after that it goes real slow never seen lag on the map oh so um yeah no it's not it's well I mean I'm in Ontario too but um I don't think it's about your location I uh I normally have a replay buffer that runs in OBS so I can I can hit a hotkey it'll take like a 60-second clip going back in time of something that happen so if there's something interesting that happens I can make a clip out of it um but I did notice that anytime I was opening up the map in the game I was getting lag and it it seemed to be because it was taxing the CPU so I turned that replay buffer off and it seems to be helping okay I got to go I guess I'll have to go down towards the Shroud if I'm going to get that stuff I was hoping to get more flax first but only got a couple we got like three I guess that's enough I can make some seedlings and we can start planting them yeah simply the flax ma'am simply the flax better glider would have been handy right here so we just crash into the trees more Piggies time buddy oh there's skulls in here okay you got to get down buddy got him in the way okay guess we'll see if we can find some of those blue flower things we're looking for there's [Music] one nice I feel like I'm going to wander around randomly in the fog and hope I bump into those things Timber you're kind of bump at the microphone buddy super one now he's just always looking for attention this cat huh I feel like there's something missing there St just floating oh no oh crap uh how do I get out of here I mean it's good thing I have the glider but [Applause] oh crap used still we have a problem it's too high I can't climb here oh no you're a future teller I have the materials on me to craft a ladder I don't think all right or free man I did not see that coming jeez stupid bugs they they got hung up on the miror a little bit [Applause] got to be another atis good grief all we got a couple minutes left in the Shroud let's get a get reset get high enough this way just your luck to fall in again yeah that would be my luck wouldn't it and you can't you uh you can't fast travel when you're in the Shroud either so would that'd be wonderful God I can't see where I'm going to land now might not have been a good idea and need more flowers kind of thought I'd find the flowers easier honest actually oh jeez maybe help if I locked on to him maybe not red thought I had a healing potion I guess I must have used it I don't have anything I need to craft bandages right now sharpen broadsword okay I don't really want to mess with the guys that have arrows over there can't see the shots coming in oh God really I even know where I got shot from uh I need string plant fiber camo whe here but no blacks you can log out and it teleports you back home kind of cheaty oh really yeah I wouldn't want to do that oh this a flame tank [Music] nope huh just an interesting Tower in the forest I [Music] [Music] guess there we go and all that all I've gotten is one one shroud sack there you are you little jerk get out of here here oh good there's two of the flowers there the heck H the tree not another one over here d all man I need a stronger [Music] bow it's not very [Applause] effective a shroud liquid I didn't seen that muchroom but I was wondering if it was uh something different sadly not there we go okay that gets me enough to make the glider um but I'm going to need more linen so flax will be the thing to find next I guess more flax any we got a little bit of flax we can plant seeds with but shouldn't dismiss any parts that fall you need everything well you can't collect everything though your inventory is just endlessly full you can walk by every tree and knock it down basically you can craft shroud juice too though I think that a letter there we found a note oh bugs Beast beneath the soil I was carrying construction materials when I felt a rumble under my feet startled I tripped the heavy load and tumbled on the ground must have have my hand on the stone when I woke ah bugs where's their spawner don't see a spawner here uh when I woke I felt a tingle on my palm a crawl then a sting beast of the Critter plunged its needle like fangs into my hand I shook it off roused by the scare I wanted to stop it out but the Beast burrowed underground build without me whilst I tend to this wound oh ni say Baron that where to spite from the Shroud at least ramble spine Boneyard that was a big miss these are level 15 ah it wasn't only me that fell in suer level 12 all right we can go up oh there's a door over here looks like a door but it's not ooh there's explosive barrels back there fired bricks flask of the felt you know what I probably should use a flask of them in here God flask of the Fel does uh bonus stamina let's take that okay that one's [Music] locked got to look for lights think more games need to do life stealing from Undead causes damage I suppose oh guess he's not susceptible to the electricity ow oh jerk oh boy that sucked man that one hit really hurt don't see any buttons there we go and this must be the drop that's like right above that door yep there we go it was about above the door downstairs well when they're blue like that it's uh it's actually showing that it's not pushed unless I missed another one somewhere the heck what can I hit it if I have to lure the bugs onto it or something oh boy going to bring The Wraith in here and get him with the explosion oh I'm also running out a shroud cover okay I got to go reset my shroud maybe she just W for exploding plants and barrels so no ammo required yeah maybe I should keep it oneand in handy I guess I mean not that the ammo is really expensive to craft or anything but will he follow me in here I think he's getting stuck on the wall he can't come in not in a how'd that one hit me I don't know if you can even come in here he's flying so I don't think I can hit him either no got be all Arrow night Fallen Archer a this guy's got a shield ah that didn't work could he not trigger this thing nope you can't dang it ah swi for that plan I thought I could get him to Stu step on the pressure plate and then get it but no such luck oh you reset his health come on that's going to that's going to suck bad oh boy he's fast he doesn't stay stunned very long his shield protects him from my arrows too I don't know how to get by there next to the door yeah I guess we could just smash our way in I was trying to avoid cheesing it if I could my G just hit him did you see how much life he took off when he hit me once I was trying to get to a pointy where I could heal up first to shoot have to shoot the target like above the light maybe it's not that I don't understand this one normally if you've got that trigger plate in the door you can just shoot the button but button's impervious man [Music] there stamina over here oh staggered oh crap there we go jeez no my aim's too high well I was uh I was aiming okay so you might not see me earlier but I was actually shooting the light itself um and so that wasn't working so I thought maybe if I aimed above the light hit the little pattern that was up there it might work but that didn't work out stop running away that door doesn't open want shoot below the light maybe that'll open up the door up there that'll just to keep it open or something now and then I can push the button that's inside there oh no that opened this door really dark in here get up that way [Music] have to go re reset my shroud again soon this place is creepy man oh God dang that cost [Music] me a I'm stuck in the thing oh no leave now uh I wonder if I have enough time to run back to that uh shoot I don't know where I am right now crap 36 seconds I probably don't have time now oh God it's the boss uh okay oh no it's not there where is it dang it where's the door there it is I'm H think I don't have stamina I'm going to die at least we'll respawn like right in here bow who's the boss uh that guy probably Tony danz so we respawn in the dungeon at least that's uh small blessing I guess um let's take one of these I got almost all the way back still would love to know how I do this thing see no amount of shooting that thing is triggering it there isn't actually a button in there either I don't know whatever [Music] heck is that don't even anything I can pick up think we can sneak up on this oh Banshee I was going to try to sneak attack him but I guess we're not going to do that oh God n That's mighty unfriendly sir jeez oh he kicks me like it oh through the wall come on didn't even hit him crap yeah there we go [ __ ] bow level 15 power 24 that might be an upgrade over the one I have maybe actually it's got three upgrades to it it's a blue one might be better does your weapon heal you no it doesn't unfortunately need like a leech effect on it ow these guys are tough probably because there a couple levels above me oo a big gold chest Elder staff that figures keep getting staves and I don't even use them no idea what that other button was for am I using a controller no I'm doing mouse and keyboard all right let's get out of here the heck is that thing that just a Banshee Ling weird all right I'm going to get out of the fog here so we can uh fast travel back home I can find a way out hoay we're out okay good let's go plant some flax back at home uh see how much I can get out of that hopefully with the stuff you plant you get more than one back cuz otherwise it's kind of a waste there flax nice okay back down here you get 10 per oh that's pretty good set up some seedlings in here uh FX I need water in there all right so I got to go find a well and loot it cuz I don't have enough uh I don't have water anymore [Music] all right this two and ax I'm not going to use we'll Salvage that uh this staff is power 32 which is better than the power 29 one I think I have in here somewhere that's power 29 we'll get rid of that one and keep this one I guess [Music] this most power 24 the one I'm using is power 24 after upgrades so that's good 29 damage on that sword not as good as what I have so that's [Music] fine let's grab both of these put these blocks in here more crafty pieces get this bow upgraded and see what it was like card bow plus4 piercing damage vicious and then increase crital strike chance that gets me up to 27 bre a leg oh several slightly better upgrades are not not really huge leaps I've noticed in this game character they had more of these um shroud cores all right this going to take a little bit to to craft I think we'll probably plant those next time uh it's already 12:30 I got to be up for work in the morning so I'm going to have to crash for tonight I didn't get to upgrade my my chest armor at least we got a new helmet some new gloves uh I think a new pants or whatever little bit better armor we'll get the chest piece next time and then we'll actually look like we might be an adventurer instead of like a hobo who couldn't find anything better uh thanks everyone for coming h tonight appreciate the super chats this evening gifted memberships and what have you and uh welcome to the new members if you don't currently subscribe to the channel feel free to click on the Subscribe button come back and hang out with us again another time uh we'll definitely be playing some more in shrouded this week uh I don't entirely know what my schedule's going to be just yet but I'll once I get that posted I'll figure it out uh pick up the cam meal before we end I mean just to see how much of it we got you mean repo what the I got one that was no good I don't think these are ready yet they don't have the flowers on [Music] them yeah so you can rip them up I guess if you wanted if in casesse you put them in the wrong spot and then replant them oh well anyway thanks so much everyone really appreciate it I'm as always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 33,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded let's play, enshrouded first look, enshrouded live stream, enshrouded part 1, enshrouded ep 1, survival building game, mistbury catacombs, enshrouded building
Id: xtgwg5oa8CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 55sec (12655 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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