Perfectly Pan Seared Lamb

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welcome back to chef state of mind you guys should already know who it is but for you if you do not know I'm chef D as always and today we're making the best one you ever had in your life so just sit back sit tight relax and we'll be right back okay so if you come in closer before we get started this isn't exactly what you want a laminate look like you do not want it to be gray anywhere you want it to be a nice dark deep red okay that's exactly what you want this is called making a compound butter okay so what's the point of that olive oil has a smoke temp 350 degrees ahead of smoke way below the high temperature we also want the flavor we have we have green onion you see these are nice these about an inch thick so you want to season that nice nice and well we're gonna flip that I'm gonna season what up this is this is the meeting here and we don't see them with this might be asking yourself dimitra's that's a lot of salt isn't it gonna be salty no I just don't say it's big you want to season for the whole meat not just that one side okay so we have a pan on medium-high heat I'm gonna take these in you hit up listen listen yeah that's that's what you want to hear good want to press that in these incidents to get a nice even and I even feel on that look what you don't want look at you what you don't want is to have some of the brown and if someone's it kind of like a like a gray color kind of like ground beef that means steeping and cooking this all day you don't want that you want a nice crisp delicious crusty skin okay that's exactly what you want a minute minute 1/2 me okay nice and hot we're getting a nice color on that back off the heat a little bit cuz we want we do not we do not want to burn that okay I like my lamb medium so okay you got a hand right right okay medium rare right there that's medium right here medium well and well done at the hockey club do not cook anything [Music] now we happy paramedics I thought about earlier like we have my Bartlet everyone you just know that is right into you go smash the garlic boom let that butters break that down let it release let that fill aromatics that garlic that green on this pan will be all this all the flavors minute and a half maybe and when I get some butter and I'm going to show you guys how to start basement all of this delicious crispy man I'm gonna make the skinny the crispy and one-stop basement with hot butter in the compound butter and all that go make it super crispy that's exactly what you want the point where you want to turn you eat pretty much too high to start now in his daughters [Music] aromatic down at the bottom though duck while the butter is something to develop on that flavor let's talk basement if you're going to tilt the pan and the tilt the toys and basis keep that same motion both gonna turn oh they get brown right that's good because you want it to have a nice and nutty flavor but you don't want it to turn black that's gonna get better everywhere you want to be careful so you'll want any of this butter down into your eyes cuz that's the caught up on you baby want to add flavor to it makes the meat cook even so you never get heat from the bottom you also get from the top when you pouring that if you see the opponent or you get a little bit too dark - Karl - he's the residual heat will still keep that water it's a nice and nice and low fire with people on dates and he's gonna bake this for about a minute [Music] [Music] [Music] just through that flesh so now that that's finish cooking you want to let it rest for at least a minute at least a minute two minutes to three minutes is preferably the best way that's gonna allow it to come up in temperature a little bit more to finish to finish cooking into whatever you desire I like my medium soccer's it's a little bit above medium rare and then the recipe will bring that back up to medium that's also gonna help retain a lot of their moisture so now you know how to make lamb this the same process works for steak for fish chicken you just want to cook your chicken well done of course but is that simple guys it's just just technique good ingredients seasoning and execution that's all it is so thank you for tuning in to chef state of mind as always make sure you like comment subscribe share that will really help me out and I appreciate it I appreciate everybody who watches everybody who shares everybody who likes as always I'm chef D for chef state of mind
Channel: Chefs State of Mind
Views: 319,072
Rating: 4.6965785 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor, Lamb, garlic, cooking, chef, how to, make, how to make, pan seared, seared lamb, how to make lamb, how to cook, make lamb, cook lamb, cook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2016
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