Grilled Lamb Chops Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 590

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hi guys I'm Laura Vitale and on this episode of Laura in the kitchen I want to show you how I like to make my grilled baby lamb chops and I like to drizzle a little mint oil at the end just cuz it's really really good with the combination of mint and lamb I've been getting tons of requests lately to start doing more like start doing lamb recipes and I love lamb so now that I know you guys want to see recipes including this ingredient that I'm going to definitely bring those to you but today we're going to make a really quick appetizer which you can really be either an appetizer or dinner in its entirety with maybe some baby potatoes or something like that the ingredients you need for them or some very basic and few ingredients you need some little baby lamb chops that I've been frenched and prepped and your butcher should have this done for you wearing it onion I've got some dried oregano and dry thyme lemon fresh mint fresh garlic fresh rosemary olive oil salt and pepper that is it I've got an indoor grill pan preheating over about medium-high heat and want this to be really smoking hot so that we can get some good grill marks on those baby lamb chops ok enough talking let's get to it I'm going to just chop my garlic and my rosemary as finely as I can manage now I'm going to not let these really marinate I'm kind of just going to coat them in flavorful marinade but you can definitely do this like the morning of or even the night before and pop them in the fridge like in a ziplock bag and let them marinate all day they'd be really delicious but this will just giving such powerful flavors to the baby lamb chops that they don't really need that much time to marinate so this can really go from prep to mouth within 10 minutes which is brilliant and who doesn't love lamb chops I have yet to me someone that doesn't so it's always a crowd-pleaser around here and it's definitely worth doing on your outdoor grill if you've got friends around it's a kind of thing that can go from the grill to the people's take the table right away so I definitely love that I'm going to put it in the shallow dish along with my onion and my oregano and thyme and these are all really fantastic ingredients that go well with lamb which is why I've chosen those but I feel like specific ingredients with your lamb then by all means use that I'm going to use some of the zest for my marinade and some of it for my little mint oil so I'm going to possess some in here and then zest some in there because I also need to cut this lemon that's enough I'm only making a little for my husband and I so you don't want to go too crazy little salt and then a little bit of this lemon juice it's a big lemon let's see how big the tablespoon let's see yeah it's plenty okay and then we need some good olive oil okay I'm just going to use my little pastry brush actually to mix this together flavor like in every bite and these are gonna be delicious little morsels of goodness all right put them right in there mush them around to get good flavor it now at this point you can do this 20 minutes before you can do this a couple hours ahead it's completely up to you you just want to make sure that if they are in your fridge marinating take them out ten minutes or so before you go to cook them so that they can come to room temperature a bit and cook evenly otherwise like I mentioned before if you cook meat that's really cold and a hot you know a hot surface it shocks it and it becomes really tough and you don't that so I've got a grill pan preheating over about high heat medium-high heat or so these are gonna because they're so little they're only going to cook for about two minutes on each side for about medium-rare now obviously with lamb and you cook it to you know the desired in your desire temperature I like mine about medium rare but whatever tickles your fancy is that you go with stop put these on all right look sound good all ready now if you don't like if you don't want to use lamb you can do exactly the same thing with some chicken breast chicken thighs obviously they're going to require a bit more cooking time but you know I know what I mean I'm going to let those cook for a couple minutes on each side and then we'll pull everything together these was wonderful they cooked for about three minutes in one side and about two minutes on the other but I do like my meat quite underdone so it's totally up to you now with any crucial that you let it cool and kind of rest for a good five minutes or so only because otherwise all the juices kind of run all over the place and you're not gonna be left a really juicy and moist lamb chop now I'm going to wipe up all of my grease get everything cleaned and I'm go get ready to make our little mint oil that I think is going to add just a little pizzazz to this that takes it from good to really good now to make our mint oil I've got some extra virgin olive oil in the container that that came with my immersion blender but you can also do this in just a regular blender to that I'm going to add in my fresh mint leaves it smells incredible already I've got some lemon zest and also just a very small pinch of sugar not enough to make this super sweet but just enough to kind of give it a really good balance with the citrus lemon juice give this I'm gonna probably put in the whole half of this lemon and then we've got our salt and pepper and then just blend this up until it's smooth or a little chunky or whatever tickles your fancy it's completely up to you if you just want to make sure this is nice and sort of spoon a bowl if you can get what I mean you just wanna be able to spoon it over the lamb chops yeah that is perfect that's exactly how I like it ah smells so fantastic look at that okay you get one for myself take this baby right here take some of my mint I love the combination of mint with lamb and it's not something I grew up eating in italy we'd never use MIT with lamb we always use rosemary garlic lemon but mint and rosemary something I discovered here in the US and it's a fantastic fantastic combination excuse my poor little broken finger okay that's a taste hmm I'm doing this because I'm trying to explain to you as I'm eating it's got fantastic flavor from our little quick marinade beautiful freshness from the oil and they're super simple and easy to put together put the list alongside like a small green salad you've got a great starter or it's a great appetizer we put to walk around and eat with our hands because they're so handy dandy if you get what I'm saying or they make a fantastic dinner alongside some baby new potatoes and tip boil something baby new potatoes toss an endowment oil and you're in business and delicious it's easy its quick its impressive it's a home run I hope you enjoy spending time with me call or in a kitchen unconfident get the written recipe and I'll see you next time bye-bye you
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 898,036
Rating: 4.7962379 out of 5
Keywords: chef vitale, chef laura vitale, laura vitale, chef laura, lamb chops, recipe, recipes, cook, cooking, kitchen, cookware, kitchen appliances, lamb recipe, lamb recipes, how to cook lamb, food restaurant
Id: Oe23Jte2i3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2013
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