Best Lamb Loin Chops in a Skillet

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

They look so moist and delicious

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KelvinnyPA 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
chef buck here and today we're gonna cook up some super fast super delicious lamb loin chops just like lamb chops but half the price this is an economical way to go if you're in the mood for a fancy lamb dish and I love lamb and lamb taste the same you know whether you're eating the eyeball or the tail well tastes the same from head to tail so you know you can pay twice as much for lamb chops you know the little bone and you know like in Iraq a Lambs does you know you get the picture but that's like 20 bucks a pound sometimes you know I don't know what I pay per pound on this year but it's definitely a more wallet friendly and it's gonna cook up very quick not a lot of time not very complicated Oh what do we want let's season these things up you know and I had these sent out for like an hour you know you want this to be around room temperature you know when you cook it it don't take it right out of the fridge let's start cooking we're gonna go ahead and turn some chunks of salt on here and a little bit of pepper and that's it just salt and pepper vocals go ahead and season both sides give them a little smash you smashed and these chops here pretty dinky do you know they're about three quarters of an inch you know you can get them a half an inch you know you can get them some like a giant carrot cake you know you so you want to adjust your cooking time depending on the size of the chops but these are small and they're gonna cook up fairly quickly I'll probably do them about two minutes on each side two to three so there we have it nice and seasoned come on over here camera girl now you want to have your skillet on medium-high heat I've had this sitting on a burner already for a little while so I'm gonna go ahead and throw a little bit of oil in here and use any kind of oil you like let's see go ahead and throw this down here let's see what it sounds like sounds pretty good nice sizzle going on there so we're just laying in the pan we're just gonna leave it alone for a couple minutes and then we'll give them a flip flip well this is a cast-iron pan but you don't have to use cast iron you can use any nice heavy bottom pan this much needs to help it I just need a hat so it has been about 2 and 1/2 minutes and I'm gonna go ahead and give them a turn back I'm gonna take this one out of the center and put about this size for one of these in the center but it started sizzling the moment we put it in the pan and now we got a nice crust on the outside so that's feeling in those flavors so once again we're just gonna leave it alone for a couple of minutes in just two minutes because then we're gonna ask the garlic and rose bowl some butter and butter what's life without butter sad and flavorless okay in a couple of minutes and now I'm gonna go ahead and throw some butter in here boom boom boom lots of butter now we're going to throw into the garlic flavor that butter up and I got some minced up rosemary now if you want to you can put some whole rosemary in here just for the rosemary flavor but I like to go ahead and mince up my rosemary so I can eat it that garlic butter rosemary on top of your top that's all there is to it turn this off here now the pan is hot hot hot so we'll go ahead and get these chops out of our pan so they can rest and they're gonna continue to cook while they're resting so the key is to cook them in a SuperDuper hot pan that way you get a nice sear oh and you don't have to use garlic you don't have to use rosemary you can just do salt and pepper boom boom boom get that sear on there but that lamb flavor and that sear is what you're looking for now if you wanted to you could go ahead and use this here you could put a little cream in here and a little mustard make it a little bit of sauce but I'm serving my lamb with some couscous tonight I made a spicy couscous and I'll have a link to that recipe but I'm going to take all this flavor here and I'm just gonna throw it in with my food go ahead and stir this in there so we got a lot of garlic feed lamby goodness to go in my couscous and couscous is a great side to serve with landing because couscous cooks up super quick and so does lamb and I'm just gonna have a little bit of a green salad cuz like couscous green salad you can throw that together lickety-split now I'm making this for a friends and family that's why I can put my hands all over like this here you go if you want your your chef's to wear plastic gloves you can just go on down to like a subway shop or someplace like that and then they'll slip on some little glue do it we'll go ahead and play them up boom boom do two on each plate let me get this last little piece over here and we'll cut into it so we can take a peek boom boom boom a little bit more done than I like it but this will be perfect for see geez mom can't beat that flavor that - well done for you CG no I like you a little Ritter there'll be a fad a piece of y'all here but depending on the size of your chops you know that'll depend on your cooking time two to three minutes it's pretty good unless they're ginormous Australian lamb chops lamb loin chops alrighty camera girl give it a taste test I did that come on cameras rolling well I'm ready I'm ready to get to mind so eat it no no no what do you taste testing the salad the saint of salad video your chopping shop all right you try to make it try to make it look so tough to cut it's not underlines Maya yeah I think yours looks better I think that should have been mine mmm does it need anything else no the garlic and the rosemary and the butter comes through yep I think the garlic and the rosemary really makes it so I understand all the lamb chop but uh I don't understand this lawnmower what's ok I think so give this recipe a try you know I'll have it written down below you can go over to print all our recipes over there really appreciate your watching we'll see in the future you
Channel: undefined
Views: 198,735
Rating: 4.8665118 out of 5
Keywords: Lamb loin chops recipe, lamb loin chop recipe, how to cook lamb loin chops, rosemary lamb chops, garlic lamb chops, best lamb loin chops, best lamb chops, perfect lamb loin chops, lamb loin chops in a skillet, rosemary and garlic lamb loin chops, easy lamb recipe, seared lamb chops, chef buck, skillet lamb chops, stove top lamb chops
Id: DDLczoeOP-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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