People Who Woke Up In The Middle Of Surgery, Story?

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serious nsfw people who woke up in the middle of surgery what happened wisdom tooth removal i woke up in the middle disoriented end with a hand in my mouth what the f ck i bit down to make it go away there was yelling open your mouth open your mouth and then i woke up at home several hours later not quite during but immediately after i had kidney stone surgery i was barely out of my sleep when i felt an immense pain unfortunately i couldn't move or talk then i heard a nurse say doctor i can't get this catheter in the doctor says well you can't be gentle with those shove it in this was followed immediately by pain what felt like a pop then immense relief i don't remember anything after that until i was back in my room and asked the doctor about it he just laughed and goes oh you were awake for that sorry about that [Music] all i remember is someone saying she's awake comma then i was out again now shhh then i was out again he denied it happened during the recheck but i distinctly remember the slice into my gums during my wisdom teeth extraction wasn't in the middle but i was woken up by someone yanking the breathing tube out of my throat once though i were done obviously i'm not a surgeon when i was five i had my tonsils taken out and woke up during it i don't remember this but i was told the doctor touched my vocal cords because i sat up the doctor said it was my parents fault for not preparing me for surgery this was 1971 and the doctor knows best fast forward five years and the school says the teacher can't understand me my voice had gotten hoarser gradually went to a different doctor and he looked at my vocal cords and said there was the callous head built up on vocal cords and needed to be removed simple surgery and recovered well had speech therapy to relearn how to talk edit apparently waking up during a tonsillectomy isn't as unheard of as i thought during my wisdom teeth extraction a few years ago have to get another one in a few days yay i remember waking up briefly from the sedation with the feeling of the surgeon tugging at my tooth but i didn't feel any pain i remember the surgeon made a brief comment to the assistant he's awake and then they must have cranked up the gas or something since i blacked out until it was finished i woke up twice during a spinal surgery the first time i was still face down but in a face cradle so i could see the feet of the doctors and attendants around me the second time i was face up again and was trying to ask for my mom but couldn't remember the word for it so i tried asking for my dad instead my mouth wouldn't work right not the same thing but after 10 hours in labor after an induction i had my epidural topped up for an emergency c-section to deliver my twins that should have taken care of the pain without knocking me out the epidural did not work the way it should i felt every cut not as a tug or ache or a pulling sensation but as a cut about 70 percent of the sensation you would expect from a surgery without anaesthetic i saw both twins delivered and the last thing i remember is the nurse who was watching my facial expression saying she's feeling that she's feeling that and then i hear my head passed out and woke up 10 hours later i related news there was a patch of my back below one shoulder blade that was completely numb for about six months after having the babies i think i know where my top-up epidural went i don't tell my giving birth story often in sensitive company not exactly during the procedure but definitely too early for the operating team nurse was handing an x-ray to the doctor on the opposite side of the gurney and i reached up and grabbed it and said mine full stop it startled the nurse and then i was back out seagull vibes brain tumor removal brain has no pain receptors dr told me i would be awake so he can check the motor functions he wakes for me up though i'm half awake the whole time i can hear the blender sound in my head hooked each of my digits and asked me to squeeze i squeeze everything works so he told me i can sleep now then i dogs off while listening to more grinding edit thank you all for the points i was having a surgery to repair a hiatus hernia usually open chest but mine was new keyhole method being tried i woke up right at the end of the surgery i was freezing cold and still had the pipe not sure what it's called down my throat i remember a lot of people rushing around to warm me up heated blankets and stuff and a lot of panicked voices it was incredibly uncomfortable and painful i fell back under not sure if i was put back under it just fell back under i wasn't really with it but it was quite scary afterwards i just remembered the cold more than anything i did agree to have two trainee animal ethnicists supervised to put me under and monitor me i'll still always agree to be treated by trainees everyone needs to learn this is all in the u k woke up in a colonoscopy once went exactly like you think painful and i was screaming for them to stop everything was orangish i panicked and slapped the nurse she panicked back then they put me back under when in doubt slap the nurse i woke up during my wisdom teeth extraction saw bright lights then someone saying oh crap then everything went dark again and the next time i woke up it was time to go home i didn't feel any pain at all i had four impacted wisdom teeth and one infected by the time i decided to do something about it mid-surgery i woke up and freaked out i distinctly remember the go-to-warp sensation of being sedated like i was made of rubber and stretched then i woke up saw with most of the people standing back somewhere in the middle i woke up and grabbed the wrist of the dental surgeon and when the anesthesiologist tried to guess me i managed to slap his hand to his face i managed to pull the face mask off the nurse and stopped dead staring at her and bubbled with a mouth full of blood about having to save them and i was here to help then they drugged my ass and had to put me back in the chair i was in the fire brigade and surf club i think i waited like 115 kilograms and i'm a big guy 185 cm plus so that must have been fun they gave the video to my wife to show me later and after i recovered i drove back down and apologies to them all profusely the nurse called me kong for all my following visits saw my lungs partially few fussing doctors muffled voices and beeping until i fainted before they put me under anesthesia again it happened to my dad he was getting a hip replacement and they started cutting before he went under he said it was one of the most painful things he's ever experienced i woke up in the middle of surgery having a metal plate put into my leg after getting hit by a truck i sat upright looked a male nurse dead in the eye and punched him in the face i remember none of this however when i was in recovery the nurse came into the room and told my parents he was pretty sure i would be fine if my right hook was any indication brain surgery woke up saw what was going on thought it was cool there i am opened up thought he i brain hey i think hey anesthesiologist wearing off in a golem voice because of the air tube freaked out everybody started laugh choking looking around probably looking like a demon hellspawn sounding like something from the exorcist terror in the faces around me someone screamed more drugs woke up all good to pale faces and people looking like they lived through the horrors of vietnam they denied i woke up but those eyes we all know what happened we all know my mother woke up during surgery on her hand her head was under a tent so she couldn't see what was going on she asked them to turn that stupid f king music off they weren't listening to music then they put her back to sleep turns out she'd had lady gaga's paparazzi stuck in her head the whole time despite not really being conscious [Music] the first time was when i was getting my wisdom teeth removed the dr just looked at me and said why don't you go back to sleep so i did the second time i was having a lumpectomy what i thought was happening was that my dog was on my chest and digging her claws into me so i pushed her off what really happened was i could feel them cutting me and i punched the doctor they immediately strapped my arms down i was having a hernia operated on when i was about 18. i woke up and remember lifting up my head slightly off the table but not opening my eyes my friend's mom was my anesthesiologist and i remember hearing her voice and someone touching my head then i was out a moment later i have no idea if it was 30 seconds after i first fell asleep or 30 minutes after being cut open i don't recall feeling any pain however i did accidentally out my friend to his mom i had known he was gay for about a year and apparently at some point i told his mom again not sure when i said it as i have no memory of it sorry brian edit i was getting an herniated disc scrap removed l3 i think and i just woke up i remember the classical music playing in the surgeons actually discussing the music there was no pain but i will never forget the scrapping sensation on my spine i actually said should i be awake now and they just put me back to sleep after that not quite in the middle but towards the end got my tonsils out when i was 20. woke up as the doctor was stitching me up looked at him and asked if he was done poor guy nish t himself then about a week later the stitches opened so i had to get put under so they could stop the bleeding woke up again a few years later i got my gallbladder removed fought off the anaesthetic so fast that within the time they wheeled me from the operating room to the recovery room i was walking around five minutes later fighting with the nurses for food woke up during hand surgery i felt the blood pressure cuff cutting off my circulation and tried to rip it off i heard oh sht they put me right back under and that is all i remember i woke up during one of my heart surgeries i remember opening my eyes seeing a monitor hearing metal clanking and a nurse looking over and grabbed sandbags to put on my forehead to keep me from getting up moving around then it was night night time again whole thing probably lasted 5-10 seconds also my dick was out i've been under a few times never woke up so no memory of the surgery but occasionally a nurse would say something that would pique my curiosity whoa you're a totally different person when you're sober then my wife finally informed me that i always pull my dick out while under anesthesia when i start coming around dick comes out edit row this kinda blew up a bit thanks for the award i was undergoing wisdom teeth removal they never actually gave me an a seizure they gave me a bunch of painkillers and numbing agents and something else to make me sleepy i had headphones and was numb so it was easy to zone out and sleep however i remember looking around the room several times it was hard to see because of the bright light but i saw my mouth in the reflection of the dentist glasses it wasn't pretty i woke up during my wisdom teeth extraction surgery and sat straight up asking the dental surgeon see we are you here dart the drill cut my lip and tongue they wound up sedating me so heavily that's despite being awake functioning being driven home and eating a smoothie or something soft i didn't come to until i was in bed that night i absolutely freaked out when i realized i was home in bed with gaws in my mouth as the last thing i remembered was waking up during surgery my mum woke up during a c-section when i was born the anesthetist had f head up and not given her the right amount she was awake and could feel a lot of it but couldn't move or speak the pain and stress caused a lot of other health problems and she has never really been the same since she tried to sue the hospital in the early 90s but they kept fighting it and we eventually ran out of money to keep going they offered 5k to settle the case which he took because we were broke i was under twilight sedation for an oral surgery i woke up halfway through projectile vomited on the surgeon or nurse and tried to get out of the chair to clean up the mess i was numbed so there was no pain and drugged so i was more upset about throwing up on someone and the fact that i was mid-surgery apparently i woke up during my adenoid removal and said loudly and indignantly to the surgeon can i help you full stop i don't remember it but my father was the anesthesiologist and thought it was a riot so it became a family joke [Music] i woke up to a male nurse taking my underwear off stared straight at him and he said oh can you feel that and i passed back out woke up while having my wisdom teeth removed proceeded to take a swing at the doctor and start ripping all the monitors off my body the last thing i remember was a large female nurse laying on me to pin me down while they strapped my arms and legs down fast forward about an hour and i woke up way too early post-op i was in a dark room by myself with nothing but the light trickling in around the door frame i got up stumbled my way out to the office while crawling along the wall two little nurses started yelling at me for holding onto the wall and came over to assist me in walking i remember turning to this little nurse and saying very clearly with the most sober focus i've ever experienced woman let go because if i go down you're coming with me she let me go and i sat in the waiting room scowling at people with my fat swollen face until it was time to leave woke up during shoulder surgery it was only supposed to take about two hours but when they went in they found my bicep had torn farther from my shoulder than thought they didn't add any anesthesia or whatever it's called to compensate for the extra four hours of time woke up as they were pulling the arthroscopic stuff out of my shoulder looked at the dr he sees me awake and says excuse me nurse she sees me then i was back under i was too out of it after surgery to ask them about it and they rushed me out and sent me home i asked the dr about it a few days later at a checkuper and he said i scares the crap out of him we laughed about it and chalked it up to a fluke i once dislocated my shoulder a few years back when i first did water skiing i went to the hospital and with immense pain had to go full anesthesia for the procedure nurse gave me a small dose since it was a small procedure anyway i remember it knocked me out quick then slowly started waking up as if it's from a nap while waking up i remember the doctor saying out loud to hurry up and stop the procedure i started moaning to try to stop them because i'm awake and it hurts like hell woke up and was put back to sleep still didn't feel a thing it takes way longer for the feeling come back than to wake up that's very very comforting woke up during my wisdom teeth extraction several times surgeon looks at me and just says sorry just making a little noise and i went right back to sleep each time was getting my wisdom teeth removed and i just remember waking up and seeing them over me the doc was asking the nurse for a tool or something and my vision had an orange tint like i was wearing sunglasses but i wasn't i like made a noise like aaaa because my mouth was held open by something i thought great now i'm gonna get to feel all this and it kind of wigged me out they just said you're okay you're okay and the next thing i remember i'm sitting in a different chair outside the operation room crying my eyes out for literally no reason it was a really weird experience what's going on here oop not exactly the same thing but i had to have a leap too actually for pre-cancerous cells on my cervix they put a needle into your cervix to numb you before they go in with the lasers first time it went as it's supposed to the second time they gave me the needle and when she went in with the laser on my cervix i nearly jumped off the table and screamed the anaesthetic didn't work and i felt everything had to give me another syringe of it and i was shaking like crazy took a while to recover i still get really bad anxiety for even regular pap since then it was absolutely horrible i caught a glimpse of the anesthesia administer guy and he glared at me like he had seen a ghost then next thing i know i was on the recovery ward it was a few hours later and the surgery was done i don't even remember falling back asleep i had a conversation with my surgeon and watched him trim ragged cartilage from my knee on a monitor luckily mine's much more light-hearted than some here about six years ago i was getting my wisdom teeth removed and i went out like a light when they went to put me under i woke up briefly towards the end of it it was a long one since two of my teeth were coming in super impacted so they had to cut them in half to remove them i think they had three of the four out and i told them that was a good map i could hear them laughing before everything went black again the next thing i know i'm already eating one of those tiny ice cream things of vanilla and chocolate i used to have a major fear of waking up during surgeries and that helped me start to get over it honestly bonus points i barely needed the pain meds after the surgery said i was one of the lucky few who didn't get the lingering pain i was looking at them pop my ankle joints back into place by pulling my foot the doctor saw my eyes and said why the fck is he awake that's all i remember [Music] you
Channel: The Daily Show With Reddit
Views: 19,480
Rating: 4.9398499 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit cringe, reddit funny, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, best reddit stories, reddit posts, top reddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny stories, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, doctor, doctor stories, surgery, hospital, nurse, nurse stories
Id: ym22cDElZ6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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