What Horrid Secrets Do Your Parents Have That You Know?

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what horrid secrets do your parents have and are oblivious to you being aware of someone tried to kill my father when he was in his teens he has scars on his head from where he was beat with a hammer he doesn't know that i know this and i only know because i overheard a conversation between my grandmother and her brothers about the incident my dad died when i was 14 and everyone refused to speak of it my grandparents said he fell down the stairs and they've maintained that to this day my mom told me that he accidentally hung himself and she tell me when i was older it took 9th grade me all of about 3 days to figure out he had died of autoerotic asphyxiation she confirmed it years later my divorced parents are both cheating on their current spouses with each other my mom had to do some soul searching for a a she wrote a list called life resentments and having kids was the first bullet point founder while i was looking for my social security card to apply for my first job at 16 she kept it in a safe my mother told me the scars on her arm were from an accident but they were clearly from one or multiple suicide attempts i knew when i asked but i'll let her lie edit row i didn't check redid for 24 hours and all of this is here one yes her scars are for sure from suicide attempts i confirmed with an aunt two also they are on both arms 5-7 in all my dad used to talk about growing up really poor having to get food from food banks etc it's one of the reasons that now that he owns his own business he donates to food banks and all sorts of charities all the time paying it back well it turns out that my father's father owned a massive construction company and made millions of dollars in the 50s and 60s my uncle was selling massive amounts of cocaine and got busted my grandfather bankrupted himself paying off judges and lawyers and all that to keep my uncle out of jail for most of his life that's why my dad grew up with nothing he has no idea that i know my parents divorced when i was six after which i lived with my mom when i was 10 years old i found a list my dad had written of things that could save their marriage including one year my family went on vacation where i took a lot of pictures using my dad's phone and i wanted to put them on my computer so i could share them with friends i grabbed his phone and stated looking through his photos looking for my vacation photos when i came across my dad and mom's sx tape newts etc i never told them i found it nor do i go back on his phone because i don't want to see those ever again i was fixing my dad's laptop a while later and my mom kept hovering over my shoulder telling me not to snoop through his files and don't go on anything except for what i needed to i knew what she was hiding but i wasn't going to tell her i know that my mom got pregnant at 15 on purpose she was constantly being shuttled between early 80s foster care and her own terrible family and she felt like her only way to escape was to get emancipated through marriage she knew my dad from school and thought he'd make the perfect husband smart funny from a seemingly good family and he had protected her several times so she seduced him knowing their parents would insist on marriage if she got knocked up and she did unfortunately for her he turned out to be a drug dealing mentally ill teenager from a dysfunctional alcoholic family the marriage lasted only a few months but she did get her escape my mom has no idea that i know this and she'd be devastated if she knew my dad is now with the woman he was cheating on my mom with before she died from cancer edit no my father is not named newton or goes by dr seuss when i was a child we used to be semi-close to my dad's family my grandparents came up two-plus hour drive to talk to my parents about an adult issue and ten-year-old me was told to stay in my room with the door shut after that we never spoke to them again except for one letter that i got from them expressing sympathy when my other grandmother who i was very close to passed away i had no idea what happened years later i found a cousin on facebook and we happened to go to the same college so we met for coffee i found out that the reason we no longer spoke was because my mom opened a whole bunch of credit cards and racked up a bunch of debt in my grandma's name that she never had any intention of paying back my cousin and i kept it between us and she has no idea i know edit since this blew up i'm about to turn 30. i have excellent credit and i check it regularly for any suspicious activity i'm good but thank you for all the advice found this out from my dad's old college roommate as my dad has never wanted to talk about this with me ops was working in the financial district during nine stroke 11 and was in charge of emergency evacuation for his floor way high up in one of the bank buildings saw the towers fall and had to hurt everyone off his floor and out of the building apparently someone had a heart attack and collapsed behind their desk he didn't find this person and they ended up dying there in the office i think my dad might blame himself at least partially which on top of the trauma of witnessing the towers fall firsthand has lead him to locking that part of himself away from the world one day i want to tell him it wasn't his fault and he did the best he could i went to my parents room to wake them up to drop me off to school i saw them out cold lying naked with a dildo on the edge of the bed i was 15. well which one of you dildos is going to take me to school my dad doesn't know that i know how my grandfather his dad died i had always wondered why i never knew my grandfather but it was always a touchy subject so i never asked i knew my dad basically grew up without his father but i never knew why when i was about 22 or 23 my brother told me what had happened my grandfather had committed suicide in front of my dad when my dad was about eight or nine years old even though i know now i still won't bring it up edit i can't thank you all enough for the outpouring of support and taking the time to share your own stories by speaking up and speaking out we can help reduce the stigma of mental health and raise awareness for those who need it don't know if it's hurried but when helping my mother move from one house to another i happened across her bag of sx toys which isn't all that shocking but it included a strap on dildo the bag was open and it was on top she'd been a single woman for 20-plus years and was in her late 50s at the time i had no idea who she was using it with nor do i want to know if it's any help strap-ons can be used to wrap them around pillows so you can ride them for a woman with a bag of sx toys that doesn't seem too far of a stretch my parents got engaged after a drug-fueled 11-day bender in 1979. firstborn came along in 82 still married well my father sends me letters from prison assuming i haven't heard the phone recordings where he admits to child arpai i burn everything he sends me also i corroborated several claims against him when interviewed by the detective when my grandfather died he left approx 140 k dollar sign american in a trust for me it wasn't to be touched until after my parents passed away so that it could gain as much money as possible from the investments he had arranged my grandfather was an oil tycoon in pa and no one in the family knew it until after he died coma i got a call from the bank one day asking how i'd like to handle closing the accounts i had no idea why but apparently my parents had been taking medical bills from themselves and altering them to have my name on them then submitting them to the bank to be reimbursed for paying my medical bills they had bled the trust completely dry in less than five years they used the money to remodel their home i don't think i have any recourse but whatever i'm 35 and i have my own retirement it just makes me mad that they would steal from me like that edit one added a word edit too thank you anonymous user for my first redid gold that means allah to me not some horrid secret but i sometimes hear my dad talking behind closed doors to my mom who passed away suddenly years ago he typically tells her our life updates and that he misses her my sister got married recently and i overheard him from outside his room telling my mom how beautiful my sister looked and how great her husband is that she never had the chance to meet about how they had always spoke of that moment watching their child marry and he wished she was there with him to see us we rarely speak about my mom at home but 14 years later she's still very alive in his heart it's gut-wrenching at times i found my dad's yahoo personals profile featuring a picture of him bent over in our living room wearing nothing but assless chaps profile name hot rider for you and it was taken with my camera we only had one in the house but for some reason i decided to check the exif just hoping close bracket never mentioned that one to him or my mother when i was a kid my mom had mole removal surgery on her face and came back and had to recover for weeks granted she did have a mole removed on her face but miraculously her eyes turned into d's crazy how that was a side effect of face surgery my parents were in their 30s when they met my mom had me at 35 and my dad was almost 40. so it's understandable that they both would have had previous relationships and love lives before they met when i was a teenager i discovered via drunken relative that my dad was engaged before he met my mom he was in his twenties living in azed he and his fiance were typical struggling young people living paycheck to paycheck and didn't have a car his fiancee was pregnant and was going to walk to the corner store while he was at work she got hit by a car and died the drunk relative who told me this story only knew because my dad had called asking for money to help with a funeral i cried after i learned that i felt so sad for my dad and couldn't imagine the heartache of that he's never spoken about it and i have no idea if my mom knows but i suddenly understood why he was so protective of my mom and me this technically doesn't count because i asked my mom about it last year but until then she didn't know i knew for about 20 or 19 years my dad was a heroin addict and used to take my mom's money to buy drugs and alcohol he also used to lock me and my mom up in our apartment whenever he went somewhere my mom never told me and thought i didn't know about it because i've always been pretty oblivious and i used to be on some meds during that time last year i decided to sit her down and ask her about it because i never knew much about my dad or about that side of my family my mom doesn't know i know she wasn't a virgin when she got married she's fairly religious and says sex before marriage is a no no one kind of looks down at all her siblings family that have done it moved in before you can say you regret it mom but don't be so judgy i know my father has a ton of nude pyranographic photos of my mother but he never really bothered to hide it that much i also know my mother or both my father and her had set up an account on msn microsoft messenger and used to dirty talk send pictures to internet people i found out when she forgot to log out one day i will probably never know if she did it for fun or maybe money ah and my father may be cheating on my mother edit people suggest it might be swinging and not cheating i don't really know but i don't think so my mother seemed to be annoyed at my father texting didn't knew who he was talking to and called him out on that multiple times they never spend the night out this isn't as horrid as a lot of the other comments but still relevant my parents don't know that i know that they're both liars and have been making shitty up about each other to get me to pick sides for years my dad took off when i was about two and i was left to be raised by my mother who was in no mentally healthy state to raise a kid by herself my dad swears he wanted to just take me and he always wanted me but lo and behold he never showed up to the hearing deciding custody over me my mom swears my dad has never paid child support and he is a cheap bastard but lo and behold i find all the receipts of her receiving child support she just didn't want to admit she was gambling it away and that's why we were dirt poor for most of my life my parents met due to them being part of the same social circle they both sold cocaine with my uncle and their friends of course i was demonized for being caught with some weed by the same people who were included in federal indictments my stepdad peed his pants almost every single night before he met my mom she said he peed the bed the first night he spent over at her place and since she has kids she didn't say anything just strip the sheets off of the bed and threw them in the washing machine he hasn't wet the bed since my dad wasn't present at my birth because he was serving time for attempting to beat my mom to induce an abortion my grandmother told me in a drunk stupor a few years back somehow everyone in my family knew and still forgave him my parents have been married for 22 years now and other than a couple petty fights i've never seen them at odds with each other i haven't told them i know but it definitely sounded my relationship with him my mom had a baby at the age of 16 and gave it up for adoption not necessarily horrid but later in life my older sister was diagnosed with leukemia and eventually died at the age of five as a baby they tested my bone marrow for a possible transfusion but was unsuccessful to this day i wonder if the baby my mom had as a teenager would have been a match she still has no idea me and my younger sister know my dad was a soldier in the late 60s early 70s and was involved in the ni troubles his ngf was a nurse in a belfast hospital now she didn't give a damn who the injured were she was a nurse and it was her job to treat the injured however the ira types found out about her relationship with my dad and didn't take kindly to it at all one day she just vanishes after her shift she was found several days later tied to a lamppost in a belfast street she had been kidnapped beaten up head then tied naked to the post so she could be tired and feathered she was found dead having frozen to death because none of the locals would help her i only found out about two years ago when the old man just starts crying out of the blowers we were having a beer together that tea still haunts him that's the only time i've ever seen him shed a tear my dad was supposed to be a football prospect in high school go to college and eventually play pro got f ked over got my mom pregnant and joined the gang and he got in too deep and rival gangs were threatening to shoot his whole family he panics and my grandpa cinnamon helicopter pilot vet sent him off to boot camp that next day i was babysitting my little brothers and found them getting into my mom's sx toy box so yeah no now i know my mom likes to be tied up or do the tying up mother killed someone by accident when she was young she told me when she was drunk one night when i was really little it was traumatic enough for me to remember about 20 years later i asked my father about it and after a lot of reluctance he told me that she had shot her best friend when they were playing with a gun my mother was a juvenile so her criminal record was sealed i think the guilt trauma of this though has caused a lot of my mother's problems i kind of wish i knew it all earlier so that i would have better context for a lot of things that she did my sibling still doesn't know i found a fck machine in their closet found a naked polaroid of my dad in a box full of tiny lingerie that apparently used to fit my mum cued ostermum but ugg and that's the same day i learned not to look through other people's tea my aunt on my dad's side confided in me that my mother's father tried to molest her and was actually really creepy and hanging around her when family got together i can never tell my mom or my dad because they would never believe it and frankly i don't know what to think either he's dead now and i had a great relationship with him as a grandfather growing up my father has a child from an affair fairly early in my parents relationship he's a fairly close family friend and i have no idea how no one else has noticed he's the spitting image of my dad mum and dad have said bits along the years about the affair hey i could be wrong but the timeline fits my dad used to draw grotesquely skinny naked women in ms paint and jack off to them don't ask how i know this but i'd rather i didn't my dad cheated on his wife with my mom and then i was born they were going to try to stay married but it got too hard you
Channel: The Daily Show With Reddit
Views: 40,807
Rating: 4.89081 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit cringe, reddit funny, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, best reddit stories, reddit posts, top reddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny stories, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts
Id: ow2Is8yDtjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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