What's The Dumbest Rule That Your High School Had?

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what was the dumbest rule that was put in place in your school if you leaned back on your chair even slightly you had to pay all of your lunch money to the teacher only one teacher did this seems pretty sketch but no one ever really reported it that's illegal so you wouldn't be able to eat lunch that day you can buy school sweaters but you can't wear them in school in my primary school there was a rule for a while that if one child wanted to go and use the bathroom the entire class had to go with them the best cases a single kid had the power to disrupt a particularly boring lesson so that everyone could get up and walk literally 20 meters to the toilet block small school clothes bracket in the worst cases kids would wet themselves in their chairs because they were too afraid and embarrassed to ask i remember seeing a classmate get up out of their plastic chair and leave a puddle behind if any of the guys tried to skip the showers they had to show up after school for supervised shower practice with the gym teacher as an adult it sounds so much creepier now wearing your tie with the front part more than about an inch longer than the thin part will get you a lunchtime detention wearing more than one tie at a time will get you an after-school detention no questions asked the fashion was to wear your ties super short as short as you could realistically get away with the school tried to crack down on that so in protest people started wearing their ties as long as possible when someone sewed two ties together to make a five-foot monstrosity that was down to her ankles the deputy head flipped the fck out in the middle of the canteen so mightily that we thought she was going to burst into a flame happy days happy days the energy that people put into f king around with rules amazes me lunch detention meant standing next to a wall with your nose touching the wall for 15 minutes eventually there was not enough wall to go around so they had us lined up behind each other essentially just standing in formation for 15 minutes this was a rule at a school i worked at rather than one i attended only people with parking passes could swipe in at the back door near where the cars were parked people without cars frequently previously used the back door because it was the most direct route to the grocery store behind us they shared a parking lot we had some valuable electronics go missing and since the security guards in the lobby apparently didn't see anything it was decided they must have used the back door their solution was to take away card-based access from all of the staff and faculty and only give it to people with cars i pointed out that leaving the building via that door did not require a card so if someone wanted to steal something they could enter through the front door and still leave via the back door when i also explained the frustration from the staff and faculty that previously had used the door to go grab stuff at the store it was suggested that we just borrow the cards of people with parking passes to get back in to say they did not understand security would be an understatement in my primary school the boys stalls were divided among classes and boys were only allowed to use the stores for their class all because one kid had the habit of picking up his pool and writing all over the stall it seems like every primary school has that one phantom poo smearer kid dirty protest maybe i have a theory that it's all the same kid probably the same kid that takes bites out of the floats at the swimming pool my high school spent a shitty ton of money remodeling their gymnasium over one summer when the next school year began students were not allowed to use it because the administration didn't want to ruin the floor or the new bleachers so no pay class inside no indoor basketball volleyball no indoor running no indoor activity period i live in a state with brutal winters it was awful you can't wear solid blue or red shirts they didn't want people to start gangs in our small midwestern town a group of people rebelled and started wearing leather jackets and slit back hair and played up the greaser stereotype to show how silly it all was they all got in trouble and threatened with detentions and ice in school suspension i am glad i am nowhere near that place anymore we were not allowed to stand in circles at recess some teacher was afraid we would get up to something while standing in a circle in protest we stood in a giant circle but made sure we were all at least several meters away from the next closest person when the teacher who initiated the van on circles noticed what we were doing after 20 minutes she threw a fit and demanded we stopped standing standing in a circle we argued that we were all just individuals standing around and turned in different directions the ban was not enforced after that day my primary school elementary school introduced to no running rule ever including and especially at break time recess in the playground or on the field so if you were playing football no running tag no running you couldn't play any game that required you to move at more than a fast walk we developed a lot of games that required standing still and throwing tennis balls to one another using a complex set of rules you were only allowed to run during pay lessons and under the supervision of a teacher it only lasted a year i think but it was brought in when two kids who weren't looking where they were going ran into each other and one ended up with the other's tooth embedded in her forehead i think i've posted this before somewhere but here goes a couple of years after i started my school typics white out was banned because a girl was chewing a tip x pen and it exploded in her mouth she was fine but had to go to hospital for chest x-rays and stuff not allowed to open the windows the word boring was banned you got in trouble for using it the teachers wanted to make school seem fun by introducing ludicrous rules that make basic conversations a bit trickier my last year of middle school eighth grade the school outlawed silly bands don't really remember why but we were forbidden from wearing them the following year the school banned backpacks literally banned no one was allowed to have them few kids got around it by carrying briefcases how the fck did they manage to ban backpacks at a school if you want into class late to your grade drops a letter but if you skip class there is no penalty not being allowed to take your blazer off without permission i tried to abide this rule it was about 35 degrees out and humid so i asked the teacher said no because she wasn't too hot and i threw up later in the lesson because i have a very low tolerance to heat after that i never asked but got put on reports and had a load of detentions at my school they would close the men's toilets for a week if they found someone had been peeing beside the urinal not that unreasonable except they would close all of them you would then have to go to the ladies or use the dodgy toilet next to the changing rooms my school was generally quite good and they rarely instituted dumb rules like this but it was rather odd luckily they stopped with it eventually you aren't allowed to call die dice they have to be called number cubes because the name dice is associated with gambling this kind of rules usually have to opposite effect at least in my school it was we were told to not use the word killed in gym games like dodgeball use eliminated instead when one student was killed in a car accident everyone in the school said that she was eliminated in college we weren't allowed to have a drink from red solo cups any other color was fine just not the red ones my school spent a ton of money remodeling modernizing the library we now have dynamic workspaces including a group study area and a silent study section among others sounds pretty great right the problem was that the group study area was right next to the silent section meaning the sound carried over when you were doing group assignments to get around this the librarians started hawkishly watching the group area handing out detentions to anyone making noise so yeah our dumb rule was that we had to do group assignments in total silence i have a double whammy rule one no one is allowed to go back to their lockers between classes for whatever reason penalty detention rule 2 no one is allowed to have bags in the classroom as they are a tripping hazard and promote disorganization penalty detention classes were organized in a 1 2 morning t3 for lunch 5-6 patent so if gym for your class fell in periods one three or five you'd all wind up with detention no leniency was ever given it made no sense the other great one catholic all girls high school was that we weren't allowed to wear underwear of any color save for white under our uniforms and undershirts singlets or tank tops were forbidden how did they police this our uniform blouses were see-through yeah we weren't allowed to wear sweatshirts because it looked sloppy but then the administrators wouldn't turn on the heat in winter it was a really tiny run-down private school that was trying to compete with the richer private schools in the state and failing miserably shoes must be all black now you're probably thinking ha normal rule this was implemented on the first day back from summer we had no prior warning on that day i wore some black shoes with white laces and detailing so as punishment i had to spend all day coloring in my shoes with a sharpie if my kid's school made them color their shoes with sharpie then my kids school is buying us some new shoes [Music] no yoga pants pretty much every girl in my high school or at least a majority of the athletes wore them and it was deemed as a distraction in protest a bunch of male students started wearing them that was an interesting week no exposed armpits it would make sense if they said this was for health purposes but they told us it was because we might distract opposite sx classmates with our s's is i armpits you cannot say the word banter to a teacher i just imagine the rebellious kid in class looking the teacher dead in the eyes and shouting banter and everyone gasps boys can't go to the bathroom in the afternoon it was because a few kids flooded the bathroom and they couldn't figure out who did it oh and one kid kept wiping sh t on the wall zero tolerance if a kid defended himself from attackers he would get the same punishment as the attackers we had that rule for about a month then a dude named mike threw a bully through a plate glass window because if i'm going to get suspended for getting punched i might as well make sure it's worth it men had to tuck in their shirts but not women cause women wouldn't ever carry a weapon supposedly we we were allowed to have backpacks that weren't see-through you know cause the only way one would carry a gun is in their waist they change this rule though women did have to tuck in their shirts and i quote the principal unless if they are fat then they don't have to we wouldn't want to embarrass them this was in 1999 to 2000 in louisiana i don't know if college counts but in my college they would find any excuse to find you someone was bouncing a basketball on my floor at a party they have a rule where you are not allowed to play sports inside they found out and came to the floor and fined me fifty dollars because i was the guy who plays basketball without any proof or anything no running in the playground only for our school year though punishment for snitching on multiple occasions i got detention for complaining to a teeter about a bully i even got detention once for getting my own blood on my bully except for the time someone stole from them we had to wear collared shirts not a uniform just any shirt that had a collar on it couldn't talk in the cafeteria at all teachers would punish us if the noise level was beyond a whisper they punished us by making us stand in the summer heat instead of having recess high school girls with big asses weren't allowed to wear yoga pants but everyone else was this applies to fat girls as well as just girls with fat asses not sure how they measured the criteria i just know some girls got in trouble for it while others never did and two of the girls i knew who got in trouble over they were told by the principal that their body style was inappropriately dressed if the girl wasn't fat and got in trouble for it was a very apparent case of because she had a big dumper is that legal my high school had a stupid rule for every minute you were late you had to do two minutes of in-school detention one day i was late one minute so i had to do two minutes of detention however the school started the clock on being late at the first bell also known as the warning bell after first bell students had five minutes to get to homeroom the first bell rang i walked in a minute late i was told i had to do two minutes of detention i asked when i was told immediately i went from the main office to the detention room next door did my two minutes and then went to homeroom i arrived at homeroom before the late bell when signing out of the detention room you had to put down what you learned i wrote down nothing i should have written down petty tyrants don't understand the purpose of rules and how to administer them if someone hits or punches you in my son's school even if you don't fight back you are still in the same trouble as the person who hit you cause that will teach those kids not to get picked on we had the usual no skirt shorts that didn't fall past our fingertips my problem with this was as an athlete i played volleyball through most of high school and on game days we were expected to dress nice still girls were always getting yelled at for their dresses and skirts being too short on the basis that it would distract the boys most were threatened with not being allowed to play or being made to go home and change before they could get on the bus to go if we had to travel but as soon as we had to play we were stuck wearing tiny tiny spanx that suction cup to your ass cheeks and when worn barely reached my wrist if i attempted to apply the fingertips test so stupid we can't wear revealing clothes to school but you'll expect us to spend a couple hours on the court with our asses hanging out for the whole school and town to see you would get the longest legal detention time of two hours just for chewing gum it was known as the headmaster's detention because it was for the most severe cases maybe not the dumbest rule but the way they executed the rule dress code i was given a week-long out-of-school suspension for wearing jeans not skinny jeans or ones with rips or jeggings hip huggers with the bottoms that flared out a bit the school's reasoning i was developed on both the top and bottom half and was a major distraction to students and the male faculty i was like 15. i remember my stepdad picking me up and as i was walking out i told the principal that maybe your male staff shouldn't be working around underage kids if they can't control their [ __ ] he smacked me upside the head for the comment but that's all no visible cell phones on school property even when school is over i got chased down the hall by a teacher demanding i give him my phone because i called my dad for a ride home 10 minutes after school was over this happened to a girl i knew in high school it was like 15 minutes after school ended and the girl's mom hadn't picked her up yet so she was nervous her mom called her she was standing outside of the school waiting and she answered the principal took her phone because she was using it at school and i watched the girl's mom yell at the principal for like 10 minutes once she got there when i was in the ninth grade the senior class prank was to mix laxative and the chicken mix to be used for tacos in the cafeteria quite a few people tea their pants the administration's response to this stupid prank was to ban tacos from the school lunch still pretty pissed about that 16 years later asking someone to the school dance was considered essel harassment and carried all the requisite penalties my year and only my year were banned from running in the playground at age 10 stroke 11 because the five-year-olds would run headlong into us and hurt themselves my middle school had a rule that you cannot stand in a circle with your friends at recess they were afraid that kids were doing that to hide a couple in the middle who were kissing i wish i had friends who were that dedicated to me at my elementary school we had a rule that you could never wave to someone i'm not joking the only thing you could do was called pinky waving pinky waving is only waving to someone with your pinky finger it got so frustrating because i would wave to friends and no one and i mean no one would see it on top of that you weren't allowed to call someone's name to get their attention i can remember as a kid i thought it was stupid but now i think it's f king stupid no trading cards because some people have more than others and it's unfair thinking back i should have replied are you gonna ban having her because some people have more than others the song hotel california by the eagles was banned from being played on campus at my high school because there were concerns that it was about satan worship this was at a time when marilyn manson was in his prime and was the only song on the do not play list bonus our mascot was literally a devil not the devil but a devil nonetheless teachers were no longer allowed to use red ink to correct test because it demoralizes us more of an dumbest interpretation than a rule when i was in 10th grade my school implemented a uniform policy more of a really strict dress code really cocky black or navy slacks and red black white our school colors or navy because they didn't want to deal with figuring out whether something was black or navy shirt with a collar a buddy of mine got written up because according to a teacher his shirt wasn't red it was wine no dyeing your hair or doing extreme haircuts one girl got her hair dyed for her birthday just a shade darker than her natural color and the school told her to dye it back i went to a christian school where we couldn't wear banned shirts the problem was teachers only recognized christian musicians banned so only those kids got busted you could wear a slayer t-shirt and no one would know the difference ha the hands-off rule it worked in stopping fights but they took it too far no hugs no high fives no handshakes i got an after-school detention for hugging my friend who was visibly upset so dumb school day ending changed from 4 20 to 4 22 to discourage getting stoned in the parking lot this threat is pissing me off did school administrators forget how to be rational human beings yes halfway through my seventh grade school year the vice principal instituted a new rule that no one was allowed to wear zip up hoodies non-zip up hoodie was completely fine but if it had a zipper even a half zipper it was to be taken off and left in your locker as i'm sure most high schools had there was a rule that affected female students and the length of their short skirts during the nicer months of the year basically they had to stand upright with their arms straight down at their sides and their short skirts had to be as long or longer than where their middle finger rested when they started sending girls home from school for breaking this rule a bunch of the male students myself included organized a day to come to school with short shorts on that clearly broke this rule we argued that the rule was only for females but those in charge disagreed they ended up sending like two dozen or so of us home that day it was a friday we didn't complain at my kids school three or four years ago there was a notice printed up and sent home with every child posted on the school's various social media pages and sent out on email blast and the robocall system and then revoked the very next day when actual human beings thought about it for a second that notice no more balls of any sort on the playground because someone got hit with a basketball in high school my senior class was not allowed to organize a graduation party because our grade average was abysmal so naturally we secretly had one anyway he climbed over the fence to the school grounds kids brought their own snacks booze and weed speakers and turntables were entered there was no adult supervision around 11 p.m several parents had to pick up their kids because they had passed out just how shitty of an average do you need for the school to be embarrassed that you graduated from there out of curiosity no pokemon cards oh man i was warned by my teacher that if i brought them to school one more time she would make me get a pair of scissors and cut all my cards in half had to cut all my cards in half like a week later my teacher talked to my dad about it and i'm almost positive he took out all the valuable cards before i was forced to destroy them girls could wear skirts guys could not wear shorts this is also a policy at pretty much every office job you had to wear your blazer at all times unless you had a teacher's permission to take it off i remember one summer a kid fainted at break time because he was so hot and a teacher had threatened him with detention if he didn't wear it no pokemon cards or games as evolution is a lie ten-year-old gives zeros ts about that so why do you girls were not allowed to wear shorts or skirts that went above the knee reason being some of the male faculty were becoming too distracted by the girls wearing anything less yes this is what school staff told us public nj high school late 80s early 90s some students smoked in the bathrooms sporadically during the year to prevent this the school admins decided it was smart to close all the bathrooms in the school pretty sure that's not legal we as students protested by asking to use the nurses bathroom the line was over 300 feet long they reopened the bathrooms but hired hall monitors edit no potato smellies like wtf catholic grade school kids up to 14 years old could not high-five in hallways could not use your cell phone on the school bus let alone in the building could not watch any movies rated worse than g we had to stop in the middle of pee wee's big adventure and switch to a movie with puppet lambs talking about jesus it wasn't even a very conservative school it was just a tty administration you
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Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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