How Have You Cheated The System Before?

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how did you cheat the system i was paying out of state tuition for college in texas i looked up all the ways i could get in state tuition and there were four different ways one marriott texan too own property in texas for one year three hold a job in texas for one year for own a business in texas for one year so naturally i started a business i registered my business with the state and filed taxes every quarter i had zero expenses and zero income every quarter so i paid nothing in taxes one year later i got on that in-state tuition it cost me around 200 to register my business and it saved me tens of thousands of dollars in high school my spanish teacher had a stack of 30 knot occurreds with each of our names written on them she would pick from those cards almost every day to choose who would answer the next question in the first week of school i saw the cards on her desk saw mine on top quickly took it and threw it away never got called on the whole year the cafe in my office building sells soup 12 ounces one dollar 39 16 ounces two dollars 79 the lady at the register always thinks i'm weird for buying two smalls they also have a rewards but nine get your tenth free and i get double punches for my two soups there's a 10 99 12 ounces prime rib or 20 99 for a 16 ounce the waitress f king glared daggers at me when i just ordered two plates of food why not just get the bigger one because i suck at math bring me 24 ounces of delicious prime rib with the fixings please i still have my student id which did not have a date on it and the picture is incredibly dark i still get discounts on occasion using my student id and still have my email which i use for a ton of free software i own a motorcycle but don't have a garage so during winter months i take my motorcycle to the pawn shop and take 100 loan on it they store it and keep your garage and i pay them 10 dollars a month to keep renewing my loan and keeping the motorcycle there in canada we got rid of the penny a few years back so whenever you purchase something that say ten dollars twenty one you would pay ten dollars 20 and if something is 10 24 you'd pay 10 25 anyways whenever i pump gas i always pump 2 cents over and get 2 cents of gas for free fck the system had to park in new orleans for a week was going to cost 140 went to post and if you lost your ticket it was only 50 dollars i didn't lose my ticket but i said i did take that system downloaded limewire pro using lemur cancel your audible subscription and they'll immediately offer to prevent your cancellation by offering you 50 off for three months hulu do this as well back at the fast food place i worked for in high school we would get half off everything including gift cards i could buy a 20 card for 10 and then use that twenty dollars card to buy more half off food effectively turning ten dollars into forty dollars unfortunately that didn't last too long you should have used the gift card to buy more one stroke two off gift cards then then use those gift card to buy more one-stroke two-off gift card not me but my brother worked at a supermarket that gave rewards points to a gas station for using the supermarket's loyalty card it was a weird cross promotion anyways when someone would go to check out and didn't have a loyalty card he offered to scan his own instead he received about one thousand dollars in free gas in the mid 90s there was a 20 ounce cola that had instant winners of another free cola under the cap if you had a winner all you had to do was give the cap to the cashier and grab another i don't remember if it was coke or pepsi but i remember it was a yellow cap for this promotion anyways all you had to do was hold the bottle at the correct angle and you could see in the reflection of the liquid the text on the underside of the cap you could mostly see if it was a winner or sorry try again we used to get a bunch of free colas that way when i was a kid all you had to do was buy one to get it started in both seventh and eighth grade i could change the score i got at the end of my test by simply entering correct answers equals 20 into the javascript console i just looked into the code to find this javascript function the website dev needs to work on his skills before releasing a website to thousands of students it's like the test in star trek if you are clever enough to cheat it you probably deserve the pass last month shop house southeast asian kitchen owned by chipotle sent out coupons to the residents of my neighborhood one of the two coupons was one free rice noodle or salad bowl with no restrictions coma i live in an apartment and some of my neighbors threw the coupons into the junk mail recycling bin without realizing what they were doing for the days following the delivery of these coupons i searched the bins for these coupons i ended up with enough coupons to last me the whole month with all the add-ins 4x meat 2x or 3x veggie 2x curry my average bowl is valued at 16 multiplied by 30 coupons equals 480 dollars of free food burger king whopper is four dollars seventy nine whopper juniors are in one thirty nine you can buy three juniors for the price of a whopper my old school the coffee machine had more buttons than the offered choices if you pressed on those buttons there were other coffee choices that weren't programmed by the school you could get free espresso all day long about 25 years ago i made an 800 purchase on a credit card it was charged twice the cc company called me to inquire about it and i told them it was a duplicate 10 minutes later they called again so i explained again it was a duplicate entry apparently both reps deleted the charge so i sat with a plus dollar sign 800 balance for a few months until i closed the card and they sent me a check stealing i guess so in the end but i'm still sleeping pretty well i work in an office next to a walmart so i walk there almost daily to eat lunch without fail i'll usually find discarded receipts on the ground from customers who litter or leave them in cards i then use walmart's savings catcher app and scan the barcodes in the app price matches the items then refunds me the difference if it was cheaper at a competitor the funds can be redeemed at walmart com i made enough in a year to buy my kids a trampoline edit one more savings catcher story i searched the hashtag walmart on instagram about a year ago and saw some lady posted a picture of her receipt to brag that she was able to finally buy her own groceries i snagged the barcode from her picture and made myself about two dollars i then commented on her picture telling her thanks do standardized tests count as systems in elementary school we had to take one that was a week long you would get one booklet say 50 pages were told to do pages 1-10 hand it in next day you get it back do pages 11-20 hand it in get it back the third day do pages 21-30 etc well obviously i just looked ahead to the next day's pages and looked up stuff i didn't understand it's like they were begging you to cheat they started taping the other sections shut when i was a kid that way you honestly couldn't look at the other sections without making a loud ripping noise during the test i convinced my high school school system i was emancipated when i was 15 with no supporting paperwork i got to know the secretary and asked once what i needed on their end because i was getting emancipated i would check in every week or so say hi and just try and be nice after about three months i walked in very excited explaining how i was getting my own place and had a job defiled my paperwork immediately and from that point on i controlled my supervision in high school i wrote my own notes had my own phone number as the contact info and could sign off on anything that required a parent signature i went through the rest of school like this and my family never found out and yes i graduated it wasn't intentional but i got a free 60 bus ride last year i accidentally booked my trip for the wrong day and didn't realize until i was already in line waiting for my bus a 12-hour ride that crossed an international border the driver told me that the bus i had bought was scheduled to leave tomorrow and that i couldn't get on this one i was upset since i had already taken a two-hour bus ride to get to this bus station and it was about 1am he felt bad and since there was one extra seat on the bus let me take it the next day after i'd arrived i got an email saying that due to snow ice bad road conditions my bus was cancelled you had the choice to either reschedule or get a refund i would have done nothing but it even said that if you didn't reschedule within 72 hours or so they would just issue a refund boom free trip i was at university doing an internship during my third year but showed up to the semester orientation for first years and got free subway and other freebies some second year student assumed i was a first year and i just went along with it because i enjoy any opportunity to practice my lying you went to law school didn't you i got a speeding ticket when i was 17 and was sentenced to team court the penalties were various community service jobs you could choose from i was sentenced to 90 hours of community service one of the jobs was at city hall scanning paper documents and then shredding them this was 1997. i was only working on documents that were not sensitive like various old budgets and stuff but the sensitive documents were just on another shelf in the same room after about an hour i found my speeding ticket record shredded it left never heard anything else about it took a database structures class in college the professor wrote his own book only this semester his new version was out but not in print yet he required that you use a new version of the book and thus you needed to pay 105 for the pdf version which you couldn't sell later and had some kind of crappy security built in a friend bought it cracked it and sold it to the rest of the class for five dollars each on cd recouped his original investment and the whole class was happy my senior english teacher in hs gave us her entire grading scale and assignment list for the semester a buddy and i did the math and worked hard for several weeks and just stopped turning in assignments and aced the tests she kept telling us that we needed to turn things in and that she'd give partial credit and we declined eventually we got to the end of the semester and she was passing out final grades she got over to us laid our grades on our desks looked us in the eyes and said thanks to you too i'm going to have to change my grading system we both got an a i think he got a couple tenths of a percent higher for turning in one more assignment than i did overachiever i used to work for a chain restaurant they offered employee discounts at all locations and never checked if you said you worked at a different location usually just ask who thr manager is etc after i quit i'd still go to one of their locations and claim to be an employee thirty percent off with nearly no hassle in elementary school we took tests that determined whether we got placed in gifted programs they were bubble tests the test was timed but we got all the extra time we needed to completely fill in the bubbles since at that age we all lacked the skills to do that well so i just made little marks in the bubbles and ended up answering 2x as many questions as anybody else because i wasn't wasting testing time filling in bubbles well this got me into the smart kids classes where i got extra attention and got smarter as a result truth was i was the dumbest kid in those classes but with all the extra challenges i got smarter as i got smarter i was put in more higher level classes i feel like i would have been left behind and not lived up to my potential had i not been a clever little boy that day comcast may suck but the six month hbo trial has lasted about two five years sat down and read my graduation requirements for university and went through all the classes that could cross across different fields my university allowed for some classes to count twice if used for different degrees in the public university system i graduated in four years with over 180 credit hours and three degrees all for the same price as people who were taking the minimum amount of classes i was informed by my old academic advisor that the university changed their rules after my graduation because of me me and some colleagues at my first job played a shitload of unbriel tournament during office hours even though the size admin had installed a piece of spillware on each pc zen works that was reporting on what applications were open how much time each application window was in the foreground etc we tricked the spillware by using a hex editor to modify some strings in the ut executable and make it look like other programs powerpoint visual studio depending on what we were supposed to be using the most at work we used to play at least four or five hours a week when i was i sit in on college and graduate level courses without signing up or paying even the reduced audit fees i simply show up on the first day of class early wait for the teacher to be free for a minute and ask if they mind if i sit in nine times out of ten they'll let me sit in on lectures seven out of ten on discussion groups do this simply because i enjoy learning and even if teachers aren't supposed to let me sit in they're in charge of enforcing that and enjoy teaching to engage students so they're generally happy to have me there are even schools which allow you to test for credit so you can turn this free education into a quick and cheap degree when you've done enough of it i buy regular tomatoes instead of cherry tomatoes and cut them up really small you know you can go to jail for this right about 10 years ago me and a friend never paid for a bus oyster cards were pretty new contactless card you can put money on to pay for london tube and bus got the same beep sound that would play when the card registered on my phone and played it as i put a different card up to the machine bus drivers were lazy didn't care about free travel more rewind and oblivion put my character in a dark corner crouching and stuck the analog stick forward character keeps running into the wall sneak plus athletics skill increases bro newspaper paid kids fifteen dollars for every five dollars four month subscription going house to house i took my first paycheck and cashed it for five dollars bills and traded a crisp five dollars bill for every person who gave me a five dollar check every subscriber who did this made me ten dollars since it cost the subscriber nothing but a check i made quite a bit of money my first couple weeks i was fired a few months later when the newspaper realized how i was getting so many sales i made quite a bit though i have at least all of the chipotle napkins in my glove compartment i never graduated high school i went back a year later and told the office clerk that i had graduated and didn't get my diploma they gave me my diploma and now i've been working in the school system for 10 years in work we have a clocking and out system which pays you an extra 15 minutes wage if you stay for seven minutes for example shift ends at 8 pm if i stay clocked in until eight zero seven i get paid an extra 15 minutes now i make sure to turn up to work at least seven minutes early to clock in and make sure i use the toilet or something at the end of my shift so i clock out a little later i typically get paid an extra 30 minutes for pretty much no time at all i've been doing this for about a year and it's earned me an extra you acute 700-800 on my yearly wage edit i feel like a sneaky bastard but on a serious note i do actually work my ass off for the company and they don't pay overtime like it says in my contract so i just classify this as my overtime pay that i arrange for myself semicolon not something i do anymore but something i used to do i worked at a takeaway restaurant one of the few perks for the employees was that if you have worked an opening or closing shift you received a free lunch and drink from the menu because of my schedule i used to get quite a few of these shifts at the time there was also a promotion going on with coca-cola basically whenever you bought a bottle you could use the code on the label to end points on the coca-cola website you can probably see where this is going now basically i was able to drink several bottles of coke each week input the codes and then earn a ton of points without paying a cent over the course of just a few months i received enough points for a ps3 game and an itunes card unfortunately there was an incident and suddenly employees weren't allowed free lunches anymore but it was a nice bonus while it lasted good for my wallet not so good for my teeth i defrauded columbia house multiple times while i was a miner for those sweet sweet cds i never understood why they kept sending me the same offer get 12 free cds ignore anything else rinse repeat such an unsustainable business model never showed up on my credit report because i was like 10. this ice cream chain in used to have this ice cream card where you deposited money to a chip code and if you paid with it you'll get a discount turned out that the amount of money on the card was just some variable in its memory and no particular security around it a few lines of code and some instructions and the card would always reset back to ten dollars automatically free ice cream ahoy that's stealing either stealing in a very clever way or it's fraud i have the school bell audio recorded on my phone and play it two minutes before class is supposed to end my friends and i used to order pizza via an online portal that one pizza place had pre-constructed pizzas which were cheaper when you chose the margarita and put on it what you like yourself meanwhile they fix that issue edit spelling edit too thanks for sharing your related stories i had a good laugh at some of those and it's always nice to hear from like-minded redditors colin in college there was a rap website that allowed ordering from pretty much any food place around campus on this site you could save orders one time there was a special for a 5.28 inch pizza i bought it and saved my order as a favorite the five dollar special stayed saved in my account for over a year and i frequently purchased humongous pizzas for almost not cost [Music] you
Channel: The Daily Show With Reddit
Views: 79,520
Rating: 4.9302921 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit cringe, reddit funny, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, best reddit stories, reddit posts, top reddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny stories, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts
Id: JxJD24bm5yE
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Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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