What Black Market Did Kids At Your School Run?

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what black market did kids at your school run i used a deal in whiteboard markers for teachers in high school one teacher had a tendency to hoard them leaving none for other teachers i would take markers from him and provide them to other teachers in need while there was no formal payment i was given a little bit more leniency at times e g request to leave the classroom for a moment etc close bracket once the marker would start squealing on the whiteboard because it was almost empty i'd get teachers giving me an odd as if to say you got the goods dot i'd then supply them with the marker color of their choosing usually black it was actually a lot of fun and i never heard teachers talk about my systems or chastise me for taking markers i was in elementary school when pogs were big everyone had cool slammers and stuff but i didn't have money for good ones my dad made one out of one stroke to mild steel for me and used an engraving pen to make a simple pattern everyone was asking me where i got them from i didn't want to lose my unfair edge but i also knew i could make money my dad had a big sheet of this one stroke to steal i told them i was the only one who could get them i sold them for 15 bucks a pop my dad kept 10 i got five and that's when i learned what overhead was edit first silver neato thanks i went to a private high school with a strict dress code ties belt etc so i bought a bunch of ties and belts from a thrift store and ran a lucrative rental business out of my locker rent a swag locker accessories such as carpets and magnets carpets how big were your lockers used to crush up warheads and mix them with sugar sold them by the straw with the ends melted full stop 50 a piece hey kid i don't know if this counts but me and my brother would take money to beat all the challenges in goldeneye zero zero seven for n64 so people got all the cheats the invincibility challenge was the toughest i used to sell coke the drink because they didn't allow fizzy drinks to be brought in pablo fresco i have family in ny and would go visit a couple times a year back in high school every once in a while we'd visit chinatown and nick and i'd end up buying 100 s worth of fake watches rolex tag gucci etc return to school and sell them for double than what i paid for them pokemon cards we would hide under playground equipment and trade them because the teachers would take them if they saw them my school used the metallic ends of pencils as a currency bronze was rarest so it was the most expensive green was most common so it was the least we traded four erasers or pencil cases or a spot up in the four square line eventually got banned but we still operated with people acting as banks to keep the currency hidden and to keep transactions hidden it's actually pretty impressive to trade and maintain value of a fire currency like that the location of forrest prn a buddy of mine found his mom's dildo one where 11 years old and he charged people to come and see it made a small fortune during that week it lasted at my school they too all sweets out of the vending machines and replace them with healthy snacks in the local town there was a sweet shop where you could buy a kilo of mixed sweets for you a cute five so every week i would go there and buy you a cute one of small paper bags and spend the sunday night before school repackaging them all ready for the week ahead come monday i would go into school and load my bag up every day selling the bags for 50p g-rated version of repacking and selling drugs cuban sandwiches straight out a duffel bag before school they were bomb cheap and way better than the lunch in the cafeteria the only guy in the school whose family had proper tv channels used to tape wrestling events and rent them out apple laptops in middle school some had itunes some didn't and the kids wanted it so i apparently was the only one who knew how to transfer the installer with my usb i put it on everyone's laptop for gifts favors etc in return got caught by the sub that day i told her it was my flash drive i could do what i wanted with it and that's how i got my second detention of my life edit gifts were typical middle school ish tea why ugo cards fruit snacks best food trades during lunch gain in popularity and hang out with the cool people obviously they were taking advantage of me but i didn't mind when i was in the sixth grade teacher sold candy in between classes at marked up rates a student decided to undercut her that put an end to all candy sales till the school system hates the free market in high school these little game coupons that our teacher gave out for winning class quiz games right when people were starting to get scanners printers in their own home some kid made copies of his coupons and sold or traded them to other students edit since i have some people asking what the coupons could be traded for it was usually a piece of candy or a pencil with a fun print or something similar i think the kids ended up getting caught like two weeks into the scheme edit too a lot of people are comparing this to diary of a wimpy kid which i've heard of but never read before i think kids are just cleaver and do this kind of thing on their own because a lot of people in the replies had similar things happen in their own schools as well i don't know if this is where the kid got his idea or not but this may have been before those books came out and that's how you first learned about inflation silly bands i had the principal's secretary's handwriting down and used to sell her hall passes for one dollar each made a killing edit i don't really know how much i made but it was in the realm of five dollars dollars a day sometimes i went dry because you needed the actual pass paper but i finally figured out how to get into the supply closet slide the student eyed by the latch bolt i only took a few pads at a time so they wouldn't get suspicious edit two i could also forge my mother's signature did it so well that when i brought in a note from her that she scribbled on the dash they called her to confirm mp3s and cdrs were just becoming available a guy i knew made a killing on mixed cds every week he circulated forms to fill out where you selected the songs you wanted on the cd the newest hits were on the top and change weekly the rest of his library filled the rest of the form and there was a space for requests he'd deliver your disk the following week he seriously made bank for a couple years until everybody started getting their own songs from lemur or whatever i don't know what he's doing now 20 years later but i don't doubt he's successful edit just as a bit of an aside since a few responses have mentioned lemur and this guy started doing it in hs the only real avenues for music sharing we use net groups and ike nintendo games some kids sold them off for like 10 or 15 bucks a pop i don't know where he got them from but he said he just told his dad what he wanted and his dad would get it for him he'd ask for the same ones over and over and it didn't matter he'd end up with five copies and he'd just sell four of them either the kid was the most spoiled brat in history or his dad was straight up stealing them anyhow anyways i could never get any i had a sega but i remember that kid making a killing in grade three updates and answers it was ness yes slap bracelets small southern town with just a walmart and one or two small clothing stores that carried them anyone who went out of town to do clothes shopping or because their parents worked there would come back with bracelets we couldn't get here so a little black market popped up it's not anything bad but we had a black market for food and another for birth control pills hey martha didn't see you last week you want your usual order of birth control pills nope just the food please apart from the 20 minutes before the morning bell rang where everyone crowded around the front of the school being an open-air drug market there were always dice tournaments the rules were two people put down x amount of money on a game then both people rolled two dice at the same time whoever got seven or 11 first won the money the winners of the first rounds would play each other for the amount of money they won in previous games this went on until the bell rang or it was broken up by teachers school administrators things often continued in the afternoon after school let out so many people got detention and suspended for repeat gambling looking back it was hilariously stupid how much money was won and lost on a game of pure luck and the sheer number of people who got in trouble for it yes i was one of them you guys were legit playing street craps in school mayo this girl danielle convinced my best friend and i along with some other people that she could forever change the taste of saliva in our mouth so that our saliva would taste like watermelon cotton candy bubble gum etc forever she made us wait a couple days so we could really think about what flavor we wanted in our mouth forever for example she would tell us are you sure you always want everything you eat to have a hint of watermelon anyways after a couple days and we picked a flavor she charged us money i can't remember how much but it was probably zero dollars 50 or something she made us chew on all this crazy stuff like paper clips erasers and other things obviously our saliva never changed flavor and she stopped this but i worked at starbucks a couple years ago in my hometown and she came in and didn't even recognize me and all i could think about was how that girl had me chewing on paper clips is she head of her own religion by then i would buy six packs of soda for one dollar 79 and resell the six sodas for a total of three dollars zero zero not labeled for individual sale come on bro two years ago i was a sophomore in high school and freshmen weren't allowed to go off campus but everyone else was so i'd take orders go to the local fast food shops and get the goods up the price by about two bucks and ended up making about 200 a month edit 200 a month folks the swim team or something was selling these fundraiser lollipops and they were insanely popular i found the website on the wrapper and discovered i could buy my own way cheaper i could also buy only the popular flavors so i had only the best flavors and i could undercut the actual fundraisers by a quarter still making over 100 profit i quickly became a top seller and made bank until the copper cats started popping up banana chips were 25 0 acute in the vending machine in middle school i always went to school early so i always ended up buying all of them and selling them for 50 or cuter bag i know people at my school sold weed and pills and got busted like 20 people got expelled my school was an extremely conservative christian boarding school things that were forbidden were by no means a complete list jeans for girls shorts for everyone candy any sort of food in the dorms cell phones any form of gaming system tv movies playing non-christian songs on musical instruments clothes made by popular brands a f and hollister etc naturally there were a few students who started selling food candy and a f hollister clothes why people bought these from them i don't know but they made huge amounts of money a lot of the kids at that school were rich doctors kids so there was plenty of money to go around one guy sold a box of altoids for 15 tl doctor my high school was so strict that the black market was people paying ridiculous amounts of money for food and snacks cinnamon toothpicks were all the rage in grammar school our school didn't have candy so i started buying huge bags of pixie stix and sold them for like 25 a piece i lived in an area with a lot of retiree age people a lot of which ended up raising their grandchildren it really isn't a good area being older and from a rural area they still don't trust online sites like ebay or amazon so i started ordering people things from those sites for actual money and added a charge for me to be making money off of it it eventually got shut down because i got someone a usb in the shape of a pistol it was the size of a usb and clearly a usb but it didn't matter during a drug search at my school a guy got in trouble simply for having a shirt in his truck with sx pistols on it zero tolerance is a freaking mess some kids made a habit of stealing chalk when the teachers weren't looking after a while they started selling it charging more for longer and fresher sticks it ended when someone eventually snitched on a buyer which started a cascade of counter-snitching many pockets were emptied some with chalk but most of the dealers had hidden their chalk and got away with it the duct tape wallets blow pops from sam's club zero dollars 25 each pencils for pencil fighting the way it worked is one person would hold their pencil out grabbing both ends and then the other person would see if they could break the pencil with theirs by holding one end and then pulling the other end back snapping it down on the other pencil we made a website that started as us doing stupid prank phone calls and jack our stunts it turned into a homework sharing and answers to tests and quizzes that people would steal later luckily i wasn't involved by that time but my friends weren't involved in graduation oh oh i've got one the guy that started and maintained and went to jail for the silk road went to my high school like a year or two before me warheads remember those there was this girl that used to sell candy bars at my school her mom would get a big packs of sams she asked me to help her and that's when business started booming we were making 100 a day just hustling in the hallways and in gym i used to run a pro wrestling merch hustle when i was in middle school they took out the pop machines in high school so i started selling pop out of my backpack for one dollar a can my mom won a year's supply of double stuffed oreos i sold them in ziploc bags while in fourth grade to everyone i could even teachers my mom thought my friends were eating them all me and my best friend sold packs of gum in middle school we'd make around 30 dollars a day and the teachers were going crazy trying to find where all the gum was coming from as model students they never suspected us live fish some asian kid would walk around school with a few live pet fish in his school bag and sell them no pop rocks in the late 70s kid drove 40 miles from alabama to catholic school in georgia and got eminel and doubled the price in ga sister charles broke up the ring before we could find out if drinking coke and eating pop rocks blew up your stomach in my primary school we had some disabled kids and they had these special crayons that wrote really well so some kids would steal them and trade them for pokemon cards and random toys yo my grandpa taught me how to crack the protection on dvds and burn them to blanks i would buy the 100 packs of blanks for like 20.30 and sell the movies for like five dollars each i thought it was gonna come to an end when someone brought it up in front of a teacher turns out he wanted movies too i was the snack plug in my freshman year sold little debbie snacks and bottles of soda put this other kid put of business and he threatened to kill me during lunch told him he'd be doing me a favor pink guy five dollars in middle school you could come to school with pink eye and make a lot of money off of kids who wanted to miss a test kid would just stick his finger in his own eye and then in yours there's a town butcher who has the best beef jerky i've ever tasted his son would bring packs of it's in his bag in high school and sell them to other kids these hispanic kids in my school brought a bunch of mexican snacks to class and sold them for cheap those mango lollipops with the chili powder on them or whatever it is were the bomb actually i happen to have a hustle my friend lived in new orleans she moved away from my state and came up to visit it was just mardi gras and she had a whole trunk full of beads she gave me an entire bucket of them because they literally were in over their heads i marketed them at school as authentic beads from the real mardi gras and kids were paying 50 c for one of them i should have majored in business instead of becoming an art student a friend of mine made glass candy with her mom of all different flavors that was f king phenomenal she sold it off for 50 cents a bag and made a killing for a good while made the mistake of bringing in a jack daniels flavored batch and some goodie two shoes snitched her to the office claiming she was selling booze in grade two we had a snowball store you trade in cool snowballs for cool snowballs in high school drugs and illegal weapons in elementary school we had a pizza dealer who would take orders and cash from other students for the first few periods then pick up the delivery in the parking lot at the start of lunch dude was pretty chill i used to draw characters on erasers and sold them for five dollars each my friend and i were gaining traction and i started a catalogue full of characters to choose from we made a little over 100 until we finally got busted edit you
Channel: The Daily Show With Reddit
Views: 8,591
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit cringe, reddit funny, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, best reddit stories, reddit posts, top reddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny stories, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, college stories, school stories
Id: Yoqe8tY_yf0
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Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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